The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, March 19, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. V. NO. 33. DIRECTORY. — - o — CHURCHES. fUrrtov Cnci*cu.4ter. Z.T. Wravrr, IV tor. PreeehKte Ul aud *rd bumiii}.“ in ci>< h mouth. Simd*y**chmil On. Thursday m.. .1. K, !*»uJ lin itapU Prayer meeting even¬ ing*. Wrramnrr Preaching Cnrnrn.— 2nd and R«v 4tb J.t>. 0Unfl:rV* Langston in V*-l r, r. VV. month. 8tin<t«y-#< Ifol l* «. in, A. <»r«bnm Suiit. I.nd|« V Enver inerting Tue.v day lugtveateg. afternoon. Yonngnmni** Prayer 1’myti meet Wcdn»*d»,v Regular meet lag even bn;. I’aasnvTMU w UiirRCH.— Bnwn Suy!, • —Sunduy r-liool 9 a. m. J. P. II. COUNTY • SitrsaroR Cob'kT- rolicitor. lion .1 J W 11 Stttlivc Otn rry Jude* clvrk, > tl Gttwrry, JT M <* Aniwtstysbsrtd. It<-gulur U*rni| 4th Mondny* * lh March and V Scptcmlrcr, rnrnT or 4 )hi>inauy.— U. 'P Footo, (Irdiharv, li inonth Rw^ulur inerting 1st, Momlny in r»u Count* Count—fit G. Lurk, Jn<)irc. . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. K. Pnullin, S. T>. Coleman,.!. F. Creel, A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigbie. County Treasurer, J. I*. It. Brown T ax Collector, W. It. Harrison. Tit* Receiver, T. It. Davis Coroner J. I). Owv.,u. m VI I tp&SFREE. LXrt.tNlOO IML feat#^ Y^al%a? I It in tliw world l*erfr«| Hiiiwke* |»*»f Wirfpswird heavy ^ »*• «»ol I* hunting m * 1 fb JT r yrqttnl My. Jliuih till Itwahly value lathe* M'trkl iikI Oar Mini |«m t him r.K>«>!■« • • tea. nt IM *it »» c%» at^nre ena •*•*, »t.y tlier with ** 1:11 Ufa* v.tainM' Mttr < f II <»i|«tr linltl Hf ae *em|>la». •« w*l| w afrit, rue lr«*a». All tlK* work vow r*s4 ds ta •» aknw what w» »» nt| you D* thuae who cAH*- jhii» f/i*nda and neighbor# and a Lout y <»M-tWat alwsyw rraulia In taJuahlv t»a4» hit «#.«MlHfcftfcta for vraia when <mr# atartad, a..d tlise wa are repaid Wr pa> all rtfirraa. ftwtrht, etc Aflti v u know all. vou would like In to work tot ue. you ran Nrn from gSS ta i««l prr work and upwardt Adtlraaa, Htliuni St MIS, rertlawl, Mata*. 'f JLr IPPMCOTTS varud and **c*Utnt MAGAZINE, tints, is with Mrary Ut ihsff. con a in * dntirt tt was nsvtl indud in oath a kspfy nnmbtr. thought to print an Not a short novo let it, but a tong story such nt you nr* mod to g*t in booh form and pay from ono dollar to on* dollar and a half for. Not abundant* only that, of olkrr but with contributions, each numbtr you got an which gives you a good magattn* btsidts Ihe novtl. Tho ringing blows which havt ban struct on th* gateway of popular favor, have resounded gait's throughout th* entire land, and to day Lifting monthly Magattn* publications, stands and in is the the front rank of most widely - UPPINCOTT H MAGAZINE,Philadelphia |)*0 per year, as Ns. single number. The publisher of this paper wilt receive your ambeertptnn. -j x. IF 1 'mail YOU Ufiyv'YA WhNT TO DAI KN •$f W , ’££**$$*qfI , | r, n*naTMCMTBrornttwboek, medical sense ;"fTr7uK“, |jSa*I ta ^»*U)* 1 b^a pb«”y , Sttrtsar _ Jinia f " ^ • muf, I <>ln "Wh., sadi. ,o.n™d„an,.be 0 « 1 c< l 0l siif i TO * n9cc 10look nil •• wWuciutiuu. *• Mrt. All**.- *i§teaTWvriV* ami nwlh'. her Bat > Na • M* l.ti •’wh*i I* that f“ L » »y l sv * ll - »SafKf» >nof har jtif bvp ti Aoo«s All In talf V* roin'v on**M I« brifht MHt gg-g.f*» entertaining *£ conwreatlun bat I eoa'd do u .’^.“&S!r£,T«Jrirffi *A|A«in* lately. *nd I le*me«i more ino!Si hour a • , pS{";”.V£o^k Mr'rrtopicoft& e £wr<5 Bm? Uom Mamie And SoA*ri» gotm over to the Align*' *ho JSSrJJJUlIVSfSS raw to prt yon to take K S-‘ :y gswri-- veftw fl a rj“v i'4 ’ 0 ° •ffrrim: u> mnd a Specimen Copy tor to e«»t». *o WeconV torn Anytbini:. a* «kh-itrabcr contAhia "Ith ^ jjjg make* ai^AataiUBAxtnof^^iuuomoneys Zm idhC* A LIBERAL Of FER. ONLY $3.50 for % M £■' • THE ‘ Advertiser AND l>emorcsr« Fa fit Ily Mufrnxine. ’ Send your suhre-flptiona to th Offi € f ——— ^ k-MRKl£R'tJ • ■ HAIH BALSAM P-EuUr r»verl*> f»r Mr. to- Umlr, 1M mtimu e*a»e » * *;wl 1 ■Z t.'u* rcaSp, Hop* Um .ndtawir-Bop orhl t: •( Pru*«M •***<* *J 1 1 v .,*7s *f mod HE W wr. Q > bnpnj NQi RkpHi J pc 5 G : ■ 9. FORT GAINES, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 189t>. OF THE HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY M _ Itrd, ilEFPfiUHON 1)A\ IS, TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. The prospectus and com ploto , . outfit .... for - ct&nv&ssing will bo ready immediately, AGENT* WISHING DESIRABLE TERRITORY on this fcreat work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, BELFORD COMPANY, 22 East I8th Street, New York, He Scood The Test. A Woodward avenuo dentist re CClVcd , u call .... tho other ., morning front a couple whom ho had roa*. (tons to belicvo we.o lovers. The girl hud an aching tooth and ns they ciitorcd tbo oftice tho young man said : “Now darling, tho worst is over Just take a seat and it will bo out in a minute.” “Oh ! I dasont,” she gasped. # ‘Btlt it really dont hurt you any you know,” “But J'm alrnid it will,” “I’d havo one pulled in a minnlc if it ached.” “I dent believe it.” “Oh, yes I would.” “Has bho got a bad tooth ?” ask¬ ed tho dentist. ’ “You, sir. It has ached for a week, and I havo just succeeded in getting her down here. Cottle, darling havo it pulled.” “Oh ! cant!” “But you must. “I can’t stand the hurt - ” “Iluri ? Now then I’ll have one pulled j ist to show you it dont hurt. ,, Ho took a scat and opened his tb « *»■»■« appeared to 1 1»® selecting a loolh to seine with hi4 forceps, when the gil l protest¬ ed. “Hold on, tho test is sufficient, Las proved his devotion. Get out llcnry and I’ll have it pulled, She too,k the chair, had tho tooth dlawn withoui a groan, and as she went ont was heard remarking to the young'man t ,‘No\v, I can always bcliovo yon 0.*t 3 °u woolti ,l, » for '>■<■'•" And yot every tooth in his head WM fa,8 °* - -------------- McLtou’s Tar \tiue Lung 13t\lm. Discovered on the Train. .‘•tunny iuhuiI y Charlie Ross, WMU-titr queried ono of tho sis "Jf a Dutl ' 01t Jl '“g sloro * hc CTOn ";f'. ••a w«». v«y fanny (or the," replied enc of the group, who had , lately . , moyod j . to Detroit. rv . • u .5, VYliy not l •• *•* i. “Well about a year after ho was ,l0><,,> , . 1 r «»* u . OQ on * r Uke . 8h0l «, ~ t lf . »'° in Ohio. Two scats ahead of me was* man with a boy. lie was a tough looking man, and the hoy ^ «« — .picture of the lost Charlie H oss * - , .. “And you wont for him ? > “I made sure that 1 had the In my possession, got off at the same station be did, and thon «"'»«<! him." “Yes * ” “Wqll, it didn't lake him ovor tcnminvtcstn prove thrt hi ®grocery in that town and that the boy was his son. He, in turn, ar rested me. and when I was hauled Lite court and tried it cost me over 31 000 in cash.” .•A lu i_ an( j_ » - i “That's all. 1 have been mind lag my own bnsinrss ever ; and shall probably continuo to do 80 «» r * -• -m ■ The blood mu»t be pure for the body to bo in perfect condition Dr. J. H. McLcen's Mrtrsapanlla makes pure bloo# and imparls the rich bloom of health; anl vigor to the whole body. “I am the speaker of thi? house” said Jennie’s papa in'no uncertain tones,' ,r aftd I shall notify that |young nmlre mran mritfo'n of yours that when I a to ad?onrn it doe¬ sn’t rcqhiro a second in order to Minatrpw lHOOD‘S / 4 EXTRACT m S§E i j **• importance* purift-tag UteStoSdetn | hot be overestimated, enjoy good for health. without pure blood you cannot At this season nearly every one needs i good medicine to purify, vitalize, and eorteb the blood, and wo ask you Co try Hood*i 1 — Peculiar -- Sarsaparilla. It strengthens and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar eombinaUon, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetable remedies used give to Rood*, Sarsaparilla pecul-Ix " IW6II .l tw curative powers. No ■ { ures . ify 0 u have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to “J d “' "X AtiS" Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. ****** * CXI. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mo* IOO Doses One Dollar She Wanted Small Change. 1 She tvas a swcct-facc, dem o littlo woman, and as she sat in the ladies’ wailing room of tho Penn¬ sylvania railroad, in Jersey City, moro^ than ono man had his eyes on her and wondered who she was. By and by a young man in ft checked snit and carrying a great deal of choek, took a circuit around and sat down beside her. He had scarcely dropped into tho scot be¬ fore she gave him a sweet smllo and inquired if he would please do her a great favor. “Ah! with all tho pleasure in the world! ’ he made hasto to reply. •‘I want some small change and if yon will be so kind as to tnkc this bill— Certainly —ccrlainl}*—most hap¬ py to do so, he said as he received it and started off tor the ticket of¬ fice. He handed it in without looking at it and asked for change, but ihe ticket man shovoo it back with the remark: “Wonder how many moro fools 9 ho will strike before her train goes. “What do yon mean? . “Look at that bil!.” It WS8 a Sft ConfoJcrulo nolo and « yoang man stood staring nt it with blinking eyes the ticket man add ed: “You are the fifth man within *”«> •*«•»«- .*"• b '^ «.«« along for just such an emergency; and tho proper thinh fo.r you to do is to take a back scftt and make yourself as small as until your train goes,” The crushed young man did even better that, lie )e ft tbo depot altogether, and his demeanor was that of a man who intended to hunt up a pile driver nd let tho bamraer f .„ on hijn , hn u uCXCn times. _v PW CW y nr u oUn. «?„n __ . _ FbeqceStlt accidents occur in the honsehoM which cause barns cuts sprains and braises; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLean's Voloanie Oil Linimu-nt has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. B _ ' T “ g ‘ ° f , “ V'" Amenc Mn . * n ” c “ n ' —-- I>r. T ,_____-» Thomas J. /> Crosby u caught , . a tartar when ho brought about the arrest of Jerome Hopkins for libel > n sending bim abusive poetry on I’“ sul “ rd » bec “ 8e Crosb y rcfua ' i cd to pay his subscription to one of Hopkins TT . . concerts. , „ Hopkins . . was rie<1 thc ^ bcfo /° ‘ ur ^» and > altl,0D , S h ho was foQnd compe'.led to enter into his own ^cognizance in $500 and 10 find one 8urct >’ ,or * 250 t0 kee P P eaee > ^ a< I ^ un enough with Hr. Crosby to make up for all his ‘'fables. Uopkins addressed tb. J°'r f or l"® hom ’'. keeping them 'he judge, spectators, and even Dr. Crosby’s counsel in a continous roar of laughter, while the doctor himself writhed in bis chair and doubtless wished from the juafd botfoift of his heart that he bad a gni. nea when his tormentor asked bim for it. It was such a scene as the Old Bailey never witnessed before and when fhe case was concluded a throng of bewigged English barris¬ ters crowded around the AmericaA musician, offerred their congratff latrons, and advised hiui to give up music and devote himself t-» the l»ir.- Chicago Herald Cable. A Modest Man. A thin, care worn looking man. having U pencil and tablet in his hand, called at a house on Second avenue the other day. and said to the lady as she opened the door: Madame, I am canvassing for subscription for lamily. | a poor Will you put your name down for a small sum ? Is it a worthy family ? Yes, indeed. Do you know them pcrsonall ? I do, ma’am. And they are really In need ? They certainly are. Vory well—I’ll give you a ijuar* ter. ( She put her name down and handed him the money, and be had reached the gate when she called him back and said : % It has just occurred to me Hint this htigbtbe your own family. Exactly, ma’am. It is my fam¬ ily, butjmodesty forbad me to say so I am not ono who seeks to push himself forward, though I would doubtless get along better if I was. Thank you, ma’am. I know the family and I assure it is all right all right.”’ - a m ^ If you feel out of sorts cross and peevish—take Dr. J. McLean’s Sarsa¬ parilla; cheerfulness will return and life will acquire new zest. ** ••••»-—-— A Loss of Xillions. An insurance agent who has an office on Larncd street sat alone in the office the other day when a fairly Well dressed, strangor enter¬ ed, parsed tho time of tho day, and said ; . “I called to inquire if jou could lend me $5?* “Why, you are a stranger to fhe was tho reply. “Certainly, but I fcsk it as a stranger- Will you lend mo five?’ “But yon aro not recommended.” “Just so, and neither have I any security tojoffer. Will you or will you not?’ ,: t will hot “Yon refuse V “I do.” “Very well, sir. J happen to be tho possessor of 84,000,000 in stocks bonds and cash. I have no relatives to leave it to. 1 aril trying human nature to find a man who will risk 85 on principle. When I find him I will make my will in his favor. You havo l,cst. Good day sir,’ ■<» ^ - For sick headache female trouble neuralgic pains in the head take Dr. J. H. McLean’s Little Liver rad Kidney illets. 25 cents a vial. Drugstore Freemasonry. Scene y.CbctffrsFs shop in a town out West, where among othor good things “soda water” is retailed in pretty considerable quantities. En¬ ter young man who inquires if there is a vacancy for an assistant “Havo you the reuuisite liriowl e.dg and cxperince f” was the pro¬ prietor’s first question as he drew the applicant aside. ‘il tbiuk I may safely say I have the young man answered in an un¬ dertone, “Been long in the business ? ’ “Three years.” “Where ? “In Milwaukee.” “Tmph; what would y0t» <?o if a customer gave a nod of the head as he went up to tho soda fuuntain.’ “Let him have good old corn brandy and soda.” “A couple of short nods and a clack of the Fill the glass half full of Jamaica mm.” “Suppose somebody asks for a banana syrnp with his forefinger and thumb stuck in his left waist* coat pocket. ’ “He means cognac with ginger,” “Three nods while pointing with bis thumb over the left shoulder. “Old Holland gin, and the samo for his friend behind him.” “If eemebod^ says ‘Hudson,’ and expectorates to the left T* “Old corn, witn pepperment arid wormwood.” “Removes the quid from Wr left handr “Hand made sour mash.” “Very good; that will do. Yob can start to-morrow* If anything out of the common is Wanted— yonlf find all these thlrigy in 0 or cellar. You see, we havtf to very careful in making op W pr* scriptions, as pcople’sJives aro ,1 «Im."-E.w York Morcary. A He Mar Worth $850. A fract of greatest interest to numi&matists is the finding of the missing 1804 silver dollar. Only four silver disks of this dale were ever put into circulation and for years the whereabouts ofthc fourth j, a8 been eagerly searched for, the owncrs oftbe other three being known. Of course tho limited number gave tho silver quarter a fancy price in tho eyes of coin col¬ lectors, and they have been hold at relatively speaking, enormous fig* ures. Many people thioughoutthe country havo religiously lookod at tho dato of ©very dollar received in the hope of finding the valuable dollar. A few days ago Dr. Ed* ward Waltbet Walked into the Com morcial National Bank and pro> duced the sought for piece. Ho had fonnd it in tho southern part of tho state, where it had re¬ posed no one knows how long in the stocking of a Norwegian. Tho doctor parted with $150 in curren¬ cy bills to obtain the treasure: but as tho dvJtlai’’ is listed by coin deal¬ ers at $850 ho will hardly be a loss or by tho operation. At present he announces a determination to keop it, but the temptations ofar debt numismatists may cause him to change his mind. Bank officials slate that there is no question of its genuineness.—St. Paul Plotfoer* Pi css. ■a» Wouldn't Work in Chicago. “John,” exclaimed Mrs. Sweet mood, glancing across the table at her husband with a horrified face, “here it a shocking paragraph which says thftt a Chicago tuan is making shoes from human skin.” “A which man?” asked John, making a jab at his mouth with a slab of tonsi. “A Chicago man.” “Thon you needn’t wo*ry yours self, my dear, Ii’a not so.” . “Why riot?’ * “Because the giants have all been dead too long for tffcic skins to be worth anything as shoo leather.”— Free Press* The Real J»me. “The. old stylo oration is a thing of the ffa'st, except—where? Why, at the annual convention of theliq nor dealers. Do you loll mo that patriots are to found only whero liquor is sold? God forbid? They talk about personal liberty there, and they say we want to lcstriet the rights of the people. A man has tho right fits to havo the small pox. It’s small-pox. But do you mean to fell 3fo tb?rt he has a right to bring the disease into tho h£hrt of the community? No. I tell you we have a right to restrict an infectis ous disease, and what is this curse of rum but a pestilential thing? In reference to the race troubles in tho South. Senator Colquitt said: “Thoy tell us of the bitter¬ ness and animosity that the whites have for blacks. I have a remedy to propose. Shut the dram shops in all secti5»i of the South, at ev¬ ery cross road and in every town and hamlet where whites fin'd ne¬ groes intermingle in the same com¬ munity, and I will pledge you that where yoh hear of ten cases of bloodshed now you will not hear of one. It is • liquor conffiel, not n race iasuo.”-From Senator Col quitfe New York speech. - m. Egotism a Cause of Suicide. After close observation far many years ani'^onvinced that overween¬ ing egotism is as potent a cause of suicide as any other.' More than one couple have died in each otb> er’s arms — ! ‘ L iL ~ J —*— cj that their 3 ames will g o d o wn to posterity with • the same famo that lingers over the? tomb of Abelard and HeloUe, and young men have exhausted their brains to concoct * if 11 1 * » • , | letters that should create ft sensa tion over their ashes. I recall one youth who left a long letter to aay that he blew his brains out because he could no*, wait for natural death to reveal to bim the mysteries of the next world; another who aft 6 uod on P»gea f »" P«ge to rfemon lr »** hi * ri 8 ht to make awnv with himself, arid more than one couple who arr » n 8 fcd their simultaneous cx ‘* a8 much carc as •* they "' crc on 14,0 ,,a S c ' vilh lh(; ^orld ROBERT BURNETT Manage* for an itadionce. A wt’ctchod van¬ ity, Rut docs not tho wisoat of men sa^ thfit fill is vanity with i$8 poor mortals.— New York Letter. » |i »■ ' --- Wesents of Lovers. They had qtLirrelet! and it ivas final safs the Sari Francisco Chronicle. 8he demanded all her presents back and her letters and her photograph. He sent them. Then she sent him a note saying that he had kept one tender little present she had made hint in the days when she thought him good and true and a gentlemen with the “gentleman” underscored several times very heavily. It was a loek of hair, and she conljl not per¬ mit him to keep that. lie sent it bffck|witli a brief note. “It doesn’t make any difference d'htdher 1 keep it or not. Nobody would know it was yours. Yuo forget yon d'Cl’t dyed a blonde tf'M.'tf 1 got it.” • “It was so mean,” she said, “be¬ cause my hair had only grown a few shades darker lately.” But peahaps that was not so mean as another young man of whom 1 heard a few days ago. lie was In a similar ease and he demanded all his presents back. He had in his days of devotion bought her a beautiful pair of opera glasses, and bad her initials engraved on them, She Hkd thrown him away for another fellow and he felt mad. He got the opera glasses oack and sold them to a pawnbroker for a smell price provided lie would put them in a window where they could be seen by everybody, and slue had to go and buy them to get them out of the window. Old pcoplo —~—T****'— suffer much from disorders of tho urinary organs are always J, gratified H. McLean’s at the wOhderfa! Liver and effects Kidney of Balm Dr. in banishing their troubles. $1.00 per bottle. ■ mm <Jne©r Things That We Do. Lien Snug of Hong Kong dined at the Continental last evening, He is rfChinese gentleman of 50 fSars, a retired tne-chant, and is making a 'visit to this CoUntay where his house has several branches. Mr. Sang left on the train for New York, where he will he entertained by Wong Chin Foo, the brilliant young Chinese au¬ thor and journalist. Mr. Sang was impressed with Philadelphia, which ( he says Kf»s fewer foreign ihflacnces than either San Francisco of Chica He said, tlffongh an interpreter that America was a very funny' tx^n try, hocause here we do thing#'tfxact ly opposite to the best form in civil¬ ized China. We shake hands with each other; fh’c Chinaman shakes hands with liimaclf. We uncover the head a‘? a mark of respect; the 'Chinese gallants not only keep their hats on, hut when v’ishl'irg to he very polite remove their shoes. We shave our faces; they their heads and eye¬ brows. We cut our linger nails; they consider it aristocratic to let them grow from five inches to a foot long; The Chinaman whitens his shoes, buries his dead on the surface of the earth, arid demands that his wine be scalded hot when served. Btarck clothing is, with ns the sign of mourn¬ ing, hut in China white garments indicat the loss of friende. Yh the Celestial not children, buf old men Wto», alk ,, .hit., ... pl.y marble, ,, W on * hout fire «**"*• anl11,1 ,hls » sc th ' :r ,rct "" mttch a * stead of their haudsj, Irf China the men’arc milliners, ‘"washerwomen,” and dressmakers, Wc live, coot and ea* usually on the first floor, sleeping up stairs, hut the Chinaman reverses thi i oril ft r. In dating letters we write year . last, they place it first. In speaking of tW compass, they always say H points south They pay their doctors as long as they well while we only when we are sick*. Here we kill our enemies. A Chinaman gets re vengeby killing himsclr. They launch tlieir ships sideways, ring be^ls fi*0rii the outside, and turn screws from right to left. Mr. Bang mournfully observed : “America may be a great country, but it is truly the queerest of places. -— Fhiladelphia Press. ,*-r EL RM VV . - - ?. “ . . „ E in nae regain** TWtiraonUl. »11' A. u»*ctve, 357 Fifth Art, Hew Fork, 5ib you know IT? Did you know catarrh la a blood StfeaMl W«It& almost invariably Is, and frequently la a sympt o o^ hf inherited blood poiaon. The tendency to catarrh may lay dormant In the ay stem half a man’s lifetime and then suddenly become active and thedlaeaai M once severe an'I troublesome. N. P! Lamba ssas Sprlhf*, Tex«* writes: “ For over fottr years I ha ite been agreoi sufferer from a terrible (atm of Nasal Catarrh. 1 was greatly and annoyed with aconstant roaring in my head ray hearing became very much Impaired. ,< The discharge from my hose was profuse and MTARRH very offensive, npd iKy general all healti* tnipaired. 1 triod most mit fcronilrent used physicians, but they preparations did ciflf w* and I various advertised without benefit > * *hen sent to the drug More of T. E. Smlthjfc fieo., and pnrchw*! Saflsfaction, n, B. U. and to iny utfT astonishment and the use of ten but-. <Jj* ioaring has restored my general health, stopped th* sensation, entireif healed fthd r U r*d ther nan! catarrh, and I am proud to recommend a Hood remedy with such powerful curative properties. 1 fte ousiness fflbn of otfr town know of my can * W: A. PaerEK Fredonia, Ala., writes! U 1 earn • tjot refrain from telling you what a gl<^ CATARRH riou* medicine you haVd. For lw<* years my mother has suffered with j* severe Catarthof the head and ulcerated sorctlm>a|. She resorted to various remedied sVlfho'ut i*ffect; until she used B. B. B., which cured her catarrh, and healed her sore throat.” $• C. Kinnaro & Son, Towaliga, wrliU .. “One of Ga, AT our neighbors has bri>ti sufferii.g frons catarrh for several years,which resisted CATARRH treatment and medicine revirftlW, We finally Induced him to try tHh, efficacy of BOB., and he was sopa defjfchiett fcftK. an cotitlma«i its use, and way ••♦fw* Writ* Ii> efpod Balm Atlaato, Oa, W Book U Wonder* ” aest ins 00) -TJerk INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER I .1 i*' *, * • i . IP ranted. A B tricll/i-ftret-closs Mndo from best machine. mKWrinl,% Fully skil}-4 wary workmen, and with tho very best tools that have e\rt l>*wn devised for the purpose. Warranted to do all befit that typewriter can be reasonably extant. Capablo expected of of writing the very Umi words per minute-or mure—according to ability of the operator. Price $ 100 . 00 . \ If there is no agent ia your town, ad dross the manufacturers,. . THE PARIAH MFG. CO., .* , Agent* Wanted.' PAItTHll, N. F. FREE. STENOGUAPltY «n<l TYPEWRIT-* 1NO FREE. First rlMAfopilitimaiiili bent ff teuchera. Aiblrmn. with KtAiup for roturti postage, THE PARISH MF«. CO. r . -* r*niHii. W; T— •d m mm Bipna vimiTY rpUF .»C|B»CX OF LIFE, tho .f | a. I -••great Medical Work of age on Manhood, Nervous nmlfl U f l’hyslcal Debility, Premature i Recllna, untold Errors mlserlcsconscfjuent of Youth, and j I the thereon, 800 pages 8 to, 125 prescriptions full gilt, for only aU diseases.^ 81.00, by* Cloth, mall, sealed. Illustrative sample Aifffc«iThe free to all young; and middle-aged men. Send. Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to tfid duthor by the NT* tiouol Medical Association. ret a P. Q, box Ib96, Boston, Muss., or l>r. W PARKEf}, grail uate of Harvard Medical Cjlfegr, 25 years’practice fn Boston, who may be cdngultcd confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man. OfDcc No. 4 Bulflnch st. *rf .... - IbtonATlC SEWING nACHINR Has no equal—is delivered freo every . where. Please send full Post Office ad¬ dress, shipping including address, County., including Affff alft» four railroad s,ta T tjon postal most convenient WiU .bring to you. One-.cent expense to you some¬ thing ily. new fall and important for every fam-, For particulars njesise send No. City. 457 West 20th Street, New York 1 H Has Wever Failed, t l« ' f • >v , t •, Botanic Blood Balm, (B. B. B.) .ms rurca t.uo* Ired of cases of Scrofula, Eczema ar.d other con'.a fious blood diseases, after other treat merit had liter* tried and failed. You do yourself and family great ‘bjuUioe unless you j$ve this excellent remedy a", tnal. Send to Blood Balm Co„ Atlanta, Ga.,fof fffttstrated “ Book of Wonders" filled with lcttersf from persons cured by B. B.B. *" I '•» t»i>b • !i •• M«. .M. ^. Ro>smam, Greensboro, Ga., writwq “ I have a lady friend who has been entirely cured sdRflniii vfr f °* '^ ]y < . out of th « ‘kin. the use of two D D * D - - I k wsf several ,c^e* of blood doMaocs cured speedily W frt »se ef B. B. 8. ______ % •• j > v •• ii. • , , H O. Tihslev writes: My mother and list cf i used u. p: ft. for scrofula TlltZ'ZS and ulcerated sore throat? SORE THROAT remedies they ever used. ' _A-H. Nichols, llOGray St., Atlanta, Ga., write* r, .wy wife for several years has boon sufreriSg Wittf what physicians term Eczema, altecfing her whole!. 56dy, limbs and scalp. It appeared Uv-t her vhoh* skin would shed off in scales atjout once a weee,' leaving the surface red and ter.Jer, an& sometime*' cracked open. 1 ler general health failed, and for a> while it was thought she would die, as several doc¬ tors and numerous patent medicines failed ta giver ECZEMA ar.y relief. Myl-.rothcr-ie-law, Mr. J,' B. Cummings, was selling the B.O.B' and insisted that 1 shouid try it on my wife. I di<4 so, and to our utter astoni-hment she commenced Improving:at once,.and three bottles, costing cr.l/. 83, effected an entire cures ft is wonderfully qutcSf in action. ” D. M. McRae, Waynesboro, Miss-, writes: “«l/, nnii DUILO A »i**er was ohlcted with boils which sadl^ repaired her health, and she last fleshj £ like magic and produced L-. 0ne s conphA* b 0 t 2 lf cure,*' f n ° c **55 ( fit.