Newspaper Page Text
Karkaon |Trogr^aa-Arnua
Volume 103 Number 52
Car-Truck Collision Kills Two
People; Injures Jackson Man
A collision involving a
Volkswagen and a pick-up
truck claimed the lives of 2nd
Lieutenant and Mrs. Jerol F.
Drawdv of Cherry Point, N.
C. and injured James
“Peanut” Gilbert of Jackson
when the two vehicles hit
head-on on Georgia Highway
16 about five miles west ol
Jackson around six o’clock
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Drawdy,
occupants of the Volks
wagen, were killed instantly.
Gilbert was admitted to
Sylvan Grove Hospital with
head and facial injuries and
was pronounced in fair
condition, according to a
spokesman at Sherrell
Funeral Home.
The Griffin State Patrol
office reported that Mr. and
Mrs. Drawdy were heading
west when the truck driven
by Gilbert collided with
them in the west-bound lane.
“It appears that the truck
driven by Gilbert crossed the
center line and struck the
Volkswagen,” said Corporal
R. T. Stephens, the invest
igating officer from the State
Patrol headquarters in Grif
Stephens also stated that
Gilbert has been charged
with homicide by vehicle and
with having vehicle on the
wrong side of the road.
The accident is being
further investigatged by the
Griffin State Patrol and the
Butts County Sheriff’s De
Mrs. Jean Drawdy was 20
years old and a 1974 graduate
of Griffin High School. She
was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dickinson of
1117 Skyline Drive, Griffin,
Lt. Drawdy, 23, was
stationed with the U. S.
Marine Corps in Cherry
Point, N. C. He was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulton
Drawdy of 1916 Kirkland
Street, Waycross, Ga.
Also killed in the wreck
Retail Sales
Increase In
Butts County
During the third quarter of
1976, retail sales in Butts
County totaled $9,545, up 10.7
per cent over the correspond
ing period for 1975.
However, the increase was
slightly lower than the state
average of 12.3 per cent for
the same period. Retail sales
in Georgia during this period
totaled over five billion
dollars. The survey was
conducted by the Georgia
Chamber of Commerce.
Most of the counties in the
area also showed a rate of
increase slightly higher than
Butts County.
Monroe County increased
its retail sales by 19.2 per
cent ($10,539), Lamar County
by 12.2 per cent ($6,292) and
Jasper County by 39.2
per cent ($3,765).
Newton and Spalding
Counties led the area in retail
sales though the rate of
increase in each county was
less. Retail sales in Spalding
County totaled $37,335, up 9.3
per cent, and Newton County
registered $20,697 in sales, up
10.2 per cent.
Taxable sales in Georgia
counties are estimated by
calendar quarters of busi
ness and are based on
Georgia Department of Rev
enue data for adjusted gross
lax amounts.
These figures exclude
out-of-state purchases, and
indicate place of sale rather
than consumer buying power
In place of residence.
were a pet dog and parakeet
belonging to the young couple
who was enroute to visit her
parents for the holidays.
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tidings of comfort and joy ... to all
our cherished friends and neighbors. We hope the season s warmth
fills your house and hearth with rekindled feelings of peace
and brotherhood. Rejoice ... be happy! Share the Christmas spirit!
Special thanks for your loyalty and very pleasant associations.
Th Staff Of
Jackson Progress-Argus
Pittman-Rawls Funeral
Funeral Home of Griffin is in
charge of funeral arrange
Jacl Jo Georgia 30233, Thursday, December 23,1976
Freeman, Collins Homes, C&S
Bank Win Decoration Contest
$6.24 Per Year In Advance
The Christmas lights of
Jackson shone brilliantly
Monday evening as a corps of
judges braved the inclement
weather to select those
homes and businesses most
attractively decorated for
the holidays.
Selecting the Thomas
Freeman home on Franklin
Street as the winner in the
East division, the judges then
named the Mac Collins home
on Buttrill Road as the
prettiest home in the West,
and the C&S Bank of Jackson
as the Jackson business
house most fashionably at
tired for the Christmas
Runners-up in the Eastern
division were the Fred
Collins home, second place;
the W. A. Duke home, third
place, and the Nevin Duffey
home, fourth place. Honor
able mention went to the
Oscar Watkins home, the
Ray Kelley home, the R. R.
Williamson home and the
Guy Bearden home.
In the Western division,
Miss Leila Sams won second
place, the Don Folsoms third
and the James Lawsons
fourth. The homes of the J. R.
Carmichaels. Hugh Glide-
Wells. James Paynes and
Hamlins all were
accorded honorable mention.
Other Jackson business
houses winning prizes in
cluded Addison-Jackson
plant, second place, and
Brook wood Beauty Salon,
third place. Honorable men
tion went to the City Hall, the
Butts County Courthouse and
Piedmont Realty.
The Christmas decorating
contest has been sponsored
for several years by the
Garden Club Council and the
Jackson Progress-Argus,
with the newspaper provid
ing the cash awards which
include $12.50 for first;
SIO.OO. second; $7.50. third,
and $5 00. fourth, for winners
in both the East and West
residential divisions.
Business house winners
are awarded prizes of SIO.OO,
first $7.50. second and $5.00,
for third place winners.
Judging the contest Mon
day evening were Mr. and
Mrs Bill Craig and Mr. and
Mrs Jim Jones of Forsyth,
Peggy Foye of Macon and
Emily Alexander, of For
Hosting a dinner for the
judges at the Central Georgia
EMC were the Mimosa and
Jenkinsburg Garden Clubs.
The Cherokee Garden Club
provided transportation dur
ing the actual judging
Despite the bitterly cold
weather, the judges worked
lor hours before making the
1 1 mil selections and were
unanimous in their praise of
the beautifully-decorated
homes and businesses in the
f r h
May your Christmas be
merry and bright and endure
as long as an old man’s
memory of the days of his