The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, April 30, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. V. NO. 30. DIRECTORY. — - o — CHUPCHES. P.aptht C’niMtcir. Ibv. Z.T. TV cnVer.Pas¬ tor. I’renehing 1st vnd 3rd Sunday* in •h 111 .• i>tit. ftunduy-schooI 9a. iw,, 3. K, Paul lin Saij.t. P. y'er mu tiny Tln.r . lav ev.n nips. MKTimonrr Pr<'«'Tiing Ciivhhi. — Rev J.O, Lnng-ton V»*l<*r. 2nd ami 4tlt SuimIuvs in ruc % month. Sunday Ladies’ -*ehoal Prayer 9 meeting n. m. \\. Tues- A. Graham Supt. Young men.-.’ P/ayer meet f’av after >oon. meet ing Tuesday evening. Itcgului Truyvr Hg Wednesday evening. I’KKHUVTKKIAN' (llIIRflf. Sunday • >}iCid 0 a. in. .1. P. 1!. Brewn Suj.t. Ain sonic Directory, D tt IKJJC, No. 17, V. A A. M. - HV'Hinir* 1.*t uud “r<l Suturuuv **vc T*>1. Brown Sc«y., D. F. Gunn Vv .M Lit Fayette (.'liajder No. 1?, R. A. M* Retmlnr Meeting 2nd Mat unlay Graham evening*. H. 1. J. t .Simpbon, 8e’*y, W. A. ITcgnl«r A ........: v •lib \V. A. Crahsm l'.L U. J.f'. Sim ic V v., M. On n«M I.oAy So. 1«87, K. of G , 2nd i irl 4' D Tursdny evfnings. • B Holm ♦ Reporter, \Y. M. SSpeiglit Dictator. ■Ptar! Lodge No. 374 K. & L. of 1L M.*pf 2ml anu lt!> Friday evening*. T. M. Biown eb-cy., D. F. Gunn Protector. Dixie I. jdge No. 30, A. <*. T - W. Meet r '. and 3rd .Monday . v^nings- U TV. Gin HerU Sec’y. T. M. Brown • GPUNTY. Si’l l Kiou Uon-.T—lion .1 II Gimrry dvrls. jttdgt M '■4rig<<*, solinitor. 3 W butlivo J T M« sherilf, and September, Koi’ulnr term, 3rd Momluys in Murcli Court op Ordinarv.— R. T. Foc'.c, Oriliimry. Regular lucoting 1-t, Monday In each month 'Oountv Court— G. G. Lark, J u<l ire. COUSTY COMMISSIONERS. J. K. Pfcitllin, S. 1). Coleman, J. F Creel, A. Ti. Foster, J. N. High e. County Treasurer, J. 1*. IT. Brown l ix Oolleelor, W. 11. Harrison. 'K’k Receive r, r i' II. Davis Coroner J. D. Owt.u. “*» “***i* i *sB;!.'■'*" CITY. Ma\ of S. D. Coleman A!»DBRMKK — W. J. Greene, Joe Vin son. G. B. Sutlive, J. H. Irwin, A X J. Fleming. *jA rk Jt Tw.vgFRr.R— II. T. Footf. £USl IF YOU WMT TO KNOW tbonght cf alxnn tmpurtanft tbt human utu** body you aad never its knew enrioua or organs. JUptfi jfh' kfa let H t* o,./ perpetnatM, ptrfalla of health Ignorttn sawd, and disease indinretton, induced, o t a J/. • n> ai'pu Croup,oU horns i ' ■<>•« to all forms of disease, Mow how to CKre bs happy H’jes, Rupture, «£ Phimosis, babies, etc., tom, , »a mnma</e haceprne send i Kit csxts for now book, UEV1CAL SES’SE a xi i xoxsrrxsn. PC A wetanre h»if of wit of ttieni nntl wisdom, ’Of-t patrea. lootUtat Riven to » newly '‘«'t>estuuta Illustrated and ,, I'octore Iiroll jy'/y ' Jokes: "nol too phtinny but -4 ?rA'?*S';Urer luwi pimnny eoonwli" to euro turgor and niolauoboly. tut tux Laugh curb. Maxraj Utl) rub. Co„ 121) E. 2 Stb Bt.. IL UJ m f) SiS ft . u M U TiY ,\ta Lkr. “ Why. Vildir. yon needn’t cry about It! t only *aid .' r«. /.lion was a very well V»> -r- leit woman, an, 1 uiahed you woiiul follow -y.», exami lo " Mns I,or. ,, Vr>. r.nd list week you sa 1 yon wished l could mnt.i e t ’ l< oL as stylish as Sire. utl she make- iiU ter owu clothes. But •ue “ii* v l hav< u’t " .'in t,» * \\ t»ai is tliat ?” Mk.« • v» ell, shep t* n’t of her Informs t ,<n C;«»m tho n ■ they take, t admit thei rhe knows 1 *tt th,. is eoine on. and is bright ana entrruiuing in conversation bn! I ecu d do as well ** she du» < if 1 had the same source of iitfwmia'n n 8t.e lent me the last nrurfber of her .uae-uinc i,dir.^. about lately, vurio and I learned aocial more matters in one and hour the a * r* ;s topicsef the day, lean 1 w aid p ; ck up ir. antotith lc my occasional chats 'r ends. It certainly cover* everr top c oT i ->t frt>n the news of > d - day down to I* tnc beauf.fnlly of illustrateif. hcwekeeplng; too. , eyerv, iitj; Mamie so the Allens’ she I n rv ti «o poe# over to get take r -ie* b e'e and teas, s me to you to Iv-wrens Family th' Ma arine. as the storks are fo -ood. Even boys watch for it every month. I S 1 lace is found for them al-o In iis p.i>.v* : and ' -Mien swears l y it. It I* r. ally wonderful v imen Copy : for. if it Is anything tike wbatyoa a. v it is. U will amuse and instruct tliewh*vtoof us.” Mi * I.rt. "I see that W. Jennings Demorest, the pu'obsber, 15 Fast 11th Hre t. New \ork, 1a *5 onVio^nrt& Ct Sf wHiSbJr SnJ a Pattern O.-kr’ .ntitlr.j the holder to which any Pattern she r.ay choose, r,.:d in any sire— Iijn-t al, ne makes e-ch topy worth &>cents; and ;Vf u r on!y :e *; t '0 a yesr > sud l un.rt aisgant say Ma^udac I can't mv for how little they inouey.* c^n publish so a »o A LIBERAL OFFER. ONLY $2*50 F0R tub AOVEllTISEll V.M) DemomriFamily Mug»s!no. vvlyour 8UV. riptlons to this 0.11 - r. w K •- re- zr± § ■ N I' W ifhkLi P*»ot- r Mm a-; Ti .'.i.«un ¥ mu* ’ l ’ »■* v •!....... *. >• -■ ........ . . • - • H-U-' ' Vrffrff L; - - Vri ” ! ’ ' ' * •: L , t*.'i ri; vij.J. » . ^Or, MO. Maws The Advertiser ■n FORT APRIL 30 1890. m OF THE HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY 311 IH. JEFFEUSON DAVIS, -j>q S3LD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. The prospectus and com¬ plete outfit for canvassing Will ready immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRITORY on 0,1 this 11118 ; PTC .c*v it work worit will win please address, as SOtll U3 possible, the publishera, BELf ORD COMPANY, 18-22East 18th Street, Nr.w Youk. — TllL — TYPEWRITER! m F'v ms®* M B ' lit; S /A 3 t-vr * t zy •***-., r u ^ A strictly first-class mnehina. Fully war ranted. Made from very best, by skilled workmen, and with the nest tools that have been devised for reasonably the purpose. Warranted to do all that can be expeett I of the very best words typewriter minute—or extant. more—according Capable o writing 150 per to i.'jb ability of the operator. Price $100.00. < If there is no agent in you? town, ad¬ dress the manufacturers, TIIF riKISIl 5IFG. CO., Agents ICnnlcd. VAX /Sir, X. T. FREE. 5^“ hw \^‘Si^M^: I ^ return i.uuxh,n.y. The E V ’ > 'HeBest E4in.safetyEve^Mad^ uiCYCLESS^k, ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BLARING AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR ( UU LINE “raasssrw*® Of WHEELS SENT ON APPLILAHON. \ JLo r IPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE, with its varied and excellent contents, is a library in itself. It was indeed a happy thought to print an entire novel in each number. \ Not a short novelette, but a I ng story such as you are used to get in book fo'nt and pay from one dollar to one dollar and a half for. Not only that, but with each number you get an abundance good of other besides contributions, novel. whichgres you a magatint the The ringing blows which haz e been struck on the gateway of popular entire land, favor, and have day resounded Lippin- i throughout the stands to front of coit's Magazine in the rank monthly publications, and is the most widely • read-and-talked-of full publication circulars, of its kind in the world. For descriptive address LIPPINCOTTS MAGAZINE. Philadelphia $3.00 per year, as cts. sin * .V number. The publisher of this paper will receive your Subscription, 1 m . stsasou.t n ut w.tchTrn'nn Jk la bv-iJI'.-nSi. 11 t -' V si' lately.|i 1 [• || Il |i p l» |1 ’ * 1 • 1 ' -von I 3j| FciUil tiinck routed. eper. Heavy War-A Solid lUjU Oold Jluatius Case*. Uc-!i ladittf land g r '<»‘ ai. a*. witU work*, a- i u ;i of equal value. One 1’mon in each lu V- nUiy c«:i ieture one andval- free, tORelher v i .1 oor Household larje u*b!>; lino vf Sample .. These aawplca, a* well as tl * watch, we tend 1 I'rov, and after yon have kept them In vocr heme for S months ami shown th«m t» thoso who Ci ty hare called, thejr become yeur c n propersr. Those who v'ri-.e et once ran be sum of receiving the itfttrh •it Sample*. Money nil eiyress, -Vc uht.eta d&minf AdJrese tiituiuu Ai t o., JUox 81k, lVrtluad, EXHAUSTED VITALITY sf»HF SCIENCE OF I.IFE, the A great Medical Work of the | ftp( . oa Manhood. Xc.-v-euj au,l«k 2N rhytl «a DebtUty. Pwrmat.ire V' thenntoW thereon, AX) miscrleaeonse-iuent Svo, :«> taPgAS wsUrTr r/-. pages /iMI-" rmacrlptlons i-.-ti for all £3/ J , mall’sealedt „. . c u» llioat^ on j y *100 j,. sample free toMlyomw and middle a«ed men. Sendmw. The Gold and l Jewelled Medal awardesl to the cut u<wby the Xa tional Medical Assoclaticm A,’ resa F. o. box Boy n. Ma.^. or Pr W. H.-ARXER. ^.d natcof Harvard Me<dcalCo.lesc.years’practice in Baatoa, wins may be co.-uUe confidentially, ! Specialty.DiseasescfSImu No. 4 -Bal£=chat. Ft*f?K£al’ts rrAlTJ UmLSAiVI JFjf {her tho l.ur, " 1 -J IwAuW.-t .‘fit* for coi drcsriaC, when ' r — pj.fv, -d ! p ver .ng 1 .mdrul. It oio*n-c3 v vcjjp, ,top* the tii.- fiU;r.' Is rure I »p!e*Mk £Pc. r.~ d 1 1 s: r'nxirgista. HINQERCO^NS. Th«>*af.'*t,surp*t6r!d K-st<"-re f » rr.«. Dunio-ss, A«, *U;viin. Knsnrosct'irfortlj’ *loot. >»ve! {ail* 'n ctuo. IS oxhtsat l’i‘ii! co* A Co, X “ aitoxatic SERTXt. yiAClilXK jA^toSX’SU}?'“S’ Hus no Ofiutl_iTileliven<1 fi-ec cverv- £ reu/im train raihoatfuta- 2*r y shipping add g lion most convenient fo you. One cent i>ostjfl-expense and important will Irin^ for to you some- fam Uiiug *Vor new every «mlto No. Uy. 4^7 West h,ll par.,,-uU,. th Mrett, ,lo.«o >cw lork 20 City. • t *r for !lr t; >vi,-» DYspfcf^A ,rna-i lu.ysiiwmmtwa.. ...A vaw< iil il, , »?• 4- DID YOU KNOW IT? Did you know catarrh is a blood disease ? Well il iIr. o:t invariably is, and frequently Is a symptom of inherited blood poison. The tendency to catarrh j may lay dormant in the system half a man's lifetime anti then suddenly become active and the chseasi *i crnca severs and trcubleson e. N. C. F.dvvards, Lampassas Spritfgs, T.xas v.rites; “For over four years I have been a great j sufferer from a terrible form of Nasal Catarrh. I was greatly annoyed with a constant roaring in r..y head i and my hearing became very much impaired. The discharge from my nose was profuse and very offensive, and my general health CATARRH impri"* I tried most all prominent ^ physicians, but they did not cure me. and I used various advertised preparations without benefit I then sent to the drug store of T. E. Smith & Bic., and parchased B. B. H, and to my utter astonishment rad satisfaction, the use cf ten bot¬ tles lias rostoied my general health, stopjied the ror.riag sensation, entirely hep led and cured the nasal catarrh, and 1 am proud to recommend a 1 ’ood lernedy with such powerful curative propel tics, l f..- Dusiness men of our town know of my case.’ W. A. Tepper Fredonia, Ala., writesI can net refrain from telling you what agio -.ATAriRH ti^us medicine you have. For two y ears my mother has suFered with a severe Catarrh of tht head and liberated som throat. 8he resorted to various remedies without •■•fleet, until sheused B. B. B., which cured her catarrh, ani' healed her sore throat.” R. C. Kinvaro & Son, Towaliga, Ga., writes v of our neighbors has been suffering from catarrh for several years,which resisted CATARRH al * treatment and medicine resorted to We finally induced him to try efficacy of B B. B., and he was soon delighted with j 1 an improvement. "He continued its use, and was sound and well” tar- Write to Blood Bairn Ccw Atlanta, G*_ f« •• Book of Wonders" tr.nt tnvs. (10) ' WARWICK “PERFECTION” CYCLES. ’//. k N? V\\ N! m They are made of High-grade Material by skilled mechanics, and are INTERCHANGEABLE For Lady or Gentleman.: MASERS t Warwick Cycle Mfg. Co. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. ri I CURE 1 When I say Cuke I do not mean merely to stop them for a'tfme, and then have them re¬ turn again. I mean A RADICAL CURL. I havo made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS; A life long study. I warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed i s no reason for not now reeei vlnjc a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It costs yon nothiug lor a trial, and it will cure you. Address H.C. ROOT. M. C. 183 PcaplSt.,NewYoiik WASHINGTON _ SEMINARY f M tv —ATLANTA, ga.— . ~M r rr< f; noutni'L and day MlWilSiS Hh - »t Ur th2 mlKinfinw , of Mrs.BAYLOnSTEWART, -PiuMirAL E Q[ ttiiLCs <5 ^ Nil tv 0 ifl »Iay affect any portion of the body wherethe mucous membrane L found. But catarrh of tae head is tur t..^ ais.t comi.iot., arid tl.e most liable to bo neglected. It cr.nnot bo cured by locil applications. Being a ccr.sti . m tional disease it requires ^ ingihg a constitutional remedy like HOISTS w Hood's Sarsnrnrir.a, which, working through tho blood, eradicates the impurity which causes and pro T.iotcs the catarrh, :-r.(l svxui effects * perma. went cure. At the same time Hood’s Sarsa one feel renewed in .strength r.n»i health. If you suffer 4mpuro from catsriii. fcc sure to D S3 OOB try Hood's Sarsaparilla. •• I used Hood’s sarsaparilla for catanh, ”.nd receivod great relief and benefit from iu The catarrh was very disagreeable, especially fci the winter, causing constant dischary? noise's from ‘ my L se.rir.ging U Sar Sar8a P ati!la my^ad. The effort to . car ^Ucf immediately, while f:t time I was en cine m my hoc •? as i i c'-I m. A « ^ ***' i'worth its weight m gold.’’ Cures Bt., miOf.Ug.VBUg* x. w., v. T Cata „ h “ I was troubled with that annoying; disease. nasal catalrh. wi Sever found relief ttU (joldhyaUdniK^'s- . Hood’s Sarsaparilla frc. #lt»Ufarf5. Freparedoaly MtO* L hood A oo.. A f «a« nrt »s,LoweU. ^ Oo*«* One Dollar *«•* HOODS/ & COMPOUND EXTRACT . . w I > V ‘ v H8fr -V The imi>ortancc of purifying the blood can¬ not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs • good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich fhe blood, and we ask ycu to try Hood’s Peculiar Sarsaparilla. Itstrengthens and builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetable remedies used give to flood's Sarsaparilla pecul¬ To itself iar curative m vers. No other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Fcculiu Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. nood’s Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggist*. Prepared l»y C. I. Hoed & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses ©no Dollar lie Walked In. The banc of tho average sena tor’s life, says the New York Trib line, is the requests of his friends and constituents for tickets of ad* ■nission to tho senate gallery when anything of interest is going on u on tho floor. In later days on t jjt eat occasions the senators , , ha ve transfer; e 1 the responsibility to the sergeant*at*arms.: about twen ty KM ‘oars ago the whole re; ily devolved upon them. Good* Matured men are made miserable by tho demands upon them, and il s told of big, burly’ Ben Wade that a : . the impeachment of Andrew fohnson ail Ohio demanded tickets t > the chamber. He distributed his tickets with a l vish hand, but they gave out soon e.- than his constituents, lie man¬ aged to make excuses to all but one an old army chap ain who had (omi from the northern corner of t ie state just to lo present at the mpeachment. “My tickets are all gone,” said Senator Wade, “but perhaps I can ervo }’ou in some other way.” “There is nothing else I want,” sighed tho unhappy chaplain, “I hive heard that you are a gener* ous man, rut this is the first favor [ have asked after serving my omitrv for three years, and beside l have come clear from Ohio to be j reserrt at the impeachment of An* drew Johnson.” The old senator looked him over with a merry tw'nkio in his eye noticing especially tho clerical cut or'his coat, then writing tome tiling on a *iip of paper, said : “It that doorkeeper i a Christian hj cannot resist that plea.” Alter he got out of sight the Oh i oan looked at the paper and on it were these words : “For God’s sake let this man in. Bcii Wade.” Whether it was an imprecation or appeal ho could not tell, but be 'Viseij • . decided , , to cons<dtM’ it the lulter. and ho paue.l into the gal er Y undercover cf the doorkeep* ers surprise at the novel ticket of admission. 0Q» Old people suffer much from disorders of the urir ary organs and are always gratified at the wonderful effects of Dr. J, H. McLean's Liver and Ividuev Balm iu banishing their - troubles. 3L00 per bottle. »•» Giviirg Him A Slisw. lie was a good man, says the Dc troit Freo Press a man whose word nobody doubted—whoso in,* tegri .y and veracity were as good a3 a fc 0 fid. And a friend said to him OUC da}' : “I sa.u you speeding yoirr ho?se , , . tie OtuCf uat. ‘-Yes. “ Hcs »Ado mcVv- r . , “Yes. O-t «*• of 1-0. 'Acs. ‘ As near as I -could -catch him that day ho was making , . a 2*10 tA clip “Yes, 1 think so. . And that horso couid not . i go a I ., .TV b A d h • .V ,, i know it, and* ho.was simply bail injy mg a a hook nook tO u> tempt u..npi me the ^oou ••'OOd HV’n m..n Acd be «mgU bim. ' IM*v*iion«ls ami «Xokuny Cake**. A young fellow was inquring ol officer Button at the Third streot depot, says the Detroit Free Press, about tho train from tho north, when the officer queried in return : “Didn’t you come in this morns inf:?” “Yes. - ’ “With a young woman *” .•Yes.” “I thought so. I took you for a bridal couple.” “Yes, so wo were.” “And you are going back alone? “f hat’s what's the matter, were mairied ^ere day before yesterday and came or. a tour. She was all right when we got here, but in about an hour wo had a fuss. She wanted a diamond ring and I could not buy i*. Diamonds! Just think of itI’ve got 825 in cash and 20 acres of land, and expect to have to live on beans for the next six months to pull through.” “And where is she now?” “Over at the hotel. I left her money to pay her bill and get home and she can stay oi come. Bettci havo th ; s thing the start you know’. Somo folks are built to wear diamonds and some to eat_ johnny cake. I’m a johnny cakist There s my train, If she comes in' to take the next just soc her aboard but don’t encourage her any. It t a row’ to see who shall bo tho boss, and the best man is going to win. FaEQUE^TiiY accidents occur in tin household which cause burns cuts sprains aud bruises; for use iu such cases Dr. J. H. McLeau’s Volcauic Gil Linimient lias for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. Dost The Only tkfuce. A couplo stood at tho gate‘in front of a houso on Brush street tho oth¬ er night, says tho Detroit Free Press, when the front door was opened and a woman looked out and inquired : “Sarah, is that you ?” “Yes.” “Who is with you ?” “A feller.” “BuJ. what is hts name ?” “Oh, yo-u go in.” “1 shan’t do it. It is my right to know who ho is arid what his in¬ tentions are.” “Mu ! she chided. “I don’t care ! “Please go in ! “I won’t till 1 find out who ho is You have been having beaux for the last fifteen years, and none oi them have ever said a word about * A marriage. Yeur pa says it’s all # my fault, but— Here the young man took a snd den skip, and as Sarah went up tho stops she said : “I Lope ^you feel belter now. He was just proposing when you banged the door open, und now he is gone ! “Good lands, gasped the mother “see if you can’t overtake him and coax him back. But he was gone. Imperfect digestion and assimilation produce disordered conditions of th* ^ tem " I ^l 1 “ U( J uru ^.’neglect 1 Dr. J. H. McLean . s btreiigth ening Cordail aud Blood Purifier by its botri.*. But He Couldn’t, A couple of raon who were play¬ i:.g cards in a Michigan avenue sa loon the other day, says the Do troit Free Press, when they fot in¬ to a dispute, and one of them brought his fist down on tho table with the exclamation : “I can lick you out of your boots in two minutes! ‘•Iouess 3 ^ you can’ *’ renlied 1 lhc “I can tide 3 *ou and your whole family behind you ! “Ob, no. “Yes I can! “I don't believe it. ‘ Bui I ftBOff l ean. Tho mild-mannered turned to tho crowd and aulced : -Father. Bill, Jrm, Tom, Henry Wallace,, Ge«r S e, Andrew do you hear that? Mother and Ann and Betsey are not here, bnt I guess wc oan do him. An! lUo ten lumped r « tho leas ■ ■ iev and . bad , , , him yelling ..- t foa mercy in8,dcofa m,nul °* ^ ^ ^ 7 anJ 'V r rc ‘ , b ied , with a hacking cugh use Dr. J. H. McLonn', Tnr VI fa. Lung Balm. lVDBERT hull NETT Manager QiiccrSeimt<»r Stcwnrt, It is assorted by friends of Sena* ’ tor Stewart, of Nevada, that if bis i absence of mind could be cut into 1 strips and pasted together, end to end, it would reach twice around illimitable space and tie in a doub lc bow knot. Out on the slope they used to tell a story of bow bo was hastening one morning to catch a train, when ho suddenly stopped and said to his companion: “There, by thunder, Iv’o left a my watch under my pillow’! “Lei’s go back and get it, said his friend. “Hold on, ’ said the senator, I don’t believe we'll huvo time,” and he drew’ the watch from his pocket looked carefully at the fiaoo of it, counted tho moments and added : “No, wo won’t have time,” and pressed on toward tho station, say* ing: “Oh, well I guess I can git along for a day without a watch. It is also related that Senator Stewart dressed himself at a hotel one morning, putting his vest on wrong s'do out, aud in a fow njin* utes presented himself at the office excitedly rubbing tho place where the pockets ought to bo, and com* p loin ing that ho had been robbed. It might havo been believed that i hose tales wero woncs of the im* agination, had not tho senator him¬ self one day this week given testi** rnony to their truth, Tho clerk of tho senate was monotonously cali¬ ng the roll on somo question in which senator Stewart was not in forested. Tho senator sat with his elbows.upon his desk, his checks upon bis bands and his eyes fixed upon vacancy, whither bis mind had gone. “Mr. Stewart,” five cleric called There was a moment of silence. Senator Stewart continued to look at nothing. “Mr. Stewart,” tho clerk called again, but Mr. Stewart did not hear him. A brother senator sitting nerr reached overhand touched him. Tho light of consciousness w f as just returning to 'tho d'rearror’* oyc9, when the clock shouted once more “Mr. Stewart!” *T pass,” swid the senator from Nevacla— [Ch i cago 31 oral d. Tlie Deaf Hear. That sounds miraculous, and yet one may become temporarily deaf on account of blood poison settling tho ear, and then tind quick relief by using B. B. 13., Bo¬ tanic Blood Balm. John W. Weeks, Decatur, Ga., writes “Bix months ago I lmd a pain in my ear and it discharged matter. Thou 1 grew leaf and could not hear at all. I began tho use of B. B. B. and the running of my ear soon ceased, and I now hear, while my health is much improved aud £ feel full of gratitude to God and to the proprietors of so good a remedy.” S. M Ellis, Atlanta, Ga., writes: 13- 13. 13. cured me of most stubborn ecze¬ ma. I had doctored without success for twelve years.” W. H. Davis, San Marcos, Texas writes “1 am rapidly recovering from blood poison by the use of B. -5. B.” An A. ri s to era tic !!cn. William J. Free of 310 Four and 1-2 stteet, has a hen which is al¬ most too proud to acknowledge the acquaintance of the proprietoi of the house. This has orriy been tho ease for a short time. This hen was formerly m<?ek enough, but to bo tho mother of a chicken on Kas let- Monday, tho like of which no other hen in Baltimore, or any oth cr place, could produce, overturned her ideas of modest still: C -s humility. This hen, the property! of Mr. Free, cl though she now holds herself aloof from mosl hen., has . among a brood , , of - newly hat-.l h" th<; letters “O. X.” plainly marked in 1 black on the top cf its head in down with a distinct between them Tho chicken is what is called pari j game; the bal es is just plain chicken* . Ft i ~n brown with iMil » ■ colored wings, 'rbc mother sat foi three weeks on thirteen eggs, tri ., , , , . . tTrm thcm ’ Tnd^ ond * o^oui'se cou, ^ feds lccIs that h3t lib «»' •*»« rewarded in having a chicken with its head all “O. K.”—rBalti* ! more Herald. ■ 1 • - ^ - — _ ' Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human = ford’s Sanitary Lotion. This uem frils ' Hol<l St ,l ( l l, ‘»y v W t\. M .u. SlKlVU r»p iqui. Dr-igrriat i • Fort r ri ! Waiqrai. uX'.lyr. ■** Louisiana Floods .Not *$o Dis¬ astrous* ♦ * » ' * •• i « Now Orleans, La., April 26.—The stores of suffering and danger, tfc ^ ,0 ^ oss Mo **i the overflowed districts are, to say the lca3t, pro-, nature. That a financial calamity has befallen 'ft splendid section of Louisiana is unforttwntoly.too truo but to attempt to color it with trap - , °dy is |manitestly absurd. Thus - ar s<>rntJ stock Iws been drownod; and it is impossible to say bow so* rious tho loss of slock may bo in tho interior, but even now there are many who will not tnko tho trouble to have their stock remove ed, though they arc absolutely suro to bo overtaken by tho rising back¬ water in a few days. Fortunately tho water trout tho groat Moig.tnea crovasseo fillle into an immense un2 inhabited swamp, less than 100 yards from tho liaso of tho lovee, and it is sheer nonsense to suppose it will overtake any one who lias not had ample warning of its ap*>. preach. Its course will be largely through tho Atcbalayla, and all by ibis time should bo prepared far any emergency. This misfortune is enough, but tt is not a matter over which peoplo have any cause to become hysterical. The current statement that thcro has been n general surrender all along tho line dofenso is wholly eraonchus Capt. Kingman is working a$ bard as ov-. or lo hold w'bat is loft of tho lewce, and tho only portion of his force*? that have been withdrawn is nr%|» up of planters and settlers, who have been forced by ti e overflow • r \ ' * ■ ■ ( o turn their attention to saving what thoy can of thoir own prop* «y* A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life It was just an ordinary scrap of writ¬ ing paper, but it saveed her life, She was in tde last stages of consumption, tole by physicians that she was incura¬ ble and could oaly live a short time; she weighed less than 70 pounds. On a piece of wrapping yaper she read of Dr. King's Netv Discovery., and got ft bottle; it helped her, she got a larger bottle, it helped her more, bought another nnd ! grew bt Iter fast, continued its use and in now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh it g 140 pounds. For further particulrrs address with stamp, W. H. Cole, Drug-’ gist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of tF wonderful discovery freo at W. M Speight’s drugstore. Alan’s Normal Weight, A ru!o, which physicians say is a good oxc, to determine the normal* weight of man is as follows; A man should weigh as many kilo* grams as he measures centimetres’ in height after deducting ono metro' ■ X man t’io measures in height ono metro 80 centimetres (5 foot II inch es) should weigh 80 kilograms, or 1 ; bout ICO pounds. The rule is both ingouious and approximately cor* rcct. English Spavin Utitmcut removes alb i Bat'll, Soft or Gab -uscil uufl Blemished rum hors cm, Blood Spavins, Curbs, Splint Sweeney, King-Bonus, Stifles, Sprains, aii Swoolen Throats, Coughs, Etc. Save Jo 0J by use of out bottle. Warranted the most wonderful ’rri mish Cure eyer known. Sold by W. M. Speight, DrUg giri,, Fort Gaiaes. 3iG lyr. Simon Levy a salesman for Nuss baum & Cu. } of Macon, committed suicide r.t the dm mm era’ homo at yparta Sunday by taking morjdiino No cause is known. lie was about 10 years old and loaves a largo fhmily at Macon. • O* Apalachidola, Fla.. Feb., 17 ’89. Messrs. L^ppman Bros., Suvaniiuh— * • I will write to inform you iIlIlt 1 wa * s "Dlictoa with blood disease. 1 lriud «“>' bu t,k ' 0[ H: “*“> *f Ravo me no relief. J I was ju bed seven months , W(jd iMn , nuil tu do me ir« good. Isaw your ad V eiUsemint in tk’J Apalachicola Times, ^uJ thought I would try it, the bottle I got tonight makes 7 or 8, end oh J how good I feel!—I have been up sver since aud at my business. Lumber Inspector y ° u S ay pobl-'sh this if you desire. I I---- — .f-------1 — - V„:---p p p^ is life, health aud strength. M P. Boldex. fuE blood must be pttro for the body.' co bu in perfect erudition Dr. J. if. 5SS ThSlSl a , t j , Jgul . ^ the whole body. “ Calliope ".‘“’TT In Harness. ~ ~ P„n Can a i. hrvanlv- be o,.l> riv MX aVlanir o dock, «ml« sn!< <. John, ’ opcEing 1 ° It is watch. lhero goes tho whist , O. That s not the whistle,, dear, put' ,n Mr8, Jo hn * it» tlifi new cook, nging riri,,.,. in tho k i t ell 0IIU ipCrVl • **» .