The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, August 10, 1888, Image 4

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JL Tin: wmu A v 1> V ERT I S E K muKArt» evr.nv n.ioAv W h . It. UttAU.tH, Proprietor. A. J Fimiivi, Editor, »V. 1^. 'Ass't Gwmi.'m, i:.lltor. <P Ent» i»si| at the post Oflico at li^ SlCroN't* i'l.AW M ATT Ell rout caikk smea s. w, 11 . KTATlojp A m \\ v. Aiiiuvr. jpurt Utncr*..... r31 D* T. 15 Hill i 10 fit am 1 'nlcf imn’M 1 K*j« >t .jvi DU. ,, , ;>rtm flilthhort...... ; .. Mi.niA’.mierv triilDH. W. A. • •UAHAXi, lyr Agent *5 TO $!•*» S A V Ml>. * oiupb't*' kins' only f. • •j* rent eiitiibiguc fr«» \N by ■ -- uy i.'tail |*1 ..II Hik) i *t »*;d iiiotitli. Agents Willltisl N \ |1"N ' III n I o., VViiuiiR sslK u II rr S 14 I a •il \\r Hh st. lluttal , S. V. | | ^ ^ |^ \\ I ( ' , ATTOIfNns AT LAW. •s’* ft *4 V"~ •** s»in^iii,r C'utt of ( If uit. t r POtTEB & WlbbltVMS, « • ('outmission .Mcrchnn/s, tirilaiidltiig of GEORGIA MELONS - apoeiulty. BUFFALO............NkW TdllK. W. M. C. WESTMORELAND ) . —DENTIST.— IVnimcirr, 4 A. HrWill m iko V iNTHt.Y vhllr to Fort a inks, room* at Ull Light root’o Hotkl 21tW71y. Afcf-ANN & ALllSON, WHOU iAtt Produce B Cbmmission. 7<» A 7H Kn. t Marvlai ‘1 Street, Indianapolis, Ind, Krrr.Rr.Ncr.': It Dunn Indianapolis A A Barnes, National Lovett Bank, & (• «k C«>,, Wysoiig. liiicklcirn Arnica Tint Bkmt Sai.vk In tho world for (bits, ilruisiw, Shi** -, Ulcers, Salt Ufh him, Fever b>oi'OH, Totter, (‘happed Hands ('hilblaliiH, l oriia and all v.kin Eruptions, positively cures Pile.;, or no pay required. It Is guar Hllteed to give peifeet HatlsfuetloL, or money refunded. eLs. pel' box. For .ale by W, .'t. Hpelght. A. G. Grant, Group and Lamlsertpe Fbo t ‘sgiaphcr, Af Fort Gaines wl’l coimnance il ai lining -l rating bent bv I'hotogrKpby, ph»'v iliudralc !i of interest the ^inniplilet t the Ih> (’utility, tliri llgli tn the NoHlicrn to sent Males, in enemirage Kmignitioii. Tho wir Mi»y and map uf Fort Gniiien, and a mile around it, nre already completed and remly fvlure far inspection,nL iutarested the Fliotographie invited Studio, call and ruiiiiine pee pie the are This will l*«* ii<• to n»i!«l siiiiie. (tpportimitv t adverti e Beal K>tnte, bv thice who have it fvtr, ale. 517tf COWIilfi & CLARA, Vow tn on Mvrch a n i.s, AND Of*At HIS IS tiKKKX AND DltlPD FRUITS, ho. * OU ms Y‘»l* ntOIM'pn OKNKIMI l.v, 11 West l'Vom u.- % Cincinnati, O. 4f Sp«*fin| atleiiPon given tottieuale of Vi'K«l'il*liH, Ib'rileji and Watei tueloiiK, in Uieir s<vu.on. Grover Cleveland will nn'!uuMi dly be elected I’re-ident ofllieniitl 1 ShV.s, but whether lie is w not, will hdv no effect iq r bn I It v eleandiig rim; |'r< .Irving juopeit nf the wonderfully popular IL L etalave This denti itiee e.111 always be 1* lied upon as • lie very he«.t. It i- absclutcly free from iti gtedieiil ' likely to have an injuriou s f •fr>H tij> oil llirtitth. It positively cures tender and blt*cdilut gPtn:, and luak s tin* 1 crih •vhite. Sold by ull druQgi. P at utie a bottle Central Railroad of Georgia. Motive to Trurtlinf/ Vuhlie: flic best nml eb'-abei-t pust-enger route to NEW YORK anil BOSTON U via Bavannnb and elegant Steamers thence Fa<->engei> before ptireba.-ing tieketa \i:j fit her routes would do well to inquire iirst of tha merit* of the route via Favnmtah, by which they will avoid ilu>t and a tedious all-rail ride. Hati-s include meal and a’rte (iniiii on fittAmd, June UtHiml I>t. good trip iickifs t*> return \\,!1 until bo placed October <ui 31st. sale Now York stoamor* s«il> trt-wocklv, For Bo>ton •tcHtnor weekly from Savannah. further mforisnition apply to any agent of this com¬ pany, «*r to E JT. V'barlton. G. I*. A. $avan n*hi Ga. G. Andxksox, Agt steamers, Ifrt Savannah. Ga. a Nl' HI WKKI1H. Tho POLICE GAZETTE will > mailed. i’litunl Sivurely wrapj»«'«l to any mldress iit the Stat«‘a f«»r hrse mouths on re.*. liberal iptof ONE DOf.I.AR. dincount allowed to post amenta and dubs. Sample ebphu mailed freo. Aihlrot's all ortlecs to KK'HAHDK. FOX. Franklin Sjuarc, N.Y. Application for a Char ter. NOTICE is hereby given, that Wc * nd others have formed a Com* Mnj 1 and wiil , apply for a Charter lor j « lvai i, I D Koad, , the object .. atul a pur P« *0 ol which is to carry passen wers, freight, etc., to nud from towns ol ... lHuffion, Uf , r . r, Clay , county, ... . GCvirL'ia nnd Blukclv tlikl Kurlv coun* ty, Oi'orjiirt. Ami llio* le., K nf Hsiid road will be eleven mi les a ml will bo const ruciotf i n Clay county * and This Early July coflhty 1888. Georgia, till. 'i.i. haves, J.F. CREEL, B. O. YON, B. F.OL1FF, J. X. ROGERS. • ■» . Haiipenirijs Ln ofthe.Day. ! A, l)y our Koportero I and Caught on the Fly. I Can’t tlrx-v. I. - ViV'g hydrant* bo 6*«i, flinch')”. __________ The railroad d*r l lir. a fine, new j*air of > phitfoni | ----------— Mflfl i r that h*wly line of CrocRKRV ul! hf‘ Mar I pe store. 1 And t.lii tiU 1 k g"< li'iDard in the ecmot< ry and j le y wallow at the i 1 ,l * t 4. , ;f ° a C vction l.ft At Atlanta . lu.sdey. V? * '.Tol ! 1 Iradict r tr, we wuidd . hfl> itr as hot. ,.l I Aiu wdo - for “.. folic Q Hchool , I • HOOKS. .1. M. HnUlirtt. io\ j pM(trF».tt | < Si, ,n«iiy ii„|.ruv..... .... art 1 la and about town, that wo can’t keep up witfe , thorn. A*i-', it u het, but where : s it not «o ? \\ don’t live above the snow line, of the Rocky : Mountain., fCommerce . licet is Iw’oi^Mig altogrther too jV .pular with crowds of loafers, especially ! Saturday*. 1 , 1'm-peyU cf a big v.vci t potato crop arc aim . /e j « Inom up irt the distance. N\ lien the boys indulge in water fight-, at Iho hydrants, they should keep their temper if they do get wt L Gar people arc Enjoying tho luxury of 'good beef, and plenty of it, just ndw, and they appreciate it. Bagging nud tics ar*i commencing their y early tiip to tlie country, to get around *ho cotton eiyip. Oftico I’rc; a *rtie3 • r- )p. J. M. Hatchett. c*ow N<>t n pound of 'moon could be bought here one day this week, and only a few cuu ’■ as hams wen for sale. ’CVbi**i rt young man is heard, tonfidon -irtMy i'upiirii g for furniture, is it a sign that a marriage is on the tapis ? In various dueetioiiH uoout town, ti»o Hound of hummer end saw ca*i he ^Murd, ull day long, ami much improvement^Koirg <rm * Those not posted, have no Idea of ‘he amount of ne at sold hero, until once in a w hile, the su| ply nun?short, and consumer; l/egin ti howl. Can’t some of cur nty ofiicials stroll to the park some Sunday hft'eWioon ? T*iey niiglit s<'e somcjjthiug'i requiring a 1 tent ion and correction, The extern ion in rear of Mr. J. It. Simp son's store is progr* --ing, iPi'd ,P'ek will sooh have coiu'n 'dieu! quart'rs for liis large and increasing trade. This rdiotiUl be marked on the calendar as barbecue yeah A' virions points nndjill oc¬ casions, political «•’d otherwise, they appear to “rule the roost.” The pueb'iit householder : liould now be¬ gin to lay in his supply of winter fuel, ore •Ipe\ il days coin * when all ahi at the mer¬ cy of the wood haulers. Now that cotton has started to market, folks will have to give up base ball, back¬ gammon, etc,, roll up their sleeves and go to work soon. I.i t her roll. Dr. J. M. Hatchett's Chill ami Fever Tonic guaranteed to cure every ease, or money refunded. The BEST in the w< »rld. cow A gent from Florida says, land i.s fertile there, ai d produce-; f< rty bushels of frogs per acre, and :tt!!|futors enough to fence them in. Oii that Uric our county must give it up. . When a iVi appears those mnrrlngs, nml annoiinees thtfl ho selpt “ cool ns a caictliu hcr, the iii .iit befoi*.*,” we presume he’incnns a ciieumtiur in a corn field,'tinder a noon¬ day sun. The sheriff of Terrell county came hire last Friday, and took hack with him h man arrested l»y our officers, through instruc¬ tions froV Terrell, ftr committing burglary irt that county, A funr’er’s Alliance meeting was held at .he Court House Tuesday, during which delegates were scloi led to attend the meet¬ ing of tin- State Alliance convention, at Ma¬ con, « n the 21st. ins;. And now tliero is talk of g< tiing up a clnb lor the purpose of ''aising and improving stock of all kinds in this county. This lias been done in other dbunties, and with su> ecus. Why not here ? FLOUR. New lot, favorite brands, just roeeivc.!; (ibelisk pure and frt 'li. Special drive made on the brand. All choice af^d fan¬ cy Flours, at J. E. Gi.iuam’s. Mr. W. M. ^ptieht is in receipt of a letter from S. R.‘Chi i tic, of Dawson,saving lie had written Cupt. Criri.ehdon, expressing a p.vfercnec for this place for holding the Senatorial Convention cn th» 22nd, iust. In another column v. 1*11 be found the an¬ nouncement of Mr. T. It. Davis, w ho offer himself as a candidate .or Tax Recover of Clay. Mr. Davis is one of the counties old¬ est and most highly ‘espccted citizens, and would make an honest tficient eflieer. Mr. W. 1». Harrison is before tiie people candidate for the ofree of Tax Collector of Clay county, and is well and favorably * known throughout tho nation he 'fishes to and, if elected, will be a worthy and capd-le ' officer. ___________ fpiVl^ v - lM’S mlived . i \v,M» Vt ihnrv jjardwar^NtorcU - ’ bein' the --- Stilxeii'i ' Lt i f r» The Af* who ire 1 . m dvl>t , te tluS pap»r; nw:<i not b« . surprised, ir»ft-r thb «<■> ,Sr< So «. Our books arc full of debtor - rathe*, and the 1 •* »»‘ iro lh:ul r:f «*. v - ’ SVt ’ ^ve been Jcnientaud paiimt, and we hop, our friend* will do. u» the juAic* io come m, ,t. r. ii. Brown is . iu T „ ,;'n urir ot OU.I8 untj. ' -ind favorably known, to reqmr. any .Auction oroommonJ.n.m.romn., nl hr nnm* r-iru u .r feme of tl*« sbspm.nU made by Lo Cor.te I , >f.i r grower* to markets near h<»i no, bav •*, arr. d, not Leon as remunerutiv c as w:e O v * u ( t* <l, blit thL is no 'reason »hy* go.,d pr; Cf »should not be obtained in Northern and tii t*‘ru market*. Tiro crop j av* in eth cr sections, why not hc*e! Thoi-e Blue Poind, at J. E. Graham’s arr ' tho cigars for the cpiourc._ •- M’v-ioiau prophesied, that, in a Aw years there would be few old as the girls would all kill themselves by tight lacing. The lacing has gone rifSt >' 1 along, and lot# o* the girls grow to be old < K [not heH] ar.d are alive and “kick ing" as some ——:- W-ng men can testlfv. * Wc direct the attention of our renders to .i .,.77 ;is w,ofr„. *on . hcmale ( olh „ ge, at EuAiula. Ala., .1 < -i - ducted hy Misses E.W. t. Janes. ladies will make the institution first-class in #«? tl.c Iraohcr. in every dopart ment being thorough m education, and of reputation. Young ladies can there be * dueated in the arts and .sciences, as well in the more common branches. The Misses •lanes have hud .ongexpc ricnie in me thorough in everything they propose to teach, and will make the college a and a credit to themselves and the Sseuth. The Misses Janes deserve to, and should be liberally patronized. <*k OOWAnD’OOTAB. Last Saturday night, soon after dark, Will CVnpfiold, col.,.was seriously stubbed with a krife in the hands of Dock Brook-, Will lias been in our town for some tune, in the barber business, and through his gen¬ tlemanly behavior And avowed Democratic principles, has made many friends among the whites, while Dock differed with him in politics, though he was not considered a baJ or dangerous negro. b .. ^ ,C ,. ’T ” S afloat . , ut the time . of rl the stabbing, but it is thmiylit that wm not the primary cause of the htcal knifing, lean UaipDcW, good oivinslo his with po mgs jWa.i not in savor - many of the colored people. Dock w m j.ul awaiting dition, though trial and reviving Will i.s gdod ih a attention, t-riti^il con.- and doct.1fcur kKt,lfc|dhrouglf^ ti.roud^he insiriimenfilitv of 01 ' is now m a. serious po-ctioa, under t7!%^v, and should Camp field die, ho might be hanged for murder. . The Academy. H of the Fort Gaines Acado" : 1 _ control of Prof. J. W. Pipkin, will sobn begin, and wc again call the allon lion of our readers to the fact, that, the Acad emy has now a high and asst . d >place among similar institutions. Last t rnts ex perienee, through l’rof. Pipkin wa; s£a m> i]iialiticd success, and the coming simool year will, undoubtedly show still greater improvement, and we will sooii havifan stitutc of learning second to none of its class. Pupils should filler the first iav of the term, for the advailirge of both jmpil and teacher. \\ i* prcMimc those who have patronized th? school, see its advantages and will give it their support, but we desire to impress the importance, now that the institution is on the high road to success, of holding up the hands of Prof. Pipkin, who has made it what it is, and seen we may Hope to see ohr town an educational centre, to which pupils will be drawn from every section, as it was in ihe days of tho old college, before the war, We have secured the right man to tcacli our children and let’s keep him. 3?SaSQKA£, ^Ir. J R. Sitftpsort is a*, rallhiah Falls. Mr. and Mrs. TV. It. Graham at Tallulah Falls. Mrs. E. A. Gt'al.jfm and children are visiting relatives at Benevolence, Col. F. B. Dillard visited Columbia, Ala., on a business trip, this week. Mrs, Jennie Cargill, of Birmingham, Ala., is on a visit to relatives hero. The line of Crockery just received at the Hardware Store is simply grand. Miss Mattie llightowcr, after a visit to her sister,* M*s. Speight, returned home Monday. Mrs. W. A. Graham and Mrs. G. R. 8' tlive, returned Saturday, from a* visit to Fort Valley. 3Iiss Ida Killehrew, after a visit to Mrs. R. It. Blocker, is visiting relatives at Bluoton. J. E. Graham’s Blue Stocking cigars, wil chase away the blues, and make cue happy Friend Bun W est L going right ahead ginning cotton, and is ahead of every one we have heard ofj near here, yot. Dummy, bur man of nil work, has re turned from his trip to Georgetown, and seems as pleased as if he had been off a year. ► Tiie Cufhbhrt baseball team failed to put in an appearance, yesterday, conse¬ quently, the gamo was not played, Our boys were ready and waiting. zior. Oarct^W®^, or Pony, was here this Prot. week J W. as jovial as ever, The Professor is in the book agency business, just now. Mayor S. D. Coleman is pushing work on his new brick house, and will soon have . a residence ., that . will ... afford „ , him . . . isfaetiou, and an ornament to the town. Mr - J - L - Hunu ' U - of K "- v Fla., on a vfcir heie to the Borne folks. Berry has acquired a good command of the Spanish and Portugese lauguages since he left here. * Wednesday afternoon, . about five clock o iin °ld colorsl nu;n. naimsl Brown, while fodder at Mr. II. C. Coleman’s was pn»stra^ed by heat, and died that . . night , ab^ut tweh-c o . clock. ,. .. , Mr. «. C. OMemon h»* Bi-c ? r .i X of Bermuda grass on tjie neb oottoms of his plantation on the river, from which he has cut the grass at the ritte of four tons the acre- He used a. mower rooentiy «« ~ o r , ^‘ tne wes suceossiuaj max j>ern.uua •«-» «» 1,1 profitably raised, and harvested by the wetmmtK In th „ 1Mar , lltur( . t |,.. w . ORDINANCE. An Ordi&nL* for the Annuai Assessment of Taxes in FortVGaines, Ga., for 18SS ind 1SS9. . PrcnoN l. Co t enacted and or.lruned by the o ; .t ; <*t*junH of Fort Gaines, Ga., ■ that for and duriig th» year I egionirg oil the lnt. drool Mtj to the day ’{‘n •V‘ shall ho a**««ed * n advolorem tax a* fob 1 Thrpo * -ciglra of onl* i>or centum on a ra l y nud punoonky including ehos* s , in action, . iuonics,jr.ot*e end accounts. Stectjos 2. Ik* jt further enacted and ordained I .foresaid that the specific taxe* fpou all persons exacts hi* any busioofc, avocation or calling within th-tie-;' fo7 mtmsj in the'ding •«««"• mi«». to-.*. • Insurance Agenu* ceh #r 10.00 Groceries 5.(H) Confectioneries 5.00 JJ& w „. ll4 Warchottscs in ao Toy shops and ecucetionerics 5,00 Shoo shops o 7i)i> 50 j Jewelers 6 * 3 l j.’" i r ‘ Blacksmith ewepaper* o.W UnrdwCro Htorec- sbop^ oao t, 5.00 o-’a'I in on OjHiiiijuwfi ** 10.00 Botcbs 10 00 Milliners 5.00 Street Peddlers. ,>t. 20.00 OjK'tf Shows Pruse fiicAdfog tax on Restaurants llouec^. i 6.00 Boarding •» 5.00 Book Agents * . 5.00 < >ue horse dray, nd. livery atxvbio «.w Two ” ” ■» " t ” ” 10.00 Street Tax (o: eight la's work) 2.00 All incorporations, or 1.-ms, (including private or ineorporntaTbunks) PStchnnge engag¬ ed in buying or ^gDag Woes, or doing a collecting whether they if'dealers charge fw buggi*. theh'sorvtce'i or not 10.00 A In wagons, agri cultural implements uid fruano, sepo rately or together|^|ius *^ ilooftn’t apply to *»la» ia ct 1 c toff tl o itn*ti> r 1 M regular the.rtidy busi for lhat business,)7 . : All retail dealers in spi itoous or ii tox ; icating lkpiofti $ jOQ.OO A11 wholesale dec rs in spiritunus F or , utoxteatina exe^*^ $2(K) 00 A1! persons df7T>.emtcd, any trade or calling not herein except livery stablos who liavc paidthoirtax es, shall pay as sCid sp; c d: tax the sum of 5.00 Section 3. Be i* further enacted and by tho authority aforesaid, that th ) said specific taxes shall bo due and payable tho on May l*f. of the present year, and taxes of any firm commencing bu ; siin-'s v.i Liu th. • corporate limbs <d t | city ot Fort Gaines, Ga., after May 1st, J shall clerk, be whose duo and payable elmll on demand of the tificates duty it be to issue cer¬ of license to all tax payers. Bnction 4. Bo it further enacted and ordained by the authority aforesaid that the Advalorem tax for the present year shall be due and collectable on October, 1st, 1888. Section 5. Bo “ft further enacted and o: dallied by the authority aforesaid, that all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and arc hereby repealed Submitted to the Council of Fort Gaines, and upon motion April of Alderman, F. E. Grist. adopted 2d, 1888. The Adopted: S. D. Coleman-, Mayor. above is a true extract from tjie minutes. R. Foots. • Cl^i. # ^Id izviM+jycuki. # * Be it Ordained by tV City Council of Fort Gainoe, Ga., that after the 20th, day of July 1&$8. all Katchering of Beeves wiil not be allowed within tne corporate limits of said town, uhle«o somo secluded place, along ou the different branches in and around said city, agreed to by the Sanita¬ ry Committee of said council. All parlies violating said ordinace after the 20th of July 1888, will bo fined not less than $5.00 and not over $25.00. Submitted to the council of Fort Gaines, and upon motion oi Alderman Peter¬ son was adopted. 15. Coleman, Mayor. Approved: S. Tho above is a true extract from the n.inntes. R. T. Foote, 8 011 . • Clerk. City Taxes 1887-8. < Taf. payers who have not paid their cit taxes for 1887 and their business license for the year 1888 -which is past due, are now notified to come and pay them by the 20th. inst. I have been a.&uiid to see you all to collect these taxes 16 save you the trouble to come to see mo. A? the city needs moH °y. must and will be promptly issued against all who generally put off this important cluri*. • Rc^Ufomilly, *R. T.' Foote, 81011. City- Treasurer. NOT’CE ’ 4 Until thefbTTowfh* further no*' >' I will sell Exchange at rates: For sums riot exceeding $5.00—5cents over $5.00 “ *• $10.00—8 “ “ $10.00 “ “ $1500-10 “$1500 “ “ $3000-1* “ “$3000 “ “ $40 00-20 “ “ $40 00 “ “ $50 00-25 “ “ $5000 “ “ $0000-30 “ “ $00 oo “ “ $70 00-35 * “ $80 00 “ “ 10000.45 “ 83lf Very Respectfully, D. ADAMS. < Ordinary _ ,, , 0llC8 . ' S * 1 ' CH Coun [j. ; dr. Ordinary’s ' Office. \\ ___ TTr*t>c> IIEREAo ♦ *1 \r, \ irgd P. Rimes rr- , has „ in due ,, „ form applied to the r.ndersige.e-i for permanent letters of administration on the estate of C. C. Rimes late b£ said county: and I wiil pas*on the said pHcatition on the first Monday jin Sep'em bcr,J 1888. Given under l&y h&iul and cialsignature, this the 6th. day of Augcst 188$. It. Ii, Blocker. 8l04t. - Ordinary. Si in mo as Liver Regulator jj, v.liat the mime indicates a “Kogula tor” of that most Linr important odl of order? organ, Thm Liver. Is v<mr j s vour w h<dp system kriteiheadache, deranged, breath offensive, you feel languid, dispiritech an.lirervous, no ap petite,, sleep is troubled and unrefresh mg. A Simmons Liver Kegulator restores tne gcauuy Li „ lltliv action -A of the Liver ^ - , . ^ “ “ W-jjjffj kjn Poeh U ! * I. S. o .Postate StaapsLJ o!a «?»«•- ^ />o.\ fjlUGIMAL KM l LL m.aoovani^. bring as much a» 5 -<>MO each, n .l stomp k.t nurntod. liA^T \ BLK. Catlett, m ti iu * -»-— UDCcM & 3ATES SOUTHERN WoSiC KOL'St. P /J ™ k |A p ' • ■ H B £2 _ Jug P **■ ■» U \S*» B * ^ — MIH III III - 511 UUllllllUl HI ffl P T Ss[p wUlVJ * * Mil a a w Y / Iwl *v a /*%\ lAf A £ m m. J ** T WHEK finTTHil I !\| IO |\ 5HI ^||| D M Ull I I Ull 10 OULU. —— lilllj Rfilh , ‘wU!vllfllLri CliMWCD firCTD Ul til. * I ,x,ooo First-Class Pianos anil Organs to lie sold In June, July, August and September Payable, at Spot Cash Prices, PIANOS, *15 CASH DOWN. ORGANS, fio CASH DOWN, and the balance next November jst, without interest or advance ! in **rlce. All onr Pianos and Or sans included ia tills sale, our ! cheapest and oUr Best. No eac ceptions. Your rhotcc Iron* ten leading; and makers Prices. ai'd over joo styles —SUMMER BARGAINS 1888 New Makers, New Great Instruments, New j Styles, in New Lower Prices, Priced Improvements Instruments. our Large duced purchases Here enable uresamples. us to offer Re¬ Prices. . Sv/S AAP Difthin Octave, I p y Xb h* and Case, durable. Full Rich Maker’s Tone. Guar¬ anteed perfect Price, S650-___ I AAfl A PI&Nf) Octave Up OZ4U \ 'Jfl 81 tlHIiU. Iv^Keys light Grand, Large j | Fmme First-class Rich Hoeewond Case. every way , EQ uaI * Hanos usually sold at &»00 and $350. , Top Handsome Cover, instructor, ---— - 3^ ST ^119 f| ORGAN. iso'lid of*2U Walnut cSdave’Becd^ base, „ , 5r,¥ 5 TOP^mp stops, Pocket, Higl» fSll^weet To ne. Maker', Stend^Music lv.e e, >150. Vlwh ^ a r Wn.wftn. n DP KU Four “ Genuine Full Sets Rcfrfe, stops, * (Dy J Tmmsnnd's soVd.^'Al^pur* | chasers delighted. Maker's ; ' . ‘with Cacli Organ a Fine Stool, «" Instrnetor,. Music Kook ana 1 All Freight raul. 15 DAYS TRIAL. Order and test in j r our own Home. No money required We until Freight Instrument both is satisfactory. if sale. The fairest pry way to deal. Our ways Instmments no good and cheap, and are a trial always gives a satisfied purchaser. Send for Mid-Summer Sale Cir¬ cular. REMEMBER. — Lowest Prices; Easiest Terms; All Rest Frtighl Instruments; Paid; 15 Fine Dags’ Stools Trial, end Cov¬ ers; fix Years' Guarantee; fared; Square All! Dealing; One Price Only: Met’eg ^ EUDDEN& BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE, SAVANNAH, GA. P.13-S cash for uhickev.3, eggs, dish hides, peas and corn, lie sells laigo pans for 20c, large qdlk pans 10,/fnilk strainer 10, miik bnaketo 10, draw scales 10, la¬ dies hose 10, flue Cologne 10, cedar pencils one cent each, 12 pearl dressy buttons 5, 144 rice buttons 5, 12 collar buttons 5, 12 safety pins 5, tea bells 5, 25 best eur> lope 0, pocket books 5, 12 writing pens 5,, 2 bottles ink 5, good pickles 5, 2 paper best needles 5, 2 pap t pins 5, cook spoons 5, 400 matches 5, cook forks 5. Besides f«*m ily groceries, laces, seeds, glassware, ory goods and other goods cheap for CASH. 4i3tf. F. T.TEXNILLF --DEALER IN Ghr,oral Merchandise, Groceries, Dry Goods, Bools and Shoes, Ilats, Xotions, Wood and Wil¬ low Ware, ele., etc. EverylWni NEW ail FRESH. SUTUVE’S BLOCK J iy- Fort Gaines, Ga. Misses E. &. C. lanes, AVill take charge of the Union Female College at Enfaula, Ala. The School will epen on Sep¬ tember 10th, 1888. We here carefully selected excellent, teachers to fill each department, and re¬ spectfully solicit a liberal patronage. Prof. Herman BeeLtcr (German) direc¬ tor of Music, Instrumental and vocal. Miss Mattie Chapman, of Marion, Ala *1 Principal of‘Art Department,’embracing oil painfins, pastel and crayon, china and ““SwTwiSi Principal-a niatos and Stdence. Miss Mary \V cst, a graduate of the Nor ma j gchoo], at Nashvi^e, Tenn.. will as s ; s t i u the literary department, including Latin. French and Mathematics. Miss Corine Janes will give her atten to Telegraphy, Music and Portrait painting, Prof. Herman Beehtcr, German Lan guege. scholastic month: Charges per. Board • . $ 10 . 00 . Literary Department $2 to $4. $” to $4. German $ 2 . Gold Medals wiil be given for excellence in class, etc. Private arrangements can bo made with Mr. II. G. Lamar, or Misses E. &. C. Janes, Principals. 8102t. _ Advicaio vroth-wi. Mr*.Wnr*ncVsS oothmc gmurshouldalway, It he ra* n-hcn children «ra cutting twth. re as a battoa.” £t is very pleasant to taste. It ___________ BETIIED^Sf g ni nfcr ~ i ! SSS i ' i t/t ^3 ftVilUftL &CQIPA1 SHU AND 1^311 iWlUlWBT 1TARV SiftTit A ■•■nrAu 6 ADfel»Y Wli BLAZE s - THi WAY • For Others to Follow -Otlf _ 1 — I ! • ’ l ; , I • • , . I 4 heap 1 ear is . lion", but be sure von leap right, nr land in THE -ADVERTISER Office 4 ) •cjn cri be! cn L_. 4 N0AA i.s tiio TIME, o''all times in onr history, and every Man; I onian and Child, should be footed, as to homing ev^n^s. ' « To American CiHzen, i» every this will be*a j*cdr til * nn 1 common iutei-ebt. The IVesident of the tliiited States will be elected. MelhWers^ of CCegress. will be chosen, and Vital, Questions M ill come before the People- The battle V;ill bo heavv, * but it must be fought. o Besides the general elections, tvery ollieer, from Gov . ernor down to Bailiffs, will be elected in iJedvgloi AND 'The Advertiser, Will receive RELIABLE information from every sec : t tiou, and give it to the ’EOPLl, ^--1 full auiTfi-esli, • to J cal and d herwise; To keep abreast of the tihies, noi^ is 11 ic time to SUBSCRIBE! Only OLLE .DOLLAR per Annum, CaSli in Advance. 0t E IC'E—Xo. 491 Wiishirigton Street. Baldwin .Fertilizer Com’y.-r SAVANNAH, GEORGIA] *2tJ »' v. READ our Advertisement every week as it will doef-iy Interest yeti.jv,-, OUR GUARANTEES: OU R Fertilizers 1 «' that it ic are always K hi tn o !>■ tet bonditioh lot use G3 ossible to obta n metins -O machinery and care. T V. 1,1 .... • ,, JIE y do not have a pound of inferior material used in th“ir nUnv !’ faefure. - '• 1 . ■ _ ►f a a tc a & — O' S3. v? <0. O' THEY are compounded in . tiie proportion;; • m - ». or pur pose intended. EVERY bag used b^sour special stripe around each erid of it- tibi every bag with this stripe is strong, durublo, and well sewed. EACH bag contains a full 200 lbs.—no short weights. OUR prices aro as low as it is possible to make them and furnish a* propei fertilizer. GsMASkASikl 1 W. A* Local Agenfi U 5mc0m EOKT GAINES, Ga. CHAS. C. HOLT, HEADQUARTER^ UOH PICTURE FRAMES 3W. Artist’s Mtebal and ArtGODdS. Picture Frames made to pr fer cheaper than anybody in tho South. Write for Prices. BLANK BOOKS and STATIONEBV, Fancy ana Plain Commercial Note, abets 1 4 Ream^ Fancy Bos Paper 10 cents to $2.00 PIjXTSBl adODS 9 . - . f i t f 9 I Albums, Gloves and Handkerchief Boxes, Plush Paper JBoxtfs, and everything you want. LOVEILS LIBRARY, lOcts and 20ctS Numbofs. Wrffb for ci(£ logne of Lovells Library. CHAS. 0. HOLT; oecond St. and 13 Cotton Avo 4 MACOM, a i m Ai ; fi s-Scr V r: „ „„ , f . . ^tfSStSSRMBU _ *»»>. ■«« vSBgM & ia* oo«q«»1 to medtral Klentc. Theyc«r©C^mstlpa- 3 «abu>«. aJ drej». I »nd Brishr* di*eae. stud 4 f-DU pelage for KfcfPS&i* a uun. - - — ers-' 3'K boctief ‘ V. A mzsxii* U-L™^3jf £ ••»«.«*<»». ST. «<* CO,