The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, July 30, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. VI. DIRECTORY. — o CHURCHES. HamiT Ctiruf n.-lh v. Z.T. tor. IW liing Li and 3rJ HimdayMn month. 8un<i.ty*#c*.«rx>l Prayer meeting *•> a. Thursday in., J. K, I liu t*upt. lug*. MrrnnnuT Church.—Kcv ,T.O. Sunday* Lnnjf-ton Vwl'T. Preaching 2nd tm<l 4th month. 8un<lnv-t«<'ho<il a.m. \V. A. Oaalimn Supt. L.»«li< »’ Prayer meeting Tuo.« day afternoon. Young KegulurPrayer men-’V.uyer meet InrTm-.Uy eveniug. mett t»g \\ tw- Iny *\cii'ii". PMtMUYTKRIAK Clil’RCH. Sundiiy lAitfol 9 a. in. J. !‘. II. Brown Kurt, 31 a sonic Dlrctory, P.uu.kt L dor, No, 17, F. *Sc A. M.~ Ri guhir T*M. m-’ctingH Brown lutnml Secy., D. Hr<l k*. Saturday Gunn VV eve .M idiig*. LiFaycttu Chnptor N«». 12, R. A. M.~ lioguW Mi'i*t ; ng). 2nd \V. Snturdny Grahuiu II. 1*. J. v. Uhnpaon Becy , A, \V. A Oral nm Council N<>. 2‘2, 8. M.— Ri 'tihir Meeting 4th Saturday rmmig, M. Guinea Loiliff No. 1SS/, K. of ll. Meet* 2nd and 4tl» Tmnljiy evrmugs. AY • 15. lloli-ich Reporter, VV. M. Speight Dictator. IVnrl Ijo«1j»o No. S? I K. & L, of II.' >l**oU 2o<l ami 1th Friday evening*. T. M. B'owii Secy., I). F. Gunn Protector. Dixie Lodtjo No, "0, A. O. U. TV Moot 1st. and 3rd Mondiu • ■veningv M* VV (au HcrUHoii'y. T. M. Brown COUNTY. fU-r RHtoit Coi’itT 11 mm J II SSullive taicrry clerk. juARt .1 -M Grings m»licU«*r. .1 VV J T MeAlfiftcr, «lu i rltr. Regular te rm, 3rd Ahimliivs in March and September, Court op Ordinary.— ll. T. Foote, (Irdinsiry, lUnular meeting 1st, Monday in each month County Court-—G, G. Lark Judso. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. .1. K. Paul I in, S. D. Coleman, J. F Creel, A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigbie. County Troasuvor, J. l\ II. Brown J’dx (hVlloetor, W. H. Harrison. Tax Receiver, It. Dav is Coroner J. I). Owe.u. CITY. !M avo it S. D. Coleman ALDKBMK ff * W. J. Greene, Joo Vin son, (t. il. Sutlivc, J. B. Irwin, A ,L Fleming. Ci.krk A Tteasurkr—R. T. Foote m Mr a f ^a\ \ V —LSsSrsv' l i ftn.l.w "Why. Addle, younoedn'ttryahont nr It! I only wild Air*. Allen wm h very well Informed w 'man. and 1 wIshed you would follow her ex:>n»jdo." hid Mid Mm f.r.K. eouUl •* Ye#, and ok week «tylinli you roa v. lulled l niar ii -.e t>'t «« hr Sin*. AUeti. -mid rhe make- rR her owu utothes. Rut ni.e hM n’at l liar, n’t." Mn. l.iK -What l« thatt” M ka Lex *• U ell, rlie In all of her Inform* t'o; know* f 11 an the M»$ts)toe tlmi going they lake. and I admit and c »» all is on. is bright ear rialnitiat i» conrerer.Uou b«t l eoti u do u* V.*U a- ftbc doe* if I bail the «nme eouree of Inforuaiion. she lent me the la*t number of her JUffaslnc lately, and I teamed nufo in one hour'a maing. about vartom* mutter* mid tha u j*tei*ot the day. than l wonHl pick up In nmonth fey my eccsfth topic itai chat* of intercut, with front!*. from the It certainly of Cover* every news Iho ur.d dav everything down to l* tho beauUfuUy detail* of illustrated, honackerptng; too. tiiji* to Evrr» Mauiie }^e* over to the Aliens’ sh« fotueft hack and tea- 'a me to t you t > t-.ko DoumwatV Family Ma arine. e* the rtoriti aro ».> g.*o 1 . Hvee tli boys watch for it crery month. A* Mr a place Allen I* found by for them it. It n!*o I* iu really its pap wonderful *; and toe, rwenr* family it suit.* every tnetnb r of f h ' 1 ” Mn I st. “ U ell perhaps l it d bvlteraend fora <p 4 's i men Copy; lor, if it i» any thing Ukewhut you rev it i*. it w lil aimin' ami Rt-;ruc! the whole t f ns.” M«* I,s 3 . "1 see that W denning* New Demorest, York. _ puMi-uer, U’-t Uth Strea. I* ■•ferine to wnd a Specimen Copy for It) cents, so ■ • can t lose anything, a* each number contains ■ IMttorn Order’ cntitl ng the holder to sny ■ torn ►he tuny chooe-. end in ary sire which ■ me make* e;tch copy worth St' cent■»: and I hivt *ant Subscription a jacket pil pal e is ern only like $«oo Mr*. Allen's. and Tho 1 a yesr; dual say I can’t see how they money.'* can publish »J •itigitnt a Magazine for so JitUe A LIBERAL OFFER. ONLY $ 2*50 F0R THE Advertiser AND >rost*s Fitinily Mnsraztno. V r.ibvr*j‘ ■ .. t wo this Office ATI C SUM IXG .HACHSNK m no 1‘lease equal—is delivered free every- siit Rend full Test Office pping inoludinpr address, County. an*l also your moat convenient itiehuling ntilrowl sta n to yon. One cent jfal k new expense ami important will luinc for to every you Fome- fam full pUrticnlan please send to NV eA L’Oth Street, New Yolk A ***':3 X M!m miL ' ‘' V ‘ *'> *• i*| •« n i.trh '• , , -- * tiM.M.Wf'i . * . " *>** 0 <« Ihr worst P.rf.-t / ” *V»,-r*i.i-o v'*rn | bu.,, R; , •: ", Vk** <•* '/•'i htuuinf oh. ’ ’ J" • v| /!* ’*** 1 -■**.. *>*X* »«** *tid f*;it • liiw. or - nm i f :*• «li»» *(.»« MCKtO* j L - j !• *. ■"! } *<t‘ A •« i, iwwlH. reti er-ere on* i l. rf t r. io.-» »ith .<«, >*• * wrfNftmrl - * r*,rOr». ki . H- . ... «i, ft.. ,.. aD it.* ».»» Lt *r a* toti to *aI hd f%5J ft *l«mt TtM>'*th«Ultt«*it P B| '* hu ’ ii 11 * M y i» hHv.i etit-v it* r |!i ftft. ft\ a hi. tie . i.ka to c». to *».tk for t». %a» t *r aMli «ttd A I !•• « 1 **S, l*ortl**i«i t Uftln I . . W 6&SES. fur catalogue. MA8HVlLLt.TE«n. Jft ■ if- SI * £ ■ A TT ‘A! ^ -H ♦* ** Oft*.." H ADVER v a • 9 . as 'Jf V -■1 4 H i ••••* tUKT.' OF THE HQN. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY MILS. JEFFERSON DAVIS. TO BE SOLD BY ; ONLY. I The j prospectus and corn plot.© Outfit for Canvassing w ||| bo reac|y immediately. AGENTS WISHING DESIRABLE TERRITORY on this great work will please address, as soon ns possible, tho publishers, BELFORD COMPANY, 18*22Hast 18th Street, New York. — i'll E - INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! i F A tm m wlT WzMbii 4 Mm KT • A strictly first class machine. Fully war¬ ranted Made from very best best material, by skilled workmen, and with the tools that have ever been devised for reasonably tho jmrnoso. Warranted to do all best that can t>e Capable expected of the very words typewriter extant. of writing 150 ability per of Uie minnto-or operator. more—according to v>.e Vricc $100.00 I » . If there is no agent in your town, 8 kL dress tho manufacturers, THK PARISH IJIFO. CO., ** Jgrutg Wanted. VAJtlSH, Jf. T FESSTC rnCC* BTENOORAPHY and TYPEWRIT INMl FREE. First class facilities and beet of teachers. Address, with rtamp for return uwtipi TILE PARISH EYXl. CO.. Pakisb, N. Y. The V ■?T?'!^ Vi ^eBEsT z4iN.s‘AFErrEvER IN rSfEPTr Mao£ ADJUSTABLE BEARING CATALOSUE ' AGENTS WANTED DESCfUBINO OUR FULL LINS or WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. LQZlERftfQSm Toledo,Ohio o • __ rur. fioiw *so*.a w.'PcVTtn'nTI D G t bcMft'rSLttO.uuti 1 worlj.| 11 |1 i| fl L 1 l>j*i watch In tho llJUjU | I, I’ditU ttiu.'hc-rcr. ranceil. Heavy War-i »> /vs’a SjhJ ColJ tm Ikliuntinjr ^aftd gwita' Ca»c!. aixca, Ilf with th ladle* worM j iaivl I c«m» of equal valno. Oaol’mtm In cmU 1 > Vte’Sfoifcfi c.titiy van avture ort* and free, vat* tn(s*thvr v.’t£li our Household Uvro uablo hn« of Santp’cu- Tho*e tamplrr, at will at tho woich, wo tend 1 VrfO, and after you havo kept thrf* in your home ftr 8 month* end shown them to thotu w ho may htvo called, they become year own ptopctiy. Titoeo who vri!o it onco van bo turn of receiving tho aw uteri an.l Ri’.miilt't. Jb i'o., Weuey Bti alt SIX, etpr.-w, IVrllucd,Hiit' fhciilit,ate. Adartty Ntlaiua j I P.A.W0N0EBIMNN, | j i «*bihk!hh , xM' , a»t ;•*, ssa i;Vd vtkt#., M «k *'•** «J”.l Zlyi ?: iirci.n. .’Jr i iwi t.ij;i y T a-..*-.'-...ftiw, i'ftut'..7*.. AMYp:f. 05CFKUiis cnausiOBOOK PUGt I5H£D CM CARTH ctrtTkarpaioe*: nrcEi.'rer teanhco eiuera. !WISIGATii.VJTRUStl’i"j, jUrcatcvt Variety, strii.-*an.l TdTnrr.lng*, qtialCy at fr.weat prices, ; -vK., t;r is* iuuvrao rt*Tt> • -«s • llUll ' Thar. 1U 1 i*. ut I.MiSi.i la tk« ** -.a. ct'ta tv*. c*?sp9 to *rovr aaaasja. T.A tx tl V. id*. .1 a v »>u <* *. mm V r POWDER I’leaaa aak four dealer for IDEAL TOOTH POWDER. Four medals received, each the highest Ii Eieraviif 28 1 24 without Idisrtislsg WITH EACH TWO BOTTLES. BUI a VAIL BROTHERS, PkiMelpbia, V -L JITrs of Peep 0» Dny Perfume. ..± J OB WORK. NEATLY EXECUTEDTRY US FORT GAINES, GA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 30. 1800. : a *! HANCOCK STEET, Fort Ga s, Ga. > ' r f - * . *v H # ?• t* • * i i I 5^ p?«c»r msss&R Wi« Jf r t m fi y- % ALL SIZES, 4 •4ii STYLES 0 PRICES, 'ili FOft—— il N s & PEOPLE • OF AM Y •• AGE S I 0 1 Wm ■ i SE1 . FOR OR GATALbeUEI _ f 1 ■ URGES! BICYCLE HOUSE ffl AIESICS ^ K g i y £kX sisrrrs wassited. j j F. STOKE5, ilFQ. CO | I c k ! ' 5 e S J . . 293 w.iSSS Wabash’Arena/)* ’CHICAGO.^ILL. ! ® ] 55 - { j | j IN a II 8 f mm I 111 Jv i .V i § i g immPffif o. *W MlilasaOl 8 * f L i |"fi M 81 0k ^ ^ 11 Kg ^ ^ £Ic:i ^ 1 I I k ^ g Sa W ^ CLOOD. $ | &siaV muS/Viudf aaS yi.B d<»*. IilnBtrftted petapklaa S? . freu. out about them vrttl aitrax* b* tfeaakfW.. S. Oneem J’pAttAO'S a Osftg.. flS O.P. 3 t.,Boston. fieldevsi-y r.tors.o reert bj-m- U It r& 5 c. laeV.b^ ~ 8 . X»r. i. ra Qem n ^>tr^&rocemn«*Xs» §•« SSf §JL 0 K M B4 & i JMgSSr® SK5GLVSg essisr^irssa.T.'«m , SS*‘aSltfa§£& ^ &liiS H BffSfc&StSSJ S£MSS & IS AYER EyfieY CO. • V 1 £% Manufacture THE Vehicle for the FARMERS’ & MERCHANTS’ USE. The most Stylish, Best finished and Most duxablo medium pricod 6ena VEHICLES lor ever off«red in America. * ^ 'rt- V.' Cl NCi N NAT!/* Ohio . Chas. Richardson, WHOLESALE PKODUCE Qommissiois - Consignment of WATERMELONS Solicited. 53 aad 60 West Market street; F'-presenUd-u* Errt Cyiflj mar, COUSIN LiL. BY CLYDE RAYMOND. My cousin, Lilian Fairfax, was noted for her pride, as, indeed, she had some right to be, being both a beauty and an heiress; so when mamma at last decided to invite her to spend a few weeks with us in oar pretty but unpretontious village home among the hills, we scarcely expected anything better than a coolly polite refusal. Bat no matter, mamma, in her sweet, dignified way, she is my own sister’s child, and I must not fail to offer her the courtesies and affection dne her as such. If she be loo haughty to accept them, wc shall have done our duly’’ anyway. i had not seen Cousiu Lil sinco wc woru both merry, thoughtless children, she a few years the cider, and just blossoming into the love¬ ly girlhood which bad since prov¬ ed so exceptionally brilliant; but I hftd heard so much of tho famous belle sinco thoso artless days of childhood, that I shrunk, with a sort of rebellious shame, from tho picture I mentally drew of the scornful little smile on tho proud beauty’s lips when we would sit down to pen her pretty regrets to mamma’s modest invitation. You can imagine, then, how agreeably surprised wo wero when instead, camo a charming note from Cousin Lil; expiessing her delight at mamma’s kindness, and naming an early date when wo might cx pect to havo her with us. Tho day chmo, and so did Coqs in Lil; and, somehow, every grain of prejudice u hsell I had unwitting¬ ly cherished against hor, as well as that awkward senso of inferiority which had bothered mo all along when thinking of tho contrast be¬ tween my simple, village-brod self and tbo brilliant city bolle, vanish¬ ed like smoke with my first glanco into that exquisitely fair faco, over which 1 funciod a shade of sadness occasionally flitted. It whs so thoughtful of you, nun Uo, she said wbon our quiet tea was over, and we all sat chatting com*, forlably in tho cool pleasant par¬ lor. One r* grows so tired of those fashionable, over-crowded water** ing.places; especially when one happens lo bo an heiress, and is bo set on every hand by designing flatterers and fortune-hunteis. But here I can enjoy real rest and tho novelty of disinterested, as well as delightful, companionship. By the way, Zora, she added, abruptly,lot¬ ting her lovely blue ej’cs rest ad* miringly on my face, how very pretty you havo grown!” Ah, Cousin Li>, who is tho flat teiei now? 1 laughed, feeling the waim blood rush up into my chock. But you—you aro so different from what. 1 fancied you! I blurted out, calling my mental^ picture of the scorn.ul beauty, which had cost mo scmo bltte r hcort.bummgs. I had always board of you as being ” SO |). OUU j 11 . llflllghly- . , . , told . w U 1 raamma you would not deign to come to us at all. 1 . om . > ll0 , , aantia l 10 y° a may not tire of my presence before I feel willing to tear myself away, she answered, quickly; a glow of earnestness lighting up all beautiful face. Then, with an odd little laugh; As to the rest, per haps you heard but the truth, sbo said, a touch oi hard, worldly-wise bitterness in her clear voice. One needs a veritable armor of cold nesg and pride out in that world where I have passed so much of my existence. So you pictured me as a sort of human icicle, did you, Z^ra, deal? . turning a laughing _ tan ce upon me. Well—her fair cheek flushing and a kind of defi> ant gleaming burning in her stoc! blue ej'es—better that, even, than kc the world’s crushed and broken hearted dupe! So lhat was Li). I'roud. cr than a princess to tho world which knew her only as Jtho fash' ionablo bolle and heiress, she was ns sweet and unaffected as a child when alone with os. Before a week had passed mamma and I both vo ted her the sunshine of our lit lie home. She was gay and bright as a hon» ming-bird, yet at shadow seemed lo ddm face f-»r V' ~ —’ *" and set me to wondering silent ly as to its cause It was strange, .perhaps, but I never thought of connecting it with anything like love. I had seen Lil invariably so cold and ut> teriy indifferent to the admirers whom her beauty had drawn about her even here, that I should as soon have thought of some beautiful ico. berg molting as that my peerless cousin could give her proud heart to any man. And sbo had never even remotely hinted at a lover, Ono clear, sunshiny morning I wanted her to go out driving with me; and, not finding her in tho house, I ran hurriedly down the garden-path. Lil ! Lil! I called, as f went along. Don’t you want a drive? Wheto are yon? I had reached a little patch of shrubbery at the far end of the garden, and, parting tho foliage, unceremoniously, l saw her—my proud, cold Cousin Lil—lying prone upon the soft green turf, weeping and sobbing as if her heart would break. Lil ! Lil ! I cried, in the greatest alrrm. What is it? Oh, tell me what has happened? Arc you But she had sprung to hor foot, tossing back her dtshcvolcd golden hair and trying to s.ill tho tremb¬ ling of her limbi?. “It is nothing, sho interrupted, in a dull, listless tono that mado niythoad nebo. Not tut a passing illness, Zora. Don’t worry about mo, dear: I am subject to it. “I don’t believo it, Lil! I ox claimed impetuously, going close to her and drawing her lovely down hpon my breast. You can’t deceive me so, Yon aro very ill, or else ita some dcap trouble. Won’t you toil mo what it is? Sho was silent for a moment, but I coaid feel tho strong trembling ot her form as I held her in my arihs. Cousin Zora, sho said at last, in a low, faltering voice, in all my life I never made a confidant of any ODe. Bat you, you aro so drL feront, she murmured, as if talking to herself. Zora—suddenly, as she lifted her head and lookod earncat* ly into my faco—havo you ft lovs •v Tho quostion was terribly ab¬ rupt, and I had no chance to fra mo ah evasivo answer; so while I was ono of the shyest of girls, and would gladly havo kept silent, I felt.that I must own tho truth. Y’ c-s, I faltered reluctantly, foeK ing cheeks grow scarlet. ISja t ho is far away from here at present. He may return beforo you leave us, though. I should like for you to sec him, Lil, I finished warmly. But why do you ask? Because if you have ever loved y 0U ( .. Ul understand mo belter. Ym- with i lnw linlfsnnniv««p/l sob _ x must,, and will tell you, Zora> fol . my hcrrt is bursting! Her little story was brief, very brief; but it was told right, and, , iko most muti rich nut heiresses uuiwsu, sho c.iu enter*. umu* ed her social career with a lutunt ing suspicion in her heart that all meD who sought to will her favor wero merely fortumi.hanteri; there fore, she Steeled heart against them all, and thus Won her far** famed reputation as tho coldest and haughtiest belle in the social world in which she moved, During several seasons her heart remained utterly indifferont to thorn all. But at last sho loved with all the strength and passion.of her soul. She, Lilian Fairfax, tho proud, over**suspicious heiress, leved a man who was handsome, talented, and—poor! chat last wotu vvas enough to seal his fate. She doubted him, as she did all others, and scut him from her with proud and scornful words, but soon learned that he was more proud and scornful even th.*o herself. And I have avoided every spot ' since then A , where . I T thought , there , a possibility of our meeting, she concluded, in that hopeless, brok* cn voice. But oh, Zora, I love him—I love him so well that I could scorn now that miserable barrier of doubt that parted us. I do Hot doubt him—I know that wronged^^^^n^^doi^^l NO. 2. but i doubly rejoiced tfipA eve. »i»g to welcome an old friend, Grant Ilarbison, who had long been abroad, and was just Iho one, I fancied,to divert Lilian’s thought^ from her Lost lover, if it Ipy in tho power of mortal man to ch> so. t introduced them to each other as Lil entorod the parlor carolessly, not knowing any one was thoro. And tho next instant I was staring in mute wonder at Lil’s blanched chocks and regally haughty boars it'gr while there was a strange look in Grant Llarbison’S dark eyes that I could not, in tho faintest degree, understand. I have had tho hono.i of mcotinir Miss Fairfax beforo, ho murmured* with a low bow and a something which queot ly struck mo as a fine, keen touch ot satiro in both voice and manner; and a moment after remarked quietly to mo: It was in Europe I mot your lovely cotisin-r lot mo seel last year, I think. A peerlessly beautiful woman! lie talked in his brilliant, enter*, turning way for a half hour or so; but Lil soon retired from tho par¬ lor, and when I wont up to her room, after his departure, I found her packing her trunks, with a fo T verish firo in her fair cheeks and a strangoly brilliant glittor in her lovely blue oyos. I am going to loavo you tp-moi row, Zora, sbo bogan, catchiffg hor breath between a laugh and a sigh. I—I must havo a change; I am got ting restless again. But, Lil, you must not go! I cried in dismay. VYo shall dio of lonefi ness without you now. Lonolinoss! sho ochood, with a short, dry laugh. Your lover i« hero now; how can you bo lonely when ho is with you! My lovoi! , Why, Ltl, I criod, i a sudden light broke over me, j oy surely did not imagine that Grant Ilarbison is my lover? Oh, no, in* deed: Arthur will arrive noxt week You must stay and see him, Lil. You must, you shall! and my arms wore around her neck onco mor» clasping that queenly, goldoa head to my loving heart. Then I may tell you, Zora, sho whispered, between her excited sobs. Grant Ilarbison is tho ono I told you of today—tho Jovor t scorned and drovo away from me. And now he hates me; you must have seen it in his eyes, heard it in his voice, when wo met this evens ung* Hates you! As if ho could do that, my darling! Why, Ltl, be-* fore to-morrow evening ho wil( bo at your feet again, and a few months hence—you may take tho word of your good fairy for that, my charming cousin—wo shall havo a double wedding. Your will not spoil you happiness a second limy. And as her “good fai ry,’’ Z j ra, prophesied, so it came to pass. -—*r> •«>«»•-- Doubt No More. If there ever was a doubt about the cura*. live properties of Dr. Helt’rf Dyspeptic Elix¬ ir it has been entirety removed. No wed/, loine has met with such unprecedented sue cos.-, especially in tho following diseases: >Swh. Indige.«„,, Livjr Trouble. JJjarrhocit< Heart Disease, Yellow Skin, i Brown Splotches, and Asthma if coinplieat cd with Indigestion. In fact it is a specific for alt diseases aris n" from a disordered Stomach and bowels. Prepared by Di. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co.. Montezuma, Ga. I’riee $1.00. Bottles | double former size. Fcr Sale by all DrngyAls. 5 28 Jyr I •o* The importance of purifying the blorwl j <-' Wood anr >ot be over-estimated, for without pure i * voa car,not e,1( J oy «o° d health * p P P ‘ Pl! kiy AMh * Poko Poot an ' ] 1>otas ' is a miraculous blood purifier, per > forming more euros In six months than all the sarsapadllas and so-called blood puri¬ fiors put together. Brick! Brick! Brick! We are now manufacturing tho | )C *t and prettiest brick ever made 8 in . I t. Games and until further f „ notice .. x , ~ „ -. 1 * S ° UC ° Ul ° P 1 lco ** <> 11 , • tic jarn. Mz. . ts ~ 11 *' ° ; 3 ^ ^ f $<,00 I 1>cr perm m I ’ In lot8 0 °0 % 50,000 $6,50 per in 1° lotK 60,000 @ 100,000 $6,00 per nq I'V larger quantities we will make special rates. We sell strictly for ami will not from thi ci