The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, May 03, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL llAlTLNINUS. JTEMS CONCERNiNG HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Wlmi the People llo and Suy liillle Etits of >ons and tio*« tip (ittlhereil on the U iiif. We often repeat of what we have said, but never of that which we have not said. Fresh Loaf Light Broad always on hand at T. M. Brown's. Since the. fine rains of last week the farmers nave had splendid Weather to. killing grass and doing other farm work. Prof. McKenzie, and wife, after a few months experience at housekeep¬ ing, are again boarding at the Dobbins House. The nobbiest thing out in the way of Slippers at Vinson Culpepper's. Atlanta merchants are waging war against each other on the price of spool silk, which has been cut to cue cent spool. Don't forget that we guarantee to do job printing in as good style and at as low prices as it is done anywhere, Give us your orders. Be sure to see llie splendid line of new spring goods just received by Vinson A CrcnUTl-.n. One reason why most people can’t get along Mi this world is that they spend too much time endeavor¬ ing to retard the successful course of others. The ice cream festival given at the park last Wednesday by the Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church was quite a nice affair and netted a snug little sum. NOTICE—1 am now living at the residence of T. J, Sanders, where my friends and patrons will find me at night. Dr. W. (J. Wimberly. What about telephone connection with some of the neighboring towns? And a mail line from here to Bluffton? The latter can he had free of cost. Fort Gaines needs both had. Those who have promised to pay their subscriptions to this paper “in a ■short time” are respectfully reminded that the short lime has expired, and we are very much in need of the money. Vinson & Culpepper have received another lot of lovely new Spring (foods fins week, which the trade is invited to call and inspect. Their prices speak for themselves. The last issue of The School Chrou icle was one of the best our young friends have published. The boys de nerve much credit for the admirable manner in which they have conducted their little paper, both editorially and financially. And the valuable assis¬ tance rendered them by some of the girls is not to be overlooked. An elegant line of gents’ fresh Straw Hats of the latest styles and nobbiest -shapes just received. Bear in mind that we will meet, any legitimate com¬ petition in price of all kinds of new •spring goods. Vinson Culpepper. Mr- S. D. Coleman left last Satur¬ day for Apalachicola with two more large rafts <»f timber. Timber is getting scarce on the lower por-1 tion of the river au.'i demands a good j price. Mr. Coleman was accompanied by Judge Scott. Messrs. W. A. McAl¬ ■ lister, E. P. Anderson, Alex Holmes and Ed Chambers, who went for a week’s sport on the hay. Hand>.Vade Dixon Sweep*. We manufacture liand-mand Dixon sweeps, steel points, which is an im¬ provement on other makes. Price the same. Champ,K its & Tknntlle. - The Ft Gaines Guards are discussing j a date, military to which picnic the and military drill for of an neigh-! early | boring towns will be invited. A meet¬ ing has been called for next Tuesday to take the matter under advisement and arrive at some conclusion. If it is determined to have the picnic, no ef¬ fort will be spared to make it a grand j success iu every particular. National Eiieanipment. Parties who desire to attend the National EncatnpnienUof United Con federate Veterans at Houston, Texas, can secure valuable information by xv r it ing Air. W. P. Dawson, Passenger j Agent of the Central Railroad at Ma- j con, Ga. “t I* I act'd Kluwor* On the Uratcii. The programme of memorial o\or | oisos for last Friday was carried out a* published in this paper. The Fort Gaines Guards, under the command of ('apt. T. ,1. Morns, : liioutennnt-('olonel J. H. Irwin, Sur Igoon I>. F. Gunn, and Quarter-master \V. .1. Greene in front on horses, pre¬ sented a strikingly handsome appear¬ ance a\ they marched through town en roNte to the cemetery. Quite a concourse of ladies and citi¬ zens generally preceded the guards to the cemetery, and quite a profusion of dowers tenderly woven into shapely garlands by the fair hands of noble women were affectionately laid upon the mounds where repose the remains of the brave heroes whose memory is so dear to the South. The orator of the day, Col. J. U. Irwin, was introduced in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks by Col. C. Wilson. Col. Irwin’s address, besides being couched in most eloquent language {and sentiment of true Southern chival¬ ry, had llie charm of originality of thought and theme. Paying due tribute | to the memory of the dead, he dwelt at length upon the past, present and future of the South, presenting com¬ parisons of conditions by wav of illus¬ trations that evinced much thought and admirable patriotism. His address is highly complimented on every hand. The music, both vocal and iiistru mental, was very .appropriate and charmingly rendered. An original poem read by Miss An¬ nie Jennie Ivon non was highly appre¬ ciated and generally complimented. Thus closed the observance of a beautiful custom that we trust will live forever in the affairs of our sunny Southland. DIoiv II is Done. Mu. Editor: We note in your issue of three weeks ago you were astonish¬ ed at the amount of goods we are sell¬ ing for the cash. Don’t you know what will bring Cash out of its hiding place? Sell cheap and keep what the people want, of course. Yes, we have had a good trade, and the way we in¬ tend keeping it up is always to he ou the alert for bargains for the spot cash. Yes, we went to market. We wanted the latest novelties in Dress Goods and Shoes, Oxfords, Clothing, Hats, etc. lienee we had to wait late in the sea¬ son to get them. Thanking you for past compliments and hoping you will yet have your papier in every home in the county, we are vours, etc., McKISSACK & CO. Attention, fort (laincn Omirds! You are hereby commanded to be at your armory Tuesday evening. May 7, at 7:80 o’clock, for the purpose of en¬ listment. A full attendance urged. By order of tlie captain. J. L. IlritsT, 1st Serg’t. Before tlx: Mayor, In the absence of Mayor McAllister and Mayor pro tom Coleman, Coun¬ cilman T. L. Farmer presided at a session of mayor’s court Tuesday morn¬ ing called for the special benefit of Simon Jackson, Jerry Willis, Steve Ashley and Alike Gibbs, all gentlemen of color. The two first named were charged with a fisticuff, near one of the color¬ ed churches Monday night, in which Queensbury rules were shamefully ignored by a resort to scratching and biting and the introduction of a sliil lalali. The two latter named were charged with disturbinging the peace and out¬ raging the dignity of the town by en¬ gaging in a light on the streets. Admitting ihe scarcity of money, Acting .* avor Farmer nevertheless thought this fact made it the more in¬ cumbent on him to have a care for the depleted condition of the town ex¬ chequer and a due consideration for the hollow sound of Marshal Killings worth’s meal tub. lie therefore re- j quired of each belligerent axontribu- 1 tion of a V. j 1 A Good Example for Rrungi*!*, j PiOCKLKDGR. Fla. j The sample bottle of Siinmoni’ Hepa- , I tine or Liver Cure left me gave perfect satisfaction. I have put, in an order for it, and shall keep it in stock after this. J. K. Dickson. For Bale by Pauli in fc Wimberly. Ba P ti » t Convention at Washiueton Parlies who desire to attend Baptist Convention at Washington City, on cheap rates can secure valuable, infor mat ion by writing Mr. W. P. Dawson. Passenger Agent, Central Railroad of Georgia, Macon, Ga. PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES, AND WHEN AND WHERE. Notva of fort (iniiios soviet} Hi it'll} Stated— (>ultiered at the Home I’lmide, —Mr. ('. W. Lewis visited relatives in Quitman county this week. Mr. Britt Groubv returned yester¬ day from a short Visit to Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Singleton, of Bluflfton, were shopping in the Fort last Monday. Mr. .!. E. Mansfield, one of Bluff* ton's clover citizens and prominent business men, was in the city Tuesday. —Ho: ‘-Now,!—1 a am lover of yours. A lover of ten years" ing.” She: “Well, take a seat. You must be tired.” —Mr. Jeff Whatley, the handsome and popular young salesman of F. E. Sanders, at Bluffton, spent several days in the Fort this week. — Life Insurance Agent: "What did your father mid mother die of?” Uncle Humsled: “1 don’t rightly know; hut 't warn't nuthm’ serious.” —She: “It will be a pleasure forme to share your troubles and anxieties.” He: “But 1 haven't any.” She: “Oh, you will have when we are married.” —Mrs. J. W. Foster and Miss Min¬ nie Killingsworth came in from their homes in the country Wednesday and spent the day with relatives in the fit \. —Mr. and Mrs. E. 1\ Anderson, of Macon, are the guests ot the parents of the latter, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brown. Mr. Anderson is off this wi'ck on a trip to 1 lie hay. —Mr. M. Sternberg, a prominent business man of Fort Smith, Ark., ac¬ companied by his wife and son. Mas ter Irwin, is on a visit to his brother, Mr. S. Sternberg, of our town. —Miss Minnie West, of Dothan, Ala., is on a visit to relatives m and near the Fort. She is quite popular with our young folk, to whom her vis¬ its are a source of much pleasure. —Magistrate: “You arc charged witli playing cards for money, What have you to say?” Prisoner: “ * ^ ll ' charge is false, your honor. It was the fellow that skinned me that played cards for money.” —Mr. II. R. Ingram, of this county, who has been attending lectures at the Atlanta Medical College, lias recently returned home a full Hedged M. D having graduated with credit to him¬ self and received his sheep-skin. He lias not yet decided on a location, and for the present will make his father’s home headquarters. —Her Serious Alarm.—“Mrs. Jolin sing,” began the messenger, who was deputed to break the news gently, “your husband, while a little under the influence of liquor, tried to butt an express train from the track—” Mrs. Jolmsing threw up both her hands. “Mail!” she exclaimed, “I bet before ter-inorrer morniii’ dat railroad com¬ pany he down here wid a eor.sterble an’ take my goods and chattels fer damages. Whar is dat fool nigger in de jail?” Vi inn All I'laridinnN sitoiilil Know, Jacksonville, Fla. with I have been troubled a long time billions attacks and sick headache. Hav¬ ing tried almost everything that could be obtained from druggists without any permanent benefit, I concluded to give Simmons’ Hepatinc a trial, and I find that it did for me all that yon claimed it, would do. Yours truly, W. B. Young. For sale by Panllin A- Wimberly. A lalvc Itiijiart. AiiiiEVir/LE, Ala., April 29.—I here¬ by state that I was at church the night that Hubert Saunders was charged with acting indecently. I was sitting near him and, so far as I saw, there was no such conduct. J. IT. Davis, Prin. Southeast Alabama Agricultural School. The dead body of Irwin Jackson, col., was found in a field on Mr. W. T. Credille’s plantation, in the sev¬ enth district of this county. The negro had been at work in the field and was alone at the time of his death, which is supposed to have been caused from heart, disease. Coroner Royals held an inquest Wednesday, and the jury dered a verdict to the effect that the ,leceascd , , f;an,e to ,us fJea ' h iro,n P IOV ' identional causes. j U hat ihe (,'omini»«ioner Naj-s. I Tallahassee, Fla., July 31, 1894. j . ; I take this occasion to say that Dr. Bimmons’ Hepatine cured me of headache, and as long as tiie mediciue lasted my wile and I found great relief whenever we had headache by tak- , ing it. Yours very truly. L. B. Wombwkll, For Com'r of Agriculture, Panllin k Wimberly. State of Fla. | eaie by iii.i'mi)N »* »tK ux. The many friTuds <d Mr, W. I*. Art hur won* delighted to see him lion* to-day. Miss Mollio Pori or. of Worth conn tv, is lo ro. tho must of her aunt, Mrs. I. S. Mills. Mr. Coachman. an insurance agent from lhdnb.idge, is stopping hen for the present. Miss Rosa Scaly, of Randolph emm ty, is the guest of her bro 1 her. Mi. Charlie Scaly. Last Friday niglit at the residence of Mr. 1. S. Mills there, was a party m honor of Miss Porter. Dr. Sessions, who is teaching ache in the count ry. paid bis weeki visit to Bluffton last Saturday. Col. Hammond, an able lawyer of Thoniasville, attended 1 he justice court at this place last Saturday. Prof. Miller, of Cutlibert, p-eaehed a very interesting sermon at. the Pap list church last Sunday night. Misses Annie Singleton and Ann: ( <>!Iiiis, who have been visitin':' friend in Arlington, returned Monday. Our popular and efficient sheriff. Mr. ,T. T. McAllister, mid Mr. E. \\ Wil limns were among the visiters to Bluff ton this week. The writer, in company with othi m. attended preaching at ( oloinokoc Li t Sunday . It was our pleasure to dine wit Ii Mr. G: T. < 'ollins, Misses Sallie Sutton and Annie Ilatutnock,our popular school teachers, who have been mi a visit t the iat tor’s parents in Blakely, returned last Sunday. Who was that young man that danced until "J o'clock in the morning and came home and told his father that lie did not like dancing that lie was opposed to it? The commencement of the Bluffton High School will he on the (fill ami 7th of June. 'I lie pupils of the school are delighted to know that, Judge J. M. Griggs will deliver the annual eoni mencement address. Col. Arthur Powell, one of Blakely"' rising young lawyers, was in town Wednesday. TttiXY. A Bully Bargain! b. iiS fl w I have for sal t, a bargain . i •) -11 JERSEY Stlkidt Five years old ('all early and >ccuro a splendid animal cheap. a. s. nnowx. For Pickles 4 'Li I have just received a large L: of both m0 f Qn( j 0 (m pj C jf{ eS which I am selling at very reason able prices. Please call round and examine them. C\ W. LMWiS. » » » n no \ n pU cirilf ILil) pnt’I I o ULi Fort Gaines Extension -of th;. LjN It A L Or , 0 L' KO 1 / 1 .s i • H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES Receivers. at...... L a 3 ......1 = :•() a s Cutlibert...... ...... 11:1 Li a : Macon.......... ...... 4:1 w P ; : : ...... 7:05 U a : C i a 2 Colom..... 9 .. .. -f .B' p c Fort <i cl n<- ..... ">:.i0 p c _ W, I’. DA WiSON, l. j. Passeugei i-iarbis. vgt. Ticket Agt. Macon (ia. F. SPELLMAN Traifl.* ,M iiUiiQ'M’. C. I1A1LB, General i’ii.^vn^cr Agent. •UlMWn itM m />/,,, } U )'( J , / * . \ Bicycles ry It I JJ ry [(_ • }f( IfCS / ! / . 1 „ no cheapest horse to ho had, J?e quires no mod a’wn s n* *dv. , and , , 1|rv ,, r tires, i i mi. N*0\V *111(1 S0C<> 11 (1 11<i Ii(1, ; and 1 sell them eh ■ap V\ ill sell on ease terms to ro* »ou \u\ parties. | WEEDWG HOES! Kg; J ; $i<;? 2 A Aw» C3 o. ~R aowK njL - U : N T I S T . !>. II. ?r- I ML of Cv.lhl.ert, da., will be in 2. Games the week following second an ! fourth V lav in each month. Office over — , ( 'i t .'l : i 1* >! 1. 1 gFORGIA Clm (fountv I . ’ . i I'o whom it may concern: i’oltie Mcr jeer. Into of said county, deceased, hav¬ ing left an estate unrepresented and not likely to he represented, 1 will proceed to appoint. James ’-V. Sntlive, Clerk of the Superior Court as administrator of said estate, and 1 will pass upon same on 11 r t first Monday in .May. 1805, at my o ^ ice. (liven under my hand and oifi cml signature this 1st. day of April, 1805. I! T FOOTE, Orelinary. Sheriir Km le. GEORGIA Clay Comity: Will lie sold tii'fore the court, house in said county on the first Tuesday in May next between Ike legal lumrs of sale to the highest bidder foreash lne following property to-wil: One limne and lot in the town of Fort Gaines, ootimy afore said, and Ivin;-'' as follows: Boned on the east hv land of J. W, Pipkin, on the south by land of Dan (Mills, on the west by land of L. I*. Butlive, on the north hv laud of (Ins Culberson, and contain¬ ing nun-half acre, more or loss. Said pioperty levied on as the property of J stable Neal Brown's of said county, by S. C. to Boatright, satisfy con¬ jus¬ one tice ooiU't Ii fa in favor of Joe Vinson vs. the said Nod Brown. Said corista hie has v-terne.) said li fa with levy thereon to he mb’crlised and sold by mo to satisfy tlm same. This 8th day of April, 1895. J, T. JMcAIjLISTMR, Sheriff. Sin v rin' S tic. GEORGIA -(day <,'ouniy: V\ iil he sold on the first Tuesday in May next between the legal hours of sal*! before the court, house door in said county to the highest bidder for cash the following property to-wit: One grist, iii ill lying and being in the 7th district of said county, said mill being known as the Wash mill. Also two lots of land, Nos. IJ54 and 8(51, in the 7th district of said county. All being levied on as the property of Mrs. A. F. Catching.?, 'guardian, under and by virtue of a lax li fa issued by W. It. Harr son, tax col¬ lector of said county, for state and county taxes for the year 1891, Saul !i ia levied and returned to uhs by H.O, Boat right, constable of said county, for the purpose oi having said property adver lined and sold to satisfy said ii fa. This 8th day of April, 1895. J. T. MeAnrusTTR. Sheriff. ■**!)* *rij} Sal<‘S. Bi'K iKBIA, * < Bounty: Will - : sold i - i tii- lut. Tuoadny i May next, — ........ lla If .. Ill hours ill s. at the court house ol .oiid county, t.o (!;>■ highest, ladder foil ciuth, the loll a: u<,* prupert v to wit: A certain t.suit of land, and known in the plan lot of No. the town hound'l of Fort, l Gaines, the north Ba., iw Eidhoun town -- -. tin on by Washington by street, on oust, street, on the south by Will iV’erman'.s lot, i ,iie west by I! uie,nek .tiT‘ 1 , < on tfi in - in.; oic; ;ere more or leas. L « a vacant lot, mid sanH! is levied on a t he propert y of the didelidant, ly me, to wtlsl 5 -; ; : n; execution 1 S sued from ('lay Teniliilo county c, As. t: E Airs. - in Julia favor of Mrs. F. '!. again ( 4 . Sntlive, Defendant no) i:i- d according to law This, the 8tu day of April, 1805. J. T. McAl.USTKK. Sheriff I loo<\ N otice. geobgia Clay County: VViierea. , certain petitioners have made their application to the Court, praying an order granting the t sraldish meat of a new road, commencing at river mad on land line between B. F. and J. B. Grimsley, running east on land line between iigess uud J. B. Grimsley, W. G. Belisie and sister, Powell and Murtin J. C. Neves ane .' 1 j. ! " - i i - r. L. i. V -1 st e-Male and j;. li. Block*-r'.- piace.i, oi by Alt. Zion church, by and through S. D. Coleman s place, on by Atieq Luma a place iu and near the old settlement road hod, turning in a northeast direc tiou througli Lot No. 194, crossing Bay Head branch uud striking land line rnn ning between Mese Turner and Lof, No. 195, known as Slaton lot, running to corner and turning east ou line between J. I. Pngtam and More Turner, striking i'oit Gaines and Bluffton road, turning north up said road and leaving it at John Fug ram’s an<l intersecting the Hartford road at W. H. Engraia’s; and, Wheivas. commissioners ed appointed fw that purpose, have r . !• and marked out .-aid coatemplaU-i' road and reported to in; U at, suiii ruan wii: be one ot; iiiaeL (iDoiie Utllitv ami; now thh. its to eit aru Imonisii »u persons that Oil it ti ‘ i alter Monday, May tick 18J5, good said new road sv 'ili he granted U no ca i -e is she?, n to the coai/ary. .■ live i under my * baud and sc. 1.1 this r. 1895. J. W. Strrs.iv>:, Clerk Com. Court ti. and B., (5!ay Con: