The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, July 09, 1890, Image 1

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VQI, V. ■ ■ DIRECTOR?. O CHUB CHIiO. flApTtsr Ctitnu ti.-ll- *. 7..T. \\’> .1 tor. Ereirhlujt 1st «t.d 3rd Smulro i, '• month. Sue ' id.. -I. r. Paul Itn fchipt. i*i-**y.r meeting T 1 *>r !«,. t;V( WB"- "• ■ XniRonirr Ormieir. — ?t. v A.C», «- »- - Ya#lor. Prem'hiag2nd lit! Sti inotith. Sunday r,' l.t ol f in. V.. A. Graham Hupt. !.,*.<?:• •' i'my r * • tfav »ftcr.H«on. \ uutlsj im n «‘r m« mm . u!nri>r: '.'-"' , “ l .Wtom^KiA; cv emits;* Vehool VimsifTTlUilAX Ciirw it. — -Vur.ilay y a. m, J. p. If, filviwu Hupt, . ... Masonic Dltcfory, L pm-, N<, 17, F. ,V A. M • _ V- *-t! ; n •! • i • nlng*. !'• M. lb n S wy,, D. E. Gunn W - * ImiF nyell*- Ci ni-t H. a. > 1 .— Ri'^ulnf I, 0. JlwifagS I a W. A. (f raliwui oVH: II. ' M LT* J*. ey , ,J,f\ bocy., W. A. t n luun T. i. t>. AC • tlalnr* L<>b^‘No. l Q s7, k-<>f 2mi ami -tt h Ti • -1 * - - • • )V. 1;. Holmes Reporter, AV. M. Fj e*. ht Di- tub-i. ‘■4 /odfcaNo. 874 K. .k L. of 11 ta id and till Fii V < i.i ■ T. I. Blown fcteoy., I>. Dixie Lohm No. PA A. O. V. W M«-et 1st. am! r.r 1 ' ' ...» Gad IlcrttH.-o’y. T. M. in >v.n M* \\ COUNTV. J T MeAllhtcr, sheriff. lleRular U-nn, 8rd Mondays »u Mnreli aud Sept.-inbor, Couut op URUlMAr.Y.— . T> G. rr I. Foote, Ordinary. KoguLw m®©1 in-- - 1st, Monday in o.uli match County Court—G. C. Lark J mitre. (JOUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. E.D anilines. 1>. Golem an, J. F Creel, A. L. Foster, J. N. Jiigbic. County Treasurer, J. r. II. Drown Tax Collector, W. It. Harrison. Tax Deceiver, Ik Dua is Coroner J. i>. OtvoU. C1T/. • Mayor R. D. Coi.v man AlukwuuU- W. .1, Grrcnc, .loo \ in non, G. U. Sutiive, J. it. Irwin, A J. Fleming. Ci.rr.K & T’rEAsrUEa—R. T. Foot;; 5 * ^ FI < ^ Ii 1 I ti V. v r*. r “ivis . IT *m 5 \* ttfY. 1 foUovr , G'mI;; KttSS.toT'*•' >ott vvouiti ^.■’’a/vbVi b'/t'/” -1 hcr “'- ,c>vu, J - l,Jt S.'ii, VWK i,.,inform. JfcYiS’.’S&V*. ~ I.T:' mi LTt?® 3 r ?&%, -,R.;, i,»Vk v/iVnmnrh liny t-. v r- t.-ji ■ ; ? :i tbuv ■ ■ ^ Wcrineti»«cni» Sivcimct <«»ty forit'cent*,M> wecAut lima itfiylh n.-, o« tach number contains nBen • ‘ntm »»h« OM»-r* cUoo-»«, shUtl.nic 4 ll» in LoWcr els* to which any •lotto make!! way t*uh ob any < opy at cent# : uvA I lu-t arwu # J«ck<t pfttu’rn like Mu. Alien’s, alio »ohmrij-?lou xnu>.t 1 ca«H prio i» only Ii ,<v w\\) they & yeur; nublkh and 1 «lci*«ut my Machine uco (ox money.' can 1 m a to little A LIBERAL OFFER. ONLY jyr} FOR THE Advertiser AND I>cmorost*s Family 5f«gra*fno. H>ud ;t>ur ®uU3criptious to .this Offlee AI TO?I.iTtC nKtVlXO HAI XUXE no equal—ia delivered fror every where. Pleruw wnd full Ouice at! ilrws, Qiippitip inclmiing nddi'es*. County, includin'; and railroad also your sta¬ tion most convenient to you. One cent postal thing expense ami important will firing to you some¬ new for every fam¬ ily Tit*. 4.‘>7 For Vest full particulars 2t5th please (-end to City. Street, hew York f >/ /! ' • U*. 11 « J.t \ V..1 r w |8£g * »v . t*. h ' >\*%j***i m t* fiu if m c »*• V 4 *w«h*,* | 4 . u NNP wm* etisf ** «*>«*!•»€ m — w;»tS m i * k** M Ha .."hcU I?*. Fat* I AD «i*"Hi*vcm 4 t ***** rr - ‘ I * n *f% •«« -«* hvMtbi, , * ■ ** fr.IV »i! t|*f*:*** *lx rr r: I ffl* * IA twr u*. y .*4 mt Hi f- V’ ’ r V . A-#* < r ** .T»M 4tt» # * wM*m i. u a, riMtiwKi, siatiw. : jf r i,,-,.'.i.... .Is’, ftSl INE SH9i¥ OASlS ■ fEr?RY .j MT’G I- r rr.t.Uog«r CO . Nashviii E TZMU. i ^ IS ?r *— i/ i - ••- ■^ i :• ^y— . — ■ - —; **-p- n# ^ ■"!- t. 1 -^ ”"^j. ...... ; f- * R I > ■ - 1 H i $ .8^1 k n. -JL- £ V- k- 3 pr ■ : O IF HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY mi:s. . jEFrr.iiNorK dayis, BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY: Tho prospectus and com p i-Ote outfit for canvassing will b •» ready immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE i FlifUTOH V on this great work will pl^B30 address, as ssen aspc53iblc, publishers, BELF0RD COMPANY 1 18-21:Eaat 18th Strocl, New Yonu. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! \ ''-‘G.. ■' A strictly Mad; flrfit-clnfis from b<>Ht machine. material, Fully liy skilled wm riuib-fi. very workmen, r.nj n the best tools that have ever 1h<mi d«-visi*il for reasonably the purnose. Warranted to do Mitlitttcan beat typewriter be extant. Cupu- expreleil ’ cf of writing Use very IlSt - ability v.wds tminute of the or more—according to o;>crator. ( ■ 1‘i‘icc - $100.00. If is no agent in your town, ad dress tho manufacturers, THE PAKISS3 SF€, CO., Agents V,<intc(l. rAnisu, it. r. page tcachens. iso rid AddrwH. ‘ lv‘ witb. best - >' sbutip fi.-r rctiau jxwtrtice, Tiu: l’AKiuii su-'tt. co., I’ABian, N. y. sw-sssrs vrmxS •jK \ \ V ^BESTWlM-WFETYEVERMADt! ADJUSTABLE IM EVERY C-TARING CATAl.OCUP ■AGENTS RESTlVBING \Nm OUR f-ULL TED LINE Or W11ECL5 SENT ON APPLICATION. Toledo.Oh iq. id* w VI * 6 t^i'X^VVJ^choid 1 T'.Sj m®iSS.“V™"S!,' ! SSyK _____________________ iA j\ ~ UA-* / «U r>2 IH:m™ .D KM YORK. r C^criHW —~Z\7 mtZncwxmB ' /r~;:r~: / Fh - *;r. .m . . tai»ji l, *> v '* ’, r ' l Sic. Pi A NO. ’J '■ A - '--r£li f.v* i'*JM ' r« S', ft*; *•<-.• • t. |U.v.*tin • -A•>.•». ■ • •' . i - p r*^- 1 ' .-M * ’ ^J • ‘'r’KAi.YiS^cit"eART?i •• , £U 3K | * ns?x;pi’crr„AXRxo r-a:s:e.| :« ! r.t* e * • It - r r- -: c- 3 f ,c*s. ! PH CY V -Tt i ii mu tmv. . * A ilpMr j * . if £ v&iiyin. ..r* O ■t Mv.vsc &sk your dealer tor IDEAL TOOTH POWDER. All EftgTSfiBg 29x24 wiikcv; Advertising mu kachtwo BoniEa BE&I ■ KAIL BROTHERS, Fisikdelplil, M rre of Peep o» Day Perfume. 03 WORK. N E E X EC UTED.TRY US FORT GAINES, GA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1890. HoocPs Sarsaparilla rared binsTicnand ir.iycixicn tf Sarsaparilla, Daa ii"i;.:.n ’k.v.iIkM t w Dock, aad o4hcr remotk.-.l ngc-nis is exclusively peculiar to U-<i i s.ssap.'.riiia. giving n strongtii raid c !r.,i,w p>w«r * iiV'UKijtai t u cl i pr .it value, iloed’s Sassnp.trilla Purifies the Bleed create-; and .‘ha was theappetite, the digestion, ami gives strength to every organ ot the I taly. It ernes tlso most severe cases of Scrofula, Salt Itlieuni, Hoils, Pimples, ana all other affections caused hy impure bluet!, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Headache, Kidney aud Liver Complaint*, Catarrh, ilium mat ism, r.:ui that extreme tired feeling. ‘ Hood's Sarsaparilla has helped ir.o for catarrh aud impure blocd than anything else I ever useA” A. Ball, Syracuse, K. Y. Creat-33 Appotito “ I used Hood’s Sarsaparilla to cleanse my blood and tone up my system. It gave mo go«id appetite and seemed to build me over.” L. M. Hale, Lima, Ohio. “ I took Hood's Samparilta for cancerous Jittmor, and it began to act unlike anything Gse. it cured the humor, and seemed to tone up the whole body and give me new life.” J. P. Kixox, Cambrldgcpert, Mass. Send for book giving sUtemcats of cures. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by aUdrnpidtts. gl; i,ixforf5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothacaric*. Lowell, Mass. [Q O Doses Or.o Dollar Black Sloi’se Cavalry ofVa, A War Episode, Tho town of Winchester. Virgin - . homo uif the late 1 t. Was lliy jl’O w . from the holy :r; tinco, memories , u tenrg arond ... it, bosomc of ,. e one the historic towns of the South; of course, living in that debatable ground, I have im ny reminiscenscs of the timo when “patriot hearts beat high and patriot blood lan warm. I had two brothers in the South¬ ern arm}', ono on Stonewall Jack* tern’s staff, tho other a private in the Black Ilorse Cavalry, a compa¬ ny raised in Fauquier county, and ■elected from iho Ixst families ot • he noble men who inhabit that most favored spot on earth. The first captain of that gallant troop was John Quincy Marr, who (ell at tho battle of Bull Kan one -f the first martyrs ol the “Lost Cause,” aud no braver, nobler sol lior lost his life during those years of blood and anguish tlvan ho. Tut iie died on the battlefield in con* diet with the foe, and we gave him K ? w »U>out ft murmur, an<t no bit* ter feeling mingled with cur grief "•>»>* we »*>at Bot> ilandcrtph second captain, and afterward e0,0!!el l!ic Pou:,l ‘ Vir 8 iMi » c «“ i;! T. had fallca on tho bloody field of Malvern Hill. But there was one in that com, n Y of S^M^t boys Whose fate - s “'h n,5 ° fan ) ouug l.fc fell to the finish brutalUy ofa ^ m <>« 5n human to™, aroaad -hose memory throng endless re * rci *> and 1 Bha11 tcl1 li,s pathetic W 'T y i f 1 58 15UlC 8kCi t : an cpi ' taph to tho tncmery of the gotten dead. Ho was Lieutenant i'om Turner, ft son of Mr. Edward Turner, of “Kinlcch,” a lonely homestead near my uncle’s home “Huntley.” Tom was tho bright* cst, handsomest boy in tho whole company, made up of bright hand some boyr, as brave as a lion and bonnio as a girl. Even now, \ through tho lapse of many den years, I can SCO him as he car.* tered up to my uacle’s gato one Saturday morning, June 5. Ob! how Winsome anddeboitnair looked, with the soft summer • blowing back the short curls from his broad, whito ihis brown cyis sparkling with fun , and mischief, and Hs perfect j teeth gleaming under tho mouslMhu U* was so innoecmly i vain of. i -Miss Madge, don't yen want [ take a ride on Stella, this 'he exclaimed. “I’ve got 1 1 want to tel! you.” \Yo were great chums, and I j liie recipient of his love * ces, of which the dear boy man £ “Oh, yes, indeed, . , , i bra/ I “if the-Yankees will lot us, I | be delighted lo go; bat how is | yon are ep cempf j “I was sent up on detail with ; party ol scome to reconnoitre onem y 8 ,mC8 » there are no \ nearer than Fairfax, C. H., so can take a royal canter down WarrcntoD road. Be ready at 1-2 sharp, Fvo lots to tell ; good-bye.” and raising his hat, ’ ils long drooping pimac from handsome head and throwing ir.o a kiss from his finger tips, ho gal loped swiftly away. 1 stood and watched him until his form melted away in tho dim distance, and a va S U0 fear for h:s safety troubled me; yet when did wo ever say faro well to our heroes without that deadly fear clutching at our heart sll 'i»gs, so iapidly did they go from us into tho “Groat Beyond.” Just two months before a gay partv of soldier friends had taken tea at “Huntley,” six of them in all; was Monday night, and the next Satnrdav all of them were in cter nity—killed in an engagement with tho enemy. Such was the fortune tvar; they , *i in a fair fi^til, ana though sadly mourned, there Is no bitter feeling connected with their dcntliF, ’ such as Weils up 1 my heart when I think of your fate . dear, dear Tom. Tho evening camo but . instead , of I and lus spirited lit om tJ c Stella, and d glorious canter down the W’arrenton road, a negro bey brought ir.o a note from him tolling me that a large scouting par* fy J of Fedcrals had *’ iu^t eomo up from Fairfax, C.II., and that it would to unsafe to venture, “but/ ho concluded, “they will bo gone in a day or so, and wo will have our ride yet.” Tho next morning Martha tamo into our room. I will tell you tho heroic story of this faithful colored girl at some future timo. “Oh! young ladies,” she ex c'aimed, in a broken voice, “get up at once, your papa has just gotten news that poor Mars Tom i 3 m or* tally wounded and ho and Mr. Lunsford, tho overseer, have gene over lo Mr. Smith's after him with Blitter.” Poor girls, wbat a shock it was to us, and how wo dreaded to meet hi3 grief-stricken mother, for whom my aur.t sent at once that, she might bo there lo meet her wounded son. IIow \vo stoed, a weeping group at the hail door, looking down the road along which the litter-bearers were to bring their precious bur¬ den. At lust they came in sight, a ' ;0,v moving group of stalwart men, bearing, ch. so tcndeil}. a lit tor. cn which lay the wounded jorm of our beloved soldier boy. Only lus mother was allowed to welcome him; they boro him into ^ 10 back parlor, the dear old room where we had been so happy to* .golher. After a while my uncle came and told us girls that we must SO in one at a lane ami SCO he wished ns all to kiss him. When sco my how f” bright 8 ' f he *“ looked, “ toni8hcd ho kissed lo me and gave mo tho plume dyed with his Hood. -Don't cry Madge, dear,” he said, “maybe I'll g«t and *l... u ^nt I pay the \anks or that cowardly shot.’ As I ; va !' d 3 l T ’ thC Tcnlh I,iinois had fired , on a squad of our boys ; without halting them, as they 3tandiR S waa *^ d •« lom loll, shot through j right lung. I hat _ his father 1 evening ° came o | 7 cr, hemmorrhage and as ho seemed so strong and j no had occurred, he i J concluded it would bo better take him over to “K’nioch,” as jjj mother earnestly desired to him at home. They bore him away, and on uncle’s return he said he had borne tho jolting over the rough j tain road splendidly, and that Peyton, the family pnysician, | examined him and . said ho slroDg hopes of bis recovery. delighted we were to hear it. in terrible war limes how i!e hope it took to make | happy, but alas! cur hopes destined to be blasted. At nine dock after (no ^,iy had and Tom was sleeping under the loving care of his ing mother; a loud knock at door aroused Mr. Turner. lie out and found a detachment of 1 ty men from the Tenth , headed by Col. Fa. nsvvorth and surgeon. i “Wo have come to sec that j son “My of yours/’ is sai<t severely the Colonel. son and you cannot sec him,” | Mr. Turner. “W c must, and will sco him; | surgeon has come to probe wound, and see if ho is as wounded as you afiRrm/* 1 | £His wound must not be it would kill lam to probe it, you shall not enter his room; ! w.!! cnior it only over my body/ be replied, planting in front of his son’s door. With a brutal oath, tho Colonel and his minions pushed tho old gentleman roughly aside, entered tho room, and. notwithstanding his mother’s passionnto prayers and anguished sobs, the brutal surgeon, aided by * tho more brutal Earns* worth, probed tho dear boys wound, brought on a hemorrhage, and in an hour’s time iho brave sau ^ thegaLant ’ad had winged its flight from this dreary, sin curstjd ouill) "wrong, H may bo but a hot tide of indignant anger rushes over me whenever 1 think of that coldblood cd, useless hatchery of this dear glilhocd believe friend ot mi Farnsworth no, and I eer tainly that is expiating through all eternity that fiendish deed. War is war, murder is murder, aud if ever there was an inhuman murder committed, that deed was done whenlhose wretched human hj enus entered that sacred room and took, in die sight of that trod, wco,.in tho S molhev life of and of tho an offended bravest one and noblest boys who was over reared on Virginia's keroprodueing soii.—“Justitia” in • Confederate Veteran. STATE OF GEORGIA. Newsy Notes of Interest as Re. latod by our Exchanges. nssiTM® Brunswick has five prosperous banks. Dawson will have a cloth factory at an early day. An Investment Company was or¬ ganized in Dawson. A cotton compress in process of' erection in Dawson. Columbus treated the pcoplo to a big barbecue last Friday. The Quitmltn County Alliance picniced in Georgetown Thursday. A new hank, with a $100,000 capital, has been opened in Athens. Within the past two weeks four deaths have resulted from accidents on tho S. A. & M. road. An attempt was made to poison the family of Mr. C. F. Jones in G r C en county, by putting poison in tIsc milk ^ pui chased a lion and tho ^cnstitutiou un elephant for the Grant l >u, k At,a ? ta * ^ lork oth an,ma,s were , bou 6 ht ,n ^ ew - A valuable gold mino was found LBm P kin <ounl b- J - M - us of Atlanta is ono of the owners of tho land. A stock company ho been formed with 8500,000 to work the mine. Judge ^ Gucrry ; has ordered a spec ial lcr o4 , op rior court ltt Kan* dolph for the purpose of Dying the ne gro murderers, Sum Snclling and Wash Robinson. Celling has been call . icd to Macon jail for safe keeps j The First Bale. Martin Davis, tho colored fore* man on the Frimus Jones planta tion in Baker county, carried the | bale ol cotton to Aioany Sat* urday ; weighed 350 pounds and brought at auction 15 1-2 cents. No Liquor Ads Wanted. 7ho Pleasant Hill Club met and passed resolutions last week not to take any newspaper that contains a liquor advertisement. Wo had a* I bout as soon have the bottle as to ! have the paper with the ad in the • house. We don’t want our boys to find where the grog is kept.— Tui* New Era. Sank Corn ^Mc-A and Filter Cotton Reports Mr. D. A. the Eastman Tim« Journal that u° 110011 d aro . " / 50 l:ir 2° ‘ and an n r j v.; lnnk "*!f • uu l ’ »h«l b i ° r when the fox hunters jump a fox that instead ofhis making for the ; swamp, as is usual the c-aso with them, that he goes for the corn and cotton fields, where h-c can ,si!y dodge the hunters and dogs. A Pf0llfie Wo met at Dexter last lho ^' as * >ln2an ^ ,m es Journal, Mr. S. | K P«emore, eed in convereation ; w,l “ h,,n found that ho sprang from that v0r h 7 J s P father r ®J ia » had bpen Ec married seven times, and was tho father thirtyThree children, iho eldest now being 78 years old. This ‘*y raised in Wiikinson l '*’ Hr. Passmore is 3fi years old und is ,armin 3 Hexter. A Toe For Bait. Last week, while in wo wore informed by a man \vho was doing some painting around Doretlitiger’s restaurant, that a no gro girl about Id vcars old and two while boys about 10 and 12 years old wont crab fishing. ° Their bait giving out, tho negro girl took a hatchet and chopped off ono of the while boys’toes and used it for bait. Tlio boys left and camo home. ^ i ‘° 8* rl aflov lisl ‘ in g lx '*»hilo with tho too for bait buried it in the sand, She was arrested and jailed. Dranstviek, so far us hoard from, is the only town in Georgia where ^ . used tho white folks foi >c nl SS c, s crab bait.—Jcsup Sentinel, A Pig With Eight Feet. Mr. Joo Mercer, living nine miles northeast ol ltawkinsvillo, has a pig threo days old that has eight , cct- The hind ley and feet are nil n »“ f > ^ut tho loro legs have three foci on each of them. Two feel on each of tho foro logs aro perfect, and touch the ground; tho other foot on each leg % imperfect and dees not reach tho ground. The other pigs of the same litter aro all right; and this is also, except in the number of (eot. lie gets about ns lively and as easily as tho others. Mr. Mercer is going to take panic* u!ar pains to raise this pig, and Darnum may get hold of him yet. —Dispatch aud-Stows. On Juno 15, Jason Blackburn and soveral friends went out to a iimosink on tho Beaver Dam crock, about twelve miles above SyJvania, to take a bath. Ono of the young men jumped in, diving down into the water, and before ho camo to the Mr. Blackburn dived in also, striking his head against tlio hip ofhis friend, causing such a shock to him as to render him unconscious Ho was rescued from tho water by the young men, and taken lo a neighbor’s house near by, where he soon regained consciousness and talked of tho accident, but his in* jury was of such a character as to cause his death next day. Ho left a wife and two small children.— Sylvania Telephone. Obliged to be So. A large hawk caught a very large black snako, and Iho snake in self defense coiled around the hawk so that tho hawk could not tiv hawljf A niifW(kp _ !ontr tho logs and tied them. Then the nigger hit the snako and killed him, and released the h«*k, „ nd bo flew ff wilh , h lot , , t „ dying liko string a streamer It tree a! top. Tho wrappod roun d a limb and the hawk swung down; tho nigger cut tho tree down and recaptured the hawk; which ho cooked and ate next day for din* ner. Wo know ibis is so because Frank Pickle told us so.-Earlv County Nows. An unsuccessful attempt was made last night lo liberate two young negro prisoners from jail. V\ hen Sheriff Black went to the jail this morning he discovcrod that a key had been broken oft in the lock, several bolts and screws had been pulled out and loosed in an cifort to get into the Ja Ho quickly surmised who . »d trailed him miscrcant v -' as 3I at ° n ll0mc * 11 proved to <am '» i;son ; a small brother of Joe J p ostor -d > on tho e oHho sheriff inmates elicited o‘ lIiC ai G ar from ^ j‘ ,m cn ,nl a confession ° a , P ac ' mit!i that ho shop had bro i 2 ^ om h ° had b ° scct3ro : " ^ Ja ‘ too,s 5 a i , X^M-l^woSS ; he neip n mem them /caM escape, Sam earn anw now M cn- 1 * i «"se!f as a companion with tho boys bo attempted to _Ear!y County News, And Eat Turkey Too. -Yesterday afternoon Messrs. A. F. & F. J. Cocledgc had a Bicnt rendered in their favor in city court against the Western ]on Xe]cgraph compapy for 9m q he mother of these gentlemen u vc8 jn Xorcross and on last cbri 8tm „, thinking they like lo oat tui key with her they telegraphed tint they would bo up if jt was all * ri^ht ° ’ ^ v • i „ , / chr :„ lma3 1|Irl . AV ° in A la| , la< Upon making inquiry they learn ed that their message had never be^n delivered. NO. 10. They demanded tho return o! the twenty-five cents thoy had paid &r sending tho message. Tho money was never paid, so under tho Jaw making tho telegraph company li¬ able for ono hundred dollars, whoro a message is not promptly deliv¬ ered, they brought suit against the • olograph company,—Atlanta Jo ui na 1 . Profits in Strawbsrrie?. Tlio Senoia corrrspondont of tho Mew nan Herald and Advertiser writes as foil lows : Wo havo in*. tended to writo about tho strp. ft'hor* rv crop of Mr. K. C. Iverson, and will present sorno facts about it. Ho has about three-fourths of an cro in all. He began to gather a bout tho 15th cf April, and is gath-. oring yet. ILo lias sold over 10(H» quarts, nolting him not less than dollars, besides supplying sev eral families around him gratis. Tho wholo probablo cost ofthocol tivation, gathering,, mid baskets will not exceed $10, and nearly all of them havo boon sold hero n»i home. This is one of tho cvideiw ces of what can be done by prop or attention to these small industries/ Kvory family ought to have a straw¬ berry patch. Tho cost is lilllo, and the return for tho money, timo and labor spent is simply wondorful; besides tho fruit equals, if it does not surpass, all others as a luxury. Many of us arc loo indifferent to tho worth and value of llicso small crops. Every family should give some of their timo and attention to thorn. Ttioy will pay heavy rc turns ft r tho small outlay incurred* They Captured Iks Bear, Tho Dublin Post says that last Tuesday morning when Mr. B, W. Rnfficld wont into his coriifiold hb found that something had been dop rodating upon his crops and had dono considerable damago thereto. Upon examination ho discovered the foot prints of what ho supposed to bo a huge bear and immediately secured a pack of of dogs and gavo chase. After running the track all day and for a considerable distance Enough swamps, ponds and thick¬ ets, just before night thoy camo up with the object of their chase which proved in fact to bo a very largo bear and after killing two dogs and wounding several others, lie was brought to the ground by innumer¬ able shots from Winchesters, shot¬ guns, pistols, etc. lie was discov¬ ered at bay in a small pond and ea neb rake on the plantation of Dr. J. T. Chappell, about ten miles a*, bovo Dublin, and seemed to bo making his way toward thoOconco river. From whence ho camo is a raj-stcry, as he is the only one of his species known in this country for years. Ho was a largo black follow and weighed 280 lie was brought to town this morning and exhibited to the peo¬ ple. Another Good One. ‘ Col. Anio Gatewood of Americas was telling a number of farmers the other day about his rnagnifis cent cotton crop, and during tho conversation told tho following .startling story, which tho Amcri* eus Times gives its leaders: His cotton is so thick and tall Uuit l(j0 8Un > 8 ravs cannot none* lra to-between the rows, and consen ^ ucnU y 5t j % yc dark in the fields oven ut midday. Last week a 12 ycai .. oI(l bo y, [ u 3 on of one of bb ( 8> Wcn to t j ie ^ o( j (0 carr y bis father’s breakfast densc* and missing ir» the eottdn | clfe | j ogt w \bo rj*j . » enfln * bec0 mPng alarmed non-ap* olhis boy at the innate regular -,c, Went to the house to a search, as he well knew that tho boy would never find his way out cf the cotton field unaided. Men mounted on mu!e3, in order that they could see about them, rode for hours through the dense, dark field of cotton, firing guns and calling loudly to attract the attention of the lost boy, wliiio skyrockets and Homan candles were fired at inter* vals into tho Colton in lho hopo that ho might sco tlio light and make his presence known. Final¬ ly, after many weary hours had been spent in the big fields search* ing for the boy, be was found fast asleep in lho forks of a cotton stalk some five feet above tho grouud. Too hunters carried him homo in triumph, and to prevent a recur¬ rence of lho affair Mr. Gatewood is having tail signal poles, with dags attached, put tip fit distant iaa icrvals ia his cotton n^ids.