The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 15, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. TEMS CONCERNING HOME AND Of HOME INTEREST. Whai Hie People Do unit Say— 1,title Kit*, of Newt anil Hot. Kip tint Icrred on Ibe Wing* McKis8&ck ,V Go., will buy your cot¬ ton seed. As well to monkey with a buzz saw as to tease a chap just after his best girl has kicked him. Take our word for it and don’t try it. _ If the wood haulers and coal men have not been happy this winter, we do not believe they ever will be on ibis earth. They have held the trump card to a certainty. J. L. Hurst never cries hard times or lets bis stock run down. He knows how and intends to distance all com¬ petitors in the bar business. Call on him and be will prove it. It is not often that raw eggs inside of a dwelling house freeze so hard that the she:is can be removed just as wer, hard l.oih-,1. But that is what happened during the Iasi cold spell. Oioy a short time ago our society young people were in e whirl and on tertainmeats were of almost daily or nightly occurrence, but the bottom seems to have dropped out and things arc taking a vest. Clever Luke Hurst numbers his friends by the thousand, but he wants millions more to test his choice liquors and testify, as they can, that his is the place to get your juice. The social given last Monday night »t the residence of Mr. A. L. Foster, in honor of visiting young ladies, was was one iff the most enjoyable affairs of llr; season. i am representing the Americas Steam Laundry. Bring Vue your soiled shins, collars and cuffs and have them laundrifld better than when you bought them. Work guaranteed. T. J. Ltoiitfoot. '.Vhflo the New England cotton mills are coming and preparing to com - south cannot some of our enter jyy-ing. monied men induce one at 1- , sr of them to e-mip among us ? Wc might in even if wc fail. if hard .vork, good judgment and close attention to business m the face of competition, to go to the top P 1 id stay there, but that is what J. L. TIurst has done and proposes to do with his har. When our people awoke this morn¬ ing, it Was to find the ground covered with snow, about three inches deep. Snow balling was in order and some of our citizens improvised sleighs and went riding. We have not had such a •■'■'ilI of snow in years. --Mrs. Preston Creel and Miss Mary .Killingsworth, of Bluffton, spent sev oral days in the city this week, the guests family. of Miss Mr. E. W. Killingsworth took and Mary the steamer Thurdav night for Sneeds, Fla., where she will resume her millinery business. The program of bidding farewell to the old Methodist church and formally taking possession of the new, was fully carried out on Sunday last as adver bi «od. Wo have not as yet learned vvhat d:snosition will be made of the old church. Mr. I. N. Royal ha< a patent eyffee pot on exhibition at Fordonm & Mc Allister’s, in which coffee of tlie best quality can be made in a moment., and all who wish to drink a cup arc wel¬ come to do so. By this process a smaller quantity is used than by any ether, and. the saving in time is a big tiling also. Notwithstanding the past Was an exceptionally hard and trying year and the pressure lias been felt in all sections, our business men have liild their own and are still on top, and in fact, we as a community and our county as a whole, have but little, if anything to complain of when we eon trust our condition with that of some parts of the country. Tn great contrast to some winters, when the weather hardly became cold enough to warrant hog killing, this season we have had it cold enough and long enough to kill and cure much more nre was raised. Most of OU” 1 all who have made ogs are now well made meat. i PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES, AND WHEN AND WHERE. The Newt of Port DuIiipn Society Briefly Stated—Gathered at the Home PircMidc. —Misses Emma Webb and Clifford Hightower visited Macon this week. _ Rey Mr> Crie „ fllled his regllhir appointment at the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. The blizzards have come; it has rained, hailed and snowed and things have howled generally, but Luke Hurst, the popular bar man, has come through it all and is still serene, and smiling, al the same old stand. Mr. E. J. Harden, one of our clever resident cotton buyers, has returned, after a sllort visit away from the Fort. Ed, besides being one of the most ex pert handlers of the fleecy staple wc have ever known, is a whole-souled, generous fellow, a democrat from start to iinisli, and a l'rietid that it is well to tie to. .... hif,pteS , , h" 0 „ and t to! vigorous manhood, “h,"u[uo and ’| ! young re i member his unquestioned courage, we cannot but think that he is one of the { i as t m en we know of whom we would i desire to tackle in a scuttle or try to I S ct away from, should he lay hands on us. Were there occasion for it we j would certainly seek to avoid him and give him a wide berth. —Mr. Ed Ingram, one of our most prosperous farmers, was in town Tues¬ day and bought strychnine with which to poison field larks. He said those birds are so numerous that it is impos¬ sible to get a stand of oats or any other grain, the larks in huge droves, set¬ tling on the fieldss and devouring the seed and young sprouts. This is something unusual for this section. —Last Sunday was a cold, cold day, as we all know, but that did not pre¬ vent Miss Sarah Jane Matthews and Mr. C. Money, who live away over in Alabama, from coming here to get rnarriod. The ceremony was perform¬ ed by Judge Foote, at his residence, and the couple left immediately for their home. Love not only laughs at locksmiths, but at blizzards and .even thing else. The well known and popular Mr. Thomas J. Smith has refitted bis tony billiard saloon in the rear of Mr. J. L. Hurst’s bar. He has splendid tables, everything is quiet, cozy and comfort¬ able, t lie best of order is kept and it is the very place for gentlemen who wish to indulge in a quiet game to patron¬ ize. He desires that the public should know these fads and give him a rail. His friends from the country who play billiards or pool are especially invited. We have noticed lately two or three cadaverous looking frames.of wliat, if they had more flesh on them, would be cows and calves, wandering about the streets, huddled at some old shel¬ ter, or standing with tails lanyard the north wind, and wondered what they were good for and to whom they be¬ longed. Seemingly not fed, picking up what they could find on the streets, no one of them would make a square meal for a pair of buzzards. Objects of pity, it would be but mercy to kill them and relegate their carcasses to the boneyard. \Ye think we have had cold weather. and so wc have for this section, but it has been as balmy as June, as com¬ pared with what some sections have suffered. North, East and West, blizzards, freezes and snowstorms have prevailed, business and traveling have been almost suspended, trains have been snowed under, people and ani mats have been frozen to death and al most unheard of suffering has been among the poor. The experience of this winter will be long talked of and remembered. When wc read of the various liter ary societies, reading clubs, etc,, that the young people of other towns not a whit larger or more important than ours, have, we feel that in this re¬ spect wc are at the tail end of the pro¬ cession and to get left. Our hoys and girls are just as intelligent and as well educated as others, but somehow these things appear to be out of their line. Bring me a trial package of laundry, I send on Thursdays and deliver on Saturdays. Collars 2 cents, cuffs 4 cents, and shirts 10 cents. Leave J vour packages __, _________ at A. » -, M. f T M ir„n allerstem’s. , • , 1. ,J. LiGIITFOOT. - I3r Now „ . the time x to plant , Eng- „ 18 li • h Peas, f .all on .J. R. McLendon for your seed. Also a fresh lot of small seeds received. • feb 25 lm -_........... Don’t forget that McKissack k Co. sell furniture, Tribute of Ki-t>|U-i'\. Whkiikas, Through the interposi tion of Providence, in taking comrade John McLendon from our midst, his family has been rereft of a noble companion and helper; and Whkrkas. In the death of comrade McLendon, the compauy has lost one of its best and most consistent mom bers; prompt in the fulfillment of every duty; therefore be it s Resolvki), That the loss of com rade McLendon is severely felt by the company, and that we extend onr cere regrets and kindest sympathies to bis family and to his m in friends * and Resolved, That a copy of these' resolutions be published in The Fou r Gaines Sentinel, and that a copy be sent to the bereaved family, and that a copy be spread on the minutes of the company. T. ,T. Mounts, (’apt., L. S. Cohen. Lieut., J. L. IIitrst, 1st Scrgt., E. A Greene, Com. Ft. Gaines Guards. A newspaper poet half frozen by rcC ‘" > ' C#M •"* ,l "«* " ,U8l> ' : Oh, gentle spring, sweet balmy spring. | Oh, would that thou were here; So we could wear most anything, And not a freezing fear, So we could wander by the shon-, And s(t upon the rocks; don our overcoat no more. And go without our socks. Sheriff Sales. V.VWWWAO,VV.,VV'AAA VV'V.'VW GEORGIA. CLAY foUNTY: I will Hell before the courthouse door in the town of Ft. Gaines, on the 1st Tuesday in March next, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: One house and lot in the town of Ft. Gaines, lo located on Jackson street, known in the plan of said town as lot No, 10(5. fronting Jackson street on the east ntid Bluff street on the south, containing one-half acre more or le-s. Said property 'evied on and sold to satisfy a hen li fa issued from the Clay county court in favor of Baldwin & Fo. ( 6c Geisc, for use of Baldwin & Co. & Geise vs. E. W. Killingswrth. Tenants in possession notified. This Feb. 1. 1895. J. T. McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA, FLAY COUNTY: I will sell before the courthouse door in rlio town of Ft. Gaines, on the 1st Tuesday in March next, between tin- legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the fol¬ lowing properly to-wit: One house and lot in the town of Ft. Gaines, Ga.. on Jackson street, hounded on the north by lot of N. H. McLendon, the on the cast alley, by Jackson street. o.. South by an Sutlivc on the west by lands belonging to the estate. Sold to satisfy a lien fi fa issued Ashmore from Flay supe¬ rior court in favor of & Morris, for u^c of A. T. Ashmore vs. E. W. Kil This lingswortb. Ftb. Tenants in possession notified. 1, 1895. J. T. McAli.ISTKK. Sheriff GEORGIA, FLAY COUNTY: I will sell betoru the courthouse door in the town of Ft. Gaines, on tho 1st Tuesday in March next, to the highest bidder for cash, during the legal hours of sale, the fol¬ lowing property to-wit: One poo! table, with balls cues and rack, six chairs, one iron safe, Mosler & Bunn make, three show cases,, one oak cigar stand, two beer coolers, one back bar and barrels, glass, kegs one bar and counter, one. screen, lot of bottles. Said prop¬ erty levied on and sold to satisfy a distress warrant from the county court in favor of T. L. harmei vs. S. SeiscI & Co. This Feb. 1, 1895. J. T. McALLIOTKR, Sheriff. GEORGIA, OLAY COUNTY : I will sell before the courthouse door in the town of Fort Gaines, during the legal hours of sale to the highest bidder for cash the 1st Tuesday in March next, the follow¬ ing property to wit; One house and lot in the town of Ft. Gaines, situated ou •!offer son street; bounded on the north by lot of J. A. Haskins, on the east by an alley, on the south by a street and on the west by Depot street; being the place whereon E. It. Mims resides. Haid property sold to satisfy a tax 11 fa issued against E. It. Mims lor state and county taxes for year J894. This February 1, 1895. J. T. McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA, Flay County: Will be sold on the 1st Tuesday in March No. 84 in (he 5th district of Clay county, Ga., excepting of rtftid iot. 33 kmihI acres ptireol off the oi lmni southeast corner eon tains 217 acres more or less. Said place is well improved and cultivated by li. M. Greene, levied and lias good the buildings on it. H. Said land on as property of M. Greene to satisfy the superior a mortgage execution sued from court of said county, in favor of H. M. Comer &Co„ against said Tw” ^Fe**7**1 sW* 0 ^' Thk Sheii'ff. J. T. McAllister. GEORGIA. Clay County; (bill be sold before the court house in said county on the l*g»i 1st Tuesday in March next, between the hours of sale, to the est bidder for cash, the following to-wit/ Lots of land No. 352. 353 and 362, in the 7th district of Clay bounty, Ga., taining each 202 and one-half acres more or less; also 117 and one-ha’|acre« of lot No 363 except85 in same district, «o.itain- wH Jhetween \ i« all of said acres, a certain Ime pandeil to the soit/uern boundary of said lot and said south rn boundary, and ^ all off 725 said lot to Said M laien h. Burney, well contained in in acres. are itoprov ed and fine cultivation, and in ft sold neighborhood; satisfy and levic! execution <m by iff fa to ta¬ at to an vor —■md Robert issued L. Robinson from the against city Hrmy of B. Wash court Tenants in possession HOlificil according to law. This Feb. 7, 1895. T, McALLISTER, Sheri5. Slierill S;ilos. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY: Will be sold on the iirst Tuesday in March next, between the legal hours of sale at the court house in Clay county, to the highest bidder* for cash, the following property to-wit: All of south part of lot No. 133 in the 5th district of Clay county, (Ja M oontain i ing 100 acres more or less, or so much 1 ;ls n,i, v be necessary to pay the tax ti fa herein described, Said land is lev¬ ied on by W. A. II.listen, constable of said county, under and by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by W. R. Harrison, collector of said county, against j I J. tor A. the Smith for 1804, the and taxes said on constable said land j has returned year said ti fa with the levy thereon to be advertised and sold by me to satisfy said ti fa. This Feb. 7, 18 »r>. J. T. M< At,r.isiTKti, Sheriff. GEOi’GIA. CLAY COUNTY: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in ^ lI< the court house in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to-wit: All of lot of land No. 202 (or so much as may be necessary to pay the fi fa herein described) containing •Jill acres lying in the 5th district of Clay county, Gui, Said land is well improved, and has been levied on by W. A. Haisien, constable of said county, and turned over to me by him, to be advertised and sold to satify a fax fi fa issued by W. R. Harrison for state and county taxes for the year 18114, on said hind, due and owing by Man Elv. Tenants in possession untitled according to law. This Feb 7. 1805. ■I. '!'■ McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA. CLAY COUNTY: I will sell before the court houre (lour in the town of Ft. Gaines, during the legal hours el side to the highest bidder for wish, on the 1st Tuesday in March next, the fol¬ lowing the property to-wit; One house and lot in town of Ft. Gaines, fronting Jackson street on the east, and bounded by lot be longing to the estate of Jno. Watson on the south, by Warehouse street, on the west, on the north by an alley, the place whereon N' .J. Lewis now resides. Said property sold to satisfy a tax ti fa. against N. J. Lewis foil state and county taxes for the year 1894. J. T. McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY; I will sell before the courthouse door in the town of Fort Gaines, on the 1st Tues¬ day in March next, to the highest nidder for cash, the following property to-wit: Lot of land No, 162, in the fifth district of said county. Sold to satisfy a ti fa from stipe rior court of said county, in favor of Bur gan & Joinc.s and F. E. Block, vs, Jno W, Bruner. Tenants in possession notified. This February 1 1895. JAB. T. McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA, Flay County: • Will bo sold nn the 1st Tuesday in March next, at the court house in said countv, within the legal hours of salo to the highest bidder for cash, the following property to wit. All that tiact of land known an lot No. 76, in too 5th district of Flay county, Ga.. known as the W. T Greene place, contain¬ ing 250 acres more or less; also that tract of land in the 5th district, of City county. On., known as all that, part of lot No. 40. lying west of Coloinokee creek, and lots Nos. 47 and 75 in said district, and 50 acres off the southeast it corner ol Jot , , No. vr cl, and , all ,, known as the Gray place, containing (55l) acres more or less; also the southeast, ner of lot No. 84 in same district, containing 30 acres more or Ires; also that certain store house and lot (now occupied by W, T. Greene) in Bluffton, Clay county, Ga., and known in the plan of said town as lot letter E, having a front of 105 feet on Church street and running hack along Cuthbcrt and Blakely road 75 feet; also that certain lot of land known in the plan of said town of Bluffton, as lots Non. 29 and 50, contain ing west four side acres of more Broad *r less, also being the situated dwell¬ oil street; ing house and lot of said W. T. Greene, and known in the map of said town of Bluffton as lots Nos. 23 and 24, the same containing five acres more or less. All of said property is splendidly improved and very valuable. Said lands are levied on to be sold as the property of said VV. T, Greene to satisfy a mortgage, execution issued from the supe nor II M. eomtoi ( omer ( & jay Co,, county. against Ga., said n, favor VV. T. ol j , Greene. Tenants in possession notified ac-1 cording to law. This Feb, 7. 1895. I .!. T. McAllister, Sheriff. GEORGIA CLAY COUNTY: 1 will kcII before the courthouse door in the town of Ft. Gaines, during the legal one iron safe, lot of barrels, bottles and kegs, levied on and sold to satisfy a tax fi fa JVIimn &» vyr^ for wt/ite hih! county taxes for the year 1894. This Feb. 1. 1895. ~j. T. McAllister, Sheriff. H WJfy ® M' - — -----■— - We have opened up a First Class Market in the Masonic Building, _ ° where we will _ keep 1 constantly on hand a snpply 1 1 ^ of Choice Beef, Pork and Sausage. We will be pleased to serve our friends and the public when need ol - anything ... .. line Give in in our us, -r' trial. BURNED In : New : Quarters WITH A NEW LINE OF GOODS! I have moved into the store on Wash¬ T. ington street, recently occupied by M. Porter, nex t door to T. L. Farmer. I especially call the atten¬ tion of the ladies to the following articles: Sliced Pine Apple, Grated, Pine Apple. Desicated Cocoanut, ('(tuned, Ap¬ ple a. Peaches, Tomatoes, Ti 'ipe, Ho a si .! hi f ton » ('alumina Hirer Salmon, Ground Pepper, Allspice, Ginger, A'utmeg, China, nion, Mare, Cloves, E.v tracts, H'arner’s Safe Yeast, Mu sta rd, Jla ear roni. CortPirStarch , Puk¬ ing Powder. j I also have ajlot of Currants, Dates, Raisins, Etc., left over from the hol idny trade which I will sell very cheap. Call and see me. Very respectfully, C. W. LEWIS. 5',^’“Washington Street. Gold, Gold! Wc desire inform the public th t to i we have exclusive agency for Wav<t ly Milling Company, Waverfy, Ml Manufacturers of the IB nest and rest winter wheat FLOUR That comes (o I ins market. If you want the best, try this brand. They have Authorized us to Give Away $25 IP GOLD! (Jail at the Store and Get Particulars. TERRELL &. PETERS0N ROMEO,* The clever Fish and Oyster man* lias moved, and is now located be¬ tween the postfliee and T. M. Brown. He lias always on hand a .supply of tile finest Fish, Oysters, Fruits, k Give him your trade, for he will , tl( . aL , UU ■ . , ‘ > ------ —- I will receive my spring stock in u fo\y days, and offer now any merchan¬ dise in my store at,, and below cost, ex¬ cept shoes just received. Any shoo that I have bad ou baud for more than 12 months will go below cost. No cut on checks and sheeting. I shall not pack up my woolen goods, so a greut many of these goods go at just half price. This notice will not appear again, so come at once if you want $1.50 worth of goods for $1. No goods charged. Youre to please. F. E. Sanders. HKC" Go to J. P. H. Brown to get your Seed Irish Potatoes and Garden Heed, as the moisture 1ms met and the ttloon , uu \ Seven stars are now right for 1 ]anM Yam Seed f’ntutoc-M, Earliest, most prolific and Dost keep ers of any potatoes known, 50 cents per pock. Apply to 1, B. West. ? iirl>i iineU i'r light. 4 Bundles L. B. Ends, 4 Bnmlld* B‘*ds. 9 Dressers, 2 Waslistauds, 1 box Cjr 1 «ahh« •> liur^uu r lfttries* W. E. LlOHTEOOT, Propritor Railroad A River Warehouse.