The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, March 15, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. TEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. What the Praplc Du sad May— I.itt. Ir Bin ,t. .inra and bo. * t athcrev an the Wing. See advertisement xh baker's bread in another column MoKis. ack never naps — always watching for bargains. Clay superior eou.fc convenes next Monday. Come intocou-t. Follow tlie crowd and go to Mc.Kis saek & Co, and get your goods at cost. The Georgia Baptist convention meets in Way-cross the second week iu April. McKissnck & Co. have bought the Watson stock and art: selling out atvost. Those who have promised i*o pay their subscription to this paper in country produce are requested to fetch it • ’oog, It is in constant demand at ■our bonne. YeKi . ' <!i ^0, ve moved to ,1. S, Wiuso. '• ■ :i i 4 i( l' of the por'of* lice: •f# -gpm. v ' Cold weather and ih • recent rp. 5 ns have occasioned quite a backset to gardening, and early greens will not be early greens ibis season. You had bet’or go to McKisack & Co.’s and get you a suit of clothes at •cost while you can. There was a good crowd in town Saturday and trade was more brisk than usual. T ade is dull everywhere, hut Fort Grincs keeps pace with other towns and a! ware. gets her share. Lib¬ eral •»i'i-:e‘3 aid : n abuncl.iner of-a". kinds of mercliandw-e doe .he wor . ii MeKi:,:y no-neyi plentiful— only lakes cheap goods to bring money out >,i its hiding place. >rdi.i: .r; R. T. Foote went to Bluff ton \\ -t'.n -a-..ay to condu-’ 4, "n inverti T d.on oi .w lunacy o Mr. John C a vis, b iaiywa o ' die opinion that he i..- m ound mind and a, nt subject 101 , u asylum, , whither he \vi!‘be ib . . .jOO'.i as he wi n be re oeiv*'d. Scvoml W» Seed Irish Polatoes ust received at Hatel’clt-s i!n--_.loid_ There seems to b quite a comneti lion in the hack bu -ivi js. , s a d a.a> mat Of bote:.-,, lucre mono -30 hacks on tlv li winch noetre ‘ coming train .nd boat-one from lha Commercirl Hotel, one from ,he Crawford House and one run bv ‘ v dim - m 11.,. tins 1!,- ln'.rjmen. “Shoes! ner.n* saw (be like befo-.-e tis McKissaea & Co. have oil hr - .... You cm, get tbcm at cost.” There is a a w i nnaie at; ;h i' who ha.; been given the .:rx . > the pre/ni e and ue i. c • t on the fi 'st floo.. Jails li - worth ays he reo'd •.no. .i - than all ;ha olbe hea’Te'M, n. • ; so ta. iucous that he refuses .0 k • of pri on fare, soothing 'y up bring an important part o his diet. The old"reliable Laudreth’ ‘‘arck.i Seeds are the best. A full variety just received at Hatchett.’ dmg store, Mr. -S. (’oaen, on - of our euccessfu! g.ui eu'.erpri .i i-yo 1 ig men, has ’eased the Cook 1 ”. , toyetb 7 wi' h it • ri'•nl.duir O - . „ 4 t i ' 1 v now under the nev -n yemen >L bis sister, ?fi-s. j. s i : niiui, a. . ). t excellent kby. who i. in e very r 0 capable oi main' aining 1 , well ' l , popuiari .-11 the pa ;f. Y»re v. i .ii new' maa.igenie.11 -mi- h- :ucceb;i, - bespeak io.: ii a liberal pativ-nage. ; cost and caa,.them. | A nuai ;u i rot-i lore to Bluffton, via Grim 1 ; ' } store, vo>:M not only • be a public convenience, hire would bo i a source 07 trad- to ^.ir merchants, Many orders tint rve now cen. tc, Blakely by the mail carrier would ce sent here. Such a line could be se-1 cured if our business men would inter-; ! eat themselves in the proper effort, j Bluffton is anxious for it, and only i awaits the co-operation of the Fort. T. M. Brown’s is the place to buy j the freshest, most reliable and cheap est garden seeas. Genuine Eastern i ; seed -------- Irish potatoss, t _______red red and and white white I onion sets. him. It will be to your interest | to sec A Pleasant IKnlerUinmrnt. The young people enjoyed quite a pleaul social entertainment at the hos¬ pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. I). Coleman last Friday night. They speak iu high praise of the charming manner in which they were enter¬ tained by ’heir k’nd hosi md hostess. The following is a list of the couples in attendance: Miss Lillian Ke’ly and Geo. C. Brown; WVs Mi* -el iveby end Joe Vnsou; M».-s 1 ie .'’cater and Join G. Biown; Miss fc.fl.Aie ~ L htfoot and r dUro'iu; I»i \ Jill. 7,- htfoot and T. o. Fon'liam; V -s Mr* / I \*jhtfoot and To n Spei lit; P / :s Mi e Kcnmm and Dr. J. P. Sba >e; ’-s Ai'.’ie Jennie Kennoii and E. A. SSli i »e; IVHss Eu« ice Edww’s a id T. J. Lightfooi,; M : m, Hettie Wood .■udl S. Cohen; Mss is tel'e Tennh'e i id V," ' Culpepper; M" -> Belle Tuniip d a .1 Mark Gterube. g; Miss le; j rV r on aud A, B. * ai r rie; Mire Clyue Hoilr-id aud Ed (In ne; Misi Cohen and »|>e Hu ehotl; > s Kete Spu'"ht and Rk «p !1 *v ggins; Stag .—M e Cohen, J» hn Royal, Beu Turni % W W “ley and Jay G eene. Many ot you have been waiting until after the sdniim.^rators sale to get j you onie met: . iderwea.r and a suit of cloiI k j. ^,c. you have the chance to get (.'em. McKissack & Co. will 3 oi! *hc eo , mark and you can no your own selecimg. Suits from $2 up m $ltt. Every body can be suited. They will give you *25 per cent, off on ihe overcoats. They wrent to close out to make room for their spring good . ■ vlnpr o Slint>: *-,i. Mr. j. J. Sanders, ma nger of the dry goods house of F. E. Sanders, is packing his stock preparatory to mov¬ ing to IBuilton. Mr. Sanders was n r in tic-, s ion of the county, an:! waving been employed for a nun. , her of: years as . alcsm ,n for a proini- 1 .':i.n in Bluh'tou, he is well ae d with the excellent people and line tr./ift urroundm^ that place. He ; voposed to carry a stock of goods in 11 rt pacts equal to the demands of tb *t civ-tom, and ;-ays he expects to in aU guftite a scale of low prices that cau not fail to he appreciated. A large mid well assorted stock «f such goods a.-, they have heretofore had to go :J)u- d id buy will In quite a con vein and ...« on: !o'h. which joj,.!* they .£ will comnmmlj, no oo...ys libcrfly . ^.ovt. I t ......_ -• , .. ... ... of '•ir i--vn' ir T Iill - i ,e r complete line o. :n;-les ot our spring ;; d oumiaerstoc-:, embracing all .he !?;/“ } “ v:1 f lC8 .’V, n } l?u h 11,1 4 ? JldVr ° reS8 a- - ......’ Zovm vyeh & .'ones, bi-iv Ga . S. ’ i,” :h' p A. ivl. W h: 'hein '.1 va .'0 ne 3, CO K-l i * and wii 1 soon ooen \7 0 d a: i ' a s! o: g./ii' 5 ,oo h T a I' larni ag :t c w 02Ci ; Jnv • E. Sail id. o ; n vii'ea , .73 fcr.10 : Oi.:, 0 ill 1 ‘lOW-l : n:.K. . , ana v. .1 r^- 3 7 orel ■ tO at;) J j io it t, . ie:, !i )< £ * i v .v t to e. > a . Vv '■3 re last W i » - . Wri : .in h f ;; io good j " t>. : bay t eniarhahi; low fig .. 1 1 g 2 bc A- \ ,?t - a , t’tose g a.': ear lor.a of wni ’. a/ve \ ' L ' o’ivf. Thay wii! as.on ; 1 c r t ar laaounca n'CJt of . e.r \V )-i(* . U Since m elna i-ig tV Watson stool: ° ’■•i38.:::.*c&- Co. :iav3 moveu i , .eir . - f -p ? r om the corn J Carrol! and » nc icK :ri.4ts io ike Watson ston'd. „ i , x now have , 'me 0- „ th laigesi end , ^ r. .:;: loamlete r3.-o, rmeni; of dry good-;, f noL ..3, ’ cT ng, shoe.-, ole., i ,1m , f , and their . . . lower m v» y, prices are than ever uofore. Mr. T. 1. Brown, j section, is novr emjlojett behind the [ OUi-t' .'■> ■ LcKi.'.-: A 0., a:;.d ir . exion j i..3 .riando ... cordial invitdiou \ t° ct 'lane, saov 3 ;;ome of the many h rg- irre h is enabled to offer the n. Iris. 1 .reals Sp .i^u', of . rendolph co ../, is tch'ngr, ffoa ii a j school Fi-.erprise, in ibis count-’. -A Sreurdav she and bar school v/ere join ( , (1 ny a number of friends in a picnic ! j and fish fry a:' he fish pond of A' r. C. Doztor. ■ There was an abundance c f fish and the day was very oleasan ly, s m ‘ H all resiJects ie ^ , CL ’ s - Misg Miss 7 s 8 Mamie y.., iidn n . ie ie is is 1H ; a a mos; mos -esLmaol3 cstima’de > young oting kdy, kdy, , and and her, her , pa’rons arc well pleased with her ser vices. D. PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES, AND WHEN AND WHERE. The Htwt af Furl (ialaei society Briefly SUtiC—a the red at the 1'irnliie, Rockaliy, baby, yonr and mama will has till gone, dawn. Sbe’soutat n canons bo She wore papa’s trousers, and in them look d queer. So husiiaby, baby, your papa is here. —Col. C. Wilson went to Blakely on professional business (his week. —Messrs. A. T. and W. II. Craw¬ ford have both visited Cuthbert this week. —Col. J. R. I,-win attended Quit mail superior eon i at Georgetown this week. —“Blinks has got one of those talk ing machines. “A phonograph?” [ “No, a wife.” —Professor and Mrs. McKenzie and Miss Ilattie Killcn visited relatives at Bluff ton last Saturday. —Dr. and M s. J. S. McKenzie, of 7 b f. on, spr-ii ihe <’ w wi h vn*rives i>i ri * I Wr, ’! -' ’. —“Do you go to elmreu to hear the sermon or the music. Maude?" “1 go -o th. hints,” arid Maude. —I)r. t). R. Lide, of Cuthbei l, was in the city f’is week and did some of bis usual excellent work for our people. Mi. and Mrs. *<!. A. Graham came down rom Eerr volenct lust Saturday evening end spent S-iuluy with Judge and Mis. W. A. 1'rehr.m. —Remember that when you have friends or .relatives visiting you, or some o' your family have gone abroad, you will do us a favor by reporting the same at this office. —It is ami t k to suppose women take no interest in the sol Cion o: the problem, “Is marriage u failure?” Some oi ,hom «» fllrea( l v inquiring if 1 Sf)6 will be leap year! —Luke (hdien lias bean taking ', (•3cle ride in th" mternoou thisweeiv meeting the train at Brown’s min in the' interest of the Uoinincr cial hotel. Lnlce 1;w hustler, —Sen .tor J. . ?! r* < r, o' ..eary, was in tlw city this w eek, -md was a weleome c .Her at this office. Io was looking :.fter the meome tax oi some 0 f our citizens, of whic} he is the coi lector for the southern district of Geor -he Bank ox foil G.ainaiy and )/j ytaUtiiK 8U ec t to this tax —The removal of Mr. T. .1. Samtora and his estimable family to Bluffton is vc r ^ *' gretted ny their many . ' hv Mr 0UJ . mo8t wort yom m , n> . Jcff Whatley, ‘ who has satisfactorily served th m my customers of bis l>r-sent employer for more than , wo Z?'™' 1 he good "A 11 peopl*. o. that him place to Bluffton. are to bo o 0: «r,.lula t ea Ih. .^ui.ilion of such citizens. —Wa have just Icoa -i .,<1 of the mar- 1'i‘igc of one o' 01.1 :ou ilv boys, Mr. u about -ihorl a w we... !-’’. ^50 a) at 111- the l-csidpiire residence ocr of oi the unde 3 father, 1 ncle JJa.Via, near Jb.irton. ’Jay cl long life happiness Pc theirs, for .hey deserve it. The groom is one o f our most en argotic aid thorough going young Clay while the bride is one of county’s fairest daughters, -Calhoun c,,,„i y H„„ricr, Mnrcl 8th. AS MUCK 7RJ7H AS P .. , RY J Texas democrat has penned t he following effusion: wnrr cp uiinoca /no pakty x>ih. VIi..nthi. ion euts grass Ii’:-.- m ox, .»ua Shw flsmug rfonn e.v .llows the wind;; W ^' t BU ^ ia8 ? uit ^ Am tne . hare out by the snail. n run 7:-on serpents wall upright like mou, And doodlebugs travel like frogs; the f assbopig* ^eds on ben, aim feathers are found on hogs. When Thomas cuts swim on the air, uitMiephanti roost up. :i :r*s ; ^hei-.jst .a , ’ uCk/f i-A-J Ac J snuff n ver m peome sneeze; fishes ..reop ov.r dr/ land, And mules on velocipedes ride; And girlsp"-. to pr-aeiiingon time; h ju bi-i j 'o ,ts butt fro a tire rear, And crai ;cnV no longer , crime; 'hoc tb numini ; bird im-ya like an ass /-.nd limburg ji ;taeils like c, -'ogne; hen plowshare.. 1 ye mad- out of gluss, -And tire hearts of G^orgiaua of stone; A/treu id-as grow .n populists’ heads, And wool on the bvdraulic ram— .boil the democraiL party will be dead And the country r:ou'. be v oath a d—. Immigration continues to decrease * January of this year the arrivals were only 8,784. , In ..anuury 1894 the amvals . , were ^ 9 ’^ 08 ’ and , m . Januar >' of they were 14,831. For tjm year 1894 the arrivals were 248,983, while b r the vear 1893 they wer 488.776. a-; e at this off THE SILVER MINERS’ INTEREST. It is a well known fact that the sil¬ ver mine owners maintain a large and well pnid lobby in Washington to plan and dicker for free silver legislation. It is natural that they should do so. for free silver coinage Would put millions into their pockets ami they can afford to pay liberally for the advocacy ^ >f the scheme: The Atlanta Constitution says: “The government will not give the miner a cent for his bullion nor reeeive a cent for it. The government will simply take each 412 1-2 grains of standard silver, create it into money by making it a full legal tender in (lie payment of debts and taxes, an<l seal it with the stamp of the people's au¬ thority.” Who but the silver miner has (he 412 1-2 grains of silver which the gov¬ ernment would stand ready to coin and stamp as a dollar of full legal tender quality? When (he silver producer now takes 412 1-2 grains of silver to market, he offers it for about 411 cents. It would be decidedly more agreeable to him to have the government take it and make it into i\ legal tender dollar lor him. This is what lie is after and what he is paying hi - lobbyists to bog for. In order to prove the fallaev of the “silver miner argument,” the (’onsti tution uses the following illustration: “Apply it to the coal miner, and its idiocy becomes apparent at once. Why should people continue to put money in the poekets of these miners by con¬ suming coal and iron? The answer to this is an answer to the “silver miner” argument. The advantages that the coal and iron miners reap from the consumption of their products by the people arc infinitesimal when compared with the benefits conferred on human¬ ity by the use of coal and iron. If this is the best our contemporary can do, it is hard pressed indeed. Its illustration would lit the case if the coal miner who sells his product for s4-> a ton to ordinary customers f,houlJ , <lult the K«vernnient make it. worth f5a ton. if our neigh¬ bor puts silver and coal in the same category it should be logical and fail in its treatment of both. Suppose a silver miner owes a coal miner *1,000. If he paid him iu sil¬ ver bullion now it would require over two t' ousand times 412 1-2 grains of silver to discharge tlie debt. If the government would only take every 412 1-2 grains of silver that could he brought to the mints and make of it a legal tender dollar, the silver mine owner could pay hi, debt for coal for ^ . much oi ins own p-duct . , as is now required. This would be a very nice arrangement for the man who happened " to own a; ilver mine instead ut claUn .................. vVnen buy suits . anil of . uci* goods you at McKi -sack’s you must, pay the cash, 1,c >» »«’-1 b-1 b, 'cfusing « tc let yon J take them out be , , i( , f Good „ ri t . an , f K' , ,, ’ • ^ ^ 1 la “_______ ’v O r I' I ( 1 IF. / ! From an I . after .. tins .. date . I will ... not , ^ responsible lor any dcbtsconlraot A ' S - M1,Xh - tm . DENTIST. D. R. LY1)E, of Cuthbert, Ga., will be in Fort Gaines the week following second and fourth Sunday in each month. Office over Bank, Baker6’ Bread. Having made arrangements with I tlie bakery at Cuthbert to furnish me with FRESH BREAD ON SHORT NOTICE. I am, therefore, preparep to sup* ply my customers with excellent loaf bread at any time. C. W. J,KWIS. BLUFFTON •DRUG STORE# PATENT MEDICINES AT COST. A l*rf« lot of Other Patent Medicine* at greatly reduced prices. andCat Prescriptions filled with aocuracy popular prices. of people's A liberal share the patronage j solicited. P. H, THOMPSON. , Petition for Charter. STATE OP GFOR&I A—Olay County. To the Hon. J. M. Griggs, Judge of the Su jssrior Court of said County: First. The petition of J. E. Pnullin, Joe Vinson and W, A McAllister shows that they desire for themselves, their associates utid successors, to be incorporated for a pe¬ riod of twenty years, with the pi-ivilege of renewal at the expiration at that, time under the name of Fort Gaines Oil and Guano Company, with power plead under that be name to sue and lie sued, to and im¬ pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make bydaws for the regulation of the com¬ pany’s affairs and concerns not inconsistent with the laws of the state of Georgia and of the United Slates. That its capital stock be fixed at twenty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, with power to increase same at any time to dollars any amount with shares not exceeding fifty valuation thousand of the same as above. Second. At least ten per cent, of said cap¬ ital stock shall bo |Niid m before the com¬ pany shall have t he right to commence bus¬ iness. Third. That the place of its business shall be at Fort Gaines, Clay county, Geor¬ gia. The object of said corporation is pecu¬ niary gain and profit, to its stockholders. And the particular business which is pro¬ posed to be carried on by it is the tnanurac ture and dealing in cotton seed oil, cotton seed meal and cake, ami all grades of com¬ mercial fertilisers, and the prosecution of all such other lines of business and manufac¬ turing as may to the stockholders seem tit and proper. Fifth. Petitioners further pray that said company nmy have the rigid to issue such bonus, mortgages, notes, bills of exchange and commercial papers as may be. needed to properly conduct the mid further of the its interests in and to secure payment sume such way as it secs tft and proper. That pe¬ titioners may also have the right to he buy, own or lease such real estate as may nec¬ essary for the accommodation and success¬ ful operation of its plant. {Seventh, Petitioners pray tliut an order nmv l»e granted by your honor allowing the application of petitioners by the as law. in such cases is made and provided J. D. ltAMBO, Attorney for Petitioners. Fill'd in the office of the Superior Court of Clay county, Gu., on the 0th day of, ‘ J. W. SUTLIVE, Clerk Miq>erior Court. I hereby certify that the above and fore¬ going petition is a true and correct copy from tlie records of the Superior Court of Clay county, Gu. Witness my hand and of ficial signature this the 6th day of March, 1805. J. W. SUTLIVE, 0. S. C. (Citation. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY : To whom it nmy concern: N. H. Mdji-n don Iihh in due form applied to thn under signed for letters of udininisti-atioii on the estate of John It, McLendon, late of said county, deceased, and 1 will pass on said | q>l<b Cil, ‘ 011 on the first Monday in April. . creditors and next of kin of John It. -Mc¬ Lendon. to he and appear at, my ..fttce on suid day, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of administration should not be grunted to said N. H. Mc¬ Lendon us prayed for. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 4th day of March. 1805 R. T. FOOTE, Ordinary: Shot’iff Male. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY: I will sell before the courthouse door in the town of Fort Gaines, on the 1st Tues¬ day in /Ipril jiext, lo the highest bidder for of cash, No. the following 1H4 and the projierty north half to-wit: of lot Lot No. land 1H5, both in the 7th district of Clay county, Ga., and containing 300, acres more or less, or g0 much as is necessary to pay the tax ft fa herein described. Said land is levied on W. R. Harrison,tax collector of said county, against Mn. P. Collins for taxes on said land for the year 1H04, and said constable has returned said It fa with levy thereon to be advertised and sold by me to satisfy said At *- This, the Tth duy of March. 1805. J. 1. McAluisteh, Sheriff. BherifF Mtilew. GEORGIA, Clay County: (Pill tie sold Is-fore tlie court house tn said county on the 1st Tuesday hours of sale, in April the high¬ next, tetween the legal to est bidder for cash, the following property to-wlt - Lots of lund No. 352. 353 and 362, in the 7th distriot of Clay county, Ga., con¬ taining each 202 and one-half acres more or liv-s; also 117 and 0110-half acres of lot No. 363 iusauie district, which is all of said lot except o5 acres, contained between a certain line parallel to the southern boundary of said lot and said southern boundary, and sold off said lot to M. E. liurney, contained in all 725 acres. Said lands are well improv¬ ed and in tine cultivation. and in a good neighborhood; and levie-j on by me to be sold to satisfy an execution in favor of Robert L. Robinson against Henry B. Wash —and issued from the city court of Atlanta. Tenants in possession notified according to law, This March 7, 1805. ./. T. MCALLISTER, Sheriff. Sheriff Male. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY: Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale at tlie court house in Clay county, to the highest bidder, for cash, the following property to-wit: All of northwest corner of lot No. 133 in the 5th district of Clay county, Ga.,contain ing 100 acres more or less, or so much as may be neves' iry to pay the tax ff •' fa herein deni/ It*. >fd. Said constable land is lev¬ of ied on by W. Haisten, said county, under and by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by W. R. Harrison, tax collector of said county,against the estate of J. A. Smith for the taxes on said land for the year 1894, and said con¬ stable has returned said fl fa with A levy there on to be advertised and sold by me to satisfy said ti fa. This March 7, 1895. J. T. Me .;AbU8TFR, Sheriff.