The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 28, 1977, Image 7

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Smolka On Golf By Johnny Smolka Progress-Argus Sports Writer Golf is an unusual game! Golf is a fascinating game! It's something different from any other sport in the world. And. my friends, believe it or not about 99 percent of it lies within a five to five and a half inch period of your body. That's the portion between your ears. It is a game played by youngsters anywhere from six to 90 and a 100. It’s played by guys and gals, who just like a magnet seemed to be drawn toward it. The gist of the column this week will be centered on one such person. And, as far as anyone in this area who knows him is concerned he is a character but a fine one I must say. His name is Jimmy B. Hardy and please don’t leave out the “B” Jimmy received his first taste of actual competition last week when he led a group of Jackson golfers in a two-way match against a group from Griffin at the Cabin Creek Golf Course. There were 56 in all, 27 from Jackson and 29 from Griffin and guess who brought home the bacon. You guessed it, Jimmy B in his first venture captured the laurels and took first place in all the Third Flight with a keen 38. And as usual the rest of the Flights, four in all, went this way as far as the Jackson golfers were con cerned. Bill Nelson took first place in the Championship Flight and right on his heels in second place was Gay McMichael. In the First Flight Allen Byars was the top man with Tony Grant taking second place. That match constituted a playoff, between the two. In the Second Flight Cotton Vaughn took second place and Buster Duke finished third. Oh, yes, Allen Byars also won a dozen Top Flight Golf Balls for the closest to the pin on number four. The other prizes consisted of $30.00 for first place; $20.00 for second place and SIO.OO for third place. Therefore of the 13 possible prizes Jackson came home with eight of them. That, is the way the ball bounces at times. In last week’s issue of the paper I stated it would be a long time before anyone duplicated the feat of Gay McMichael by driving num ber nine green off the tee. Well, my friends, it didn’t take too long and guess who was the second one to do it, you guessed it, Gay McMi chael. He did it again this week end. This past week I was reprimanded by Billy Duke for not including him in the list of long ball hitters. Billy proved his worth this past week end when he dropped one alongside a player’s ball on number one green as the group ahead was preparing to putt. I apologize Billy. Speaking of the Dukes. Here's an unusual situation that took place last week at Deer Trail. When they get up what they call their Dog Fights they try to categorize the players into their respective capabilities (sometimes they actually do). The names are placed in a hat and withdrawn by teams. One of the teams consisted of Buster Duke, Harold Duke, A1 Duke and Bill Sasser. I think that combination won too. HOMEMAKERS You can save money and energy with your electric dishwasher, as well as time, if you turn the dial to off after the machine finishes washing and then let the dishes dry by themselves. * * * To save time while vacuum ing, get a long extension cord and plug it into a centrally located socket, instead of having to stop, stoop, plug and replug the vacuum cleaner as you go. * * * Save the trouble of iroping large tableciotheS by dampen ing them through, wringing them out slightly and pinning them flat to a rug through a large sheet. Cover with another sheet to keep it clean. "assorted j SAVE even MORE 1 ■ adrlC I than usual for I 1 limited time only - I ll&fev per inch i Come see these I- *4 t J? Easy-Care Polyester and cotton blends. In danity _ I . &*)/*• % 7 0 prints, liwely stripes, checks, embossed patterns, j Cr\AA IO IO OnH |YlA|>a| *' 9/ 7j or lovely pastel solids. 45” widths of first quality Jj Cil IVI I I ltu#l W ■ V ■ - - - - ROSE’S ADVERTISING hS ) MERCHANDISE POLICY j o* Rom's Is to Im mry .c If , , ... Tl I , \ Ji 8888 I— —■ _ Sgffi t>* assn to purhMs ths morcnsndM \ i Men’s Briefs / M LaOieS I ' X L or T - Sh irts cil Package at two inn's hriefs or vI3CKS ■ Valu is99 11 —' I I Plastic Utensils 1 (fflUi u*. ss.. slJhs * |l _ . if * r * (S ' 4 OnS If 4 'WjiL 3hNH Some 100% polyester pull on 11 j 4% QA 1 & 4 Knives I style s° me f an,ous name I I Mf I /iIk x m 9 [ -jf branil ( A PP |e Kore )S3 | 9 lllllK / If' HP‘ ml NSPMvSk cotton - Asst, styles & colors 1 | 2 Pkgs. of four by of twelve. Come in Red, White & w" 1 ' | S| Assorted Car Cushions JpA All Spring i| i&T 1 W *|44 T „. wi M & Slimmer If Wi \ mm I 199 / x 11 I I Cool & comfortable. Can be / x i *, Clothing 11 Ij^yi used in air conditioned cars. , / ; 9 ifa—.J. . ; ; \ \ Reduced | J For Spotless Dishes | Table Of Curtains i' mij.tlP® Va. V 2 1*395*1 oif JSI