The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, February 22, 1889, Image 2

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jflL A JL* V JEf II H3r f A Ff*i£* XoJuiH T Ff v rtnu.iHnnsr*#m’.M* Hh>\r tii «. «n An ^. FHIS ___________EfiJSSJt PAPER M»f « 4»tnu-r ; may 'I# it*trim f#it» ♦♦ (n * br The ColtirnWa Kntwpriw! Is after its eiti xen* for n«*t showing a better nU*ti«l;uu*r* at church. They need M cow I** I’«rt <>aifK» , and «»# all of iHir citi/^n. tur;. out to the j Altitrrh on Sunday*. They would jmou ft»!j Into line. •*« fhm. Alff ;r <! 'ulo ^that ho )ma dt mand C<1 au explicit stattmrciit f.*om 1’un^Aur Hh«rA»*n CcrRcrulTtj what the Hunator noid fiirout tin? buying of dchtgaton at C'iiU Coku« It la im<l*in»totid tliat Senator Ftmrman still belluviS that taotno of his delegate* w< ro l*ought with Alger niotmy. *-»avftmiah News. Brother Villiatn*, proprietor of that new¬ ly, well ediU-«l paper, the Minend First, m* try nif to I * it him down oil the subscription price of bin paper. Htii’h i iniu don't deserve the privilege td rea ing a good newspaper, and would doubt los« try to work off r tten eggs at double price to pay tlio bah*neo, if be hud obtained u reduction. “rin emis «r<* neiibcr omnmeniu! n<*r n«o ful whon throw n into tbo utreets.”—Fort Valley Knterprisc. Ilight you me. NS’e to flint, lamp eliiitmew, beer !*ml wbi-ky imftles, lirieR* batx, barrel hoop* nni! a large and an.sorteu bit « f other junk, all of wliieb may be found An mu street*. Tills it r<-peelfnlly snbinit to tlioso of our citizen t who »ooin to Imvo Gin opinion Unit tho publio streets nro tlio proper receptacles of the article* mentioned Alabama | »0f Tho IngivlaLuro has nppropria tud $5,000 to ootnpleto tho Con federate hiomimmit in Moutgomory. < >ne of the most cloquont K|M-eclu*!t in support of tho lilli wm made lly Col. Cluu!t>» Haf ray of Cherokoo cognty. il« I t ati ox-union ho l diet- who for his gallantry wan pnmi.>t<*<l to tho rank of colonol. Gov. Forakor of Ohio, will bo palimil to learn that Col. Rattray of Alabama Inborn under tlio iilti tdon that tho war la ovor.—-Macon Tulc grii|ih. • • - ■€! • • . Tho Mtomnboat Mont< «unm, plying tho pTnt rlvor, sprung a loak and wont down ii few mile* from Monbnttiinu on tho 13th liiHt. hho hnd on board 70 tons of gunno, and it lot ot mb'collunocAiH frolgltt. l'.ight ton * of gnano and somo of t ho other freight worn tsaved In good condition, tlio rest of It wan a to ¥l bo s, there waa no Iiihu raneo on boat or cargo. 'Hh* macidneiy of tho boat Ift reported to bo only bligl.Dy < •Umngetl and will bo sold. The business 101*11 of Montezuma und the fanners all (.long tho river want tho boat replaced as soon as possible, ns consldurnldo trouble und eoino loss would result if that way <if transportation wore denied them. The cyclone which parsed thvough the iniddle part of the Htato Monday, did a good d.*ul of tlamago. It eocms to have done lt« womt around Nora, passing Oi rough farms and taking (roue and lious tn nil along tho routo. The plantation oi Mr. J. W. 11 Ivors was torn to pieces, lmrd y a thing left standing Ills dwelling. On this place also, two negro children were klll. d, and a few intioa further on a l church liouso was blown away. **A gtHid many trees and fences wore d**utnoyod anuind Grinin, but nothing more w*rlouj thauMio unroofing of tho house of Judge Bock. tn Bibb county, about RO miles South o» Blrmlnghum, the most doetructivo work of tho cyclone was done, an amount of porpsrfywil^troyetl und 80 llvot at least, hint wiuj lho way Lho spec ■*U to tho daitjH rend. Co Thon and Do Likewise. Editor Ski Cook, ot the Leary Courier, i> not dead, fior is he even napping, »< nun hnvc been supposed. He lm» been rcndiiur the live newspaper?', and that, perhaps, ae emuits for bis long silence, Hut be has shaken himself up, and with the assistance of bi» hitherto unused pencil, and without Ihc aid of his famous scissor*, he has made a (Atnark. Chservc what be says: he editorial first column of the Fort Gaines Advert! or isedjted by » fellow nam¬ 'd t : omc of bis paragraphs show Ex ti aordinary diserimination and intelligence . 1 Kd'.tor Bid shows hie Iris good judgement in thin derision. Ho U exactly jight “Kx’' ha* also many good qualities not mentioned by Sid. Wo would like to mention bis per *i tence in putting bis mane to each nnd e\ o :e of his There is a fellow who werks on tho edit; - ml psigi of th > ( out Ml or, r,;id be is equal I t hr.;,*'t aoo m| Ibbcd as “Kx„” bu' ■> '"‘Use b i i» tt>o irHxlot (?) hi >. hi* own prutluutions. It h thought that ktlitor Phi and bis belovet bo iNMvbittntion to his name. Tho Gntwilkt V rt'in. tn au article beaded "It ia Ikivo Tiaic." announec* the mnrriagi «if Kiizabeth Curies nnd Hon. Uraol Muple* on tho *ilh of Fob., in East Mitchell. Tl.< bririegrooni, we are told, i* one of tho pi»v fleer of the county, while the britb wjnst ever tworty. The Clarion wants it an h'rst.Hal that it is not n January nnd >’ry affair. It admits tho May part of it, but dsfiTS tl»at: “U clc GM is «t *prv and : s iu^ix4 ss a spring colt, nnd i* worth s 1 1 a* deed city dud's.” Tho article winds up in tVi- w i, o: Now that the doves will »ooi »‘x> in the flcll* the Clarion conerntulptf' happy - -ftu pair hostte.” of y mng rfow doves those ns old they coo in* s men pull to g th «r. TT young fellows of 20or fiO. must give up the front rents nnd stand and listet without s n.annitr to to their opinion am' V r:n*t :u» U{x>n their advice. This is all wel‘ 1 eiKmgh. bet when the young men see fuel \ ft Kdd Invasion of their rights, and are g% Vm'tcd to lb-ten patiently to the praises \lselr venerable, but sueresaful rival, w< w ! ‘^ Clarion is pushing too close, an< r.ot be surprise*! to hear of a prates from the boys. The Clarion ‘-hadn’t orter” have saSJ it. What’s the matter with tie v jJ4-t ! itchtll toys? r. 4 I PtaycrnjfcUpi; Ci»i. * M*. F.wwh-1 nen& y.*>! wwne j »*tm of a prayerroeetini: folk, irhtk* iw 1 i F«rt OaitHit Baptist e nrrY and iln .7 ltwv «orvo jourmliH-rilien fur their Tnt, 1MUk». « cW. 44 vcnc : •» r , t ^ not behind hand, on time. The test h;ui more immediate refer rice to tiie sec **0*1 coming of (.hi i ,t, oi to the gene nil judgement, hut it may b made to cm. »>rMc »« *» acojrc of meaning a variety of wilijiHits. It may mean to Ire ready to receive Cltriht, to A 4 Iinit Him into the heart ns a wcfcoitto gucsf, that Iftr rnuy nuke the* luari Hie dwelling j !:u\ and abide there forever. It may nrFnn tubsrraly to’obcy Christ, Obedience is the highest form of wer* iship, and none can claim to be his ex cept upon thy terms of obedience. Haul fottglit a great buttle and gained the victory.'After the fijht Samuel went tip to see Haul, in the midst of the re hearsal Hanmel heard the bleating of •beep und tlio lowing of oxen in thecamp. When Saul was asked *.vliy they hud not la-on a lain ns comm aided, he said only u few liatl Irern reseived for sacri ficM. Samuel said; “Ab, Haul, olH*di t nco i« butter than sacrifice.” Be ready id it boy with your gift s. Home are ready fo go, Deady to sing, ready to pmy, but uru never ready to give. (Jiving is us much a Christian grace ns any other virtue. Put some money in an enterprise and yon will feel identified with it. The te\t may mean “bo ready” for church. When the bell warns ns of the appointed hour, be ready. Do not wait for some one else to be first, bat be the first yourself. If yon get i here too soon spend the time in prayer or’ in reading some select passage in the Holy word. Do not spend too much time before the looking glass, l ift make the toilet in time and go on to the house of God. Be ready for the Sunday school. No place demands prompter attention than tim H. 8. Be ready und euvcyonr repu¬ tation among the children by~ being lea ly. Be ready for the prayer meeting. A Uttk) rain or cold does not prevent the attendance upon tho theatre nor the so¬ cial party, neither ia it any excuse for staying away from the prayer meeting. These are the social gatherings of the church, and our social natures need all the help they can get. Be ready for the prayer meeting. Be ready for the conference. The con¬ ference is tho business meeting of the ►church. The business matters coming Indore the conference demand your best talent, and most hearty support. B» ro aly, and when you pet there show some interest by taking u part in the con¬ ference. Do not stay at home and find grounds for complaint against the humble few, but be on hand yourself and add your counsels to tlio body. Attend to the Lord's business and be to Finally: “Bo ready” for death. Tin grim monster is coming, lie will soon be hero, be ready for him. Hi.t years ago t spoke to a man on this subject and lu told me to talk with children, that he hod no time to giveauy attention to such preparation. ‘T w ill live about tenyenn longor,” he said. He thought so, so did I, but our tbiukiug so didn’t make it so. for in less than two years the i>oor n an was dead, gone to the judgement, and that too, unready. My friends be ready for death. Tim Lord looked down on men ami had companion on them, lie sent an angel to warn them of impending dan¬ ger. 'the nngol labored lopg r.fid faithfully, but no ono could l>e const rained to lictd the mowogc. Finally the angel sum¬ moned all the people together and raid : “J am going back to the Lord, wlmt re¬ port shall I carry with me?” The peo¬ ple wiid : Go back amt tell the Loul that we believe oil you have said am; besides, but tell Him we are not ready.” V The angel went up end told tho Lord wlmt tho people had said, and the Lend said : •'Shut the door,” nud the dooi rtas shut ami the people lost because they were not ready. Z. T. Weavet. “My Wife Is a Terror** s-iid :i mild tempered man in our hearing. "She snaps luiarls, spunks her children, m.d iflds fault continually. I can’t bear it any unget.” Don’t bo too severa on* her, m\ riend , you little reab/,8 be” sufferings. Sh« las lost her former sweet disposition, and ill health is the cause. Dr. l’ierce's Furoritt Prescription will make her well. For fenmb i.'eascs, functional dtrangcraents, beering own pains, nnd ike long list of ills that ren ler women miserable, no medicine e-tn com¬ pare with this. It i.. tin: only medicine foi roman’s peculiar weaknesses and ailments, ■old by druggists, under u positive guarantee ‘rom t.Se nuimifecturers, to give M»ti?faction n every case, or money refunded. See guar¬ antee printed on bottle wrapper. For all derangements of tbo stomach, liv J t and bowels, take l>r- Fieteo’e Pellets, t r Vnti-bilinus Granules. - It insri ii cr Noises 'n the ears, sometimes a roaring, buzzing tound are caused by ca'nrrh, that exceeding¬ ly disagreeable and \t-ry common disease. Boss of smeH or bearing also result frem ca mrrh. Hood’s Far anariUa, tho great blood utrifier, is a paculiarbr suocoseful remedy ‘or this disease which it cures Sr purifying he bio d. If you sufTer from ca’arrb, try !!ood’s Sarsaparilla, fftc peculiar medicine. Th« Loubiana LoU<*ry m to have a rival. •dopted VI a recent by election decide the'people -'majority of Nevada amendment a a constitu kmal allowing lotteries. All , oft* of gambling are popular iu Nevada. p hieh i* little more than nn hgsrrwjjHtioa if (xu'.pf.-iluwuli Ach'Litijd.. 8«n»e * pe«^:« Kv e h. New Ha Mr.i: e!M a>Uf » «n« f' ,n * ^ ^ iwj ftp le mad* iho fa 1 ^xxKvmtVUe, mui atteatod the fu , " rrrJ l,h nm,L Sfi0rl] >' !-v*r J »>• > now i:: Mr. K^ifT Is U years oi<i, aj;*l hi? j' n ‘ > " ,t,> ' <“'*> UNAPPRECIATIVE. How littl* wo are apt to appreciate that which # T l. a hard* wood-swrycr envies the wraith of Wis employe.. The rich men envies tlr* health and strength of n;s poor neighbor. "Our mind and our time we employ In longing for whit v.» have not, Unmindful of what we enjoy.* How much better If all exerted themselves to cl> tain t.iclr l-.cart's longing. If poor in purse seel: ta gain wealth by industrious ar.d frugal h.ebits. II i t'Oor in health seek to use those rem«Iit;3 width are the best and truest medicines. Among remedies sold by druggists none is the equal of Botanic Blood Balm for curing the ills of ttesh and Uood. Felix Foster, Atlanta, Ga., »ys» “I tools E. B. D., f-ir several foal ulcers, which had given me much tumble and woull not heat from a ur.e of ULCERS other remedies. Within* days my ! health improved, and before i had j used three bottles every sore was entirely healed. It improved my appetite and gave a»e fie ill and strength.” ' _ Hudson Clark, Camden, Ark., says: "I war. af SAD BLOOD of fiict-id rheumatism with the for severest about form 12 years, and salTered extreme misery during all that while. CATARRH I also had catarrh breathing so bad through it almost stopped j irry my nose. My*flesh in some places locked as | if it had been charred or scalded. My back was so ! Lame I could hardly stand. 1 tried nearly every¬ RHEUMATISM ■ thing until 1 tried b:.t found B. 15. L», no I relief used several bottles and am now as sound and well as any man in Arkansas.” J. Vt r . Messer, Howell's Cross Koads, Cf'.erokeo SORES County, Ga.- writes: nine 1 was afiUctcd and had v-itA^uuic sores years, t medicines ar.d they did me no good I then tried B. 15.15 n and eigiit bottles cured me aouad aud v.eii.” mm wean I . ‘ I 37: CUTTER I .‘4 .n 4. _ r? ¥ ~‘ 'f. -::.~ ,‘;‘,"»T‘\':-, *~ ”.3 much For mum mono: and drv fodder rowan u my 05E mu’hma is warranted ban): in the r.» world anus at . I . give i) A ,. 5; I, A’ z. 31%“? ‘ “Mr , a equal a_izo. and better wtisxnction than any other I é ‘ _ 55:47 marlin"! in particular. '1'0 snbsmnfiinto . "iéfi > > ' ,1 Jay above every wfllaendbogmy rcsponmblennrey tho ] %’ - {a ., ‘3'. .0, 3:, I r’ 1153,, (b .3 ‘3 . , , utho nwgce mud Mata. ~50 mm 91 unr cutters, to l» mu! ,., $. ‘ »;‘ » '* ”4%, 5'3"; .5: t z, Wig»...- 4 ,. 7;, . '~""‘I.“ i , .F .3» , m worm. competitirm of same mm me. a:ayothcr mm the cutter undumtandix-fi in 1324: x ,. {,3 , , », (hm,Hourmnrhigodaeanotdomureun f; ~. .}1 ,_ “f :2 N .3 ,. the ‘ '3‘.“ ,5, A 3, ,1, ' h; ,1 V 't- g ,‘ 5%}: 5 3} ,4"; . ~41 ‘ "T1 , in strengthand encr won: anrrkyinwms w“ well same power 0! feed- and ." -u,__¢ ! 3;" V Mg and nu; one a unf§fifi . , #144 ~‘thw- _, 7; . § qr 1.3" W; ‘ ‘ f .' , 3 «hm: 1 may nnemtiu? fraiyl.‘ other, c .33“: prove be more W'a returnrd autislactm to my. y ‘ ». ’4 (i «a Juymy both truw. Mao manufactum ,' ?.j, Wham :11: - 1‘3 1‘le SMILEY CARRIER THE SMALLEY . smile» and man Hones ?OWEBB,&0.,Q¢. .. , . A 2 i ’- vim: g ‘ f om: conxvgmmxsn'u Bo’gilllfiv . $3.77 .; > :' " Ensiiage and fodder Cutting. rr §§¥Thg mm ' ’ - Hen! Fran an Application. , -'»n-4..\ SMALLEY MAflUFAOTUflING co. Manatewoc.Wla IP 1 25 i L t » "mm xl i mE§ . THE LADIES’ FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OF ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine, askouraijcnt If at your place for terms and direct prices. to you cannot address nnd our belo agent, write nearest to you w named. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE fiORHIGEMJ "ssr* - ■a w u w g ^v - •ta* ST LOUIS. MO , l , y ■ arn - —" *;«ly--bn ■ >AlirRA!iascacA!. -............. "" ■ ■ ■ t . Vinson, ,, r rorlGames _ t Ga oe -----— ____________ SCiENTIFICAMERICAN Blisklo'- .• ' ? Is tfio oldest and most popular scientific «cd t han\e»t paper published and has the largest Cireutatton of any paper of Its class in the world. Kinly illustrated. Best class of Wood Engntv tnjrs. Butilistied weekly. Send for specimen enpv. Price »3 a year. Koor months’trial, >1. MLNN A t o, rcBt-isHSKS, a:,l Broadway, .Vi ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS 8 *I Edition of Scientific American, v A grest success. Each Issue contains colored llthci;rapine plates of country and city residen¬ ces or public butldinits. Numerous ensravings St.'I full plan* and specifications for tho cso of ___ Brice f2-50 soch hs coutempiste JiUNN building. PCBUSHBius. a >far, ia ms. a copy. * CO., a lATIMTS haTe ed maybe ing A Co., by to had up firss secur¬ who over hir¬ . I I <ii years’ experience and have made and over ror l'li.nui applications for American Correa t_k pi^n patent.-. Send for Handbook. poadence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. COI'YRHJHTS for books, charts, maps, •tc., quickly procured. Address JUl’NN A CO., Patent Solkitors. * 1 iiuuuL ome*; 3tU Broadway, N. T. p*p.?j£:v& "1 HAIR BALSA£3 neaawe and beautifies th* heir. I'rosuux a luxuiiai.t loowth. m Never Fails to Restore Grey US 1 Hah- to its Youthful Color, Curcssc-dpdiaSLA-saadtAl: Lfiicg _ KfeatProggiats. _ HI^DERCCRNS, 7t« Brfrc-t, su~»t *ad t-rst mratcrCarva, BcnVn*. <Sa. eto-.^ail pain, fcnwsre* onmfoct to the feet. h\.or f aiio to-usw Sj<x^s*asr<ns«£^sa. iiiacaxACo^X JT. •A ‘K *Cwwf*w»l<7 |f. S '»j,r>.7«*TffT &mmtous ■Jftm tenyejmymt -tviaiS Lmu»i -vonw womb Tpu 9 ! t - ous -.-jpa-a I. A hVEKi; rr-n / CI~b Cj-sten LtriB, U BvbUe as convenient V\^y^3Sarak ■BjP ta dm buyer rs any gjf Bl instalment wholesale system, if ettas U i rjbft \\ f /& >!Sf a J X Hi system to us. The fl\y ilia: MS club co^ieratloa members sells of the Vi PfS\ t&gi'ft watches euch us PmTuC m 83SWatch Clob.uadwecetcish from 'i'gi aral the Qub fer each \rat..h before it goes j j a m araotd, 53 week. though This each member only piyin,. »* a is why we give veu WLf :r- :£i :*.-a more why for yotsr money th.-.n any oso else and wc are doing the largest fc&e HR vsnich business in the erotid V»’c ourrf «U1 HBbM -!•- only first quality gcods, but - i prices roe about what ethers get f.r tec - —-.J»j jond is substantial qualify.OurSl Silver 06lix-cxWatc (not imitation It ms ! a cf $ lany Watch—either kind) Stem-Wind AaicricaaLcvcr I Our Su5.CO Wctch busting cose or open. ft is a Steai-wiad, i ' OpcsFace AR.enra::T^*.-cr'V first cuaUty, stiffcscdGold 1 ie?\ I etch ,ruarnn:eedt 3 | «2r*; wear watch Z)years. sold far ft3 It is by fu: others. v equal Wcfiady^ to Rnv^Y' first-class r l|§’3| • Stiffened Gold C.ue much „» ml more Solid sa tisfactory Gold cud sc rv iccnlic than atjS gj any Case that can be sold sA ^ less than double the money, as cheap JSf3 Kg solid cases are invatial iy thin, weak. °i low quabry, aud v,ci tb!co* after M short use. Our §38 TYaicb contains AH numerous cf important patented kn-itv-J* Ffcventects, vital importance to acour-l &%; ate Wind, timing 6v.,which —Patent Duster oof, Fateni Stem ItM>! is fully equal for we centrelexclusively. bihty and servite, accuracy, rppearaace, dura Open Face Hunting. to ar.v (>.:r&4.?.00RntI- f; S Watch, either or rond Watch is especially constructed for the mostexacung use, end is the test rail¬ road W atch made. Open Face or Hunting. H AH these prices arc £iihcr nil cash or in chibA |v S1.00 a week. a« Ajr.x Wu/c* & ... /•Uwvj.vr i.wft/rya tffHk ear* Fateh. ThcKerstoneWatchClebOoif i irx: H?la OSseis Co’s Cws EePtllf PA.X. g C ' 004 WA iaB T S T. PH11A5A. Agent3 Wanted. I Ajax pcrfcctnrowetioc Watch Insulator, mini! $1.00 JL, V i l\: Watch Stac. 1/ m*gnct*.iB. < any (p* . Wc 1 ei»il «u roclpt ••<*•. et prlee. rtfm la ang C onaurctjJ Aesneg *----- Dobbins* Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY SOAP IN THE WORLD. II is Strictly Pare. Uniform in Wily. T HE original formula for which we paid twenty years ago has never been modified or changed identical in the slightest. This to-day soap is in quality with that made twenty yours ago. TT contains nothing that can in* * jnro the finest fabric. It bright¬ er* colors and bleaches whites. TT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap •A in the world does—without shrinking—leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE n cm U 7 >J fT5HERE is a great Having of time, of labor, J of soap, of fuel, and of the fr.bric. where Dob¬ bins’ Electric Soap is used uccortunc to direc¬ tions. > QNE ” will trial pay you will to make demonstrate that trial. its great merit. It J- IKE all best thinjrs, it is extensively imi¬ tated aud counterfeited. psware of Imitations. IW»WVWa.VrVV TNSlST upon Bobiiiii*;’ Electric. Don’t take A Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric, or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. They will ruin clothes, and are dear at auy price. Ask for ---<>•<$- IiOSlElMS’ ELEmUf ^-o- and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn’t it, he will or !er from his nearest wholesale grocer. D EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each JA each bar, and be earcful to ffiilcw (lim-tions on outside wrapper. You can not h (ford to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, a«d truly wonderful _ Bobbins’ <• Elsstrlc+Soap. EAUSTflms 0F mt; h‘nck BlchSPANSY unanifloant Pam: in coal “7’5. m. 7"} r7 a,~. withum 'l‘hofloweraueoxcwdingly exception 0! mllrlloweie. unmo {~52}; hf?“ . <2_2,,_.,,2.g_$ug.- 1.1"“ -1 sflcl‘x‘eiom‘; mgcty nspcmnoo; 2.; .24: 1 g ,, sloworinz In vary .8 y In comm 0.? :‘sgj x; w, F?'MIN ‘~j~"'.,:;.‘- 91“, i.\-'?. . ubundanfly. A bod xsz‘fi'vf 1 , N135 \ 1‘ these charming Panama mks “V“ :g'u“, 1 .5 2» 3;] ‘bcnulifixlnppomnoo.lndlnvv Alford tobo _‘ ‘1’;ng mifw ~;: .594?“ :54“ ‘. .i'f, cadmium” cannot them. A 22 g"; ,)'.{.«_.};m,‘ r“ . Mug;- wih‘th NOV-‘tl-W'f. ,2; ",f‘w’tv‘fif "-szx. ,7 ’ _ '. ' 1—.» m», 2 deli htful 32 radmnvitgooql- ' 0 ;:t.-< -~ f: m ”"55 . I 09m a’ ‘r —-‘\i 2 ' 2 a: any? plate culwmdzoo- 'v ‘ x ~‘ ,1 ‘ ‘ 3‘ 2392!; tiona. 15cm. 210320;» Our 2 “A 1 M,“ A. w, 3;} ;: ‘5 Incomparable l'nnulea. 10 tuIl-gizod collection 9::me of t m pm of tho CholccstVuiofloa. with "1 , ‘51; ”film? .4'2- ‘2. mglewculzurodlmcflonsmeptm ‘ » » . Thisooilocflunom r~ ' gap; Q pni bmeenll for“) eta. and rnryfiual K V. \\ thenevm conga“; Magus _- 2 ‘ a ‘ "x -, varich'ca. Ont addm ’ mallet} FREE Iii HOME AND FAB^i, LOUIS VILL E. KY. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the South and West Made by Farmers for Farmers. Price, 50 Cents a Year. Though is only the one-fourth subscription price of Hosts ahd arm that leads them all in enterprise and originality. No expense is spared when required to secure informa¬ tion, It is experience or advice from any quarter. . distinctively the •" FARMERS' PAPER, A record of their daily experience, presented in a form and language which make it plain to all. ITS LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Is unequaled, containing the names of the most successful and progressive farmers of the West. These writers treat not of a theory, but of the actual conditions of life on’ the farm. Among them are found the names of B. F. Johnson, Waldo F. Brown, Bill Arp, Henry Stewart, A. P. Ford, Hugh Brooks, Jeff Bayou, Welborn, Foxhall, John C. Edgar, Steele’* T. B. Baldwin and a host oi others. The departments relating to HOME AND THE CHILDREN fcisrEftAsiSCLSLsszv.B« Miss Faith w Mosby, Cable, Mrs. Mrs. Williams Richmond, and Mrs. Palmore, Miss others. A series of articles on . health a/i* home, Written by an able and experienced family physl cian, is alone worth many times the price of the paper. “BOWERS’ FARM” Is an interesting and inspiring story of the success of a boy on a farm, written expressly for this journal by John R. Musick. Ia short no portion of the farm is neglected. In its Editosial Department are presented the claims of the farmer for fair treatment in the halls of legislation, and the farming community has no more able advocate. Homs and Farm is not a voted political journal, agriculture, its time, space and energy are de¬ to every issue answering to its motto '* F/UR TRADE AHD FARMER'S RIGHTS." Every subscriber COFFEE to Homs and Farm is entitled 4o a guess at our JAR, the successful guessers receiving premiumsamountingto$708.00. HOME AND FARM, ONE TEAR, FIFTY CERTS, KOL£L ^Zrio • THE Advertiser, For One Year For One Dollar. PARKEft’8 IMfe HAIR 3ALSAM . th-? pc ~tlxr farertto for dressing, tae 1ter, aa«i lUxtofiaf cdor when irray, proveatioj,' DsndrcS. IS i-:«n*e* lUe axup, mxtpa th* txsi a % isur acfs. faluBg, an J St/*> and U at sane JHvygieta, to pH**, HSUDERCORNS. Chewf.v.-sure.ian-l ecurefor Cons*. Bunion*,An. S'-w ul '«!&. hMifw p..-4(Kt l jtt. fwi K fans ^ htus Ar 8 W.U St ton DE-LEC-TA-LAVE ip mu BEST DENTH1FICE KVKR *»ri ERKI> TO TUS AMERICAN PEOPJLEl - f. Silk m #l *• fx; M 6 - jsrf ~ * Sb 4> i.zr m l :: Wl '•j <* tVfry? Decause it will 1. Whiten the teeth* ti. Cleanse the mouth. 3. Harden und beautify tho gums, 4 Purify the breath. 5 Prevent the formation of tartar. 6 Neutralize uny acidity of the saliva. 7 Aid in preserving the teeth. 8 Cure tender and bleeding gums, I)i*. Calhoun Endorses Delceta* lave. the , Tl.isdelightful following preparat on has called forth endorsement from Dr. A. \V Calhoun, the eminent oceuiist of Atlanta, Ga?:\, Dr. C-.T. Brocket: G a., Octouxu 17,1885. My Dear Hut—It affords us pleasuro after a careful examination of the formula ofvour and Dc!eet;dave,to bear testiinonv to its value, to state that its curative qualities are be¬ yond plies question. delightful 1 regard it as the name im¬ tlio a public. wash, and can recommend it to Yours truly, W. A. Calhoun', M. D. If you would have white teeth and healthy gums use DelectaTave, Get a bottle and try it, and you will be onvineed ofits merits* its sensation is pleas ant. ar.d its aroma delightful. &0 cents bottle..’ ASA G. CAXi)LER & CO.. Vi 5 Dsvggistp, Gexkkal Aokxts, ; ATLANTA, GA. ! SbSr llpSMy; gi S\ IIS PHOTOGRAPHIC COPING AND ENLARGING Die most artistic Photograph ever produced, I copy any kind of picture, faded Daguerreotypes, Card Pictures, Tintypes or Ambrotypes, into the 18x22 size and Guarantee perfect satisfaction. 18x23 Photogradh In Crayon. $3.50 | 20x24 Photograph in crayon $5 00 O •* V*l • • <wO d >1 $7.00 | Cabinet also per doz. $1.50 Photographs from Life. Photographs from Paintings. Photographs from Engravings Sample Cabinet size 10 cents, with price lists, Chromoes 13x29, samples 27ct3 • > with price lists. Mention tho Design, Landscape or heads. Address Tl.e Geo. W. Stewart Copying Co. 214tf. P. O. Box 431. Baltbnort, Md. SfPI l»l ELY’S SEED MANUAL 2. FOH. O & ,& Oontainsall the volua'lenctv ,See«ls, DlllbS and DlafilH. r i e Is how to grow them, and otters valuable tn-h prizes fur their product. 3iaili fl Fret; to all .-icadiiig Addr ss fov it, HPKU1AL FOl? MARKET G7K1>ENEDS. -iy &.GD 3 j j Seed and Grovrerg Muiuhanls | j loOl St., 246 & 1303 N. Broad Market St. | j Wa,, Pa, Baldwin Fertilizer Corny., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. •KTREAD our Advorti'scnmnt every wuol: ae it will daej»ly iuterost you.jjji o m -SIR GUJSMFEE2. % * OUTl Fertilizers are always shipped in the most perfect condition for •iso that it is possible to obtain by means ot the best machinery and care. THEY do not have a pound ot inferior material used in their manu¬ facture. WE rinvariably supply a higher analysis than our printed guarantee. THEY are compounded in the p.oportions best suited for the pur¬ pose intended. EVERY bag used has our special stripe around each end of it, and every bag with this stripe is strong, duiablc, and well sewed. EACH bag contains a full 200 11)3.—no short weights. )U R prices arc as low as it is possible to make them and furnish to fertilizer. W. A* Local Ac;ent. Jas. f W- f StJTLIVE, v 4 re mmmt. m AGEN Fort gaines, ca., fceprcsenlins: TIIE PIIOENIX INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. , Assets, 84.778,469,13. < TUP HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn., Assets, J5,288,603,97. THE HIBERNIA INSURANCE CO. r New Oaleaiis La. Assets, 517, 408,00. Is prepared to Insaro roar property in the most satisfactory manner. Ho i* also preparared to insure a limited number of Gin Ilooses where thy a r s in a proper condition. *^*Insf.res ecifbn in bales in Wardrooso or stored at art>y friher point n town )&r euutry. Give him a ca*!. SlTtf JA3. r»". ^fJTLlYE. IN WATCH“ 5‘9: We wi“ send you a watch examin- by express C. O. D. to bo ed before paid for, and if not satisfactory to be returned. Va pay all express charges and , {0" are at no expense. W. ave watches of all s?!“ and Erica. Swd shrug or hrs: atoiogue of 250 tyies \mfi! Instruction how to order etc. STANDARD WATCH CO. ”Wk zs!\\ : ^ M5 >. L \fr; 9, S K OWSgrecggS ECAS ES. i . % DESXS, OFFICE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. TEasVsiiOW c'-iSji'cO.rVr.ebiVliu.'r.o f OBEAT AliEBICAM 1 1 MEAT-CUTTER. y I pounced ITupqtinlled Hie best «nd for Harh, pro Sausage, Minco Meat, Scrapple, Hamburg Steak, Croquettes, He., &c. _ No. 1-M sent, express ji.W. £2^ prepaid,on receipt ol C0^ AMERICAN M'F’G \ 22d Si W’asbin-ton Avo., 1’hiludclpbia, •• I F. T. TENNILE, Agt., -DEALER IS - General Merchandise, Gro eerie.*, Brj Goods, Boots and Sho^.s, Hats, Notions, Weed and Wil¬ low Ware, etc., ole. ETeryilin HEW and FRESH. SUTLIVE’S BLOCK » Fort Gaines, Ga. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, A Branch of the State Unirernity. CUT II BERT, : «• GA. TheFa11 torna opens Moodily, tkptcmber .s ^nd, ldtlS. TUITION FREE. Board in the College, $8.00 per mouth. For Particulars address A. J. CLARK, President. yj,l a W * M. Speight, j HfpgSB Tago ^ t Solo Agent. I Fort Gaines. P|'*H Ga. u Drs. Starkey and Patent TREATMENT BY INHALATION, f TRADE MARK* ^ REDISTEREBW -ftp r$-3^ l t iXj JS ■ ^ A ; 3 \ IT w c. 1S30 Arch Street. I TiU«a’et. F»au : torjConsumption, chitis, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Catarrh. Bron¬ Hay Fever, matism, Headache, iNTeuralgia Debility, und ah (Jiironio Ithou and Nervous Disorders. “1 he Compound Oxygon Treatment,” Drs. bturkey , <k Pit Ion, No. lo2v) Arch 8ft, Fhiln. have been using for the last seventeen years is a scientific ndjustment’of the elewirnts of Oxygon and Nitrogen maoxet!v.El, and tho compound that it is so condensed and made j.'U'tuble is sent all over tho world. u>q AND THOUSANDS OF OTHERS IN EVERY PART O »: *» ,-e “COMPOUND OXY'OEi —its motir ov brochure action and of kehulth,” is the title of a iuiw' two hundred pages, published liY Drs. Starkey .k Falen, winch gives to all in*-* qnirers bit* curative full information as as to this remarku agent and a record of several htur dred surprising cured in a wide range of ehror* ie. eases—many of them after being ■abandon¬ ed to die by other physicians. Will be mailed free to any address on application. Bead tho brochure! DUS. STAJIKEY&PA bB.V, No. 1520 Arch St., PhilA Pa. , nfir Bl < Onr FP.EE TO AJLL. trated (lercrlptlvc Catalogue for llms-s* of loo contain-^ 18x2a N lng description piiKCH, audit Eg Illustrations of a com-® snss pleto assortment PlantsS of then* most popular i and for Garden,also the Conservatory!; Bulbs,® Roots, Vines. Shrub8,$ BiS'jeds.OrnamsntBlFrultamlShadeTrces. . Flower and Veqi'tablfi® mailed!' gpiitE is i to all Applicants. Established, 1860.2 SSatisuctlon guaranteed. 36 Gruenhousca. a SI AddressNANZ A NEUNER, Lomsviuji, Ky.« CONSUMPTION gURELY CURED. To tub Editor— Please inform your rcafe ers. that I have a positive remedy lor the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ot hopeless cases have been permanently bottles cured. I shall lie glad to send two ot my reme¬ dy imirk to any of your readers who liave con¬ sumption if they will send mo their express* and post office address, ltespectfully, York T. A. SLOCUil. II. C., 1811’earl st„ Now i FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALBANY , GA. Prompt attention given to all business intrustod to us. Collections made on any point. Exchange bought and sold. Mon- > ’A. ey loaned ou ajiproved time papor. Do posits W. solicited subject to eight chocks. A. Guaham, Correspondent » THE Atlanta Weekly Tour&al This, is the great political year. The battle for tariff reform is to be fought. '1 ho Atlanta Journal is the only genuine tariff reform paper published at til© cap¬ ital of Georgia. The Week y Journal w ill contain all the world’s news, excel¬ lent editorials, splendid miscellaneous and special columns articles, stories, etc.—fifty-sir long You of good reading every week. cau have the Weekly until January 1st next for 50 cents. In other words, you can keep posted on politics and tho news, and be entertained besides, all tho rest of this year, for half a dollar. Bara pie copies free. Address : THEALL1NTAJOURNAL 9 * Atlanta, Ga. ‘ffawsWuo are Weak, ig I ^\E Nervous ituted and ami suffering Pebil . y^l from Nervous De ■H I bility, Weakness. | Seminal Emissions, and all the effects of Nightly early Evil HaiTth, which lead to Preiaaturo Decay, Pears’ Consumption or Insanity, send for Treatise on Dise ses of Mfrir, w ith part icubvi-s for Home Cnro. Cures guaranteed. No cure no pay. J. H. Peapi, 612 aud 614 Church 8t., Nash* wile, Tenn. 00 YEARS IN USE. A Physician says, a sovereign remedy for wormrT” ! ^Having Vermifuge used m my the practice original for “B. many A. years, Fahnestock-* ! have ' is ns taft hesitancy rtUabie .n recommendingU and effieint\o n* all a remedy whkh Vermifuge needed, cases where ft is . Titos. H. Hawdy, M. D Cambridge, Md. .u? thus b *iHL a raiding p * r ^ imuations. c V ,aTl 3 f lhat th * initials are iL A* In a country noted (want y and health. Count* of .tody, ■Law 10 Bbancuk*. Course* Mcillciil aa<ff, tue L'niivenity of V U tudenU preparatory at University to' a. t CLASSICAL AND MILITARY of Vft.Xact*eanioa. Half session ftSS. RoexSras. Address Maj. Bethel Pa««ut& A. Academy, G. County, SMITH, P.O.. Va. mmm