The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, March 01, 1889, Image 2

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# Bin'™: BEST. o e Acid phosphates. <> Now is the lime for th<> Farmer to decide w hat brands of Guano they will IISO llliS year, J have the following well-known brands, all of which have been tried in this section, and full satisfaction. GEORGIA STATE GRANGE FERTILIZER, GEORGIA STATE GRANGE ACID PHOSPHATE. MERRYMAN’S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, MERRYMAN’S ACID PHOSPHATE, • LISTER’S AMMONIATED DISSOLVED BONE, GOSSYPIUM PHOSPHO. ^ illi mi cxpdhiMicc of T\vi:.vty rears in * o fertilizers in this section, I am prepared to so leet the best grades and recommend them to Ill V *> customers. ^all and se< 1 iih* at (he Uailroad deputy and get the ben eiit of my Ion# experience by ohtainiim* the VEUY BKST grades that can he had. % CUTHBERT Fl’RNITURI T f > % STOR1. T > f W. B. ELLIS, Manager rri, <‘ roller* of Tun A ovuviutiskr nre aorilinlljr invited to com non loo tni) wltpit in want of Anything in my line, Vttu need-' i.ot 0 Dnitl of not tindin^-whnt you waul, as I keep a very FlIIJ, ANI) YAR-IE!) STOCK <if nl! kinds, nnd I think I ninstircly suit you. As fo prices Iwou spy I am tot undersold by any houso in Georgia. AVw Homo nnd Lonicatic Sowing Machines kept in stock nil llie* CVVHBERT, tunc. Wospccl fully, (I A. •Sm W. H. KLLI3, .Mn'or f F. P. ALLLN: t r WATCHMflffiR J1ND JEWELER, N o x t do«»r to Opera House, whetc he is prepared to <Io a r TiirK elFi r.r.N ^' nU years 'bes, in (Jlocks the buuine.vs, and Jewelry. he Alter sstistaeiion r,n exju rienco ami of so.icitr the uhlie jfiiarautccs j patronage. A\ 4GUNS and BUGGIES • o yjdcs N09VM m iSBsriweeSSw- . j7 TENNESSEE \ m msml. i•b'-cQES 5 £ i v «3*5pv<k^ 4 • -"A"—'"w« < V 2 ^ -team Itngines, Uoiton Gins Af ; Feeders, and Condeiif orz I ! riimters wanting any articles in the above line will find it to their interest i t a cal’ . on me before pureJiasin »• cr W AfJONS axi> BUGGIES a SPECIALTY in which COMPETITION is defiieri. remember that every WAGON I sell is fully Warranted in Writing. W. A. I UNAPPRECIATIVE. How Uttle we are apt to app^ciatc t’nat which wts possess. Tue hardy wood-sawyer envies the wealth cf his employe.. TI« rich curies Ut* health and strutigth of his prior neighbor. “Our mind .and oar time wo employ „ t In longing for v.w have not, Unodtldfu] of w hat tvs enjoy." flow moth Ixtter if aii exerted the-rr.r'lvrs to ob¬ tain fair heart's bngihg. I f p'*or in purse seek to gain wealth by Industrious ntwl fruj.tJ habits. If poor in lieatUi seek to usa t’to<e remedies which ara tlw hc*,t and truest medicines. Among -emedici i sold by druggists none is the equal of Uotar.ic , F.lood Labn for curing the ills of dash and btood. Felix Foster, At Lint a, G.u, s?y-.: “I took 15. D. D., for several foul ulcers, which had given me much trouble and would not heal fro**! a use of ULCERS other rerqedies. Within ten »Ltys my httaUli improved, and before J bad used three bottles every sore was entirely liealed. It improved my appetite and gave rue flesh and ttrength." _ Hudson Clark,Camden, A/k.. says: “I was af SAD BLOOD dieted with the severest form of rheumatism for about II years, and suftered extreme misery during ail that while. 1 also had catarrh so lad it almost stopped ! CATARRH my breathing through n.y now. - My fleslt in some pieces looked as i f it had been charred or scalded. M y back was so lame I could hardly stand, i tried nearly every¬ RHEUMATISM thing bat found no rebel until i tried II. It. 15. I used several bottles and am now ;.s sound*and well as j any man In Arkansas.” J. \V. Messer, Howell’s Cross Rocds, Clirrokeo County, Ga.< writes: 1 aiiiicicd wjtb cltronic SORES 2 iTI then tried 15. 15. Li. and eight Loltles cured me sound atal welL” (v) v ,4" , :‘ .311; s :2“ .22 3:1}. 2 J", ‘25 THE - SMA i G” GE I I ‘5’ mnnEB f I ' .5 ~- " ‘L'crq‘xréw 1V0 and P" . “'ER, .389”)? ?&tfifin ntfll m ml” ‘ ’5' g 3,}; __ , ‘ w 2,: m - *‘3‘1’9'231’ifiér «,3 any "19-” m_ ll?“ "wag ~ 3 -\ . , ,2 ’2. J ’ equal 2gb“. -.A a! ~=;“""‘"&53 1! than ““3 ’,~ 2* . . QB ‘3. 2 - - ‘ 0 J ‘ ‘17» 'fii 22 v '6‘ machine (-Vl'l'y "“3”de 1n!!!“ subst“?£§§‘.?ut [Inc ‘ , . 2 g? ~--- ‘ , _, V ‘ , “”973qu pth‘v nifinn-t’y muted s.swog-i W3: 1.: tofu) . mucflv‘o pom b0 “.54 J *2: * -.‘ unl’ 0 03,39, "’ 5‘11. 22*; ‘k 9%.”? 2. 22- flgfifwwfmfias . “22-2“! nlfiCn‘ 0 "mu: an cullflw‘ '10 l 3: f '3 ' with me under "5 I T" “?swfy "Lg 3.1 . «4333342334: *‘g-k‘x» 123% Jin are .3 ‘ 35:2 2 it‘sgt‘figfi: £1. Qflfi 3 i ,' strens‘hmiglt'in wen fittifirm" ' R 2;“ : . 2-232 3.; 4 ,ng‘ -- N ‘ 33!: . ”It“ ’3. .. ‘5 . , ’ ‘ 1 Ere 'fifi,?%§s§p:¢¥°? pawl" frail!" .0 Etna?!- . ”“5“" b&’ ""‘n-‘é‘ulme “l” WY m I g ‘ . * a-‘x ~ 2;..., 2 T&fi‘fi’é‘lgmngg Y 0‘ len' THE 1 ‘ ' 3““ “ Dx’i'fl 2 ‘ "r: . ‘ (7-. v MN... a ‘ * 8 0““ C 02193 1335155313 ’ ’ “R 13%):(y S 1 tent“ i > 2' __ , “Ensuaga and F004“ . “253252., m IT “32h‘ :2 -‘ ‘ . . pA‘ '3.“ _. v 2 ‘1 ; ‘ ””53?“ Free 0'1 Am = sMAU-E" ”A uuFAGT“ co. manmm‘ - W'. Ei 3 I mss s -»4. zmmki m ■S y -s a l m m b, vt 9 w Rifs- He • IS ¥3J a f5Siss i»s i lfi& j i;l I THE LADIES' FAVORITE. NEVER OUT OT ORDER. If you desire to purchase a sewing machine, ask our agent, at your place for terras and prices. 1 f you cannot fmd our agent, write d irect to nearest, address to you below named. 1 NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE &QRMCE.IMSS: j. ! Chicago- - 23 UNION SQUARE,N.Y- DALLAS. ST LOUIS,MO._ ^ FOa:S.AgpBYi Tt - AN - I A i£ n A -SSNrBAaciIco X CSL. I oe Vinson, Fort Gaines Ga ! ! 'dafjs; IERICAN i | | I L IgEilEtlitiSli 31 Vy j “ **''-:——- «S4S. - J I , Is ttu? , oldest nnd most popular scientific nrd Uioclmnical paper published and ha* the largest elrculntion of any paper of its class in the world. Ihks. Fully Illustrated. 1’ublished weekly, Best class t'end ot W.kk! for Knc-rav Price W Four months’ trial, apeeuuen ?1. copy. lltNN O„ I'l a year. a.l Broadway, N.Y | i t UUSHEliS, r\ ARCHITECTS & BUILDERS; Edition of Scicntif.c American, w A croat success. Each issue contains colored lit hogmphic plates of country and city residen¬ and ces « fall r public plans buildincs. nnd specification* Numerous for engravings the of use such ns contemplate building. Fries i' a year, 25 eta. a copy. MI NN A CO.. l‘l BidsHEKs. may be sconc¬ ed l>y apply¬ ing to Mn.v.v A Co., who 9 have had over 40 rears’ experience and have made over For M H»UWO applications for American and enn patents. Send for Handbook. Correa- | pondeace strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. * ,* ) In caso your mark is not registered in the Pat¬ ent office, appiy to Mrxx Send A for Co., and procure immediate protection- Handbook. COl’YRir.IITS for books, chart*, maps. etc., quickiy procured. Address t MI VN & GOe l’ateut Solicitors. . tiLNalLAL OFFICX: StU BROADWAY, X. T. KA1S SALSAHi | pCvSS- "c 43S Cieenscs and h-autides the heir. I PrcuKHes ft luxuriant growth, { ’—oil n Neva.- Fails to Resior* Gray. F Hair ta its Youthful Color. | CurcsaealpaiscoscsandhairfKUingi h&mdsscorns. Th« . safest, cunvt and best eere fjrCorn*. Bunion., Ac. sii jtda. ficsrures comfort to the <<vt Never taiD teeona JS.’iutaathreatwto. H-acox & Co- 5. 1 - ■«( ttaiiouisi rtmut ths hamaa body nnd its curious JBete life a perpeiuotad. «tlrt rnntd, indu erg-us. rt, how ebteate to amt* p'.tfjLs qf .-noraice and intbxreUcn, Mow Mem to apply lit me Curt to cUi ferme qf itueasc. to cart Crottp^OU Kyat, Buptmt, Pktotuut*. tic,, JUou to mate, U tn mama'jt <t teweprUe Utfcet, 6 eud TKX CSHT3 lot D 3 TV bOOi, ’5-1 ZTEDICAL SENSE AND NONSENSE. K V A mblatignof vritaa^Swisdnin. » D6 page*, half eft beta given to ,w vjy-r cvwly tiresiratvd is adicai j $1: OVB A WEEK C/ubS/sfem \\^Vji< while sj convenient an# ta the buyer as & A|| \1 4 Instilment rystem, jLwj r S- 2 J a tcholesniespotcash The QW tystc-n 13 us. co-operation of the m, chth members Sells us LAl I I ' 33 watches In each _ PHI i ! k'l 8SM C38Wa*eh the Gab for Gab each and watch we ret before cash it from , J ■Xjp' flB each member only payst*;5S goes ;' *v§6 out, week. though This is why you! S5S 533jj $1 a i than we give j fc# j J’jjt more fo your money any one else |?*E * r and why v.e are doing the largest IprSl L jJonly watch first business quality in the goods, wot'd but Y/e ourr^ sell K$a^| • L.jloud TiX 4 . prices quaiity.Or.r3lO are about what Fits others crWuicls get let »c-W,t; jl^f ! i i any * s 3 substantial kind) Stem-Wind Silver (not American imitation Lever o/g-j£A 3H Watch—either Our tt‘23.00 Wc hunting tell is case Stem-wind, or oten.l^a jfSsn a Oper.Face, AmericaaLcvc Cm 'V..; *v: stiffened Gold lW*B .1 J \,guaranictdto _r_s otar so years. It U fully equal to any fi m watch first-class sold for StiSencd by Ccld others. Case We much finu'fc»w? l a K3aj !§’» any more Solid satisfactory Gold Case and that serviceable can be sold than at ISffi ■gfi less solid than cases double are invariably the money, thin, as weal:, cheap JSjgl lliff gjR ol low quality, 938 and worthless after IdEi | l short use. Our Watch contains A* numerous of important vital import.•-nee patented accur-^ jig provements, to ate Wind, t.ming <&v.,which —Patent Dustprecf, coottoiexclusivcly. Patent Si It« 6 § we isfully bility and equal service, for accuracy, appearance, Watch dura¬ to any £75 .either Open road Face or Hunting. Oi!r$4fL00 Kail Watch is especially constructed Rail-® for||b the most exacting use, and is thclwst road All these Watch prices made, are Open either all Face cash or or Hunting, in clubs, jM* jfrfjj 91.00 a wee k. AnAjcx Watch A / / /niuia'or given free with each Watch. Go&Sft; The Keystone Watch Clu& Wpi V Mala 0Bc* Is Ce’i Own Balldlna 004 WMJHT ST. fHILAOA, ?A, Ajax Agents Watch Insulator, Wanted. $1.00 /N<A Fit t prfwlprotac'.loo Utitck. Sent inyiii! bf n.»*nitl«ra. ) 1 . 1 \L '*3 Of price. a us Cy We reft* tusii «:• Ctonmwtigl r-'jrip*. U ant AgtUK) Dobbins’ EledriG Soap THE BE $T FAMILY SOAP . ....... |J WU3l * * It is Strictly Pure. Uniform in . Unalit?. T HE original formula for which we paid $ 50,000 twenty years ago has never been modified or changed in the slightest, ’this to-«iay soap with is iileuiical in quality tliat liiiule twenly years ago. in* TT contains uotiiiiiu ttiat eau I jure the finest fabrics It bright* ens colors and bleaches whites. TT washes flannels and blankets as no other soap A in the world does—without shrinking—leaving them soft and white and like new. READ THIS TWICE tpHEkE J of soap, is of a grrenf fuel, and saving of the fabric, of time, where of labor, Dob¬ bins’ F.lcctric Soap is used uccording to tlireo ti»!i«. • QXI5 trial will demonstrate its great merit. It n* will pay you to make that trial. T IKE all liest t!»iu-H, it is extensively imi JT* tated and counterfeited. Pswarc of Imitations. viwvwvwwyw TNSIST A upon Doliliins* Electric. Don’t take Magnetic, fraud, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric* or any other simply because it is cheap. They will ruin cGthes, and are dear at any price. Ask for ---DOBBINS’ EI.ECTniC and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keel's it in stock. If yours hasn’t it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. J* DEAD carefully the inside wrapjier around each bar, and he careful to folUwv (litTctionk on each outside wrapper. You eittitioi aillortl to and wait truly longer wonderful before trying for yoDrscif this old, reliable, Dobbins’ Electric * Soap. F A USTL.__.._.. "W'PMSY black. magnifiopnt Pm: in coal “ . .., ;, . ‘3 gm he flowersuenxoeodimzly the c:cxspuon of um." {allow organ) ole. ' ,; ,. ' 113 ‘ Va: 4e ?*~:fimv ' 23-; Irich. slash what! anticompgct? uper cs; ‘93.» ' £1311“va abundantly. uahy A bod “1,. .‘fi‘ ' " . 31*, ‘ oweriv'g o ‘ ', ._. . , these charming Panama make 3 ‘ \ r 3 ;.4 ahctmtifqfl mofl’nusma appuarauce_nndlov. cannm afford tuba :3 . ~ vga‘ , ,j‘ ‘. ‘34; v "$"ii"§n‘¥"’i"‘so‘v «ff: _,~r ~. v 3' - ‘7¢~:~*s.vxr,1~:fipv. «I4. .. ’1" .x u . "» ; . ' 3 ’1 Banu e lilhngrqplwd _ -’ , .w , ‘1: L; [M ‘ v . ‘.‘ .j-‘-g ,' 1.; ‘4 prusrkm,withm~ . ‘ (; . 3- xylem cn'turo direc~ \ 'g 3. ”a 1 ”-7 .2 - ‘ txom, lsctu. 2for°ac. Ont 1! k ,- “\f‘ 3.2 3 3 ‘ ac 3 t» incomparable Pnnuiea. ll) full-mn»? oqfirflionnf septum. '4. _ ‘ ?;”- 1}; -‘; " ”1;“, 333;.- pkta. of the (thoicrann'otieu. with . '. com‘rmtaculmmdlmtinns,eentpost. | gum ; 134; ‘ '3‘ art pan for 110 eta. Tmscunectiouem (‘ .g. . 3 _‘ a; 3.1’ Q. brags; all tho nelrrulnzldé’eg'finext - mum 2., :— ' vane tel. r cumpe unnnddnrgsa. 6 a no _ , " ' mulled ‘ to , 1., ‘ 1'). L'. “WI. 6!.“ l. FRO“ St- a 100 LBW 6L. H" 1a.. qMoa«rRfi>5 HOUSE AND FARM J LOUISVILLE, KY. The Leading Agricultural Journal of the South and West. Made by Farmers for Farmers. Price, 50 Cents a Year. •’ Farm Though the subscription price of Home akd is only one-fourth that of leads them all in enterprise and originality. No expense is spared when required to secure informa¬ tion, experience or advice from any quarter. It is distinctively the r FARMERS’ PAPER, A record of their daily experience, presented in a form and language which make it plain to all. ITS UST OF CONTRIBUTORS I* unequaled, containing the names of the most successful and progressive farmers of the West. These writers treat not of a theory, but of the actual conditions of life on the farm. Among them are found Bill the Henry names of B. F. Johnson, P. Ford. Waldo F. Brooks, Brown, Jeff Arp, Welborn, Foxhall, Stewart, John A. C. Edgar, Hugh Steele’s B ffl %, <5U . T 1 « i. 0 , l t ol * „thers othcrs> •* '.' departments ’ relating to “ e HOME AND THE CHILDREN Are Latimer, unequaled Mary Marsden, for fullness Lois and Catesby, variety. Mrs. Brown, Faith Miss Cable, Mrs. Richmond, Mrs. Palmore, Mist Mosby, A series Mrs. of Williams articles aad others. on HEALTH AT HOME, Written by an able and experienced family physi* cian, is alone worth many times the price of the paper, « ‘B WER 3 ’ FARM” 0 Is an interesting and inspiring story of the success of a boy on a farm, written expressly for this journal byJoHM short R. ML'SICK. farm In no portion of the is neglected. In its Editorial Department are presented the claims of the farmer for fair treatment in the halls of legislation, and the farming community has no more able advocate. Homs and Farsi is not a voted political journal, its time, space and energy are de¬ to agriculture, every issue answering to its motto '• FAIR TRADE AND FARMER'S RIGHTS.’* Every subscriber COFFEE to Home and Farm is entitled to a guess receiving at our amounting JAR, the to$708 successful guessers premiums 00 , HOME AND FARM, ONE Y EAR, FIFTY CENTS. -£x. 2 STID -AN THE Advertiser, For One Year For One Dollar. H/.,R SALSAM t 1 the r-ri>'dar fsrortte for Uk l_ur, 1 .^- 4 . .ruig cv»or w jp-y, aad lymcsUig S' A, A 1 ; DE-LEC-TA-LAVE n TUB * BEST DEXTR 1 FICE EVER t*FF»:nKD TO THK AMERICAS PEOPLE! r* / m / ifX- & - JM E % S&¥, 1 4ii 11 i,w Wiiy? Because it will 1 . Whiten the teeth* 2. Cleanup tlwe mouth. 3. Harden and beautify the gums. 4 5 Purify Prevent the breath. the formation of tartar. 6 Neutralize any acidity of the saliva. 7 Aid in preserving the teeth. 8 Cure tender and bleeding gums, l>r. Calhoun Endorses Delecta lave. the This following delightful endorsement preparat on has called fort h Callioun, from Dr. A. \V the eminent oeeulist of Atlanta, Ua.: Dr. T. Brockets Atlanta, Ga.,Octobke C. ~ \ My Dkak Sir—I t affords us pleasure after a careful examination of the formula of your Deleetalave,t.» bear testimony to its value, and to state that its curative qualities are be yond plies question. delightful I regard wash, it as the name im¬ a andean recommend it to the public. Yours truly, W. A- Caliiovx, M. D. If you would have white teeth and healthy gums me Delectalave. Get a bottle and try it, and you will be onvmced ofits merits. it< sensation is pleas¬ ant and its aroma delightful. 5f) cents bottle. ASA G. CANDLER & CO.. Wholesale Druggist?, General Agents, ATLANTA, GA. %Nv^==r.„r- ; .W -*t fS &—-g'“—•'l ■ SR WB&L&Z i „ '■su..: : 3 i n .qw n J l IU M| * ■ < Ln i: PHOTOGRAPHIC COPING AND ENLARGING. The most artistic Photograph ever produced. I P )'-)'' t >■ nay kind _<»; picture, faded Daguerreotypes. Card Pictures, T4ntypes * 1 or Ambmtvpes, into the 18x22 . and pevteet . * satisiaetloil. . /• • •Size guarantee 18x22 rhotogradh in Crayon. $3.50 j 20x24 Photograph in crayon $50 ’, 20x28 ” ” ” $7.00 | Cabinet fcizo j>ov doz. $1.5 Photographs from Lifo. Photographs from Pjiintings. Photographs from Ei-^raving,. Sample (’aUuu'.t fiizq 10 cents, with price lists. Chromoi H 15 x 20 , samples 2 ‘ ct «. .vitli price lists. Mention the Design, Lcuiuscape or heads. Address Ti e Geo. W. Stewart Copying Co. 214tf. r. O. Box 491. Baltimore, Aid. ruTi 1 v Q ip 0 _ i 15 = 8 - U ^ ois.Eis SilMi^yiAa. x o'o -/ ^ . , loiitahe*all the valuable new Se<‘<Is, Bill <LS an i 1‘laisfs. r i a how to grow diem, and oilers valuable cash prizes for their product. Iviallt tl ’* Frcti to ail tcitUlng AtDlr ss f«»v ft. roil M A if In f IT GAPDUNMII.S. IL! IV p 0*1 i Seed Merchants] 1301 & 1 UOb Maikei j iLh? | and Growers | St., 246 JN f . Broad St. j S as Baldwin Fertilizer Com' y. SAVANNAH,. GKC >1 i(xIA. CS'READ our Advertisement every w ?fk as it will tb -ply interest rou. .tVj o hr emmm Wx. OUR Fertilizers aro always shipped in the nrosl perfect condition fVn ISC that it is possible to obtain by means of the best* tnaeliineiy and ra re. THEY do not have a pound of inferior materia! used in their manu 'acture. WE rlnvariably supply a hijrher analysis than 'cur printed guarantee. THEY are compounded in the p»oportions best suited lor the pur psse intended. EVERY bag used has our special stripe around each end of it, and every bag with this stripe is strong, durable, and well sewed. EACH bag contains a full 200 !bs.--no shr-rt weights. JU R prices are as low as it is possible to make them and furnish to fertilizer. W. Local Agents * » Jas. IE /!\ w. fSUTLIVE, B H A If IN 5 bHii 4 S 4 &t J m ■s.* - 1 .* FORT GAINES 1 , GA., Representing THE PHOENIX IBSU&AXCE CO., Hartford, Conn Assets, $1,778,469.13. TIIF HARTFORD o CO., • r Ul ifoi (1, Conn., Assets, 85,288,003,97. THE HIBERNIA INSURANCE CO., New 0:i!eans La. Assets, 517, 408,00. Is prepared to Insure your property in the most satisfactory manner. Ho is also prepftrafed to insure a limited number of Gin Houses where thy are ilfSs in a proper condition. t&L iftnL. lin rnfcs if .it . ^ in ... bales in Warchot >oii)t ■ him a call. , ^ “> i .Tj . ' 1 % h : e. i* i. *0 f-m Gf ■ - % . IN WATCHES We wm send I; on a watch examin. by express C. 0. to be ed before paid for, (and if not” satisfactory to be returned. We pay an express charges ané you are at no expense. We, have Watches of an style; and prices, Send Siam; for large Catalogue of 250 tyles with Instruction how to order etc. STANDARD WATCH CO. Pittshmgh, Pa. .j I P pSa v .T i;,:j 6 &2 O W-CAS WALL CASLB. DESKS, OFFiCE FURNITURE AND FIXTURES. A«k Cot- Illnstmted Pnrn Tan TJEliltk SHOW CAS£ CO., Niisliviiiii. r am? ^ MEAT-CUTTER. i tionncod YncqnstU-d »ml for lliwh, pro- i | tUe l»est Sausage, Mince Meat, i Scrapple, llainburi; Steak, Croquettes, Ac., 4c. j j I No. 12i> sent, express ! prepaid,on receipt ot'f'i.fiO. I AMERICAN 2Id & Philadelphia, Washington M'F'G Avo., C0.( F. T. TENNILE, Agt -DEALER IX—— Gcncrnl Morthnmlise, Groceries, l>ry (ioods, Boots and Slvocsy Hats, Notions, Wood and Wil¬ low Ware, etc., etc. EverjlMii NEW and FREEH. SUTUVE’S BLOCK I % Fopt Gaines, 6 a. SOUTH WK 8 T GEOKGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, A llf.-tiich <»f the State Uiiivorsity. CUTIIBKRT, • • GA. The Fall term opens Monday, Beijfcembetf ton!,. 1838. TUITION FREE Hoard in the College, $8.00 per month. For Part iculars address A. J. CLARK, President, W. M, Speight, fCif TRUSS . k Sole Agent. -'J <D l -i 1 Four Gaines, •-. I- 0 *. SI'S V Drs. Starkey and Palen^s TREATMENT BY INHALATION. / TWA0 2 MARff RCCISTCKED* t ^ ' A -* N I™ »I r (*. I iGSO Arch Street, PliilucTa, Pa. I’orj chitis, Consumption, Dyspepsia, A stliftia, Cat Bron¬ Hay *rh, Fever, maoism, Hcaaacho, Neuralgia Debility, and Chronic lllieu ■ »u and Nervous Disorders. “Tho Cornpound Oxygen Truntmoni,” Dcr>. Stni koy A: Pnlon, No. Archtt., 1 ’iiiln. Iiavo boi.'ii using for the lin ; t sovt-ntiu n yoiti? .'s :s sfiontilic udjustment.of tlui clcnnuts of Oxygon and Nitrogen m.vgwktitli., and U 10 eompomid hat it is is so ail oondensed tho world. and im.Ue j.ortnblo I sent over \ND TtlOUSnWOS or 07HP.RM IM EVEI7Y PAST O . “COMPOUND UXYCKI —its v,cT>e <rv AGTION ANlr liEriVLTK ”!* 5 the title of a now hioclmro of two hundred page-s, puldixlicd by bio<* M ( tt u<{ur<.-cnrdof«ovor«ibun drod surprising cmvK m u \vju« range otVlirou nmny ofth.-m after being nbandon <*d to die by oltKu - physicians. Will be mailed tVco to anv address oji tipplictilion. lloadtiuj • • „ Art-hlj/ iddh^ V f Our FREE (io.'crfptlvc TO ALL. | : II us-: L tr:»ter! Catalogue forlKs;,- wz of luo pages, Conklin -J ijlusti <le8cii|)tion_4l t*(loiJ8 of 4ui da U pP plete assortment a of eom- the* 3 fl~ „ . rwB^ tsr^ lll0st l'°l"ilar l’lants|B HE v ffor the Conw>rvatory^ i ■ ;’~y ■i£y W.,^.un<lfiar<len,niso8utiJS Vines, hc s * Rcols, Shrubs, M-i-saiias W Address NANZ & NEUNER, I.oni8Vir.i.E, KY.jjh CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To titr Editor—I’ leaso inform your read¬ ers that I have a positive remedy lor thousands tho above named disease, liy its timely use o t hopeless cases have been permanently cnrciL 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of mi reme¬ dy free to any of your readers who have con¬ sumption if they will semi me their express and post office address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOCUM, II. C., lSLJ’earl st^NewYork. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ALBANY, GA. •? i’rompt. attention given to all buoino min. 1 ted to UK. Uollevtlons made on 3l4 hi uiiiii. Exchange bought and Bold. ■y loaned on approved time paper, De posits solicited subject to sight checks. \Y. A. Gi:aium, CorrcHpondent — % TH R $ * Atlanta Weekly Jonnn Tin's i:~: the great political year. Tin battle for tarilf reform is to l>c fonglit rite Vtlauta Journal is the only gcxtuif J tariff' reiorm paper published ut the Jour9 caJ itai of Georgia. The Weeky will contain all the world’s news, excTI lent editorials, splendid miscellaneous ail speeiul articles, stories, etc.—fifty-M ivctl long You cohinins of good lading every mil can have the Weekly until 9 an 1st next for 50 cents. In other worl you can keep posted on politics and il !■ news, and be entertained 'K^ides,all [>le r< : t copies of this free. yeasf, Address for half a dollar. AM B|9 TAJOi:itNAl9|| : THE Ax LAN Atlanta, ^Hh ili fiSSS Fm-io,.. all ih' V S«S"’of i8 tut '“ with l=>r Pears’ j,articular# Treatise for on Home Dise sett of sic,, WM Cure. " ,JjH Larva gn 3 dnnt«?tHl. 2 So cure no jih v. •1 Pears, T 42 aad 611 Cburtli .St., XuaU-l \ •. ille, Tcnii. A Physician aays,, a sovereign rtn^edy for worro?^ Vermifuge Haying used the original for “B. A. Fah«tsto- "’ ^ hesitancy m my recommending practice irmnv years, I h. ve 11 * no in ft ar« a v*m «u 4. «L-hi<-h 1 ?Z d J /U,rKt a r y i Thos. II. II ».V 7 ,T, M. D., Cambridg*. Md. Observe particularly that the initials are IS. 4. M inus avoiding imiutkma. \ ■ MUHyaHU C7& £BVSi9J|Saa ■ In a ^ nn'ry nntodforb^ni OUIPPAL m 41 ? :• .Ifi'/Gf