The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, April 12, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL 11A1TKMNGS. Tems CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Vtbnt i lie People l*o nr.S *ay— fciitic Hits of Vcivs amt Gos¬ sip Calliered oil I lie tt Illff. Sellers of garden seed and early corn have had a fine trade this spring. The health of this community is, as hsual, extremely good ai this writing, Fresh Loaf Light lire ad always oh hand at T. M. Brown's. Last Saturday was a lively day in the Fort, and many dollars changed hands. _ Crowds of drummers have been here this week and our hotel keepers arc happy. j-oi tne past lc v u.u> vu nave n. a " d "° m '° objects. Tlie nobbiest thing out id tho way of Slippers at Vinson & Culpepper's; Gardening is in full blast, and col lard, cabbage and tomato plants are in demandt Cols. \V» A. Scott C> Wilson and J. lL Irwin attended court at Blakely this week. Tie spring time darkey with his string of catfish and suckers is on our streets once more. The old reliable Landreth’s Garden Seeds are the best. A full variety just received at Hatchett’s drug store. Several flshfrys and picnics are re¬ ported to occur in the near future. Also an exciirsloil to Hie bay; The proudest man we know of is Lee Peterson, and justly so, of his fine blooded stallion. He is a daisy. The shingles for the courthouse arc being hauled, and we hope to see the roof of that building recovered soon. Several Varieties Of genuine Eastern Seed Irish Potatoes jitst received at Hatchett's drug store. Our streets are comparatively dean, but a thorough overhauling before warm weather sets in would do no harm. Mr. ,T. D. MeKissack has returned from Atlanta, Where he purchased many novelties in the way of spring goods. Hurrah for MeKissack & Co.! Fol¬ low the crowd and buy the best goods ht the lowest prices. They say only the cash talks. Our magnificent oaks are budding Out fast, and will soon be in full foli¬ age. They arc, and justly, the pride of our town. — Here is Col. Jinks. lie wants you to explain the financial question to linn.” Certainly, colonel, can you lend me $70?” —Aliss Mary Ivennon, one of our hiost popular young ladies, is off on a Visit to relatives in Abbeville this Week. —Mr. and Airs. J E. Paulliti and their mother, Airs. C. G. Panllin, and Mis* Estelle Tennille left a few days Since fw a season of recreation! at Dead Lakes. Fla. —- Airs. \VF. Dahlvy. rif Columbia, Ala., accompanied % her brother,- Mr. Watts, are among the visitors to the Eort this' ween. They are the guest? <tf their sister. Airs. R. E, Peterson. We thought the time had about passed for hauling guano from town this year, but this week we noticed Several wagon loads wen-ding then way to the country. When you go to MeKissack & Co.’s don’t you forget to carry your pocket hooks. He will not sell you goods at Cost and charge them. NOTICE—I am now living at the residence of T. J. Sanders, where my friends and patrons will find me at night Dr. W. C. Wimberly. There' will he a short Easter service «» - 1.001 at the Methodist church next Sunday, begin-1 fling at 3:30 p. m. The ladies will inect at the ctarch at 3 p, m., .Satur dav with their flowers to decorate the ■ pulpit awl chancel in honor of Easter j and the gran* event which it commem- ^ch<i from Day’s t'ro*s [IuiiiIn, T here Was a musical entertannnen tho home of Mr. and Mrs. J.. J. Dnv one night lust week. We saw a couple of young ladies up the road the other Sunday. We guess one of them was Echo. Her ride eottld not have been otherwise than pleas- 1 ant, as it was u)> this way. Our school ran away the first day of , April and met the midway school at Newsom Bridge and had a picnic. : Quite a crowd of young people were there ntid had a pleasant times Mr. (1. K. Sutlive was here the other day looking after his insurance bus iness. Rev. McWilliams filled his regular j appointment here last Saturday; hut I Was rnillrtd out on Sunday. ! Our school is still flourishing. It could not do otherwise under so kind ! and able a teacher as Miss Gilbert. The ,, Honorable , , M. , J. . Greene, one ! () f (q a y county's most prosperous '•*"»«». w» at ik. Cross Komis a few | days ago; Dr. C. P. Holmes, of Davville, Jr., j was at lhe Cross Roikts last Sunday. j Fhc doctor knows where to go to have a pleasant time. j Mr. W. F. Shaw was here the other j day. lie was driving a fihe two-yenr old colt. Mr. Shaw is a good farmer ami delights in line horses. We are going to have aiiotlier picnic soon and will send the editor a special invitation. Details later on. ii. M. .... ------------ : --- Duyvitle, Jr. At this writing Sandy creek is oil a portm, and lhe catfish bite Well: The spring shower last Sunday was welcome visitor, although it caused many disappointments: The ladies and Children ttf Davville enjoyed a fishing frolic on Sandy creek one evening last week, it is useless to tell the mi hi her of fisll they caught. Have any of you had an April fohl yet? We heard of a bachelor near Pecan who received one that cost him six cents postage. It hiust have been a good one. Miss Annie Bailey, the charming school teacher of Alt. Gilead, spent last Wednesday night with the family of Mr. Peter Day. Ask “Gene” how much he payed per yard for that new hilt; ‘•Arc you done planting cotton?'’ seems to he the pass word with the fanners in this section. Ask a certain young lady who went fishing not long ago to give you a de¬ scription of a crawfish; Jimmie Woolsley is on the sick list this Week. We thank our neighboring corres¬ pondent for the kind invitation to “come over and smoke,” hut as we do not indulge, we decline with pleasure, and thank them very much for giving us the opportunity of doing so. Echo. During the recent term of the supe¬ rior court here a plea of guilty was made in a ease of Celling liquor on Sunday and a fine imposed. Iff a ease of the same nature at Blakely a jury found the barkeeper not guilty. If there is any more cases of this sort here, it. would be well to get a change of v(*nue and lei the jury decided the matter. The ‘26tli is near at'hand—Memorial Day—and ive hope all, especially the ladies, will take an active part in its observance. By request Col. John R. Irwin will deliver the address and this j s a guarantee that it will be 6ii£ well worth listening to. This day has never failed of observance here and we hope this year additional interest will be taken. The boys at no time confine them¬ selves to common sense and ordinary prose, but at this season of the year, j when they write to their best girls, they ! simply bubble over with gush and so called poetry. The spring fever will work on the chaps and they are bound to slioiv it. When you buy . suits and other goods , at AlcKissack’s you must pav the cash, He don’t want to make you feel had by ‘ x .• S‘tr. , ' , fiSTcart he sold at cost and charged. Don’t forget that. j Ain’t it a pity! M a large ,tock of goods as MeKissack & Co. have on hand that he is sacrificing like he is. How do merchants expect to make a living while that stock lasts? Kch <>( l'«ri (•ntncs Triiiu, Leave Fort Gaines, 0:80 a. in. Arrive Cuthbert. - 11:15 a. m. Leave Cuthbert. - 8:55 p. in. Arrive Fort Gaines, 5:80 |>. m. Connects at Cuthhert \Vitl\ trains | for Macon, Atlanta, Savannah, Album , and Montgomery. For farther infer 'nation 1 \\ A. GRaiIam. Agent. . -Well, sir, when MeKissack and Co. told us there was a heap rtf money in , (he country, do you know 1 laughed at him? The Idea that a merchant will set down to a spot cash business in this country is 4 cents! We must admit, after seeing the crowds going and mg Hath , with . , such ( large piles of goods, that it makes us feel like we don’t know anything about if. It’s flic price he is selling the goods at;*’ Mrs. A. T. Crawford Was summon , ed to Montgomery hist Sunday owing i. to the serious . illness ... of f her mother, Mrs. F. It. Wardlavv, the tvife of Rev. F. II. WnslMw. who was for some time a resident of the Crawford House at this place. The good lady has died, and her relatives here have the sym pat by of many friends. i-. The riVor is in goihl boating condi¬ tion. and steamboats arc making their trips regularly and on time as though the freight and passenger traffic paid them. A liftle later on the regular spring excursions will ho on the move and the coast will he the attraction for the up country folks. Have you been to MeKissack & Co.'s since they bought that large stock of goods it rider Coleman's Hall? You ought to go. Yes, they have the largest stock of Clothing, Hats, Shoes, I)rv Goods and Furniture, you have ever seen in that store room. They say that the people have got the cash and they intend to sell the goods, and they are selling them. It is an old saying that oysters are good during the months that contain an “r" ilf their names. According to that, the bivalves will bf* no good, after this month until next September. Our winter trade in fish arid hj-sters is good, and our market is Well supplied. An kinds, elegant line of Spring (foods of all including Dross Goods, Slip¬ pers and Fancy Notions just received by Vinson A Culpepper. On Friday last Sheriff J. T. McAllis¬ ter carried live negro nien convicts to Albany, from whence they will go to McCrae’s pen camp, near Valdosta. All of tho rit’groes were convicted of gambling at the recent term of our su¬ perior court. Be sure to see the splendid line of new spring goods just received by Vinson Sc Cm.pKPPKii. Au Article of itlerit. Only Coitl*l OI». tuiit Snvli Testimonials. Jacksonville, Fla. I have been , Dr. Simmons t1 . Hep- , using atine tor some time and ata much pleased with it. Tor bilious and sick headache* it lias no equal. Thomas Stockton. For Sale by Panllin k Wimberly. Not Olte Dixaiipoilltiid; j Leesburg, Fla., July 13, 1894. I take pleasure in assuring you that trial bottle oi Dr. Simmons Hepa line given me was all that, is claimed for it, and not only that’ bottle, but several others gotten afterward, which 1 have taken and used in my family with mifail iDg benefit. C. B. McCorririck. For sale by PauJlin & Wim'berly. I toad TSTotioe. GEORGIA—Clay County: Whereas, certain petitioners have made their application to the the Court, praying an order granting establish¬ ment of a new road, commencing at river road on land line between B. F. and J. B. Grimsley, running east on land lino between IJgess and J. B. Grimsley, W. C. Belisie and sister, Powell and Martin, J. C. Neves and A.L. Foster. E. A. West estate and R. R. Blocker’s places, on by Mt. Zion church, by and through S. I). Coleman’s place, on by Allen Land’s place in and near the old settlement road lied, turning in a northeast direc tion through Lot No. 194, crossing Bay Head branch and striking laud line run¬ ning between Mose Turner and Lot No. 195, known as Slaton lot, running to corner and turning east on line between J. I. Engfam and Mose Turner, Striking Fort Gaines and Bhiffton road, turning north up said road and leaving it'pt John Engram’s and intersecting the Hartford road at W. H. Engram’s;* and, Whereas, commissionersappointed for that , purpose, lmve reviewed and marked f.tSttftl“e 73% public utility and convenience; now this is to cite and admonish all persons tliat Zi “nlw'JSd'-m£g is shown the HmU “no g!ed cause to contrary, Given under my hand and seal this Apnl lst ’ J ‘ W ' ,Sc ' rLIVE - Clerk Com. Court R. ami lb. Clay County, Ga. | C t a I i< )lt. GFOlKtlA day Comity. To whom it may concern: Collie Alor ear, late of said county, deceased, Uav ieg left an estato unrepresented and not likely to be represented, 1 will proceed to appoint James W, Sutlive, Clerk of the Superior Court, as administrator of said estate, and I will pass upon same on the first Monday in May. 1805, at my office. Given under my hand and offi¬ cial signature this 1st day of April, 1805. R. T. FOOTE, Ordinarv. Slioriir So le. GKOIU«l A—Clay County: j Will he sold before the court house in j said county on the first Tuesday in May next between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash the following j the l>rO p town 0rt y of to-wit: Fort Gaines, One hoime ami lot in county afore¬ said. and lying as follows: Bonud on the cast by land of ,7. W. l’ipkili oil tho south by Intel of Dan Gillis, on the west hy land of Li. L. But live, on the flortli by land i..„ i of, Gus Culberson. II and i contain. . • mg ouo-lmit acre, more or less. Ban! iKopeit^ levied on as tlio property of Non Brown a by S. C. Boatright, com stable of said county, to satisfy one jus ° SlT pju ;„ w returned said ti fa with levy thereon to tie advertised and sold by mo to satisfy thb same. This 8th day of April, 1895. J. T. McAllister, Sheriff. Sheriff Kn.l CM GEORGIA—Clay Will sold County: he on the first Tuesday in May next between the the legal hours of sale before court bouse door in said county to the highest bidder lor cash the following property to-wit: One. grist mill lying county, and being in the 7th district of said sain mill being known as tins Wash mill. Also two lots of laud, Nos. 354 and 361, ill the 7lh district of said county. All being levied on as the property Of Mrs. A. F. Catchings, guardian, under and by virtue of a tax fi fa issued by W. K. Harr son, tax col¬ lector of said county, for stfite ami county taxes for the year 1894. Said ti fa levied and returned to me by S.O. Boat right, constable of said comity, for the purpose of having said property adver¬ tised and sold to satisfy said ti fa. This 8th day of April, 1895. J. T. McAllister. Sheriff. SI tori IF S; ilt ‘k. GEORGIA, C|ay Cdunty: Will be sold oil the lift Tuesday in May next, house between the legal hours of jale, sit lhe court of said comity, to the highest bidder ton fc'ash, the following priipei ty to wit: A certain t.act of land, and known in the plan lot of No. the town bounded of Fort Gaines, (fa., ns town —. on the north by Calhoun street,' on the cast bv Washington street, on the south by Will Peterman’s lot, and on the west by 11 m'coek street, contain¬ ing one acre more dr Rkf, It ss a vacant lot, and same is levied on as the property of the defendant, by me to satisfy an execution is¬ sued from Clay c'hunty court, in favor of Mrs, F. T. Tennille against Mrs. Julia (J. Sutlive, Defendant notified according to law. This, the 8th day of April, 1895. ■f. T. McAllister, Sheriff. mat 50 C. < with vuriotiet* ASH every FREE I’lll/KS dyJlar orlor. Carina SEEDS imrl flWOO ii No. in 1 i "other noiv HEKJ> I’OI ATOKN. Alxo Uohok, Plants, Vinos, COI.C X1 Itl A N KASPRKKUY. etc. ICock Hotloin I'rlccK. Froe Catnkmge to any mtdross. Agonts wanted. KNTKKPiCISK WKKI) CO.,Newark, N*. V, DENTIST. I). R. LYDE, of Cutlibert, Ga., will he in Fort Gaines the week following socornl and fourth Sunday in each* mont]li 0fHce over ] {ailk ; Bakers’ Bread. Having made arrangements with the bakery at Ciffhhert to furnish' me with FRESH BREAD ON SHORT NOTICE. I am, therefore, preparep to sup¬ ply my custotners with excellent loaf bi'e;wl at any time. C. W. LEWIS. LUMBER, LATHSandSHIKGLES Patronize tile Old Reliable and Save Money! And get well sawed Lumber, all Laths and Shingles. 6’ompctitibri defied, We following are now prepared to till orders for Lumber, Laths and Shingles at tho Low Prices at the Mill: Good Square-edge Lumber at $5 per thousannd feet. Rough-edge at $2 per thousand feet. Laths at $1 per thousand feet. Shingles, No. 1, at $2 per thousand, Shingles, No. 2, at 90c per thousand. OWE t GUARANTEE * 008 * L 0 MBER 4 To he well sawed. Onr Mu. Oi ateleisai .v has twenty teaks extkriT knck in the business and gives ii his personal attention. GIVE US YOUR ORDERS AND BE CONVINCED. DAY & QUATTLEBAUM. Petition for Charter STATE OF G HOUMA—Clay County. To the lion. J. M. Griggs, Judge of the Hu porior Court of said County: ■ Hirst The petition of J. H. Panllin. Jo« Vinson and W A McAllister shows that they desire for themselves, their associates and successors, to ho incorporated for a pe r'uwl renewal of ftventy the expiration Veitis. with the privilege time under of at Ht ttuft, the name of Fort (laities Oil and Guano Company, with powei under that name to sue and he sued, to plead and las im¬ pleaded, to have and use a common seal, to make by-laws for the regulation of thocom¬ pany's afTaira and concerns not ineoneistent with the laws of the state of Georgia and of the United Slates. That its capital stock be fixed at twenty thousand dollars, divided into shares of one hundred dollars cacti, with power to increase same at anv time to any amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars with shares of tho same valuation as above. Second. At least tea per cent, of said cap itl1 ' »h*;k sl 'all bo paid in before tho com ! MM,V hIih11 ,mw Rio right to commence bus¬ I In id , „„ 1 hat ... Hie A. pace . ot .. its .. , business „ hull ho „ t Fort Gain Clay county. Geor The object of said corporalion is peeu niury tile gain mid profit to its stockholders. And particular business which is pro posed to ho carried on l»v it is the manutV 25 ZlH'IK. coin tnercial fertilizers, and the prosecution of all such other lines of business mid manufac¬ turing as may to the stockholders seem fit and proper. Fifth. Petitioners further pray that said company nmv have tho light to issue such and bonds, commercial mortgages, botes, bills of needed exchange! papeis as may be to properly conduct and further its interests and to secure the payment of the same in such way ns it sees tit and proper. That pe¬ titioners may also have the right to buy, own Or lease such real estate ns may bo nec¬ essary for tlih accommodation and success fill operation of its plant. Seventh, Petitioners pray that an order nmv be granted by your honor allowing tho application made of petitioners tho as in such cases is and provided by law. J. I). IL\M no, Attorney for Petitioners. Filed in the office of the Superior Court of Clay county, < hi., on the rtth day of March, 1895. .1, W. OUTLIVE, (’It rk Superior Court. I he toby certify that the above and fore going lint if ion is a true urul correc t copy iroin the records of the Superior Court ot Clay county, (in. Witness my hand and of fiend signature this the 0th day of March, 1895. J. W. SUTLIVE, C. S. C. WA/WW'yV ALL TlIK I’KOPEK ItKAI) IT; Business (Ben: THIS PAPER CIRCULATES IN THE HOMES OF PEO PLK BUYING THE KIND OF GOODS YOU MAY AAVE TO SELL. DVEOK/A.L: ® INVITE THEM TO YOUR STORE. THE ONLY PAPER PRINTED’ IN CbAV ( HI NTV. '/n/'/// w/w/Z /y AA/ 1