The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, September 18, 1889, Image 1

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WILL It. IvKAIIAM. I/’ilor ;n*d Maniig**r. f E' I I 1C ADVERTISER l’C>UMIM> KvfcUY M MM.' wv. FONT OAlNKh, - * * * (»A fttiiiacription Kates. On** copy, r»n<’ year...... ..... ■:ID' 4/n« -»py.*t* inoirfh-......... One eopy.tbrce ru<».th.......... Them OV n<lvnr.< f d |>ri v., ui d 5= In ii not tttetll tin: «ii*l of th» }<.ur - > ■>. r ii-nt will bn a<i'i< d. A«l\»-rt King Kates. f ln« . (ji ire, (ten Inn <»r It i €ii*i* ii ■i-r'ioii.......... For eu< li Mih, t f|fn tit it. I'ftion Nut' r«> in Im ;d I'oluiiiii, 10 '.-ui )■< r line. Fditi«risl mdiei .where r< jue ted for }<«• r* Nonul WiadJt, 10 i'« lit |>. 1 1 it! am, u;«s s m nu ; t»«■ t 1 i.r. i*kh (mitnun* mu 1 ho | in id for a- etlivr ad %mli 'ii, i.i . On. in ti <r<I iiifi r(«d in tin- flu iu< t. I’i ret If-ry !"•' I in' llullai u*. A»l\«*rti*.;«i Mil.i ii. 1 rl'-'l tj«Mi a: to ttm lUlilil'iT »*I* ni*--rti'.i jmbli to- I until ordi-n•<l »ut, iunl <*!■;»- ■•! (•onliiifty. (vlii'i tli*-:ntv<>,'li till! ni'i due hih fit- 11 r 1 li.illit -t in ;ui<l tin 1 in. in y will I i- »llid III I'UI 'l. If It /, /.* a /,*,!//.( v, V<tittff/rr .1 I'tHltn'. DIRECTORY. n CHUPvCHES. (Iapti , 1 i *’in i;* ii. I! v.T. Weaver, P:,. |i>r. I’ll so liinj; I i uni hr l tniiidsa - in e.ii'l Inniith. HuuilnV-.-eliiiol ' •. in., .l.‘ K. I'iiul lilt ! Ilj.t, I'lMMT IliecU. , 'J lllil'. tlay CM II in:'-. M i i lb*m /1 ('lU'io ii. — lh v .1 o. I.ump tun Vn-lni’. I'lvndiiiij/ 2 irl iunl 11 !i humiai/ ii *ihTi mmitli. t'iiii<liiv-,«i-!)iinl '.i a. in. \V. A • <• raitu n Sujd. l.,u!io.’ I'lavor hum tin Tin-.* cay hUi'I’.ihhii. Ynting im- ’ JVaycr mud bigT hi'mIi v ovi'iiini'. Urn; #ar Prater meet- 1 ij; Wi iliii ula v i \ cn’ng. f’HK*nvnun a v < 111 KCII.- — Sumliiv s liiuil '.i ,i. in. -I. 1’. II. fti'/wu Sui t, COUNTY COMMISSIONLRS. J. K. I’anllin, S. 1>. Coleman. J. K. Oreo 1 , A. Ii, Foster.* J. N. Bigbic, f’oi-NTY TurA/t’KKii, J. I*. II. Brown 1 .\X Cwi.bKi’Toii, W. li. Harrison. Tax Uk ’kivkk, T. II. Davis. • ’OUONKII, J D Owens MASONIC BJHECTOKY. I)auu:y l.mxiK, No. 17. l>;pi!nr mro( in.' !*l and dnl SiUiml.iv oM'iiii'g*. T. .M Iti.nvn, St'.., II. 1 ’. <*utm. M.M. 1.\ka vi' 11 k No. 12 — ]'v im'ctiiiir-' 2 ml NiiturJav veiling, \\ . A t • tiilmm, H. 1 *. \t. >.»;*:i!i-iin (’aiI'ii'’!, No. 22 \V. - -Uejsuhu im *-t ii-• 4 ifi S'ltunlrv i-vt'iiimf. A. t»iu S* o. li. M. Iv of II. Caine r.o;!.'.'N,». ll.'-til: i nii-tdm^ 2 U'-! :uid4th i'lii-Mlay ui:;hl* W. 1 1 . 1 . Ui 11 • • - .■ rt . -. ' 1 ' M !'. wii, Jllctaiu! COUXTY. fMTUKlt'H < liiMliM*. .i .1 TCI- i-!..‘ju<U( Uri Ii (.h-' i' W Nil li\ r, .1 T Mi'AUStW. - af iitl’. fh'gulfir t.'iiii, -It: .Miiailiiv^'iii March a:. ! Si'] n labor, or Ot.lHNARY.—- li. T. r.K»ti*. • h’llinarv, Kigulni’ im-vtiiv; ! , . MmihI ay in i K'fi niciit!i < air n rv (Vim-—G. G. I, rk. .JllJi,'!-. IK WIN k W ARWK R. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. *V“\Vl!l Pra-*thv In Super’er Courts of I'ahuilu C’hvuit. ti j; l\ MANDLYILLE, 1MIYS1UAN and Sl ltCI-OX u' Cum- u vf. l>uru Sroute, THE eesf WAV !■ » To get a Flmt-ClasaWatcIi i#Ln oiu lo-Opcriitive lluim. ^ t HHITKS LOWEST CASH PRICES Onh $[.00 a Week o Thousands of the best .^ItS.OO Gold Watch over made aro sell¬ ing in our Co-operative Clubs. Thist« tho ite*t* Cheapest, Most Convenient, arul only co operative System of sclliftst wutthau The watches nru Americau I e ver Stem Whalers rt>nwiuiuR every essential to necurnoy and pnteuti, di;r;t Htlty. Impruvemeuw nnd have, found iu ndditioa, uusteroiu absolutely the on’ In u.» other wstch. They an y fiiMfjud Da»njifw»/X«rf' menta ma*k iu World, and a. a jmvcU IhrouRlkMtt with OitXVISJS HI BIS S. Th. Stem II ind and he: i- tho : . WK rinplcst made. They are fut y *qt*al jor np f>rartiHer, aertiract/.durahfhtt/ a;uf arrriee ir«f*S. Our cooperative Club Sysan bring* them u iihiu the reach i f every one. f S t tSW^TCH l^THE KEYSTONE CLUB CO G N>a 7 (O Chestuni St., Fw/I r * * ' ox l* 5 - I*l*-.ltt. Pa We 1 ter to *.ty Com- • 1 Atit Nl S fig-- tu. rcivl Agency. V‘A4T60 Cinbs Cons tar. tly FormiuS Joia Now aud Save Moaey WE M4VC ACCNCICS IM CVCMV LAftCS CITS WANT ACCNTfS EVtRVW*-T«i ■ u V-wY • 3 ■ Ti? F-tivMmg-na.h.rv -?s!™ ft ■miI’Jz*q^**'«*•«'ft* «r.»!e tn m rTT,’ uweiM. .J » 1.1 ilfc. „ ..a | rt-c r. IlMilsta Kid, iwl v»!r,)hif tit \mmnSei. Sounil»t*(-H!.l, lann.suMr a-k ii»at , M iMtuirwiij ** >-t>r »■-•!... . »nd »««. -4 Lnmnlkt *U »**!! I.. ........ >.-i;r <mn I'----------- L-!>«■. I. .*.,»cn I ii. . i, . n.n- ir- ■ :. r.'I JM ,.!« ’ . M»:t. MUti tfca {J V V 8 nfP*!Ui.««i»!.Miw. w m« »»d ...» »:i* f-e i # ; » f mm* P>sf > s FSk m * •<» *>’•*•' .»•*••! m I*1V iwtui-ri M 'lt. All m.M’t. li *4 •*•»»*• «■*, »-•»». n.<-«r »*>•' r, u. «. ui. t caw»<-* i ll- *•*•«• 'h# h. -l ,. «ms-nv.l.A,r iu -hr w,«M. tud th I ww.tsii^rpT’T? m i »*» w u.t, t% ih# t ft |i (1 fI j l«itMI I-.M ». |.w Hv»», Hit i liLlit tMtl h.u 4 ■f -TO Ii«»4at ti*#*. Hi. .1. RWi ««.» >. i-lm..rltl \j(hie «»• I*«»«*iw»» I »l >-gc-.l .iisa i« w5H?v1kiS Anaiplr#. TIwm •• fvll II Um **».k. *« *<- 9*1 * Yrr#, su4 *ft»r lows Gihw. kfjA tk*m ™«*M|4,tfcvv»#««*«}»#««* la ymt Mm ft-v »uJ »<**»'» »»**• ; h« cf »rv#i«lrg 11 ** W.trh «,>® »f»!» It t* •*" »««* ' .'** t ” Ait-, ** lua.Cl* s’ 1 « » : 1 .*1 ' 11 • < 1 '■ a.«i.'/ * €*»., ««*. nl i,i , «u U -v *^ ■ • Tl J tm L _L S H -A £ f: M ■ I * 4 - riSER f a* PIANOS 1 organs L&B.&K.H. FIFTH ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE June I fg I, I8S3. Woilh $25,000 of I’luuos i.ud Organa f.-om beat ambers to be closed | out t ega nllcwt ofvo4 cr vai ur. ; Sloe 4 toolar^e. Must coil vert •iiluciili or installment aist-ts. Worn*. entirely NEW INSTKt’. itlli.NTS not used n ility. S 011 K', Nearly litantlis New-used only. it few j So;ue. used a year or so.—Some, used two to three years. Some, (IncSecond llaii''y—token iu cxrlutiiKe, and made new in our Ur-at rctmir Factory. He.polishcd rung. ICestored in Tone and Action, aud uuult- good tor years of service. BAHCSAINS. EVERY ONE. EASY TERMS. Yimr OWN VI RMS alm««t. Very llf-ht IHonthly Piyim iils, or Stnnll Ca.Hh Pn> inutit and bal¬ ance v. ken you gut ready. CASH BUYS CHEAP. Hive you nil the lime wanted but SPOT CASH will wive yon money. TRY ITS ON. We will meet you every lime. $50, PliAf^OS $75, SI 00,$! 50. ORGANS $24, $35, $50, $75. , WRITE FOR BARGAIN JHEET. CLEARANCE SALE SUIflEUEF! 1S8S. 1 tUODENSBATES.S.W.H. SAVANNAS!, 6A, ' i — . _ i :! /17. I:. H/RROiN. JOHN J. GhUDRY Herron ti Giiudry, , (-’ui cm --- rs !•- 1-. .’ V r'.h.'iitl, :*. & Co.) ! :oti ox FACTORS. ' i AND ( 1 om tat anion \fcrvha ni$. . 120 flay Strict, — Savannah, (! mukoia. i I i.-i’-ral udvani'i- ma ! ■ ms is»Hon eots/iirn- 1 . 4 C’l til In!" /’• *. gntm'ists i-t c<>t t->:i /oh,': . Jtu : V n will hi- <fiv • ' U to ; 11 bu.- 1 .. -* -iitrusted to us Oii'jiu " l?uckIcin*s.V ruicaSalvo 1 u . !'k s hi th • world for Put? ; I I'lMi Hriii/ /. . > s tos, I l V k-t-r*. iV * s.-iitlih ■ ;i%«vc Son**. T-t!t -r, ( hupj • •1 Hai, i • k iiUbluins. Corns an l 11 ckiu 1 LruptfsiiS, ;>•>.*’bsvly cures Pile.?, pay feet ie» / . is guar- ' iinteinl to give pet * or * tuoni-v rc? iiih1»hI. P i - cts. i»'i box. For .V \V, 51. S; eight. }•/':> S*t T > mi*- *°iu.-v s % 'F*> ^ 1 X Co;-, l. ......‘ eat.".! r.u- free. Why pay tv'.eil pii e* ’; ^.v; :i v‘R:.y ' ; ?h ' W r, ‘ ,us *vik Mani ’u n urr..*. 14 te 24 Weils -t.. * I.uJ.uo, N. Y . rni ir*. ‘'vididrcs. The rOLICB GAZETTE will be .1. Rot*un‘iv v. m- 'H' l o mu- m'llr ** j,, |.1 1 ^ M ' * “ OKth3 “ j • I 0 .,s,t , ONT. no!.! ' «.v^w Adin- sail orders I HK ILVid’i- . ^V. ^ i. The SifeyHO go. M Mar.tfict’jrcrs of : ■ i ME**--. -; f fl? vs. - - ■■ sh _______ - fT'f/ rffji i: S* H.-eLtSt 15 . % - - ' V-Ri -jj SSl J-'ATO*«_ J : «F gam tyr*- « )| J V*su,-*4 ■£.«I* • , V 4 • f v • •< * M . raff m : , a . . €£l* '<4-i i ■** .‘ i * — w- ...n v i . • -*• - - * » THE STERLING PIANOS, ! »:uot! roe Quality of Toaa, Beauty of Design, FINISH and a da ptabifity for stand¬ ing In Tuna havo no equal. Even? Phm Warraaied for tm Years Asd *a£t»f*»'Uoii cunnuiu-i-d t: every pun-Jia*. r. Also Maaufactur* :hc WcrtD-Kwvowsva STERLING ORGAN Faclorios, Derby, Conn. FORT GAINES, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER ISth, 18S9. vs& m%%% The Chief Btonwon for the suo e**s of Ifowi’s Sarsaiiurilla is in the article Itself. It is merit that wins,mid the i:;ct that Hood’s Sarsaparilla, actually ac¬ complishes what is claimed for it, is what has given to this medicine a popularity and sale greater than that of any other sarsapa A/1 ri f \A/in#*' r m, ‘ a or l, ’ 00f ‘ P r,r ** 1/lC-i rs It. V/lilo fier before the public, Hood'* Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Elieiim ami all llmnors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, lliliousness, overcomes Thai rircd reding, creates an Appetite, strength¬ ens tho Nerves, builds up (lie Whole System. ■loo<r»Mnr»:ipiiri!!» is sold byajldrug E'.sts. ?!; six for ?5. Prepared by C 1. Hood fc Co., Apothecaries, Loweii, Hass. * Ti Unites I’nid to Wonion. Confucious—Woman is the mas ter piece. Herder—Woman is the crown of creation. Voltaire—Women teach us re pose, civility and dignity. Ku>kin—Shakespeare has no he* rocs—ho has only heroines. John Quincy Adams—All that I am my mother made me. Whittier—If woman lost us Eden such as slio can only restore it. Gladstone--Woman is tho most perfect when the most womanly. Buhvcr—To a gentleman every woman is a lady in right of her sex. Lamaitine—There is a woman at the beginning of all great things. E S. Barrett—Woman is last at the cross and earliest to the grave. Saudi—A handsome woman is jewel; a good woman is a treasure. Hi eh ter —No man can either live piously or die righteously without a wife. X. i\ V’ills—The swcclc-t thing in lifij i 3 tbo unclouded welcome of' a wife. . Heine—Handsome women with* out religion are like flowers with out perfume. v t/ltaire— All the reasonings of men aro not worth one sentiment of a woman. Beecher—Women aro n now race recreated sinco the world received Cnrislianity. Leopold Seliefcr—But cue thing ® on earth is better than a wife — that is mother. Lutlici — Earth lies nothing more tctidor than a woman’s heart when it is ihe abode ofpilv. Siiakcspcarc—For where is any author in tho world teaches such beauty as a woman’s eye ? Michelet—L oman is the Sunday ° ! n ’ a ‘ j not bis repose only, but bis joy, tiie salt of his life. Margaret Fuller Ossi!—Woman ’shorn for love, and it is impossi* blc to turn her from seeking it. Louis Deunoyors —A woman may be ugly, ill shaped, wick ignorant, silly an d stupid, L-. haidlv ever ridiculous. ■ 1 ......... . ........... — —~m There aro times when a *elin£. W of fl lassitU'.ro . . will ... the most . overcome ™ hm l\ * h « U ; c 5 r*f« m *? v “ for ^”cn°h o b ™;:: . ’T » ' 1 , ^ . , . F ’ * Hr... A. r Mc-eans *, e.arsrmanlla. The l tah wool output for 1SS9 will be nearly 12 , 000,000 pounds, at prices ranging from fourteen to nineteen cents, \\ith an average of 17 12 cents. This quality is cxcei lent, owinu to the fine feed Secured by May rams. The expert of ton has been , very brn*k, ii. so that scarcity has been occasioned nod prices will be stiff this summer, • *#<»—--- Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which hi>tubiy giipe the pati eat and destroy ii. ii the coaficg of the stem ach. ....i. Dr. ti- J. t AlcD«ni ii-i ^.n’. D[ rirfi* hid ami u. Fe ver Cure, bv mild yet effective action cure. Sold at oO cents a bottle. <3-— Last year in Cambridge, Mass., there nearly - , . 14,*.«00 .- AA female . . were P^Bs assessed. This year the as* scssors, making their inquiries un* dcr the new law requiring them so 10 ^ w »tvJ to be asstsstd. Undo Sprmltllcr’s Philosophy. I was about to close this letter when “Uncle" Spradillcr garden, in from working the and ask* ed mo to pul in a little philosophy; ‘ to make it go oil' easy like.’ Hero it is: “Dcre is preachers in dis Country till you can’t res’, and dc called race get mo'dan any odder. Be ire, bble is, da had or call ter plow an’ da got mix an’ 'cided it wus a cull to preach. I refer dis much from de loose way dat some of dem j handle do text. “Do li/e of a farmer am a good life, an’ you nee’n be shame ob yo’ callin’. Xebuchadcrezzaration was wus a farmer an’ a great hart at keepiu’ down the grass. Sum ob dc bos' mon in do country wus rase ; from po’ lan’. 1 “When 1 sco a culled pnsson 1 homin’ his lied high in do spring time an' braggin bout do cotton lie’s gwino ter make an’de uig crod it lie got at dc slo’, I kin see do sheriff coinin’ wid dc fus’ frost, an [ wonder how much dat TOulo ob < bis is gwinter bring at do sale. “The woiT am growin’ more bet tcrer cyrv day. I got so now I | doan min’ lendin’ a man two dol¬ lars, cf be leaves his watch for sc* | curily.’’—F. L. Stanton in Home and Farm. How Forms Aro Mortgaged. In the repoUoftho Bureau of Statistics of Labor for tho state of Ohio, for the year 1888, the follow¬ ing list isgiven showing the amount of farm mortgages in the States named : _ Ohio SSOUOOO^OO Indiana 398,000,000 Illinois 620,000,000 Wisconsin 250,000,000 Michigan 350,000,000 Minnesota 175,000,000 Iowa 351,000,000 X ebraska 140,000,000 Kansas 203,000,000 ! Missouri 237,000,000 Total farm mortgages in these Stales 63,425,000,0C0 By the census of 1SS0 tho total value of all the farms in these States were reported as $5,107,040 - j 003; what an increase in this value ! tho census of 1890 will show re* mains to be seen, bui tho contrast of the two aggregates given is j startling, and these arc the most thriving agricultural states in the Union.—From tho Economist. Sick headache, wind on the stomach biliousness, nausea, are promptly and, ' agreeably Little Liver banisited and Khlney by Dr. J. Pellets. il. McLean’s 20c.a vial. —"**•*•'»*«---- A Wild Turkey S«_*!icme> The wild turkey is a bird that lias almost disappeared from the ‘acc of the earth. But it will be j comforting to sportsmen to learn that there aro still sections of tho country where this gamesome and toothsome fowl abounds in eompar alively plentiful numbers. »Such is said to be the case in some parts 1 of Mississippi. But if the record recently made by an old hunter down there is kept up, tho supply will not last long. The hunter in , question enticed a flock of turkeys into a lonely place in tho woods by scattering rt, 'rn on the ground, | l'his opei . on was performed sev* , nicT , • formed - ILbX ... toon * daily *«^ breakfast. *» «•>* lie then ^ laid ^ for them, and one morning fired th<j gock> kining e ; ghlecn onU right at one shot. The niGcteentb escaped with a broken wing, His neighbors feasted on turkeys for a ; iveek.—Washington Post. * j John Smith the World Over. 1 In T Latin T ,• , be • is Johancas Smithus. the .. Italians .. smooth .... him with ever .Giovanni .Smith, tho Spaniards render him Juan Smithus, the : Hollanders adopt him as Hans Schmidt, the French flatten him oul 38 ^ ean Sraeet, the Rasssian sneezes a-d baF&s as he says I vac SmiUowskc. In China he ia known as Jovr.n Shmidt, tn Iceland as Johne Smithson, in Tuscaroras you all about Pocahontas and ! Powhattan when you hear them fa n Ton Qua Smittia. asjihcm In Wale. they speak ot'him Setnidd, >u Mexico ho i<r v Japti YSmitti, amo pg U: eek^ ruins the guide C St| “ '.V-* ; _ Si hooK And (Georgia (Jirls, Teaching is first a science, then an art. First the Knowledge, then the application. Hike other branches of technolo gv, it may be advanced by rational ! experiment or by rash trial. But the evil results of working in the dark are worse in this than in any other calling. If a bov* spoils a block of wood lie gets another. If malpractico kills the patient there is the greatest possible pi n* denco among the dead, for, as Mol* ierc says, they never complain of the doctor who killed them. Xol so with the unskilled teach or. Its evil cfl’ects follow tho pu* pil at homo and abroad, at work and at leisure, in health and in sickness, through time and cterni* *y Millions of minds have been mar rcc ^ 'Snorance and indolence ^ IC barbaiit} and stupidity, ihe evil precepts and worse examples s l' or b Iho want of sound professional training of teacbors. On the other hand, liic master spir¬ its of tho world, from the days of Socrates and “The Great Teacher” • \ % t to tho present time, havo left on record tlioir methods and maxims for developing thought and form* ing character. These must be stud¬ ied. You arc a liard*working man. Your son is a grown*up dude, and you know it. Why? Because neith¬ er you nor his teacher have known the noble heroism of voluntary la¬ bor, self'denial and hardship. Training means drawing, The teacher who can not alluro his pu* pils to the paths of virtue, snatch* mg him from the paths of vice, gently forcing him, .like young Hercules to make deliberate choice of a lifo of toil with an old ago of honor, so fur ia that teacher a fail* fire, . ; « , All this will be accomplished on¬ ly when the teacher adds to uatu* ral tact tho educational wisdom^of m ages. The experience of half a nay, tho voice of all the centuries, declares that education 0,,1 Y can truin 0UI ‘ youth to ari cn* ergy that knows no obstacle, to an industry that.leaves no time for Geminate vices! Normal schools were invented in Germany nearly three hundred years ago, introduced into Scotland a hundred, and into America just fifty years ago. All our neighbor* ing states arc beginning to feel their benefit. “Why stand wo here idle ?” There wa 3 once a town of Hart* fords and Libboys. They married cousins with cousins until they dc-, scended below tho grade of tespect able cattle. Such might be the fate °^ a town or a state that repelled ^&ht from its neighbors. It would die out in darkness. Normal is derived from NORMA, a ru ! e > model, or pattern. The normal school has au annex, a mob EL sc b°ol taught by the most ac* ooroplishcd Normal teachers, and * a $ C1 ’ Lbe course by Normal pu* P‘ ,a who havo witnessed tho teach* ,n £> “ nc * " ‘ l0 now take it up under ^be eye and criticism of a normal feather, What have wo in Georgia that answers this purpose? Not one school for training yonng ladies to teach ! We arc thankful for every word o»r Icgislaturo tt.caks in behalf of A —/ D y .° se ° r - § O ns can di S a goo^l living , out of almost any few acres in Georgia, and if he will not dig let him suffer But daughter—well may she say : “1 can not dig, to beg 1 am ashamed.' What she can do and do well, in that pray help her. i STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL the Normal school must be. It is not a high school; it is not a pre* paratory school for the university. Its first and chief purpose is to pre¬ pare the graduates of all other schools to teach in the public schools of Georgia. Aside from ibis purpose il has 1.0 right to be. In some states tho normal ,~bool has taken up mixed work—it will have no ctreuso for this in Georgia. Its course of study hererhohld. he a:to f other proiessional giving on lysuch elementary instruction as comes incidentally with iilustrat* • ng tho best methods of* toackrng. M,„d has ,u laws and VOL. % V .*• .NO* 7.* % lions of knowledge in accordance 1 with tlnjso laws, For this purpose one woJMrainjxd, good teacher is worth a score of poor ones. Our state supports public schools.! Doubtless this ia good public ceon omy. Two or three .per cent of the funds now devoted to public schools, if wisely devoted to train* ing for tho work, would in the near future double their utility.— IT. II. Smith in Atlanta Journal, English Capital. In the nast few months the press has had much to sav about the largo amount ot English capital that is being invested in various kinds of industrial enterprises ip this country. The reason riven is that tho government bonds 0 f Great Britain aro being replaced by now ones bearing two and ones half pox* cent interest, and tho poo* pie there are seeking a more proli* table investment for their savings, Tho I’ritish gold that is coming here through large investment com panies is not so much that of heavy capitalists as tho savings of trades* men and wago errners. Some have expressed alarm about this influx of English capital, * but it is need* . 10 It t. should , ,, rather . bo p f. a matter ai ot congratulation. It is a very high compliment to tho soundness and integrity of business in this country that tho shrewd, money* making, monoy-naviug pcopm of England should send her savings bore in such largo amounts for safe investment. They C()iisidor it the s “ fcst country-in tbo world for in. vestment. This capital will be a benefit to tho country. It will help develop our wonderful resour¬ ces, cnlargo our manufacturing in duslrics^ and give eipplopmeqt to thousands. A 3 tho rate of interest on money follows tho law of sup* ply and demand, tho addition of millions to the capital of tho couns try will lower tho rate of intcrost aud benefit tho borrowers. % History gives no parallel to the wonderful development of agrieul* lure iri Ibis country, mining, manu* facturing and every other lino of industry. It commands the attenv tion of tho civilized world. And it is tho highest kind of a compli¬ ment to our country that tho lead* ing commercial nation should send her surplus capital hero for safe and profitable investment.—Farm and Fireside. What Defeated Him. r x*C 1 ongrossman Ford of Mi chi* . gar. tells a New York reporter how he came to bo . defeated for con* gross. ,.r “I mado a ftpeech.” he said, “to a big gathoripg of Hollanders, of whom there aro a good many in my district. In talking gf the po* litical issues I got off this: ‘X ho democratic party knows no north* or south, no cast or west, but it does know the people at large/ U i Yot’s dot Mister Ford mean by dcr bcoples at large?’ inquired one cf the muddled Hollanders of Tim Tarsney, tho cx-congressman who defeated Howell G. Horr, lately ap¬ pointed consul to Yalparaleo, after the meeting. “Why," said Tarsney, “Mr. Ford means by the people at large, the Dutch who took Holland.” “Ish dot so?” said the angry Hollander, who realized that Tars¬ ney was enjoying a joke at his ex* dense. “Yell, der beop'.o at large vill dook dot Mister Ford by der eleetdion yust like der Hutch took Holland/ _ “I never knew that the Holland¬ er Tarsney had joked with had voted against me.until two weeks after the election, when, encounter¬ ing him upon the street,. I said to him : . ‘I say Nicholas, what the devil beat mo in this district?’ •‘Nicholas looked at mo quizzi* cally, and then said : ‘Oh, l guess you vhas krjow too many beoplcs at largo like dot tar.rn Tim Tais* ncy/”—St. Loiris Republic. ‘ * 7 ? ‘ ' A , ‘ h ’e moot recently »?.««> „ r . AA bwhol. ofro , ytade from ! ow Vd c W a . to a B 0,t ' 11 Craguay I‘ «a S the firat glam consgomeut Mffs. “t« fJtSS, .'ih ca, though it I. oap.oUd that 01 a wul follow. , ! Pop 6 us 'V> 1 -ufa life of exposure are >Miy is it * Black ]Hfcri».'*1|I ■* 1 , t The origin of the name*)* Maria” for the police force j afrol ** wagon has b^^jv a mutter *4 spet Union in iho min.Is , ! ■ • , v people, tho and ivmteroqs h|v|^|k‘Vn questiuttR akfcgtt » l.'lio an cr. < ors to These > may ha > o been, in aomjb fjrspoets,. ' _ correct, bgt perhaps the best- JO**-. swer is given>.by,tb SltRHAllah®;' of recent datei , k tit the. twilight of. thojset . Hos-. 1 ’ the Ulobe ,p f Loe " 1 ' - saya, m i® : . . . ^ A cu °f. CL <*. otglUti.c, nK ' ] assessing 1 . 1 , bon, kept iksaiUu’s, bqnrdn;^ ^°wn at the old bind, n 'S*‘t. r. •} avl}\ol drunkco tars f ''ito a row and began throwing th®. 8 chattels out of herthonao' Die., waicft war tCRllicd in but , xv a* soon . °Vcrpowdcrcd, ftnd dismay 8 P* ca< I abroad .through the ntrc- 6 %^ ^hen,Maria Btalkod out of'hor hnbM *bition and sloped furll; or otitrag#; ^ co 1 lfvritwo of tbo loading *°ndors and them bodily U P Lho,old‘watch house/ then st;in ^ Ir) o near where U H0W c, ’°saos > Ilanorer street. *^* !ic k Maria’ was known thboughs out tho city J for hbr yiodigidus 8trefigth tho . d fot yertr3 she aided police in quelling rows, aud ' 1 had boon known to tuko' thre® stl ’ong men to the'Dvatcll house’ at [ ,nco > 0: ’ at one tim^l So, years af Lenvard, whon tho firSApolico‘cart’ was made it was called tho Maria’—hence the name.” 1 . m • ■ 1 i ----ami r 1 When mdure Mters nnd require help ■ fier. ^1.00 pj^ < * per bottle, .......I, The Remaining Territories. • A- *i - f y #* After liic admission of tho. Iwo Dakotas, \vashinglon and Montana * thcro will still remain, five torrito i* s ries that wiU bo candidates for ads^ mission. Tour of them have at * some formed constitutions that havo been left’ to season. T>^c of-* those, Idaho and Wyoming, aro t now engaged in cither swamping ♦ constitutions.p,r making new oncs^. Tho third one, Hew ..Mexico* is . about to engage in the sauio work. • The question of tb o, admission of v . these five territoriea will probably come before congress at tkp next session, The latest .cstimato- qf population officers of thesf several territories shcf'ws tho popu. lation to bo as follows : t rX| Arizona I 4 $ 60,000?. Idaho 100 , 000 ./ New Mexico 100 , 000 . Utah ■ • t ’ 210,000 T Wyoming i»; -j: 85,000 : Tho figures here given, especially . for Now Mexico and Utah, will probably bear trimming. No ter- • ritory has the right to statehood • by virtue of population or other* . qualifications. Thoro is no statuo on a.toari tory tbo,right •" bt admission. Thoro aro, of course, direoJ^mts. But tb ead federal government ,ciror<^^ tlto sovereign right both of adt^sion and rejection.—San Francisco Bui* letin. .. % J _ - ' -4 Pimples, blotches, scaly akin, ug¬ ly spots, sores and ulcers, abscesses and tumors: unhealthy discharges* •* such as catarrh, eczema,ringworm, and ether forms of skin diseases are symptoms of blood impurity^ Take Dr. J. H. McLean's Sursaparil.'*.. A Fly fetching Plant. » . * I 4 ' r 4 vT No doubt many of oar - .aders *• havo noticed a plant which grows- • in the Savnnah,PJoff <7 ’.da and V/cnlern railroad be. ween this point and Albany. Iti*a long t boll'Shf.pcd yelloy; and gree > plant/ . and grow;; in cluster, and /most? -i covers tho ground in sorrm damp - and swamp places. It is onllod tho.pitcher plant, or fly- catYiorr 1 • its koJLanical name wo arc i ot fa ■ millier with—but wo allude *0 it to note its peculiaritiies.It is ; t wer.*- * table fly-catcher, and il3 moulii, or funnel shaped top is open inil-il n fly or other insect alights upon !t •' to foed upon its^sweots, which they do, ate d as they an Ur .tboAunol., will.fold,up and gradually ; contract ruldvit. forces the-.inspct dpwa to ltd baru, when they arc ap- I absovhed-hyl tho-.plant - ZlT/pZ^ wlrf ^I.Uing of i^uAnlu U^opcu reveal tho remains ty of IcjJjgm ,j ous