The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, June 25, 1890, Image 1

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VO L. V. DIRECTORY, — - o CHURCHES. flAmm Ciit*ucu.-Rfv. Z.T. Weaver, Y*n tor. Preaching Dt »n«J 3rd Sumlin in (f*ch month. Bumlay-uchool ;i. m., .1. K, Paul lilt Supt. Prayer meeting Thursday even log*. IIKTironnrr Cut-ncti.—Th.*v J.O. T.nnsj»t«*n W'or. Trenching 2nd nml 4lli Stimliias in tiioiitli. 8 nnaav-*chool 0 a.m. w. A. Dr .hnti. Supt. Lr-dki’ Prayer meeting Tins i'.p afternoon. Young mens’Prayer I’RK-timKRIAN CiirHcrr. Brown Sunday ► h ud a. in. J. P. II, Sunt, isl-'i..... rss. 3In;ouic IMretory, Darlky L !>ok, Nr. 17, P. & A. M. _ Hiqfiilitr iii<M!tini-H Dtmid 3rd KntiTrdsy evn niii';*. T’M. Brown Seey., D. F. Gunn W .M Ib'ffui’tr i,iiFny.-tic Meeting* chapter 2nd No. Saturday 12 , R. A. M.— •J. 0. £iiii|>*oii , \V. A. Gralmui 11. 1*. M. Guinn* Lodee No. 1 ft 87, K. of ll. Meets **rid and 4th Timstlny evening. ,\V. II. lIotincK Reporter, W. M. Speight Dictator. I*eurl Lodge No. S 71 K. L. of II.— ■Meets 2 nd and lib Friday evening'. T. M. Broun fcteey., D. F. Gunn Protector. Dirin Lodge No. 30, A. O. U. \\ Meet , ami 3rd M >nduy evening- *«t. M Gu* Hertz. H.-i-’y. T. M. Brown \\ CO0NTY. F'»rt 5 Rton Covur- Hon .1 W H Hutlive Gnorry judge clerk. ,•' M Me/Vllhler, Uiigg*, solicitor. .1 J T sh»*rill’. Regular term, 3rd Moudiiys in Marc*! uud September, Court <*f Oiuhnauv.— 11. T. F Monday ot**, Ordin&y, Regular meeting 1st, in ouch month County Court— G. G. Lurk Jiultro. COUNTY C( MMISSIONERS. J. B. Danilin, R. 1>. Coleman, J. F C*et*l, A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigbic. County Treasurer, .T. V. IT. Brown Tax Colleutor, W. 11. Harrison. Tax Receiver, It. I)u\ is Coroner J. D. Owe.jj. CITY. Mavo.t S. D. Cole MAh Afii'KitMKr—W. J. Greene, Joo Vin poii, (» R. Sutlive, J. It. Irwin, A J. F! ming. v’ HK A r l TKAS1 HER It. T. FOOT* m P-rtffg ' . , . I *-i*iwd,wu wouwfoiiow V' w* w.m.n, and I JT UDiSA faWUKK** “Sp’ikllof *"•<»•««*«• Iho toMM» fffAt * »H fr im (he) btkt*. 1 Rdnilt M-knn« nil iimt In troin^ Oil, Aiul inhrikill! and . WTUhiU.r, in ^nv.-r^t^n bnt t am'.i d*. nj w i. #> •*»»«* if I had tbo h«me source of formation, she lent in** «he lant number of her ‘lagHi-tni. lai’ljr.ntul 1 learned more in one hour a ti»|4e*0f rcaatng, tho nbont da Varloui turn I would pick mutter* in nml mouth tho jr»t np A'SSiTS a the aSSSttSSSSSJl '*||“--|!!5“ , “S5 :/-5S ( yroll^s7A‘«&*«S 5SAi!WSr^7H!y-.1SS?-A , 1 A LIBERAL OFFER, ONLY S2J5Q FOR the V\ A. lOVERTISER 4N l> »»eiiiorc 8 t *8 Family Maffazimi. v >*n» ‘ > u- subsoriptlonc ! his Office A!TO,1flTir SKWIMi IVIArilfXK Uos no equal—-is delivorod five every wlti-te. rioiiM semi full Post Office atl dre»s inchuliug County, and alst» your «1iipiMn$: tion .vidress, including railroad sta¬ most convenient to you. One cent postal thing expense and will firing to you some¬ ily. J-’t now full particulars important please for every fam¬ r send to No. 451 West ZtHli Street, New York City. > *' - ♦ * atppSfEUft' vi b - •V’/ i h-'tpt | t . '*» * *•* * J <• .'A -3J JtB'ili « »}»« l» hunliuf rtiM * '•«•» • »r»u;i • aiavs, , -,s, -r.vx *»*•• e«t« uiM»a l / > i e •> w-tlitr ,*■> un. 1 V '4* —y , <>" •jeV/tV-A' free, la.lMM.IIl t.-ir-thw rnlllnUM-hlllll ,-t.t Ui,. »’ ,1 1 ,*0.' '-rn£>- *tlt«tli-.. th MI ». «r.,J . ’ ' " i.i a »*•**«». A,> «>>» »,.k .- Mmit ».■ i • i .»• .- II. >*- • « n>• «*•!« Ilh». «• . '-mm!ifc wnt*-w yw-itoltiwinwwl* >* ’A .< r. I ,- h ., K..M« fi. ...I. nii.,1 onr.‘ *» » # ft 9 *»t t ?y « 9wl W« , •, .tl f,-«rht, »’tr Ai>.i i t .«» | i, >» »•« *.n,l ML* t* f* !• w.-rk Aw n*. *** r*n *- » #*£«* *• *»<%.* »t-r Blfr, « *> H i-writantl, »»,I tit'ttttdt ,Untu«. \,t,!r -«. * - j »L* « •*., Umv PP »*—sps - * t {.» i • . rtt-£&5r\£.l M r *V** ■1X2 SHOW GASES. EftRY for catalogue. M’F’G CO.. NASHViUC. Te**t JL. * i ■A e Advertise c *' : : o \ FORT GAIN.ES, GA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,5, 1890. ( i OF THE HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY 311t« JEFFERSON 13 * \ VIS * TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION j ONLY. j plote Tho prospectus outfit for canvassing and Com wi,! b3 reatJ y immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE fERRITORY on this great work will please address, as soon as possible, the publishers, BELF 0 R 0 COMPANY J8-22Eust 18tl» Street, Nf.w York. - THE - international TYPEWRITER! i ip * 5 fa m ? ; r. I: A fitriotly first-class machine. Fully war¬ ranted. Made f rom very best material, by skilled workmen, ami with the best tools that have ever been devised for reasonably the purpose. Warranted to do all that can l>e Capable expected of the very beta typewriter extant. of writing KW Words per minute -or moro—according to u.« ability of the ojierutor. ' l'ricc $100.00 If there is no agent in your town, ad¬ dress tlic manufacturers, THE 1W5USII 1WFG. C’O., • Afjenta If'anted. J‘A itjsir, y. r. FREE. STKNOflHAPHY and TYPFAVTUT IN<} KltEK. Finit clatts facilities and host of teachers. ' Address, with ftamn for return postage, THE l'AIUSlX MFH. CO., Paiiia;:, N. Y. r-r. m CTo 5 lA mwi O am L°5s5-in!2S otg^Senz i»a |Sii<s gp, ci >azzOz> \ , i I jJwt W,8=£!^-«rlU!B o'* i.jtl* ws Wag&'W - ^msumAsaas: 5Ttf«S%Sir«S3 Frcp»endiflirYOBhivakept t>iMn In your home *r St months and shown th*m totboss TSTVr'SJeawu.S tf. Wotfii and sample*, Oi Co., wapajr Jtt«* aii 8I», Jt*erUaat»,Moi«^* Htlna.u [jTT^’/fT.Tin»krri P. A. Vtf uNBEnMANN. 7i2 EISHTH AV£/KEW YOrlK/ asam mi M!!Sl(! n«UMTi«w r vocau :.*■ %» ■? 3StKS2rair.*J5 ^pgp MAk SS3 I XSS&ISW&Sri ANY PIECE OF M r JS!3 OR MUSIC BOOK! PUBLISHED ON EARTH nerjv an rccciZTC-zmarkcd ernes*. jOr-iitcst ;fiJ3Ii!iL isirF.L'dil'tTS, Variety, bv«t Slritt^s aa«t Imre-: Trimittiaf:*, I qt:silty r.r prices. -«i* t»ir t\, ™vhr tH ti taBt so i-i-ros- , B i ■I'Ufitt VltxXi ACtdiilUtiiiL i >. in', oatt .Ircrarit Is cents ALL CZSCRS TO A BO VC ADCACCS. wy D raL W 1 • * dTT V*. POWDER Pk&se A*k your dealer for IDEAL TOOTH POWDER. Four medals received, each the highest. Al Engraviig 20 1 24 without Advertisiig WITH EACH TWO DOTTLES BUN I VAIL BROTHERS, Pkiltdilpkii, \ — MTrs ot Peep O* Bay Ferfume. J J OB WORK. NEATLY EXECUTED.TRY U The Oft Told Story Of the peculiar medicinal nserPs ct Hood’s Sarsaparilla i 3 fully confirmed by tlic volun tary testimony of thousands who have tried It. Peculiar in tlio combination, proportion, and preparation cl Its ingredients, peculiar in the extreme care with which it is put £? liar in the unequalled good name it has made a^rv-ul, :i r h 7 ,?\';l;!Sr peculiar l !n^ho in the t phecoineual rbpLmp n S o t r sales n f h it has Attained, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the most popvdor and successful medicine before the public today for purifying the blood, giving strength, creating an appetite. “ I suffered from wakefulness and lovv spirits, and also had eczema on the back cf my head and neck, which was very annoying. I took one bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla, and I have received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine.” Mus. J. S. 8 NYDEU, Pottsvillc, P:nn. Purifies the Blood Henry Diggs, Campbell street, Kansas City, bad scrofulous sores all over bis body for fifteen years. Hood’s Sarsaparilla completely cured film. Wallace Buck, of North nioomfiebJ.. N. Y., suffered eleven years wiili a terrible varicose ulcer on liis leg, so bad that be bad to give up business. lie was eu-«i of the ulcer, and also of catarrh, by Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist*. £1, six/orfS. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Jc CO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Masa. IOO Doses One Dollar FO U N D. “You, Hester! G’o and set the table for tea! Then see that thar’s fresh water and towels in all the rooms; and a’tcr supper’s over, you wash up ail them dishes and strain the milk, and set the bread to rise for toGiiorrcr’s.bakin’. Ar’tcr that )ou pul the children to bed, and then I want you to look over the accounts for the month. Here 'tis fust of the month, and nothin’ done; no bills made oat—nor nothin’! Hester Greene! what in tho name o’ common sense is the matter with your The speaker—a gaunt, vinogar visaged lady of uncertain age, at •ircd in a gaudy ‘tea gown,' with hoi* hair in a Psycho knot (there was scarcely enough of it to pros duce a creditable imitation), c-ame io a bait m surprise, as the girl ad¬ dressed sunk into a rush bottomed chair and overed her face with her hands. It was a long, low, rambling buil¬ ding—a village boardir.g-housc—a stopping place for chance travelers and theUozen employes ofil.o a q«arlo» of a mile away. II was in ihc o’llskiris of an old so.u»>™ »»»•») # •>«» •*•■>• -‘waat a picture*^. mo«Btaia a*traded summer tourisis, and tho long, low CTnihlip^ ianiU,m o 00aiU ‘ n b nOUSG WAS W FPAtT- !(...[) ing a very profiinblo harvest for its 0 w nc i—M l’S. Thompson. * slirrhf ^ form trj*m v Wm! " ill ‘a sl “'-m of emotion. SU W “ S TCry * V,bK With src " t ’ ,lark «r«s-too large for her thin buf hv tL L means." was II«l^ nobody was'or ever thought Whether she not, nobod v ever gave her much eon anyway. .h'e -vrhat-s matter?” Mrs. Thompson testily. “I can't have vm a-c^in- nil over tho house -Twill make people think that I’m a treatin’ you in a way that 1 hadn’t on Hit to*. What is tlio matter ^ Hester’” in a queru | lous tone The small brown hands—stained and toil hardened-went down from her face and brave * lie’-ter wa^ l crself "’-ain dVn’t “I I 011 know vtl ° ’ Mr.? ' I “‘ Thom 10m P ) i . . . , . . .tn ir. Ai to^, t.v i ^ ns tnotj, c..nno a c . tiroii'-i m \ W °! a I',, mou ’ "° .mallei i. w 1 '*J l [ tl -’ I -Humph. Well, now, Hosier' Greene .you ve got to i through idlers ...........and It. V“ n.ntgom V to, 00 neither. It a more to mejes " ow . than you've any .dee of. For ! yoa know the new boarder, Judge j Wvverne? broil, I may as well tel .you, Hester; boa a-eourttn ">*• , I shouldn't he surprised any day if ho asked me to marry him.l “Oh, Mrs. Thompson!’ i “1 shouldn t be one mile sur* - prised! F„r-ho ha, talked ,, to w much lately. He jes waylays ■»; - very place. He’s talked a good ai nbou’ yon, too. Hush! I think . ’« irvinlio fin*! out if you would m eneuT»br;>.\co when we—he an i 1 you know -are mariiod/ Hesters pale lace llushcd iudig* ; na,ul - v - • You rany 1 cII him now that | shall never bo a burden to an}' son while I am able to support my* j sell!’sho cried angrily. “Iamwil .. 1 „ , leave at . time, .. Mrs j Thompson; ‘ ! 'o ar.V I know that I can pro* \ cure work elsewhere.’ Mrs. Thompson started tip with »" «!' of «al ,lunn. She saw she had gone too far; sho could not j exist, and her boardintr house would be closed, if Hester withdrew . , , soon her work, with its small recoin* pensc. “Hush!’* said tlio widow, in an eager whisper; “ihcro comes the judge now! Don’t let him see you j crv j ,n D * ]T Ji cclcl c.tei r lie lie nv*hl m. tn think umk * * a : you wasn't happy hero, and pY* a p 1 s — w J l0 knows?—he might ° blame • « ! me. Judge Wyverne entered the great cheer y sitting room, an elderly man with a noble face—a face in which one would involuntarily trust. He came straight up to where Mrs. Thompson sat, his faco very pale and weary looking. “Mrs. Thompson,” he began at once, “I regret, to leave your hos¬ pitable homo, but my business here is ended—my’ search over. I came hero >n behalf of a client of mine— a warm pcisona! friend—a wealthy banker, who lost his only child when but a baba. For years he has mourned her as lost, but accident tarred his attention in this direc¬ tion, and ho fancied that ho had f ound a clew to his lost child. In vain his friends, looking upon the live old man’s belief that his child was here as a hallucination, en¬ deavored to convince him of the truth. He would not listen- so at length he induced my son Cecil and myself to come to this place in search of tho child. Cecil has been in the nearest village, following vu* an imaginary trail, and I have re* mained here; but now he has writ¬ ten me that there is no hope of suc¬ cess, and, I too, am ready to give up. lie will join mo here shortly, and then wo must return to our home/’ The widow, quite folgetling Hes¬ ter’s presence, drew nearer the judge. Ho was a fine-looking old gentleman, with iron-gray’ hair and beard, and piercing oyer. “But surely you will not leave me?’’ she cried. “I—I have become so accustomed to you now, Judge VYyverne. and rc’lly I thought—I did aetooiy begin to-” But. what sho thought will never be known. At that moment there was the sound ot horse’s hoofs, an a horse and phaeton came dashing i down the stony country road which . into . the heart . . of e .. the mountain. n ran the .... clatter of „ wheels—an , , evident . , , ruiUWIlV. Mrs. _ Thompson sturted , up will, a «r, of horror. “Good heavens!” she shrieked, „ whoover . ti ^ he doa’t know tkart » rav,n ® J “f al ; ca d 7“ tar nbl0 hundred f'f , e0|, at loas . ! f ‘ *? b °™ ^ \ !, . ? ‘ , ‘ W ' b<> ‘'“tain deau. Iloslct. fao ®‘ , 1 f, raol °“ S ' h ° ’ ,A°'’ '/*?"? ^ pa '° » nscn ^ <-,C 0 her ' lc fee. . IIostC ! f a, ' 10d for tk « «» “ door - ! aC0 ' VaS sct anc ^ torn » hel tlaik e T cs determination. “, 3Irs Thompson and let a human being go to des lruclion! ” sho 8Ilid simply. And before Judge yverno could ariso t0 his fcct > sllc hatl ,fcft tlic house and darted out into the sun i*. road. A slim, slender figure, in blue eottonadc freck, with a wealth of gold brown hair streaming ever hci 1 sliouldors; a small, ]»alo lace, lit up w'th great sod, dark e; es | Once in the road, Hester darted i forward and essayed to catch brjd]o #f , hc franlic horse. She c | otchad u armIy . There was no »„•>«!« to make the attempt-no | ono noar „ atld lhcro p90r llc9tcr ; on for <j om . nf c T J 0 ll0r30 dashed onward, drags |» , hcr wllh u bat ut last thc ecnpanl of the phaeton was | enabled to spr'in" to the ground. Ho toii#d , ho brid | c> and thr0iV the maddened animal back epon his haunches. i He was saved, but thc heroism of ir , at iia sido bad dona it j ‘\ nJ l} , bll nn d t'.iera, Cecil Wy* verne, attorney at-law, fell in love with the girl before him. When they reached Mrs. Thomp son’s, the judge, never dreaming that it was his son in peri!, had ,_. !)no away, with a promise ol soon -returning. Mr. (.'ceil Wvverne wa Cent Sued cu hut I’ajtm. AI11 -M V*- An ft UL l , 1 A1 TAT. A. A Newsy Notes of Interest as Re. la tod by our Exchangee. BOBSSF BS FAST MS, A Chinese opium Jen has been discovered in Brunswick. A . Macon .. m: n j 1 at a chicken hatched out* feathcricss, except a few on tho wings, and it has re* mained that way, and is healthy. June 21 is St. John’s day. The Masons of Fulton countp will cole * brute it by having a largo in connection with the aliianco at Hemphill. Alabama Editors. The Alabama Press excursionists arrived in Americas Juno 18. The next day they were given a car* riago ride, an electric car ride, and a banquet at the park- ihoy at noon. A Georgia Hail Storm. Ilail enmo down in solid streaks on tlio Wagoner dairy farm, near MillodgcviDo Monday IGth inst. It accompanied a small cyclone which demolished tho barn and other out or buildings and lc\eled fencing, The storm was local. Tho First Time In Thirty Years, Mrs. J. II. Peacock of this ciiy, says the Tennillo Enterprise, on last Thursday, rode on a train for the first time in thirty years. When she was a girl of twelve or thirteen years she experienced hcr first ride OTer the rails, but since that time until the other day she could not be induced to travel in that manner. To Have Water Works. Fort Valley is making an effort for securing water works. They hope to get tho supply of water from tho flow of tho artesian wells. K. J. Edenfiefd, of Waynesboro, has been employed to bore the well also much a foot. As as thc timbers for making the der¬ rick is placed on the ground, Mr. F<dcnfield will begin work. He Got Away From There. As John Gay, a colored laborci on the Adams place, was napying on the railroad near his Avert:, says' thc Schley County > T cw?, ho was aroused by someth ing moving around him. Opening his eyes lie discovered a liugo rattlesnake stretched out by his side. John roiied down thc embankment like a ImTl® off a log ond got from there in short order. The Campaign Started. oeouqe ^ own cor ___ ent^rpri^e and appeal Tho legislative ball has been pal in motionin this county. Now ! c h ”°"'' " r ? i P r0 " d }o good and capable for the place ia this county, and do not object to having them all run,hut do givens „ c)can oampain. Do not indulge >« madsling and trying to <lo,rn your opponents, hut rely on >' oar °' vn morit s for success. c ^ rnrEPRSE ano aspsal. Mr. W.1I. Parkins, architect, was j n the city Tuesday, and brought vv jtb him a most beautiful design for our new Hotel which he has just finished. We aro requested to anno uce that there will be a meet* ing of stockholders next Monday morning at 9 o’clock when tho sign will be submitted for t lon# Other matle’rs also mav be considered, and cvey stockholder is urged ta bo present. — - ■ 00 a P. It is said, temaias Hie I oit • ^ .al. Icy Loader, that while an Araeri. eus man was boiling eggs recently to be used on the lunch counter he heard the chirp of a chicken. Look ing, ho found a young chicken which had just kicked out of its shell, in tho tepid water in which « hud placed thc eggs. Ho took Hand carefully dried it end gave it food, It now is as lively as a | cricket and promises to grow to maturity. Shacked By Lightniug. Mr. B. E. Read, while operating in the telegraph office ol thc Cen ira! railroad ye*terday afternoon was t cverdy shocked by lightning Ho was thrown out of his chair and it «„ some time before h. rccorcr ed. lie was taken to his boarding liouse at.d .d rapidly recovering under care of Pt t .H?ss. Mr Lack* ■ 4 “~ * -# A CA 38. ! ey, t’no Atlanta & v lorJa ; was also working h instrument oflU '° mid " :ls s ‘ v >rd >' sl,ockc< ’ 1 ^ lcse " c, ° nanew escapes, and the gentlemen arc U he cengratu* ! | jalid that they were not seriously injured—Port Valley Enterprise. Woo! folk Emaciated Tom Ik fast wasting away says tiro Macon correspondent of the Atlanta Journal, This morns ing’s Macon Telegraph says : Tom Woolfolk is a mere shadow of his former seA. During tho past lour ,n °ntiis he has become so loin and emaciated that even his most inti mate afonaintanccs would not know him if they were to meet him out side of ti’.o jail. In addition to his emaciated con. dition, Tom is suffering from a largo carbuncle on tho left side 0 f his head, which, he says, is killing him. IDs voice is weak and tremulous and has lost mu jh of that querulous and fretful lone which has been such a marked fca turo of his conversation heretofore. Fount! A Diamond i;: The Collet' Turncrvillo bad a genuine sensa¬ tion last Monday. Messrs. IT. S. West & Co. bought in New York, fcecntly several bags of coffee. On Monday last they came to hand and after being delivered in the store ^‘* I’ 0: ^hill wn; examining the coffee anu picked out what he supposed to bo a piece of quarts; or out glass, but on close examination he found it to be moro brilliant than glass, and sent it to an expert jeweler in Atlanta for examination and later lcccivod a reply that it was a gonuino diamond, valued at $3,000. Mr- Foddrill is highly ola ted over his valuable find, bat this will in all probability causo some ‘rouble as to the ownership, ns tho Messrs. West claim that Mr. Fod dr.ll had not bought tlio coffee in which he found tho diamond. ^1-..... Swarming Willi Bats. Supt, John II. Clarke, of Joky! Island, is one of the host ratsstory tellers in this section of the coun¬ try, says the Brunswick Times. 11 is descriptions of ratdom on Jekyl Island cannot ho improved upon. Capt. Clarice says thc is land is literally swarming with rats, and that nothing has* ns yet been introduced there to cxt.crmi* nato them. • lie says there is a certain species of tho rodents which climb the trees on the island with airilitj", and that when they arc run after they spring from ono side of t!>e tree to the other with such quickness that it is impossible to catch them. Capt. Clarke is now in communication with a firm in New York, with a view of purchasing an article which It Is claimed, is far superior to all J. ' ’ Some .. War lime Money. During the Confederate war the inferior court of .Meriwether a lot of notes which passed freely al their face value. These notes of various denominations were all signed'by Judge D. Ellis as receivor. Tho first batch was printed in Groonevillc at the office of tho Georgia Weekly, published by Peck i Lines. The paper was coarse and later editions wero print* ed by P. Hill & Co. of Griffin. r J he paper used was very thin tissue paper and soon wore out by stant handling. Capt. V/illis T. Lorris has sept the Merfcvcihcr Vindicator a tme* dollar bill ol’this issue, dated July 2ii, 1802. It is No. ITJ. In tho is a good picturo of Gen. Wash ingtott. On tlio right center mar. 1 steamboat' j s a dog guarding an Iron safe. under full head of 8t0 . im adoril8 t ho np p 0 r left wh;! „ „ cor „. fie |d darky llius Uatos lhc Iefl cn d. On A Strike. AMzmeos REodnore Yesterday morning threo of thc street car motormcn went to Fees and asked for an increase cf wages or a decrease of working ihours. • , . - They S 3 }- that sixteen hours work per day is tco much for S 10 ]>er week, and refused to work for that any longer, Supt Ilees explained to tho motor ! men that on account of tho many dis idvantagcs under whit h tlic road is now laboring, it would bo impossible to raise the;;- wages or 1 make their working-/. > any ”£ .than ai present, 0**S«J .After consult, lion tl\o luotorfncrt decided to vacate and hunt engage* m cnts in iv.oro congenial quarters. Messrs. Bob Gray, Dave Speer ami Walter Gt.crry are the men. and are very good* in their busi ■ ness. Their positions were filled in lii*lOAn minutes by other mo'or men. She Drunk Tli« Si e rose up. Little Janie, liio 2*yeai*-oU ? daughter of Mr. and Mrs. s; Crawford, says tho Marion Patriot. Impponed to a mistake Monday* nrorning which came near proving fatal. When the little one failed to eat supper tho night before. Mrs. Crawford was in the habit of puts | ting a lunch in a saucer and piac ing it on the washstand so it would bo convenient if she waked up bun. gry. Keroseno oil had been plnootl on tho waahstand to drive away ! mos quitocs, and Janie £“ot up early al Monday morning and drank sever swallows of the oil, thinking it; was something put there for her. She fell back in a swoon which frightened her parents very much’, as she was as pule as death, IS a ni soon saw that sho drank th o oil, and ho immediately rave lioi warm water and salt, which caused’ her to yemit tho oil, and sho was soon all right* again. is r fhc- Woman Marra'd. Judgo ohn T. .Allen of Baldwin' county court is. no doubt one of the youngest members of Uio bench in Georgia, and usually is uncxcit#** ble, buk when a couple of Macon darkies appeared in his office Tiles day evening to J o married, tho judge lost his self control for which he is noted, and became greatly cx cited, as this was the first pair ho had over made ono. The judge, after c losely scrulini tho license, commenced as fob lows, addressing tlio man; Do you solemnly swear that you will forever love and cherish this v;o/ man, forsaking all others, so long as yon may live ? “Yes,” was the answer. The judge then turned to tho’ blushing bride. “You to the con¬ trary ?” said lie. “Yes,” said she. ‘•Then J pronounce you man and wife. Day jour fee and go your way rejoicing. Thc question is, is tho woman married. However, tlio judge has ere ail for introducing a new cere-*’ mon ^ ^ ljr ohoi tucss, canned be excelled. ^8jp> Allen Nursing futleiis. Mr. J. H. i! ii tier of Proctor’s district reports to Uho Monroe Ad*.’ tertiuer rallici- strange doings of a hen and four kittens at his home, When tho hen discovered ihj kit¬ tens s!»o manifested a desire to dis play her motherly prool.vliles, and to accomplish ho purpose she at once attacked the mother of tho mother el tlio kittens and drove her from her motherly position. Then sho .tolled herself upon tho kittens and began her mahcrly care for them. Between her and | the k.tton. there sprang up a mu. j tun! affection. Every Umo tho cat { would attempt to assert her natural right to the kittens a combat ensu* cd between her and tho feathered. mother, in each of which tho' hen was tho victor. And strange? to 3uy tlio kittens would follow her in preference to tho mother Cat. To . put an end to this strange proceed ing, Mr. Butler, without awaiting the slow process of “a writ of ha> beaa corpus/' impriaened the lieu' as long us three dot’s in succession. hut ivhon liberated site would iins. ! ten to again assumo care and con. j trol of her sloo'd cat brood. And thus matters al last report, • S' The Greatest Discovery of tlio Age. Ih -pcp in h the most prevalent oftf: I chronic di-cates, undone too, up to : tho present time 1ms buftiod tho skill of the* . most eminent physician?, nearly all the pro¬ prietary medicine-, nave been tried and failed. . After p pen-inf; of rtudy, Dr. Uo!t has at length iuceeeded i:t getting up^v remedy s (Dr. Holt's Dy peptic Elixcrl i;,Vance. that hr.* nev¬ er failed to cure in a single or.<Shuffle If you suffer \v tli this diseaf-o try convinced. U is one of tho be t Liver Med. icinc t known Jo tho profos ion. Liver Com* plaints. Constipation, Jaundice, Headache I Chronic Diarrhea;t, Yellow Skin* - Bravu jplot eke.-, and A.tkma, U* compsieatod with 'nJige-tson, if you are troubled with any q£ «-• “ « 1 f3fc **«<•*• ««> Mia: a-ti.r-dby Dr. Holt** I»yrpcpti« a Mor.ti-'.ii:: ^ f . . * i