The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, April 05, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. TEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. IThai I lie IVnpIc !lo n lld M»J Lillle Hits of News ntid l>o« alp tin I lie «•«•«! «n I lie W eng. tHurrah for MeKissack & Co.! Fol¬ low the crowd and buy the best goods at the lowest prices. They say only the cash talks. The old reliable Landreth’s Garden Seeds are the best. A full variety just received at Hatchett’s drug store. NOTICE -I Tim now living at the Accidence of T. J.,Sanders, where my friends and patrons will liml me at night. VV. C. Wimberly. When you go to MeKissack & Co.’s ,w„-, vm, foqjrt lo «ny your po.-k.-t books. He will not sell you goods at cost and ihaige them. 1 Several varieties of genuine Eastern Need Irish Potatoes just received at Hatchett s drug store. Mr. Lew Rrown entered school this week, which presses the enrollment of the school to 1(17. TNTOTICK! From and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contract¬ ed by my wife. A. S. MILLS. February 26, 1895. ’ Spam needs spanking, a vigorous and the United States will admin¬ ister it if Gresham will only say the word. When you buy suits and other goods at MeKissaek's you must pay the lie don’t want to make you feel bad by refusing te let you take them out be¬ fore they are paid for. Goods can’t be sold at cost and charged. Don’t forget that. Have you been to MeKissack & Co.’s since they bought that large stock of goods under Coleman’s Hall? You ought to go. Yes, they have the largest stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Dry Goods and Furniture you have ever seen in that store room. They say that the people have got the cash and they intend to sell the goods, and they are selling them. We buy for the cash and expect to make it interesting for those who sell go rh oil credit. If you want to huv b ugains we eau, and. if you want to pay a high price fur your goods and buy them on credit you must goto a house that sells on credit. \Ve must li ive the Spot cash. McKissac k & Co. Oil last Wednesday afternoon the pupils of the Fort Gaines Academy contested for speakers’ places for the commencement exercises, which is just two weeks off. The public was out, and in addition to tlie speaking, was treated to several pieces of music, viz.; Waltz by Miss Miriam Sharp, or¬ gan solo by Miss Hattie Hay Sutlive, vocal duett by Misses Willie Speight and Ida Paulliu, vocal solo by Miss Miriam Sharp, and quartette by Misses Mary Lightfoot and Miriam Sharpe, Messrs. Joe Vinson, Jr., and Ben Turnipsced. Those winning speakers’ places from intermediate department were Master Howard McGregor, Misses Susie May Brown, Marie Lewis aiftl Beremice Wilson. Those of the higher department were Misses Jamie What¬ ley, Mabel Kelley, Estelle Wallersteiu, ( •rine Pipkin, Miriam Sharpe and Messrs. Fred Morris, Edgar Paullin. J.ic Vinson, Jr., and Ben Turnipsced. The iiual contest will lie for medals. X. I desire to announce to my friends on both sides of the river that, I am now employed at the popular bar of Mr. J. L. Hurst, whose ample stock of Fine Liquors. Beer, Cigars and Tobacco war rant me in assuring them of my ability to supply them with the very best brands ol goods at lower prices than they have ever bought them beiore. Our stock cannot be excelled in this section, and you are cordially invited to call and see bow nicely I am now enabled to serve you Your orders will also be appreciated and and promptly attended to. Respectfully, E. R. Mims, Albany Cbalauqua. The Central railroad will sell tickets i on account of above occasion at one fare for round trip. Tickets on sale March , 29th to April Gth. limited re¬ from turning three days from date of sale, Fort Gaines to Albany and re-: turnJwith one admission coupon, 82.70. For further information apply to W. A. Graham, Agent. | '(■«* Irma WujVs I'hmx lUailk, i i Day’s Cross Roads is on a boom. Jones A Redding are doing sonu very nice work at their variety slu*j here. All we need here now is a railroad , a newspaper and an artesian well ti put us in the lead. And from the w;o we have been improving lately, 1 thinl we will be elected yet. Several of our citizens attended the Mt. Gilead meeting Inst Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Quattlebnum was ajjreably sur¬ prised last Tuesday evening by a visit from several ladies to Ins mill. They ''ame to see him saw shingles. Your correspondent was one of a number of flower hunters not long since. We are always happy when honeysuckles bloom. Ask a certain young lady near hear wha. sW „ ma.l ..Lout las. Sunday. \y 0 caught a large turtle on a tisli tvnj> the other dav. We are sorry we could not send the editor an invitation in time to help us drink soup. We saw Mr. Joe Mitchell going along ‘ the road last Sunday. ’ Look out, girls, . . , I know , , he was . to ■ going r. o see some °* vou - . Will our corresponding neighbor eoiic over and “smoke a pipe” with i.slmd tell us who he is? M. M. Dayvilie, Jr. ■Spring time is here, gentle Annie; the flowers arc spreading o'er the plain. What young lady was it who looked for her best fellow one night last week and because he didn’t come she went to sec him? Mrs. Peter Day had a nice dish of spring greens for dinner last Monday, this being the first in our ville. The general meeting at Mt. Gilead is over. It was a grand success. The question now is, “when are we to have a picnic?” Messrs. Peter Day and J I). Owens, after attending court for the last two weeks, are glad to remain at home for a while. Mr. J. E. Turnipsced spent last Sat¬ urday in Day ville, the guest of Mr. j Eugene Owens. Mr. Charlie Lindsey, of Mt. Gilead I settlement, visited young folks in our ville Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Williams, of Sna¬ rer, are visiting the family of Mr. J. M. Lindsey. Messrs. Walter, and Willie Sander lin and John Lindsey, of Vilulah, at¬ tended the general meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Esau Hartley enter¬ tained quite a number of young folks i at their hospitable home last Saturday ! evening. Echo enjoyed a very pleasant rule last Sunday afternoon, but won’t say who with. Hurrah, boys, with your baseball; I summer will soon be here and the | weather will be too warm to play. Miss Mollie Woolsley, wfio has been I visiting her aunt near Fort Gaines, re tunrned home last Saturday. Echo. Written for the Sentinel. NEAR TO THEE. The sn n in glory hides his face Behind the western hills, While silent the mocking birds l are And lonely sings the rills. The golden clouds that light the sky Sleep in a crimson sea, And memory clasps me in her arms t And brings me near to thee. The stream is lingering at my feet, As if to say good-bye, And shining from its bosom deep The gold that’s in the sky. The little cricket in the weeds Sings on quite merrily, And memory clasps me in her arms And brings me near to thee, I know that you are far away, The crimson lingers yet, Although the snn has passed away. O, how could I forget! I kuow that you are far away, Your face 1 cannot see— But memory clasps me in her arms And keeps me close to thee. What care I lor the sunset glow, White yon I cannot see The lingering stream, the cricket’s song Since you are far away? What care I what the present is, Or what the future be, White memory clasps me in her arms And keeps me close to thee? —Mittie Means. Ft. Gaines, Ga. >rli-i1nl<> of I'ort liKliirN Iruiii. Leave Fort (.nines, 9:30 a. m. Vrrive Cuthbort. - 11 :I5 a. m. Leave Cuthbort. - - o.oo ..... „ p. m m. Vrrive Fort Caim's - .Veil p. m. Connects at ('titlVlrri with trains ‘or Macon, Atlanta, M&vuunah. Albany ind Montgomery. For further infer. motion apply to VV, A. (rH. vham, Agent. % Well Known Hail road Mali, Jacksonville. July 2, 1894. I have long been s sufferer from indi¬ gestion, bilious headache and torpid liver I tried one package and one bottle of Simmons’ Hepatitic or Liver Cure and found if a specific, and 1 cheerfully rec¬ ommend it to all suffering from like complaints.—C. VV. ia*ko, E. T. V. and (}. R. It., 82 West Ray St. j For sale by Panllin A Wimberly. j Not One IMsuppoinleil. Leesburg, Fla., July 13, 1804. I take pleasure in assuring you that J*, it, and not only that bottle, but several others gotten afterward, which I have |^"'iVloCorinifik*^ i For sale by Panlliu A Wimberly. warden Plants. Whv waste time in an effort to raise your own plants . . when , Kelly you can , buy all ,, you want of H. F. for a little more than cost of the seed. He has now ready tor transplanting thousands <>f collar.!,.cabbage, lettuce, tomato and egg plants lie sure to sec him. \n Article of itlcril Only Could Ob¬ tain Such Testimonial*. Jacksonville, Fla. I lmye been using Ur. Simmons’ Hep atino for some time anil am ranch pleased with it. For bilious and sick headaches it lias no equal. Thomas Stockton. For Sale by Panllin A Wimberly. DENTIST. I). R. LYDK. of Cuthbert, (la., will be in Fort Gaines the week following second and fourth Sunday in each month. Office over Bank. Baker^ Bread. Having made arrangements with the bakery at Cuthbert to furnish me with FRESH BREAD ON SHORT NOTICE. I am, therefore, p re pa rep to sup¬ ply my customers with excellent loaf bread at any time. C. W. LEWIS. nm WORK ( ’) A fj OF IK VERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH ! % US! f (’ita tion. OFORdIA—Olay County. To wl ‘° m may concern: Pollio Mer c«r. Into , of said conuty, deceased, hav s i„g left an estate unrepresented and not like.v to lie represented, I will proceed | appoint ®*>p)rior James Court, W. Sutlive, administrator Clerk of of j I said estate, and l will an ouas upon same on the first Monday in May. 1895, at my nlllo**. (liven under uiy hand and olH end signature this 1st dav of April. 1895. It. T. FOOTE, Ordinary. •’ C station. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY: To whom It may concern: N. H. McLcn •Ion lias in due form applied to ttic under signed for lcttera of administration on the estate of John R McLendon, late of said county, deceased, and I will pass on said application 1895. This on is the cite first all Monday (ind singular in April, the to creditors and next.of kin of John R, .Vfc Leiidou, to be and appear at tny office on snld dav, and show cause, if any they can. whv periuaneiit letters of administration should not be granted to said N, II. Me London as prayed for. (liven under my handaud official signuturc, this tln> 4th day of March. 1895 R. T. FOOTE, Ordinary: ——— Shorifl' Sale. GEORGIA, CLAY COUNTY: I will Sell before the courthouse door in tile town of Fort Gaines, on the 1st Tues¬ day cash, in the April following .next, to the highest bidder tor .i'- property,to-wit: Lot of I, i iota ,i. in the <tli district ot Clay county, • a., and containing J< 0, acres more or !«•*, or so much as is necessary to i«iy the tax ti ta herein described. Said hind is levied on , by \ < ,, |, 1 .out Mglit. , , const aide ,, of .... said county, uiidM aiidby virtue o n tax ti fa issued by VV. Ii . Harrison,tux eolli;ctor ot saul county , * Ira. 1. o I li nn lor taxon on .said land tor the year lWH, and said conataldo has returned said (i ta witli levy thereon to he iuWiw ise* 1 and soh by me to sat 1sty said ti ta. nils, the i th l *hiy of Mimdi.1i . o. J. I. MeAl.I.lsTK.K, (sheriff. Sheriff Sale. GEORGIA, ....... ( LA5 ( Of „ NT^ : Will he sold on the first Tuesday in April next, between the legal hours of sale nt the court house in Clay county, to the highest bidder, for wish, the following property to-wlt: All ot N„. 1:13 in ll„ oth district ol ( lay county, Ga..contain ing 10(1 acres more or less, or so much as may he necessary to pay the lax ti fa herein described. Said land is lev¬ ied on by W. A. Ilaisten, constable of said county, under and by virtue of a tax ti fa issued by W. It. Harrison, tax collector of said county,against, the estate of J. A. Smith for the taxes on said laud for the. year 1894, and said con¬ stable has returned said ti fa with the levy thereon to be advertised and sold by me to satisfy said ti fa. This March 7, 1895. J. T. McAm.istkh, Sheriff. Hnerilf’ Hales. GEORGIA,'Play mil be sold before Omhty: the court limine insnid coon'ty on the 1st Tuesday in April next, I ctween the legal hours of sale, to the high¬ est bidder for cash, the following property to-wit- Lots of land No. 352. 353 and 3(52, in the 7th district of Clay county, (>a con tattling each , 202 and one-half acres more or less; also 117 and one-half,acres of lot No 3(53 in same district, which is all of said lot except 85 acres, contained between a certain line parallel to the southern boundary of said lot and said southern boundary, and sold off said lot to M. K. Burney, contained in all 725 acres. Said lands arc well improv¬ ed and in tine cultivation. and in a good neighborhood; and levieu oil by me to be sold to satisfy an execution in favor of Robert L. Robinson against Henry B. Wash —and issued from the city court <if Atlanta. Tenants in possession Hoiified according to law, This March 7. 1895. ./. '1'. McALLlSTKIt. Sheriff. FINE PUPS FOR SALE! Thorough bred Pups, cross of the Gordon and Flewellen Setters for sale at a moderate price. Only four left. Apply early to C. S. COX, Fort Gaines, Ga. . FREE SEEDS f .1(1 F V/ < With A HII every PRIZES dollar order, and oo in and 27other varieties Carman No. 1 Abo new HBKI> POTATOES, Rouen, T Plants, Vine*, COMM IMA N RASPI1KKRY. etc. Rock Hot tom Price*. Fr Catalouge to any addre-n. Avenm wanted. ENTERPRISE SEED CO.,Newark,N. Y. LATHS and SHINGLES Patronize the Old Reliable and Save Money! And get well sawed Lumber, Laths and Shingles. Competition defied. We are now prepared to fill all orders for Lumber, Laths and Shingles at the following Low Ibices at the Mill: Good Square-edge Lumber at $5 per thousannd feet. Rough-edge at $2 per thousand feet. Laths at $1 per thousand feet Shingles, No. 1, at $2 per thousand feet, Shingles, No. 2, at $1 per thousand feet. -+SB t GUARANTEE i OUR * LUMBER*) To he well sawed. Our Mr. Quatklebaum has twenty years experi¬ ence in the business and gives ii his personal attention. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS AND BE CONVINCED. DAY & QUATTLEBAOM. ♦ il Petition for L.-urler STATE OF GBOR&IA-Clay County. fo the Hon. J. M. Griggs, Judge of the Bn poriorCourt ofsaid County: FirHt . The petition of J. E. Panllin. Jos Vinscn and VV. A McAllister shows that they desire for themselves, their associates and auciHawira, to be incorporated for a pe riod of twenty years, with Ihe privilege of renewal at the expiration at that time under "ame of Fort Gaines Oil and Guano CornyMMir, with power under that name to sue and be sued, to plead and bo nn pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to muke by laws for the regulation of the com isuiy’s with affairs and concerns not inconsistent, t he laws of the state of Georgia and of the United Slates. That itscapital stock be fixed at twenty thousand dollar*, divided ihto shares of one hundred dollars eai h. with power to increase same at anytime to dollars any amount with ahareaof not exceeding the fifty valuation thousand same ns above, Second. At least ten per cent, of said cap ital stuck shall be paid in before the enm |mi» v shall have the right. to e.omnience bus mess. Third That, the place of its business shall be at Fort Gaines, Clay county. Geor gia. The object of said corporation is peou niary And the gain and profit to its stockholders. particular business whie.h is pro posed to be carried on by it is the manufac¬ ture and dealing in cot Ion seed oil, cotton seed meul and cake, and all grades of com¬ mercial fertilisers, and the prosecution of all such other lines of business and manufac¬ turing us may to the, stockholders sceiu fit and FifUt! proi»er Petitioners further pray that said eoinpany mav have the right to issue such bonus, mortgages, note*, bills of exchange an j commercial papers as may be needed to pr ., p ,. r | y ,. 0 „duet and further its inteieata and to secure the payment of the same in slu;h W av as it sees tit and proper. That pe titioners'may |,, such also real have the right to buy, own 0 ,. nw . estate as mav lie nee, for the accommodation and* ful onemtion of its idunt seventh. Petitioners pray that an order lnnv ,, y yoU r honor allowing the application of petitioner* as in such cases is made and provided by the law. J. 1). RAMBO, Attorney for Petitioners, Filed in the otlic.e of the Superior Court of March, Clay county, ’ Ua., on the SUTLIVE. titli day of 1895. J. W. Chrk Superior Court, I hereb y certify that the above and for« K'dng } M ‘* ftloii is a trim and correct, copy *"" n ***?}* ot J h " Hu l K T 1 ' V° ur j '? S «v“S ith. j. w. SUTLIVE, C. K. C. 'WVWV'.WA'W'AAAA/V/ ALL TilK PEOI’LK # MKAD IT. Business $en: THIS PAPER CIRCULATES IN THE HOMES OF PEO¬ PLE BUYING TIIE KIND OF GOODS YOU MAY AAVE TO SELL. MORAL: ® INVITE THEM TO YOUR STORE. Till; ONLY PAPER PRINTED IN CLAY COUNTY. r AA/'AWV A/W/VA