Newspaper Page Text
across Answer
I Potato or 40 Distaff kin To
poker 41 Ridge on I OuQy 5
S Start skin p M --|.
(2 wds.) DOWN rUZZi© Oil
10 Attraction 1 Lumpkin n _ _ I
II Novelist 2 Mortal DGCIC rQQ ©
Laurence 3 Sultan’s
12 Muscat decree Npawnam
and— 4 Confine
13 Sumptuous 5 naked
dwelling 6 Clever 18 Sagacious 28 Kind of
14 Pater- convict 21 Inner geometry
familias (si.) Hebrides 291 said it!
15 Exclude 7 Calumniate island 30 Artistic
16 Performed 8 Instigated 22 Trattoria’s need
17 New Jersey 9 Considered ice cream 34 “The Man
city a must specialty Got
19 Colorado 11 Fiery 23 Prepare Away”
Indian particle 24 Nucleus 36 Nervous
20 Cuttlefish’s IS Kind of 25 Minimize twitch
concealing holiday 26 Lay —to 37 Stomach
i U |3 14 k 17 18 |9
21 Refrig-
erated io ■ u
22 Put a |§§
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upon mi
24 Campus 14 HH 15 HH is
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25 Traditional || n ,a ||| 19
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28 Plagiarize §§§
31 Subway zs |p| 26 ||p |pi j||
(abbr.) 21 111 26 29 90 U
32 Producer Hi
Shubert 2,1 |||1 92 |l|| 95 34
33 Opera HI
zrrz 3 5 36 g§l 3-1
or *°p HH
35 Author, j 8 i§ 39 -1
37 Entangle 4o |g |§| 41
38 Locomotive I 1 1 1 I lllllli 111
Report From
(Last Week’s Letter)
Mrs. Robert Grier, Sr. of
Griffin and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Poole of Decatur were
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. John
Webb on Thursday.
Mrs. Margaret Greer spent
the weekend at her home
here and on Saturday night
she was guest of Mrs. Miriam
White and Jeanine in
Mr,, and Mrs. Dan Hoard
spent Wednesday and Thurs
day with Rev. and Mrs. Ed
Hoard in Riverdale.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holloway
News from
Parents should refrain
from administering a laxa
tive to a child who complains
of abdominal pain, ac
companied by nausea and a
fever. These symptoms can
be; a warning of appendicitis
or of some other serious
medical problem. The best
thing to do in the case of
vomiting and stomach
trouble is to contact your
family physician.
Many other conditions can
bring on the above
mentioned symptoms, but
you never know for certain
until you receive a diagnosis
from a medical doctor. This
is not to say that laxatives
are not a medical aid.
Laxatives are helpful to
children and adults when
Our pharmacy carries a
complete line of pharma
ceuticals and only the
freshest drugs are used in
compounding prescriptions.
Our trained pharmacists
stand ready to serve you. Try
our service today.
PHONE 775-7424
were Sunday guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Allan Batchelor,
Holly and Cal in Bremen.
Miss Winnie Taylor and
Mrs. Thomas Brown visited
Mr. James Brown in Colum
bus on Saturday.
Miss Margaret Love of
Jackson was weekend guest
of Miss Lisa Taylor.
Mrs. Salli Hoard and
Barrett were visitors in
Macon Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy
Cornell left Friday for a few
days vacation in Florida.
Miss Blannie Stallworth
and Mr. and Mrs. Dawson
Stallworth were visitors in
Atlanta Wednesday.
Keith Williams of Jackson
spent the weekend with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Williams.
Mrs. Asa Maddox was a
visitor in Macon on Tuesday.
Mrs. Spencer Johnson
visited Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. Billy Cawthon of
Forsyth. Mr. Cawthon is
recuperating nicely.
Miss Carolyn Taylor and
Mrs. Louis Taylor were
visitors in Griffin on Sat
Miss Rita Bennett of
Athens spent the weekend
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Bennett.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Britt
had as their guests last week
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tatia
and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Richey of Lincoln, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wise of
Durham, N. C. visited Miss
Blannie Stallworth on Sun
You know when you need to move
into your new building. And it’s one
of the first things you should establish
with your builder.
One word of caution, however. All
builders don’t have the fast-to-erect Butler
|B||BHB YLih*
Let us build you ci
Butler Budding
C "butler^
K-D-S Construction Company
By Mrs. Cindy Brown
Today was not too unusual.
I sold 1.000 shares of my
Coca-Cola stock; booked a
European tour for a couple of
months this summer; joined
the Thousandaires Club at
four different banks and last,
but not least, bought a
Oh, to live like the rich. (If
you believed the above
paragraph, then you must be
anew reader!) Just for one
day I would like to have the
power to do wild and
expensive things, instead of
deciding whether a sandwich
for lunch or a vegetable plate
would be better.
My Mother always told me
that the person who has
everything “hasn’t got any
thing to look forward to.” I
guess she was right, but I
would dearly love the
opportunity to fill the shoes of
that fellow! Of course, I am
not hardly distitute - there
are a lot of people worse off
than I am and there are a lot
of people better off than I
am, however, I would like to
just see how the Rockefel
lers, Fords and whatevers
live for once.
The Butts County CB Club
of Jackson held their regular
monthly business meeting on
March sth at the Jackson
Club House. After the Pledge
of Allegiance and a prayer by
all. the minutes of the last
meeting were read and
l As new business, Mrs.
Lether McCord asked the
club if members would
volunteer in assisting in the
"traffic control" for the
Bike-A-Thon for Cystic Fi
brosis. It was voted un
animously that CB units
would be along the bike route
to be of help as much as
possible. Also a donation
would be taken at the next
meeting to be given to Cystic
Since the gas crisis is past,
it was suggested that the club
have the "Benefit Stew for
the Eberhart Family." It will
be held on Saturday, March
19th.from 5:00to8:00p.m. at
the Jackson Club House.
Also, there will be a bake sale
of cakes and pies. The
"Eberhart Trust Fund" is
still in effect at the Mclntosh
State Bank and any dona
tions will be appreciated.
A Project Committee was
appointed with the following
members selected: Billy
Heath, J. W. Pritchett. Ray
Kinard, James Cargile,
Henry L. Gilbert and Pope
Five new members of the
Sciy when.
Can you imagine never
having to do housework
anymore? Never having to
scrunge on Monday morning
for lunch money anymore?
Finding a dress on sale
and being able to afford it?
Ooh-wee - those that has,
has, and those that don’t --
they know just what I’m
One day next week, I
intend to write a check for a
million dollars, just so I can
see the bank return it
marked insufficient funds. I
would make out the check to
my husband just to have the
opportunity to be ritzy. I can
see the bookkeeper’s face
now: she'd probably throw
up her hands in despair and
give me a deserved chewing
My financial goals in life
are basic: (l) To keep
enough money in the bank to
avoid service charges; (2) To
go on a vacation anywhere I
want to, just once; (3) To
have enough deductions to
itemize my income tax; and
(4) To hire my own personal
accountant! Now, that’s
what I call livin’!
Wayne Cook
Heads Babe
Ruth League
Officers elected by the Van
Deventer Babe Ruth League
for boys 13 thru 15 years of
age to serve during 1977 are:
Wayne Cook, president; Edd
Taylor. vice president;
Waneta Bristol, treasurer;
Mack Davis, secretary;
Juanita Biles, scorekeeper;
Kenny Smith, head umpire.
Team managers for the
Jackson teams are: VFW -
Douglas Brooks, Richard
Brooks, Coach; Lions Club -
Victor James; Jackson Ex
change Club - Russ Crumb
ley. James Biles, Coach;
Butts County Jaycees - to be
Registration for the Van
Deventer Babe Ruth League
began Monday, March 7th,
and will continue through
Saturday, March 19th.
Registration during the week
will be from 9 a.m. until 5
p.m. Saturday registration
will be from 10 a.m. until 2
p.m. League play is sche
duled to start Saturday, May
14, if the Jackson High School
schedule is completed.
Lamar County will have
two teams in the league
again this year and Pike
County will possibly have two
club are Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Hurst. R. J. Richmond, John
Coats, and Frances Alex
systems to work with like we do. So all
builders aren’t going to be able to help
like we can.
If you’re going to say when, make sure
you’re talking to people who can do some
thing about it. Give us a call.
Saturday Rites
Were Held For
Marvin Davis
Arthur Marvin Davis. 73. of
Macon Avenue. Jackson,
died early Friday morning at
the Sylvan Grove Hospital.
Mr. Davis has been in
declining health for a
number of years.
He was son of the late
Timothy Davis and the late
Sallie Williams Davis, both of
Timmonsville. South Caro
lina where he was born
September 17. 1903. He was a
veteran of World War 11,
serving in the I'.S. Army, a
member of the Jackson
United Methodist Church, St.
John's Lodge No. 45 of
Masons, and the American
Ix'gion Post 102. Mr. Davis
was owner and operator of
the Davis Trailer Park in
Mr. Davis is survived by
his wile. Mrs. Louise Davis;
a daughter. Mrs. Miriam
Duffy : two granddaughters.
•Mrs. Vanilu Evans and Miss
Sallie Ann Fletcher; mother
in-law. Mrs. Ina Allen;
sister-in-law, Mrs. Julia
Frances Hay: son-in-law.
David Duffy; grandson-in
law. Chester Evans, all of
Funeral services were
conducted Saturday after
noon at three o'clock from
the chapel of Sherrell
Funeral Home w ith the Rev.
Phil Ik* More officiating.
Interment was in Jackson
City Ceinetciy with Sherrell
Funeral Home in charge.
Pallbearers were Ves
Lunsford. Arthur Stodghill,
teams. The League is for
boys who will be at least 13
years old on or before August
Ist this year and will not be
more than 15 years old on or
before August Ist this year.
118111 * §! i *!I | |
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Va'- V.
Punch a banker tonight
If the sun goes down and you’re out of cash, do you suddenly feel that you're left
defenseless? Not when you bank at C&S.
Rush down to an Instant Banker and punch your secret code. Punch your busi
ness (deposit, withdrawal, transfer, payment or cash advance). Punch the amount. And
when our Instant Banker opens up, there it is: the cash (or receipt) you don't have to wait
until tomorrow to get.
Every C&S checking customer gets a Key to the only Instant Bankers in town.
Use them weekdays, weeknights, weekends, holidays, anytime, all the time.BHjjHflj^
What? You still don’t bank at C&S? Well, you should. Then the next rTWaj
time you’re caught without cash, you’ll have an out. Just come down and
punch an Instant Banker. The Citizens and Southern Banks in Georgia.
C&S.The MoneyVWforth Bank.
The Citizens and Southern Bank ol Jackson
102 E. THIRD ST.
Jr Bill Uright. Ben Wright
• iuy Howard. Jimmy Allen
TO Can’t Call It
A Bestseller
ft’s free.
If it weren’t, we could. -
Because so many Georgians have
y Y requested this helpful little booklet about
' the costs of electricity for different appli
. ances that it’s now in its third printing.
If you’d like a copy, stop by the
Georgia Power office nearest you and
pick one up. It won’t cost you a cent But
it could help you save a lot of dollars.
Georgia Power
Well help you get more nut of the energy you buy
Shelia Crum was recently
named SS Sweetheart by the
Jackson Church of the
Nazarene. She and her escort
attended a banquet in
Barnesville as result of this
honor Other teens partici
pating were Elaine Elliott,
Sybil Perdue, Doris Lawson
and Rose Campbell.