The advertiser. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 188?-????, October 08, 1890, Image 1

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VOL. VI. DIRECTORY. <> -~ CHURCHES. flArT!»Tl , Hf'!t<*ft.~Ri>V. 7 ..T, W«uV« r, Pu- tor. Preaching Is! and "ril Sur. htt^ in each _ |»o«»l J. B, Paul* ihontb. Sunday J’rsyer *s« u.ocl.i»< !• «. Thmsday in., lin Hnp^ even* Wigs. «K V * Langston Mcruvunrr Ohcw ii. —R«v J.<). ?a«t,er. -nd VP in inuui. .Sunday-irnhool c- a. t»». ’V . A. Grahany^ppC day aft.Tu 6 I^di* YuUn T Prayer nv’ r P.’aJ’fr icetiug Tues¬ meet¬ .nj. in. ing Tuv«day evening, tegular Prayar meet cg W«<lne»dav evenim;. PRK^KYTKIltA >’ Cncacu. •Sunday ■ch«ol 9 «. in. J. I*. II. Brawn Hunt. SOCIKTIEH, Dahlry L ook. No. IT, F. A A. M. Rt«|Ful?ir 1 * 10 * l»u^ r s 1 ?*t ftu^l *]rd SfiturdttV tiiog*. 1 -M. Brown St«v., t>. F. Gann W .M, IjtFajC’ttc Chapter No. 1 «, R. A. M.— Regular Meeting* 2 nd Snturdny evening*. P* J, 0 . Simpton Hc»y , W. A. Graham II. W. A Graham Council No. 22 , U. A. M.— Hagular MwUnjjs 4 th .Saturday eveninu*, J. I'. Wtupton,Sue}'., W. A. C T. 1 . G. M. Claim'* Loday N<*. I 8 s 7 , K.ul iL—* Meets 2 nd and 4 ih Tm -d»y evening*. W. B Holme* Reporter, VV.'.M. Spoilt Dictator. Pcnrl Ledgfl No. 37 4 lv. A L. of H.— limn 2 nd and 4 th Friday evening*. 1 . >L Brvwn Hecy., D. F- Gunn t’roteet. r. Dixie Lodge No, l Ci , A. I*. V. w Meet Ut. and Hrd >1 oiulay T. M. fvu.n.gv Eruwi. M* W Uua H erU 8 t*'’’y. COUNTlf' Sur k«Lr GcVitr—TI % ui J II Gusrrr ,| 4 lcv j *M Grfcas F'licitor. J Regular AV Sutliv* eTsrk, £rd J T M-'/Ui.sUT, iheiiff. t^r:a, Moada.dPn March und flcpuwler* Court of Ordinary.—R. T. F uote, Ordinary. Kotfulur meeting 1 st. Monday in each month Count v Couri—G. G. Lark > Judiru ’county commissioners. J. R. Pfti^lkn, H. l>. Coleman, J. F* Creel. A. L. Foster, J. N. Bigbie. County Treasurer, J. F. II. Brown Tax Collector, W. Ii. Harrison. Tax Receiver, R. Davis Cm oner J. D. OvVe.lJ. m CITY. M a von S. D. COLKMAN At.URuMr? -W. J. Grtenc, Joe Yin aoii, ( 5 . R. Hut live, J. JR. I ruin, A J. Fleming. (’lf.rk A Ttfasiihkk- H. T. Foote VROFF.SSrON \T.. T. J Harrell. A. Ik Thump on H/Wir 11 c. THOMPSON Att \ * i,a\v, (OlA’Ati.i ALA. Wtil praeGucJu Go^l.'Ua: .til ti.* ioui!- ut oad Gn. » aid v’ * •im-'lnlty," m SCOT! A BfUARO. • A 11 n ike v i* - A t • La 4 . v*- 'Mt*. Ce reA* o £ D. RAMS(\ * 1 f^QtTiiiu Dl>* s, fheor f Z ■ • , \ - Ci. .^ENChWIi JZ * Alfnr’n! y *\l i.S'v, * t *t ko 4 *U.*«, Georgia. if AJ J. Tf. IK WIN: Attoruey-At-lftiw, Fort Gaines, Kecrgia. jhr*** 0. F. GUNN, *» l'hj»ieum and Surgeon, % €ov;t Gaines, eorgia. )’. T.-WANUtVILLE. ^ Uhy si.-aui navi Sv.rgvHm, fll|prt^.lines, Georgia fcM. HATCHETT. mm/m *» * -Fawfict! ^..... k Physldian. Gjunes. Georgia BINS KINS & A WIMB.RLY. WIMB' : HLY jjfSe 'ftwtleiiig FhysioiHiis. Fo t Ganuf.- Georgia. s.a. McLendon. ■» Att«>ruey-At-Liiw. I ll* ko<I Lifo Insunuieo A^»-nt. Fort Gaines. Georgia. {). W. 8#mvE. ■Jbiie Uenmtioe Agent. * [aTYioii, Georgia. AL HOTEL Mr#. F. B Kelly, Proprietress. UK HOUSE ■ E. G C.»ok, ft R**Dp! G tfoPt.. > I off > ■ * / he Advertiser. * » • i 1 rsf , » • ' ♦ . «*n OF THE . HON. JEFFERSON DAVIS. BY Mf<H. .JRFFElt^ON IYAV 1 S. TO BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. The :p«o 3 pectutA and com¬ plete o-itfit for canvassing v/illbe ready immediately. AGENTS WISHING i»K<! If ABLE i ERIuTfiRY on thir. great work will please address, ft« soon as possible, the publishers, BELFQRD COMPANY, 18 - 22 E,ist 18 th SU-aJi, Nmv York. ’ W‘ B. HOWELL. SellSFSTOVIjSl , GUABhiT EEQ CURE FOB CI IARRH 1 ALLAN’S IMPROVED PINE NEEDLE CIGARS AND .. ... *: cigarettes I * 4 . * ii . i •• u / 0 , I?, I - - ^ '& <0 m . ■r s r " t* - Katui l * JNCnd' * ;t JiTCniGCVaiTb* i*ir tuft pifrjichktr*. . /\! AiXlOfKjS, / ( LI PPM AN BROS B M* AGENTS-- j SAVANNAH, GA. t * i T—r ~r manufac tured by PINE JNTEEDLE CIGAR CO. ! FREEHOLD, N. u u MILLER §§ B R08 H §§f’”"““; ‘~*za§v;.”.s.: . A'ERIC". Inc! BEST. 1 [re the * LEADXRG BUSINESS PENN 1“- 8" ~ah— WW NW» Falcon Arm lies. 75. 11?. l. Aunt. LEADING STU!) I‘EXR Nm‘ 3.3 ( *' {MEYLR Garbo: Stub . .: «8: :‘m 8333,. .Axv Nos. 119. 102. GRANT Pfix. LEADING LBDGER PESS Na. n 49 ; Wx ????f‘hm ’ V . . .‘ Kafkham ~ ’ J.VJ '3‘. 7; 0,? [mo Yes. 10!. 505. 030. ' LF‘AJDI‘SL? SCHOOL TESS; Na. 28 35 - £'— 539.‘W~*~. vxn‘ewa L 8 Mn}; 19... Univornty . v x; r 1, Am: Nos. 333. -m. i-J. The Miller Bros. Camry 00,. Meriden. Conn MANVI'ACI'VRBNH OI‘ Sled ram. ml: Erasers and Pack“ ( unem 3 ‘ ". 0" ‘AW- ‘ KfcWiHDffiMAHN/ 712 EIRHJH XZVJ YORK. ■ ,-;VE., INtENOiO --»- NEV/ tin hfflSir. Ac/ L PU 3 L«Cf 8 RS ;' .TTTTTi i’:E rTT ’V 2 - L. ;* . • •* ;• 'i'-r- aanrka' **», 0* ’ *r . ‘ * - ' • 0 • , 4 Wt, ft" *.’9 *. Ww’4 •" ■ -L^b t ifiw ^ * Wsm. 4 a, H.« 1r-c T> Tt4V"|!U* * ...’*«• »- •«“■*?■* any piece or ' kd^.ic «l‘uk “ Horvit-’* j c*» *art".Kft •fwr rj>r -\it o<« .1 -. 1 Aftfti-* frtt :ts Aft 4,. cal: " 2 :v ‘i: ’ *#*! 4 •« ;>t» . «m"- * f-*r f*** *.....t Must 1 4 *. ft fteiAb ft* ., ] '"*<«* All TC *W»VS'« .rfttftS. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 1890 . Home Evidence No otacr preparation has woo success at tome equal to Hoods barsapariila. la Lowell, Mass., where it is made, it is now, as it has been for years, the leading medicine *<* rarifylng the blood, and toning and strengthening the system. This “ good name at home’’ is “a tower of strength abroad.’’ It would require a volume People to print all Lowell of Hood’s peopla of have said iu favor Sarsaparilla. Mr. Albert Loweil Estes, living at 23 East Pine Street, Lowell, lor 13 years employed as boss carpenter by J.TV. Bennett, president of the Erie Telephone Company. had a large running eoro come on hit leg, which troubled him a year, when he began to take UxhTb Sarsaparilla. The sore aoon grew less in size, and in a short time disappeared. Jos. Dunpby, 214 Cen- * tral Street, Lowell, had PraiS© Hood ’ s Sar8aparilla ' Mrs. C. W. Marriott, wife of the First As slstant Fire Engineer of Lowell, says that for ic years she was troubled with stomach disorder and tick headache, which nothing relieved. The attacks came on every fort¬ night, when slio was obliged to take her bed, and was unable to endure any noise. She took Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and after a time tho attacks ceased entirely. Many more might he given had wo room. On the recommendation of people of Lowell, who know us, we ask you to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla Sold t>y all druggist*, fl; slxfot Preparedcnly by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothccarle*, Lowell, M.m ( 00 ^ Doses One Dollar mj, HE PINK POCK’ti. HY MAV HYLF. &ALLA-. Miss Sura La Rue had danced all the evening at u ballot her next neighbors, the Peytons. She wore a pretty pink dress with a little, lace-tnmmed pocket at the side, Her principal partner was young Andrew Peyton, who was deeply ; in love with her but had told his. love. On this night lie had written u letter, which by adroit uieni he contrived to place in ' pmk pocket aforesaid. t offered her his hand and heart und ■•If you do not- answer I shall that you cannot love me, and shall away.” No answer came to * im. had sent the dress, pocket and away in a box to the wardrobe, whore she put dresses she weary of .She had not looked in to the pocKi-t. and knew nothing < y.e ic'.t*. r ...Miivw ! (-Jto! I‘K»!( !'»i rol'n.-ft’, ;rn*J iott tho country within a month. »u a your, pretty Hera was dead. Nobody knew it, she bad broken her heart over the departed lover. And so one ro mance ended Oar si s.ory is of an oilier. Twenty tea 1 ,.- had pa.-sed. gice <*u tho white stone over the breast i f Sally La Ruo. And at the old La Rue place her broth (» r lived—u widower with one •iaaghtcr. Looking up at La K '.c from the roadside, yon would assuredly have bein ’, e i that the people who live J l:»uit were rich. It wai tho rrs'denco you would naturally have suiti lo yourself. 0 * of means. And being blessed with real estate, you have sighed; with a little spice unvy, for folk who owned such a solid dwelling.. sneh rare old suuh a smooth-shaven, green ve , lawn.KUch a garden, and ye*, such a gardner. Theio ho was now among ihe roses; but whoa YOU have three wishes given by a fairy, it is wise, as the old tale proves, never to wish e i 8e until j a examine into private aflaits of that individual. In the story 1 adudo to, the wish er wished himself'that king seeing him in u magic mirror, .behold! he was Uausrormed •a monarch who had been '• d » nd ab " ul 10 bo P 0 ' d^aih by JocapiUtion. „ bus ihe . envious admirer of his property, who had wished bimseif Mr. La Rue because ho thought him » rich man, would have been greatly as* tonished to find himself s’.tting l»v fore an ol»l oak desk, trying in to arrange chaotic . papers, which, "hen in order, only proved t|jji Si* vvus dreadfully in debt; or to see his daughter waiting behind hue. with trembling anxiety, knowing that he could have no diowr but U.« Ml. he «o h 4 eu.uni.i!,. by chftnce. be h»d . Ill i| t . money abouthim. Il he had, well; . - 1 but, ftias. 1 » il ne had : i ui went noi |,e would turn ms wiid, black eyes «»n hnr, when sne had spoken twu-c or thrice, and with hit deli , . v*: * t lingers : tnroagh his fiuc curliDg white hair, would ask her in tones ofLear-like | reproach, where she supposed be conld have gotten money? He! It was in the old days of the South when a Southern gentleman might not work, and that wonder ful gardener was their only serv¬ ant. He was older than Mr. La i Hue and prouder cf tfce family He did the cooking. He d’d all | the work except that done surrep* titioasiy by Miss Sally in the pri vacy of parlor and bedroom. There is a facinatien to people Oi uis race in making believe a great deal, and Scipio spoke of his fellow slaves, sold one byoneaway from thoir old home, as though they were about the place still,and, through his zeal, La Rue looked as well as ever. lie mended the feu ces repaired tho verandas, kept the lawn end garden in oi;ik*r, trimmed the -trees, and flourished a long handled duster, among the cob¬ webs that gathered so fast in the Idng, ic a’-bur.g hall that the spi" »iers iovod. Everywhere the rich old furni¬ ture, with lit*!o upholstery and much carving about it, resisted de* c *y. 'Unless you had staid to dinner on a meager day, you would never have guessed that anything was wrong; and then the tablo would have been set with old china and g00 ,j cutlery and silver spoons, Neither ^ Mr. La Rue’s great Pauama hat, indestructible and costly’, or his well-iau ndried liner suits tell anything. Other women knew that Miss j Sally had nota good -gown to her name; bat a man would hstv« thought the. afternoon dimitv, v ' mede out of an old extra pair of bedroom curtains, very good in ; deed, when she pinned UiecrirasoD rose m ], or throat and another in [ her black hair, The family 4 # early • last of a large gathered to ihe tomb, following their consumptive mother thither only a year or two apart, Miss Sal y^ ftt eighteen, was the picture of i, e altti The family sorrows was not hers. All was over when she , VV:JS born, and iitc was before her, and isor home was love y, and she j , 0 j| afc r r ,y,.h above (uTiiiiton lolk as a quveii. Only asking for houst- 1 keeping money and having no war {j 20 ij e t 0 speak 0 f woi.j.joci her, un t j )C noakeshift wa* concocted, Sally had rummaged the garret p,/.yeurs, and had made a cloak ; out ot a brown table In tii ! ’u(d i w if? me ong, daiiMfi petticoat j that hiid bc»*u hers a* a baby, had raveled footless siik stockings, aud knit them over for bersolf with cotton , of.*s, and tho beaux who dropped in of an evening admired her greatly. ii bad becu a trying day. Mr. f,:t Rue i’.a'I been quito tragic since dawn, and, since selling Scipio would no more have been thought of than sailing Sally, bad decided to pan with t!»e horse and carriage. That was a blow. Scipio wept un der it: Mis* Sallie turned pale, had not the heart to put roses in her belt. Mr. La Ruo had re marked that it would bo just as well not to send the halter away, bocaiiso he would need that to hang him.-olf with. Bui at ten lime they’ had preserved persimmons, and \ bread aud butter with too hover agw. Sally found ft Idler at her j plate, and, opening it, road this: ‘Dk.vb Miss Sai.i.V:—U ncle An ! drew is coming home, und w« nro 'going to give a parly for him. He j ag (j een away twenty years. I never saw him before, aud I have tnat j c Il ) my mind it shall bo fanoy dress. Come in some It’S not 11 masked ball. P«p» n[,proves of mnski, but il will b« f an> “Come early to see the arrivals. VVon’i you beg your dear lather to break through his rule for once, and join sis. We should he so hon ore*!, lie nevdii t coituniv, unleo* he chooses. The elder . people . will ... be allowed 10 do aa they like, but y OJ must, mv dear. Your loving friend, “fanny.” •Oh, papa! cried Sally; all her ^ Y J ‘You have not atated wha‘, .... re * v oiied P“ cu * Mr nr * La i»ue, with ..... hi* broad* eat and sternest voice. ‘To a tanev-dres* ball, ‘lenr,’ re¬ 1 t f rtf-f s/.h'Mf' * . who sit here waitihg for the complete downfall of our family— I, who will leave yon soon a beg gared orphan—go to a fancy ball’.’ cried Mr. La Hue. ‘Not anotliaii wo ’d!’ t »Qh, papa! Than I muan’t go either!’ alraoat sobbed poor Sal i.. iy* i 1 <; , •>* *7 ‘You’re a woman,’ replied her fa ther. ; The Turks think women soulless. I am not suah but that they are right. Howevah l am too poab to give you a ball-dress.' ‘Oh! I can make up something out of nothing. It’s my one tal¬ ent,’ cried Sally. ‘But let* mo tell the occasion; Tbey say your presence would be an honor, tfmi 0U m jght like to meet-’ ‘Not anotbah wo'd* cried Mr. La .; * 'til j* ira ^c. >rs, a? -jl’t 1 - His obedient daughter held her finished bci bread and jam ’ having called ftr Seopio to away, went up into the garret ' • th • caudle. . . « - " * -C". w a ‘I'll go as King Cophetua s beg¬ gar-maid, in artistic rags, if I can't do better,’ she laughed. She looked tho old bureau through, tho old chests, the old wardrobe fruitlessly, Several years of foraging had emptied therm But on the top of the ward¬ robe, quite out of her reach, stood a long paper box. What might it not contain of rumpled gauze or lace that might be ‘done TijV of silk that might be cleaned? Miss Sally turned on her tiny toes and tripped dowu the garret stairs. V, 'O ‘Scipl' she cried—the call was popular in Southern homes, and bolls were rarer than at the North in those days—‘come here, and got that box down for me off the war¬ drobe in the garret.’ Scip stump¬ ed up stairs, set ah old table against tho piece of furniture, and cli mbed down. On hie way h* slum hied and tell, the box burst open, and spread abroad on the garret floor lay a pink dress of old fashioned silk, a bow of ribbon to match, a fan and a gauzy scart, all little bobs and fringes. Ye», and a lit¬ tle muslin bag. from which protru¬ ded thv, toes ot a pair of slippors, and gloves all rose color * and wliiti*. •NYhy! ha* my fairy grand moth* r been here? crie<l Sally, joyously. •What does it mean?’ ‘I kin explain it, inis*;’said 8 . ip. ! D»i yar dress was worn by yo’ aunt, Miss Sara. Doy called her >Jlss Sally, jt.*’ i ■ k 0 dey 'Mil VO t »’ evnh y«*’ wa*. born. ‘She was mighty prellyjes’ like vo’, Mis* Sally; jes’ like yo’. An’ she went to a ball in dis yar dross, so bright an’ liboly an’ happy! 1 She home pale . an’ . 1 , and . came ‘ wan she , soni dis . dress , all folded . , , , up + Tii do box up do garret. Said Nho never would wear it no mo’. She baled it. an’.ho noecr did. Sb„ •lied ear.y, .<Iias Sail)—date do tory, miss*. , ‘Poor . n auntie, •'»!». I don t rcmaiubir . her,'sighed Sally, ‘but, Scip, V think I'll take the dre»k down stairs- Tote ft down for me tight »*»y- f 1 u. .iui ■: i :!KU < f*.;J . .. ‘Yaa’rtt Miss Sally,’ said Scip.‘nn’ . , . fbr pfloring L • on;rcvunrl 1 scuse me of advice: I'ae of de opinion dat efdaly#r rfrwi seems to yon io-be smtahle . v ler dis ynr ban, , 4 . you neeaii , , hab no serdjffeK oL dbns^rithfee’ about wearin’ *ob it. Miss Sarah would hab de honor oft de family nt h*urt ter you to dress veil, and she was jeV your ft oigh f,'fes’ yb'u¥ build. Dat ynr dress will fit you like de Bltin flls do coOh, Mi*rtSnl Iv. e n- .* V ’ & Il did. ■ ‘I’m sore.' thought the girl, as ?he lried ^ bofore the ; glate, ,.«ri nm, a „„ii, w„„|J n , ,|,„ all | - t if | ||WW wr , B w , r « she, and its the pretlicM, quaintest * ? thing.’ * Then she brushed her hair into the ftinoolh. bat a-wfng style wf the pri'i*’»*l. a ml »aw a picture *0 like the portrait ot her aunt in the par¬ lor below that she almost scream ed. She wore it to the ball. How pretty she looked ! How quaint! How *wm:t ’. And who ever lacks a eompl'ui*nt when Southern gon t emeu are Jiicar to whisper it! The sweet inioxic-ation of flattery that is tonn led on fact thrilledAAdj girl’s young blend befo re h eas found tho Ii era. A handsome man of young enough itt al! outward seem iog to bo still shoaldorocl. pieUmvsyue; ftfith 4 grty in hU h..r a* y«, and Mo»,n Rpieudixl toeth.w for ,b. first time to her life Sailv » heajt Honored. .Li fTnolo, ib„ la „,y friend, Slioa Ssliv Im Uta,’ said tlioyoung *V. lio.i> 083 . •Salty, dear. p ton . ThaiOhe m- 4 ffuitm ed’uwny, • ! and the of the bat! rest was Mr. Andrew Peyton to-’Snlly. We all know whatiiuit mbaiiH. For his psivt, Andrew Peyton wont home with strange sensations in bis heart, ll seemed to him ay if he l»ad once moro sewn- hisiSara. He had read her name on tho mos¬ sy tombstone in the graveyard, and tho barb of that unanswered letter had rankled in his heart his whole life through;, but . hjit’e iVf«$h ni.d young again, with a look iu in.„r eyes that seemed to say to him: ‘Try, ami see if you can vvio i.m'v , she stood in the person of *Sa 11 1 c La Kuo. her niece, actually y gown ot the same pattern, lie diiij net know it was i,hc. vary same, with the pink pocket at the sjdc, into which he, had slipped the loi¬ ter twctity-years betQne. Hq»dj'coin¬ ed strapge dv.wims., t^iat night, in which twijp-girJi^p rose color, run before him. UiiL.^a#;hj 3 love, one was his vision,;,jbut- whichevor he proved to be the ghost, aud melted in his grasp to notl:» IHg, l.»l r ' ii A' n v A*t dawn he slept, lie still slept at eleven o’clock, who ft Hally, i it her . dimity morning robe, made out of disused bed curtains of her gremlmotherY,, nlde.l tl.o ball dress in its box again. She examined it uioseiy. How*'well they u^ed to '.£ow; no siighling as wojtfljglil our dressmaking, and' this pvokev-how, pertecliy stitcli Was sol. tSbe took., OIM-tbe handkerehiet, and why ! what was this? A lotter-^a little^ fainlh f «i * perfumed . p i, thing with , ifer %» • . . (% »■» up-i , . name on it: t • t •. * • ■ iGSo ^ 1 / 1 . K'J.h. (.)! course, -iio va> olirisioncd • Ha'a.” :imiigi: • * 5 : 14 tv.*; w: 3 her - •». home name., ft f‘ r> * - She opened it. not* boyvUbwnting wildly. It was ;|,n. offer of m'av-. riago trom Mr. Andrew 1 ’eyton W’liUt a stVttligc. ’• - * 5 r: .4 r. t ’ e th •_ mu*! .*t : fir** -a ? 1 V ricii man a tnnn.of | i».: world, ft was love nl first, sight, a!i<l what she bad ab'iijs longed for. And she knew s'.e bird’ :iNo fallen in love with him. She was sure ndwj All ..... too morning Sally .. was in a dream. . r 1 „. bat .... afternoon she , wrote UUs iinsvv< .,.. hAU : *‘ '* * WUI A «•«•>»»«• . ! ln «-' >»»r !h ‘ " * will refusal. U> I . reply., mean yon. ' • But you ki{*»w so little , . ot nio -arc J . *,"' ... . **,! ., r ou °t* «»•'} s ' u< ' 1 -' "t*. c, pufm n ^ & wi,! t0 ' \\ ld ‘ ' ‘ UOfOTO } Ot! MO. iot ITU* t g* 1 V r,1 l n I Hfl. [.iriindebd 1 ‘I 0 ' 0 •*foin from Us. r von la- Kiw, , ,r . « V c 1 4 . ' Vl! ' ' 'l ’ • w ’ ; dross last mgb . , 1 might . , make . you 6 ", . I bad .*- 0.0 uu.uok , < \ n » J * > an '^ w ' ' tl ‘ ' " ” s 1 1 " ‘ ’’ " •’ ,c .bcbipd Isci, t 1 .sc 1 ^ etfh 1,1 ti,c * ’*' * ' u-oncta no L n Si but t <>u as ' !UC *- • }° u * SQrc| y M wcil ns ’ cou ! ' Ko " , hud but and ! seen once, perhaps I could like you,more; bill we must know each other better. 4 k “MARA LA miK.” > Scipio took this note to Mr. Pov ton, who awoke from hift strange dreams to n ail it. Ho irridorstood al! Poor Sara had never found irielv tter. Il had remained in little pink pnyjcet twenty y<";»r> IV-r her ni. ee l<> answer; and Im shed tears for ihe first tinfe since he left his babyhood behim! bint, How* ever, he. cal led thpi evening Oil >I)C new Sara La Rue; and they married now, and his wealth restored the old place, andits* »« ,l “PP>- . , 1 a il » he. j. A O IT i w » , * ♦ - "|vfWTT TUL *ASli 7 GM*A rm * * I iJllfi'lidK. >Sa!% jf%. ; l iO -S 4 fre^r a *c!‘If ^'iWing jf from a * 1 , issuoofthe Armma ick „. ft »w... r.r.uin people ? ■ l ": , lo ' v " '" l "> b,t nf * llto 1,1 ,e .®t l '®*« <•'■• n, « htlfl . »*|W 1(1 ns. TliftiaiAli'H *drhy tithes they bAiMo. shoot H*f Ihtougn •* h " a dooiyami nKhhrdgh Hiey iiHVc ai'vuvs 1 tVn^tVd ihoii* load WO uv«j Is gi nn fooli&V ing t*uni of the-operation! It a Won to Sliffyos o we 'lob]) it. any one *pot in the oftlco QGr two sucC&te'itb' nights, und it I .-o wouldsbe assassins haven't souse olntfngh to haul 6 ft* wo Shrill go into amfntsh outside somo tutlit and galh’et'Tt couple more subjects lor our private grave V‘A"d. ' 1 1T ‘ * t-* A \\ jiRiowy--tho c t of ediiostluy. laat, while ^ ■ T» ».» : .*r? , ’ (,n ! thf, boy, ; i oil tho great rab* "bit 1 h'unt iu Strawberry Valioy, wo , sb\|cr;u times Ielt« 4 m..\ghiaz of buN * IwVtufcDWtmdered who eoukUhe ho eai’cMdAsiii It koeftMid ftlat rx l Aid. JohnwArt; whm nThk Torceduto rosign vv-ba'U*Vtfc dKlcloeiJ showed him up . U 3 d'bidtai-talcoi*, > wasn’t shooting ut Jntik* 8 *hbftp, but at is. Hu sent • asihuit dozen buUeta itt ha, «. i"v iimsph'sr v». ngiS’i p *#?* w< bcggeil Jonuson oil and him , afdiow ,ga>j« , to : cpuiiL ui*th 6 # jaiTor of his vinrtyy, and- wio iwp& he wild have ja „ h to : ,,, oSl by j,. Cl. - *. not, •hwHViil'l bh ftnintl playing peno (iulnioffcpho mdfning trom a . limb Of J^tKO.h:^ I •' » ’ . • ; . !*i on*!—— ; t B Xi’I.AN AT*);; Y.—Tho third col unin ot ilio 8ecomT'*i>aV<! of this is * •. . • v wni , b" nd btank. . . suo to l: it is not 0 m * ttluft. Lt $S i Col. jtt,, John 4 % *J Kyi off, of unr one U»4 <»1(J prorioor.s o ink —. town, diou 5 . luS! wy(.k, jihd widow Kent in an obituary notlco’winch tf just tilled . 4 , t !i£ co' tfnrfi. \V r e > uiought it road pi cti'y b'tVfti’g Wuw. wb sol it lip, (Ml t ;r- I III; cod.ntd was tho third man i,o,;vtio;,cn^e ibi.s paper an.1 Pi. - 10 U{ siii*-.. , i he. Ibrjns were, all fcad;. for tin- prm*- when u detcotivo ui I - f’p*:. >i tiii■ (i to dculify the ■ ;oion ns Kiiic!. ’ ••mbcz/.le.r, bigii . * ■ around ■) oad ■, 7 flu , d uii man. »i -jt siraight - that h C wi - ceU publish hf il uf < <>u cl to the ' Wo* hunt a, bouquet to • 1 with*oilr ‘ 3 compliments, 'A <;<av oil! ;ha 1 was the be-! we could do" * 1 ______________ * b u^, (^ujf.ctlo,—T ho Awonty . o?cr on Smith & Wiley's nan.e-i pasily ^ftinpedgti. Und'jon, One 1 „i -j.e.n „ and two 0 tin on weeks sin .00 wo conunont*> - tin , -zg* his mouth. We * U< , 1 , . u.ciHirv-y *ii» his praise, as w? bn *<,'*V i nbui> %l i.o the only man in ^ 1 inong^..who ca.« bold jr pint ol wafer, in his m<*yth. ’ His Ipiends . !■<»'♦»«•% . , t -.-nd ^e.i*th'*»|,ivlti>r-uoon, the whole , , porscnal . < wu HiU«^ovpr.p|i u vn$ *V « 3 dvdp'j, go. oil tishingbo-. ca. 0 they v. .0 comm;.., st was sim ptv , comcMleiico . Vy«* didn't bor a '4 off inn gallop - . .- p go* Jt nn .»n be-Tl-'V m* didn’t wVant'Vo’keV the ; > s.'b-tt fk-cauM* Ue Were Hrpitod •». «•.. t , W»* •'didn't wail until of flight Gy i^utni il because wo had ^t t He UNb bit w»fl-t we Aik d to.fravv ^m. Homo day wli 4 *n'file edtwkoys have 'lime and •,ve havh tnrx*, and iKVerything is all w<*. KhiftU nope n.r a long vis-' ft ,-«ul «i‘fi **•«*»ly chat. 4,1 t'J • ** t f>-- 7 *Detroit Free Pres*. % T*!vc r>ew,’Discovery. i|e>pd your frieiuls and _ m tulkiu*' it. Yoq, may y<»uiW-lf b-» <>!ie of the lniinbir wlio ■ V-'!<>m f-.-r* oo.Tl ?•::jx-rif’ieo jir-t how o’“ 0 .1 -fhot*•. Ht k,.'*• li .’on iiav*.- ever ri i. d >.i ton ,it< -no ut its snfnuch■frieiuls! :>» I 4 JI' • 40114 . rXio tmug about it is, , n i,i-y silfi'j; ii I nul. Dr. King s New i >iv • u 1 ever t holds » place in the !l v.m iia .y ju v,, r used it and .au l, M .utiict*.i r.ith a <-oa«h, cold, or f -v iuug. a,s’ ■>j •-•r.ei, -;t troqw!*;, secure oiiov. aud •fc i.eit a fair trial. ! . -. m„. «, luuuuv ut Speight’s