The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, August 20, 1890, Image 1

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YOU VI. DIRECTORY . o CHXJ8CHE3. Z.T. W. for. I’i-e t <*r.!: r<i ;"irt>!!<■'• ’> ^lontU, Sunday tf n»«, •). K t r?/<? tin Supt. I’rayier risc<rtiiig liiur.-Jn/ CV(ft tax*. Mktuoosst t’nrncn. — Ib*v ,T.o. I,atg(stun V«wl>»r. pB^rtcbir g 2nd and tlh Sundav3 ;n •i nuuith. Sunnay-Bcliool 1) n.w. \V. A. •J Wnbiirti jfy Hunt. Laffic* !*raver meeting’I'ucs Hfterooon. Young ivuyer meet Z hikeol ft a. in. J. P. 11. Brawn tsupt, | AIs^cMic Dirctory, Daiu.kt L nuK.Nc. 17, F. & A. M. KfguUr nti*sitlnf» Maud 3rd Sntunicy eve iiiug*. T-M. Brwvvui'tsey., 0.1’, (iuim \\ —I. T 4 iF*y#Uo ( hi»ptcr N<>. 12, n. a. m.— Itegutiir Meeting* 2nd Haturdur ovenmg?. J. D. fclwiisoii f c«y , W. A. (Irahuin II. J’. w. A Girt! um C<«uucU No. 22, K. A. M. l.pgolsr Ms«-ti»>g3 4tb Suturduy A.Cru'. event i t. J.f.hiiup»on,!>e".v., W. i tn ' M. OiSiim Lodge No. 18B7. K. of lL—• Moots 2nd *ml 4U) Tut Mlnv evening**. 8pei!;l;t Didntor. . ». llolme'i Ur porter, Vt. M. PbsFI Lo.lge No. 3i4 U. & L. of !I.-~ Meets 2nd ivml ith Fiid«y evenings. i. -1. ilrown Secy., D. F. Gunn I’tvtcetor. Dints lifldge No. 30, A. O. t . Me»t lit, and i’.rd M ondiv cveiung*' «• Dus Hertz S c'v. T. M. Brown \1* W COUNTY. burr.Rtou Covr.T—Hon .111 WFctlir- (tuerry civil;. judge J M Grigg*, solicitor. .1 »1 T McAllister, sheriff, Kegulur tmu, 8rd Alondsys in March and fcf«ptemlier, Court or OnmNAr.Y.—II. r P. Ordinary. Ttagulur meeting Is', Monday in o.wh month County Court—G. G. Lark, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. .T. Paul!in, 8. D. Coleman, J. F t/’reel, A. I;. Foster, J. N. Bigbic. County TrcaHUier, J. F. It. Brown Tax Collector, W. II. ltarriaou. Tax Receiver R. Davis Coroner J. D. Owv.u. . «w»in s { GUI. Mato rt 8. D. Coi,r ,max Ai.brbmkf—W. ,T. Creene, .loe Yin son, G. It. Sutlive, J. R. Irwin, A J. Fleming. ■s Cr.rr.K A TTKAM'tir.R - R. T. Foote; !0 ^ ll-T F F\ f - M \\* wi—(W * < f/V' '* M*» I.ns. only mV. “V, by, Mrs. \dulo, Alien yon reodn’t cry about \u!l- | l l «ai a would very otfort*<vi v omau, aiul 1 vbUcd you follow btr awvli." • .Mi • i • s. *. ftnt'. Is** woek you said yon r >»hpJ I ..M ur: i.c to ax nn >lt.\ i. 1 -'if j.’.afcff ■ 1» b- r own ciotfiv s. l>ut p*i • .!.*• o iia: l I.r.v Vr.. 1.*: :. i* thet?” <vl‘ Hw« L. *. “ V nil. sin- f. t » of !;»r informn M*-o fro. i tho V -:-a/ no i i<-y taif *. 1 admit that »tjr b.t >-,r# a!! the li p-!'i$ott. nn*l in bright ami ci! -rlstnlns in c< nvr;w.lion tint i cou'd do ns vdl ii* »ho do’S if t li.»u tho tamo nourco of l:.f; rm / Ion. si e lout tac tbo lv*t tuuabtrof her >iaj»urtn * 'vtolt and 1 tc;:r. e«t more in <^c hour'* r about variant aoci'.l insUert r.r.l (ho topkn of «eeaai«nai fi;o (l.jr.thau 1 tvoahl p ekup in a month l>y tny ckiU wUli fr ond*. It cousinly ei'crs every tor e . f intoroxt. fnna the nt-w» of t uni o d;*y orrythlu^ d 'l.n to Is fao bcaijtifttlly of illn^tmted. hoBfohijcBtr.j;; too. »o INeij tin l*«, * k .'irtilc nn4 <:ora over to get !bc AUcn,*’ to t;.ko t*ho cocoM tea ••>*» mo to yon licaorest’'* Family Mavaainc. a* the rtoriea aro »o e o l Fvci. tb h* y* watch for !t every ti onth, «» a j lara I* fatin.l for them al- <> in it* piiye?: ami It; J!r. Alien roerr* !y it. It t* really «omlorful ’la » It I.k ml! t every W Bl ueother perlw of l die it t\ family Itrlter send 1 ” fora # . ■ '• >* Spe. !t :..ent xrlu"tiiUHoc ■ >'■*; l.r sn.\!:i if It b:ny thing like whole< what f ua.” yon •at t'. !t truct tbc ■ i-a l.te. ‘ i rec that W. .'rnnlnifs Demorent, Turk, th* p-Si**ber. IS Kau l ith Mre-t. New Is •Aerlns *'i l re nd unythlrc. n Spacnncu ndi Copy number for 1U cents. contain* M voca it .'*c s * n lvitern Ov cr‘ ettiti njt the holder to which any Pattern e >e may e.icb choose, r.rul in any disco •lone ’ns' e* copy worth So cents: cncl I Jisst v.u»t « Picket pnnern like Mr*. Allen's. Th# 1 ► must .h*Ti.'tion t can't pil e U only how fPOs they your: nubUsb Mid *s!.» see cr.n •« *uc w -«nt a il*,:uciao for *o iiuie. money.' A LIBERAL OFFER. only FOU ; THE ! f lAoveiitiser m AND ^jrcat’a K*tr A Fnuilly Magazine. flubx^rlpHona to this rtffl;e. I PoTTATlC SKWIXG fflACIirVE : no U'.e.iso equal—is send delivered free every e. full Tost Office :ul „ imliuling address, County, and also v our 1 inoat *»" convenient including railroad ata tv> yon. Oi.e cent Q expense will bring to you sonic* I fnew and important for every fam C«>r 'Vest full particulars please stnj to WB ruth Street. New York .! t,KEH mmum, YORK, i r—* -------- f.’.-L ,r-.. -I, vv; stttii! fc«.| . »f Ka. I *01 f ‘ '2 .1-1 '"nn*. g.. u-i >• rwwidt! ■' I i , I *&tgt Mr,:.! S*a:»r**| j E 2> «Ssi ! ’• • < t( f f m rw#;«*, I W..:?««, |jM w»wt, <fa*t| I *» *•-». *® rtrrKtifr't ■Ml fe.' e >4a, |s.m ;-«« MS * tM Kvr Wr*fc»: PiM, 6X' Jii '-i.r.te V-'a.ti*.. re-vr*. tf»|Uv. i.vt.2 Sfl ). t*.;-.J. is*. -4 ns Oft. od sustc zm .\! Q EARTH j ; h 'tn-to rmcita. : ■ULT xl lurfentt • « cy 1£V 5**#- * * - T *— ? * * d aws. ^ER 4 . # * s, ft *31 -^fli_h/ JL\.* fini* : J r^T-S ' 1 IF m y Oe ixnu HON. JEFF 2 RS 0 N DAVIS. MU*. .TSM-’IIKSON DAMS. I TO EH SOID BY StJESCKIfTIO^ ONLY. : Tl<n * au p» > - 03pcCitl9 ,i. 3nn COW** ! ploto outfit for canvassing I TrtlfirrtlIV , % I i on tins great work will i address, as coon as possible, 1 ’ ! 1*10 wnun*»n»r* *“ “** W* ■ BELFGRD CGWPANY, ]S-22Kiust lSih Strcol, Nnv York, JL A*. J. >~ ^ ^ M - ■* * i, J. V- i’i ; r viftia r tn l C:..: V ( s*j“c j * -r-v “v y . • < t.'i' r.L'; ."A <$m : % '*> • »; ;r . • ■ - . . , . V ■ ■ w*. .. r * •* , m *• K f-r't ne*’V.*ep. Fnlly tvar ctuf '-l M. 4 ' fr *:n*. tin* rr ■ I i < tvixp-:;.'. lid,-killed ’ll k'u*-n, t(.’W r.n l s i’ is ■-I v->1' tliu'v cvvr cio '■t t •n r * ! il-tliv ; •••,•;. , . . Wcrinil'vil to tv .i C'tii up -.'ll..*.:;■• r:- -1 « f”<i <jf !' •• very it <•:;!,» .1. (';r :- ,.i, writing l.'Al n • -.!s j i i* uw.tti* »■" U I.'ju .uil.t v «.f tv- < •• i i ':icr , If there !s no rc tin town, ad- I i ; r< s:, iJ:o ?s!.ii*’.if.».«’t‘«rc:v t T'-s?: iwniKdi esfg. re., ', x. r. "O r j ■ S' •; ii:\n; vi i TYlT.WItlT «-> r* K.*.» !'•'J IT*.:.n. 1 i;v ! t;u lui-.l : - 1 -f O uci.v’l s. : Ir.Mp fr>r i fcturc i»’.ati.;,v, t:-:j iv-.i». m;. co.. iViMfn, n. y. feiispij l ;• T3 I ! rf; ■I ; .f 'v 7^ ‘ ' ::v.*y • - v’'? / i \\\•' -»v /. \Ay i ; rj^vp} i i> *I®£ST &HH-SWEWSKB! ;4f,c£ • ASJVSTAEtE IN EVTAV XV - Mllt-S'l ArjuVvjyc; 1 » ■? V ,V%‘ } *ZAJ |1 :;'0% •;f run;0-1. •_**? ! : UjaHkSfcsr0ior*^s.@ Of Cilyas rt CNAj*?» lO.VILTL i i m.fDj'i.x.'mo. t * k ^ j • • ;.-.Trs'. ——.— -------1 ' 11 un, |'M ^ ass p t rc?:*. __ f ■Mi A *.*»*-- * .:*■» ■- - v mm §mm •’ A>k s'.: - otuloj'tte. . nfsRY T/.’FNj CO., NA3“iv:u.E. Tenm 'issa Tir S i s - m A u M ®SlS| f f JL * 10 Til mm w?m 1as’-: Ge-.l. r f«»r IDEAL TOOTH POWDER. Fi i!” medals received, each tho irg’iect. An Engraviig I r 24 Kiifoai Dt) WITH EACH TV' • BOTTLES. beak & m BRBTHSfiS, mmm I'Trs of C*» I. r;-.;:..-.. — iS S«Sg.<;8a'V, ; # ■ V * : .^‘T ii 1 s i l £»ir% 8; | mKM “re 55 * s % Rsfer ,. 'j *... Siiai'ltl C/O cwg t rmSn CS ! ksbicjl PM-tavT!*-r»-.agTtiK itciuMa. f**. uiaflUAi-J M ISimw - • | la ne: etssre-t «itn Ik* rrt.v ern.;.-.. ►' '-i.VJ-r•...■>?■■ ItUKwT bu. r.VvlT.OH p»,reT*resrf-. NSAfiLY AK . v ; nHEST GFTfiE FiNE! , T -sere♦«»-»s twr-i »< 1 ncvV.» tw«sva;«>aU*e!f pttve. R-rne onr-hs’f fsiht , ^XT-S? fjMt. wiftt same muUou cf Il I* <*h<xr-r** Cr-.n lUsj ti * i for •*,* €ao-itrif t* -^iur.ia lV.i:;S E^sfc.’ <.c tcty irjr..% W IS u v >ii6 1 Buy tho Best! *3 tbs Gnl BnV Fctri awn ftir.i tsol %Lv i*hh&ul th*- em& (*e p:r t*> ifc - __ S • C*. divekad, 0. ilOBWOfeK l NEATLY (ft E w, > w«w» 1 f--p xre r\ t fy rOtlT GAINES, GA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 , 1890 . jpE®^®p B Hi | " ® 1 m i | 53 >. t M E : " "" I ’ CE®BU ■vV j imm V'*- j | wSEtiSS i } VtiydcinMerjorur.p.p. •«a»pi*n<2iJc<nnbin»i!cB l . A W j ‘Ty aiv SjrplilUs, SrphUUIa BEsau:ali*;a, Serot^loc* uif«rs tlhrVi r.rsielcil fc!rettmat*»«n.tittbria, ni.1 1 • thr* I’-ivj iij] tre-tt went . ---------- K , ■ a *r- - '''*.\J Hi % CnUrrh, i«k!j» Ulsoaien, Kcrem*. CfcrouD?Female Co*a P. r. r.l?ft aaHiarm«t'f g..vo;nut i j iukI »n (H -Mru*. , nir e K .?J:iS3U£5cz*J&Z34B&t r.i'r, 1..UU-S bsiUCUijl «|> Uic sv»'t:m rv H!y. .1 wlttHHt •.>•»»»♦ *r« nr efci a.i t* Ir. a-» Inirnri-*— n-*-*‘ ■ '•i-i In m. nw. aal iire«u!lS-!. IA ^ te&il V W;., - : vg? 3 1 ! - t!Ci. ai ’9 ;) i iiliH. ly Iki'ih’.;! .1 !»y t. o v. ...vloi-t:! I’rtttij t liicr.nd .1 fim.liw iMvpnrtivs t>l p. P l’., At::. PciO j fvMxme, a*&aem&!me&&<zm~£XZ2XSSi2&SJB^ LI PULI A Si I5ROS., Proariotora, WHODESAI0! BjLrsai3I3. i n' Mock. YV.’AUNAa. CA. •*a*J ' i.*Jt m 5|k*-****—i eJ ^ fc> y •' c % 4- c -a ?ta. u d If ■m. ■ ! Tho hSijhsst c.itaeri'y known ss to tho use of the Er.rfish Jan^aasC.'* Y»**‘h or mth;ut Dv.nlaco’a Titeut Ig-IuZ. Tho S?sn f Jard cf tho Loading PtihUjlicr*. fvsanasfnsr-, td t\!ews pspors. fb lbtk-:r.T’ cf lb Seb&lar f(? Spo!!!ng v PrcnL*;;cI«tion, end Aooaracy In Dcudlticn.______ Scr-l r lst”ci Clrculr r 10 tho rubllzli-rs, S. UPPINCOTT COiVSPAMYf PHtLAOSLPMl*. WEBSTER Tiic so-caHed “Y»Y l T)hlev’s Un¬ abridged bciii*5f l Jifliunavy ** v, Nidi is Ir.iW Rod nbouttlipcamtlry aud oftcredioi.*Pule in BryGoods Store «r.t low siinl also offered r.s :v I'.i’ttnium in :i few cases, f.-.v ior.s to )ia I»Ci S, Is «jjsia*:tta:Iy titobook of OVER FORTY YEARS AGO The I;3dy c* 'he work, from A to 2, is a cheap-repriuf. ci 1347, past* fer fuse, cf the euilioa aud rJIj reprcdaced, Ij pketotypo broken typo, errors process. VjG NOT OE DECEIVED!! — « Get t’so Cssi!} ti’hlch krars our 4 ffifocmc/Aatf rrsktr f&ff ' .. . BTsi.ksnUayothcrvsr!^ u-A.aturcs,itct>inrrises A coutaiiiin;: Dictionary IPVvAVord* of ths Language Eucjaiiag*, "■>*!> A Dictionary of Biography giving f.v*t? sR-out Bcarly P\i •» NuicR l‘< r*fr.*, ljcatiug A Dictionary l t riefiv doscribins of Geography l'iesw, an IV#) A futiii'i Dictionary only in W^Wtcr*fi cf I nsbHiigotl* Fiction ■ All in Bock. The New York Tril umt. ^; itb rec^r.iz^: ns the ino<t '.is^ful cxistins “ wurd-liook” of tho English language all over the world. ! Sold by all Booksellers. Tamphlet free. C. k C. MERRIAM k CO., Pub'rs, Springfield, Mass. 1 w JS 1 Bcu’ght th® Splendid HIGH ARM . ip§ig? ■>3 g sruM 9 sS g gfr) grasp £ i£s3 & II ^ S?2 3s 6SWI3C rii&CHSKS HZQrMZZ tl * T HZ S£ST. , •s;S;.S'|sl« Yvsx"'”-'-:*_____ I Jm A '-.rc.'---. W/uil mi US’/ SLL VOT !T For it doe i sue!x hrsntlfui sroric. ?an«?:s iSi8ut.-]s si rte'ery Filas. if ua 1 ri t=r. wimsiia — ! TiwMmmsm ,g35lS fdSLEiBteS^ The Ofi Told Story Of the peculiar medicinal merits of Hood's Sarsaparilla is fuliy confirmed by the volun tury testimony of thousands who have tried it. Peculiar in the combination, proportion, and preparation of its ingredients, peculiar in tho extreme care with which it is put up, Howl's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures where other preparations entirely fail. Pecu liar In the unequalled good naVue it has made at home, which is a “tower of strength abroad,” peculiar in the phenomenal sales U has attained, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is tho most popular aud successful nrediclno before the public today for purifying the blood, giving strength, ereating an appetite. “ I suffered from wakefulness and low spirits, and also had eczema on the back of my head and neck, which was very annoying. I tool; one bottle of IIood'3 Sarsaparilla, am! I have received so much benefit that I am very grateful, and 1 am always glad to speak a good word fer this medicine.” Mbs. J. ?. Sxvdeb, Pottsvillc, Fe::n. Purifies tho Blood Henry’ Biggs, Campbell Street, Kansas City, had scrofulous sores cl! over his body for fifteen years. Hood's Sarsaparilla completely cured him. Wallace Buck, of North Bloomfield, N. Y., Skflcrcd eleven years with a terrible varicose ulcer on Ins leg, so bad that he had to give tip business. lie was cured of tho ulcer, and also of catarrh, by "S0ldb>W!5S3ff Mood’s SsisspariHa 5T!S5?S! rreparedonty l>y C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Slain. io ° — THRKE-SIDED STORY. BY AHXA SHIELDS. EXTRACT FROM THE DIARY OF ALGERNON STORES. I have found her ! The maiden \ of my dreams—the fair, sweet girl of soul! The poetic, tender embodi¬ ment of my heart’s aspiratu ri ! 1 have written three sonnets, two mad¬ rigals and a poem since midnight, all, all addressed to Marjorie. Mar¬ jorie ! What tender visions arise at the name ! Let me record the hap¬ py event ! That r.tter abomination, Tom Grey, came into wiy studio yestei-day nftcr noon m his usual blistering, vulgar way, and with the voice of a huck¬ ster, calling “Watermelons !” shout ed: “Hullo, Dick!” I suppose I have told Tom Grey me thousand times that I have had mv name changed to “Algernon,” by act of legislature, but the brute per¬ sists in calling me “Dick,” because, when we went to school together, my name was ‘Richard.’ The ‘St.ked I cannot drop, as my uncle Bob left me bis fortune on condition that 1 did not drop thb’family name, in what he called my ‘confounded nonsense.’ Uncle Robert had no poetry in his en¬ tire composition. But I wander from my subject. Tom Grey rushed into my studio, shrieking: “Hullo, Dick!’ 1 was deeply absorbed in the shad* ows of nfiv group of “Lilies on the Lake,” and, although my sensitive nerves quivered under that norrible voice, ae if I had received i blow, 1 painted on, without answer. But a staggering blow upon my shoulder, almost paralyzing, mv right arm, compelled me to look up. ‘Come !’ shouted my friend (?). Tom never speaks—he always shouts. ‘C’cme ! I want you to go to the fair with me.’ ‘What fair?' I asked. ‘I never go ’ to fairs !' ‘But you must go to Jthis one ! Tiptop girls! Lots of fun!’ ‘I despise fun! I abominate girls!’ ‘Oh, bosh! Come along! Stop white-trashing those old snowballs in a puddle, and come!’ ‘Will you leave me in peace?’ I cried, desperately. ‘No! I am going to sit right here ur.til you take oli'that velvet monkey jacket, and pet on a presentable coat to go with me. If I were yon, Dick, I would give that coat to an organ grinder.* I only looked my scorn! Th4t coat, made upon the strictest rules of art, w3b one cf mv triumphs o%*er the common-place. I ho'pfcd the day would come when I could wear it ia the streets, with Venetian ruffles of lace at the wrists. But Tom wasn-d to be daunted tv a look, end finding I should have ho Vest imtn I complied with his request, I reluctantly felt my work. **** Under this ridicule, I dared not assume my fall a-stb^re c^fnmp: But 1 forgave ’Pom all sins when, after walking about in a great ball filled with fancy fair-tables, li¬ sa id, wilt a slait: ‘Why, there is my cousin Marjo rio!’ I followed tbo directions of It is eves- Can 1 calmly write down t. description of that vision? Marjorie Locks of gold, balf emling, floatec down from fillets of classic shape, that confined them above the ivorv brow, but 8ttflerc<l their luxuriance U fall unrestrained far below thealen der waist. A robe of pale-blue cash mere, confined at lho shoulders In cameos, fell in long, loose folds t< form a sweeping train that gave maj csty to the perfect form. Lilies wort broidcrcd on tho edge, lilies rested upon the bosum. Bands of gold uj> on the white arms were the only or¬ naments Marjorie wore. * It was disgustingly conventiona’ to be introduced to ‘my cousin, Grey,’ and to bow in society nn, when I was longing to tlirom mVsell at her feel and devote my life to\iei service, Could I but have drtnyn a sword and vowed to be her faithful knight till death, it would have lmen some relief. But, alas! I couKl trtily bow and murmer somelhing ajxiutmy pleasure in meetsng my dear fii'cndV cousin. Tom grinned likjg3an ape But Marjorie's recognized ^it kindred soul. BheJdaVped l/w licrj] hands, and spoke, in iweet words, her delight in meeting l ]/d author of ‘The Faded Jassnmirfu.’'' yU)iirymls n*ct and inin glcd. Sher "qiioted lines from »«y, ‘Drooping Daisies,’ aud blushingly confessed to having all my poems collected in an album. She had ‘Maiden by Moonlight’ at the picture dealer’s, and the one dream her life was ono day to possess Ja gem from my pencil! Tom lyfl sense enough to leave ns, and wo talked of art, of poetry, of music, and of flow¬ ers. Then she showed hie a tiny vase, an antivii) gem that liad boen dona¬ ted to the fair by a famous collector. She told me the agony she had suff¬ ered lest this priceless treasure should fall into unappreciative hands. 8he i iplored me to add it to my store of gems, and I drew a check for the amount with ecstasy. It stands be¬ fore nienow, my inspiration, until I once more gaze into the soulful eyes of Marjorie! Another sonnet presses upon my brain. I write to the sun¬ ny locks of the maiden, Marjorie. mao’s lettsu. Dear Sue:—I t was too bad, alto¬ gether too bad, that you could not be at our fair, last evening. Tom had an idea. You would hardly brieve that or Torn, would yov? Ills idea was to have a ‘high art’ table, cover¬ ed with plaqtfcs, tiles, statuettes atid old-fashioned bric-a-brac. I was tb take charge of it, in an aesthetic drees. We are not e-nitc educated up to high art in ^ 0 ' vn * a fi v, ’^° y e L but Toiri and I went to Aunt Mary’s, in New York, and ‘studied up.’ I wish you could see ray dress. Pale blue, with a broad border of needle-work flowers; like those the “Twenty Maidens” wear in ‘Patience.’ Thcy ma T la ^g h it as much as P^c^se, but those dresses were * iihp]y love,y * Mine was a success. 1 nc y cr drca ™ cd 1 was half B0 good ,ookin S- You know m Y hair ia very long and thick, and I let it fall loose v ' a ' cd ’ Witk £ ok * hands on the head. My shoulders and arms were bare, and the dress fell from a band across the shoulders, unconftned at the waist. _ ^ om , ... ^ ca . llot . Sfde ....... ^J s ll ' vas cen * ^ ered ”P oa Ij or tke ta b^- ^ ou a ' e ,ea ‘ enough of his great C WUn an rit ‘ ,:c *’ Dick Stokes, h.mself a poet-paintef, and, ® a ?" s ’ kas ‘8 CU€ toB onl for lack brains. Tom, between ourselves 1S ka ^'i ea ' ons him, for he is very kan “'’ on,e ' a:id tke & lr ^ s r - v ' e about him ’ 1 had ne ^ er Men kim * and T o m brought me a lot of newspapers " ith his r>oeTn8 in thc1 ”' and took m( ‘ to Bee the V ict « re be liad P ainted ' m 3 store on Broadway. Tom says the Academy have it. I was pledgcd^tj Didn’t 1 make au ’diot of myself all round, at; Tom Rays? It was great fur;, f>nt the Dost t waa that I actually made Tom believo that in playing with edged tools I had boon wounded. All the way (tom the fair I raved about Algernon's beautiful eyes, true poets’ eyed 1 quoted marks. I expressed n desire to see the Inst exquisite production of his gifted per.otl. Sue, Tom was But green with jealousy, but purple. I thought ho rtrould have a lit on the porch! And so—woll, no matter about that! It was all right whom ho left mo. But to-dny’s mail brought mo n proof of my conquest—poems—not •>ne, but half a dozen —to raj' eyos, to ray hair, to ray smile! Never, nevor would I have believed such fearful stuff could bo written with ■rach rapidity, but for the proof bo^ loro mo. Fancy some twenty such offusuAis ns this: y (“Soulful, doKeful, mystic mnhjen ) With thy fambrow, genius 1; len, . Mahl of l)eaq£jyan,!d of H.onf v. yi.oavo tho wfifonOT mini throng, j Priestess Of a jxm’s tho irfe, ) Goddess of an artlst’Hodro rifkil P Bend to^Hsten to my lyro my pci ul to iiiepin^ uy soul to ecstasy Dol<^al, soulful, Mndwio!" 1 was ‘Mnrjorio’ for Omt evening, and 1 cannot deny that! was dolc> ful. But—didyouovi^f havo ’L’lie fair ivas a grclfy sucee*3B, and I carefully patf^etkjnY lovely lovely dress for sorao TntunTtoccax sion^/Mr. minion call. Stokes CXiii^»—tffiq 1ms aske/ por to make me a long visit, Si», and you may wear my blue crtSnrncro, and try to captivate hi my' II is undo left him a handsome fortune, and Tom says he is a first-rate fellow; but bo does act lilto an idiot just liow. At an}’ rale, you can have a bushel or two of sonnets written to your eyebrows lor you are fifty times proltior than I am, and in that blue cashmore yon could captivate a heart of stone. I know ill Como and. try ! Lovingly, Mao. tom's side. Mag wants mo to toll my siido of that swindle wo played on poor Stokos. Dick's a good follow, with too much money. If Dick had to work, he’d not run off into fal-lols. Mag and I wanted to teasb him, so Mag mado hcrsolf bewitching —and, oh! bow bewitching she was! I introduced Dick, and Dick fell in love ou tho sjtot, bead over heels, iloels over head. But I didn’t caN culato Upon being postered to lake Dick to call on Maggie, and I-well I didn't want him banging round her. Dick’s a superbly handsome fellow, and somehow, though any othot man would look like a fool rn the artistic dress ho wears, he looks liko a poet and an artist. Mag said I was very rudo net to bring him, and declared bo filled her idoal of manly beauty to a dot. Between them they badgered me so that, at last, 1 set an evening, ar.d to bo at homo. Mag soys I am jealous, and per¬ haps I am, but I confess to a drsire to choke Dick when I wont to his room to accompany him to my aunt's house. Such a get up! 1 cas’t describe tlio dress in the ibs* tbetic jargon, but I was not. to blind to sco that Dick was simply stunning. Then I imagined Mag in that ‘bewitching’ costume; roll¬ ing oer eyes at him, quoting Ibis doggerel; raving about bis daubs, and worked myself up to a savage frenzy by the time I rang tbo door beM. The ^iano was crashing under a heavy, horrible banging, and Mag gjpgjng—• no, scrcoching a cora j c $ on g—j n iho voice of a fish-. woman.- I never imagined Mag cou id ma kc such, ear-splitting yells, We went in. Was that—could that bo Mag at thb piano, I asked myself. Her hair was frizzelcd d heighLHeyMta^M banged and up to an outrages NO. ;>. wa3 to do tin) whnUd'yo'-caU-’om-* aesthetic girl—rod, oh, my grn4 whut up-hill work it was Vou don’t cutch mo in that sorapu again!’ Dick fairly gasped, but Dick is a gonllomen, and with a ifino corns tosy that belongs to him, made agroeable, though l nut suro ho was groaning in spirit, But ho gave way when ho raw upon tho conter-table a half dozon vases that wore loft over from tho fair. Mag saw his ores resting up> oh thorn, and laughed heartily'. ‘Thr last of the fair relics,’ shq said. r ‘But,’ Dick said, reoroachful'r, ^ S >u told mo-’ v T told j-ou they wero antique unique—prieoloss gems, or ono Butj'ouBoo they wero manufaet* urod by tho dozon for tho fail! Any little fiction ib \ pormiittod \ V at a fair-table.’ But v/hen be wo returned to Dick's, room, hurlod hisNpriboIpsa, any tiquo vn^o through the window, with tVo wqrda not admitted tO , poli to society. tSlill, Dick's wedding-present to Mag, a monfli later,, is ono of tjio ornaments of our lioitsu h •e* V - J ■ I *> 1 Epoch. - The transition from % s u mihrayin 4 ,d^wniifiU epoch sickucea in tlio to/ robltnU dmal^t Mo of ltik tlio^ tnlva- nil vidual. ahjch a remarkiJdo ovc urod jin JtluN^iiomory und iyh ngedey wlicwdiy the gbyd boat ii l»i(s been Ab tniytd is gratefully, I)1 ctojk 1. Heneo it t hfit so much is heaydjp pHiSo of Elec# twe Bittors; 80 feel that thdy owiXthcir m;tomU ... 6 to HicaHh to tho n greaft Alterative aud l'onio\ If youraro Iron lied wipfi any disiiuie of'Uio Lncr, Kidiwy o/stomach, mu^ly uf long reh*|' or short slunfliy£j you will iiml (»y Wif/ i flO per bottle at •eight’s drugs'.0? Happiness depends very much on thq condition of the kidneys little and liver. The oij p i s of life make but Imprecision tqoso whoso digestion Is good. Yon can regnlato liver and kldnoj-e . your with l)r. J. II. McLean’s Liver and Kidney Balm, •tsl.00 per bottle. *•• You Take lio Risk In buying I fobd’e Sarsaparilla, for it is everywhere recognized ns the etnndar<i building-up raodieino and blood purifior. It has won its way to tho front by its own Intrinsic merit, and has the largest salo of,'. any preparation of its kind. Any honest druggist will confirm this statement. If you decide to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla do not be induced to by any tiling else in. st)ad. Bo sure to get Hood’s, 50. ----i — Cj Bov. F. M. Slirout, pastor UnilciT Brethren Church, Blue Mound. Kan.. says : “I feel it my duty to tell wlint Dr., King’s New Discovery has done for u«| My lungs were liadlj diseased and my qarisbioners thought I could live only, a few weeks. I took five bottlo of D Kings Now Discovery aud am sound and well, gaining 2G lbs. in weight” m Arthur LoVo, Manager Love’s Funny t Folk Combination writes After a thor¬ ough trail und convincing cvidenc, I am . confident Dr. King’s New Discovey for for when Consumption boats cm all and cures everything else fails. The greatest kindness I can do my many thousand friends is to urge them to. tryut.” Frew trial bottles at Wpeight’s drugstore. Reg* ular sizes 50c and §1.00 - r - ■< . I • 0 % HELP IN TIME OF NEED. 4* * s When a man !» drowning he will grasp af straw*, bet straws will not save him. Extend to him S <, iif 3 -boat and his rescue is certain.. . . ■ , Mr. J arc os A. Greer, of Athens, Ga^ (endorsed bp the editor cf tho Athens Banner-Watchman) make* the following statement: • “ I am first cousin of the late C-X-Governor Ale* ander II. Stephens, and have been postal cleric on diflerent railroads since 1868. For ten years I h*v» CANCER been a sufferer from a cancer on my face, which grew "'°rs until the discharge of matter beam: profuse ax rery. blood offensive. purifiers I and became pronounced thoroughly thf.u tiisgu-itedwyj hsnr.i I Lad tried r^any without relief. Finally I was induced to use detank 05 ;<J A (B. B. B.) The offensive discharge dta once and the hardness disappex^’. It ecame ks and Jess in size until nothing letsm -1 except a sc.; I gained flesh and strength, and all who have set me bear testimony. I cannot say too much in J J praise.**' *. •* ' A. H. Morris, Finn Bhiff, Ark, writes] “Hot Springs failed entirely to cure me of« MMKindoknt running ukers on mv legs for miuAgM