The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, August 10, 1888, Image 3

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TSino l).tjt .11 a I.ivinir I'ouib. John Anti**r»«*n, who was impli< run*'! in n noil ni •lavs and vns i t*f €»!*•*•* I \ «»• U <la \ cnvi that whon tttiti «at»«l oJohciI in fivct j n rn t • • Ca into <i !„>: n» 2 t< »*t «*( ’KUO, •id nitn n;»|i loom i«»r him t<» Man*! •* Ho coui.l mil f v* on his l ‘ * it tlon n, bnt had to May in a r* t* Siijr ptisition tin* wiitdc ni ft: in j»ri«onmotif* fir throe days,* H • i About tho 1 ! A ndcrimn, “I ;'ot along very 2 it. |*ut aftertlint l hegttn to waist water I badly, Tit« fourth d»y when if! iam««), I heard w hat I llionght vt*t»v : water slowly tlrojtpint;. Feeling I nrotitid, I found it, and ii ihling my tuouih c*|»eti nmnegetl in fhis way ti» get aiiotif a douen drops ol’tvaler, I ha<l j wliM’h gave rno much reltt f. no (liflita tv in breathing m t I the welt below me came so near being ■ filled hy sand occn«ioimIly coming j in emitted hy the diggers above. much 1 had breathed the air oyer s-o ttott it luid become impure, canning me to feel a smothering rt nsation, but nhou! thi.s time the rtscinrers got. near etioagb to mo to Irt in air! from above, Jiy having a good .sup¬ ply ot chewing tobacco I did not Miller mo much for food ns might have been expected. From the beginning I could hear considera¬ ble that w an $aid and done above. I heard tho wagon when it started to town lor lumber, and heard some one say the man was dead, and the order given to try to pull my l ox nut. When they began to pull 1 knew there was great dan gift in tho boards giving way and crush' ing me, nr.d for my own safety and to give-evidence of being alive I • nt tno ropes and beard tho exei* ting talk that prevailed when it was discovered that I was alive. “About the sixtiidny I felt Romos thing crawling on my band and found it to be a 11 y. i thought by this that an opening had been made from above. J was correct, for soon a wet rng was passed to me. In reaching it to mo it bos came covered with sand, but no honey citer tasted hotter than that wet rag, *Soon a bottle of water and a piece of bread wero given to me, and I was truly thankful. From tins time on I began to gain strength, nml by helping my less oners the time passed quicker than one would suppose/’ •»• T l»o ‘"iGn'pei' <»l Salt|»«*< iT' 10 . 'Flit! I’nriHinn Fmloxio Alilclouin < Imi n I in* pci* <*l tlic Salt pet lie ru, had awaki'iit't] from lior Ion;* blcrp, which wan continued without a mo v ini'iitw interruption slmmler for nineteen ilnya Slie hail a ot fitly iliiya early io the year in the ho^s itiltit where who now in, and has been for many years. While she • wan on both occasions sleeping kept watch re¬ lays ot medical men hy her bedside/ Somo hours he** loro her second period of soinno* leneo ended she showed (jrcat'net’s vous agitation, often stal led and htt'l intermittent Ills of trembling. Slot at length opened her eyes in the midst ot a hurst of loud laugh¬ ter, which continued for about ten minutes. During thu« time she stared fixedly, and hatd, though laughing so apprchensioit. as it der some painful spoke if sho flien she as were addressing her mother, who was not with tier, in an endearing man* tier, and on being handed a glass ►mid she only saw her mother’s ini'* age in it. *Sho has since become quite cheerful, but seems to hardly any ideas save those gosted to her hy tho doctors. Cons trnry to what is observed in most hysterical subjects tho senso under of tusto remains while sho is tho influence of suggestion. and Thus, it she is given aloes told it is sugar sho will swallow it, but make a wry faeo to show dislike. If told to drink water from exhilaration, a champagne glass she shows and it a package which I>r. Voisin says contains an emetic is put into her hand she has violent tits ot nau¬ sea. Opening the Supremo .Court. St. Inmis Republic.] Tho opening ot tho supreme court at Washington is to thoslrun gor a striking proceeding. Two The room is h suttly one. negroes sit at the cntranco to open door for senators and congressmen They lot other people lind their way in. No one may carry or openly read A newspaper in the court room. No cue except tho of¬ ficial reporter may take notes of the proceedings. Once inside sup-, pose the [clock over the door is striking noon. hour If it is Striking hears, at all that is tho one for it never sounds save to call the court together. Jichind the long, eurtuius that hang in the rear of the bench the judges are loimed.: dressed their silken robes, The grave-.faced old cri.r stands at one end of tho court and then looks sternly mound to note if all are in proper state to receive their hon¬ ors. Then, with an elevated chin and a loud voice, lie announces : “The honorable the chief justice and the associate justices of the su¬ court ot the United States!” The audience rises, and> bowing low, stand an instant facing those present, who return the salutation. \’Oyc*, oyex T’ says tho modulated Voice of tlio crier, “nil persons hav¬ ing business with the honorable the supreme court of the U. S., are inN monished to draw near for tlio eourl is now iu session !" And with a quick, sharp glance around to see that no nnregcncrato eitixen has vet dared to be seated, the o^lcial add*; impressively : "God save the U.S., nnd this honorable court/ Ch*’ tji‘*iiic»s hj;ta be '’U«- A PERFECT COMBINATION Of harro'es* voidable rerredies that w l! restore the whcie system to healthy action, is absolute * m 6ed to cure any disease “for the disease that affects one organ weakens a IU- Path’s Ce;ery Compound is THIS PERFECT COMBINATION. Rea Jt?>* proofs i i hnV rr 1 trrri’lr n*»rr«>:ww« ar. 1 kiirrjr t- n I b.. >u mi. tiles ( r .... - Celery »••: •• «n !. •» h. how It < help r.i* ’ i hav***© much in your r : f r I ir..»'v » i.nt it did itt sr.e. ' J. V»aT30!*. ontur.u Coat; . N. Y. hlRZ. J. PAINE'S * CELERY % COMPOUND ” r-tr f ve vear» I mlRst^l with an 1 nerv«u*n~*. 1 1 *ri« I 3 n tu 's tvl-jre 1 ml mn«t 1 ran chnetfully truthiody -«y ■ ■ 1 trie. 1 rv i tii- vi i . f..r I k: ' tv to »- r. / t;;< lldr:?.'’ < L. i»:c ....'f*, trer Carrier, .-.aiiuu Iironk’ya, N. *. ___1 ; CURES ALL NERVOUS Neuralgia,Rheumatis.n,Para!ysis,Biliousness,Dyspepsia,Costiveness,Pi!es, kidney Trouble, Female Complaints, and ail diseases arising from Impure LWfrCom- Blood. ptaint, fi .ft for *•>. Wrr.r>=. nr-runn. x t <t, I'rrt-n.. nurtinnV.a, Vt. For tho Nervous, I 5 *Jr A y, *7! 6ENESE0 ROAD CART! i First Premium and Gold Medal at S ■ New Orleans Exposition, 1886. t Tbonsnndti roilc in it at tlio World’* Exposition, o^ ** r *«‘* i n«.I8S4-5,nt l.ouikvillo Kxpo*ition,K.)r., lSbo, . nnd proninncnl it tlie br«t in the world; nl*n at tiic tninnrnpoli* Induotrial Expo*itlou, i l^SC, This and Cart received rides as toe easy bigUcvt as any honors. Buggy, and is mm, ■ positively free from Horse Motion. vajr & Btep, Has two always cranks ker|.s to tnnro tiiotuxly in unison with the horse* aaa in a horizontal line. OUR GUARANTEE. KSE- /V We will sell you a a- Getieseo on Trit Days Trial anti guarantee it to ride *- mott _ ___ Hons* as cam, and to be as mr* sfonow as aDy buray. If not just as represented, return to us at our expense. Kh STOOD THE TEST FOB OVER TWO YEARS. I Send for Circulars & Testimonials. I ACENTS WANTED In every Town not already taken. £111 D. F. SARGENT & SON, Patentess, Geneseo, III. e f 5 Wf 5 „ / t&X.'st* -->• . <■-. -9, ■ ^msr si* T8EA1MENT if„„ * 200 A WELl-TRIEB \ FDii COHSUM'-TiON, asthma dyspepsia. CA . I3c. A i<ai:u matism!' V KKADACHE, DKUIUTY. i i AKAEV v PAC ' h su r a lgia, uii u,*»k AND PAI.KN S 'V. VUcrJ ..%v tU- t '• - tv m Nervous r d> e f>r. I’rcel • —s their . \ ••COMPOUND OXY07N ” V<-n.s» trt.- II irt<5 taitdin.' ■<* 1 — v-.-nr. ) ,hr .ystriu. tli« I’-rain, M:.rr-.w t I (lie .o lb” (..««. • i.;; " 1 ' /V N,rveOi«Kli.i—“Nm-Oiis C-u'r s b.iv. . \ ^ v.t P-imiih «.-o I*'- W,ll m.uiisW-’an! made nKwi wm e. ys bc.r lira.....lit: 1 - -v l the l'.in.l.iili H*:a«l cf all .•clirity. .) ' U- ‘ V„,y.,,«V Fh-w"\ both menl.U and pbyvi's' if »• tkv. V«ct«*r.l.. Contrail. I--at-; with »•’" ^ v “ i,pC \ A to a state ••fimogthx \ »{■*.* i\i*i, l",a- . KvV L.iav V7. Cushing, . \ ihe nervous .y.leie ...» hr it. N > rfeu. Wilh.un Penn M;xon, ^ TQ ' / R,..- <, and ib* t it.t. • * ;■in, * ni- -•■■*•>. t'l-: Ju<S«« *’• 1 • Vro»«nan. v \!«s .ill art „ h ... ,A«i..-..«-lscuoi. I v,.y| .rtofu»cw..:M. \ mvreWa.1v „ - I I cl izm in wid<- .-l hr.,.«c case- i many «rf ihe OS& -«% Sxsc^„..■».. s c-ii'-n a r.n. - • wi'l Ik maihal fisc l , any ;uWres* >m a|»i>u«at-*h. YftfJ -1529 „ Arch _ , r St, , Phda« r -»s "l_ Pa, [)„ PAL£N ^i 4 __ Ors. STARKEY & f Every word wo say we can stand by. - Dear Sir : Do you want to sec the latest WONDER of > 87 . ANSWER TO¬ jgPf; %>! ' m DAY. A $35 Single Harness reduced to $25. The finest Harness MADE for the money. Handsome nickel 01 ; imitation •vV rubber gold finish mountings. HAND m made from oak stock, unsurpassed for I 4 fv style and durability. If you will allow us we will send you a sample for your inspec¬ . tion show what have 1 ,■ to you progress we ®is v g: made by making a SPECIALLY and get , 4 1 ting out over Soo setts each rrrowtli. You pT m 2 can keep the sample at only $ 20 , $5 less ti, m ■ than price here or return at OUR EX¬ 1 n PENSE. Can we make a more liberal *W#Y •20 . offer? We shall hear from I j : expect to you wiMmti ^ /it at once saying YES send on your Harness. j JM w# Folded or single strap style. .v: m National Harness Co •» C Wholesale Manufacturers, ! IA to QA Wells St. Buffalo,N. T. I A. ANDERSON, Collar and Haines, $2 Extra. No Breast Collar ! King of Harness Manufacturers. Manager of tho • horses, Price, Inatiohal Harness Co., Wholcsalo Mfrs., -* Double Stylo for two 35.00. V F«lii P ! | RELIABLE IDLISHCO S’ f 0. I if en ^T;tu “ BEST IN THE TV YCARS WORLD. ,%A FOR HOME, CH ,.'CH, ^20 II SLHOuL,andC!i/?FL. 4 m Ti Only $;,l V. # A MON TH. s a (■1 f ^(3in ittsfrl nenfs. T»V arc celling our perfected ■ ti. organs to recommended families, churches, Syn A< ^4 V.-. '-V lw^X4r. ij .tag-Sc terms fur Is, societies, II rite etc., on particulars. the very easiest ? r< : ?g -»g'.'5*'- • . J 1 of ' lagnient. for k-.rv' ”0 • .- ^f- | 'j'!* . i known The and intri isic reciatedin meiit of tY.e 75.000 E. P. Caki-knthr Homes and Orsans upward* Is Er I N ;k . \\ of 5,000 in Churches, schools, andchap$in this coun¬ try anu Lur pe. " cr An HorK st Organ. -A | Tie l'culk’s Ccetf>anicn rays: “The Carpenter Organs Jj c .v!Wr have won tor themselves a high reputation for durability and fine ia B musical quJ dies. An organ may be fine in appearance, but si ^ is unless it Mr. is ( I m’.t honestly makes in every emphatically part it will prove honest ur.satisfac l. >1 v. arjx-nter most popularity.’* an organ ; iM 'yj j .u.d this \ e think, the ORGAN, secret of tlieir Eefccc \<ntiA aaing an send for onr largo and tean tifaf y It lust rated Catalogue, free to any address. E.P.CARPENTER CO.K& m GREAT REDUCTION IN WATCHES We will send you a watch by ab.e express C. 0. D. to be examin¬ y ed before paid for, and if not > */ satisfactory to be returned. We pay all express charges and you are at no expense. We *3 have watches of all styles and Wi prices. Send stamp for large Catologue of 250 Styles with Instruction how to order etc. STANDARD WATCH CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. LU SMALLEY ENSiLASE i F 9 DDEB CUTTER ’’TpSaf- - "■ rnich For II *.M> rr.d Its f.-id-r rotVF.R m .-.ny f'SF, machine is vmrrnnfed cui.t a tho to war.d rut M cf &-Dndsi Au preen iTnl or r’- belter vati-laolio*, limn any other - eeim'. iriacl.Mie «ir.% pr.rtlfHlV ’**• sxlwtastlatc tho ,|T Jnrove In ev« rx ,H bo j® jp ^ pe - ran ten. wc n «vj: to nr.y_yc~pc:i i ^ p n ilia rtj .s' aSi'v ijj*. it, ->rl,l. ci-aipr-titiui: of with ary other the cutter iu ,.•«/? fSSi hyt. Ifeur marliinc same size. .law tic,: da .ir.aervunamif more and ■ pt-< * in strength better sed v.ark durabihtr,»y wish the wall .-nine power, ot JeeU- a’.-i , *-• as .’u«c ' ing nnd operating, prore be more retnrtred satUtaetory • than a-j nib, r, ;t cau to n*» • ■ i. ■ - pevta; frsi-tl.t Oish i av». We efeo mecifartc-y >1 • “SI tXAUaY CAHH1F.?., HUi S14A1L2Y TT : . Jt 2 : L’TI.E? aai T&F-AD K 0 K 5 I TOWERS.ft* .fcc. -- OUlt CO.Y|?RK!lE>SlTn liOOK •HvA ' l ‘’Ers:!?gs andHsder Cstiing. v * nv TT »*A V S.* * j Sent Free ■>» Ipplirnliee. ’ _ 00. ,WiS * FfYlALLF Y tf A«uf AC » UfttrtC Muni? kVC 2 51. fix f«->r tL>> »♦ tint each !»*• tie beam CeJkry trad#.- mark. Tho Dobllitated, DIRECTORY CSU5CH2I. A vm-r Cfcrvt, »?.— U< v. .(! IL Orlov. rur t. *?. i*rf.»*-l;in!r I.-t .n i 3.JiSuud:iy> in otv's JJV. S.i: •!.:•• — luettlin.^ f » n>., .1. V.. I*aut tin rupt. i’ntyer Thurc.iay even M KTHonisT Ccrnr -ft- v .1. S. .1 • .n:» w. Va-1«»?. iiinTiti’. hur.dn’.-sc! 2- i a^t *1 4tU Jyunua \V. r* A. in t: ti ;l y ft. tat. (iru’iam Supt. Ladies’ l’r dor inviting Tito- j day ait- r imm. Young lar I’.ayc-r ingT Wednesday t- - lav evening, lleg 1'ruyeT nievl ina f Sunday- h-H >d 9 il. m. .J. MU. Brown JfcSupt MASONIC DI3«CT0P.Y. r>AT:T.Ky 1 »i>ok. No. lV\~Ih-gulnr mcet ing l.*t mid 3rd Satur*t ' ; venh>g#. T. M Brown, See., D. F. Gunn,A» 1-—Bogular Lvfayettk Ciiaitkk . \v. 2nd Saturday wcning. • Graham, II. P. ' Begmar w. . Graham CnuncilF' 0 * \\. A. Gra¬ meet : n*' -Itli S-ituriiav ‘ 4 ham, TIG iL ‘ K of II. Gaines Lcd~c >V. IPS’—Begular meeting 2nd and 4th Tue»V‘.v '- 51 nights Dlcti G- tur Lightfoot, Reporter. T M ‘ COUNTY. SrrKnioa CoraT.—Hon. I T Clarke jiulge .1 II Guerry, solicitor^ triLf* «»»fhvc, clerk 1IC Coleman, slicritr. R'Suhtr term, -1U» Mondays in March and September, Court op .Op.Dt?^ RY -— T! - Blocker, Ordiuarr. Kyy-* r meeling lab Monday in each month ^ County CA'L’Pi’—G. G. Lark, Ju lire. S', nix for J& «’bx«. KiciTAmv. hjX & Co., Uantagttjli,'\ t Tho Agod. ™" § ® s ire niAs-uacturoJ \ sola : u r the least money by ; Rgt gn e 4 y __ v h!!sC?ON £ a 1A F V<'A R R £HCO .N. -5 - KEXTIOJi THIS TAI EB. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. D. P. Gunn C Y‘ Morris, J. II.! Jenkins, r t • /, &». T.x h. t jjCWIS rtl „: a anu ori .i J. t A. v Bu'bic. J -I , . _ , - - - County Treasure Jno. McLendon Tax Collector, Tax Receiver, G. W. Crapps, Coroner, J D Owens. J. tT man PHYSICIAN a*«t SURGEON 93^.<)mcK ir CK'^g|i. Duuo Stork. j. s. mason, Dealer In Family Groceries, Fruits, Confectioneries. Tobacco, Cigars, etc., tie. 6i«. O. E. CONE v . BARDER. ShopumlorExS DElt’S 1'ict urc Gallery. South Western Ily -:o: The Great Short Through Line Between the North¬ west and Florida. The Southwestern Division of the C. R. B,. of Georgia., via L & N, M & E., S \V. and S. F. & W. Loads ^-DOUBLE w-A-->- GAILY TR. / s r PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEP¬ ING CARS ON EVERY TRAIN. ttm uisnu isd mrnvri GOING SOUTH. Lv liOUWVlllU 12 20 am 12 ot \> in I ” Nashville Z.25 am < 55 p m »» Montgomery (i 20 am 7 10 pm Ar Ettfaula 8 ot pm 10. iOjim ” utlibert 9 tl pm 11 59 pm ” Albany 11 48 pm 2 15 pm , ” Tbomasville 1 5? am fi 00 am ” Jacksonville 7 55 am 7 00 am ” Gaincsvillo 9 15 a ai GOING NORTH. Lv Jacksonville 5 00 pm 9 00 pm ” Gainesville S 55 pm ” Thomaoville 1125 pm 9 00 am ” Albany 1 10 am 1210 am ” uthbert 3 59 am 2 50 pm Ji. ula ula..... 4 51 am 4 00 pm Ar ontgomory I 7 30 am 75pm ' ” Nashville Louisville •••••# 2 6 20 10 am.. pm •••#•• ,J%“" outhwesters, Montgomery and EnMa Railways. Local Time Table. Lv Macon...* 1000 am............5 15 ,»in ” Ft Valley*...... 11 09 am..... .4 01 pm ” Mar*ville 1127 am.. .......3 11 pm ” Winchester 11 33 am.... ...... 3 34 pin ” Montczuida* 11 57 am 3:09 pm Oglethorpe 12:05 am 3:03 pm ” Anderstu) 12:24 pm 2:10 pm ” Amcricus* 12:47 pm 2:1-3 pm *‘ Smith’lo* 1:34 pm 1:24 pm “ Bronwood. 1:54 pm 1:05 pm ” Dawson ' 3:11 pm 12:48 pm u Shelltaan 2:25 pin ........... 12:24 pm utlibert* 2;59 pm............11:59 am “ Morris 3:23 pm ......11:35 am “ Hatchers 3:31 pm 11:24 am “ Georgetown 3:54 pm 11:03 rm “ Eufaula* 4:05 pm 10:50 am j “ Spring Hid* ^4;49 pm 10:08 am i ‘ Midway* 5:10 pm 9:47 am *Un*nSpra»* 5:12 pm 9:18 am “Pike Ko'id G:49 pm 8:16 am “ Mont’gry 1 7:2-5 pm 7:40 am Ar Perry 12:00 m Lv “ ...... ..3:00 pm “Adams w-......2:03 pm. 12:53 pm Lcesbun;.........2:21 pm 12:34 pro Ar Albany......... 2:15 pm .........Lv 12:10 pm “ Ft. Gaines.......4:23 pm.........“ 10:05 pm “ lay ton.........G:09 pm......... a 7:15 am. Valley * Telegroph for Perry; stations. SmithviUc Coxmocts for at Albany Fort at and Blakely. at*Cuthbert for Fort Games; at Eufaula for Clayton. W F SlIELT.MAX, W.M Rodgers. Traffic Man'g, Gcn’l Sujt’t Savannah Ga. Savannah Ga. G A Whitehead, Gcn’l P. A^cnt, Savannah, Ctc J C Siiaw, Gun’l Traveling Savannah. A^cnt Ga. \V A GRkH^y Aj-t, Fort Gamer TflE BEST ME THE CQEAPEST. x»we «a S(f FA M PI RE BLACK - • WATERPRWOf Harness & Bnm Ton Oil Dressing Absolutely WATERPROOF, and will blacken, soften and keep and from Rotting, your Harness Buggy Tops. Goes farther and loss work to apply than any oth¬ er Dressing. Is GUARANTEED to do alt that claimed for It when used asdlrocte d. Bewarocflm itations and soo that our trad® mark is on the can. Ask your harness maker for It, and If ho has not got it send us your name sndwowil shipyou a samplecan, F dToTcoT ON PAINT Mas^f Molrose, VAMPIRE BLACK WATERPROOF BOOT AND SHOEDRESSiNS. and and Doctor’s Shoe dealoPfojJt^J^ bill^ Ask ycisiDoot CANTON PAIN m oil co., Melrose, Mass. WONDE RJFO L success; » EfOXOTIY IS WEALTH. All the PATTERNS you wish to use during the few, for nothing, (a saving of from $3.00 to $4.00), by subscribing for THE ADVERTISER —A.N0— Demorest’s IUustratad JVtODthljf Tfio-^G^ine With Twelvo Orders for Cut Paper Patterns of you- own selection and of any size. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, —FOR— $ 2.50 (TWO FIFTY). D EMOREST’S , THE BES Gf nil tlio Mn^azines. Staining Stories, Poems, and other Literaht ATTNACTIONS, COMBINING AUTISTIC, SCIEN¬ TIFIC, and Household nattbiws. Illustrated with Original Steel Engrav *»(/.*, fine Woodcuts, Photogravures, making Oil Pictures and riue of it the MvUolHIaga America. ?, K i H Magazine contains a coupon order entitling the holder to the selection of anV pattern illustrated in the fashion department in that number, and in •my cf th; sizes manufactured, making patterns during the year of tho value of over three dollars. DUMOltEST’S MONTHLY is justly entitled tho World's Model Magazine, The Largest in Form, the Family Largest in Circulation, and tlio Nst TWO Hollar fourth Magazine of its Issued. piimiration, 18S8 will and be the Twenty- tho head year it stands at of Family Periodicals. It contains Til pages. ______ K F i iiH l*ubliBbod^ iict?, t'itgaiiuy luuncu anu Demurest, »- rt York, . by W. Jcuniugs New Aad fcy Special A^reeracnt Com¬ bined %vith THE ADVERTISER AT $2.50 PER YEA5 227? I : r JCI I pJ.-iN IE W n oil It<; FAMILY STORYPAPEB FOR 1838 mosr ictus. In th0 beginning the fifteenth year of its successful career, it is with a feeling of just pride that the publisher of New York Family Sto¬ ry Paper States that this great Jcuraal has norm.K the uif.i n.ATicN of ary family paper in the worhl. This claim, which all its competitors are invited to verify, can easily be established by an examination of the books of the American News Company. Tho pre-eminence thus acquired can bo achieved only by merit. The reading pub¬ lic will buy that paper which best satisfies their desire for stories of the highest liter¬ ary merit and most interesting character. ! And the enormous circulation of The New York Family Stoky Paveis proves that it has done this. All the Great the Paper Features of *o which it owes its success of tho past will be zealously guarded in the coining year. Its distinguished staff of authors will be retained, its artistic excellence maintained, its beautiful typographical preserved, ar.d the same judicious editorial supervision exercised to keep the tone of the paper as pure and moral as it has been from its inception. J\\> Expense of Time or Money will bo spared to add new and attractive features. Standing as it does like a bea¬ con light high above all its contempo¬ raries, Tnn New Yoke Family Story Petek cannot help all racting to its col. t ad that ia brightest aad best in j ’ modern uruns fiction, TIdH3I!!? OFSTIHSCR II’ TION: One Year. - 63.00 Foul Months. $1.00. Six months - 1.50 , single Copies, .00. Sent Fuse of Fostage o ukceitt of Pkice. .53 TORO S PIBLISlil.Vi IIOI SE, Bj.x I e H ■>< Vanpiwaver ’ NivvYuf.K. k‘-ygi ‘ JAIh; Sr-J .ri fci.- * - JT* Write us for lunatraled Catalcguc, Free 6ES? WAV Q i To get a Fin t—C I- »»\S atdi is in our Co-OpcrativoClub*. mi mm ■ JLT TUP. LOWEST CASH PRICES Only £1,00 a Week, Thousands of the best $38.00 Ylold Watch ever made are .sell¬ ing: in our Co-operative Clubs. This is the first, Chenprst, Hnxt ’Tnnvrnirnt, nrul onltt co-operative System of selling watches. The watches are American I.evcr Stem Winders containing every essential to accuracy and pnteutS, dura bility, improvemctits and have, ia addition, numerous found in no other watch. They an absolutely the only Oust and fiantpproof Wore au nts made in thp World, and n w iuwvhx throughout with UJiSUISV RVBtfiS Tilt 1‘utont Stem H ind and Set is the strongest ftitt simplest made. They are fully equal fir service ap~ i'earanee, accuracy, durability co-operative an<l Club System tn any ll'atch. Our brings them within the reach of every one. i*== the KEYSTONE WATCH CLUB CO o mm nii-Htuui St., m // r. O. Box 928. Phtln. Pa If j We refer to r.ny Com-| I ASC&TS . m rntwial Agency. W ANTED mubs Cosauntly Forming Join Now aud Savo Honey WE have Agencies in everv tancc Cits WANT ACfcNTS EVERYWHERE DON'T SUFFER PAIN) Put on a DSane's Rheumatic Plaster—Your Druggist keeps them— if he don’t, send us 12 cents in stamps and we will send you one sample free. (Only one the sample sent to one address, as These regular price is 25 cents). mended plasters are recom¬ and by used all good physicians, are in the largest hospitals For in America. Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Back, Pleurisy, Pains in Lungs, Chest, arch they Kidneys, take hold Liver or Stom« at once and cure effectually. Plaster. Full directions on everv Be sure and get Deane's Rheumatic Piasters, «"he only Deane by Plaster Co., 21 & 23 Dey St., N. Y., U. S. A. MAT SUFFER PAtSI FIRE! Wtthr at. Woofl or Co»?i Burns oil in any stove, f it a plaee or open grate with¬ out odor, dust or danger. Cheapest and best fuel in the world. Heats a room j^HERVVJ «» and cooks a meal. Safe, iifi sure and simple. Just the ®PE STRfoU» I- thing to less than for one summer. ordinary cent per Costs cook hour run any § v: have stove. them Every and family bid dteti should ana ttuce to coal or wood monopolies. lar. Send Now for descriptive is the time ciicu. to s<*». IMF iij S3 cure these territ Shells. ory The for the only Sale 61 £j devise for burning prac- oil tical gij EBfin ranted in ordinary just stoves, represented, war S&ijy as •Mpr Fastest world. selling Agents goods Wanted. in the For full particulars address J. A. WEIGHT £i CO., KEENE, N. IL fi k- jrpA. : js J KoKttchen complete xvitUout It! Kntircly iudv! Sella at every litonsot A LADY CANVASSER Wanted in every town in tlio United Stalest only) A 50e. sample free. Mailed (to canTiisscni xrlth terms on receipt Of 15c in stamps for postage. J. A.WRIGHT CO. Keene,NoTvilampshlrc. BED STAB CLEANING POWDER ■ ri nl Siivur Poliufi in the world. It hiii no equal. Abk your Kroner, drugcut, arod or jew- [Tradr E Al.rlt -A 1 eler for it.. Samples free, l'rei t-y , J. A.WU1GUT & co», kllm;, .\,Ui * v. fTSS?S e. TEE 0HL7 TRUE 44 ZSU' ON SC w will purify the BLOOD regulate I the LIVER «nd KIDNEYS nn,| liEBTOBK , the JTF.AI.TK indVIO. ‘L' -c OR of Appetite, of TOUTH IndigeMtion.TAC*! Dy*pop»iia,W«nt ot >■ k \ Strength and Tired Fhelinioib ■ K eoliitely cured: Donei, mun ;Vi clftM and nervea receive new BL force. Enliven« the mind ■^5 v ■ • and supplies Itrnln Power. [TnjPQ KARTBB B IRON TONIC H safn, f*p*^*dy euro. Olveuft clear, healthy complexion. Hajpopu* Ail Attempt* at connterfeltintf only ndeta to inriiy. l)o uot exi>eriment— ORIGIN al and oKBI i Or. HARTER’S LIVER PILLS flick k ■ Cnre Constipation.Liver Complaint and iioadache. Sample Doeo and Dream BookB mailed on receipt of two cents In postage. W THE OR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO. AND USEFUL ‘F_6‘i¢'1'HE'__OFFIcE; THS J0H1TS01T EE70L7I-T3 BOOK BASE. With Imdbfendeht Shelves Adjustable to Hooks of anv Height. A SUPKUIJ PKESENT.Jr *. * invaluable to Sawyers', Clergymen, Fhyaielann, Teachers, Editors, liauker*, 2s^' * Merchants, and all who read Studenta, Books. CHEAPEST I STRONGEST I BEST ! I Made cf Iron, finished :h black, with besutiful gilt ' crnamenuiticn, it cannot werp. check, split, get out of 1 ordfr. or wear out. Keen r.belf, IS it». sauare,, mu! hold ! 16 vols. sue cf Appleton’s Cyclop: • IU. Loids mors books in less space than any otner c ev:ce. * No. 1, For Table, to hold 1 tier cf -woks. ..ftio.oe 1 ■1 Cl .. 12.00? “ Moor' Ol ”... 12-0 eoo 1 >» •• •• CO “ “ 15.0 : 3 : •> " Tf» “ “ 18.0 S,.’ .. The best sbe for general ui ■ is 3. Shipped, carefully packed, en i '- ! r* f fwicfc, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Dew n’ptive pri e '■’Rtainirg tesiimcnials Free, IUustrated CatuloBue of Stationery and JfovelllM, rear! yX*- ■ -s receipt ofSScts. i j ANDLKaON' iSp KRUM, 7 E-oncT Street Hf \\ York, N, Y. r? • % k -T * I r -sO Mo. 2. [swfivfaxfilamnvf A N. . i ; N tv STl j Mexican Mustang ' i ' Liniment CURUB ! Sciatica, Scratches, Contracted Lurabagi, Sprains, Muscle* | RJttnft'Ai’s'Ui Ftraia*, Eruptions, Stitches, Hoof Ail, j Scaltl3, Stilf Joints, Screw Stilly, odh, B?ckachec Wormr, *ittS, Swinney, B rnig eB. Sores, Saddle Oalli Bunions, Spavin Files. Oorns. * Cracks . THIS GOOD OLD STANn.** mpttihrs for everybody exactly tvhat leclalnu A forlt. Cue <>f 1 H 0 roaxoos for tl\« great popularity of tho Mustang lAnlineu* to found In its unlvcrsnl nppllcaUittt y. KvorybWly needs such a medicine. Tlio JiUtnhrrmnu necd3 It In case of accident. Tho IIshMiwIfe needs It for R«<neratfamily use. The Canntci^t'r'^e Ufor hla teams and Ills mm. Tlio Aleclusuic ucVds U always on bis work bench. „ The Miner needs It In ease of emergenry. l4x The l'loiH'cmeedsie--can’tgctalong wlthont The l'u niter needs it in his bouse, his stal>l% air.! Iihstorh yard. The Steniafeeat inn a or the Tlontman needl It In llbcrr.t i.tipply rWi^tlJsnit ashore. Tho Ifoi-sr-fniicief needs It—it Is bln best friend and safest iclltincfr. THv JMwvU-urower needs It—it- will save him tit u.xnhtts er dollars nml a world of trouble. ThC bill Iron d rnitn needs It and will need It s% long ns Ills life Is a round of accidents aud dangers. The lliii-liu n iilsinnn needn if. There Is notlf* tnghke It ns an nntldeto for the dangers to 11(4 limb and comfort which surround the pioneer. Tho Merchant nerds It about his store among Ills employees. Accidents will happen, and whra these come the Mustang Llrlmrht is wanted atone*. Keep it Uottle in tho House, ’""Mhe best qff economy. 9 . Keep a Hot tie In tbc Factory. ItklmmeO use iu case of accident saves pain and loss of wagtv. Keep n Bottle Aiwa vain the Mtable foe when wauled. Mme.DEMOP.ESrS RELIABLE PATTERNS Are tho onlyjmrs tha t wUl^ tvo a perfect MML DEMOBEST’S System of Dress Cutting. Chart and Bools of full dln-cPnns, rrmbllnsr any one »<» Cut arrl Tit pbi-rectly. Prt< b, 83.00, SlSst by mall, post paid, on receipt of price. MIKE. DEMOREST’S PORTFOLIO OF FASHIONS AND WHAT TO WEAR Is a large Mi^iir.lnc of 80 jiappn of Fa.hlon Nolo, md Stylae, Hluslr»t»-(1 will, ft'jout 1,00(1 Cut,. Bout, jiost-imJ-d, for ‘J5 cent,. ms Unrest $nin( Machine. » THIS STVLfe OXJLT 50 \ ■} OB I “HIJ® V I! J W E \ #3 8/ -o -rjlitt I Nearly 50 t 00d wold nnd giving perfect emiefnetiou. (^"“Don’t, pay otl*er companies $40.00 profit on a maclilli*! fteix 60 GOOD AS TH®t DEM OREST, but buy direct of tlio man¬ ufacturers. Sent C. O. D. TFri(tJ for Circulars. DEFOREST FASHION and SEWING MACHINE CO., 17 Hunt 1-ltli fitrccl, New York Git? KEYSTONE STRETCHER CARPET PH \JL ,;iiYv mLsjmv-r PiMl vZsW&k il ifC ten BEST ON EARTH I Tli* Bod Perfect, Complete iqJ Darablo Streither H*ie. P"URNI8fiEDvrilh to l he floor at the base tlraw-headn, board, end which a clnmp drlvein- by v B which a firm bold to taken on the carpet with¬ out the leant danger of tearing or marring. It id stretched to I he derirrd place by naing aa a lever the handle of a complete L -tuner, enfficlcnt tot all purpoaeatn putting dow a carpet. Thu only at retch cr that draws the carpet dose to the base board and into the corner?. Manufactured of malleable and wrought Iron, mhkit)^ a tool that will laat a life time. JCach Stretcher for ia using. packed Sample in a neat wooden receipt box, with .(XL direction* sent ou of $1 Special prices to dealers on application. Pickett & Rogers, Warren, Pa. WEBSTER lu vsiiouH Styles cf liiniiinit, with and without I’afcnt Index. i I WfGTIONAftyjf ITSELF Tho latest edition lias 118,000 WORDS, 3000 ILL USTRAT IONS. Jo its many other valuable features wo haro ADDED (1880) A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Xuihch, and RECENTLY ADDED (1885) j A. NEW rKOWOUNCIKCi Gazetteer of thn World,, ——g 1 "* M 111 " ....... ■ Cuiriaining over 25.000 Tkles, briefly and desrriMag Natural ihe Countries, Cities, Towns, of the Globe. Teaturcs ef every part V 7 EBSTEK IS THS STAHDARD \uthoril.v with the U. S. supreme Court aad j ., J; c^v’t I’liritia* Office, of ‘J^hools and is recc:r- in C« j... f j s-/ State Suo’ts Frea'ta* ver 60 - it r>- College r. ^ ,.r svt.y V.hc-i ard r» 2 r.;!y. c.t C.KERRtAM k C 0 ..Pv. 6 , «,Sf.riJig&c:-;Maar