The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, February 15, 1889, Image 2

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Tin-: wkkklv APVUUTISFK. ithmmh nt> e» r.nv 1 1 ;'<dV 8 M W. .V GRAHAM, y ttMiK tss*J PUf^H r *Vi S^'V«:••*'!• a < o’t -i •*;>•• •’.«» in- •»! «.*» -prune it ili-NEW YORK. _ 'I here i.H no denying the fact that the t mh ney in eoiiutry iatoamd tiCto fiiiffragn. We mity liutc « rtir.teenth ^ractidmi ut to the conMitutien Ufforr long. Kx. The oralhm at the fiinoral of the late Bnry if. I'iftke wom ileliveiwl l»y Col. Hubert (I. fngersoll. 'J’his is Hie into ml at which Col. Ingersoll has ofli eiatiii in that capacity. His address on th« last l ecnsion contnine«l rrtdy one wu tence that rose above common placo rlie lorie. It, trai this: “Hfie wrote lines that leap with lsnghlil- and words that were wet with Ex. A well o^ry.tiized crusade in lobe nuu?* i i the Bonth by 1h«i Alorni«*n ( lumdi. On ) hundred and fourteen cM»*r^havoen* listn.1 for this wrvice, ouudor.en of whom nre nn*dgtte(I to (*< orgia. f i he labors of their prod, censors have 1 k.t:i confined to tho northern part uf the state, and occa Mcnly they have found warm reception? ttjerc. 'They have raptured n numocrj of wndt-mimUd converts in this state wince tho \var, but for several years i*a«t tlieir cxjMiricnco in Georgia has been do* •Hdedly Jrougli.- -Mx. — >-- - —- ■ ■ nmm — •' 11 • • Wo l*oiiit with l*rI^lc’ , To the “Good name at home,” won by Hood'll Sarsaparilla. In Lowell, ?, ■where it is prepared, there is more of \ food's Hnreaparillri sold than of all oth tr medicines, and it lias given tlm best i f satisfaction since its introduction ten yt *aa ago. This could not bo if the med¬ icine did not possess nu'rit. If you suf for from impure blood, try Hoods Snr uaptiriila and realize its peculiar curativi power. No Place for Trawps. Tlio action of Recorder Washington in hiMitcncing train pa to work on the city at root force in default of payment oi their flues has ffiven Macon a wide¬ spread reputation us a warm place for va grants. Wo observe that a similar policy has been adopted in A morions. A tnunp was fined 325 in that city yesterday for carrying concealed weapons and nnothei was put to work on ihe convict force This is another healthy example. It is In the power of the city and country courts to make trumps very scarce in Georgia. They will not go where they are compelled to give an acount of them¬ selves and where they know they will be forced to work, provided they cannot show that they have the moans of honed livelihood. Macon has established a rep utation which will probably make the tramp boat shy of this region.—Telegraph "Mr. Jvfferson Davis has written to r. friend iu Atlauta that the accounts of flu¬ id tho race riots iu Miaussippi wen greatly exaggerated. Ho also tiaid “Though it may poem tangidar, it ia true that race conllicta genemliy occur when the negroes are few compared to 11.t whites aud the persomd associatiou much closci than on the plantations. On our island we have 500 or 000 blacks aud say ten ot a dozen whiles. There has uevei been a tlisturbanee among them. V»Y for several years had a negro magistmte. He has now gone away, but before hit departure a well-behaved sober young man defeated the negro in the last elec tiou contest, which at least shown tha tin* negroes to u largo extent are willing to trust a white man." Mr. Davis rare¬ ly writes a letter, li iwover brief, without giving the country something to think nbout. —Ex. ( Fatal Neglect. The breaking of the smallest wheel iu X mammoth factory, if nut repaired cr replaced, w ill min tho entire plant, oa n speck of dost will do ran go tho delicate machinery of a watch. Were people os thoughtful to repair their broken health ou tho first approach of disease, as tin owner is to mend his nmehiBery, they would escape indescribable battering, and often death. Slight causes will some times derange the digestive organs, on on whose healthy action the health of tho whole system so much depends, and feverish blooel, headaches, and consump¬ tion itself, set in. The wise person will at once arrest the cause of these un¬ healthy symptoms, resorting to that world famed v omedy, Dr. Pierce's Gold¬ en Medical Discovery, which purifies i he blotxl and cures liver disease. Of u 1 druggisto. T*e war it over. Two sous of By. Itobcrt j; Knckinridgo, the eloquent Presbyterian divine, particiiiated in that struggle, one ou the side of the North aud tho other ou the side ot the 8outh. Etch wm a g&ihnt soldier ou the side which he believed to be riirht and both catno out of the war distinguished. Tlie ox Coafevlerate, \\. C. P. 1'reckitmdge, id now one of the most distinguished members of congress aud a recognized leader of the-Democratic party. Col. J. C. Breckinridge, tlie other brothe/, has recently been appointed iuspector-gecer nl of tho army to succeed Gen. Roger Jonhs, doeraied. To make this illustru tiou of a restTrod union mon* striking it may be «taktTthat while Gen. Jones was w gallant union soldier, ho k 1 brothers in the Coufedomto amiy and iyL^ e Coofcdvamtc Uftry.-—JIacou W ho the Bog^ir.g Trtut HtsrU ««. <— ,,„. mu of tfo» make* lb'imMican rtwot* in *Hr»» conut ry. The pajier aecnm to take , ^^i ! ilio fact tliat the lr«: t sneceo.cil in |H-r |ietraiing J such monstrous robbery upon tho fnraiera , of the Sonin. Here m ft i^tr ugrapli from theIluUctiu: “The Doggiii" oouibtnaiion injured no one. It simply forced the Southern cot ton planter to give up a part of tin* mon which h« takes unjustly from Northern mills by fef£»g them to pay 10 c< iila a pound for tagging c«.sting him, even at monopoly prices, d cents a pound, and before the combination, 5 The Hiilletift is citherns ignorant as it is r*nk, or ehM it wilfully made false stctenients when it said “the bagging cotuhiiifttion iDjnres ho one,” and ‘-it simply forces the Southern cotton j*lan ter to (f.vr, Vp a part of the money which he ^.ke* unjustly from tho Northern mills by forcing them to jrfty ten c uts a pound for bagging costing him, oven at monopoly prices, six cents a pound, and before liu-combination, three cents i< Every intelligent poison, who has ta ken the trouble to inquire into the facts. knows that tlio Southern planter alum l.nys for both the bagging and ties, and that the two articles are just as much r part of the cost of his crop ns his laboi or his fertilizers. Tlic price of all Cotton sold is fixed ii, Liverpool, and in that market six pci cent of the weight of every ludc is taken off on account of tho bagging and ties which the purchaser does not intend t lmy. For instance, a 500 pound bale i sold in Liverpool as a 470-pound bale. •10 pounds being deducted for tare. Ii Now York and all other markets in tlii. country, tho system of exhaling tare i different to the Liyeipool method, tli tare being taken off the price per pound so that while a 500*pound bale is sold ii this country for 5')0 pounds, the price i: so lixod in relation to the Liverpool mar kufc that only 470 pounds are actually paid for. tio it will bo seen that th< Southern planter gets nothing for eitlie, nis bagging or ties—from 2i to 3t pounds, being doilueteil from each bah in Liverpool as tare and its equivalent ii tho markets of this country. The Commercial Bulletin apparentl, fully endorses the systbm of high hand ed robbery practiced upon the Heathen planters by the bagging trust last season a id is already nursing the new combinu iiou which is said to have gained coiitix* of the entire world's supply of jute ImtD with the evident intention of ro-euactiii; die same piece of rascality practiced up m the cotton planters by the old com bination last year. Whether the new combination will h successful remains to bo seen. It is t< be hoped that the farmers will be able t< secure a substitute for jute bagging thn will euahlo them to escape oi>prcssim irom the new combination and lessei rhe cost of a covering for cotton foi vhich they receive no return.—Colum bus Enquircr-Hi:n. In discussing the question of tho ca paeity of the colored lace to govern sucl Hates ai Virgiuia, South Carolina am. Mississippi, Gov. Leo, of Virginia makes the following felicitous ailusioi to a well-known example of Republics: policy in the heyday of the party's powei and pride: “It is a singular thing that if promi nenl Republicans consider tho colored man so capable of government they d. not leave him in control in Washington If he is entitled to govern anywhere b force of majority it is in the District of Co lumhia. But the freedman was su m mar ily deprived of power there. LincolnV fatlierly policy wsis swept aside w hen it was seen that black buffoonery took the place of sensible legislation or ordinan¬ ces. Congress had to step in and p!ac< the District in charge of a commission, with the result that Washington is to day ‘bout the only city in all those United States that lias no municipal govern meat. Now, if colored men eou'dn govern r%l.t under the noses and tuition of tlieir best friends and mlvisir., bow if it to be expected they will govern in South Carolina aud Mississippi?”—Cou¬ rier Journal. Fre$u#ut Mad Robberies. A few weeks ago a JJgentleaen snt ?c in a letter to the Philadelphia Times. It was lost. Iu announcing the theft oi this letter the Times says: “Not a daj hits passed for the last six months tha* the Tuuos Las not received letters mak ing similar complaints. The money hat bran stolen frimi the mails and the le‘ ters destroyed. Repeated complaint? havg been made to the postal authorities, bat the thieves have not bran caught and the steuliug goes on.” This is if severe rejection on the postal service, but un¬ fortunately it is justified by experience, |.uot only iu Pennsylvania but all over tlie United State’*. To the provek ng and exj-cn?ive delays and irregularities in the mail Service i*s added the more se vious complaint that letttre are freqmnt jy nlicd. It is so in Georgia as well as in Pennsylvania. It does seem that the | Postofiiee Department is conducted in very loose manner. Its satisfactory op eration in for two many instances is pro vented by dishonesty as well as jguor nuee and carelessness. What is the trr with the secret service? A ctnstiuit repetition of cv>mplaints does not appear to improve tbs r-galariiy of the urnib ur to make them* a safer means for the trawsmimon of money. There is mis chief at well oa iacaparity in the pot fa’ servieo, —Ex. -we* Monday and Tuosoay Nights. n,e ^ ^ NOVBitV COSllDH!!V v M * I'l iecs So and 50 cents. I £<•><; rvetl for talent Coleman & I’ro.’s ,‘fi V ,.;'~.’.~'§,' THE ‘ ‘ ‘ EEflSILAGE “ 5 $03958 . ~x 7- vs ‘3“ CUTTER r’ m .A, ’5 For much and pawn: mm: bwm'rumwlm m3 . .n Inulunn .- 14;. ' '~ K - much nu- aizqnnl‘gva «ru fodder w am bu! L in tha “MM . ,1 : \ « r ' mi . ~. ’ '17", fl" Xré‘, z . a . . 2, equal mnvhiuc In cvuy muuwmumfimuny hrlwr gmfltoul nntlnluvflnn r. 'l‘o submm-Jmm nun mu.- umm- tho ' j' ‘ 2.; . , 4‘ ‘ficgfi, { , above 1‘ . J31 Etntmmne oJIour rupmwzblepnr! rnm-rs. wmad .' n n' )1”!va 1' g»; ‘ g-{f’ofigxt {a '3“. . " uifiixw w , in cumpvllflou wt Munch" omwrin mo '1 ff“; m, ‘v 17,51» “ K; m fl"? M9145; IN a .. warm. 0! sumo um. Iamlkrnnotdomoreumi with um undrntuudin _.-’ 35"? fit q: 1' ‘ "' ’ {-n‘fl'g‘ ‘4‘ Wlhuam‘ourmnc heart war“. w h I a; same power, an .’....J * ; . 92;»? '33”? - )ij “ innmuflhmd dumbthy.» wallmon often! . ."V ' . ‘5 «"I: 513%,}; “:4." 1“ w ‘ 1.. ‘ FT: ~‘ " ; 3g??? '2 ’fi ‘ . , :nmn"v°.s.“':"m"°".. [dydl‘ySfruin I 'u r (LIA haw. A WV: mmaafihnr‘w' ' RIM; mmmflwtara u n I: p, ' ggs 4 rm: we 52:522.“ oAnnmn. mt mum.“ ‘: * v " . .. ‘ ‘44" ’1'“ § ~33? V77 ,- . '(‘N' ; ~ SWEE'i’amlTRI-ZAD HOBBE POWER8.&c..&3. .gx " “" ‘ w 07m cmu'lmmzsmgn mwgy a s Fodder cumng. ' n ‘ , ‘ ‘ I ', " EnSuaga u . and 5' mg.» »-\ ' *L. 1% “ ‘4. ‘ ’ Sen! Fun- on Avvllcnliou. 0 ' ' ‘ . sauna? MANUFACTURING 00.Manl:owoc.Wll blood AMD brain. Pure blood is what tils the raachinery of life, ;ases every movement 0/ the body, removes stiff aess cf the joints, drives out paid from the nerves, itimulates the brain, protects the liver and kidneys from irritation, enables physical exertion without fatigue, prolongs life, and make* men arid women nerfcct in health cr.d feature. Good blood and ;ood brain are inseparable. Aim to ke p tlie blood ;u;c by using the <!h!y true blood remedy, Ii. B. B. Botanic Blood D:tln\) Miss S. Tomlinson, Atlanta, Ga., says: “ For many years I b-.-ed rfiiicted with rbeu aatiitn combined with severe kidney troubles, indi¬ gestion aiid nervous prostration, dhounyatism Several physicians were em¬ ployed and numerous patent scdicincs resorted to without benefit. At last I egan the use of B. B. ii., and its effect was like nagic. Rheumatic pains ceased, my kidneys wore alieved, and my constitution improved at once.” Z. T. Hallerton, Macon, Ga., writes: “ Three years ago I contracted a blood poison. I .pplied to a physician at once, and his treatment ame near killing me. I employed an old physician and th;n went to Kentucky, i Tot Springs r then-.vent to Hot Springs and remained two months, but noth ig seemed to cure me permanently, although tern •or.try relief was given-ine. I returned home a ui.-.ed man piiysically, with but little prospect of :ver getting well. I was persuaded te try B. B. B., .nd to my utter astonishment it quickly iieafei very ulcer.” W. C. McGaughey, Wobb City, ArL., v.-ntes: “ 1 owe the comfort of my lifs to a use ol B. B. B. I was troubled with blood yr.iion Bad Elcod lor i,ve or s ’- x years, and found r,o relief equal to that givea by this 'aluable remedy.” Mrs. Emma Griffith.';, Unitia, Tear.., writes; “ The doctors said my boy twelve years old had •crofula. Hu knees were dr aw a up and joints were Scrofula stiff, and for three years he had been unable to walk. One bottle of B. Ii. B_ has done him so much good he can low walk, and his pain lias ceased. Its action on a»y boy lias been pronounced most wonderful.” $) N *. m f mm0£ * u&t Sr; •fe ffel 9 5 THE L.ADEE8* FAVORiTE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you dosiro to purchase a sewing machine, and ask prices. our agent 1 at your fl place ml for airent, terms write f you cannot our direct to nearest address to you below named. NEW HOE SEWING MACHINE Q.M&MASS. CHICAGO - £8 UNION SQUARE,NX- DALLAS. ST LOIHS. MX ft ‘ LftNTA i ^ A 'SMIT.-,f;aS<XX.U. •Cf ev: Vinson. FortGaines Ga SCIENTIFICAMERICAN Y^.r.EST^BL.SHEO ls the fWdort and most popular scientific and mechanical paper published and has the largest circulation of any paper of Its class in the world. Fully Illustrated. Best class of Wood Engrav¬ ing*. Published Price $3 weekly. Four Send months’ for trial, specimen SI. copv. MLNN 00., Ptai-isnEns,331 a year. Broadway, N.Y & £"i ARCHITECTS Edition of Scientific & BUiLDERQ American. W A crc&t eucccss. Each issue contains colored lithocmphi." plates of country and city residen¬ ce* or public buildings. Numerous engravings of and full plans and specifications for the use such as contemplate building. Price F2.AD a year, 26 eta. a copy. ML NX A CO., PL ilLlaHt-iis. JBk lATEMTS— 1 ESI 19&°bd^; ,40 l‘.t),000 years’ applications experience for and have made and over For* *—■ American ei*rn s>cte:ita Bend for Handbook. Correa pondence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In «u>« your mark Is not registered tn tbe Pat¬ ent Office, apply to Mrs* A Co., and procure Immediate protection. Send for Handbook. COPYRIGHTS procured. for Address book*, charts, mope, etc., quickly i JUl’SN <St CO., Patent Solicitors. w* GsxkUAi. Orncz: Sdl Bboabwat. S. Y mm PAr?K£?f f s K MR SALSA if. rw.-.* tM besutines the kair. Promate* a lmrtat srrovrth. Neve* Fails to Restore Cray Hair to its Youthful Color, ..ff' > q 1_yy. Ctercseesip diseases and hair falling at Dn tggfatu .; HiNDERCO£fi§. Tbs mfnk, *ar.'-« and Uwt trzvn tor Com Mops aU pain. Xasnrvc oom^tSSa Uv feoi k'Ci.% U Caste at L‘zx#tr-:U 2 . Si ej «M •rw.up«0J3 118 MjrOffB •*<! sjareb Twr» •mz aia»<iga?gi*» ot^awp'Rv* *w».v.a .Owuiw * -rsrs *^su »K ,aui11 MMI .Mdmvi) 4i3-LMY .U mod I 'V4rf.4MC i Sb^ss* ox/ * _ xi *A WEEG J&jS c 1 wL3e v • •C/ubSyste.’n jfc iwq xscpavenier.t V, to the buyer as asy :/ir inuaitnent- system,« Jt\V iftjS '■tm-srsiem on \9UmsU spat cash The w'&Xkpi'iZd to us. * co-cptmtioa cf the GcbffiflkUB ttSsBs 3l^635WatchCab.s.r,J'!retl«tor^h •« jr vralfhos in c;ch PH IUL fi?o' Ciub from gcesKg^S tiic fer c^.n waub Wi'wrr it jr-i! f-i oct, a week. though This erich U ntcu-.btr why only give paysjJSP t-ix.qc we y-c tUES-X Si® more for your tadney than anyone else *Siftf and why business we are t!;e doing the Urges watch in tvorid Wo 3y?‘ -/..only S< prices first about quality what others ,rood3, tut rscc-W»VJ HjSS are yc! f 1^^ pud substantial quality.OurgXO S Ivor BltverWaroFi (r.T initiation .y’f^v^ : ** 1 ilh-5® ;SSj Watch—cither kind) Stem-Wind hunting American case cr Lcvt:j^“J fjyfil CurCJj.OO W&tcli isaSten-wind.^E^ open, i OpenFase, AincricanLcvcrWutch.cKflr,rrf/,vrffo first quality, ctiffetied Geld !®Si IRS® A'**4i J ntceir tore tr;. It is fully cJ-.e:-. equal to any.' 5 ' • j.,, watch sold by YVe fmdft-ff s, ‘ 1 6< 5j a Stifle ned Grid Case much ! 1 SS rnore Solid satudactory Gold Cass and serviceable than pi any that can he srid at less than double the r-.cncy, as cheapKiJS. U_Jjl!ol m y tig solid iow cases quality, ere invariably and •worthies thin, weak, filter 1(38* iffp? ga® UgJal short use. Ocrf.XX YVufoIiccntainsS&l itrt-ijnl" proventenls.of outncrcus impottfint vital patented accur-f. ^ i £ t*5^fg —Patent Dvstfrcrf, importance to ■,&£ Jatft;i£ie:; i. we control exclusively, *™**y bliity and equal service, far accuracy, to appearance, f7S Watch, cither dura- WSP Bps# Open race or Hunting. any Our© ",?..UO Ga 11 road YVutch is especially conr.tructed the most exacting use, r .nd is the best Rail-iUH n»d w atch matte, Open Face cr Iluntleg. | Al! thes* prices ars cither ai! cash cr Li ciubl i SI .00 . lf'*uU'vr B Wtefe, AnJJax trv-eft _ , , t jv^ T«*;e gitt* ft c* vu.% lues Ci*jbCo#i^ Tdl zH. rv > fe Ksyslona Waicii **la 02t- ir. Cr.-j Swc SN*Jls fl V' 004 KAi»9T tr. WAiAZS*. /.gents V/antcd. vf M SrijX i Ajax p.-rfeet Watch en-iocnce Insutetsr, .taat $1.03 )1 ,.S\ fXlan-gl rnttk fieot s by m^-nctiem. <ASm Co" . r stall on receipt Q< ;rzcv. ' < ■ lie OwMj-nal .••,;tw■ } ii8 C*t) THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. It is Strictly Pare. Uuiform ia Quality. T HE original formula for which we paid $5 0,000 Uutnty years ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest. 'Sits** to-day soap with is identical in quality that made twenty years hro, TT contains nothing tliiit can !U« A jure the iimst fabric. It bright¬ ens colors and bleaches whites. YY Washes flannels and b’ankets as no other soap A j n the world does—without shrinking—-leaving thenmoft and white atid like new. READ THIS TWICE iJUTC PcEWUt AMW I fpHERE J of soap, is of a {front fuel, and saving: of the fabric, of time, where of labor, Dob¬ bins’ Electric Soup is used according to direo* tiOIlM. fA XK trial will demonstrate its great merit. It w will pay you to make that trial. T IKE all bent thlntrs, it is extensively imi* J* tated and counterfeited. Peware of Imitations. WXW WWWiW VNSIST A upon Dobbin*’ Electric. Don’t tnke Magnetic, fraud, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric, or any other simply because it is cheap. They will ruin clothes, and arc dear at any price. Ask for —.<».-<£ DOBBINS’ EhECTKIt’ -£~~>— and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn’t it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. JA Y5 F.AD carefully the inside wrapper around each each bar, and be careful to You loiloiV directions on outside wrapper. cnsstiot afrord to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, and truly wonderful Dobbins’ ♦ Electric ♦ Soap. £91:st W 03133333333333 'fl 1:! m flmn i cant Pansy 'm mm! Muck Mfirfijffil A. _... ' .3. . with Tim 110mm: the maxoaedxngly of :3li {vll'm armhof eve. 9;“ gffifiyj-fi, ;.:.", ,3 3:5 35:7..‘vr'éia :71» ‘x uricku-ulmay. velwty sovenmaoa: campy}? A s‘iw, 3v, rit-I) ‘M'w' v. 73 :1; Slants very abundantly; bushy um A bud 3545.???V:’*«§\'}#'.'_3‘:‘.4 f’..v owen ggrginlng c 3}".3-3». ml?» a can olPansion I u upmmnoo.un oumot .8qu nzius :21".st w n. to .3 ”$g4¢?§§fi%naz§fij n:- 1%1’3fé‘339‘3 «,2 u} v 33. I??? .3 an them. A #34,} .‘V:‘.§:'::)'é{ '5‘»; fil’ n, «“3"; 4‘35, .. wtflmnt mml Nov- “5’53 3233)?- ~2~3§i€3~3 -’ ‘ dell . 3133;349ng #53153? "'3 r; Bfi‘Y. lt‘Mg'fimghcd Bmw- '3?!.zx;s3?t»},l.-253:€fr,3 1'2 3.x F’- , _:_,§>-‘;;{_..g'l;;;n-rff 'g‘f‘ni’t‘gf‘ifg :v;;»j-. [ul parkm,mt. coup- ‘VI'yI-A'fi‘w - \ . pl_oso cultnmdxm “ ‘ ' 3‘..'..'v._'u, 2W 2‘; 4.3. tame. 15cm. Bionzac. _- Our ‘3 1 5: 29-31:. a '3£'_;,:;~;7:« “3 lncumn'anble'cclloctlon01 \ .1 Funnies. l0 fml-suod W . . 'r' iA‘ckg‘Aa‘ 7,«'.~,~.. plus, of tho Chnlocuvuieuea. with . 343.33,- ".7 3 " ., oom‘rwueuunumdmhm,wptm ’1 g“ " fig: ma for 40 cm. Thiscolloououcmo g C ~ ,., ‘ ~ w: - 3 3‘13, §\ bnoequuthonmut «m’ma. Our conga. wdmvmmc cualqmo _> mulled FREE lfiflt. mm... ’ " 3.1. "Wt. M l. [MIT “o I l" IICI 3L. u. * "X H01E AND FAR!% r , LOUIS VILL E, KY. The Leading Agricultural Jaurnal of the South and West, Made by Farmers for Farmers. Price, SO Cents a Year. ! Farm Though only the one-fourth subscription that price of of Ilona akd is leads them all in enterprise and originality. No expense is spared when required to secure informa¬ tion, It is experience distinctively or advice the from any quarter. FARMERS’ PAPER,' A record of their daily experience, presented in a form and language which make it plain to all. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Is uneauaied, containing the names cf the most successful and progressive farmys of the Wett. These writers treat not of a theory, but of the actual conditions of life on the farm. Among them are found Bill the Henry names Stewart, of B. F. Johnson, P. Ford, Waldo Hugh F. Brooks, Brown, Jeff Arp, Foxhaii, A. John Edgar, Steele's Welborn, and C. Bayou, The T. B. Baldwin a host ot others. departments relating to HOME AND THE CHILDREN Are unequaled for fullness and variety. Faith Latimer, Mary Marsden, LoisCatesby, Mrs. Brown, Miss Cable, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs, Palmore, Miss Mosby, A series Mrs. of Williams articles ami others. on HEALTH AT MO AX IS, Written by an able and experienced family phyif cian, is alone worth many times the price of tho paper. “BOWERS’ FARM” It an interesting and inspiring story of ffte success of a boy on a form, written expressly for this journal by In John R. Musick. of farm short no portion the is neglected. In Its Editorial Department are presented the claims of the farmer for fair treatment in the halls Of legislation, and the Home farming community Farm has no more able advocate. and is not a political journal, its time, space and energy are de voted to agriculture, every issue answering to its motto • FAIR TRADE AND FARMER’S RIGHTS.” Every subscriber to Home and Farm is entitled to a guess receiving at our COFFEE premiums amounting JAR, the successful $708.00. guessers to HOME AMO FARM, ONE YEAR, FIFTY CENTS. SaCOlJvCB -AJfcTID 5r — ---- AN] THE Advertiser, For One Year For One Dollar. J " PAEKeR'S li a | HA in BALSAM U<e favorite for dnoiki tbe ub, Itntunug ewter wficn wm H i Iriiidraff. It e!«cju«<*i tnc tcaip, se.;<e tfce Id- f»uU>r. cad ri rune to pl eM W sac. **J 3L» at r*riurd.-ta. H i^DERCOH fa#fr.rn*. ttiiDS'ihv and fitooboU *S'-w Kcrar.tacAwfart OLacc-. ifevertai!* %. 1MWU — ■ t*. i. le, L M DE-LEC-TA-LAYE IS TUS BEST DENTRIFICK KVER #>FTEHEl» TO TUB AMERICAN PEOPLE! __.. . J / ■ S m^ ri, A .* - 4 } % %i. f% w v| r^/ 5„ w ..•3s ; -‘jj :*• > Tt liy? Because it will 1. "Whiten the teeth* 2. Cleanse the mouth. 3. Harden and beautify the gums. 4 I’urifv the breath. ft Prevent the formation of tartar. G Neutralise any acid t v of the saliva. 7 Aid in preserving the teeth. 8 Cure tender and bleeding gums, Di*. Calliomi Endorses Delccta lave. the This following delightful prepr.rat on has called forth end irscnient from Dr. A. W Culhoun, the eminent ecculist of Atlanta, (ia.: D,C.T.!^.r' <i '-’ <!CT0, " :r - I7 ’ lm Dkau Km—It affords us pleasure after a careful examination efllic formula of your Dc!ecta!avc,ta bear testimony to its value, ana to state that its curative qnnlities are be¬ yond plies question. delightful 1 regard it os the name im¬ the n public. wash, and cun- recommend it to Yours truly, TV. A. Oauiovx, M. D. If you would have white teeth and health v gums use Delactalttvo. Get a hottlo and t»y ii, and you will lu onvinecil ol'u» merits, its .••on-mfioTl I pU*:m ant. IInd its :ir,)jn:ulfiightfui. TO ectiis hottb . A S A. G. ( A X ? 1LKR ..A CO., Wll U.E.SALK jjM lii.iii?, GKNKKAI,-\{.KM>, ATLANTA, GA. ccSr-*. ■ immm im m -m . mm fit ** «« m mi wW i’ii* imi ?»/p/ v* i■;?>> Eaa fl & wk S £l ^ «MU m J x$:'- r S k **-—***'■■»i nn ww*»<m —-—1 ■ I. , ■* » .aa PHOTOGRAPHIC COPING AND ENLARGING. riic most artistic Photograph ever produced, I ™py any’ kind of picture, faded Daguerreotypes, Card Pictures, Tintypes or Ambrotvpes, into the 18x22 size and guarantee perfect satisfaction. 13x32 rhotogradh In CrayOti. $3.50 | 20x24 Photograph in crayon $5 OO J2x?3 / OO | Cabinet siico per do/. $1.60 Phonographs from Life. Photographs from Paintings, j holographs from Engravings Saraplo Cabinet si/o 10 cents, with price lists, C'lvAomcca 15x20, sampler 3Cets., vith prico lists. Mention t'ae Design, Icmdseapo or hotuls. Add ross Ti.e Goo. W. Stewart Copying Co. 214tf. p. O. Box 4‘J1. Baltimore; Md. <F «** ¥ § errfs Ailing _ je<v mhL i. FOB. _ o 3 %3 isassa ‘ii (juntain*»l! the rolua’ leiie.v Seeds, Bulbs and Pluisis. 2 o :• b<'v to gr«*w ! them, offers valuub.c ca.-li prizes for their pr dint. Mitib (l Free to ail sciidiit.T Artdr sslovjt. r*-*i'3-:i:i AJL. PUUJE'4 FOB MA H if TIT G/ R2>13 NllliS. ZLI &c ! Mei’t liuiits ! 1801 Si 1800 M;,i kei 1 rtLjL. ’& W j i- Growers' | St., 240 N. Broad St. | j llliust I Baldwin TA f • 9 * { \ ' . s /___ i—„..t * l >.vo4t %*A jiiir r lx ic r i Xj 1 i i r 1 11). * ► bS AVAlVXAHj OK OJICIA. CfREAD our Advertisement evei*y week vr, It will deeply interest you.jy^ on OUR Fertilizers are always shipped in tho ir^st perfect eotid.ition for use that it is possible to obtain by means ot the best machinery and •‘are. THEY do not liavc a pound ot inferior material used in their manu¬ facture. WE ylnvariubly supply a higher analysis than our printed guarantee. THEY are compounded in the proportions best suited for the pur¬ pose intended. EVERY bag used has our special stripe around each end of it, and every bag with this stripe is strong, duiabic, and well sewed., EACH bag contains a full 200 lbs.--no shr-rl weights. HJ R prices are as low as it is possible to make them and furnish : j ie fertilizer. We c3l, i { . . Jas. »r* . W. f SUTLIVE, FIRE INSURANCE AGm f 1 I ?a tj H d \ ■■ - - FORTGAINES, Cl A., Representing TIIE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO., IlarLford, Conn. Assets, §4.778,469,13. T1IF HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn., Assets, 85,28S,603,97. THE HIBERNIA INSURANCE CO., Ncv Oalcffns La. Assets, 517, 498,0(1, Is prepared lo Trisuro your pvoperty in iho most satisfactory manner. He is also piTparared to insure a limited number of Gin Houses where thy are in a proper condition. Insures coiton iff Dales in Warehouse or stored at any other point n town or coutry. Give him a calL 817 tf JY2 st^riuivi^ t. ‘ ■ . IN WATCHES We wiil send you a watch by express '0. 0. D. to be examin ed before paid for, and if not satisfactory to be returned. W3 pay :15! express charge: and you are at no expense. We have watches of a” style: and pdccs. Semi stamp for Barge Catoiogue of 250 Styles with Instruction how to order etc. , STANDARD WATCH C0. Pittsburgh, Pa. ■V'! mm •o'TrC' is? •t* Jr-. I---------- « h ovrnmzsm;omE& . wi!SKSS^feSssE^®5563K® DESKS, OFFICE FURNITUftE AKD FIXTURES. ma* .t«L fi‘r lUuKtrnJovl !*uii<,»liK't. ilUOW CJL3S to., XJaslivUa.tfa'*" f OSSAT AMEEICAN * MEAT-CUTTER. I Unpq .»llrd dml II»,h, pro¬ nounced the t«‘M for Sa’.isnpe, Miuco Mint, Scrapplo, Hamburg: Steak. Croquette*, Ac., Ac. L No. 1 i) scut, oxprcHS 0!^ , 'cpu!d,un receipt ofS'i.I-O. AMERICAN M’F’G CO.j j ■ iii & WiisliiiiRton Avs., , v >». rtliilodclpbla. t y ^M gi aC ^ fr&caME ilc* «3i *Wfr , "•rs . "i" s « TENNILE, Act., --DL’AhEtt IN General Merchandise, Groccn«“ Dry Goods, Boots nmj Shoes, Hats, Notions, \S cud and W It* low Ware, etc., etc. EraylMfis NEW asd FRESH. SUTLIVE'S BLOCK * Fort Galilee Ga, iy SOUTHWKST E MOIKi{A agrTcultuhal college, A branch of the Stuto University, CUTIIBEHT, GA. 1 ho Fall term efens Monday, Sopteiuboi » 2nd, 1SS3. TUITION FREE. Hoard in tho College, 48.00 per month. For Particulars address A. J. CLARK, President. W. ft-1, Speight, HxtivHBlE 1 Sole Agent. \mm mm Four Gaines, Ga, V < Drs. Starkey and Palen’s TUKATMENT BY INHALATION. A'trAOEMARfT ^ RECISTERCO* Mis Xroli : 16iiO Struct. Vtiilewre. Pa. Loi-jjOonsumption. .Asthma, Brou Fover, chitia, Hcaanche, Dyspepsia. Debility, QathYih, Kheu Ilay • matism, NeViralgia4nd \ all Ctmniio and Nervous Disorders. 1 “Tlie Compound Oxygen Treatment,” I)rs. Stai key & l*alen, No. l.»29 uVrcli St., 1’liila. have been using arljnstmont'of for the last seventeen years, is a seient.ilU' the elements of Oxygen and Nitrogen MAGMKTitBi.. and tlm compound that it is is so all condensed the world. and made portable sent over • *» Atm THOUSANDS OF OTHERS IN EVORY PART O I: "COMPOUND OXYCKI - its mode ce action as n KK8tjr.T;5,” is the title of a new bio<:!iure of two hundred pngi-.«, puhlighed hr lirr. Slttrkev «y Pidcn, whieli gives to all in' qHirers full information ns as to tins t marka¬ ble curative ageist atid a record of several huu tired surprising cures in a wide range ot'ehrmt ie eases—many of them after being abandon-' od to die brother physicians. Will be mailed free to ahy address oil application. Read the brochure! I) ?a H. S TA Ti K K V <{ PA t FT, No. inj3DAruhSt.,PhilR., Pa* 'WV-V S^V. .*«• 1“ ' dcBorlptfon of - and* £1 a com W U108t plcteaFHortmotitof popular the tg WMMiRg& ffiS-SSSSffi Plan to ?i V BE i^o^r^teCt/asssKi Koot*, Vinos, Shrubs, Address MHZ & NEUNER, I/nJMviuz,'Zy. CONSUMI'TION SURELY CURED. To the Editor— Please Inlorm your road* crsliuit I liave a positive remedy for the above named disease. By tto timely use thousand* of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I Klml! he alad to send two bottles of my reme¬ dy ERftK to any of your readers who havo con * sumption if they will send me their express Had post ofiflco address. Itespectfully, #t.,Kew York. L. A. SLOCUM, M. C.. lSli’earl IRST NATIONAL BANK, AL11AMY, a A, Prompt at Lent ion given to all buninras inlrtistod to us. Collections made on any point. Exehange bought and sokl. Alou- i < v loaned on approved ttrao pafier. checks. De pohils w.licked subject to sight '' W. A. (JiiaiiC orroRpondent Tli E Atlanta Weekly Jomtn This is tho groat political year. fought.] TjM battle for tariff reform is to be Tlie Atlanta Journal is tho only genuine' tariff reform paper published at tlie cap¬ ital of Georgia. Tito Wceky Jourpah excel-! v. ill contain all tho world’s news, lent editorials, splendid miscellaneous etc.—lil'tAdjJ until special long columns .articles, stories, wIIh of good reading every 1st Y ou next ran for have 50 the cents. Weekly In until other Janiljn wol^T yo P can and keep entertained posted on poliiiesand tn tlJ no 4 fi, be ixeides, all rest of this year, for half a dollar. Saai pie copii's free. ATLANTA Address : J iJ THE JOURNAL Atlanta, (jfl aitf-f fc« ^ hisXi '<'J'vous and f*Wil S 8i aud all the effects Prem^ of S Evil Habits, which lead to Detfay, Consumption Treatise or Insanity, b« for Pears’ on Diae ses of Mi with partieulHrs for Home Cure. Cures guaranteed. No cure no pay. 8. Penis, 012 and C14 Church St, Nai \ille, Tcun. 60 YEARS IN USE. A Physiciaa «aye, a sovereign remedy for wo Vermitage Hating used the ongin.-vl for “B. A. Fahnest ia my practice many years, I is no ta/e.relfabU hesitancy in recommending and tfficuntln It as a remedy v all cases wb v ermil jge is needed. Thus. H. Hawdt, M D., Cambridge, Observe particularly that the Initials areJK thus avcidiog imitations. In CLftSSt c Maj. l Va.luatM-.nslq sS A. (.I. Lethe! Acadamf Caual Fauquier