Clay County reformer. (Fort Gaines, GA.) 1894-????, September 28, 1894, Image 4

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WORTH KNOWING. It is now estimated that Chicago’s drainage canal system will cost $25, 000 , 000 . In Germany the forest land owned by the state is SIS per cent of all forest iftuda. Lunar halos are sometimes large and sometimes small because they aro formed at different heights in the air. Hilver tarnishes when exposed to the light because of tho actinic or chemical property possessed by Ihe rays of the sun. Bodies of moths are covered with a thick down because the insects require protection from the dampness of the night. White clothing is cool because it re¬ flects the heat of the snu; black cloth¬ ing In warm because it absorbs both heat and light. The eyeball is white because the blood vessels that feed itH substance are so small tlmt they do not admit the red corpuscles. 'Hie unfermented wine, such as was a cause of offense to the W. C. T. U. at Chautauqua, is sold in various places. It is mixed with the milknliake to give it s etuesH and life, ami is retailed at chops where file actual process of press¬ ing the juice from tho grapes goes on uuder the eye of the consumer. The bank of Euglandlias fewer notes in circulation than it bad fifteen years ago, and the total active note circula¬ tion of England is hardly greater than when the act of 1844 pasied. Banknotes «re used much less in business than for¬ merly, other means of exchange having taken the place 4'iir«'«» Tlmt Enltlt \Von*l EAVri Are b;«Mtv:hl about, by tho u«e of llostet'.of’H HOnnneh Hitter*, foremost amoiu; Amorlcaui family rrlimitii<n. Hlioutnati*tn, neuralgia, liver complaint, malaria un«l ner¬ vous complaints Hiicctimb to thi* reliable rctiiHly. It oe ■ It* benkn work thorouuMy, Mini thowe who use tt reap a fruitful harvest, of health- Physicians of the first si anti ing commend it. A Mliitl-Wrecklng Task. “ft is impossible!’’she exclaimed. “I am foiled,’’ and she throw the pen despairingly from her. “What is tho matter?” asked her mother. “I was writing to Herbert and tried to spell liis college yell.” THE DIXIE FAlIt AT MACON, HA. One Cnre Itule From All I'uinln—Imiueiine I rr|»«ratlo»s Alnmninth lliilldiiifi" A tfrnnd Enteriirlae for (•eorultt. A round trip rate of one faro from nil Ohio rjxer point* will Im> L-rame'l to thutrr.-at Dixie I sir which is to be Riven at. Macon next month. .Mr. li. A. Mncdonald, general jms -‘'iiKi i' agent of the Georgia meeting Southern and Florida Hailroa l, at a of the South¬ ern I'as-eiiger Association held recently In New Vork, -ecuMl this eonce-slon in lavorof the gie i. exhibition, and all things indicate that the cxiHisitlon x\ 111 he ii wonderful suc¬ cess. Most extensive work lias been done upon the. grounds nnd buildings. Central alive 4‘ItV i*«rk, with where the I ig show will lie he'd, is workmen. New exhibition build¬ ings and Stables nro being erected, while the iinturnlly tlu* beautiful grounds are being put i i •lUlred, most but perfect It lias order. been Modi work was re done rapidly ami thoroughly has Iteeit worked and a wonderful transformation building at the park. The main will cover t nice as much area ns any other building iu the state. It is being so nr mmied ns to give the grentest advantage to exhibitors. Tho people of Macon and nil t Vntral (icorgln nro highly enthusiastic about the fair and aro givingliberally of their time and money to the enterprise. The fair w ill bring a gr. at many people from abroad to Georgia, more particular!.' IM'opie irom tho Went nnd Northwest now dissatisfied in tlmt now poverty-stricken St'C tion, who will tnkc advantage of the low rn'es that will he offered to the exposition, to visit the empire state of the South with a view ot changing joining their locution, Georgia and all ad¬ states will be largely benefited by this immigration. The fair Is to lie held at n most opport une time, iu October the farmers of the North¬ and west and West have gathered their harvest to a great extent have marketed ttieir crons, and with such money in their pockets hs their toil brings them, are In a condition to travel 1 oca'Ion if they desire health to do so, either to seek a new or for and recreation. Wiikn you nro going to tine spices of any kiml or popper, get the whole grains and grind them yourself. Then you will not run the risk of spoiling your viands with pulverized chips. •*A Practical Age” I- a fit epithet for tho present age. “Of what Use is it V nnd “How soon will I get my nn>n.*y out of it?” are questions always asked before making nn Investment of any kind. Bright, Intelligent young ladies no Ion ;er spend 'heir time in acquiring useless accomplishments. independent, Parent- who wish to render their children cannot do a wiser thing than give them a course In shorthand and type¬ writing. For young Indie* it is a genteel and the pleasant stepping work, and for young men it Is often tion. stone to a higher business i op¬ F<>r terms, etc., in tint best, most thor¬ ough ami complete school in the South, wiite Miss .McNutt's School of Stenography A ‘typewriting, Wall 137 and 13!> s. |t. t v L. Assn. H’ldg., St., Knoxville, Tenn. There is more catarrh In this section of ihe country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable, rdr a great many years doctors pro¬ nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local reniedie*. and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science 1ms proven catarrh to bo a constitu¬ tional disease and therefore requires constitu¬ tional treatment. Hall's catarrh Cure, man¬ ufactured by F. J. Cheney dr Co., Toledo, Ohio, It , t ue only constitutional euro oa the market. m tliken Internally in (Iohch from HUlrops t<> a and teaspoonful. It acts directly on tho bloo l mucous surfaces of tho system. Thev offer one hundred dollars f r any case It falls to cure. Send tor circulars and testimonials free. Address t >.y SiSffiK * co - ° He who admires him«elf is short of the com modity when it comes to consider others. Hr. Kilmer's Sw amp - Root cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet laboratory and Consultation free, Binghamton. N. Y Young man, you had letter starve your body than to fall to («ed your mind. Karl's (’lover Uo >t, the great b’ood purifier, give* ion and freshness and clearness to the complex¬ cures constipation, 95 « s., 53 cts., Jl. *iw. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children tion, teetntng. allays softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ pain, cures wind colic. 25c.a bottle It afflicted with wire eye-use Dr. Isaac Thomp sonehje-water. Druggists set I at -V) • per bottle. The Testimonials Published in behalf of Rood’s Sarsaparilla are not purchasei, nor are they written up la our office, aorarethey from ouremplove*. They are facts from truthful people proving, as surely as aajrtbing can bo prov <d lj di¬ rect, personal, positive evldcace, that Hood’s Sarsa parilla - Be Sure Hood’s to get £ures Fllla cure nanae.v tick heada.-lie.iodl Wit HMaeva. Sold by all druagUtv. CORN over years. Ttala av-craxe now the »• iron Here lowest Weet anywhere. u are and n price wo Failure not Wheat of life up forty to time all an ia opportunities els on «iu margin to *|ovulate. and You the can beuelli buv !<M) bush¬ nil advent*# If get at free booklet -How aa bought outright Srmt for our to 1 t*de •' C. K. VAN WIN KLE * CO.. Room 45, tii La Salle street, Cbwago. learn telegraphy, PSrCM * tcaSKNUCL, maOaTBa. TELEGRAPHIC YEWS CONDENSED FROM OUR MOST IM PO RT ANT 1)1 SPATC11KS. Short mid Crisp Items of General Interest to Our Readers. The Galesburg, Ill., track now holds the world’s record for trotting, Alix clipping a quarter of a second off her record there Wednesday afternoon, going the mile in 2:03 4 . An official report received at Paris from Hu Noxipal, of Tonquin, says that u number of pirates have attempt¬ ed to wreck the train from Langston. The Chinese engineer was killed and two Frenchmen were carried off. The Nicaraguan minister at Wash¬ ington has received official notification that martial law at Bluefieldshns been superceeded by a decree issued by the governor DeAIndris, re-establishing the constitutional law of Nicaragua at that place. At a mooting of the directors of the Adams Express Company at New York, Thursday, the resignation of Henry Hanford was received and accepted. L. C. Wier, of Cincinnati, was elected president. Mr. Hanford will continue as a director of the company. In a fight which took place between one huudred police constables aud a picket of 5,000 men about Logan pit, near Motherwell, Scotland, the miners used catapults freely. The police tie fended themselves with their batons, and the picket was ultimately driven back with many casualties. Governor Roswell P. Flower, of New York, lias formally announced that he is not a candidate for renomination for governor. 'I he announcement has cre¬ ated considerable surprise, as there was an impression abroad that the gov¬ ernor would run again. Who will be the democratic candidate is as yet ex¬ tremely uncertain. Tlio Connecticut republican state convention, in session at Hartford, Wednesday, nominated for governor ex-Sonator (). Vincent Coffin, of Mid¬ dletown; lieutenant governor, Lorin A. Coke, of Barkinsfield; secretary of state, Colonel William 0. Mowery, of Norwich; state treasurer, George W. Hodge, of Windsor; comptroller, ex Henator II. H. Meade, of New Canaan. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad company has issued orders on the Camden and Amboy, N. J., division for all depart¬ ments to resume work on eight hours’ time, six days each week. For the past thirteen months tho shipyards, machine and car repairing shops have only worked eight hours per day, live days each week, while the trainmen had worked only half time. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen at a meeting at Harrisburg, Pa., Thursday, adopted a series of res¬ olutions denouncing the action of those members who struck through sympa¬ thy with the Pullman strikers, pledg¬ ing tho brotherhood to hereafter abide by all its agreements, and to await tho netiou of the grand lodgo officers before going out on a strike. From present indications, the fire which destroyed Htumph Bro.’s mat¬ tress factory and a number of adjoin¬ ing buildings, was second only iu its fatal results to Washington’s greatest disaster in recent years, tho collapse of the Ford’s theatre building. It is mow believed that seven people lost their lives and the bodies of four of them are supposed to be in the ruins. For the week ending September 17th, in east Prussia, there were twen¬ ty-eight new cases of cholera and nine deaths from that disease. In the Elbe district one new case of cholera was reported, aud one ease of that disease was announced at Hesse-Nassau. Iu the Rhine district two new' cases of cholera and two deaths were reported, and iu Silesia there were fifty-four eases and twenty-three deaths. The democratic congressional con¬ vention of the first Nebraska district, met Thursday at Tecnmseh and en¬ dorsed the nomination of "Mayor Weir, of Lincoln, for congress. Weir is the populist nominee and nn able man. Although Lincoln is very strongly re¬ publican, Weir has been elected twice. This fusion makes the first, district al¬ most certain to go for Weir. The re¬ publicans are very much enraged at the fusion. The weavers’ union at Fall River, Mass., held a large meeting Thursday morning and voted to grant one-half a week’s pay to all financial members. Secretary Whitehead says the amount of money that will be given out will be about $3,500. The union has $12, 000 in its tr usury. The idle weavers in and out of the union are clamoring for assistance and the savings banks report that the withdrawals are three times iu excess of the deposits. The roadv-made clothing industry of lyzed Boston, Thursday Msf-s., was completely para¬ bv a strike of opera¬ tives. At an early hour in tho morn¬ ing a committee from the United Gar¬ ment Workers’ Union, acting upon the instructions from the clothing trades district council, No. 2, commenced the war by calling out every operative, pressman and baster employed in the shops. By noon 2.000 were out and at the close of the day 5,500 clothing workers had joined the strike. A Now York dispatch says: It be¬ gins to look as if the doom of the whis¬ key trust has been sealed. The shares of that arrogant monopoly, which two years ogo ruled the markets of the country for spirits sold At $0 on the stock exchange Wednesday, the lowest price it ever touched. A sensation was created by the news that Nelson Morris, the cattle king of the west,had resigned as director of the trnst, of * -* % h he was the virtual founder for a year past tho side acknowledged dictator and financial backer. Mahlo.v Grimes, of Gardiner. Me., aever saw He an elephaut until last sum¬ mer. was so astonished at the manner Insvhieh the animal control¬ led his trunk that his lower jaw Grimes dropped and was dislocated. It cost $3 to get his face fixed, and when he found he had been robbed ot his grandfather s silver watch, he *»ld,he didn’t think a heap of ele. phant* unyway. WASHINGTON NOTES news concerning the vari¬ ous DEPARTMENTS. Sayings and Doings of the President and Members of the Cabinet. Orders have been issued to hurry the work on the Detroit at Norfolk, so that she may sail for China in compli¬ ance with Secretary Herbert’s direc¬ tions as soon as possible. The post office department, because of the insufficiency of the appropria¬ tion, is obliged to stop advertising un¬ claimed letters, which cost $20,000 a year, Quite a number of other de¬ partments—notably the army and navy vices departments—by reason of ser¬ of exigency, ore on the ragged brink of deficiencies, which it will be difficult to avoid. General Howard has issued orders from the headquarters department of the east, at Governor’s Island, N. Y,, to Lieutenant Allyn Capron, Fifth in¬ fantry, with Company I, Twelfth in¬ fantry (Indian company), to proceed without delay to Fort Sill, Indian Ter¬ ritory, with all the Apache Indian pris¬ oners (Geronimo’s band) now at Mount Vernon, Alabama. Surgeon General NVynian, of the ma¬ rine hospital service, has appointed Passed Assistant Surgeon J. A. White, Lieutenant Robertson, of the revenue cutter service, and Dr. G. G. Thomas, of Wilming, N. C., as uboard to select a site for a quarantine and marine hos pital station at or near Southport, N. C. Congress made an appropriation of $25,000 for this station, and as soon as the hoard selects the site work on the building will begin. So many Americans have applied to the Japanese legation for employment in the service of Japan during the present war that in order to answer such applications promptly, the minis¬ ter has been obliged to have recourse to a printed circular in which he re¬ turns a negative reply to nil inquiries and stating that at this juncture the Japanese government does not feel under the necessity of employing any persons in addition to those who have been trained to perform the duties of such service. Reviving Industry. A general but gradual revival of business is making itself felt in the treasury by the heavy demand for small notes of the denominations of one and two’s. Money of this class is in great demand in the south and southwest, especially, and while the treasury is doing its utmost to accom modate all who ask for small money it caunot always supply all orders a^ promptly as desired. Preference is given to orders when gold is deposited for small notes, as it is the policy of tho treasury to build up its gold re¬ serve by nil legitimate means. For the past six weeks the amount of money sent to tho treasury for redemption has been unusually heavy,averaging $750, 000 a day since Se 2 itember first. For the Atlanta Exposition. The geological survey has started out a corps of photographers to secure among the southern hills and moun¬ tains, and views of tho mineral dis¬ tricts of Georgia, Norlit Carolina, Teunessee and Kentucky preparatory to the display it expects, to meke at the Cotton States and Iternational ex¬ position. It is proposed to have one end of the building made into a net¬ work of these photographic transpar¬ encies, and heavy glass plates would have to be ready for framing as the building went up. The corps will reach Atlanta in three weeks’ time. It will take in the Craubury iron dis¬ tricts in North Carolina, Those arottnd Knoxville, the scenes about the French Broad and Asheville and Chattanooga, before going into the mountains of Northern Georgia. The Government Taking an Interest. The government has asked to be given general supervision of the exhi¬ bit of tho mineral and geological re¬ sources of the sonthern states at the Cotton States and International exposition, and the exposition eoiu nany has gladly granted a request, which will mean very much, not only to the exposition, but to each and every southern state. This exhibit is to be made entirely outside of the gov¬ ernment exhibit; and the decision means that the government will have the general supervision of the exhibits iu the mining building as well as of the government exhibit itself. This request not only shows the great inter¬ est which is being felt by the govern¬ ment officials in the exposition movement, but a display so arranged and handled that it will afford the southern states an opportunity of making a display of their mineral wealth, which should be practically impossible, under any oth¬ er circumstances. The force of the geological survey will practically be placed in this exposition work and the government geologists will bend their energies toward making it the most thorough and complete exhibit of sonthern resources, which has ever been made—greater, perhaps, than has ever been believed possible. The prop¬ osition comes from the government without any solicitation on the part of the exposition people, and the cost will be defrayed outside of the exposition appropriation. It menus, in fact, just that much additional aid from the gov¬ ernment, and it is a very great deal. STEWART FILES AFFIDAVITS. Says He’s Being Made the Victim of Conspiracy and Blackmail. Senator William M. Stewart, of Nevada, who is made a co-respondent in a suit for divorce brought in the courts of the District of Columbia by a man named Glasscock, against his wife, filed iu court at Washingten Sat¬ urday voluminous affidavits, setting forth that the case is one of conspiracy to blackmail and that the plaintiff and respondent had continued to reside together as husband aud wife after the suit was filed. Minister Thurston Returns. L. A. Thurston, Hawaiian minister to the United States, was a passenger on the Australia, which arrived at Sau Fmaciico Saturday from Honolulu, LATEST DISPATCHES . GIVING THK NEWS UP TO THE HOUR OF GOING TO PRESS. A Grief Summary of Daily Happen¬ ings Throughout the World. Tiieo. Sturges, one of the oldest merchants of Meridian Miss has made au assignment and transferred his property, t-20,000, to his wife. The bessemer steel works of the ^ Troy Steel and Iron Company’s plant at Iro^, N. ha\e started up aUer having been idle since the middle of March. Five hundred men were given employment. A Columbia, S. C., special says: Dispensary Constable McLendon, fatal fight who wasoneof the leaders of the at Darlington, and who was therein, is about to die of his wounds, blood poisoning having set in. The most disastrous lire in the his \ or y °f Portland, Ore broke out at 4 :30 o’clock p. m. Sunday in the dock of the Pacific Coast Elevator company, ami raged for three hours, destroying property valued at oe.rlj *1.500,000. A movement is on foot at Knoxville, Tenu., looking toward an exhibit from Knoxville and East Tennessee at the Cotton States and International Ex¬ position. The scheme meets with ap¬ proval, and a large exhibit will proba¬ bly be made. The passenger and depot of the Qneen and Crescent, at New Orleans, together with six box cars and consid¬ erable merchandise, burned Saturday night. Loss, $20,000, covered by in¬ surance. Valuable records iu the pas¬ senger and freight agents’ department were destroyed. The trouble between France and Madagascar is tho subject of constant communications between the British and Italiun foreign offices. A Rome newspaper says that Italy, with the knowledge of Germany and Austria, has proposed a compact under which Ituly ia to occupy Tripoli; Great Britain is to definitely annex Egypt, and both are to guarantee the inde¬ pendence of Madagascar. The British press favors a hostile attitude toward France with respect to her acquision of Madagascar. The cotton seed mill owners of Tex¬ as have $10,00 >,000 invested. They say they lost $1,000,000 last year by paying too much for seed and are now charged by farmers to be combining to hammer the market down to $6 or $7 per ton. Several populist farmers in northern Texas have been indicted for combining to keep up the price of cotton seed and Attorney General Cul¬ berson is preparing to bring suit against certain cotton seed oil mills for violation of tho anti-trust law by combining to keep the'price of seed down. A Savannah, Ga., special says*. Mr. Samuel Martin, representing S. M.« Inman & Co., is in the city for the purpose of opening a branch office of that firm here. The purpose of the firm is to sell their cotton in this market and put it on shipboard here. They expect to use the port freely which will add largely to the receipts here, much of this cotton having formerly gone through Norfolk and Charleston. In¬ man A: Co. are perhaps the largest buyers of spot cotton in the world and the opening of an office here will mean no doubt a great deal to the port. The Maryland Trust Company of Baltimore, has been selected as Irustee for a general mortgage of $2,500,000, executed by the Elyton Company of Birmingham, Ala. The Elyton Com¬ pany is the successor of the Elyton Land Company, which owns most of the land on which the city of Birming¬ ham is built. The general mortgage is to cover all the property owned by the Elyton Land Company, which, in turn, agrees to execute and deliver the property to the Maryland Trust Com¬ pany as trustee, to be held as security for the general mortgage bonds to be issued. The Columbia, S. C., Register pub¬ lishes an article in which it says that it has reliable authority for stating that the judges of the supreme bench have written their decisions in the celebrated dispensary cases. The in¬ formation is that Justices Pope and Gary will declare for the constitution¬ ality of the law in toto, while Chief Justice Mclver will maintain its un Jonstitutionality on the same grounds advanced by him in a previous decis¬ ion. This is the way everybody ex¬ pected the decision to be rendered and the story is likely true. MORE JAPS FOR COREA. ' von Thousand Fresh Troops Have Been Landed at Chemulko. The London Times’ Shanghai cor¬ respondent telegraphs that advices have been received from Chemulko under the date of September 16th stating that a fleet of thirty-two Japanese transports, convoyed by a number of war ships, have arrived there. The transports had on board seven thous¬ and soldiers, three thousand coolies and two thousand paek horses. The troops are being pushed forward as rapidly as possible toward Seoul, in order to protect that city from any at¬ tack that may be made upon it by the Chinese. Bought by Englishmeu. The news has been given out by representatives of the Farmers’ State Alliance of Texas, which organization is very strong and influential, tliat $3, 000,000 worth of the bonds of the pro¬ jected North and South railroad, from the Manitoba line to the gulf, char¬ tered as the Interstate and Gulf, have been sold to English capitalists and that negotiations are nearly closed for the sale of $3,000,000 worth mofe. The scheme of the promoters is to have state identity ia the construction and ownership of the line. A Triple Lynching. Luke Washington, Bichaid Wash ington and Henry C. Robinson, the three negroes who murdered H. C. Pattern, a merchant, at MoGehee, Ark., were taken iroru the sher.tV at that place and hanged to a tree. The ne¬ groes ma de a full confession . There ie one thing to be said in fa¬ vor of the cigarette. While the dude it smoking it be isn’t trying to ttlk. SOUTHERN SPECIALS NOTING THE MOST INTERESTING OCCURRENCES OF THE DAY. And Presenting an Epitome of the South’s Progress and Prosperity. , v U. , Mogmng, r • * farmer living . • a “ c “ J“}*h T ««. r ° bb ?a a quantity of cotton To Dallas mer chants,and wus on his wav homo when was intercepted by three highway Three suspects hav© been ar re8 ted. A special from Anniston First’Lieu- \la savs Capiain W. H. McKleroy tenant Thomas L. Stokes and Second Lieutenant P. H. Lo e g, of the Wood- 6 tock Guards, of Aums;on, • have f ur . warded their resignations. Press of business and other circumstances cans e d Captain McKleroy’s resignation. Lieutenant Stokes removed to Atlanta and Lieutenant Long gives no definite reason for Ins action. A Columbia, S. C., special says: Captain John G. Capers, Senator But £•. Horence politico, inuvsday manager, and promptly wa s tried ac- at quitted of the charge of criminal libel, brought against him by Dr. Boyd, the il mam e state Renator elect. A card had appeared in the Columbia State, over Capers’, signature, intimating that Boyd had improperly gained pos session of a political letter written by Capers. It is stated at Montgomery, Ala., that Traffic Manager R. E. Lutz, of the Western, will be given the general freight and passenger departments of the road in addition to his present du ties. In other words, the three offices will be merged under Mr. Lutz. statement is also made that in tho event the offices are consolidated as stated, the headquarters will be re¬ moved here, but no credence is giver to this. A Lexington, Ky., dispatch of Wed¬ nesday says: On the best information to be had it can be Raid that the dis¬ trict democratic committee will declare the Hon. VV. C. Owens, of the county of Scott, the democratic nominee for congressman for the Ashland district. There is very little likelihood of Col¬ onel Breckinridge making a contest, and, should he do so, it is almost a certainty that tho committee will re¬ fuse to go behind the returns. The Parker gold mine, situated within eight miles of Murphy, N. C., has been sold in London for £30,000, equal to $150,000. This mine has never been actively worked, but the prospects of a rich find are good. There were 300,000 shares sold at 50 cents per share. A large tract of land in Jackson county, including the Sa¬ vannah copper mine, has been sold to a northern company for $125,000. The Whittier tract, in Swain county, w r as recently sold for $145,000 to a northern company. BUSINESS IS BETTER. According to Bradstreet’s Report For the I’ast Week. In their report of the state of trade for the past week, Bradstreet’s says: “The condition of general trade this week is an improvement over one week ago, in that favorable features repor¬ ted then have been maintained. The surprisingly good reports of business south, and, with some exceptions, west, are indicated by our special advices from Baltimore, Nashville, Chicago, St. Louis, Portland, Ore., and San Francisco. Baltimore jobbers in all leading lines report the volume of mer¬ chandise distributed in excess of ex¬ pectation, and especially dry goods in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, except in the fruit and coal regions. Other southern products being in good supply, orders continue liberal and mercantile collections are easy. Nash¬ ville, while reporting no improvement over favorable features made last week, notes their continuance and that col¬ lections are prompt. “One sale is reported of 10,000 tons of southern pig iron this week. Ac¬ tivity reported in almost all lines at Chicago a week ago, is continued, merchants being satisfied with the vol¬ ume. Far western buyers who used to buy in eastern markets are purchasing stocks at Chicago. “Greatest activity is shown in dry goods, clothing, millinery and shoes. Wool is active. St. Louis manufac¬ turers and jobbers of clothing and hats reported business heavier than in their preceding experience iu like products. Sales of millinery and dry roods are large, ns well as those of umber. “Charleston telegraphs that general aide is fair, without new features; hattanooga, that there has been some ght improvement in business; Mem jis, that business is quite active, es jeially in dry goods and groceries; tlanta, that collections are freer and fade is improving; Savannah, that :e volume of business continues to rnprove and that extraordinary heavy dealings in spirits of turpentine have taken place. Dry goods jobbers at Augusta have been doing a larger busi¬ ness than for sometime previous, while at Jacksonville local trade has been cut into by heavy rains. Only a fair volume of business is reported from Birmingham, and at New Orleans there has been very little change. Galveston reports that sales of dry goods will continue smaller until the middle of October, when new orders will be re¬ ceived. Texas cotton is beginning to move, which helps business collec¬ tions.’’ A dress of Japanese crape has ae cerdlon-plaited skirt, a full waist gathered to a bodice, enormous sleeves after the bishop model, a very wide frill of the crape edged with lace falling from a pointed collar and a looped bow at one side of the bodice, the ends almost covering one side of the skirt._ The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad la preparing a gigantic coup that will draw Washington and New York nearer together $3,000,000 by forty minutes, ThiiJa the new tunnel un¬ der the City of Baltimore, by which the tr*nsportatlon of cars across the river at Baltimore will be obviated. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report mi « PURE ABSOLUTELY Where Man Came From. According to a correspondent of the Louis Republic, man originally s came to earth from Mars, riding on the tail of a comet. At least he gives that as the opinion of Mr. Wiggins, tho St ' Louis weather prophet and all ^ ouud 8cieutist - The pw>teaaor has " lsc 1 0Tere °' ? 8 that rav,tfttl . Newton’s °“ idea about ; m : i J hat electricity ^herc-is uo is such the thing. great thing He says in the nm J e * 8e Uo : v ’ ftml all the mo I 101 * 9 44 ho }} *\ ^ ea iXre ®‘ that )n ; r ,” °\ 18 7 ,v u °wn ^dVl^v ^ terd opposLly toTv amr^ XtriiS and when j t oy tend to coum to-ether soul The tmTil nrofessoV i ; seoms to think ^approach^ that at ^ho < ; | p i anct Mars, and becoming similarly j electrTied' h.‘ started on toward the | eart AMarsian, and his wife, too, perhaps, happened to bo close by, con eluded to take a little excursion and jumpiog | „ bl>ar a , V ero soon landed safe y <jn (he earth, which they liked so well they concluded to colonize it. Mas Moll trained, N° 11 think you can stand the arduous duties of a variety actor? You j linow throw » 4,1 om down ' pKy we thirty-foot find occasion llight to of | stair8 iiJ you to barrel a of iron." j a scrap “I guess I can make it," Baid the i hungry man who had applied lor a job. “I was a collector for an install¬ ment house for three years.”— Indian - apolis Journal. Not a Bad Excuse. Banks—What do you think of tho story about Jonah being three days iu sido of the whale? Tanks—It’s a good thing ; I’ve given my wife worse exeuaes than that.— New York World. A sooty chimney can bo cleaned by firing a gun or pistol up the flue. The concussion dislodges the soot, and it tumbles down. Have You IIalf-a*DolIar ? Aro you troubled with Tetter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Ringworm, or any other skin disease? If you will pay your half dollar for a box of Tetter ine, it will sooth and heal yottr skin, cure you completely and surely. Would you rather keep your tetter and your 50 cents? Or would you be will¬ ing to give one to be rid of the other? That’s what it amounts to. Tettexine at druggists or by mail on receipt of price by J. T. Shuptriue, Savan¬ nah, Ga. I. ->/\ a i KNOWLEDGE tends Brings comfort and improvement and rightly to used. personal The many,\vho enjoyment when live bet tei inan others and enjoy life more, witli less expenditure, by more promptly adapting needs the of physical world’s being, best products will to the attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Its Syrup of Figs. excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas¬ ant beneficial to the taste, the refreshing of perfect and truly lax¬ effectually properties cleansing a the ative ; system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met profession, with the because approval it of the the medical Kid¬ acts on neys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬ ening objectionable them and it is substance. perfectly free from every drug¬ iSyrup of ?igs is for sale by all gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man¬ ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, and being also the informed, name, Syrup will of Figs, well you not L^cept any substitute if offered. FREE! This Safety mWSKBSHE JWiUf* 1 llammerless, Automatic, Rapid Firing. 8elf-Cocking, at-' Central Handle, Finest Nickle Fire 2 *, 32 Revolver. Plated, 38 Caliber;! Rubber ^ TREE m or ‘ h this using Ad SAW. Cartridges. and will Send ___ _ & to us we exp. £>. \y you 100 Xickel Cigars, C. O. M 00, and allow examination. sa evol ver coma^wUh Ci^arafreo^ THE ELASTIC ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. with ba l-beariirr knee joints. Tne latest Improved and best. Send for ties riptive catalogue and i rice list. •A T. C. HILLS, Succes-or to A. McIjkhmott. 516& 518 (o d No.114) Ht.Ciu tries street.. .New urlean-. La. SHOPPING Drygoodii, Millinery, Furniture, I'innon aai everything bought with care & judgment. No commissions. Mrs. Anna SUirrt Y ~oe, 15 E. Lexington Street, Baltin.ore, ltd. Let the men wash, 'tv\ if they won’t get you Pearline. Let them try it for themselves, and see if they don’t c \ say that washing with soap is too hard ^ Y % for, any This woman. hard work that Pearline ( ___ V y saves isn t the whole matter; it saves ^ s 4 N/' v 1/ money, too —money that’s thrown a i 1 away in clothes needlessly worn out and rubbed to pieces when you wash 11 \ }) / by That main strength in the old way. i r appeals—where is the man who wouldn’t want to have the washing made easier—when he can save money by it? T} Feddlcrs *nd somo uscnMlou grocer.will tell you. ___ ** w «*«w»ne. s> IT’S L/V W be CXI V —tmd FALSE—Peaxho* U htM. is never peddled; if veer wooer send, you so imitation, booett £§ JAMES PYLE, Y#rL »> VALUABLE RELICS. The manuscript score of “Tannhaeu ser” has been sold to a Leipsic aina tenr for $2,500. At one time a nobleman constantly W ore a remarkable ring, in which was Bet a tooth of sir i saac Newton. It wa8 purchased iu,1815 for $3,G5J. Qneen victoria’s walking-stick once belonged to Charles II, and is made of a branch of tho historic oak treo iu which he hul> On the plain, gold top the en hfts fastenecl tt nttle Indian idol, which was a part of the loot of y er i a « a p a tani. Charles II little realized on the field «< Poltowa tlmt ho was wearing a coat "’hicli would be of immense value in after years. This coat, in 1825, aotu »« Ju the «. N^ar, £500 were given for the two pens with which the treaty of Amiens Was »'S™& austra:t.ia Ausxnvi ia has has more more places v,laces of ot pno- unb “"Tha^'anr ’ " y oEcotTrr h cuuntry - P ° P '“ THE OLD-FASHIONED STYLE ffir fit* feeling of pill gives horror you a x of y when you see it and * when you feel it. Lika the “ blunderbuss” of a former decade, it is big ef aud clumsy, but not feetive. In this century of Dr. enlightenment, Pierce’s Pleasant you hare Pellets, which cure all liver troubles in the most effective j&ffl S f way. For gj Indigestion, Const ^ i pa ™ ft tion, Bilious Sick and Bilious Attacks, Hoad adio. pills found vention. Mr. of nothing Samuel to Dr. equal Fierce’s has Baker, these been in- /,* / m/A 1 m S s? I ** I Sr., of No. 161 Summit Av., Phillimburgh, N. J., LkSS W® says: “There is noth- vfg ing- that can compare with Dr. Pierce’s Pleas¬ Mb. S. Baker, Sr. ant Pills. Pellets, They have as Liver good than done mo more any other medicine 1 havo ever taken.” IwiNE » McELREES OF CARDUI. ♦ lUtr ♦ ♦ ♦l “9 m i ► twml j Il •i a ra n i ► : P0 I For Female Diseases. W. $3 L. Douglas SHOE WO 18 SQUEAKING. THE BEST. $5. CORDOVAN, m FRENCH& ENAMELLED CALF <4*41.50 FlNECAlf&KAN6AR0ll Bm- $ ZS3 P0LICE,3 Soles. fmy; « S? eI^a 0R ™I HEN S & Boys’SchooiShoex W- • LADIES • fc* FOR CATALOGUE * j§v SEND W*L* DOUGLAS, • BROCKTON, MASS. You enn tnve money by vronrlnir tho W. I,. Douslus $3.00 Shoe. Because, vro ore tho largest manufacturer* of this grade of shoes in tho world, and gunranteo their value by (damping the name and price on the bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman’s promts. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy flitln^ and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere ntJower prices for the value [jivon than any other >na!:e. Take no sub, atltute. if your dealer i-rmnot supply you, wo can. U/ri I Drilling Machines "WELL for any depth. XOO X'BXItP DEEP 300 £4 lOOO aooo 44 Best line of Portable and Semi-Portable Kft> chines oyer made. Drills to IS irohes In diame¬ ter, ail depths. Mounted and Down Machines. Steam and Horse Power. Self Pumping Tools to* shallow walls. Hope tools for large and deep wells. State aize and depth you want to drill. LOOMIS & NYMAN, Tiffin, Ohio. TONS |l *** -AMD-— LIVER PILLS g>TonicF s/Tonic Pellets. TREATMENT for Constipation Bllionsnm. and At »H stores, or by mail 85c. doable box; 5 double Sons *1.00. BROWN IIF’IJ lNew York City. PORTER’S Ediicfflfor I Practical j k'^'YZZ’ Business . ants and eouri reporiers as ' teacliet'M. Terms liberal. ! Graduates assisted Writ to good COLLEGE,| * h>r par MACON, GA. I .1. E. K. *. I’OUTER. Cl'RTIS, President. Principal. G f— m p CULiS SO’S :T: WHfcfiE c Us siricr ■ & Beet Syrup. ALL Tastes ELSE FAILS 'on Cough Good. Uac i tv A. 2J. U Thirty-nine, ’94.