The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, March 08, 1889, Image 2

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Till: \V SICKLY ADVERTISER. PVIiLlAHET) EVf.HV TRIP AT BT W. It. CIIAIIAM, MANAGER. rm 9999^M wm m. wny II.A til,) f. >io t. fnntioo <>i.o. CO’; e »W!*r kx»fs ajirr Artverti lag Itare^u do frpruct • NEW YORK. Thonghti for Consideration c( on the Avocations Man. The doctor calculates what per cent of his hiiU are insolvent, or what he must mid to the bottom crop to offset losses on the top crop, mid so regulates his charges. The money lender and credit merchant estimate hisses and regulate per certs, accordingly, so os to ensure his profits. Hystcm is essential. The merchants rn mass count cost of goods, and in addition, all freights, house rents, insurance, city taxer, clerk hire, with oertain |**r cents, as gain, and fix prices. This is business. The manufacturer estimates amount inreateil in machinery, with interest on name, cost of labor, cost of raw material, and tlim by ( inlK-zzlc loent atld» tin; iliiqnitou* tariff an part of hinproUb> r.ttd gains, uu-1 fixes prices. Thia is robbery. Then cornea tho fanner, who ought to lie tho most powerful ami independent class on the glolxi. lie plants bis differ¬ ent oropo, labors from Jan. to Jan., then as the eri»]m are reudy for market, esti¬ mate* mulling, demands nothing, but regai.Uooi of cost, the entire products of |rie* ly, <s ; tl arc thrown on the cold charities speculating world, which is rrcklere ■in this disy of combine and trusts, pisre uoinh-r at being Oppressed: I^Sin/ation ami system is essential to ; ftBccowt in every avocation. Thorefovo, f brethren, as bagging Com os in as part (and from present outlook an nil impor¬ tant jnirt) of the cost iu marketing our cottou crop it behooves us to take im¬ mediate action in regard to our supply for the coming crop, and there is no time to lie lost. The monopolistic match has ulmndy Ikh.ii touched to tho fuel and itulews quenched by a prompt autl united action on our part we are sure to fall vic¬ tims to the jute twigging trust At a recent meeting of tha trust it is ’ said prices were fixedat 28c per yard, or $'!.2-l, against about 70o per bale two . years ago, Brethren, cau we stand this? If to, let ns fold our arms and stay at borne on tlm 15th, aud allow our rights ns well as the fruits of our labor to re main locked up iu tlm vaults of the nlsuni uable trust and be content wo have Ih’cii reaping, ami which will still be om »Lvn‘, oppression. Mhiiocn. Attention, A?l *Good Citizens of Clay. A call mooting of all Alliatioomcn, and all who arc in sympathy with tho fum interest. Whereas : It being a known fact that tho several bagging Hctorioa lmvo eor ncrwl on and bought up all tho jnto bag¬ ging ami butts on tho market until Jar. 1, 1H90, with a settled view adi^et; (in their hel¬ lish greed ff»r gain) of an of pri¬ ces from last year, and tho sam^ being monopoly and oppression in its worst form and direct upon tho laboring and tunning classes, and, Whereas : The HtandanT Oil Compa ny h«« bought up tlie pine straw bagging patent right with, no doubt, tho above iramoi purpose. Therefore, bo it resolv¬ ed: am 1st *. That we meet on Friday, March 15, at ten o'clock, to elect a delegate to represcut us in a no otiug ot tho State Alliance, to bo held in Atlautn on April 4th, with such instructions as wo mav doe in best to rid ourselves of tho evils and oppression which is inevitable unless met by a determined and co operative action of all interested iu the cottou state*. 2nd ;Tn connection with the moecting of our order, we most earnestly request every farmer aud all who are in sympa¬ thy with u« in thia move, to meet with na. W © need your oouusel, our interests are identical, so come one, come all and by our nuited Counsel and determined •o-operation tho bugging trust ia lor n * to go and carry w ith it Joo Drown s god, the tariff on jute ami tha. By action of Clay County Alliance bold March ‘2 188D. 1). F. Ginn, President B. Iff. Brown, Secretary. —- " ——— How, Give Attention To the purification of your blood, for at no season is tho body so susceptible to the benefits to be derived from a go< d medicine as in March, April and May. Hood's S*n»q>ai ilia is the people's favor¬ ite spring medicine. It stands unequal ed for purifying the blood, curing scrof¬ ula. salt rheum, elc., regulating the kid # noys aud lreer, repairing nerve tiseu* s, atrengthening and invigorating tho whole Kslv, nnd checking the j rogress of acuto and chronic disease, and restoring the afURritsl i a.ts to a natural healthy cou eottdition. It you have never trietl Hold's Fares pi n 1* for your “spring IUv dicae,” do so this seasou. 1 iiaven't the caurage to die, sir, Caul Hardly drink the courage to live; Ain't Christian en« Ugh to forget, sir, enough to forgive. This was the wail of a man who had en¬ dured the tortures of “liver complaint” and dyspepsia durvd th. for for years life ; hud. and lie he might have m m not hoard ihnt (•r. kmfld larva's Golden Medical Discovery make him a well man. lie gave it a ^^^rd fcMeistc was cured. 1, .-md slowly Ontv t li llcrinq > whs hollnw- ard t<>« i- 'ic.r.u, r..h.i-t ' in .... Prajr?r Mreting Chat. Subject: “Ihave sought thy prccapth'’ Psalms 119 chap., 91 vew». * Preempts are tho instruction* given n* by a preceptor. In the text David means tho _ command* of God. \\ e are prone to be governed, ® in religions R matters, vorv J largely bv the opinions of others. Few «■ «—•%* *» «*—*«• ! has set ns a good example; He say*: .1 “I j , have followed _ ... thy preeiq t*. . „ He ! nr - .p« i 1 the persotml prononn 1,1« arlingus to the oonclindon ttmt h** made it l»i» personal duty to study f«jr himself. IVrst in.l ulen tity nn.l individual rceponsii i ity is taught from the first to the last chapter of the word of (iod. There is no way to get rid of the awful truth of personal duty. I am a Baptist, you arc a Methodist; l>erlmp8 our parents were ineinliers af the same organization as ouvwlves, and our kuowltdgo of duty is basal upon the knowledge of our parents. It is right to obey our pareuts, but if we are Baptist ouly because they are Baptist; then we are unworthy of the name. Heck, like David did, for yourselves, and be what you are because God says so. Heck first to read “thy precepts.” This is surety a reading ago, but uut a bilile reading ago. The cheap literature, that is scattered broadcast over the hind, has -upplanted, to a great extent, I lie reading of the biblo. People read, but they do not read the bilile like they should. We read the newspapers and are onxit ua for tho mail to open that we uiay learn th<‘ current news of the day. Tho Macon Telegraph and Atlanta Constitution are household companions. You read the latest novel btoiusu yon are ashamed to go into society w ithout having raid tlu latest; you read the fashionable maga /.ino aud arc auzious to let the world know how well you are posted concern ing the the things that pertain to tlu* fashions of the day. ft is uiuazing how adroitly some will turn the course of con veisation in order to wedgo in they know. if there wore less worldly read¬ ing and nittro seeking for the Lord's pre¬ cepts there would be better things for tho Lord's church. In the treat placej: Week to understand them. Beading is not miderstutkdiiuj. Afuch reading is not much soli»l letu'uiug. To bealilo to quote many passages of scripture is far from uu Jerstnuding w hat they moan. Is o amount of reading is beneficial unless properly digested. In seeking then to read the precepts of God, seek also to nndorstau 1 them. When tho commands of a supe¬ rior are given to us, much of the value of our obedience depends upt n the knowledge of what tho superior do sires. To obey is right, but to obey without knowledge, whore knowledge is required, is servile or slavish. Seek to know what the precepts of tho Lord moan. Seek lastly, to bo governed by “Thy precepts.” Bead them, understand them, and then make them your guide of faith and practice. Nothing else ia a guide; no man's instruction or example are a safe ralo for practice : nothing but the plain toacliings of the Lord a\i\ be relied on, anil to bo governed by them is to have the hand of the Lord to help; let them tie your model in all things, even jin the common u'fnirs of life. Much error could lie avoide l by looking to tho pre¬ cepts of God for guidance. Two ndgh bors “fall out,” one will not yield, the other will not yield, so they call upon a third party, and ho advises the “code.” A fine code, this, that requires a man to sacrifice Ids life for some trivial offense. Why not recommend the precepts of the Lord, and in nine cases out of ten all difficulties could bo settled. Keek, then to be governed by “Thy precept V* Z. T. Weaver. •----•«»•••' A Great Hat tlu Is continually going on in tho human system. (Thedemon of impure blood strives to gain victory over the constitu¬ tion to ruin health to drag victims to the grave. A good, reliable medicine, like Hood’s Sarsaparilla, is tho proper weap¬ on with which to defend one’s self, drive the enemy from tho field, and restore poaco and bodily health for ninny years. Try this peculiar mediciuo. WHO i : H jrj A iHc macHI THE LADLES’ FAVGRSTEl. K£V£R OUT OP ORDER. If you desire to purchase n rewina Eccblne. ask our scent at your placA fortrruis and price* If you cannot find our agent, write direct to nearast address toyoubeiow named. NEW HOME SEUIHG MACHINE aLTilK \m OAUJUs CU»CA*0 - 28 UKSON SQUARE,^- I —— Joe Vinson. Fort Gaines Ga . ____ f « SriaftSsrW; *“*“4 | mmmmSSbw DERCORNS. Hast eervfor II *. >. TRUTH. TT sttms strings that anyone will coa L 1 tinue Wood to auffer from the effect ol ra» wna, po:son.soreness of the liver *nd kidneys, rheumatism, etc., when there 13 a curc reach of all. It has never failed to give complete satisfaction, curing safely, surely and quickly every awiSi^fss&sssss and rapidly well, aches and pains subside, sores weakness, get stiff joints, swollen fi^bs, dyspepsia, want of appetite all dis ippcr.r. 1 1 is called Botanic Blood Balm, nade in Atlanta, Ga.. ar.d has long been -he favorite remedy cf the South, it is a perfectly tonic, and safe much blood remedy and general medicine usually quicker administered in its action by physi¬ than cians, dients for while nearly the same ingre¬ bio the might be ingredients prescribed, it hardly pos:,i same in the strength end same quantity vjou'J be used ; and herein is the superiority of B. It. 15. over all t-lood medicines in the world, as is evi¬ denced by the remarkable testimony given all by other those treatment vrho have utcrly been cured failed. even Read when the following: IIawkinsvili.e, H IS Ga., Feb. 2d, 1SS7. T is to certify that ray w ife has been in bad health for eight years. After trying five doctors ana swe or seven WEAKNESS different patent medicines six bot ties of your B. B. B. has cured her. James W. Lancaster. B. B. B. T have Knoxville, had Texx., July 2,1SS7. catarrh of the head for six 1_ J years. he treated 1 went nn: for to it, a but noted could doctor not and cure me, l.c said I was over fiit tv years old, a 2. I had distressing CATARRH cough; swollen, mv eyes were and I am coa fiid nident »nt i I f«ii could not have lived without a change. medicine, I sent and got one bottle of your used it, and frit better. Then I go. four more, an,!, .Lank God, i. cured me. 1. sc t::r, any way you may wish for the good of sufferers. Mrs. Matilda Nichols, 22 Florida Street. B. B. B. THOR twelve Maxey, Ga., jan. 3.1086, years I suffered from X H secondary and tertiary blood poison. Mv face and shoulders became a mass o. corruption skull bones. and live disease began to eat my It was said 1 must sun with ly benefit, die, but 1 tried a bottle 15. 15. P. and using eight cr ten bottles more I became sound and well, and have been so for twelve months. Hundreds BLOOD POISON of scars can be seen on me, and I extend heartfelt thanks for sc valuable a remedy. Roiiert Ward. Wo know Robert Ward ar.d that he has been cured by Botanic Blood balm. A. T. Brightwell, W. C. Birchmore, & Co., J. H. Brightwell, John T. Hart, W. il. Campbell. B. B. B, Waynesboro, Miss., July 14, is$7. \ l Y sister was afflicted for a number V / of years with boils scattered about \l all over her person. They would, make their appearance every spring and last through the summer and late in the fall. Iler health was sadly im pnij OC ik-o 0 pared,losing day; tlesii and they strength every in fact, were sapping her life. I gave her one bottle of B. B. 14., ana the effect was like magic.produc¬ ing health. a complete To^Jay cure and restoring soundand her she is perfectly doubt ncr health the best fully and restored. valuable It is without Blood most Purifier now on the market. D. M. McRae. B. B. B. I suffered untold misery for years from inflammatory find nothing rheumatism, relieve and could JL to cure or me. I finally maoc up my mind to make RHEUMATISM one more effort of the terrible affliction, to and rid it myself now affords me the greatest pleasure of my life to state to tne citizens cf Smith county that 1 am entirely cured, with r.o trace of the disease left, and all effected by B., the which magic I consider healing properties of B. B. the grandest, purest and most powerful blood remedy known to man. I have been subject toimfiamma tory attacks since ten years cf age. John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas. B. B. B. H pOR ing with five a years weak I back have from been result suffer- cf JL an in|ur>’ received, attended by rheu¬ matism. 1 had to give up my regul ar busi¬ ness and take the position of night-watch¬ man. I have derived great relief and bene¬ regained fit by using Botanic Biood Balm, and have regular my strength work. sufficiently to re¬ sume my I think Botanic WEAK BACK Blood Balm has nent relief. I given able me perma form am now to per¬ work that I have not had strength to to do for five years, and cheer¬ fully be endorse the B. B. B., which has proven to relief. only medicine that will give me Oliver Se c6r, 111 Streeper St., Baltimore. Md B. B. B. had suffered Alapaha, Ga., June 22,1887. from dyspepsia, for over fifteen years, ana during that time tried every thing I cou ! d hear of, and spent over $30') ia doctors' bills without receiving the slightest benefit Indeed, I continued to grow worse. lief, Finally, a’ friend after 1 despaired of obtaining re recommended B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), and I began using it; After not, using however,expecting halt bottle to I be benefited. satisfied a was n\/o DYSPEPSIA d cnci a that I was being the sixth bottle benefit*ed,andwbc 3 was taken I felt like a r.ew man. I would not take *1,000 for trie good it has done mt; in fact, the relief 1 deriv¬ ed from it is priceless. I firmly believe that I would have died had I not taken it. m Thomas Faulk HA!H EJALC'AM 3 ! b<>, r T lii; ’‘ fA ' ori£,#ipr ' 1 ' f *^ a ' SB II s| U U.3 scui? t the E<BL-> fu hstrts0irx;r:adfosa-st9|>tes3e. Mo .«t»ai:i > —e v ui iTisriss H I • ^ r a£S^^S!5S5s/?t<Sf*5i B K>5Sft& locuro. n> ccaua. irussri*:*. luseox & cy„ x X _ IF YOU WANT TO KNOW Mott Mote to t o <rr<n<t opp tji ptfajt Home of Cure iepwrm^ano^iia^nl fctafeawis«ssi£»s&s:' to ad form* of also ous, i ~ t-end a; a reif exm for new book, JM ma,IC *Z£2g SBmi *«■»»«>-!«--«-, afiTaittA rnVStttt rt i S4melsaet»ij\J lalmh cr**. , - ,.—... 1 . ■■ — $! ouk Vt A WoEi; r==£ , • CfjbC/zten rxsm white os convenient V\ , ^S-y ^ni to the buyer as arty « instalment wkoUsaie system. is J>\\ | ; I—^ _____ Pfjg a spotcask The Q , ■Mco-cperstton system to us. cf the ~ l|S>i3c!ub ■gs 8 watches members la sells each us 1/ MILA. *j $38 Watch Gab, and wer-t l cash front gl 3£a cat, the Club though for each each watch member Jbre cn!y it pays goes ;.r 35$ a week. This is why we give you I mere for y our coney than any one else g P PR BB and why we are doing the largest watch business in the world Wo sell rTEI only first quality goods, tut our Cfg KjEocd prices quality are about .OurflOStiwerWutch what ethers get f. r sec Sgji A*tl| any is 3 substar.tiA kind) Sura-Wind Silver {net American iatiiatien Lever of EMM Watch—either hunting case cr open. ytrl< »ni Our Open 8 Face, 23.00 first Wutt quality, ?i b stiffened a Stem-wind, Cold S^fSj SBj AmericanLcver wear so Watch It is fully equal to tj r ears. any .•vTjwatch sold for Stifienci fjS tv others. We CndW- . a first-class Ccld Case much KiiH BgB more any Solid satisfactory Gold Case and tliatcanbcsoldat! serviceable than K.# EBjj less than double the money, as cheap solid cases are invariably th-n, weak, Caffi low quality, and worthies* after! tlv^l short numerous use. Our important ©38 V/atc5i patented contains itn-^> j accar-KkS . proyerr.ecta, of vital importance to ate Wind,&c timing —Patent ..which V:econtrcfexcl-asively. Dtutprccf, Faler.t isfully equal for ItWHl biiity and service, accuracy, appearance, Watch, cura- It*.??; Open to any Our843.00 either Face or Hunting. Rail road Watch is especially constructed forj.itjfi road the most Watch exacting made, use, and is s ihebe*t Rail-1^0. Ali these prices Open Face or Hunting. are either all cash cr ia clubs, 81.0a a week. An Ajax Wait* — j / Tntuiator Tfis Keystone given frtt VValshClub *?fr» sac* FTatcV kvT’h-Xre/ K S 1 ^ Mat* Office ia Cs’i Cna OulUleq C V' iifba 004 WA HOT ST. f HIIAOA. FA. Agents Wanted. V^T 'A A Ajax p^rfuet Watch protection Insulator, agaiett $1,00 rriaenct!«tn. jl yl . IHtany Watch Cv* , *■« Scot rtftr by t&all on rocclpi *- 1 Of price. to any C ,twm»!W Aowrj. Dobbins’ Electric Soap THE BEST FAMILY __ .... SOAP __ _ _ _ IH IM r | , nt ||)nn| WUftLU. _ —...... fl |J StTlCtij . PUR. Dttlfflll 111 . 003llty. T HE original formula for which we paid $w,ooo twenty years ago has never been modified or changed identical in the slightest. Tills so»|> is in quality to-day wills tiiRt made twenty years ago. A TT contains nothing that can in* Jure the finest iahrlc. It bright¬ ens colors and bleaches whites. TT A washes flannels and blankets as no other soap in the world docs—without shrinking—leaving them soft and whits and like new. READ THIS TWICE T H J ?Jp!” bins’ l'lectric is used aecordiiiir to direc¬ tions. • K trial will demonstrate Its great merit. It ^ will pay you to make tbit trial. T IKE all best tilings, it is extensively imi Utcd and counterfeited. Peware of Imitations. TNRIST upon Dobbins* Electric. Don’t take A Magnetic, Electro-Magic, Philadelphia Electric, or any other fraud, simply because it is cheap. They will ruin clothes, and are dear at any price. Ask for --DOBBINS’ ELECTRIC - and take no other. Nearly every grocer from Maine to Mexico keeps it in stock. If yours hasn’t it, he will order from his nearest wholesale grocer. Y5 EAD carefully the inside wrapper around each JA each bar, and be careful to folic tv directions on outside wrapper. You cannot afford to wait longer before trying for yourself this old, reliable, and truly wonderful Dobbins’ * Electric * Soap. F 759' "STMKING UP THE Mm BlAcKS,PANSY withthouooptionofmzuiellowo cant Plus iaconl . -. ' ‘ ' Tho flommexmdingb velhvoty mole . : ' t . a‘ficagloa‘. Savoring In vary nbumhntb'. nsyanoompootz.\. aspemnoe; Abodo ‘ ~ , , . f ,' > - « ?rmlngPanuea-nko 5v . thence ghppeomuoo,nndlov. . ‘ s ‘ , ‘ ‘ ... .31‘ alumni] motPnnmeuoannotaflardwbe _ .r v , , wnthnutthem. A , > g . . . delightful NOV. ' ,_ ’ ”37' } 9.3-1!“ ‘i.’ -' ' ~ _ , '.-.,. ..;‘ 3:15-423 am. 1?. ful 1‘1". 't‘ikozrrghed BM- , yr '1‘“ 2» '5. ‘ .‘Iz’fi’i‘bfWg‘? ‘, . twhwfi 00m. .. _ ,c.. \; ' .. .- ‘.: ,jw’i‘» pletoculturodhw tious.15ctu.210r25c. ‘ Our g 3 ' _‘ , } ’5? Incomparable cqllectlon o! ' . - ~ v "Hull‘mzed . «4.; 1‘1 .15.” ' Panama. CholccstYu-letics. separate with '_ : ; ;"_.~‘.1;‘ ‘v‘ oannetoculwI-o pimp! the d1mohona,aontpost r : "f , poi for 40 cm. Thisooflectionom a . .. Q x‘\‘ [)th the Howe“ 5nd very final a a ‘ , . . wan'um. Our comgl’ew Outflow. .1: 2 " g \, mulled FREE In addnu. " ‘ ' BLJIIKIDLJL L'JflflJtfll. [MIT 39th MI! fiJ5 yfl, ylA rj’/fi" ^ 1 u.-r.i CELEI1BATED r. 1-3 -Mie and always FEMALS! effectual. TOW. Used , to-<Say Guarnntocil by 10,000 Ajiu-iican other woman. modios, , f-.n-orior to oil n'mo ct rash n-fiiriiod. Sent by mail, SJ. Ttutiu Uiaru tc. Dr. Dix, 37 Tremont St., Bostoa, Mims. Ufa of REHRY mm BEEGHEB and bound <old, In clcth lino (Lata. lv UlastratM. {rirlrur his life from Isis birth to his 1 iico 0n« Dollar. Expressotje nrepaid. UMO.V BOOK « Station Li., L:ooklyn, ?V.Y. risk, snuxd. quick sales, '.territory tiiven, sausiacuoD qar.r i>U. Sit UTT, &4i llrcudwas, >. Y Martyrs io Hsada&he Seek relief in rain, until they begin to use Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Then they re¬ gret the years of suffering they might havo escaped had they tried this remedy earlier. The trouble wa3 constitutional not local; and, until Ayer’s Sarsapa¬ rilla did its effective work as an Alterative and Blood Purifier, they were compelled to suffer. Tho wife of Samuel Page, 21 Austin st., Lowoli, Mass., was, for a long time, subject to severe headaches, the result of stomach and liver disorders. A per¬ fect euro has been effected by Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Frank Roberts, 727 Washington st., Boston, says that he formerly had ter riblo headaches, aud until he took Ayer's Sarsaparilla, neVcr found any medicine that would giro Relief. “Every Spring, for years,” writes Lizzie W. DeVean, 2G2 Fifteenth st., able Brooklyn, headaches. N. Y., •• I have had intoler¬ I commenced the use of have Ayer’s Sarsaparilla had last March, and not a headache since that time.” “ I suffered from lioadache, indigos. tion, and debility, and was bar.iiv a. !e - m i‘ r seL : ^ of “ A house,’’ Sf., JjOvrolL writea Mass. Ayer s Sarsaparilla has worked a marvelous change iii mv case. I now ,ee * 8tron ” and weK M ever ” Jonas Carman. Esq., of Lykins, Pa., Y nU vV For v S ar ? 1 ,avfc suffered dreadfully, „ - caused hr every impuritv Spring, from headache, of the blood and Nothing relieved £ SS 2 & 4 S'oA me till I took Ayer’s mcdic “' *“ '“ eJ bKSSWS Sarsaparilla, she had ,/or . nsc Ayer a suffered some years from a serious affection ttiiZtZrLttZSRT^l appetite, and indigestion. A friend per afttasr 1- ’ Ayer S e S^rSEpdnllSti ... A IP fcCo^, I^> w<U. Mass. *j» irovus. ““ DE-LEC-TA-LAYE IS TRK BEST DENTIUFICE EVER «FFERKD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! ppm MS :■** ■cf ’ j6b ST.-..- - rfiHi KVi'-dgpg: -■ V» By? Because it will L hiU-n the teeth Cleanse the mouth. 3. Harden and beautify the gums, 4 5 Purify Prevent the breath. the formation of tartar. fi Neutralize any acidity of the saliva. 7 Aid in preserving the teeth. 8 Cure tender and bleeding gums, I>r. Calhoun Endorses Delccta lave. This delightful prepara ton 1ms called forth the following endorsement from I)r. A. \V" Calhoun, the eminent occulist of Atlanta, Gr..: Dr.C.T.n^“r' 0i -' OCTO ” ZS ' r ' I3S5 - My Hir—I t affords us pleasure after a eireful examination oftho forniuln ofvottr and Dclecta!ave,to bear toetimonv to its value, to state that its curative qualities are be¬ yond question. I regard it ns the name im p.H's a delightful wash, andean reconiniend it to tho public. Yours truly, "W". A. Calhoun, M. I). If you would have white teeth and healthy gums use Delectahive. Get n bottle and try it, and vou will bo onvmeed ofits me,its. its sensation is pleas ant. and its nroma delightful. 60 cents bottle. ASA G. CAN l)LEK & CO.. \V lit LKSALK DRUGGIST-, GKXKltAL AGENTS, ATLANTA, GA. — A -Mfi PHOTOGRAPHIC COPING AND ENLARGING. The most artistic Photograph ever produced. I copy any kind of picture, faded Daguerreotypes, CVird Pictures, Tintypes or Ambrotypes, into the 18x22 size and guarantee pertcct satisfaction. 1Px22 Fhotogredh in Crayon. $3.50 | 20x24 Photograph in crayon $5 O' 1 2Jx23 $7.00 | Cabinet eizo per doz. $1.5C* photographs from Life. Photographs from Paintings. Photographs from Engravings Sample Cabinet size 10 cents, with price lists, Chromooy 15x20, samples 2'otc., with price lists. Mention tho Design, Landscape or heads. Address Ti e Geo. W. Stewart Copying Co. 214tf. P. 0. Box 401. Baltimort, 51 d. ST9 L¥*S SEED MANUAL i I Contains all the valuahlc new Seeds, Bulbs and Plants, To. Is how to grow ' them, and offers valuable cash prizes lor their product, Mailed Free to all sendiny Aridr ss f«v it. SlL^IdCIAL PUICE9 FOB MARKET GARDENEIIS. fcLY &:G 0 | Seed Moi'chunts ( 1801 & 1803 Market | Phiia,, Fa, I | and Groworg | St., 246 N. Broad St. | Baldwin Fertilizer Corny., SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. CSPREAD our Advertisement every week as it will deeply interest you.jgj o OUR GUARANTEES a OUH Fertilizers are always shipped in the most perfect condition foi use that it is possible to obtain by means of the best machinery and care. THEY do not have a pound of inferior material used in their miinu factnre. WE‘invariably supply a higher analysis than our printed guarantee. THEY are compounded in the proportions best suited for the put pose intended. EVERY bag used has our special stripe around each end of it, and every bag with this stripe is strong, duiabie, and well sewed. EACH bag contains a full 200 lbs.—no short weights. f _>’J R prices are as low as it is possible to make them and furnish io fertilizer. 'WJ 1 . JL* QElJklgJkBJEi Local Agent. JAS. f W. f SUTLIVE, AGEN FORT GAINES, GA. f Representing THE PHOENIX INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn. Assets, $4,778,469,13. rilF HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., Hartford, Conn., Assets, $5,288,603,97. THE HIBERNIA INSURANCE CO., New Oalcans La. Assets, 517^103,00. Is prepared to Insure vonr property in the most satisfactory’ manner. 1S preparared to in.aro a limited namber of din House, .hero 'hr are ina proper condition. Wlnsures cotton in bales iu Warehouse or stored al any oilier point n town or coatry. Give him a call. f|| 8l<tf -w a cs • ST.LIY _____ E. IN WATCHES . We will sand 3 on a watch examin- by express C. O. to be ed before paid for, and if not satisfactory to be returned. W0 pay an express charge: and flu are at no expense. We ve watches of all stffles and prices. Send stam gtyies or lugs Catalogue of how 250 with Instruction to ordor etc. STANDARD WATCH CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. 0k v 6 H O W^hsTwauto ASES. '“*1' an Jim • ?V ■ / DESKS, OFflCE rURrllTUPE AND FIXTURES, ixsarsnow Lius*: ‘W» t QBEAT AMSBXCAS l MEAT-CUTTER. 1 nonneed Unequalled and for Ha«h, pro the beat Sausage, Scrapple, Mince Croquette*, Meat, ' K “™“ r Hamburg No. 120 Steak, Ac.. Ac. prepaid,on sent, of$2.M). express receipt AMERICAN M'F’G CO.; ' 22d A VVasbinRton Ave., ^ i’biladelpbis, F. T. TENNILE, Agt., *-DEALER IN General Mcrtltandisp, Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots nnd Shoos, H:\ts, Notions, Wood aud Wil* low Ware, etc., etc. EverjiMsfir NEW aid FRESH. SUTLIVE’S BLOCK » iy Fort Gaines, Ga. SOUTHWEST GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, A Branch of the State University, CUTI1BEIIT, : ga. The Fall term opens Mouday, September »ud, ltJSS. TUITION FREE. Board in tho College, ^8.00 per month. For Particulars address A. J. CLARK, President. W. M. Speight, oSlg I s °lc Affeiit. Four Gaines, m Ga. Drs. Starkey and Palen^ T RE ATM 1C T BY INHALATION. j 'W /.TRADEMARK- f^R/ ^ RCC-ISTCRTOW ji W l J b rAiE r- A > m ■■A k wmmm \ , hSJ. IT , ____ 1620 Arch Street. PhUad’a, Pa. horjConsumption. chitis, Dybpepsia Asthma, ‘Catarrh, .Bron¬ Fever, Headache, Debility, Hay Kheu matiam, and Nctvuup Neuralgia Disoruers. and uit Ghronio '“The Compound Oxygen Treatment,” Drs. Htm key & l J uten, No. 1..2i) Arelifcft., l’hila. have beun using for the last seventeen years b a seientilic itdjustniont'of the elements of Oxygen compound and is Nitrogen magnet and the so condensed and muric portable that it is sent all over the world. AND THOUSANDS OF OTHERS IN EVERY PART O t: “COMPOUND OXYCICI-ito mope »* ■MjTioN AKI) RKSULTS,” U the titlo of a new brochure oftwo hundred pages, published by l)rs. Starkey <k Union, which gives to all in¬ quirers full information as at* to thin remwku b!:e curative agent and u record of several hun di ed surprising curve in a wide range of ehron in eases—ninny of them after being abandon¬ ed todie hyothorphyeiumiis. Will be mailed free (o any atldreob on application. licutl tho brochure I , A ^’- f ** A K I <f- PA L /J.V, No. 1 &20 Areh St., Pli fla-, Fa. Krwmr a^anui'UMMW J-.v.* •• a ^ fMi - Tjg, or FiSEF TO ALL. « a z£r Our traterf (UwrijillTc Catalogue lii«is-i of tor ISh'j: . loo pages, eontnin-: g risfk>ii» pleteawortimcntof orsenpUon of p rom andj th»: -5 v; MM t-for post the popular Conservatory= Hants A»nd Garden,also Bu!bs, : Blower Boots, Vines. Shrubs,3 ™._ . ^ _ and Vegetable! wFREE m9n t*l Fruit and Shede Trees isinaile<la to all Applfessts. KstaWlshed, 1350 .a *^SatiHtactlon guaranteed. 35 Greenhouses. s ^ Address NANZ & NEUNER, LotTisvtu^, Ky.1 CONSUMPTION SUEELT CURED. To thr Editor—T lease Inform your readi¬ er* that I have a positive remedy tor the above of named disease. Ity its 1 finely use thousands hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottle* of my reme¬ dy kber to any of your readers who have con¬ sumption if they win send me their express and post offico address. Respectfully, York. T. A. SLOCUM. M.C., 1811’earl st., New FIRST NATIONAL BANK » ALBANY, GA. Prompt attention given to all business intrusted to us. Collections made on any point. Exchange bought and sold. 3Ion ••y loaned oh approved time paper, 1 ) 0 - poaits solicited subject to sight checks. W. A. Guam am, Correspondent THE Atlanta Weekly Jourbal This is Hie great political year. The battle for tariff’reform is to bo fought, i he Atlanta Journal is the only genuine btrilf reform paper published at the cap ital of Georgia. The Week y Journal will contain all the world's news, eycel- k lent editorials, splendid miscellaneous and special articles, storks, etc.—fifty-six long columns of good reading every w eek, ion cau have the Weekly until January 1st next for 50 cents. In other words, you can keep posted on politics and the uews, and be entertained besides, all the rest of this } car, for half a dollar. Sam¬ ple copies free. Address : THEATLANTAJOURNAL, Atlanta, Ga. RB “m*!? ^ 1,0 are V r oak, 12 t KKj Nervous and Debil¬ I from itated Nervens uiid suffering De- 1 biiity, Weakness, Beminal Emissions, and all the effects of Nightly , Evil Habits, which lead Prematue ea\ly to Decay, Consumption or Insanity, send for Fears’ Treatise on Dise ses of Man, with particulars for Home Cure. Cures guajimteed. No cure no pay. J. 8. Fears, 612 and 614 Church St., Nash ville, Tenn. 60 YEARS IN USE. A Physician say*, a sovereign rmotnty for varies. Vermifuge Having used in the original for “B. A. Fahnestock” - hesitancy in my recommending practice many it years, I have is no reliable and as .remedy which J i Vermifuge tafe, efficient In all cases where s is needed. Thos. H. Hanot, M. D., initiate Cambridge, Md. Observe particularly that the are B. An voiding imitations. Ins country rioted fur bn and health. Course of *t 19 Bhasciibh. Meulm the GnivenSty BI*aw Coarnes ctudentu preparsU Cold ol a. 14 at QLA SSICAL AND Va.UMrtsss.Um. HsU A ‘ J ^ Academy