The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, May 14, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. V. NO. 3*2. DIRECTORY. — ~ o -— CHURCHES. ItAP-Tirr CHfU' li. HevJ^.T. \Vc«v»r,riw tar. Frrnctitng 1*1 Slid 3rd huiidav* in cacti month. Mundny-feh<rt>l ##. m., .f. E, i'anl tin Supt. Pruyer meeting Thursday even inf*. # Went .f»ts r Church. -F,«v J.o. Yn*t«.r. I'rcnebing 2nd and 4tIt Sunday* W. A. month. Hmid:iv-*eliool l> r. •. tlrahnra Supt. Udi.V I'rnyrr m wirTum t**y after toon. Young men*’ IVuyer meet InjcTmoeUy evening, ibgular lVnvcr meet .....U,v t-*fc©ol 9 ». in. J. P. U. Brnwn Supt, Musonic IMrcctorj, DAfttKt L m»K, N<<. 17, K. & A. M Rogatitr hi. clings l»t uud 3rd isnliminv »-vt* ni„s*. T if. iWwn Hc«y., I). K. Gitan W .M lUkutur McHiitgh Cl^r 2nd No. Suturdin 12, u. ovwiiwg*. A. M.~ J,(J. ihnpion, fs'ey , W. A. Grnham It. 1* *£;■* W. A. C ruhum T. f. O. J. '. Mmphon, S*ey., M Di *ith» L»*dgc No. 1 hh 7, Iv. of if.—Mt'tb j ifn* 4 Mi>d 4th Tuosdtn evening*. W. H Ho mm lb-porter, W. M. Speight Dietator. Pearl b/dge No. 374 K. ft L. of II.—* Jltu-t* 2nd and 4th Friday evening*. 1 ■ M Bro vn Scey., D. F. Gunn l.’roteetor. I>i*te IjO< No, 30, A. O. tT. W. Meet 1st. .«I»i i f rft .Ylmidav evenings’ W. (hi* Ilcrutfjc’y. T. M. Hrown M* COUNTY. Suntni >R Cot’HT—Hon .1 II Kutlive Guerry clerk. judge j >1 Grigs*, aolicitor. .1 W J T McAlli-ter. sheiitr. and September, Regular term, 3rd Moi Gy* in March C ,wnr or OitniN.vnv.— !?. T. Foote, Ordinary. Kwvulur meeting 1st, Monday in e »cn month Gounty Court—G. 0. Lark Judvm COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. R. PutiUin, S. D. Coleman, J. F Creel, A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigl'o. fjounty Treasurer, J. 1’. II. Brown Tax Col lector, W. It. Harrison. Tax Receiver, f i It. Davis (’oi oner J. I). ()W.;.1J. CITY. Mayor • S. D. Coleman At.PLRMt.K W. J. Greene, .loo \ in bo 11 . G. It. Sirttivo, J. It. Irw in, A. .7. Fleming. Oi.nt’t A Tteasi rku It. T. Foote If 1,-wl Iiuporeuit YOU WANT thiUKi you TU'tsr TO Kn< ’ % “10W - taoiiffhC «>f »l«i,(t lh" hntrmn tw-lv ivnA it* cu- -,.i* Induced, urcuin. Mow lift t* health tiUe*i*e Jloie lo omul jut Hnmirt’vro Milt t(f itjrirnvus form* unit irutiiiretion, J ’ to to «pp.’y vroup,OU A'.'c*. lo ail t'himohl*, of ittmue, M <w x to mut, rare tn tMii'U fiuii rwjidt Kufttuty, have prut luthier, et , <« Heml TBK cists for n^w book, UEDicat. srv a\ n yoyscxsiz % ’ ,-jj A m*Un rrsa hi* j rfUKMIrtfb I’f II medico! .. V ^* l)a fdorAnoll fimt' Uv«r phtiYtRf ami Fiiougit’* to cur# toijiov melancholy. 6 y, Tnt TI1* I.AITOH Oust. lunj I 1 III Plrt*. CO., 129 E. 28 th 81 , 1 N< 1 » / V} m * idu I.fc. ** Why, \ddic. you needn’t cry abont Itt informed I only *nid Mr*. Allen wished wn* a very’.well- follow woman, aud l you would |(«-r« >!,«• »sui|(!e." I M T«'*. nnd la*f week raid n: coe’d l.-tik yon 11 Mrs. yon •» ! «ti« J I mauo.e to a* tty so as A’it o.- aud .-he make* ull her owu clothes. Hut * e a** wlinl l huv< n't. ’ .Mr.. Lrb, “W hat is that ?” Mm : . k “ Well, she tliey get* at! <*f hef !nfom» tion from the that Mnjrasine take. I admit that amt e’u- k - w\* all I* coins’ on. and j» brieht rule., inlnj* Itt conversation but 1 con’d do :i« veil :t* sbo do.'* if I had the same rouicc of 1'to-mafti.a sue l« ut me the last nnrnbcr of he? Ht*inulnc lately, and I learned more In one hour *, abont vurtou* social matters and tho topic* of the day.than I w uld p.ek up In a month by my occasional coats w Mt friends. Jt certainly cover* everv topic of interest, from the news of the dav down to the du.iil* or illustrated, housekeeping; rnd evorythlnft i* to beautifully the Aliens’ too. she Kvery tihic Mamie g»va over to hike . t >>•» hack aud t«UM me to »<'t you to 1 unionist’a I. Kven Raraliy the boy* etauMlnc, watch for a* if the stories month. aro . > goo al-o ir. every and as a,d-ce Is found tor t'.cro its page*; low Mr Allen swear* member by It It of 1 he * iral’y family wonderful t it suit* every • ttersend for* Mi; Ler. *• M ell perhaps I Lad tn * preimeuCopy; for, if III* anything Hke what yo« tA y It l*. itvvlUamuv and instruct the whole* f us."’ L. s Uk. "I see that W. .T.nnlnc*Demon*!, th- ’.inbllohcr. J» ka*t Uth stre t. Nevv York. 1 * *t' I.K-to send a .‘•[ (Cimo.a Copy for 1«>Cent*, to we can't lose anything a* ca> h number contain* a Pattern Order’ entitl'ng the holder which to any t sti •:> "be m*y choose, nmt in any sire >!oi e make* ;ach copy worth cents: and 1 ju.*t» *.vai(t a iack't pat era like Mr-. Allen's. Ho subscription inu-t 1 eaa’t prie t» only how F'Jitl they a year: publish and 1 say see can »« •kd*ut 4 ItagMitoc for ik-U tile rrongj. A LIBERAL OFFER. ONLY $2..50 % F° R * THE Aoyertiseh \ND I>ciuorc«t*» Family !*I;»s:azino. bend y.nir *ubsvt , ij»tio;i4 to till* OfiLv* C-iS? >fXi ir tn mt '•i “ " * u * * ' *'** •*! Tt*f * * * °*' **» *;* ' ** . *‘jBoF^r t- *»» m. ^ > * • «*» > t u9oW^!’*3fPr^^^ ‘‘C*, tst Wc l(oo«nm! *4 rtt. < '• hijLm ’* 1 D » ittipH *. •• ’•* . t>« «•.. A» t« f*t w « t «+ »«**d ?** t*Mi «*«’. ' **« ** JS t* *»Ll . ... viiagyt tt* i o- f»iw l * *• ********* AuhI tbttl ««« at* fVCM ^ r ■ v *11 t’P|* *- Aft+% **♦. '* *** ** r P* * >H W* * j * N *1 e F* •" t* •* •(* f .i DVERTISER i ■ . j*. ’; / & to / i L. © 1'OUT GAINES GA., WEDNESDAY, AI ’ J ^ v.Y 14 1890 . { j 0? THE HON. J5FFERS0N DAViS. ! BY MRS. JEFFIUIHON 13AVIS. TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. J, nrcBnactuR prCopOClUS ct. anH Cl r- CG..1- n -a [ pl©t 0 outfit for CctriV£3S( ng j vvi 11 bo fOfid y Immediately. A.ll.NI-s WISHIXU DMlRAl'.hi on this great work rill p as soon ar possible., j the publishers, BELfGRfi GffMPANY, 18-22Ku«l 18th Street, New York. - niJj - INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER I s Up /■ .'/*■ • r .*• mm* . *3 I n A L wS a r Y-. •;>' . ■ y ....... ranted. A strictly JJwie first-class from maehine. l*-st material, Dully skilled war very bv workmen, ami with the nest, tool* that lufve ever hr on devised for reas-ombly the purpose. Warranted to do all tt>a> ran lie expected of the very Test typewriter extant. ('ajuvUSe of writing lift ability words of per tho minute or more—according to thw operator. 4 rtiee $ 100 . 00 . If there is no agent in your town, ad¬ dress the manufacturers, THE PARISH MFCS. FO., Affcuts Httntrt /. l'Aitisn, y. r. FREE. MTENOOUArrTY ING FI’KK. First and class TYPEWRIT¬ facilities and Ijestof teachcii. tllC Address, with stamp for retuen portage. PARISH JIFG. ( o„ I’Ar.i it, N. Y. g^£lS||W -N O Ai; ‘HeBesT 24IN.SAFETYEverMAi^ ADJUSTABLE IN EVERY BEARING AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. o ■ L IPrlNCOTT'S MAGAZINE, with its varied and excellent contents, is a iibra~y itt itself. It was indeed a happy thought to frint an entire novel in each number. Not a short novelette, in bn! a tovg story such as you are used to get booh form and toy from on t rfollor to one dolhir and ti half for* Not only that, but "with each number you ret an abundance of other contributions,which gixes you a good magazine besides the novel. The ringing blows which have been struck on (oiC Magazine stands m the front rani of read-and-talked-of monthly publications, and is the most widely full descriptive fubli. at ion circulars, of its kind address in the world. Tor L 1 PPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE Philadelphia 53.00 fer year. 25 cts. single number. The publisher of this fafer will rtceh c ycur subscription. B ***.•5 ^ ,;u Ro»»*l <3©I«1 W4trt.TrnT*T* ’.. LyL j j-5 . H *id“'Saw!B ( Pi it M„l. U in tl>* wotl.t || p 11 tfgg'f-V/ i^#^ds>5K»aS‘-5:'aS» J) WVTani c.*.»«* ot equal value. 'ate A Oj jOtvc ^, PtwiiB in nch free, Io ; . , . re LOB tr bSr tceelhcr nabto lin* with (f oor Household larpe *nilvi! mnsoisW JEi*2ri 45^ Sample*. IkMuspk!, fend «» . .JP-TK ' well a» the w«u!l, yjahKveke-.t v.e W * Vi-cc,and after v!yo write at euco «• n be turo c>t recciv tbo «%nfc*rt I EXHAUSTED VITALITY I rpUE A sctEXcr, or, the ff j great An.’.te d Work 1 f t’.e V\ Rgooa:it ,. h .v,j. u , ,-V;v'-V:'^ r ,. v <vni rhHiitv 1 1 ’V l' “V J ^ IX-cllae, Error& t- ef v \ .-n.h, n.. , 1 . the untold mt*erh <cc. se-punt W¥ X'£r’ r -£ 7 d thereon. pa .1 5 v>, y.y 1.^X5 tdsB 1 "' [ w , rt-.u.uis foe aU dbeas JSs r &‘h j < u .....“ , ‘ . lt ,. ,- u ,. v . ..di - e ’ " • s ' r..atL Kt alvHl. l'.lu tnxtlve s imple free to all rouru; and n Mdto apeU men. Scatl now. The Gold ami Jevveli.-il jlc.latawarte-l tolhesa :U rbytbeXa tlM sU.- il A*.wv:.»:l. Address I*. O. box ! ;V>, J: --st 'n. y.1- 4 . i r Tp. W. il. I'ARKZA uateof Ila-'ard Ue-.-ca!Convso.C.'years’pracitoo In B.*U*J!w K’Civi allied coaddcntiatly. Spe»’laUy, ftReasca 2 Iaa. t)Eice ?*a 1 EaUa-b it. a PAf*K£K’@ V 1 E'!AS2? BALSAM i . t' • ,-;'r.r f f"p (3vc «Uea| ^in;. J ta« Uiie, Ke.-V-ii-S cut.-r an-iruS. pray. f .J ] l | ll .- M i. -j the .-on . f•-.•;■« th}J tair f'Ul n*•, Witt t* s.’.pc to p:ea». tai. an.* SLCJ at I'nar-**. H!MD£rtOOr<l''iS. and Wncit' T. r«'oms a*n»lt-r.?. Ar. -•(oi--*!! i«in. 1 i-U.—■*cmfi.rUjiVl.-1. v< \e. fai;» '->oui v. Li coatsa£ LruggisC* laiCe* & to, K Ij. A! TO.HYT1C SKYVING fflACHIXB __ Vac no equal—is delivered- free every wlictc. I'lcase send full Post Office mi dvo>% inclutling County, and also vour 1 si ippmg addYcss, uicludmg railroad sta tion most convenient to you. One cent postal tbepense and will bring to you somc thing ily. For new full important for every fam¬ XA 457 Went particulars XUtlr Stiver, please New send to Yoik City. j ^ll|{ I;lSfKIM.l - *t -♦• irtn fikit r*. 1 •• recoiBiuciid U. * It »•»«- ij<n w ... a r ‘ tJ ^**2d&t£>s 0 oTJUNUUIB” a. L 'ten , hlltih lfl Snvir.Y o . Mv R* .. l ^ I . ** Ui0, l vQrIIi^ Li . .. EAEiUL MP1B71BF iRC’i OJ.J) gTVUi IMtiil' Ms Wtel‘5^ n'.vrr mntln uou. Iy i r on*, direction. FniCTICN Nsahlv ASCLlSttiU. r»M citf'-liaif f.* -,trr v-e.U i :;.s.o moUou of fool. Runs Or ,2 Half Easier. Rotary Motii n is th:: Only True Uie t ( itritrln? a Se'viusr Machii.e. Ke&iuine In notltehuii* . ourojn nt nno thu "SliMIAUB,” o. te:.i to i.» torcircuiarx, t . Standard Sewintj tliachiRC Co., Cisvelecd, 0. WARWICK. “PERFECTION " * CYCLES. :/x Vs. mm They are made of High-grade Material by skilled mechanics, and are INTERCHANGEABLE For Lady or Gentleman: MAKERS: ■’V Warwick Cycle Mfg'Co. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. WK- ■ m 7 v 0 s : ■ E '• . 'm- FJ22 “3 II **) CcrrI Whon 1 say do r.ot mcar. r.>orcly to them lor a’frinio, and RADICAL then !;;:vo riieni re* ♦nr,1 asalu. I A CUI’R. . I have made the ui-seahc of FITS, EPIUBPSlTor FALLING SIOKNSS 3 , A life lo:ir» study. I warraxt my remedy to rri.s the worst eases, liecause other-i have tailed is no reason for not novviwcivtnfra cure. of my IXFAr.i.iiSLK Rk:t rt dy. Give Express and Post Office. It cost * you nothing for a trial, and i t v, ill cure you. Address H.C. ROoT, M. C. IS 3 PFAHLST.,HEV/York Ir km V* •CT ass -PS 5 *! reuJti y*i r*» (-J C.U v. w J | Co ■ 12 Eighth av£„ HEVJ VOFJC. HI if JlWn A, O* rliUrniiTi! i »« i jvwrwaa n—— e VOCAL. pc-rt. :: : f r 1 .1 * 1 F •' fhrwt. re:-.r-, wi J r,. Em i P,r g »i [ ! ; .... -» V; . ...... !V T; ;;; •i •« . V a. : nr • t ■ .* \> * • t . ('• t’v r-l :, 1 1 .*» Drcsp.\ I*ar* ; <- .* is, t-Jc;! j f 5 ’ Aft-tt. 5 tf t.i t VT f:i*: Kv j Va-a- ' ■ - - p.. . r’- •; Trsv**lwvt ..... \VSlU£A t a: i .'ft |c . ...u., . C..f. . 5 . }A?4Y K.*?r CFLrJSIG 03 .GJ-C DC-SK’, PUIiLlSG CM CA'iTI! iS-JSlvM, I5ST.".bIiF.":tf, bu-’r.ei M’ t 7: !Ur .4 -■ : Veri-'t/, l*. - I v a. . I,-; v;.t M PKTr.v a*'; j ■O’ fisi iCO.iititoi, C-fc h: *-i »it«: j«» fc t cr:;» «;v me*" 73 icvo f.:-zr. c?-r. } :*ot ur.r.'.Y rotra Frs'CKirxiCK res Ll?irlflCSTT'3 P’i.U*.! V.A’Y tlAtll 1*\ tae fs-Ml * y At u-ui;.;.. ;ar:a* list* iU.*l occs»>:e*3 lUc poftiriou of I i »; r;a d-rT/rv * r ; ■ e a r-• ”'.. r in : ■•. t • :•-s | ! ; LIBRARY C ■*( 1.5 GCudPLETc NOYEIS tr ,n?r. : ;n sn'h-r* t rv‘.’:-r v.C» ' J.ti 'IV.'.X CS t orsu-ntr 5routes. roE-e*. rrsai^iednattaf ti nan JCil is* a. r.-.v-«rv. vsks-'ga reluct e» EIIARLY TWO THGUSASft ?AC£ 3 . Tit rr. -*3 :f Jams —•* ,tar '» erp .bs t’.;r.rJi 1 :•1 it--. -i i it;’: (.-'t-at ; *t.. t’:* i Unit ■. \ crer. -1 h L ... v.._ j , tc> a, .._d i.iy 1 tu- v. i 1 n t! . . '1 - rrrth rT m* f-*3tUP frt*- 1.-^0 •./ Is Siivi v.k»2lv ’• .-8 ic . \ • :: s I A :)! 3 T^ICTf : i PLAT 1 C? ITS GWfJ. | I . - K >. -*# -% rise r- - . .* .(.n j;sit—:*n. tc-cys i I rrHcctt. c -n ' : L.-Vn. r -:';-Ar7i c t. ■ tt * >.i a lc»* . ;w 1 t Rta u* it* i ArArv-l;.: i i. 01 IT ........-■ j | icU'frta it .. ij.vr.r.-vtr. v.ui u: 1 J j i ’*aj«: 3 r*wu **. * »*v ow»u.itw.v* ? rrz "0J 9J.K L¥3!ti3AY aJ ^ r£.S*> u..‘preu«C **£”?•,JjL\ ‘'J _ • j «wa pu« j *b3Lin6-XV3H sv:xssxv 17^3 , vcASHTTv'^TOJf SiMI&'ABY r • ■ ••SfC2P r.".p-*'.C Mr 7 pArL 2 H •-J S‘‘STANDARD " I* rrt'c!a e “«*d with *ho s*> rrtiied • < ’ j.ui- , chi,it s. It I* eh,. FINEST OF Til2 FiMEI Wf nre r •fa'^1 to k a Cc 4 IC 4 J"*Jipl.i !£ y‘ :cC. Ba-L 1 It is rVi-aef r at e.-vri!s!>» the t>:-ice a-irotl l r tl.o ohl tyies .ai-itino.tbfln they ri.'_ K io u«a economyjcj the ^cst! B W Sure V UI:K1 K*SBsamsxmm If you v mnC.3 tip your mind to buy Hood’s•; .;; arilla *! not be Induced to take any other. It vd's Sar upariBa i* a peculiar medic:r»\ pcssc: ;r.j, by virtMQof its peculiar combination, projJoiHon, amt preparation, curative power superior to any other article, k E : n ?.u!y " ho knew what she wanted, rni :: .»•;>! v.vrthy uaitaucn,ten* her experience ix-tow: 1 ■ Fo ■rip Cat 1 Scmr«r...j tL« c..- rk tra-i! I^tt^wnoo^ to indue.'* me buy iheii looU’s: iw told mo tfaeiA would Irst longer; ttiat I might take it on ten days’ trial; that if I did not like it I need not ; pay anything, etc. but he could not prevail ou n.e ta ctyzziz 1 '. 1 told Itlm I '.new what Hood’s Sarsaparilla was. T had token it, was satisfied it, aud uid r.ot trant any other. food’s n c&acr --TiT-Tr Tnary—n Wien I began taking Iloait’s Sampariua I was fivlir.;.l raise: ? le, suffering a great deal with dy,; cp'da, and so weak that fit li..: . I c.silii he: illy sfacd. I looked, and had ier son: j tin:?, ’iko a person ia con euuplbu. Deed's BarsapariiU did me so much ge at that I wonder r.t <cy selisometiiues, and my friends fi- nucutly speak oi it.” Mms. Llla A. Gorr, Ci Terrace Street, Rostoa. «-arsBi?arg fj a I 0S'3ffiSSE^^ ««^.1CS«33835aW » J Soldtj- a’,' -if iggixt . SI; six for £■'. I're^arcd only by C. t. if- HU*.t CO.. A,. i: w,:arici, Lowed. Mas*. £00 Coses Ond Dollar j Citation. Georgia, Clay County-—— To all whom it may cone i ir— T. M. Hr nvu lies ia due f rai applied t« the urd-T.sigti'.'.l for pariuam at letter? o j AdmlniatraHou on the L-hito of Krh ! !»:’ > .vn d.- ] late of said comity, and 1 will pa .? (." s.'.id applkadh-n < a the first Monday ht .lane 181)0. Given undor mj lucid and onicial: igiiaturo this 71 h Anri. lfbJ- li. T. i\ oto, Ordinary Applicaticii for leave to sell land. j T at! Georgia, Clay County— o whom it may concern - W. J. ( lark, (5u .rd’iUj c:i Naiicy Gilmoi ad Ad * Gilmer, lias in duo form anplict' to the imdorei^ned for leave to r«J] th< ! .-lojsglng to bis said Wards, lying In Early County Goorgia^Baid iipplioutioi will be heard on the Pi-st .Monday in Mnv i n<xt. Given uti ler my hand hud officia signature, this .March Brd 18!)0. ; I-!. T. I'oolo, Or dir pry. Citation* • Court .of Ordinary, Clay county, Ga., To all whom it may coreorti: Notice in 1 ereby .1 to all partit - coucmtKu, that the appraisers.* appoints io set aside, twelve nxontljh -•■uppqrt fot ho i»lo*w and miner ckldi—. -b£ W. li -Ii.itinWiiy late da used of said county have made their r ->oi*k which lms bcci duly filed in the oi Me of the Court oi Ordinary, and all parties concerned an hereby notified that unless cattle to tin con I rary be shown and if no objection be made that the .‘aid return of (he md appraiser.- -will be a’, lowed ou the first Monday in -Tune next. Vi i tiics- my hand and official signature th:, the T.h day of Aj>vd IS?:). ih X. Foorr, Ordinary. ■ i 3 J*A ■ i to m HO 3 \> f. K3YALS3SS5 M. te.Y ! : i f J •G fs. s/of \ L 4 u/f p\ tfjN fei|a &n m - Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of puiity. strength, and wholcsomeness. More economical the ordinary kinds, cahnot oo sold In cm: j tiiion with the nirdtitudo of low te.-ts, short weight alam ‘ ; ; ^ r »YAL BAKING FOvYDEU GO., 106 d 1 direct, 2 L Y. A Lady's rosTcci Ccmyniiion. I Our new l-o -k by Dr. John II. Dye, one j oi M.-w York's mc.-i j-kUiful physicians snows that pain is not necessary Ia child* j birth, but roeults from causes easily un : ierstood and overcome. It clearly proves -hut any woman may become a ffiihou suffering any pain whatever. I t i ; _, te[j s how to and prevent ; morning sickness aud the manv other att riding pregnancy. Ii ,, is . highly cn used by r-hp-kluLS evcrywkcre*ns th .vi'-.-’o tree priva** eompacion. Cut thU ; out: it will r&ve you great pain, aud jks j ibh* your life. F 1 ttro-cent stamp toi • iescriptivc circular?. t-.-vUmonials, and I :os:f : nt’.al loiter : ci*k In jer.ied j A “ a Fj.'AXK Ti.'-MJLS JL C'C» luhlith j T-. ualiimcre. M 2, * ’:*e f-I T vr’-.V ‘ GO * Air.-:' .S ;-.;rta:T:,f r* «Ut ?!*-. -gft.f ■ zJ.:f A* l ( ill A\D fOlMllY.*’ 7 NEWS GATHERED J»R0M OI K . OWN STATION, C'hiiJ.Y * C'arrleci i>A the lireeze ami , Ca«j?at on i lie Fly hy Our Keporlcrs, Wonder whai makes Jeff MeKJs* sack . smile ., much. , ■■ so Sever:*! line brick stores will Ic j built during the summer. The recent rains are making crops grow and also the grass. For weak back, chest pains, uSe a Dr II. A'eiaan’s wonderful Healing Fin - ,er (porous.) Wlml has come of the talk about the oil mill and guano factory: Lot’s hear something more from the projectors. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is t n the fit o.i ide of popularity, which poti.ion it ha reached by its own intrinsic, undoubted moii . In last week’s issue we stated that Miss Annie English married i Mr. King, ot Alabama. \vc finer icar.i that he lives at Fort Valley Itch, Mango, and ticratches on liumai jr animals cured in fiO minutes by Wool ford’s Sanitary Lotion. This never fails sold by W. M. Speight. Druggist, For Taints. 32Glyr. The eg? crop in this section is .inc. One man brought in 101 lozen last week and another I5( lozen. The hens seem to hav« •aught the spirit ot impiovcmeir and progress as well as tho folks. household Frequently which accidents burns, occur sprains in tin cause ants aud bruises; for use in such ease* Dr. J. II. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini nent has for many years been the con¬ stant favorite family remedy. The time for the general en¬ campment at Augusta is growing short,- *an‘d the military boys had belter do their best to perfect hemselvcs in drilling, as their of¬ ficers will expect a great ucal from them having lire! such fayoiable reports raid it would bo bad on the boys to disappoint them. English Spavin Liniment removes all Hard, Soft or Calloused ami Blemishes rom hoises, Blood.Spavins, Curbs, Splint fiweenev, King-Bones, Stifles, Sprains ,11 Hvvoolen Tatoate, Coughs, Etc. Save 55.00 bv use of oni bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure eyei known. Sold by W. M. Speight, Drug pis 1 , Fort Gaiaea 326 lyr. PERSONAL MENTION, Dr. Boczor is in town profess ally. Misses Clyde Holland and Ola Eludna.ll returned from u visit to (Savannah. Mr. and Mrs. A. P* erraham came down Friday and spent sev oral days with relatives and friends Mr. Forrester, of Quitman, was in the city last week arranging with the melon men to d’spose of .the crop. ‘Sheriff Thornton, of Dawson, was down Monday after a prisoner who had been captured by our slier iff. Viol? tors ot law had belter keep clear of Clay county if they don’t want to bo caught as Sheriff wide . all .. McAllister . is . awauo at times and when he gets on their track a! wars brings them. Everybody Kuo tvs That at this season tlw blood tlie blood is filled with impurities, the accumuki tiou of 5 oaths of confinement in poor* !y ventilated stores, workshops aud ten¬ ements. All these impurities aud every trace of serofnla, salt rliesra or other 1 disease may bo removed by taking Rood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood purifier ever produced. It is the only medicine of which “100 doses one dollar” is true. ~ **'•**** ~ " A , free . and easy expectoration is pro i uco( i by a few doses ot Dr. J. j. II. j Lean’s'Jut and Wine Lung Balm, in all | of hoapenoss, sore thioat * ' “* cl ..... 1 ®’ - i na .«e 4 -a It begin to look ns if there would r be hthor disturbances of conc-idcra* bleraagnilndc both in this country an) Europo (n ilic very lier.r fnlorc | In i5u. ope, partieuia* ly. there is r. very di.-siuLfied feeling among the laboring classes. •••** --- _ h .r the of many liv-.;* M.«i *!:t li :i*;tioyin^ corn .i"> - m:r- -ablc I n^ y •* KOHKUT Bt’UNKTT Jhimiwr O I><> Toil Khotv fDnv If i-YrlsJ llhc unutfem. Every one has Loan the woi J. ‘•How's your mother ” “Oi site’s well, except her ilu mnatisiu.” How carelessly the ;r wer is given. Do you know how it feels to have vhet: tuatism? Oh! it’s terrible, the exivne ftting pain in the shoulder, ankle an. knee, ju: 1 us if ondh point were a bund!, of imthted nerves, each one teeming!' bent on giving more pain than the otfiei Haying awake all night, l mging for day light, aching too soveiely to sleep, ap¬ plying liniment every half hour to tern poruvily relieve the agony. Puaymjj cursing, turning, twisting, but no ease no comfort. What is it 4 causes rhen matism ? Ah, there are a ihousand ctuu es. \Vh:vt is it that cur ?s rheumatism ? L’hank God, there is at -ast one Cllli . It is called 15. J>. 15., or ‘‘otnnic Hloot lialm. It has cured me eases of rhet - mat inn than any other W) own remedy fry it. Do not sailer lo: gor. J. If. Laing, Dawson, Ga , writes: “1 •miTered with rheumatisu’ in my shoul ler and general debib tx. 1 ’ive bottle: d. J). 15. improved my Health and the rheumatism li ft me. ’ J. 1*. Davis, Atlarta’Ga. (West End; art's: “I consider that 15. 15. 15. ha. p. r.nancntly cured mo hi riieuinafi-ni md sciatica.” Jacob 1\ Spenci.'r, Newman, Ga. writes : ‘.‘15. J5. }>. cm. ely cured nn of rheumatism in my left shoulder, } used six i ottfes. Ah! Yes! “I see nojgood in h books. “I l’t’ud them with eotisitlerabli profit to myself. “You did V* “Yes. 1 was paid $25 for cor ,’ecting the pro ft sheet.” »•« A loiter of Lamb’s in which ho said, “ I am recovering, God ht praised for it, a healthiness of mind something like calmness, but 1 want more religion ,'* brought 895 at a sale in London. Pains in the small . f t he buck indieaU i diseased con.Iftkm of the Liver or Kid icys, which n-ay be easily removed by th< iso of Dr. J. H, Mebean’s Li\er and Kid •icy Balm. $1.00 per bottle. --- —< 4»<! *v-*— *-- A rustyjiail is n~p v ized Jrclic in the muse Jin of Ilouhc 1 , iMe., ace deniy. It is one of tho nails used in building the sea" wad at Louis burg, is nearly 150 years old, and omes from the center of the slru-g flo which determined whether France or England should control North America. >e»<9».---------- Gen. (Sherman recently set ’ the measure of salt Ihot is to bo al lo >«*•">'* llie . ' *'« tn w « r ^‘ en ,0 ’ - t o JS himscli holding loilh. lie >ays: “I have met 200,000 men in the last lliveo years on whom turn on the fate of tho war. When you listen to old soldiers it is well li make good allowance, Ton pet cent is not too little. I. do not cx cepl myself from that calendar. condition Happiness depends very much on Tho the of the kidneys and liver. ills ot life make but little impression cott !qose whose digestion is good. 5'oti an regulate your liver and i- ifincys with Dr. Jt. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm. *1.00 per bottle. The New ids seo cry. You have heard y nv friends and neighbors talking al f it. You may yourself lie one of tire number who know from personal e> vorienco just how good a thing it is. i: you have ever tried it you aro one of .-s.staunch friends because the wonderful -hing about it is when once givon a L. i, Lr. Ling s Nea Discovery ever after h .ds a place in the house. If yofi have xu,\ er used it anu should be afflicted v.i a cragh, c< Id, or any lung, throat or cl- st trouble, eecnre a bottle at once and give it a fair trial, It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial butt free at SpciglitT drugstore. Undue exposure to • old winds, rain, bright light or mauu ’ i, may brhig on l :i tiamation and so’cnes ...f r ie oyos. I>r. J. 11. ilcLean s ! trong'honing Eye Salve will snbUue the luflaniatiin, cool and soothe the, an . (lengthen weak and Jailing Eye Sight, g > cents a box. i a id The Fifv- Hi op. i Perhaps you aro van down, can’t cat, • can't sleep; can> think, can't do miyih:.,;: j that yon want to, and you wonder what i ails you. * Yon ^lionlJ k he. ! the waming ■ .. ,. . .... into ta.aug . tnc you are utr. s.cp m.r.ous prostration. You nc- d a nerve tonic, au d ia Electric Bifctci; yen will find the c-xact remedy for restoring oour nervous I to normal healthy condition 3 ‘^dts foH v,- ibn us<; of this i ‘“ ls , store( ^ t j J( . ,: ver k .j, ICJ . s tiivir lieaithy action. fry a bottle. Price 50 c-erds. At .Speight’s drugs!ore The S.ocl:holtQisx.f the emning * tin ^ l :* * f'j. :i \ c lin * 1* 4 ;W cr*.!v*ro v. ! ] 1 ... I_q Vl "* j,. ; . *“ u • * -— half sheet. B Ow i\g to s> civ ness, we aro (fim* H'llet! to come o it tins week with i luill sheet. Wo will make tip for ’ ost time next week. No iJd’tiv I'mi\*. '1 hero was an eastern man, rays lie New York Sun, with ns in the dago as wo were making a route n Ktuisas and at noon, as wo stop >e;l at a new town for dinnur, ho ’ -aid to the land-lord of the board dianty lavern: “ l his seems to be a brisk sAvt o,t a town/’ ’ 4 *A es, sire’s paining right :iioiig. i/ “Is there a bank here?” “Kegulftr bank’r It 4 Yes." ’ “Ucgulnr hank with proficient,' ashier and so on, whcro-lhoy re :civc deposits give drafts on Chis ■agn and so forth ? ’ “Yes.” ; “No, there isn't any such bank here now. ‘•Then there was ono v “Yes, but it’s dosed i«P. Tho' president and cashier arc here, though. “Then perhaps I could h#ve a iitlo talk with them before i V: inner ‘•Ilardly They tiro lying unV. dlerg.ound out here in my back lot “VYlmt 1 Dead ? “As door nails, * !3 “Sickness or accident ? “Well, sorter betwixt. The bank t ied to fail and pay 50 cents on die dollar, and the boys took t cm out find hung cm to that telegraph pole ‘there and divided tho cash stS - that we got (51.10 apiece on our do-‘ posits, if you want to start a banfc however, I'll — Oh!no! no!no! I had no idciv fit. I’m going on to Lmporiu to go into business. Ia bottei 1 than flic har.-di (reatmout of mod. in-iH which horribly gripo tho patient and dohtroy-, tho coating of tho Btoinuch. Dr. .J. 11. Mo Loam's dulls and Fever Cum by mild yot effective action will cure. Bole*, a*. £0 cents a bottle. --- — — rt> » <gp Plan and specification* iur. dhe. Baptist Afcw Brick Church have been received and work will bo commenced at an early dato. When completed it will bo one of tho ni-' cost and best-arranged chuich it« this section. Tho Union Sunday 8choo! Dies nic at Thompson's null last Friday was a success, though rather slimiy attended, tho .30 who did attend say / they had the nicest time they have had at a I’ic-nic Tor somc'timo. *> r riic INcnc. ' s Vhc noso r.cls like a cn*tom house olfieei- to the system. ’It is highly sensitive to tho odor oi the most poisonous substances, U readily detects hemlock, henbane rnoi.kVhood, arid the plants con-, tuining prussic aoid, it recognizes the fetid smells of drains, and. warns is not lo inhale the pollu¬ ted air. Tiic nose is so sensitive that it di fin’gi,i es air containing (ho two thousandth part of grain of the otto of rose, or the liltcentli ’ millionth part o! a grain of musk, it tolls us in the morning that our bedrooms are impure, and catches ’ the fragrance of the morn conveys to us the invitations ( ,f t l» 0 flower* to go 'forth into tho' fields and it.halo their sweet urea!]). To be led by the nose has hilh e; to been used a.; a term of re proacbj but lo have a good nose, and to ‘oilow its guidance, is ouo • 1’the safest and shortest ways lo the ei joymsni of perfect health. . - I: you feel oi,t ot sorts cross and peevihjt—take Dr.McLean’s Scrsa parilla; chccrfuhioss will return and life -will acquire new zed. -- ------ — f » *»» Ow ■ - ——— rise L:;iest 3 Inrket For Young Ladies. , f . j 1 ho latest ^laslHonaUJe laa.ts re** B 01 lV<J ,on ^ 'u cm% »..e. ! At an t ntertaimnent ler tho ben lIU OI u *° v;;' ' n a -' ,. ,c P lmnrovomeni; f ^ Society, eleven ladies . , young im« per'ionated slaves, and wero put up at auction. They wore draped in sheets so us to lo unrecognizable. They brought from forty to nino ly-ffve cents each. That quotations ran plained hy UDgag^tf the fact^^B cumbcnt .. i I," 1