Clay County reformer. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 1894-????, June 01, 1894, Image 3

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m TOWN AND C0UN1Y. NOTICE! NOTICE! Parties wishing to breeed their mares to REBEL, the best Stallion itt this aeation of the country sriil find liim at onr stables Fe»* n asonable and satisfaction guarau teed. Wabd A C«am»*hs — Friday, June 1. —Sec advertisement «>f Ward A (’lism l»ers fine horse, “Rebel,” V Would yon like t*» know bow Ed Chaml>ers gi ts oat of a bath tub? If so, •ak him. but be prepared to slope. —Mr. J. M, Dnrenoe died at his home a low tnilea south of the city Sunday night, ot typhoid pneumonia, after a brief illucsa. — Mm. Giis Everett died a lew days ago of heart trouble. She leaves a 1ms baad and several small children, who have tur heartfelt sympathy. —Mr. N. J. Lewisham been sick for •evcrul day*. We don't know what is tbe ln*t v* with !'<*ek ludres ' v in iLft'd tho election i* going to take k turn in Evans’ favor. —Mr. L W. Lyle is confined to Ids bed of an attack of indigestion. Dr. M. A. Baldwin, of Cuthbert, is attending b io, we hope he will he himself again, soon. —Mr. R. D. Adams and family loft Monday for their home iu Alaha na. The came up to bid Col. F. B. Dillard And family goodbye. —The main of the new waterworks is nearing completion, and by Batnrday night most of the piping will bu iu line. H. D. Coleman is a hustler when you scud him after water. —Now listen 1 Wo arc informed that our military boys will appear at church next Sunday in full diess uniform, and on Monday morning at 6 o clock sharp, lo*v* for Camp Northern - Messrs. J. M. Culpepper and son, li. Mathis, G. Watson, Iliad Fordhftm* and others, took advantage of the cheap rates Wednesday, and paid the thriving city of Americas a pop call. •Mr. O. H. Handers has moved au engine from the Dobbins, to tho Boll place, whore he contemplates running a ginnery. Mr. Hauders is one of tho live young men of tho couuty, and will do In* share of tho giuuing of that section. -Mr. V. E. Berry, of Henry county, paid this office a call a few days sinco He reports crops in fine condition on his aide of the bmncli, and said there was bat a hair's breadth between cotton and dostk iu the recent cold snap. —The gnano sold in Clay county for 1893, amounted to 1,618 tons; in 1891, 1,205 tons-a decroaso of 323 tons of tho previous year, yet, according to status ties this is two sacks to every man. wo Mao an child in the county, —A Hnnday Behool was organized at New Hope chnroh last Sunday, with G. W. Grappa as Superintendent. There is too good rcaaou why that neighborhood should not have a prosperous Sabbath •chool, as material bcenri to bo plouiL ■ The number of tickets sold at (his point WodnosiUy to tho colored mob to Andcreonvillo, was 216. Every darkcv who could raise a dollar, drop pod it in tho slot and boarded “do koera.” Some left singing some yelling, and uwiHy with a supply of $2 “rosy.” B fTw'dare riuc! ng lte^Snim 'h-r^met with what oaixo near Wing » serious ao cident. Ilia horse ran a; 4 ainst a home reck, Wit damaging Ibo buggy seriously, fortunately not hurting Mr. (rum tnor K groat deal, and neither ihe norMi mjuretl, It was quite u narrow escape. —Annie Thomas, a tan huod damsel b*>cauu‘ tired of parental control, and on last Saturday night, skipped by the light of tlie moon, it is supposed, with an Alalouna coon np,.n whom she had iav ished her affi'Ctionn. The.fleeing couple was tracked to Shorterville, where all trace of tbwv ended. —On last Monday night Mrs. T. M. Brewn was tak.-n quite sick suddenly, aud after giving her several mild anto dotra to no avail, Mr. Browu gave her. as he thought, 15 drops of laudanum, bat on investigating, found that he had administered iodine iastead of laud¬ anum. A physician was smumoned and at this writing. Tuesday, Mrs. Brown is much l*etter. —There is some c roplaint »1 ont the taps hein-i removed from ttie wheels of buggies »od o'b*T vehicles, that are left iu exp«ised plwces at night, This is a species of mslicions mischief that might result in serious injury to hotb persons and property, and the offenders, if caught, should be dealt with in a num¬ ber that they will not soon forget, and foremaocKi will put a stop to such despicable per in future. '—Last Sunday night at Methodist ^church a temporary organisation of | Young People Society of Christian En¬ deavor* was formed with a membership of 38. Next Sunday afternoon a per ma bent organisation will be formed, instead of Friday night, as was announced. All Christian wethers are requested to at¬ tend these exercises, who can do so, as this hr something that Fort Gaines has long bean in need of, and we are glad to the young people take steps iu this direction. Too older Christians should Nil proud of such demonstrations, as il Is bat the legitimate fruit of the parents have loyal to Christ, and tanght their little ones to tread tho path CofRfPwnenwnt Erarctss* of Bluffton High Sehool. Blufftou High School Commencement exercises are over, and as usual with that moat excel lent institution, was a most oomplete success. The exercises were most interesting, mado np of character sketches, and were carried out to a suc¬ cessful snd entertaining end, as our Blnffton friends know so well how to do. The school is m a prosperous condition, and growing in strength and usefulness, every year. The Commencement Sermoju was de¬ livered Sunday, Alay 27th, by Rev. W. H Patterson. of Dawson. “When a traveler over the mountains of California first sees at a distance those great rec^. which on discovery, astonished the world, he experiences a sense of disappoint meat They are only trees—large tiees, it is trne, and well proportion, but yet only trees. But af¬ ter he has Hood in the midst of the grove—a tor he has walked for more than thr» e hundred feet close ar mnd a single trunk, and looked np to the branches as high above him. of per* cltitmv Ins uulked npon some fallen tree a hnndreJ feet above the ground. with a trunk so wide that along it a team mi K ht li ° driven; then, and uot till then. does he reulieo their immense magni¬ tude.” * * * To some extent, it may be, this was the writer's feelings as he took a seat in the Blnffton Academy when he looked npon the young ladies and gentlemen of the school. They were only young gon tlomen and youug ladies, well propor¬ tioned. But aftor wo had sit in the midst of them, an-t had nobxl the works of the ait department, which was so beautifully displayed upon the walls—after wo had followed them through tlio many fields of thought in Declamation, and had gone with them around the trunk of muny , ve „ defluod idoos, and had looked n | )0 n tbo various branches that sparkled f ro , n each thought, and had walked with Prof. E. A. Pounds, of Barnesville, Ga., through all ages of history, and soared away on tho sweet steaian of music to the realms of infinity. Then, and not till then, did we realizo the immense magnitude. Blnffton should fool proud oi her sous aud daughters; but while this in trne, she should have a deep reverence for Prof a. \V. O. MeKinzie and A. B. 8au dew, who hve demonstrated to her that they are not men of small ability, aud alio bo so fortunate as to retain tboao gentlemen, as she has for tbo past few yoars, the day is not far distant when sho will have some of the most towering intellect iu southwest Georgia. COMMUNICATION. Coleman, Ga., May 30. Mn. Editor: I attended the Demo¬ ***** meeting held in Cuthbert yusterday. Tho leading advocates of the iwo candidates for Govornor had been industriously at work throughout tho ooiuity. and a lively interest was maui J 08 tyd by tho supporters of txth Evans au j Atkinson. Each division of the party was outhnaiastic, and confident of micCow. Tho strength of the candidates was tooted iu tho selection of a chairmau, which resulted in a large majority * for ,, General , _ trau,. , In tho spend,e» ... tl»t wero ma<io °F 0U tUo sevcr “ 1 solutions thftt ' vcve offered, the party was oov.n Clkd ’ h >’ 11,0 p P eukor8 ’ to ‘^rmony. And au Ul ^ mw8,ou ^ made that the party had R most formidable enemy to con teoJ in llie poraon or candicacy of Judge Hines. Mr ’ C ’ A ’ Barr V offort ‘ <1 11 resolution - endorsing C leveland and tbeiidmiuistra Hon wliioh was almost nnaniuiously adopted. 1 heard many remarks made bv the luk' worm democrats who said if Evans "as nominated they would sup¬ port Hiuos; while others said if Atkinson was nominated they would support Hines. And still others said if ^Clove land aud the administration were en¬ dorsed, they too would support Ilines So. at any turn ot the wheel Hiues is the gamer. No«v, Mr. Editor. I want to mention a few thingB that surprise me: Is . How can a free coinage democrat endorse Cleveland, w hen he is. and has been for years a monometalist ? 2u*l How cun a democrat endorse his administration, when it is in direct vio¬ lation of the Chicago platform ? 3rd. Aud how can any man speak ol the honored name ef Joffeason in con¬ nection with Cleveland’s ? Jefferson being a friend of the great laboring class of the people; Cleveland being a fair exjKmen’ of Hamiltonian or English sentiment; Jeffersou being a friend to the masses—Cleveland being a friend to plutocracy. Th« democratic party is hopelessly di¬ vided; the southern and western wing of the party can’t do what they would like to do, bat suffer themselves whipped into line by the northern and eastern party lash. Hence these southern en¬ dorsements of the administration. The party’s situation remiuda me of a large ocean steamer stranded away ont at sea; the masts all broken down by storm, the engines all refusing to work, water and food almost exhausted, and but starva¬ tion and certain death awaits them, yet the ocean seems determined, to remain on the old sinking ship. Now, the mys¬ tery to me is, they don’t step off into a passing vessel, whioh is new aud strong, that can make its voyags safely through the waves and storm, and land them svfe upon tbs distant shore. N. T. Cbozleo. will —Judging this from reports our county have year, a fine oat and corn crop, cotton is looking well, also. DISASTROUS WRECK ON tHE &LAKELY EXTENSION LAST WEDNESDAY* A most disastrous wreck occurred lost Wednesday forenoon, on the train going from Columbia, Ala., to Anderson ville, from which, though we have not full particulars, we learn of the following casualties: From reports, Mrs. J. M. Li . 1 tie was badly wounded and has since died. Capt, Jno. Smith killed, Joe Lee and sou badly hart, P. Tinsley, wife and grandson, hurt, Out not seriously, J. C. Chancy, badly hurt, W. it Robioaou. Mr, Pritchett, C. E. Walker, S. G. San¬ ders, W. G. Smith, J. B. Mathis, and T J Norris, injured. ThG is only a partial list, as'about forty were killed and injured. The accident occurred Dear Leary, and the result of a bad track, and green men, that, section of the country, in obarge of the tram. When the passen g- r coach struck the defective portion of the track, it turned over twice, ttt&t down an ernhaukirieut and finally landed fully sixty feet from the track, and the wonder is, iu its crowded condition, that a greater number of passengers were not killed and injured. A portion of the orowd remained at the wreck, while the remainder went to Albany. f rom w hat information we can gather, it appears that the accident was of culp¬ able negligence on the part of the rail read authorities, in allowing the track to bi-come in a wretched condition, was not safe to be traveled upon, and the train was in charge of ofiice,n, to whom that portion of the road was not familliar, they were not aware ot its unsafo ooudi tiou, and eouseqneutly, no precautions were taken, but the train was running at a m peed be only suitable on a read kuowb to in first-Class condition. This, as we have said, is the natnre of the report as received by ns. and if cor¬ rect, the managers of the road should be held responsible, and mado to suffer for t hii culpablo neglect and wantonly en¬ dangering placed themselves the lives of passengers who had in their oharge, and all because their would have been some e.pense attached to patting aiid keeping the road in good condition. Methodist Church» The now Methodist church, of which mention has oefore been made in these col¬ umns, and Which is fast nearing completion will when finished, bo a credit to the denom¬ ination and to the town. It is a coraposit building, part brick and part wood, modeled after the moat modern design, it will be roomy and comfortable, and such an edifice throughout as few towns no larger than ours can boast of. It is oc¬ tagon in shape, with a beautifully propor¬ tioned, hill spire, and located in a position to attract the attention of all wno are any¬ where iu its neighborhood. The interior of the church will be in keep¬ ing with the exterior, the pews and other fittings being especially adapted to the style, siae and shape of the building, an oye being kept to tho comfort of the congregation, as well as to pleasing, artistic effect. As we have remarked before, the chinches of a town aro a sure index to the prosperity, refinement and religious zeal of its citiseus. and we are both glad and proud to say, that in this respect, wo would not suffer by com¬ parison with any other community of like “ ize in tlic State. And our i/ethodist friend* deserve great credit, for, under great diffi c,utio9 ' 8nd man >’ dbcouragomenta, inau* p™ 1 * 011 and P uslliu S to completion, this Of great , deal , , of . work ,. . yet to course, a is ^ <lon , bKoro th „ chureh b , dodic . led . but this wil’ be an accomplished fact, in the not dis'aut future, and the edifice will stand completed, a handsome and substantial mon¬ ument to the Christian enterprise, Wo have neither time nor spaco, neither are wo sufficiently well informed to enter into a detailed account of the ehurch and its belongings, but, on a visit to it a few days ago, we noticed thot the marble corner¬ stone i» inscribed with the names of the building committee, as also, that of the Rev. -Cruiupler, the present pastor in charge, and to whose untiring energy and great per¬ severance, much of the success of undertak¬ ing is due —Judge Teagno, of Alabama, was in the city this week. —Mr. J. E. Womack attended court iu Dawson this week. —Mr. Wil* Morgan, formerly of our to -u, is here on a visit. —Miss Maude Doughtie. of Eufaula, is visiting friends iu the city. —Mr. W. A. MoAllister and lady moved Mouday to the Cook residence on the hill. —Miss Alva Gay is visiting the family of Col. 14. A. Turnipeecd, and a certain young man is happy. —NOTICE f The Board of Directors of the Alliance warehouse will meet in Fort Gaines. Friday, June 5th. —Fiy Traps, Fly Fans, Etc., Ice Cream Free* rs, Water Coolers. at the Hardware Store of J. B. Mcuernkm. im —When you go to Bluffton, jnsfc drive into E. S. Jones stables, you will find him with the crib door open ready to feed and eater your horse. TO THE LAIDES. I am handling a Cooking Mat and Griddle, a new and wonderful invention, indispensible in the culinary department. For preparing delicate food it has no equal. Kioe, milk, oat meal, grits, ot any article of food which is easily scorched can be placed ou the Mat and without the constant stirring required in the old way, it will cook the food thornghly, imparting a delicate taste. For broiling steak, chops, and cooking griddle cakes, it is excellent. The Cooking Mat and Griddle separate or oombiued. I also handle tho Indestructible Metal Tipped wick for lamps and oil stoves, which is a very useful article. It re¬ quires no trimming, emits no smoke or offensive odor, saves oil and gives a strong, beautiful light Have samples for inspection. Send yon orders to this office. Respectfully, Chab. G. Mandeviule. —Mr. W. D. Moore, of Coleman, was iu the city Tuesday. WHAT CONGRESS HAS DONE! nd i M I i fl * v* r. i!" SOM 5*9 Plant System Altai fl Mini Bailway. SCHEDULE IS EFFECT MARCH 18. 1894. Gdlng: West-ltead up. Guilin Eftst-Kc mt down. o. o. " 6* 10:45am 8:40pm JAr — Montgomery - ..... ... ........... ..... ......7..7.Lv' - 7:18am~2T4,W 10:05am 8-03pm Sprague Junction ........Ar 6:00am Lv - ........ .......f^ivorn................v.v.At T:52am 3:25pm 8:55am 7:00pm Lv...-.v 7 'Atom 8:20am 6:27 pm jV.V...,'. »**••«<••• " Bruhdidge............... w V"........ At 8:59am 4:36pm 7:56am 6:04pm * LV . Arhoto Ar 9:25am 5:l2pm 7:25am ..(...m- • . • • •. ................Ar 9:47am 5:37** &55ata 5:35pm 5:05pm Lr 6:35am [Lv ......................Ar 10:4"uiu 6:4fitiftj 6:21nm 6:00pm 4:47pm Ar................ u •;........-v.v.Lv 10:50am 4:45am Lv*........ ... Abbeville, A Junction r Ar ll:0Um 7:12 6:07am Lv*....,,'.. ^llei,.v.«,.„,Ar ih30ara r ,a 5:35am 4:01pm 4.37pm Lv... •We- * * n Ar 11:12am 7;23p 5:18&m 3:55pm Lv... • •Ml • ’ -^rdon.......... Ar» 1 h45am 8t02pm u 4:10ara 2:57pm Lv... •••*»••• hninu&i '*..............Ar ll'rfiOam R4)Rpnt 2:54&m Lv... ."Hnmbridgo............Ar 12:4:1pm 9.12pm 2:39am 1:52pm 1:41 Lv •Thomaavilh,..............Ar J; r>2pm M 2 0 ' pm Ar....... Lv ,m 12:00n't 6:5opm 11:36 pm Lv. . . .V.V.. Va ................... Ar 4fe20pm 1932pm !'. 10am Lv •Oarnosvillo.......... ■. ..................... 10:35p m 10:20&m Lv At &50am 7:00pm _ 8:00am Lv .««•••... ..... .Jacksonville................Ar WaycresH..............Ar 5:22psh *50am 6:50pm 7:25pm 2:34am Lv ... Savannah Ar; 8:20pm 9:17pm 7:45am 7.00am .......... • 2:15pm 10:20pm Lv.. Lv.... ........Brunswick Ar i 7.55a .....Charleston m • • • Ar 2:15am 11:12am a ^ B. DUNHAM, Gen. Supt 5 J 5 22 S?Sg lee McLendon, w ; » $: ,w Montgomery, Ala. k K. PADUAN K, L WINBERLY. PAULLIN & IV/MBERLW i ® CITY DRUG STORE. 9 CHOICE CIGARS, FINE TOBACCO s’ < rK>NT MAKE A MiSt’AKE BY GOING E'LSJSW&feltfe, Bit o REMEMBER TOE--- i CITY DRUG STORE. 4^. Jk Tho the Best Lr«it Shoes Money. tor V»1 l bw. $3 SB©E L. DOUGLAS e S B< ► p,t ^ tVa'fcrproot. Best Bbrc sol i the ti % f4 at pricB 4 Kaiiiolcustom and S3.CO ?>ross $OtoiS. Sho9« •jt s | ;? ^ $3.60 __ work, costing lr«>iu <* c :$> hi l 82.60, JEPJlteS, ShWBfi, im r? y and $2 I v-yj » Unequalled at the {trice. ivT* - h Boys 82 Are 6 tl.e $1.70 Best lor Service. School Show ?Y Ifck ^ $0*60 LADIES’ ^5 BestDoneoli, $a. $1.76 m VSota rittlBrsml Stylish. PeiXOcX % In the 8ervicrabie.Bwt world. All htylv, % *| Insist niton having W.L. Jpog .and Douglas Shoes. Kavio Ik. bottom. price stata'ped JBroekton oA HAM. DEALERS who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gai.i customers* which helps to increase the sales on their full line of goods, nwr «u» •fford Vo mi at A faM JSSflABt, Snd we believe jon can save money by buytfefi fill jour footwear of the dealer advertised below. Catalogue free ttpbtt application. Eor Sale by A. M. WALES,STEIN Oi Sheriff Sale* On the 1st Tuesday In June, 1894, will pa sold before the (kiurt house door be¬ tween the legal hours for sale: for cash, the following lauds to wit: One hundred and fourteen acres of land being the oast half of lot No. 385 In the 5th district of Clay county Georgia. Sold by virtue of a mortgage fi-fa issued from the Superior Court of said county April Term 1894 in favor of Maud ft. Simpson ra. M. C. Wil¬ liams. Principal debt one hundred and twenty six dollars, besides Interest and cost said land pointed out In said mortgage fita. J. T, MCALLISTER* Sheriff. Legal Advertisements* -CITATION. GEORGIA—Clay all whom County. it To may cone Mr*, Emma Watts formerly Mrs. Emma Webb, as Guardian of Emma'Holland fora*, erly Emma Webb, has applied to me for letters dl dismimiou from said GuArd:as.ship and I will pass on the said application tin tho Fort hirst Gaines Monday in July Given nexi, under at my office. hand in Ga. my and seal this the 2nd day of April 1HJ4 r. TFdtfrfc. , Ord'm ery. 0 D. F. GUNN, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, A® Office next to Walieratda'ir. JR.J. Mi JHA^CHETTt Practicing Physician and Ohiggisti Ft)RT GAINKS, GA. Also nscG line Stationery. ? chool Bookr Pnintos Oils, Varnish"* 'and Perfumer. A:l size.-. g.a.,s- .. cut. . r<s riptions filfi. day or nig t with ae<‘ur:i«-y v d dLspctoh. TYREES RAILROAD. We be b to advise that thfe Savanngh & Atlantic R. R. (oetteY known as the Ty bee R. R.), rmsnihg fhJm Ha van hah trf L’ybee, last Ga., An^nSt. wliidh was damaged repaired, by storm is being and will bo id operation In time tii handle tho tianhl SrimthcT business as hereto¬ fore. Cmftrfidt calls fot the nulling of trains over that road ©n tho 1st of May. The sum diet schedules will be out iii ojieretioii as soon as possible, did notice of which will be given. - Cchiebctiotis are requested td prepare round trip tickets to bo placo*l on sols as in previous years. W. F. Saci nil ak. J. C. I ikh z, TradK Mgrs’g’/, .......