The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, April 05, 1895, Image 4

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Weak Nerves Indicate M sorely as any physical Symptom and shows tissues anythin#, of body that the or garni the are not satisfied with their nourishment. TJboy draw their suitenanoe from the blood, and If the blood is thin, im %ure or i urn indent, they era In a state Of revolt Their complaints are made to the brain, the king of the body, through tho nervous system, and the result of the general dissatisfaction is vrhat we call Norvousu6es. This is a ooneise, reasonable expla Aallcra of the whole matter. The CUTS for Nervousness, then, is timple. bf Purify and enrich your blood taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and the Serves, tissues and organs will have Nervousness <he healthful nonishment they crave. and Weakness will then fite way to strength and health. That this is not theory but faot is proven by the voluntary statements of thousands cured by Hood’s Sartfapa- j jlJla. Read the next column. Hood’s Sarsaparilla True Is Blood the Only Purifier W.L. $3 Douglas SHOE TIT 18 THE FOR A BEST. KING. ?3. CORDOVAN, AMELLED CALF. FRENCH A CN [4. # 3.sp Fine Calf&Kanoarool fciiLi,., 1 ♦3.0P POLICE ,3 soles. H s 2. * i . 7 J? Boys SchqolShoei - LADIES * WgBMHHX.. BROCKTON. MASS. l Over One Million People wear the w. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Ail our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the beet value for the money. fit. They equal cuetoni shoe* In etyle and Their The prices wearing uniform,—stamped qualities arc unsurpassed. on stfle. are Prom $i to $3 saved over other makes. , If your (kaler cannot supply you we can. 4 hope Regard Inf prospect* prar'i for the eamtnv of y*s* $*y, *P¥ to doublo our lent output A or* ro t qr } ml loaot, at* v« havo doHO (* tho patty hott twenty* <tf the evoty tuenh/fUd &$$, wtndmiUo It BOLD that are HO told. IT 8mo$ in UK IIA V A % O AERMOTORS iu>t Attribute this fairly Rood word entirely to onref* , but to tha tuparioiity of tli# foqda which you make* IU Imtlm*# A Pavia, Urh«fu, III., February 18, 1896.’’ : W t bought nud put up Aar rooter No. 2, and #fet cd |ba Brit fifty which you mud* wa had thirteen. Siuoo t*M time W« hnva Bold about IU 400 our am all territory U repraoontftri AERMOTORS the history ef the Aermotor the Aermotor Company from the baginning to the preaeni fwflr. That history Is one of unbroken triunmh. _ ▲tide from tha Aermotor A m wIW there have been but few emoukh d|hw windmill* with which put to tip ^ In our coin territory—jusl port and •bow the infinite an- X &Sjcv &r&'M periorltyof the Aermotor in desigil, Workmanship, finish {all falvanWl after comple* Ato»V. when audibility all others to run and do want effective work ataml Idle for of wind, Vfe ahould have add more, bat this region was well supplied with wind rower when the Aermotor »p* peered, u b*ina only 66 milea f)l to Chicago, and had for ffeara largest, been the battle ground ■(■ 111 for ten or twelve of tht beat knowu and strongest windmill com ■lom waniea, all hehur ftriuitKK* located ||B PI | within 60 miles of nil. ua. or oi r ha* cork fro a rUCIKO 1TOODIN and (KTS OTHIB INUATIAC¬ TOR T wnKRL* WITH ABKUOTOBB. You lay you tlous have year’s during record tha past by (] HV|/fl 1Y year about surpassed one-half, any th«| pre« n ana you expert to double your H u last year'* output tha aaiolng the Aermotor year. Count on us m/A \\8 for our portion of It, for JjaUon aod^n^fe^lj^han never stood farther above all competitor* in repu* to day. Smith Jk BaiettT, Marengo, Ul. f The nest Aermotor ad. wjl! be of pnmps. We shall offer for $ thfa© 7.50 forea a $15 way price. pump All dealers should have ifc or can get it tQ tell at that All Aermotor men will have it. The week following teaks SJg will cents appear our advertisement of galvanised steel make per gallon. They neither shrink, Isek, rust* met water Uste bad. A®l motor Co • a Chlaege. r IS -it': Hi, ♦v tr\l, /msi - i : ms « RIPANS o TABULES. The standard cure prescribed by phy¬ sicians everywhere for the common overy-day ills of the household. Const Headache, i|w»t ion, Heartburn, Dizziness Biliousness, Dyspepsia. ALL DRUGGISTS. Price 50 cents per box. By mail with¬ out extra charge. RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, 10 Spruce St., New York. UMBACH'S PATENT HARROW A i.ijjht. Durable Harrow, with Steel Teeth, in reach of all. Low m price and does the work. Here is something will save Iron > ou time and labor. It tits on any common Foot Plow Stock. Run it over your Cotton and corn just as it is Send Ji.src W-T’vt’-I tad £et one, nd kill the first crop of grass, k makes »r |i3.oc an\l hopping easier and quieke r. Every* Cet twelve. body delighted About They W( %*rrni withthera. Avi d ress to the doren, F. G. DM BACH. Athens. G*. MORPHINE IN 20 DAYS. HABIT CURED. I NO SUFFERING. Patients sleep at night and every the city. day Not are able to go at«>ut bed anywhere riugle day. in No in ad¬ confined to a pay vance. Not one cent required till cured and satisfied. Come to see me or write me at once Iqr terms tVpySs-iunity. and further particulars. Don’t miss this B. A. SYMS, M. I>., Atlanta, Georgia. 107 Alexander Mreet. 11 With pleasure I will state that Hood’s Sarsaparilla has helped me wonderfully. For several months I ooutd not lie down to sleep , on account of heart trouble and also Prostration _ . . of tho Nerves. For three years I ha t been doctoring, but oouid not get cured. I received relief for a while, but not permanent. Soon after begin¬ ning to take HOod'a Sarsrfparilla there was a change fdr tho bettor. In a short time I was fooling splendidly. I now rest well and am aide to do work of whatever klni If I'had not tried Hood’s Sarsaparilla I do not know what would have become of me. I keep it in th‘» m y house all tbe time, and other mtmbers of family take it, and all say there is Nothing Like Hood’s Sarsaparilla. I have highly rsoommsnded It and one of my neighbors has eommenosd taking It. I recommend nood’* k. fiarsaparflla at every opportunity." Slas. Baiimocx, 404 Erie Ave., Williamsport, Pennsylvania Be sure to get Flattered. “That boy of yours, madame,” re¬ marked the conductor as he punched tlio half-fare ticket, “looks remark¬ ably well developed for a child under 12 .” “Thank you,” replied the lady, vety calmly. “I’s so gratifying for me to have auyone notice Tommy’s remark¬ able precocity. ”—Chicago Record. Stew art’s mother was making sand¬ wiches Jof deviled ham. The little follow came along, and seeing tho can with the picture of the imp on it, re¬ garded it earnestly for awhile and then said, “Mamma, what is that stuff?” “This? Oh, this is deviled ham.” Ho looked seriously at the mixture, and in an awed voice inquired, “VVhyj moth¬ er, havo they killed him.”— Congrcga tionalist. WE GIVE AWAY Absolutely free of cost, for a LiniTED TirtE ONLY, The People’s Common Sense Medical Ad¬ viser, By K.V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting 113 Institute, Physician Buffalo, to the Invalids’ book of Hotel and Surgical and colored a and over other 1,000 illustra¬ large pages in 300 No. tions, strong paper covers to any one sending 21 cents in onc-cent stamps for copies packing of and postage only. Over 680,000 COUPON this complete Family Doctor Book already price of sold in cloth binding at regular 11.50. Address: (with stamps and this Coupon) World’s Dispensary Med¬ ical Buffalo, Association, N. Y. No. 603 Main Street The Greatest Tledical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS • » Has discovered in ono of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). Ho has now in Ids possession over two hundred certifi¬ cates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, find a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Bead tho label. If tbe stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you can got, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful iu water at bed¬ time. Sold by all Druggists. y-Tv \ CRICHTON^ 'C/gJ *nd School or Shorthand ThD Bast and t'hAAiwst B-isiusss OoHdm in Amsrica. Four P»nmvn Time short. CaUlocna fro*. Addrsw Sullivan & Crichton, Pryor St., AtlaRVX, Ga. m \ saw U MILL. C0RN WILL HAY PRESS, WATER WHEELS rW-Reiaf 11 ml ( hpnptvMt. DeLoach Mill Manufacturing Co., 350 Highland Avenue, Atlanta. Ga. (JURIS ttHtROllflSSFAlS. * Ecst Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. tn time. Sold by druntats. ?Ifl‘fimz A SOUTHERN WONDER-SPOT LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN COMMANDS A VIEW OF SEVEN STATES. Majestic Panorama Spread Tlefore the Sightseer — Its Foreground Once a Bloody Scene of Civil War. o NE per’s curios writes of Magazine, in Julian the Uncle most Ralph Sam’s is remarkable Lookout cabinet, in Har¬ Mountain, at Chattanooga, Tennessee. The traveler expects such occasional combinations of mountain and piain on the edges of the Rockies, the Sel¬ kirks, and other great mountain chains, and yet is doubtful whether any other as beautiful is to bo found. For it has seldom happened that u tall mountain rises abruptly to interrupt and dominate a view so majestic and of such varied features. Glistening water, smiling farm-land, forest, city, hill and island, all lie upon the gor¬ geous and gigantic canvas of the Mas¬ ter Painter, who there invites man¬ kind to His studio to enjoy such views as we had fancied only the stupid den¬ izens of the air are privileged to dully scan. To surfeit one’s self with the won¬ drous changing, widening beauty of that splendid scene one does not have to consider the martial records that brave men wrote With their blood all over the foreground of the prospect. But when it happens that the specta¬ tor is an American whose soul has been stirred by the poor printed an¬ nals of Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, the feast spread before Look¬ out Mountain ministers to the un¬ derstanding the while it ravishes the eye. In nothing is this wonder spot more wonderful than in its accessibility. It is even more convenient to the tourist than Niagara Falls—almost the soli¬ tary great natural curiosity in our country for which ono does not have to travel far and labor hard. In this case the grand view is one of the sights of Chattanooga, “the Little Pittsburg” of the South. The city enjoys it as a householder does his garden, by merely traveling to a back window, as it were, for the historic trolley mountain line. is at During the ^nd half of a the five-cent year the tourist is even better served, for the railroads* haul the “sleepers” up the mountain-side in summer, and discharge the passengers on the very edge that divides terra firma and eagle’s vision. Guided by Mr. Mil ton D. Ochs, of the Chattanooga Times, who could have offered a very wonderful view of his own from the towering pile in which that newspaper is housed. I took the trolley line dur¬ ing what the Southern folk are pleased to call winter time. The way led to just such a looking railway as one finds at Niagara Falls going down to the water’s edge, though this one darts up the two-tkousaud-foot-high moun¬ tainside, and is famed among profes¬ sional engineers as a remarkable crea¬ tion. It was planned and built by Colonel W. R. King, U. S. A. It is 4500 feet in length, with an elevation of 1400 feet, and a grade of nearly one foot in three at the steepest place. The terminus is the Lookout Point Hotel, which appears to stand upon a bowlder suspended over the remainder of creation, as if a mountain rising out of a plain lmd thrust out a huger and men had put up a building on the finger-nail. The biblical word-pic¬ ture which tells of our Saviour being taken up on a high mountain and shown the kingdoms of the earth con¬ veys the idea that the view from this point suggests. One can but have an idea of it, and it can only be expressed or described with a figure of speech. To be told that it commands 500 miles of the earth’s surface, and that the most distant objects are parts of seven different States, is too much for the mind to master. What the eye takes in is a checker-board made up of farms, roads, villages, woods, ridges and mountain ranges, all in min¬ iature. The Tennessee River glad¬ dens the scene. Though it is 1400 feet wide, it looks like a ribbon, and, like a ribbon thrown carelessly from the mountain top, it lies in many curves and convolutions, a dull green band everywhere fringed with a thin line of trees that wall in the farmers’ fields. You may count ten of its curves, aud three of them, immedi¬ ately below the mountain, form the exact shape of an Indian moccasin, around the toe of which a toy freight train crawls lazily with a muffled gasp¬ ing out of all proportion to its size. A brown and white mound of smoke and steam beyond the nearest farms is pointed out as Chattanooga, and a rolling wooden region on the right is spoken of as the bloodiest field of the Rebellion—-.fearful Chickamauga. The low dark green mound in the imme¬ diate foreground is Mission Ridge, and between that and the curtain of smoke that hides the busy city a tiny bit of yellow road is seen to disappear at a microsoopic white gate, which is the portal of a cemetery wherein thir¬ teen full regiments of Northern heroes lie—the blue who have turned to gray in the long embrace of death—five thousand of them not remembered by name. Nova Scotia, or New Scotland, was named by Sir William Alexander, who received the grant in 1621, Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S, Gov’t Report Powder Absolutely pure Origin of the Word “Dun.” “Dun” is a word whose meaning is now known to every one who under¬ stands the English language. About the beginning of the century a con¬ stable in England named John Dun became celebrated as a first class col¬ lector of bad accounts. When others would fail to collect a bad debt, Dun would be sure to get it out of the debtor. It soon passed into a current phrase that when a person owed money and did not pay when asked, he would have to be “Dunned.” Hence it soon became so .common in such cases to say: “You will have to Dun So-and-so if you wish to collect your money.” What a Blessing It is to have strong nerves, and how many are denied it. They to whom nature has been and niggard in this respect can enjoy nerve vigor Bitters, quietude of if the they use nervines Hostetter’a Stomach one finest and tonics in existence. Dyspepsia, a prolific source of this nerve inquietute, medicine, is invariably which overcome by genial is also potent as a remedy for malarial and kidney trouble and constipation. The religion that costs nothing is worth just that much. The Skill and Knowledge Essential to the production of the most perfect and popular laxative remedy known have en¬ abled the California Fig Syrup Co. to achieve a great success in the reputation of its remedy, Syrup of Figs, as it is conceded to be the uni¬ versal laxative. For sale by all druggists. Over twelve thousand girls of Ireland are engaged in the manufacture of lace. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root cure-* all Pamphlet Kidney and and Consultation Bladder troubles. free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. V. Housatonic is a corruption of NVa«satunic, “bright streams flowing through rocks.” CONFEDERATE VETERANS. May Encampment. Houston, Texas—Spe¬ cial Loav Rates by Southern Railtvny. will On sell May 17tli all and principal 18th the Southern Railway from stations on its lines excursion tickets to Hou-ton, Texas, and re¬ turn at very low rates. Special accommoda¬ tions will be arranged for parties of sufficient size. All desiring to go should communicate at once with some representative of the “Great Short Line Route.” Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, allays softens the gums, reduces Inflamma¬ tion, pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle Are Von Car-Sick When Traveling ? Car-sickness is as trying to many people as sea-sickness. It comes from a derangement of the insurance stomach. against One it, of Riptn’s box Tatmjes is an and a of them should be in every traveler’s outfit. Piso’s Cure for Consumption relieves the most obstinate cough*.—Rev. D. Buchmugl ler, Lexington, Mo., Feb. 24, ’94. Karl’s Clover Root, the great blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complex¬ ion and cures constipation, 25 cts., 50 cts., $1. If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ son’s Eye-water.Druggists sell at 25c per bottle. Webster’s International Invaluable in Office, School, or Home. Dictionary New from cover to cover. It is the Standard Office, of the and U. of S. nearly Supreme all of Court, the Schoolbooks, of the U. S. J * it Government commended Printing State Superintendent of Schools. i % c i S warmly by every EuMnSSll 0 __ ' 5 i A College President writes “ Fcr ease with which the § : eye finds the word sought, for accuracy of definition, for ef- S Hj fective methods in indicating pronunciation, and for practical for terse yet £ eomnrehensivo statements of facts, use j aa working dictionary, ‘ Webster’s International ’ excels any other single volume.” IS i G. & C. Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., V. S. A. < 5 ?-Send for free pamphlet containing specimen paces, illustrations, etc. HAVE YOU FIVE OR MORE C 0 WS 7 If so a “ Baby ” Cream Separator will earn its cost for you every year. Why continue an Inferior system another only profitable year at feature so great of a Agriculture. loss? Dairying Properly is now the con¬ ducted it always pays and well, and need must the pay BEST,—the you. Tou need a Separator, you Prices, 875. “Baby.” Upward. Send All for styles and 182o Rapacities. Catalogue. new THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR CO., Branch Offices: Central Offices: ELGIN, ILL 74 C0RTUNDT ST., NEW YORK. Weak Mothers and all women who are nursing babies, derive almost incon¬ ceivable benefits from tbe nourishing properties of Scott’s Emulsion This is the most nourishing food known to science. It en riches the mother’s milk and gives her strength. It also makes babies fat and gives more nourishment to growing children than all the rest of the food they eat. Scott’s Emulsion has been prescribed by physicians for twenty years for Rickets, Marasmus, Wasting Diseases of Children, Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs, Emaciation and Consumption. Send for famfhlct on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott &. Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and Si. An Imprudent Move. “We made a great mistake in dig* charging that servant girl,” said Mrs» Howskip, disconsolately. “What else was there do?” asked her husband. “We should have left her alone. She’d have quit in a week or so, just of like the others. Now aboil stay out spite. ”— Exchange. baptists in Washington. rionrbern Ilaptistn Will Go By Soiirhsra Hallway to tlir Annual Convention in May. The Southern Baptist tfia Southern Convention Hallway is a great is convention, and A great the entire railway. South From round all trip principal tickets will points be sola in via the Southern Railway fare to Washington round trip, arid return, at rate of one for the on . dates May 7th and 8th. gdod fifteen days. The Southern Railway D the only railroad from the South entering Washington. through It is the trains only railway from the whioh South has three Washirtfiv dally to ton, including the finest train in the South, “The Vestibuled Limited.” which The Southern has general Railway is the only Washington. railway its offices in And remember tnat the return scheduled by the “Piedmont Air Line” schedules. Southern Rftil* way, are full as good as the going with any For information communicate agent of this great system. WILIER BAKER & GO, The Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HICH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On ttila Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS from the great 1 Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS In Europe and America. I 2 lie* Unlike other the Dutch Process, no Alkjk> ■ ll ‘ ■•hsISs or Chemicals or Pyfcs ere used in toy of their preparation!! Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA u absolutely pure and soluble, and costs less than one cent a cup . SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & GO. DORCHESTER, MASS. MUONS |P^ GNOMIC c^Tomic -AND-'/ LIVER PILLS ' F Pellets* TREATMENT for and Constipation Biliousness. At all stores, or fey mail ‘35c. double box; 5 double boxes $1.00. BROWN UFMi 1-0., New York City. How Consumption Is Now Cured! Pamphlet fully describing application the Treatment sent Free on to ROBERT HUNTER, M. D., 117 Went 45th St., New York. INK ■•■■•we FBEESS55KSKSS1S will send one ounce Red Ink and of two 6c. ounces Black KING Ink FREE, MFC. preraid, CO,, D upon 41, Chicago. receipt postage. A.N.U...... ......Fourteen, ’M