Clay County reformer. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 1894-????, August 24, 1894, Image 4

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OF INTEREST TO ALL. Victoria sends dairy products to dia. ^^Oatrich farms return handsome Sagmr as a food produces fat m ancle. White huckleberries grow in Con¬ necticut. Haydn had a scolding wifo. He finally compelled to leave her in to aecnre a little peace. Tho world’s total gold yield laatyoar was $26,288,600, an increase of $2,5(10,000 over the previous year. “How Did My Heart Rejoice Hoar” was written by Watts, It was formerly entitled “Going to Church.” “The Lord My Pasture Shall Pre¬ pare” was written by Joseph Addison, and was first printed in the Spectator in 1712. Man has never seen tho inside of •omoof the Egyptian pyramids siuce they wore first built, so far ns known. There are in tho United States 87,- 129,."fit single persons; 22,831,454 married; 2,970,052 widowed and 120, 996 divorced. A Greek phalanx on tho march de¬ ployed its ranks six foot apart, in tho charge, three feet; resisting a chargo, one and one-half fend. A bronze plate has boon sot in tho rose quartz bowlder that marks tho grave*of Poet Emerson, in Sleepy Hol lew cemetery, Concord. Recent figures show that the total value of tho matches niado and con sumed each year throughout the world is but little short of 8200,000,000. A dispatch from Hong Kong, China, says that an official report issued thero gives the number of persons who died from the plague in the Canton districts bh 120,000. Colonel Hen nett II. Young has boon exploring tho Indian mounds in tho neighborhood of Louisville, and found many 1,000 interesting relics of more than years ago, {Skeletons found in¬ that the red mon of that day over seven feet in height. Traveling Advertisements. “The snu do move.” Ho does adver¬ ; it moved tho businoHs world. latest device for advertising pur¬ was recently patented. It iH an pneumatic tired safety bicy¬ with itH rear wheel utilized as a press. A11 ink w-oll and a roller located so as to iufringo tho will of the rider, on the printing gives life to tlio typo and tho side-walk, impression oft repeated on gives tho pedestrian ad¬ as to where to make his purchases. A Novelty Safety Boiler. A French engineer, M. Chatonol, invented a safety boiler of a novel Tho boiler consists of a of horizontal tubes placed over furnae*\ Into this nest water is in tlio form of a spray, under conditions it is instantaneously and superheated. “Solid” is never admitted to tho tubes. evaporative power of tlio boiler is and tho tubes do not burn Engineer. Lively h« n Trout the individual w ho after a long siegs flmls liberated frem tho dose blockade of enemy, constipation. Many persons of a halill are troubled with constriction of bowels. They always find relief, nnd that without Hostetler's griping Stomach or trouble of any from Bitbrs, a al o for ma'arial, dyspeptic, rheu¬ or kidney affect ions. Young man, It is a serious mistake iu habits. addi¬ when you add to your vices or had Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root euros a'l Pamphlet Kidney and and Consultation bladder troubles. Laboratory free. Binghamton. N. Y. An education that nukes one less useful to fellow men Isa spei les of vice. Pure and Wholesome quality Commends to public approval tho California Uqutd laxative remedy. Syrup of B’igs. It ia pleasant lo the tasio and by acting gently on the kidney-, liver and bowels to cleanse tho system effectually. It promotes lhe health and comfort of aii w ho use it, aud with millions it la the beat aud only remedy. happiness, A I'wth can be found that leadst o truth and and a big road to ruin aud despair. l*r, Hawthorne** Experience. •’The constant use of King's Royal CJermc laet for four months cured me of a distress¬ ing catarrhal trouble which began more than thirty years ago."—J. R. Hawthorne, Atlanta, Us., July 23, 1«H. fl.M; 6 for $3. By Express post; aid. King’s Koyal Germetncr Co., Atlanta, Ga. $100 Reward. 9100. Tbe readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there is at IvuM ono dreaded disease thet science hss Won able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to the radical fraternity. Catarrh being acon etttutional discs*,', requires a constitutional treatment. ternally, Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken in¬ surface* acting directly of the upon the thereby blood and mucous system, de¬ stroying the the foundation of the disease, nnd Constitution giving patient und assisting strength by building in doiug up th® work. The proprietors nature its its curative have so much faitn in dred Ihdlars |*>wer*thnt for they offer it One Hun¬ bend for any case that fail* to curs, list of testimonials. Address K. J. ( m & Co., Tolodo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. The Itcni .Hew Wauled. "Yes, we want the strongest and best men among the reader*of your pap. r t<v represent u* in tin tr respective lo alitfes, either devoting all or any t art of their time to our business. Men and women who stand wi 11 are offered exceptional That i* what opportunities Johnson or profitable Richmond, work.” R. F. & Co., Va., say in inference to tluir advertisement. Attention, Tourist. Th® mo*t pleasant, an l cheapest way to Central reach Boston, New and York, and the Hast is via lldlmad Ocean Steam-hip Com p*nv. Ti»e rate I* fur Hie round trip, fCMOO straight. Table* Ticket* inc'ude with meals the deli¬ and cacies stateroom. of tbe soavon. supplied Vor informs all h>n call on or addre** any ageut of Central R. li. railroad? Do you desire If a clerkship send in th® city or with a *o us tour nant 1 . State qualification®. We find situation* for both iadies and gentlemen. Addrsst liusiuo-s, 8 a vnunxh. Ga. Weak and Weary Overcome by the heat or ext raordiuary exer¬ tion. needs the physical system, like a machine, to be renovated and repaired. The blood needs to be purified an l invigorated J-JoocTs Sarsa¬ parilla by and muscle.) Hood* which the strengthened nerves Henmpsri’- ami Cures i«, create* nn E ite, tvmoT- s that tire* f.*Hug and cot, sound, refresh I sleep. P»IU *U llfst ids. sic. HALLS OF CONGRESS DAILY PROCEEDINGS OF BOTH HOUSE AND SENATE. Whaf Our National Law-Makers are Doing for the Country. Tho first item of business in the houso Wednesday, after the reading of the journal, was the announcement by the speaker that tho committee on en¬ rolled bills had reported that tho amended tariff hill bad been properly Jgntd euroilucl nnd that it had been nLl ures l. were 1 . liavea ™, passed 1 and half F a dozen a in definite of almcuce granted h * to members, ... ...i - all on account of : iSrf'n, er , “? ifr""'" ft O mein tion of the following resolutions: “Whereas, tho balance of available gold in tho United States treasury on August 1, 1894, had been reduced, despite the sale of $50,000,000 of gold bonds, to the sum of $54,975,007, and whereas, thero is in the treasury, un¬ used and available, an amount of silver equal to $513,880,082 American stand¬ ard coin and value; and whereas, the income of the United States does not now equal its expenditures; therefore, be it resolved, that tho committee III! coinage, weightsand measures be direct¬ ed to at once report to the house for its consideration a bill providing for the proper uso and avail of the said sil¬ ver.” The resolutions were referred. I he second morning hour was given to tbo committee on the judiciary, Chairman Culberson called up the bill to make any contract hereafter mado for tho payment of money in gold, sil vor or coin, payablo in any legal ten dor of tho United States. Cousidera tion of the bill was interrupted by tho coufureenco report on tho sundry civil bill. An agreement was reported. i mong the disputed items the ap propriation of $105,000 for the fmni n s of tho twenty-one killed at tho lord s theater disaster was stricken out and a commission appointed to in vestigato and report upon their claims. he appropriation of $25,000 for a quarantine station at SouthPort, N. U, retained. The appropriation for the pnrel,a»o of the lot a» .. »it„ for the government printing of flee, was stricken out. The appropri ation of *200,000 for the Cotton Hint™ and International exposition, \ at Th ° un r , tho general deficiency appropriation bill, which showed an agreement upon all points, except tho appropriation of $1,809,539 to pay Pacific railroad judgments. Without that thc agreed bill carries a total of $6,202,903. Tho Pacific railroad item gave rise to a discussion which was not codcludcd wheu tho houso adjourned. As a number leaves of absence were granted to members and the atteud unco upon the Uouro Thursday showed tho general departure of representa fives from tho city only a small bit of routine business was transacted and then tho conference report on the gon oral deficiency appropriation bill was laid beforo tho body. The item under discussion is that appropriating $1, 000,000 to pay a judgment in favor of tlm Southern Pacific railroad company for transportation of troops, mails uud merehnndise for the United States, I wo hours and a half aro accorded for discussion, when a vote will be taken. Thero was lmrtlly a quorum of thc house of representatives loft in W ash iugton for I riday’s session, ns tho members are anxious to get away and are leaving on every train. Mr. Reed will see the session through. Messrs, Payne, of New York, Cogswell, Mass., nml Cannon, of Illinois, will also re nmin to submit some republican fig ures on tho appropriations and sorno observations on the tariff. Most of the democratic leaders are remaining in ordei to makes quorum in case of au unexpected emergency on tariff. Tint (senate. . - s soou as tho seuato journnl was r C8 ^ ft y Hie chief clerk of r 11 the house , appeared and delivered a message, announcing the passage by tlie house of tlio lulls to place on the free list, sugar, bituminous coal, iron ore and barbed wire. lhe message made no allusion to tho concurrence of tho houso in all the sennto^ amend monts to tho tariff lull. When tho vice-president laid before the senate the free list bills, Mr. Manderson asked that they be read at length and objected to the second reading of all of them. Air. Hill gave notice of amendments to each of the bills, pro viding for the repeal of all income taxes. The senate, at 2:10 p. m., ad journed until \V eduesdny. During tho routine morning busi ness in the senate Wednesday tho chief clerk of the houso delivered a message from the house notifving the senate of the discharge of the houso conferees on the tariff bill, nnd of the fact that the house had receded from its disagreement to the senate amend ments, nnd further that he (the clerk) had been directed to pro sent to the senate for the sig nature of its president, tho enrolled tariff bill. Within a few minutes af* torwards the vice president announced that ho had signed tho tariff bill. Mr. Quay gave notice that he would offer, ns au amendment to each of the four bills, putting sugar, eoal, iron ore and barbed wire on tho free list, th • McKinley tariff bill. Air. But lor offered a resolution which was referred, instructing the committee on interstate commerce to inquire aud re port as to the freight and passenger charges, differential, etc., of the South era Steamship and Railway ussoeia tions. At the request of Mr. Har ris, each of the four house bills as to sugar, coal, "iron ore and barbed wire was taken up and re ceived its second reading. The for mality having been accomplished, Mr. Harris roea and said: “I deem it my duty to submit to the senate a com- the munication from the secretary of treasury as to what effect the passage of the bills putting sugar, coal, iron and barbeil wire on the free list would have on the revenues of the government* desk The letter wa» read from the clerk’s The senate at Tbnrsdnv’s oeeeioh pussed the bid fof the exclusion deportation of ab«tP aaarebiate* bad been apr.ed lo in conference com¬ mittee on a Lko bill heretofore passed. In tho se? ate, Friday, Mr. Harris offered a resolution that tho vacancy in tho finance committee be filled by tho selection t f White, of California. Some objection was made, nnd after a spirited dis ussion the resolution went offered ov» r until Saturday. Mr. Harris then a resolution, which also went over, that there shall be no further tariff legislation this session. In tho senate, Saturday, the resolu¬ tion of Mr. Harris, providing for the appointment of Senator White as a member of the finance committee in place of Senator Vance, deceased, was S i„ ; n he , ( 0 "‘ ,, 1 “ , “ J . 0| f e eJ , to , , oiutiou, declaring ? it t„ l,e the judg- * ° . «. of , <, Secretary , Carlisle s letter to Senator Harris, as „ «• . , ~ passed at this session of congress, was then laid before the senate. At the request of Mr. Gorman, however, it was passed over temporarily. WASHINGTON NOTES NEWS CONCERNING THE VARI¬ OUS DEPARTMENTS. Sayings and Doings of the President and Members of the Cabinet. The senate finance committee Friday morning adjourned shortly after meet iug without accomplishing anything. The republicans, who bad taken over night to consider the matter, decided that they would permit nothing to be done until tho democrats had filled the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. Yance. It has been rumored generally in Washington that Mr. Carlisle will leave the cabinet and that Mr. Wilson, 0 f West Virginia, will take his pilace. Tho rumor is based on the statement that President Cleveland was ignorant 0 f tho letter which Secretary Carlisle 8ent to Senator Harris, chairman pro tern of the finance committee, ' f t preside., ., , tor . r X.’l 2““ .™ ’ Th S Tf " red, , ‘r “ hl 18 ? 8 rel “X y , "ont . on the “ d TT’-°"f f M n’ acC0nn ‘ 0 ' ? ^ "W attack mnlnr10 ' whlck «"> a vote of 32 to 18, the houso bill for free 8U S ar was 8ent to thc commit 011 finance, Ihursday. The other three bills, known as the “pop-guns,” wero also referred by a vote of 35 to 17 - , The eighteen votes against refer rin 2 tho 8U S ar bil1 to the finance com mitte o w ero by democrats, who bo believed that to refer it meant its death, The senate committee on the judi ciary has made an adverse report to tho senate on the nomination of the Hon. James D. Porter, to be United Stutes judge of the casteru nnd middle district of Tennessee. It is understood that tho opposition is based on the ground that Potter, while a resident of thc state, lives outside of the dis trict over which he was appointed to preside. Tlio four members of tlic royal Hnw aiian commission, who visited Wash iugton to secure redress for Queen Lillioukalani, or to prevent the recog nitiou of the new republic, loft for Honolulu via Ban Francisco, Thursday night over tho Ohio aud Baltimore railroad. Whatever the exact nature of their mysterious mission to Wash iugton may have been, it seems certain that it was a complete failure. An nouncements mado by individuals en voy that they had obtained an appoint ment for a hearing at the state depart ment turned out to be untrue, A special of Wednesday says: The house bills putting coal, iron, sugar ftml bftrbod wire ou tbe frec ]ist have gone to tho senate. No one believes they will be enacted into laws this ses- 8 i on> The truth is, it was never in tended by some of the house members that they should become laws. All coai. they expect to do is to trade for free Already senators who aro inter C sted in iron, sugar aud barbed wire have been approached to trade these items for free coal. There is a strong lobby in Washington in tho inter est of the Nova Scotia syndicate who ftro whiling to do anything for free coal. The senators say thev are will i ng to give free coal if the' Canadian government will take the duty of 67 cents per ton off American coal, and coa i will not be put on the free list un i ess this is granted. The states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illi nois nnd Indiana could, if this were j onc> 8U pply all of Canada west of Toronto with coal at cheaper rates than the Nova Scotia mines can. , . _ ,, r ,, 10 .J CS1 j,!!'!? !' I resident Cleveland left Washington oarly Thursday morning for Gray Ga Lies Private Secretary Ihurber makes public the following statement m re¬ g^d to the president s departure: “The president left this morning for a few dft vs ftbsence under the adviC0 - of his physician, in the hope of shak * n 8 an a G ac L of maiaria from which be has been suffering for several days. Yesterday the attack culmi nated in a fever, whicli was under control this morning. Doctor ^ Reilly, his physician, expressed no donbt that a fow da vs of palt air wil1 - recuperate the president sufficiently . to r^uew his o fficial duties, and he will return to W ashington by the middle of next week. He has gone to Gray Gables, and is accompanied by Dr, O’Reilly.” President Cleveland left on the 7:10 train over the Pennsylvania road, H 0 took no action upon the tariff bill before his departure beyond sending it to the secretary of the treasury for a report, as is customary with all reve nue bills. Tne Memphis, Tenn., grand jury has found 304 indictments against per goug j n Shelby county, making 538 indictments found in two days, charged w ith selling liquor withont'a license, The investigations of that body have developed the fact that the county, ****„ nun <« and oRy have lost about $1,500, the ya«* eight years from a fail ur*> u* collect tfcle revenue: Before the investigations are through with it is expected over one thousand indict¬ ments will have been turned into court. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS CONDENSED FROM OUR MOST IMPORTANT DISPATCHES. Short and Crisp Items of General Interest to Our Readers. The big strike of the miners at Spring Valiev, Ill., has ended by an agreement between the coal company and the strikers as to terms. Tho men will resume work at once. Congressman Isador Raynor, of tho fourth Maryland district, whose re nomination has been unanimously con¬ ceded, has formally withdrawn from the canvass and announced himself as a candidate for the gubernatorial nom¬ ination. A San Francisco dispatch says: Up to nington Thursday evening the gunboat Ben¬ has remained outside the har¬ bor, and no action had been taken by federal officials as to the disposition of General Ezeta and his three compan¬ ions. Walter Wellman and party have ar¬ rived at Tromsoe, Norway, from the Arctic regions, where their steamer, the Ragnvold Jarl, was recently crush¬ ed in the ice, compelling them to abandon their attempt to reach the north pole. Congressman J. B. McCreary, of Kentucky, is out in a letter to a prom¬ inent democrat announcing him¬ self as a candidate for United States senator. Senator Blackburn will stand for re-election aud Governor Brown is also a candidate. The police say that three of the an¬ archists arrested in the suburbs of Rome, Italy, were in a plot to assassin¬ ate Premier Crispi. The bomb to bo used by the assassins had been pre¬ pared, aud Giganti, of those arrested, had been chosen to throw it at the premier. A dispatch from Praetoria, in the Transvaal (Africa) republic, says the Kaffirs are besieging Aagtha, aud are treating the Boer population with atrocious cruelty. Numbers of Boer farmers aro reported to have been murdered by tho score. An armed force is hastening to the rescue. Passenger train No. 2, going west, on the Atlantic and Pacific railroad, was wrecked by it washout at Cubero, N. M., Thursday morning. The en¬ gine was ditched. James Norton, tbe fireman, was killed, and William Nor¬ ris, the engineer, was dangerously in¬ jured. So far as known no passengers were injured. The board of trade firm of Booge, Frazer & Co., at Chicago have assign¬ ed. Tho fluctuations of the corn mar kes and the failure of the Hawkeye Commission Company, of Omaha, Neb., is believed to have caused the failure. Booge, Frazer & Co. were officers and heavy stockholders of the Hawkeye company. The Italian cabinet has passed reso¬ lutions to grant an amnesty to all pier sons sentenced to imprisonment for one year or less on account of their activity in the revolts in Sicily and Massa di Carrara last winter. Persons sentenced to imprisonment for three years or more for taking part in either revolt, will have their terms reduced by ono year each. Four fresh cases of Cholera were reported in East Prussia Thursday. One bargeman died. Another patient is a Uhlan trooper. Several cases of cholera and two deaths are reported from the district of Ivoloman. Tho water of of the river Netzo is said to be infected. There have been no fresh cases at Cologne. An examination of the water of the Rhine showed no sign, of infection. The Idaho democratic convention, in session at Boise City, made the fol¬ lowing nominations: For governor, ex-Governor E. F. Stevenson; for congress, James Ballantinc; for lieu¬ tenant governor, John B. Thatcher; for treasurer, James H. Bush; for auditor, James Stoddard; for supreme judge, J. C. Elder. Three places— secretary of state, attorney general and superintendent of public instruction, were left vacant. Fire, which caused a loss of about $250,000, broke out Wednesday after¬ noon on the top floor of a five-story brick building in New York city. The building was occupied by II. C. Will¬ iams & Co., wholesale grocers, and tho damage to their stock will amouut to about $225,000, while the building was damaged to the extent of $25,000. The loss is fully covered by insurance. Tbe cause of the fire is unknown. The labor convention at Columbus, O. , for the purpose of taking inde¬ pendent action in politics was called o order by President McBryde Wed¬ nesday morning in the Trades Assem¬ bly hall. The only app roach toward speechmaking was by Temporary Chairman Bramsehweiger, who said that the convention was only the re¬ sult of a movement among the trade unions all over the country in favor of united and independent political ac¬ tion. The Indiana state democratic con¬ vention met in Indianapolis with a full representation of delegates, num¬ bering over one thousand seven hun¬ dred. At 9 o’clock Wednesday morn¬ ing the resolutions committee was still at work. It leaked out just prior to the time for calling the convention to order that the stumbling block was the endorsement of Senator Yoorhees. The Yoorhees m£n on the committee demanded his endorsement, while the friends of Governor Matthews insisted that the latter should be landed aud the senator condemned. At a special meeting of the directors of the Washington, D. C., board of trade Wednesday on tbe subject of tho coming convention at Washington Thursday and Friday, August 30th aud 31st, of southern boards of trade, gov¬ ernors, mayors and merchants and manufacturers to consider the advisa¬ bility of a permanent exhibit of re¬ sources of tbe south, it was decided to hold the convention at Willard’s hall. The parlors of Willard’s hotel will be the headquarters of the convention. A r. h flj » B is expected, partieu t C ■ SOUTHERN NOTING THE MOST INTERESTING OCCURRENCES OF THE DAY And Presenting an Epitome of tho South’s Progress and Prosperity. A Columbia, S. C., special says: McCullough, Lucas, Norment nnd Ap pell, citizens of Darlington charged with the killing of Constable Topper in the Darlington riot, were given a hearing in habeas corpus proceedings liefore Judge Watts Wednesday. Mc Collough was granted bail at $2,500. He gave it. Tho other three men were discharged # for want of evidence. The Tennessee state democratic ex¬ ecutive committee organized at Nash¬ ville by electing W. H. Carroll chair¬ man aud J. W. Childress vice-chair¬ man. The chairman was authorized to appoint a secretary and treasurer and all necessary sub-committees. Tho question of allowing joint discussion with populist candidates for the legis¬ lature and congress was left with tho county and congressional committees. The great coal miners’ strike in Ala¬ bama is now a thing of the past. Wed¬ nesday night the miners’ executive committee met with President Baxter, General Manager Debardeleben and Superintendent McCormick, of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railway Company, and signed and agreement and the strike, through a card from President Tournier, of the min¬ ers’ committee, has been declared off. A Savannah, Ga., special says: Mr. II. M. Comer positively denies that there is any foundation lor the rumor circulated in the city that the reorgan¬ ization plan of Drexel, Morgan <fc Co. for the Central railroad properties had fallen through, and that the reorgani¬ zation would be taken charge of by Senator Brice and General Thomas, who had, it was said, formed a syndi¬ cate for the purpose of securing control of the underlying securities. Tho populists of the seventh Missis¬ sippi congressional district in a meet¬ ing at Jackson nominated Dr. A. M. Newman, of Franklin, for congress over Dr. S. AV. Robinson, of Pankin, tho populite nominee of t\voy".rs ago, by a vote of 2-4 to 8. This was the largest populite congressional conven¬ tion ever held in the city. J. F. Mc Dougall, of Kansas, was present and addressed the convention. Old-time republicans mingled and shook hands with the populite delegatee. TRADE TOPICS. Bradstreet’s Report of Business for the Past Week. Bradstreet’s revieAv of trade for tho past week 6ays: “The Pj’ ec i a l telegraphic and mail advices summarizing interviews with more than five hundred leading whole¬ sale dealers and manufacturers nt forty-seven cities throughout the country ns to the present effect, if any, of thc prospective tariff settlement, and the outlook as to the effect of tho senate tariff bill, should it become a law, indicate relatively less enthusi¬ asm at largo eastern centers, except.nt New York and Baltimore; almost uni¬ form satisfaction throughout the southern states and similar advices from the central and northwestern states, except where serious crop dam¬ age has taken place. In the far west, little interest is manifested in tariff legislation, notably at Denver and Helena, where silver attracts more at¬ tention. Portland fears the result in the reduction of the tariff on lumber, but at San Francisco an improve¬ ment in demand is expected aud con¬ siderable freight is offering for ship¬ ment to China. “A feature is found in declarations from manufacturers of woolen goods, glassware, pottery and iron and steel at various centers of production, that wages will probably be reduced. “Aside from the probable improve¬ ment due to the ending of the uncer¬ tainty in business, neither Boston, Providence, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Newark nor Rochester mer¬ chants interviewed express noteworthy enthusiasm ns to the trade prospect. While no gain is reported in trade circles at southern cities, several thous¬ and coal strikers have gone back to work in the Birmingham district, sev¬ eral southern railways are calling for more coal and southern iron works are shipping more iron than a year ago. It is reported that Atlanta hardware jobbers based recent prices on tho Wilson bill, and the prospective pas¬ sage of the senate bill and will make a difference in profits in consequence. Little Rock expects eastern cotton manufacturers to buy more freely now, and three leading Texas cities, in view of the excellent crop prospects in that state and prospectively the largest cotton crop on record, regard the bus¬ iness# outlook very favorably. The proposed change in the sugar sched¬ ule exerts material depression in Louis¬ iana. “The region west of Pennsylvania and east of tho Mississippi river re¬ ports almost uniformly favorable trade conditions, with gains in demand and in industrial activity, except in Indi¬ ana and Illinois pottery industries,and among Indiana clothing manufactu¬ rers, who report that they expect to reduce wages. “Aloney at nearly all leading finan¬ cial centers has hardened. Demand for shipment west to move and carry the crops has begun to exert an appre¬ ciable influence.” WHEN IT WILL TAKE EFFECT. Importers Get Information from the Treasury Department. A Washington special says: Doubt still exists in the minds of many im¬ porters as to the assessment of duty on goods arriving in this country prior to or the day the tariff bill becomes effective, but not formally entered until after the bill has become a law. In reference to this confusion it is ex¬ plained at the treasury department that the bill will not go into effect un¬ til the day after the president’s signa* ture is affixed or the law becomes op¬ erative through the expiration of the ten days’ l imit. Pbatxa is sinful when you ask for blessings you might secure by your exertion. THERE are any house¬ keepers not using ROYAL BAKING POWDER, its' great qualities warrant them in making a trial of it. The ROYAL BAKING POWDER takes the place of soda and cream of tartar, is more convenient, more eco¬ nomical, and makes the biscuit, cake, pudding and dumpling lighter, sweeter, more delicious and wholesome. A* Those who take pride in making the finest food say that it is quite indispen¬ sable therefor. ROYAL PAKINQ POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., TAXATION TOPICS. The liquor tax yields the best re¬ turns to tho government in Russia and the poorest in Norway. Tho people of Europe, including Great Britain, disburse, every year, in taxes, the sum of £070,000,000. Taxes on clothing abovo a certain grade of excolleneo wore levied in France for nearly two centuries. One of the earliest histiyical records of Egypt relates to tho assessment and collection of royal taxes. In Siam, until a few years ago, a heavy tax was levied on umbrellas. Every umbrella carrier had to pay. In 1882 pioll-tax was paid in Russia by 093,000 land owners and gentry, 1,347,000 Cossacks and 23,542,000 serfs. Finland is tho least taxed couutry in Europe. Tho total taxes amouut to only $4 pier head of population. Peter the Great levied a heavy tax on beards, not for purposes of revenue, but to compel his picople to shave. In 1812 thero were 37,675 persons in Great Britain paying taxes on incomes greater than £200; now the number is 210,430. The picople of Great Britian pay 120 pienco pier head every year in liquor tax, 30 pence in coffee tax and GO in tobacco taxes. During the reign of Solomon the taxation of tho Hebrews became so heavy that immediately on the acces¬ sion of his son a demand for a reduc¬ tion was mado, and upion its refusal the chief tax collector was stoned to death aud a sececsion of tho ten tribes nt once followed. Deviled Ham Sandwiches. Chop cohl boiled ham very fine. For each cup take tho yolkes of 2 hard boiled eggs, a tablespoonful of lemon juice, a quarter of a teaspoonful of mustard and a quarter of a pound of butter. Rub tho eggs smooth with the butter, mix with tho ingredients and season to taste. Spread Ihiu slices of bread with it. Fold together or roll. A Beautiful Skin is ono of the chief requisites of an at¬ tractive appearance. Bough, dry, scaly patches, little blistery eruptions, red and unsightly ringworms—tlieso would spoil the beauty of a veritable Venus. They aro completely and quickly cured by Tetterino. 50 cents a box at drug stores or postpaid by J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. FUN FOR EVERYONE! The Dixie Interstate Fair nnd Its Midway Junior nt Macon this Fall. Among the numerous and first-ciass attrac¬ tions at the Dix e Interstate Fair at Macon this Fail can be counted the Midway Junior, which will I e a World-Famous splendil reproduction Midway in Plais- min¬ iature of the ance. with , , Tho Turkish Theatre, Cairo street, Bedouins, Canv l and Donkeys will be there. Then there is the great Cyclorarna Battle of Gettysburg and a stupendous Wild \Ve*t Show- whose Indian camp wi.l beou the Macon Midway Junior. The anticipated visit of President Cleveland w r ill be one of the grandest receptions already ever seen in Georgia. The line of exhibits Fair booked for the great Dixie Interstate gives promise of a grand interior. The races will be the lies’ ever seen in Geor¬ gia and in fact the general make up of the Fair will be iir-t-class in every respect. Ev¬ eryone should take an interest and tbe Geor¬ gia exhibits must surpass tho c of any other State. be Premium lists and all informat on can obtained lrom the secretary, Mr. J. R. Ken¬ nedy, at Macon, Ga. Karl’s Clover Ro d, the great b’ood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the 50 complex¬ $1. ion and cures constipation, 25 cts., cts., A Fine Opportunity For Young Men With Small Capital. Every town needs and 06 will support a barber shop,especially if it be '-^aged clean and well man by a white man. Clean, respectable Vj bu iness, and pays a big profit. IVe furnish barber shops with chairs, fixture* and supplies of all kinds at factory “ prices. Send for cat a'osnie. LOWRY HARDWARE CO • 9 ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Im W Y « m LJ u . Raphael, Angelo. Rubena, Tasso The "LINENE” are the Best and Most Economi¬ cal Collars and Cuffs worn: they are made of fine cloth, both sides finished alike, and being reversi¬ ble, one collar is equal to two of any other kind. They Collars fit well, wear well awl loot well. A box of Ten or Five Pairs of Cuffs for Twenty-Five Cents. A Sample Collar and Pair of Cuffs by mail for Six Cents. Name style and size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY, 77 Franklin St., New York. 27 Kilby St., Boston. mm n C pnn I# fimaMfrsr I HALMSii^^iCii ewing6yni *’ Cure* rai l Prevents Rheumatism, Indigestion, V V § Dyspepsia, Useful In M Heartburn, and Catarrfi, Fever*. and Asthma. .larW Cleanses ti e A Teeth an I Promotes the Appetite. Sweetens v the Breath, Cure* the Tobacco ti.bit. Endorsed *' by the Medical Kacu ty. Send tor lb, 1ft tr aa ; 4 y q ss'fS- * Plionautograph. This instrument, according to tho Chicago Evening Post, performs all tho functions of the human “typewri¬ exeept to chew gum and entertain gentlemen callers during tho business hours. It is claimed to be a new invention that business men can dictate letters into ono end and pull them out of the other end ready for tho post. It does not yet appear to bo perfected,as it adheres to tho phonetio system of spelling and outragos Web¬ ster in no uncertain degree; and, liko many of its human competitors, its capitalization and punctuating aro ex¬ asperating. Yet, tho inventor claims that all tlieso defects will bo remedied. It is not yet on tho market, but is said to resemble a cash register in appear¬ ance. It is actuated by electricity— simply press the button, talk into tho cylinder and the phonautograph does the rest.” The rubber rings of fruit cans will recover their elasticity if soaked for in weak ammonia water. This is quite an item ' when canning is bo ing done and the rubber rings aro found to bo stretchod out of shape. PIERCE ANTEES GUAR¬ A CURE OR MONEY IS REFUNDED. Disease follows a run-down system with the liver inactive and the blood disordered. Pimples, Boils, Sores, Carbuncles, of impure Ulcers, blood, and liko manifestations should be driven out or tho system with Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. "/> Mrs. KtinN, of 6!8 B. t, £ 16th Street, New York » City, writes as follows: , “ It pleases me to state that I had a run w,i nintr neck, and sore had upon it in j ) three times. oper * 1 a ted upon not If 1 and still it was cured. I was also run down very much. There was a decided change after using “ Dr. ( Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery,’ I took a few bottles and was soon cured. Later my Mas. _ Kuhn. . husband had a lump tried behind his ear; he your medicine, and one bottle cured him. I chall always recommend your medicines. W. $3 L. Douglas SHOE HO IS SQUEAKING. THE BEST. $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH* ENAMELLED CALF 0^. ” *3) \ $ .so FINE POLICE,3 CALF&KM6ARQ1 t 3.5? SOLES. S oso>2.WORKINGMENS EXTRA FINE. ,■ *2.*L 7 - 5 Boys’SchoolShoes. : Ct3.« & 'LADIES' ’^D0NG0 B B l4 . iP SEND FOR CATALOGUE *■ W*L*DOUGLAS* BROCKTON, MASS. You can *avo money by wearing tho W. I,. Douglas 83.00 Hlioe. Tiecnunc, wo are tlio largest manufacturers of this gradeof shoes in the world, and guaranteo their value by stamping tho name and price on tha bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our siToea equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them cold everywhere nt lower price* for the value given than any other make. Take no sub¬ stitute. If your dealer cannot sifpply you, wo can. -*RQPE FEED* STEEL SAW STEEL—Out and out. COST LESS MONEY and cut more lumber than any Saw Mill in the U.S. K9AHLY MACHINE CO. ' L hi AlVmG G NES ' DALTON, GA. O s Buyers ol Machinery, Attention! Deal directly with manufacturers and w rite nt for prices. ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, Grist Millls, Cane Mills, Cotton Gins and Presses, And anything wanted in the machinery line. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS.Macon.Ga. WBEaL TREATMENT SfiaStSS as. foTisivsyas: $1000 in money; boside, othar valutbl® premiums to good guesners. Ha*®-Itall Rooter®, cntoli on* oili-r in Homo anil Uonniry Mattnzine. Prico is c-nt*. Samp e Magazine c*n t>* seen and full particular, obtained stilus office. «11 Ntovsde&ler* or 53 East Kith Street, New V, rk City. ’ * FREE! CATALOG, giving a full description of thecht apeataud best IRON FENCE mado for cemetery me, J. W. RICE, Atlanta, Ca. 1 * (10(4 vww SL'hker*, -p,,,. UERALDf y >ur No name 143A and La addr***. st only Ml j. ^ , n , T> to o to n c VC. UJ o IX Consnmptlvds and people who have weakinnssor Asth¬ ma, should use Pino’s Cure for Consumption. It has enured thousands. It has not injur¬ ed one. It Is not bad to take. It Is the best cough syrup. Sold everywhere. Me. V c, ■z .0 c t 0. H O z ■— —M l'' v’W- II mww A. Hi 9 ill! mi i I, h»h - four, ’M