The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, March 05, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. V. NO. 31. DIRECTORY. in"». llo!>n»T Cllt’iu’ii. „ Rev „ •1.9, , ,, T LangMon — •> wtL l“dt?'55,T.r nicotine TmV „ u .\\«liio,d.> «>«! »«• PKESlItTBUAW Ciirnrii. , ........ <j a. in..1. r. II. Brown bupt. COUNTY. t’FKiii'*ii Cot ict—U«» n J II Guerry clvn:, judge ; l J (lucirv, solicitor. J \\ Kutlive ,f p McAHi'ter, sberilf. Regular term, 4th Monday! in March and September, CoiMtr of Ordinary. —R. T. F oot**, Ordinary, Regular meeting 1st, Monday in each month County Court —G. G. Lark, Jticlire. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. E. Paul in, S. I). Coleman, J. F Croel, A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigbio County Treasurer, J. P. H. Brown Max Collector, W. It. Harrises T. Davis * Tax Recoivor, R. Coroner, J. 1). 'Uw.u. fpSFREE. P^Vwwti, wi oo.sms. iu.t J r , M I h tn *•«« w«ind I'.rfw. ry l J liliivk.«(>*-. W.nuttt.ii brsvy. |T ’ * Of jft /' j TsCt jnmh MH.If) !«■»(>•» uni n sml tmnltns *»m rss«. UL|'/i{MR£B'V . » .*/«, | HMk -xrks Oil »n<l i-SSsO* r»... *1 *«!«>• IN *••>» s*rur» «n« VTIBr drfir., lo^-lher with out latf. Wy.yi .^^ ml .sla.lilr lliimf llau.rliiiltl lllll'll-a. l hrsr M»|il»«, H w.ll ------ wstih, «n- frrir. AH itw> work you So 1. in (how wli u .<• -H‘l I" tlio.. who call-*y«a. fund. «"*1 H-I*hh..r. m..| -h.oi-swml f oil-th»t slws.s rssiiHs Iw *iitiN .,i> it.,I,, f,ii., wl)'ill It'ihl. Ini "hrnotic*, . iii <h»« ws *» r-i' u4 lit llftr". ftnifei *lc AO»i » Snow oil. if < mi W'.ttlU like to go to wurk for u«. »o« i-Aii *. ii from 4k*40 to l»»IO jwr w»*k sort mmsrilr Mislur. .Vihlr..., ntlHS-xi Jk Horn *1<, I*oi tluinl,, ’ * /PP/ltrr>TT S MAGAZINE, with its JL* varied and excellent contents, is a library in itself. In It was novel indeed in each a happy number. thought to print at ft re Not a short novelette, but a long story suck 4t yon are used to get in booh form and pay from ono dollar to one dtlar and a half for. Not only that, but with each number you get an abundance of other contributions, which gives pots The a good maganine besides the novel. ringing blows which have been struck on th»gatruhiy of popular favor, h are resounded th mghout the entire land, and to day Lippin ac t's Magatitu stands in the front rank of n- jnthly publications, and is the most widely - world, tor full descriptive circulars, address L/PP/NCOTT S MAGAZINE, Philadelphia f a. 3.00 per ft.- year. 25 cts. single tSuats number. i The publisher tf this paper will receive your b*r*Pt**" IE rpu th* waNTJONOw 1 nhrmt I, .man Ivxiy and its rurioua oivann. oir If* aeout is pervetnaud, health taimt, atseose induced, oie to me to etc to cure Ido^totnate, be happy tmaarriatjeCk ham praebaihlet, j ( ■ 1 ox < «hta Tor new bo*k, XI LIU CAL SEXSB AXIS XOXSEXSK. I A mMaujrnflf wltandwlndom. I 06 half of them Riven ta If, ^*’chetu>uta"and newly lllntirateil Doc medical Droll % ^Jokea; toira “not too phuany hat Kt Jnat phnnny •non«h" to cur* silver torpor and malanohoiy. 1 Tar Tn* Laugh Cun*. -/ lunj HlU Pub. C«„ m lb Ifttb Sin N. I J J M \ Lri M iu L*n. “ Why. Addle, yon needn’t cry ahont 11 : I only »-r!d Mr*. % lion wax a very well l if'' icd wi>t iiu, and I s i*lu'd you wouId follow kor. sample." l.'t. Yc«. nml Ia*t vrock »aid Mu * yon yon w bed i could mans rc to lm>k a* Myimli a« Mr*. co.—jiul *ho mako* all her town clothe* But (.ho ita* w' kt I haven't. ’ Mn. I.t k -What I* that I” Mk* 1.4 1 4 “ W ell, *he got* all of her informa¬ tion from the Ma£**nK ihey take. 1 admit that •he know * all that i* goiuc on. and 1* bright and rntertaining in convei»aiiou but I could do at well a* *b« dot* if 1 had the «ame •omree of Information. She lent mo the l»*t number of her Manzine rtadint;. lately, and I learned more in one and hour's tho about various matter* topic* of the day, than 1 would pick up In amonth by uav occaaional chat# with friends. It certainly cover, every tonic of Interest, from the new* of |!t« day down if* the details of hon#ekecplr.g; and every tiling is so beautifully illustrated, too. Everv time Mamie k-v* over to the Alien*’ she comes back and tease* me to p 1 you to take l)etnorest 1. Even s Family the b«iy* Majaaine, watch for as it the rtorica month. are *o coo la al-o In it* every and at Mr. a place Allen found by for them It. It is real'y pu«e»; wonderful *wear* Innv it swiu every member of th - family 1 ” Mh “ Well perhaps I b id bt tter send fora Specimen Copy ; for. if it i» anything like what yon •ay it will amuse and instruct the whole of u*." kins U;a ’1 aet^ that W. dcnnincs D»more*l, the publisher. IS Ka*t llth Street. New York.l* •ilertiix- to send a Spettamn t'opv for 10 cents, so we ran 1 lose anything, a* each number contains a 'Pattern Order’ entitling the holder to any Fatten) she roar choose, and In any sire which alone make* each copy worth 30 cent* : ami 1 just subscription want a jacket pri par is ern only like «it() Mr*. Allen's. and Th* 1 o a year: must say l Can’t see how they can publish a* • 8 Mft.a. .ue fuf so little tnwucy. * - . . , p, r- p. . , _____ AUBtRAL OFFER, ONLY AM , v C> r-fe r- FOR __ __ %V/V * tp v T |*V 1 V 4 , / \ \j D I'l fipTOD I |^jL| D Y * „ AND I>«*»iorcst*s Family Magazine. Send your subscriptions to this Office JEFFERSC M DAVIS Memo- n.e rial , . , lnaug . rod . by . the , vo.nme now prep; T b-V. J. Wm. Joill H U it ll mt'l'.tauoe clinruiugly of frs. lhivin will lhj :mtbe*.itic n ritteii, U-antifuUy illustratiri ana bound -in every way worthy of UiO sub feet. Agents wanted. Complete outfit 81. Hatiafnction enaranteeil or money Nerved. Addre»s ,»««. 11. F. Johnson r„-t c, A* Uo,, 109 > Main . trist r.ichunmd. Ya. I Mi & Bates* Soiiii!ern Music Haase. | j Tlw Great Ubolotalfl Piano and Or*nu l)rp«< of Ibo 'onth. The Best Plaoo to bnrt t&'SSiS’SS 1 SSF" toe. If, I.ea.1 in Macon, and rear S Savannah. 200 miles of wagons containing 40,000 Pianos and Organs sold by L. & B. 8 . M. II. since 1870. ** Am wc in earnest? Certainly, Werrc a lory* bonne. W*< do ft. lirr/t trade. We h. li l-iaan aid Oiy*nn In •It ikmthern Ktatut. We liavo «uu Air>.uciee. end thi •bo vo statement ta not in th<- F ast ex -mferated. > -- v IIow have we ever built np Btich ad v immense trade? By enterprise, progressive business methods and square dealing. Wo make our patrons our friends. Wo work ' for them, divide take them into partnership, give as it were, profits and actually them more than their money’s worth. Our Oetyn Capital, nur Spot Cosh, our life-timo mperieuco, in fact, it* used our in*e=wri»i «Urew<lnefi» i!<'<'-!/'/i»*.andtoca as bnyenft onr whole woMour h<g, 7 UftVO. friend, in on the ground floor, fllut’u a way WO Fall and Winter Bargains 1887-88 ftmninerClAnlnK-Ont Nnlr over. IVnreroomu crawled with Knperb New iii itrunicntn.— fMiniense* direct from 1 artoritt; and 41 renter IlnruuliiH than ever. Idr I'ttU Winter. 1887-HH._ j Not reduced prices and poorer instru¬ ments, hut the same low prices and belief instruments. Greater valuo for tho money.' Of our lowest-priced Instruments tills is specially true. Thoy are vastly improved desmbe 1 and such wc bargains are proud of them. but Hard we’ll to try. ^ on paper, O r w^Sio full yens' 0 SjfflfttttBKUS A reliable imrtrtunent tone, sis Comploteoutlit: ouarantiH-. Pliw!i Klool,emhrcider rvory J way. inHtructcr, inu»ie Ikm'K, alijrrifjlu jmnl. r cover, larKO rklTR I t S22Z PIANO.—Befti’.tiftsl ParlorDt.ri.fM, Livtoht stylo full Hire, IUcll r<>soivooil caho. style Thousand* Queen •old. Outfit Anne truwif». oomplole. A favorite stands, music rack, ornamonted and paneled, with ■tool, instructor, music Ikx.1i, and nil freight paid. ADR 805 rtllf.AN.— Four sets Roedn. Tea 1 t ynnnTno Beautiful case. challenged. A most desir able Parlor Onran. Comiwtition An Immense Stock from* World’s Best Makers, to suit all tastes and purses. Over 300 diflerent styles to choose from. PIANOS.—t’hickorinsr, AIrhOR ifc Hamlin, niatliUHlii-k, Heat, Arlon, S.’QOto 81,000. i OllfS A NS.— illnnon ,V Hamlin, Packard, liny State, 821 to 8750. Easiest Tc-rnisever heard of. From $3 to $10, paid monthly, will secure an Elegant Instrument. < !r!^&^ri»^Sl «S®S ' in 2 ntaiio to any. Wo cbnrgo no more, tako no less. This square way onourea to all tho lowest prices. BTOTthli.. cntoU. 1 till informs- to Hal. Cion , n , oxart!y M rC pro given in circulars. letters carcMlyanrvcr *4- Tortics livlm n thousand Savannah, miles three-fourths oil’can buy list as well ns if in /if our entire trade is done by correspond! nee. REMEMBER .— Lowest prices; Easiest terms; Square dealing; One price only ; Money laved atll HIDDEN*. VdTKERN SAVES MUSIC HOUSE, S AVAKHf.H, GA . » «i «m am organs |N THE WORLD manufactured aud sold for the least mon«y by THE BEST ARE THE CHEAPEST. MWi M ”j J ^ ffip Y :4 & Si “wkjw 1^1 *B t * i ..............’ co *1 m UttSTION THIS VAAXO. ^ SCUTS I EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL AND HVPflPT?flSP _____ 1TT TES “- ** * ‘ ******“ Almost as Palatable as Milk. So disguised that it can be taken, digested, and asaimtlated by tho most Mnsttive stomach, when the plain oil r.nnnt he tolerated; and by tho com¬ bination of the oil with the hypophos¬ phite. is much more el&cavloai. Rtaurk&kto as a fif -h prodnetr. . Persons gain rapidly while taking it* SCOTT’S EMULSION is acknowledged by Physicians to be the Fiaest and Best prepft *aUs»a in the world for the i-lief and euro a£ CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. GENERAL OEBILIT/, WASTING diseases, emaciation, COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS • ■» The grtal remedy for Consumption, and Woalin j in Children. Hold by all Druggists. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To TH* Editor—P lease Inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for the above r .* m ed disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless eases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my reme dv prf.k to any of your readers w ho have con¬ sumption if they will send me their express •»)wi post office address. Respectfully. sL.hcwYork. *-LOCUM. M.C 1S1 Pearl - * ' T *Tu*n * E ^ 7 FRFE TO ALL. i : SeiLLOkjg&Af S Our traltd ..v.-ariptive Catalogue :cr iHas-j 1».* ; ; j £ vl’jWRO j? ^ of loo tail-• ; page^, con Tif ibej ^ ' ptet- as-arunentof ■ e£ inos; ri*--t«a £ GarfeSSSfc’hi’l a| S, A? to F\tr*y Roots. Vlc*s. ni Shri Vr^eiahtee h*.s partraxsK*^8sa»'5g| n . _______ |EsMti,--feictidif W. Additoa gnawnttfed. ium ft ntuiiEE. * Oreeahousea. Uwisvi: e Kv.f £ i fi V,iffiWWi < * "he v Advertiser, -'SL 1 -m- m w FORT GAINES, GA., WEDMESDAY, 6 MARCH1890, Writ“: tor lllustratedhtalonuq free. V If you have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other, flood’s Sarsaparilla is $ peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar Combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article. A Doaton lady who knew what she wanted, sad whose example is worthy imitation, telle Acr experience below: To Get •* In one store where I went to buy liooito Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy their own instead of Hood's; ho told me thelr’s Would last longer; that I might take it on ten days' trial; that if 1 did not like It I neednot pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, waa satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Hood’s - When I began taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla 1 was feeling real miserable, sufiertng a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person in con¬ sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, * and my friends frequently speak of It.” Mbs. „ Era.A A. Gory, 61 Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla I Sold by all druggists. £1; six for $5. Prepared only fey C. L HOOD S CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar j Hygiene For The iilyes. Dr. Lirifoln, of Boston In the Annals of Hygiene, formulates the following rules for tho cure of the eyes for school work: 1. A comfortable temperature, and j i especially lot tho feet bo warm ttn ry J . 2. Good ventilation. 3. Clothing at the neck loose; tho snmo ” s •''» «»' ' h o bodj'. 4. Posluro erect; never rend ly' ing down or stooping. 5. Little study belore breakfast or directly after a hearty meal; none at all at twilight or Into at night. 6 . Great caution about study af 9 lor recovery from fevers. Light T . abundant , , blit not , daz- , j. *- A * iBB U, L* 8 . Fun not shining on desk or on obicc'S J ‘ in fl’Ont of the scholar. ® Light COmillg from tho left or loft and roar, under some circumstances from ill front. 10 Tho book held at right angles t0 ^|, c ^jght or nearly so. 11 Frequently rest by looking up. 12 Distance of book from tho eye about fifteen inches. ---— If your kidneys are inactive you will feel and look wretched even in the most cheerful society and melancholy @n the jolliist occsions. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm will set you right again. $ 1.00 per lwttle. .......... 1 >#> — - The machine Agent’s Story. “Gentlemen,” said tho sewing machine man, “one spring father ar.d I had a sugar camp down in the edge ot the grove. About half a milo from us was a cornfield own ed by a widow, and this widow never picked her corn clean. On •the other side was a mitn who own ed a blind sow. She had ono pig, and they u&ed to go over into that cornfield every day to eat Right in front of our camp was a creek. At ouc place atout forty rods from our camp there was a tree felled across the creek. “This was the only placo that the sow and pig could cross, n course sow could not sec to cross the log, so the way they used to do was for tho old sow to lake hold of tho pig’s tail and the pig would lead her across. Well, one day we were sitting in front ofonrcnmp when the old sow end the pig were crossing that log. I said to father, ‘Hand me the rifle and see me that pig’s tail off.’ I took aim and fired, cutting that little pig’s tail off smack and suloCth. Tho pig ran for the corn field, bat the o:d didn't know which way to go. So father wont over and took iold of the pig's tail and led the old sow clear into camp.” —Lewiston Jouin nal. • ••« If you spit up phlegm cngli and are J. trou¬ bled with a hacking use Dr. H. McLean s Tar W iue Lung Balm. Both Worked Hard. Brown--Y"ou wouldn’t bo so ex* iravagant if 3*00 knew how hard I have to work for my money. Ml ^d B toThtok A wcnldVuwy l yrou wo"k'to J Z gct P - a hundred Stores ■ a f one to suit me.—The i J *p ca. LIFE OF THE HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY Mils. sTefff.rhozn DAVIS. BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. 'The prospectus and plete outfit for will be ready immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE on this great work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, belforb company, 18-22East 18th Street, New York. »•»> Got a Seat Reside His Girl. A j’oung man and his best girl got into a Third avenue “L” cat last evening at tho Fifiythird street station, and looked around for a seat. It was just about the time that tho peoplo were going to the theater, and the car was crowded. Thcro wero two seats down by the door, however, at which the young couple had entered. One was on cither side of a musician in uniform. The young man put his sweetheart in tho noarer seat at once, and then stopped and askod tho musician to tako the ono be¬ yond him. The follow never moved looked up or answered. lie at traded the attention of tho persons in that end of tho car, and their looks and whispers roused tho rest of the passongers. All eyes were directed at the young man standing in front of his girl and holding on by a strap end the musician silling sullenly in his seat with his small instrument in his lap. TL’o girl was smiling and blushing ar.d gazing at tho young man oat of a pair of beautiful blue eyes in a manner that might com pensato bin for any moment of hardship encountered in her behalf She was a very pretty girl, with teeth ns white as snow, and there were many men in the who would bo glad to have a to hold on by a strap for her sake. Her lit¬ tle hands were folded modestly in her Ifip, and a pair of patent le&th er tipped too gaiters peopod from beneath her prapcrics. lie was a lucky young man, though ho wasn’t quite comfortable, as he saw ho was occupying tho attention of the whole car. lie looked back unut¬ terable love, of course, on tho mhldcn as he hung on by the strap and presently, as if shocked by the same impulse, three men went over to tho instrumentalist. “Get up! ’ they said between their teeth, as if with one voice, iihd tho musician rose efi ugh to get free of tho division and drop¬ ped heavily into the next scat, The nearest man of the three mo' tibned the young man to the empty seat. lie thanked lhcm and took it. The girl bowed, and a barely audible “IBank you!” escaped her ruby lips. The three men took off their hats to her and returned to their places, greeted by plaudits of the ear. *f«< If you feel out of softs cross ami peevish—take Dr. J. McLean’s Sarsa parilla; cheerfulness will return and life will acquire new zest. --- ■ --— It Would, Indeed. G 3 *sant, Barkins and their ideals «t on the .tain ont of the reneh of th “ maddm S f™ wd - *“ "early as good as engaged while f but a ^‘ ho ns apparently l,adn 1 1,0 j* d.dn 0 ? t of recognize asho . w : the fact, and chatted away with all tho lightheartedness of five-and-i 1 ,rt ^‘ - «.d .ntUis' "I th(n!t those old eostoms o the Yulet'.do were so interesting. They ought to revive tho fashions.’ “Luckily for you the 3 *’r 6 not in vogue,” interrupted Gysant dryl 3 *. “It would bo rather rough if they served up the ‘bore’s head now.”— Harper’s Bazar. Oue of Ftm Joecs’ Lneky Finds “Thank God! there is ono man who never spoke a cross, word to his wife” said Sam Jones at an ° maha njccdn » the olhor night,'as good-nztnrcd man amiied » W""-! smile and]said: “I haven’t any wife; 1 1’ifi a bacbe’.O! I” Modes of Execution in .Many Countries. Austria, gallows, public. Bavaria, guillotine, private. Belgium, guillotino, public. Brunswick, ax, private. China, sword or eoid, public. Denmark, guillotine, pnVlic. Ecuador, musket, public, Franco, guillotine, public, Great Britain, gallows, private. Hanover, guillotino, private. Italy, capital punishment abolish* cd. - Netherlands, gallows, public. Olden! urg, musket, public. Portugal, gallows, public. Prussia, sword, private. Russia, muskot, gallows or sword, public. Saxony, guillotine, privato. Spain, garroto. public. Switzerland, fifteen cantons, sword, public; two cantons, guillO' tine, public; two guillotino, private. United States, other than Now York, gal Tows, private.—[Aihoriv can Notes and Queries; FuequeStly accidents occnr in the household which cause burns cuts sprains Dr. J. and braises; for use in such cases G. McLean’s Volcanic Oil Liniinieut lias for many years been the constant 5 *vorite family remedy. .Mileage of Locomotives. Says a railroad man: “A passen ger engine averagos sixty pounds oif coal to \Be mile, and travels about 56,000 miles per year, while a freight engino avorages ninety pounds of coal to tho mile and makes about 43,000 miles per 3 ’ear, while yard engines burn less. Freight engines travel much slower than passengers and therefore burn moro coal per milo. Tho largest mileage made in 1888 by a passen" ger engine was 81,000 miles, and by a freight engine 50,000 miles.” A Good Day’s Work. Weakness of itself is not a disease. It is however a most, distressful symptom. Alas! how many wearily drag themselves about, every eflfbrt giving tkem distress, existing without any of the pleasurable sensations of robust health. Are you in this condition? Why? There is no ex¬ cuse for feeling mean and miserable. Remove the cause of your distress, which undoubtedly is a state of blood impurity and a disordered system. How? Why by doing as others have done. G. W. Chit tidier, Red Fork, Ark., 'writes: “I was so weak that it was only with great effort that I could do any¬ thing. I used several bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, and call how do «t good day’s work.” “Able to do a good day’s work!” Is there not something sweet and refresh¬ ing in that expression? Strength to vig orouslr do this or that. Strength that is only overcome by natural fatigue. Strength that when expended, is by rest and nature fully renewed. Such will be your reward if you give B. B. B. a trial. H. B. Randolph, Brunswick, Ga., writes: “I was under the care of nine different doctors, but ndi one did me the good that Botanic Blood Balm has done me. — This is Vouched For* A little East Pino street three' year-old was bogging her mamma to allow her to go out for a walk. “Mamma,” she pleaded, “p’case let me do. I—f,” and she hesitated; then as a right thought struck her, “I want to walk out and see dod.” “Why, darling, you can’t see God. Where did you expect to see him?” “Up on Peachtree!” The Beal Brunette WI 13 ’ do 3 *oung or rather j*oun' gcr, ladies with that superb com' plexion the French call “chataignc” or chestnut,persist in calling them selves and firmly* insisting on being called “brunettes? 'Because it sound nice, think? Somebody who didn’t know an injurious deal started this s : Hi ness years a<_.o, and it has been on its travels ever since. Look at •a a Spanish woman or a French woman once, even one calling hers self “fair,” and you 11 never want to be known as a brunette again, dear ma’am or miss. Or, at all events, 3 *ou’ll know you're notone. turn An Albany, (Vt.) man shipped to «c Western markets last year 8000 of maple sugar, valued at $9/, ----— j j gcW. pn!e bio^i a nd imiiarts the rich bloom of health; t and vigor to the s bole body. ROBERT BURNETT fair poker players. Gambling Among Women Is Said to Be On the Tucrease Sermons are preached, lectures aro doiivcrcd and long diatribes aro written on “Is Gambling on tho Incrcaso Among Women?' From personal obsorvntiori I am strongly tempted to say that it is. Nothing would convinco me tlml womon of any standing whatover arc in tho habit of going into gams bling houses,“or that “the little gamo” takes placo anywhere ex ccptinmy lady’s toothing room, whoro great, tall palm trees abound whero tho bric'n'brac is from In¬ dia’s coral strand or Egypt’s sandy waste, where tho chairs are most luxurious and whero tho cloth is spread over a tablo that has oimmo led upen it nymphs copied from 8 )mo painting of Bouchor. You drop in after dinner and your host' 6 ?s asks you, “Do you play po kor?” and you ato moro than hnman it you say you don’t. Then the prot ty chips aro brought out—usually they aro decorated with a littlo horseshoo to bring good luck—and madam's golden bonbonnioro is tho token by which a jack-pot is known An cnamoled tray, over which some misguided but artistic Japanese worked for many days and skill-* oxocutcd flowers tailor than his houses and storks witli one log very defiantly in tho air, holds the kitty, or consolation prize, which has boon tho salvation of many fair gamblers. Occasionally tho kitty is kept by tho hosloss for a special purposc-hcr favorite charity-but oftencr, so kebn is tho desire to win, it is offorod as the hopo of tho iosors. Tho cards? Well, it’s the smart thing to have cards with a mono' gram on tho backs of tho various clubs for which they aro made, and one gay, young woman boasts that hor collection of cards represents every club in tho United States, excepting, as she funnily remarks, “the Brimstone and Treaclo Club,” which tho tSriso onos know to be tho s?amo given to tho Calumet. These cards aro frequently got from tho clubs thcmsolvcs, as thoy becomes tho perquisite of tho serv' ants after they have been played with once, and tho attendants sell them for somothing like twenty cents a pack. Much oftoncr, how' ever, they come straight from the manufacturer, and nobody knows just how that is managed. Usual¬ ly only penny ante, with a ten co it limit, is played, but ono can como out sevon or ten dollars ahead at this small game, and when women are alone they play much higher. That delicious demon, Chance, has a wondcrous attraction Jor any¬ thing feminine, sind the fact that society docs not frown on “tho lit*' tic game,” so called, tends to ip' crease its popularity.—Philadel¬ phia Times New York Letter. Frrii sitJk headache female trouble neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver md Kidney illets. 25 cents a vial. >•*•« To Keep Awake on Sunday. Two ladies wero passing tho herb stall in tho central t?»nrket yesterday, when one of thorn said: “Here is where I buy m 3 * Sun*» da>* wideawake.” Then sho selected a bunch of vrinlergrcen leaves from a basket packed with them, and laid down five cents for tho old herb-woman. “What use do you make of them?’ inquired her friend. “I keep awake on Sund&}\ M 3 ’ husoand calls them my ‘church chew.’ They are very pungent, and a leaf kept on the tonguo will prevent an 3 r one from drowsing.” “Give me fivo cents’ worth,” said ’ * */ - the friend. “I’ve Died overtiring else. If they will koep me awake I will never go to church without them.” Ou> people suffer much from disorders of the urinary organs and are always gratified at th wonderful effects of Dr. J, H. McLean", Liver and Kidney Balm iu lrauishiug their troubles. 81.00 per lM.ttle >ou jMSsSKsSanTs j *vi*rcmue». Tw»aur-fir« nt 'c hotK* When Your Sweetheart Calls. When your awcethcirt Comes t(j nee you, don't be foolish cnoVlgh to confine your sweetness to him Alone, Hnve him ifi Where all the rest of thq household are. Let tftA talk and the clatter and the music and the play¬ ing of games he in the Jjonio circle. Then the few minutes that 3*0 gets with you by yourself wijl seem all tho more delightful, and he Will, think you the most loving little creature in the world. « / Men are much more observant than they are credited with being, ami, the man worth having as a husband 14 the one who will appreciate your lov^ for those of your own people and will see that dh you make n small part in one home you are becoming adapted for the central figure in another. Never say that you don’t expect d man to mary your whole family. It’q vulgar. You do. That is, if you are a good daughter and a loving sister. You want him to be one with you in sympathy and in affection, and, as you take his name, so you ass 11 nit responsibilities as far as hi« pevplo are concerned. You two are the most to each olTi-, er-your love for each other should bo, the greatest, but yon can not isolate yourselves and insist that you liavo no duties outside your own homo. If you do this yon become narrow, and selfish and you are quite to nice for that, says a writer in the Ladbs* Home Journal. rnmamber when he comes,^this bridegroom .t?f £ours, that his heart is bound the tighter to you if the ribbon used to hold it lias • * * -4 written tipon it in golden letters “Love and consideration for those at home.” • ••• CART. J. 1>. JOHNSTON. To all whom .it may concern: I tako. great pleasure iu testifying to the cfli(vi¬ cious qualities of tho popular remedy ifor eruptions of the sjkiu known os p. r.,' p. I suffered for s<?vstfci years with an, unslightly and disagreeable qraptiou oil my face and tried variousromedies to re-, move itjnone of which accomplished the, object until this valuable preparation ;wa8 resortod to. After taking three 1 Kit¬ tles in [accordance with directions I urn now entirely cured. * * J. D. JOHNSTON, * * fl Of the firm of Johnston & Douglass, ; )•. » \J ” * Bavaunah, Ga. CURE your corns by using ^bbott’e. East Indian Com Paint for Coriis, Bun¬ ions and Warts, it is great. ---------- r Pajkr FoT FiHows. « \ All England is crazy on the sub 4 - jeet of jiaper pillows. Tear the pa t per into small pieces, not bigger than, the finger nail, and then put them in¬ to a pillow sack of drilling or light ‘I ticking. They cool for are very hot climates, and much superior to feath¬ er pillows. The newspapers are prin-, ting appeals for thefn for liospitals* ( Newspaper is not nice for use, as^ there is a disagreeable. odef jTrom printer’s ink; but brown and white paper and old envelopes arc. the best. As they are torn stuff" them into an ( Id pillow case, until sufficient quaq '!tity is had. The easiest way is t'^ tear or cut the paper in strips about half an inch wide, and then tear or^ cut acnoss. The finer it is the light¬ er it makes the pillows. Bucks Duel to the Death. One of the keepers iu Bushev. Park recently discovered two fine bucks, six and seven years old, rcs jyfectively,. dead, their horns .being, firmly locked together iu a most re-, markable manner. The right horn of the 51,animal was firmly fixed in the month of the lower;,the left horn of the lower was as firmly fixed in the mouth of the upper, anti, the other horns were tightly locked together, The fight.that had ended) so. fatally must 1 tve been a : lopg and stubborn one, for both animals had • .. ** •* y ■ .r . sustained severe body wounds.—Pub¬ lic OpTriion. EXHADSTEf) VITALI ( Y rpn* science of UFEf tbe ’ - 4-great Medical work of amtl the age oa Ma^jod. Nervoua W*' DebU| ty, Premature. DecUne, Errors of Youth, and tfeeuatoMmiaerieseonaequeut (hereon, SOO pages 8vo, prescriptions for all diseases. Cloth, fuU gilt, only $1.00, by sjssmstkss Uocal Medical Association. Addros* P. O. box 1S93, Loutasx, Hass., or Dr. W. IL PARKER, grnd UAteof Harvard Medical College, 23 years’ practice la Boston, wlio may boeonmilted confidentially.. t peel city, Wscus*. s ot Mau. OGlcc No. t Eultoch st.