The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, September 16, 1887, Image 1

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D ? fro 5 to 8 • » ■ *• ~— \ 01.. MI 0 UB BUSINESS MEN. ^ 77*ir Purine**-TeaJt Mqrkf--aud n hat , 4 »*•**>«. We - IM« *’■*** X all OXJiuA t vr«,:JUrfiMvr Lrg« bmmum Jaor u - tL„* whole pwre »irrrtM. *t&c*t cl ' /rof 4* ^ n+,iKj> ***x^.-u*****is* I u»* in ti iko *4J l.OUSw *4 F>~** G» a 1 (4 j it ki ot.?» r r«gc to t-il < ( »*« « or»*. n».t!» 'd A l j lor fW V ••■f n. En . **•’ B* iii hid b' i o| *!. rair> ^iiag fk’Vi i ia cj.J AlftLa&a. Hajieg a* Um>,) ao, tLcj r-*U rtf* 3 , c :: iF|' i|;r» Lr..a fuu6ft.u f. *- *.i. ir r«.--c ifc.,.Ut<* j. <n n *• etcc* * i ; a*.! r»wvr!rt, ifjca ii. t Vtu t i.-iuicltrs I » ujt, Mrs*!, • » l r rai ’Dr •V.'.t Et^- .r Ktc. f..r ni tsb tf » fti til * U2ve an worthlf*? : a n, ih** «l »* *rtj! p*»fi:a 'iiiii i.o-v- las* hioih np a- rc a iar^t r r iJ p«v .r.|/ En^iiu «, aaj fr nr. ia u «.Uoai m. x. it wti ia tL.- fixuxre, iio a t K«trc j box? tn*b* ca lx/Jx cf nver. i ha lir:a J ffo col! aaJ favrxaLIy I 2 uitLc’jr^. tuftrk* t. tlxat it hu ►|fc;al «i. axtacr* ii 1 r 1::% to.d esa thrr.'«rf» r^T * hr! wVrtts t.) Ift^en r.f i» l» L»*» lit tl« •:. ail lujfBp* m H m l L i uix* mi tbe »c*e o \*n an l the faaativ t>!foLov lure a li tic n* ft liiu fc&ve aU tLc adv«i.ts%e< cf iLe f Ik*:;: Ift 'jtcxM. --:o: Of Uuo uiftuy u« a rvedly po'.uk.r Ucai p.\-%s mra it L«ei been our p»«»* ;ro Tiicutcn in titia inn*, :b* cf H. M. SPEIGHT, rkotud ceeupy • proxuiaent j luce, ft-. ;* oof of the older UwiinccB nsgn, ou.1 is i a (kaUofft be*’ Ui&d«*aavl kept W. M. flpflgkt'x l-rng Ftoir ia n Urge rr.1 well rtocko.l Ua*' of St&|4«: Pry,. M-'F. iu i, Drag Sutnlri. s. I>nptiri4rv Medkisd, Vnruishtw, bru-h r»*. r*R All Prrvxrif tionr are *r.r».f.:lh f*.aupoon«}ed of potrrt and i- »t injn'Ii • at *, at MI l^jnra of dfty cr night. * 'Hill ii a first vk. * «lr.ig fivi*- *n the in* avtnkvg of the w, rl, .-.• .1 h V< *5%** 4* I* A '.ntP* • of'Tcik:: Ati’r'e^ I ^ney (IqckL, #•30 !tobi*r* Is*. Here Darn h ',»piari. r* r.I O, D. tSmcionT, the f ro fsUUa of the imsurl md r-*hublo SPE'GHT’S PANACEA, a atui Me tbat la: • here ai boi ir Iiw'ti * «tld an i j ruv'-a invul t.JMt, T;a» ciU* * >y if i iD parptwsdioa •r..n -t •P ilitnl and as tin a:ak< r k* ,/f orr worthy %], the I's-o.*--.i abuuU r.»T W etas*4 «i;h tu-** tig.: >Tpx.. 1 ' curv aU tlx*' ill-* to mlura i\> -.h ia hetf. TLi* ;t i>itsiU>i! u <i* not da tki*s hut it r ally <!«*• can *»r ril* \U:o ad tin* ilb tot are tuent«u:a-<l in tin LaU-{«*rc a»I x . ..Uk.iUt it tin ■ i.-**tte oft k I? fff-RO.jn.f RIVER BARE Ji.X F. ru.-Al’J r IVcuric t 4 —r *»# I k* §*»' • "If t** I M . i *:«#• ■ '.«*«*»4 i»vrhn .......... ....... .. -*►*.- — »' of &» ; f -a.* »:.<1 i,^i r uf any Li,u*** f * U*‘i*6u<W Uni ♦ a, #p*i.i*«r u»..»y me live. «xr g-.J* nr oaiiag tsil r< !u«)b bta l.t* % ar» a **.«h» h.^ldicg h lor.** .si * i MnUf^r/ nt .!-•- »». J-iir * i- first* list t.w li%ba/t «at< r i<rt ban the &w*i ./i t \ «1 bi i«iofftad Biae}m: - ty. t w a Hti m ? -r tie rapiJ aiEi **i•■**>•«.-Sr to aad fr><m tb® nr« ol the L-i tE-' i-i-k -»•» '•3 VJi' '~^i ® lUm War a,a dmirshk* baton- of Fort itAtrte* u4 of tin whole ei-iiury *<**1 in rair.-mi or river uLij^samts. ll, agt-c , sre exikt ru iKMal -tid reij* n nhl nilUvc l~* bad » •tuvcabiul of JO yeas* sa alioftt ap, r.t, * • * f*- 5 * vtoniypami b»uil!ing ®--f : a ftu l * *.Ler • hD are low. Jvgt i:.d ciiu.1 ^«t ua guftmntcwa at ail, aud tui* policy wiil be to try to ft;.** wrtto-Uetion tj all )K*rtiei> euuecrBt-c --bj doing We’ct. M* «%. Sutli*., i McAl isb-r an both cuy ax.*! that they an Uvo ami wah WA.* tshbonn by tho epu^ tliey Jiavc tAvi m tw»ue to id their Umi^ *' » dtttvutt : 11 in callod to —» . • on., TLu Kailroiri A: K.\it W»:rvho.; -.- D vac of the noted hmluisuL, yf * *8 ;otoWtx ft id H ;• b^ivitw, ftu u..portiu«t ^~» Uu B road mid river com iame of knre ar« :=» of tl*' MUIm **o*fgin, ALdwm® *rul Florida. oottofi vrig|i®! M thi* W.m-. lr\,~ * ——-*WI -3TT-T. ir 7 -'6 =.,,«., ; *»f N W 'ft 'a C e t j fi FORT GAINFjvGA., SEITFD l •%; Tit.iDK EDITION 1 <*. a. sdxm ve, - m #■ BpMK 3 S£caj.*»istrii, t . i Hailrea j a Wai / A 1 v> m . i a ll Co P l ; h I f li ;4*. < TUll % 1 9 iWllk ia v- rf _ ""ll _ , „ * • i smu-uu ' ! **.. %a F IF nrf® -H^W- ' B TT Ifoprii' * * • Ml V ■ % . *“ r F*0’J£L*3P G-^TIVJESS «• P*f 4 * ^ & Jk * * ‘ I pr i m ^ fffcr * 5 V * « f m * Wo call the attention of PLANTERS to the fact that kf C#T<J& stored with us will be INSURED again • FIRE to full value, also that Buyers are enable ] to ' a - r2aj nts more IUr cotton stored with us tlr in N* wiicrc. as we charge lowW&ge onCVitton sloretl with us. Webiv the A. S. Brown Liven* Stohle for aupommodrtfiivi: our oust >m .*rs stock. Good stalls and water FKEE. Wl*u an 'experience of TEX years we guarantee satisfac! ion. Just Weight; and Fair Samples is our Motto. n V , c 1 4» k >* • - ’ ' ’ • CQjrGux.x vexjn iiitsrset S'S’ SA.TH.oisrisiKrG xas | CENTRA! DRUG STORE. ’1 s I (i | ; | W. H. SPE1GH A fr ivUl . > O T> idbi - Gil A r > t Where you €r will always • find a full and Comojetc ,SU>c*k ofjn a- r * f PURE IUC3. MEDICS MM iV n > IA CH E MIC ALS. TQiL-eT ^tatwLCT, r/rNCT'Oc r & fc ETC. vIh Prescript ion* arefuliy Prepared, by Experienced and Qualife?4 F cr&oijLs at Reasonable Prices. Everything eutnistcii to us will receive Intelligent and Careful Attention at all hours lb \Y or .MCI PC ^ ** JViv “ A *■' * PA v i The Wonderful Conqueror of PA IX. - A Specific Remedy for the cure of j* ft . Tt — kheUMatism. neuralgia. HEADACHE. TOOTHACHE. CHAMPS, COLIC, CHOLERA MORBUS, j Sprains. BRui s g s; ~ STIFF JOINTS. PAIN IN THE BACK, ETC. % ALL IT COSTS IS A BOTTLE. * Th ‘ s unextcU( d Liniment is prepared by °* D * v *w?» so!t ‘ Fropncfftyii 1^- Lab ratoW Of W* AL Spki^ht, 1 n Ulld is Oik for S lc * at tlie Central Drug Store. 41* *, . Call tl and it trial and t? convinced give a _ . . Below I give testimoni itS lllCrit. two Uls - frOill - known hulie^ of Fort tin *»■«• W r» ftJUUl ue^ J fire. i ). «") rric.f,—Dear Sir!—I have used, year Fan a * I hat“ S] - b IAN " tiQs“ i, ‘9 Q T" ”WW‘ILFULWNQMQ .x' '1? ‘3; v; :5“ Q ‘ i. § Q QQ i Q Q IN: ?Rapmgpgnngv (gusmxngY‘ uQQ , 6a., ?* l-s -n-iiole ■?,» * Kcmcdv. il! Y - I can jr-'“*•• cKpcci 'rt s « tin 1 .j * III- . j. 1 mMEN! advise eadache. Ek • Xenralg OIK I p I L . •/* P.i Li l ia i * .n • M I ,... - /!.„ J . nt *. -, * a.; I i T ’ • / - M r.*t- (*. * . f Sv. R£fc.\. ’■ b 0. SflbbflT. ,1 ji aiitflMf wfelJ fear Sir.-1 lane - ----- Hwr ^ Hiiir. 1 Pan# l . -i£&’ Vi /* - ' ... % Ctinvinccd . - . -Tvj ‘ r * v V j| j/ri .er*ii.3. f tat pit Mb Oi U-n illl^ CULk» - * n c.RHDicndiDc it tf! w V) if'eiD Weed of a lirst-eJa.* s'Lnmnc*iit. _ Vorr RCpeetriillv, 1 • M s. E. LOEB. i A gefiBeTna. frfim ft re<trgetown called in a few days igo airl Iwjught a bottle of Panacea, stating that this wo^ujei |ff ful reuuid^ was ven and higl*J| recommended by l ado had tried it T h^f tvisiieti to gt*c .it, the P*fel This is one anil 14mor*g many tiottle* trho that cogSTrf Hlh bee^i wi£k .same statement, everv sold bm itt wer,y iu.tauce «tire, 1 1 ve been ic icrcuctiirin;: this L ninient for *r» » r years and the demand is constantly increasing. e | tithin' reach of ail, and cveiy famii v should T * it a!wavs on hand. ' . } * " ’ SPEIGHT’S 4 * JyAV 111 4, t ^ PW.VPp.A 1 i i i >i Vv ivil , i ... _____________------—___jS. S. %#S-4 a l'AUES lo£ *# 5 Jm£. NO. U OUR BUSINESS WEN 7 h{ I r 1 u* (,n p *. 7 Tf!>1r H;ur!.*~~ynd II httf TTi<y$ctt. '*^L /•• T>. II ILHAMS, of this is Itself •> i in • i'.ut^a (.( f tri Vzmts. Ii® in/ te a Ivs? w aul 3* ■# wriS, m> #*• 1,2.] iA\ux+J.r h'.jcmn ihst hut ***** ** * bo «^|*i %<rH. Ik U, ki ft/»g" «y>n jj ’ ~-P' ii-43 < t * ; sc: tiie Mwril, i»nd kl» igu<we»-i ia bL, U ..- '*»< *m* gtrsn Iiifli ■ ft xa«ptc4*ub«l: _» * 4k-f > l*£ t> * O He rrv«fe«fc>, MS is It 41 AX Un.rv, Ffticiiwi • -fc'-.r I *"' J c **• - . 4 tU i/jir aa »!•••*» t* ‘ * 0*afag #*«!*«*.*, rtg,. u.d it netted, ea*«M$ti&t 4 f 0 driver*. Mr. WilSama Ui got tic rstcjeh end Astir bnmn:m prrleexif loarutd. srd *l4la his ctat /*<: & jj.lfuVW.' thi« ftoeoaii r»oiLi^ji*g. To him t ban aar out: clue, **« arc told, is tbc iutbsUi*! for tin* flow of arkeiaa wwlrr bow bc;iig f nap* t*4 ia a ccajinttou* flow. IT.: i« i»ro,'rr 4vc f U>;1 ^ r ‘\ cm! f*j<w h-2ifio»ws un baiioiH lie w *!k> fall of plaCk sto«i energy *n*l J :K/Ue Lis full p«rt ia i.Aaing Fort Oam*w so pro* |H:rc,u 1 - -»:- 01 toe trsny cnu.r\>r~jui ia rati Csip-. r one of lbc sicfst unique and ** tie t*as« m«.tt buec^ful ii lh* «• 1 tabiisM* ut of lion. U. R. BLOCK BE. Ilia boore i* a ‘'roaltmri in ]«wo” in out. mi isc. it ir much ia » little hor*r. Here ia his Wc-U kept and iy_u order'd Market . c -«c, he Lao t ^ad v*ri*tl saBortraent of zoed*. He %il4 Mu), Meal. Flour, liice, Fanned OdoJLn, No i^as, -Oils, Gla*s, V/ool, lio and Hof km Ware, Etc., all at marvel;ra*!y «<t*» He i* nko the general Mgeat here hr the —lK>Mt.,riC :XWT3ti» UKCWXT,— one of tile test a^chinea it lias trtr been the go- Hl fortune of any family to tw-. The Domestic, Judge Blocker eolln an ho dcca all €» !o in hi® More at v. ry low prires. A foijent addition h» been uinCc fo hie stor** £td Mill he ia crowded, fwcwii he is corihtantlr adding new lines of t^/oda to hi* TnhreUanecms tdock. Her" can be liad all kinds of machine neeiliew, til, and futuiu V* a call jrouratUtitioi* to hi* cdvettlaemrri*. cu Page 8 . —;o;-- T. /. VAR HER J Co., Tbii a letmug Fort Gaiiv-*, Lon*® tlmt has a Urge aii l cor tantly growing trade Mr. Farrc^rhuaftn cstftbtiahcd repnt* tioa for energy, «t*t< rpr:— and fcbr detf mg on both *i>lui of the rircr, a:,d the*®, e-'/iabis M with the rtoefrs of jn Id* iirus:, which lie carries, have built np f<«f • Lira, e trad*; frora Ixdh Georgia ar.d AUbam*. of which he may jcrtly f/ef JCC'-id. Tbis.hGnfte camu^osc of foe stocks of n*«.ic; aadiftc erer l/ronrld I® ibis place mid ia Hardware 'which «ae 1 the leading kmaafei at firA) Dry G®®ds. Groceries, Boot® and 8hoea. flat®, Q®*h ing. Notiocs, Ifatnese. Htdtllery, Dog¬ gies and Wagons Crxrkerr, ' W<vd, Willow, U'Alov Th. aad Belting, .>•* it'-rU m«| other, Ikx* «I# / '••* ju»-_ j;.'W8#a**. t L a firm baa a- & •* -*k«i*.a*- ttn the comer in tte Aricaa bioak, s** their etcri -*> - * wejt e>«ept*r^». ally «eb iocased i < *ns fcearmuence ci their «*r»da ^ «cMomer» oat it is U??;* .and cajiocioi i^x ■ mt ad fur ban.!, a ; the n q iio M X ir * of g>xt« they seb teuton. ' * h C->. htmome oitfw: import aut factor* tin.* a.c cow bnaidnm sp F*>rt - to ft,degK* of pro«qmritf never }j»: fort attauu*I *i*h tucy *r*+** toee th> nkl l*-. f'trt.'i.ntht iu waking tor . the ooftmw/n rdiyonrsxtentiou good of rb<- town arid soon* VI t to M* *A verCufcawa ? uft l’u'/e b. e -- In calling attest/&n to the batojfng }/n r,«eii aud kkm®» of Fort tinmen /x-sk-: mention of the? Urg^ ^^SfJSSSSK?. a*^e tuny bo foaod ill the greatest TJJ Tiety swl in large stack* e. >.pl>.'miid iin« of .t.-t*pl® and 1 gm?;* Dry Goods, Xo •> f^v go-^j . Boob, kio. is, uki.j.h. h ur.pwm Drv Goods of nil kinds. He hu*± im Urge fcarl ai *»ys ki-ptlatt, and his g'Ksds * r <; tho* fo;3t thftt mr, ho bad m the msr kct*. i h'idmmr liepnnmcnt minx wpe wa-toocr, end n, ,f»tiy • -s.:io:.tA*i.E axv kcail «»>c*bt. iu tukean »ieiouad».i ituM»of or®* wri ^ ! i,lci,l4ifc « Fkmr, Ete„ by ,.****■ -XST HFT^Jsri', *“* 1>r r iiynnm^ *<%*&* - tm£Z m n " 'ffVimdn-Mii t* . pm* pr;*?tor of opwjmpntat, i^J»g tiy^p^ty plcrck and growing bniui, iiiiKUK-w, He boos;h* the f<«.r Iwlr* two of cotton one of thr lar^«-t Jiu SoatLwijrt-G«'/>nn»' H •» VU «'J * H g 3 gf* ■ * ■■ ■