Newspaper Page Text
r “ I had what the doctor pronounced to b«
It w«* accompan.od by severs itch¬
ing, and my limbs
piino l me a good
ileal and were swol¬
len. I became nil
broken out with pim¬
ples. This caused
me to scratch, and
the eruptions turned
into one solid sore.
The disease spread
all over my body. Af¬
ter consulting physi
clans, my attention
LF. TV Craig w l8 called to Hood's
IrlHa, and I concludod to gtve it a
wris in April, 1HM, and I contin
h1 l.v witti il until Christman, IMB.
BH|HFs.'ime I^^Bnng that (tir>'< suited I look appetite. the m. <li -in late
I Am Now Cured
^^Phavn Hh Inflamed no signs color of wliere tiie disease the sore* except gather- a lit
Kd. r My affliction is healed : I fool like my
self again. ’’ V. T. Cbaio, Halfway, Vo.
Hood’s Cures
| Hood's Pill* do not purtre, pain or gripo.
Mkataot promptly, eiuriiy and efficiently.
Mrs. Beecher as hii Author.
The first thing Mrs. Henry Ward
Beecher ev<tr wrote for publication
was in 1859, when hIio was lying on a
»ick hod, and to pass away tho time
she wrote what afterward grew into
tho story “From Dawn to Daylight.”
Theso woro sketches of western life,
many of them drawn from her own
experience. The sheets of paper upon
which the story wits written woro
thrown into a bureau drawer without
any thought .. , . on the part of the writer
of ever making use of them, but one
day her daughter, a young girl about
twelve years old, came across the man
uscript and became ho much interested
In the story that she begged her mother
to have it published. “And for that,
my first publication, 1 received $500,”
ahe added. This was tho beginning of
her literary labors, which have been
kejtt up more or less ever since.
Don’t selfishly roservo all happiness
to yourself. You will increase your
■tore by extending even a small por¬
tion of it to others.
^ ; o. .. la
fc-every W<1 one of the painful irregularities
weaknesses that prey upon women.
Kkey Hie fade the face, waste the figure, ruin
temper, wither you up, make you old
pefbre Get Well your time. That's the look
: way to well.
Cure the disorders and nilments that beset
^jon, with Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip
It regulates and promotes all the proper
At actions, improves digestion, enriches the
and blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy
and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep,
restores health and strength. It’s a
And powerful nervine, general, imparting as well vigor as uterine, and tonic
the entire strength
jfo system.
Mr*. Anna Ulrich, of F.lm Creek, Buffalo Co.,
f',C\'dcx.. Neb., writes: “I epjoy
good Dr. Pierce's health Favorite thanks Pre¬ to
scription Medical Discovery.’ nud ‘Golden I
was under doctors’ care
S for two years with womb
ami disease, in and gradually
the wasting time. strength all
i I was so weak
that I could sit up in bed
ouly a few moments, for
two years. I commenced
taking vorite Prescription Dr. Pierce's Fa¬
w and
hl« ‘ Golden Medical Dis¬
covery,’ and by the time
I had taken one-half dor
en bottles I was up and
VD going and have wherever had I pleased. health
MRS. ttmioii URRICH. gnd bMn good *
since— that and y half ry stronjr
ever waj two years a ago.”
A book of 168 page* on “Woman and Her
Diseases” mailed sealed, on receipt of 10
cents in stamps for postage. Address,
World’s Dispensary Medical Associa¬
tion. 663 Main Street. Buffalo, N. Y.
^ s-Tonic Pellets.
.EATMENT for aad Conatlpstlos tUlousBess.
•s, or fer matt Vo. double boa; 6 double bosea
ROWN MF'IS ro.. New Yerk City.
D All till 8EED8
8UITAILE to all
w w am farms: 35 year* la
•ess; f*r*e* t tobacco seed farm In the
Id. Reputation of our seeds secon d to
■jg& gaa sragjjK
School <.* Shorthand
LI CUwwat Bualneg* Onlines in America,
an Time st irt. t’etelosue free- Addree* 1
kk Cricht >n, Pryor St., Atlanta. Oa.
C, Preserving discovery Salt, most tm- i
L- vxmant known,
t > Packers and Dair.v
Hausace, fcd Milk. Butter, Fl-h,
healthful. For partto*
Hbj^t Oi>., Philadelphia.
An iron furnaoe was hoill in Vir¬
ginia in 1714.
Tho right whale is tbo largest spe¬
cies of whale.
American coal has possession of the
Havana market.
blown Farly furnaces were sometimes
with bellows.
I ho engines of a first-class man-of
war cost about $700,000.
The world's production of gold in
1894 was 8,523,562 ounces.
The falling off in wages this lost
year, iu round numbers, was $1,000,
000 , 000 .
The first shipment of iron ore from
the United States to Europe was made
in 1608.
Sixty-seven Pennsylvania “Bell” towns’
names begin with “Bel,” or
Goldfish were first known in China,
and were brought to Europe in the
17th century.
Tailor Dowe.who wanted $1,000,000
at first for his bullet proof coat inven¬
tion, has offered it to the Swedish gov¬
ernment for $18,000.
Sarah Orand says she received only
$984 for the manuscript of the “Heav¬
enly Twains.” She lives now in Ken¬
sington, a suburb of London. Her
married name is Mrs. C. R. McFall.
Miss Eleanor Hewitt, the oldest un¬
married daughter of Abram S. Hewitt,
of New York,'has for several years
been roadmaster at Ringwood, N. J.,
where the country home of the family
is situated.
A student of the school of applied
design for women in New York has
hftd fta arohitectural dcsigD Emitted
in compet ion with men, accepted for
a * 40,000 hospital building in San
The Jewish woman of Denver, Col.,
have formed a progress club. Its ob¬
ject is to bring Jewish women of all
classes into closer relationship, and to
promote the study of Jewish history.
Tt is hoped in time to have branches
iu every city in the oountry.
Mrs. Perry lias presented to the Na¬
tional Zoological Park at Washington,
D. C., the Eskimo puppies which drew
her baby's sled. Tho presentation was
made in the name of Marie Ahnetigo
Peary, who was born in the Arctic re¬
gions a year ago.
Keeping Trees Awake Nights.
“Electric lights are playing sad hav¬
oc with shade trees in towns and vil¬
lages,” says a philosopher. “The effect
is to make tho leaves appear as though
they had been subject to a blighting
breath. Arboriculturists say that the
light keeps the trees awake, and con¬
sequently thoy are tired to death.
Trees need sleep and rest as well as
any other things iu nature, and the
lack of this rost causes the leaves to
droop. This solution is probably cor¬
rect, as it has beeu noted that similar
trees in tho neighborhood of those
affected, but removed from the expos¬
ure of tho illumination, retain their
strength nud color.” This should be
looked into. If a remedy is not pro¬
vided for before another spring, the
trees near elcctrio lights will probably
Smitten hr Cold on Dump.
The kidneys beoome sore and cease to act
properly. Relieve their distress and set them
in vigorous motion with Ilostetter’s Stomach
Hitters, and all will be well. Otherwise, ap¬
prehend Bright’s disease, diabetes or album¬
inuria, all dangerous maladies. Malaria, dys¬
pepsia, nil oonctipation, yield biliousness and agreeable nervous¬
ness to this benignant and
medicinal agent, which promotes appetite
and a gain in vigor and flesh.
The proudest among our acts should be the
one whioh stands as a precedent for others.
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root cures
all Kidney and Bladder troubles.
Pamphlet Laboratory and Biughamton, Consultation N. free. Y.
it Is in adversity we most need friends -anv
one can have them In prosperous days.
Stat* of Ohio, Citt or Toledo, |
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Toledo, &
County Co., doing business aforesaid, in the City of
and State and that said Arm
will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL¬
LARS for each and by every case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured the use of Hall's Catarhh
Cur*. Fkank J. Chkney.
sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A. D, 1886.
| j- A. w, Gleason,
Catarrh Cure is taken Internally Notary Public.
Hall’e and acts
dlreotly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Send for testimonials, free,
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo. O.
Sold by Druggists, 75o.
The management of the A. A W. P. R. R.,al
ways alive to the comfort and convenience of
its patrons, will put on an extra sleeping car
between Atlanta and New Orleans during the
this Auy,™*.. to N make ».„
in advance trip will do well to eall on him some days
nations. to secure sleeping car aceommo
Geo. W. Alle.v, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga.
JNO. A. Gf.e, Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlanta. Ga :
Swallow It.
That is the best way to take a Ripans Tabule,
best because the most pleasant. For all liver
and stomach disorders Ripans Tabules are
the most effective remedy, in fact, the stand
We think Piso’s Cure for Consumption is
the on’y medicine for Coughs.— Jennie Pinck
ARO, Springfield, Ills., Oct. I, 1894.
Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle
Karl's Clover Root, the great bloo l purifier,
gives freshneis* and clearness to the ootnplex
|h)u and cures constipation, 25 ots., 50 cts., $1.
The Rise of the
Buckwheat Cake
The leaven of yesterday ruins the cake of to-day.
Don't spoil good buckwheat with dying raising
batter— fresh cakes want Royal Baking Powder.
> Grandma used to raise to-day’s buckwheats
with the souring left over of yesterday l Dear
old lady, she was up to the good old times. But
these are days of Royal Baking Powder—fresh¬
ness into freshness raises freshness.
And this is the way the buckwheat cake of
to-day is made: Two cups of Buckwheat, one
cup of wheat flour, two tablespoons of Royal
Baking Powder, one half teaspoonful of salt,
all sifted well together. Mix with milk into a
thin batter and bake at once on a hot griddle.
Do not forget that no baking powder can be sub¬
stituted for the “ Royal ” in making pure
sw ^et, delicious, wholesome food.
Autograph Fiends Fifty Years Ago
It is related of Mendelssohn, at a
public dinner, at which ladies were
present, and where he was surrounded
by a chorus of aggressive women
clamoring for his autograph, that he
allowed himself to be victimized with
good nature until finally a fleshy mat¬
ron of mature years handed him her
card. Whether with malice prepense
or not, it is not stated, but the compo¬
ser wrote upon the card the muBio and
words from Haydn’s “Creation:”
“And God created great whales.”
This personal pleasantry brought the
autograph-hunting to an end, and
Mendelssohn was allowed to go on
with his dinner.— Ex.
Karnak is the most marvelous ruin
on the Nile.
ri &
m m
"M m
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal when
rightly than usea. others and enjoy life with
ter more,
adapting less expenditure, world’s by best more products promptly
the to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Its excellence Syrup of is Figs. due its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas¬
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax- j
dispelling ative; effectually colds, headaches cleansing the and system, fevers
and permanently curing constipation, j
MltSSfhemedfa,! profession, because it the Kid¬
acts on
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak¬
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every Syrup objectionable Figs substance. sale by all drug¬
of is for
gists in 50c and$1 bottles, but it is man¬
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
package, Co. only, also whose the name is printed Syrup on of every Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
»»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••?••••« HALMStSfi^ra^CdeWiniGUin
i T Cures and Prevents Heartburn. Rheumatism, Catarrh and Indigestion, Asthma < d V i
Useful Dyspepsia, In Malaria and Fevers. Cleanses T j |
v ^ 11
j % with ball-bearing knee joints.
The latest improved and best.
Send for des riptive catalogue
and price list.
Successor to A. McDermott.
516 A 518 (o’.d No. 114) St.Charier
street.. New Orleans, La.
Very Like a Bottomless Pit.
A wonderful natural cavern was dis¬
covered in Lafayette county, Ga., in
1891. It has the usual complement of
“rooms,” “galleries,” “domes” and
“pits,” but its sole title to being
something out of the ordinary in the
cavern line is a well-like abyss in one
of the rooms, which, as far as any one
knows, may once have served as “the
chimney of hades.” It is known lo¬
cally as “the bottomless pit.” Stones
of large size have been thrown into it
with a hope that it would be heard to
strike the bottom after a while, but,
according to reports, there were no
reverberating sounds borne back to
the ear by which its enormous depth
could be guaged.— St. Louis Republic.
v; ji
A Kg . I *
You want some RIPAN8 TABULES.
Your druggist’s supply 11 is exhausted.
He has something Just as good.”
Why He does he say this ?
thinks you a simpleton.
He has a right to his opinion,.
But to express it
So plainly
Is brash.
His opinion may he right,
But his statement
Is not true.
Tell I
Get what you ask for.
Or' nothing 1
A Cotton Fertilizer.
Purchase only such fertilizers for cotton which contain at
least 3 to 4 * ' actual potash, r
ForCorn,Fertilizers should contain 67 . Potash.
Poor results are due entirely to deficiency of Potash.
We will gladly send you our pamphlets on the Use of Potash.
They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will save you
dollars. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York,
Bt * Down
a. -the woman
lp=- who aoesn t use
--igP tL. V—. JreSUTine. T-, < • ohe tied
to , her work, , and , tired ,
Wlth ... it,, , too. Pearhne v-j «• makes f another of
woman her. It
washes and cleans in half the time, with half the work.
Pearline Nothing can be hurt by it, and every thing is saved with it.
does away with the Rub, Rub, Rub. Pearline
does more than soap ; soap gives you more to do.
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you,
“ this is 45 g°° d as " or “ the Pearline.” IT’S
same as
■ » VV GjJL FALSE—Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends
you an imitation, be honest —send it back. 280 JAMES PYLE, New York.
♦ /russ a
0?*- &
! For Female Diseases.
W.L. $3 Douglas
nil:, m J|f4.*3S? Fine Calf&Kangarooi
Ml I gar *3JiP POLICE,3
Over Oat Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
They They £ive the host vslus for the money* tit.
Their equal wearing custom qualities shoes in unsurpassed. style and
uniform,.—stamped are
The prices are on soil,'
Prom $■ to $3 saved ever other makes. —
If your dealer cannot supply you we can.
Ufa WHLl I I JT Via NEWS LETTER of value seat
FREE to reader* of this paper.
Charles A. Baldwin ifc C*., 40 Wall St., a. T.
A. N. U Three, ’95.