The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, July 05, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL IIA1TFMNGS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Wliitl llie 1‘eople Ho mid Nay— l.iltle Hit*, of New* and (>io sio (;atliered on Hie Winit. (LJjr'Fresh Lightbread constantly on band at T. .M. Brown's. - See road notices elsewhere in this paper. Mr. (’. W. Lewis had his store dec¬ orated in red, white and blue vaster day in honor of the Fourth. The ( lay county teachers' institute will convene in Fort (laities August 2d. See notice elsewhere m this paper. U'Jgr^French Chocolate on top at ( , W Lewis’ Soda fountain. Messrs. Bob Holland, Ike and others have shipped several ear loads of melons ibis week. Returns have not been received. Mr. 1. 15. West advertises elsewhere in this paper that he wants to rewiir . your machinery. He understands his business, ami will <i>> you good work. I^gr'Wliite Wme and Apple, Vinegar 25c per gallon at C. W. Lewis' Rev. A. N. Brunson, of Fountain Inn. S. ('.. has been elected president of Andrew Female College at bert, to succeed Rev. P. S. Twitty, re signed. Tile buildings of the old variety works, near the court house, arc being torn down. New sheds will be erect ed in their stead, which, vve learn, will be used by Mr. E. W. Killingsworth for cotton warehouse. |)2gr , ()ne Dollar cash will buy a tick¬ et good for twenty-five glasses of Soda Water at C. W. Lewis'. Messrs. W. A. McAllister. W. J. C fee tie and Alex Holmes were ap¬ pointed a committee to look after “our eoifiitrv cousins'' yesterday, and their manner is described as having been ubiquitous, irresistible an l irrepressi¬ ble. Sunday School Teacher: “Now, children, we have read the story *• Rebecca waiting at the well, Who can tel! me why !io waited there?” Willie Don; T can. Her sweetheart was a milkman, and she knew was the surest place to find him.” (QF'Mayhaws are ripe, and jelly tumblers are in demand. T. M. Broun sells them at reduced prices. At sheriff sale last Tuesday- the. J. W. Holmes lands were sold to Col. Clarence Wilson, attorney for the Equitable Mortgage Company, for $1,00(1. ^.Tho lands belonging to the Catchins estate, sold for taxes, were knocked of! to Mr. W. A. Ilolley for $25. Work has been commenced on Mr. Paullin’s new brick warehouse, and it will be completed in time for the next crop. The work is superintended by Mr. Jack McLeod, of Eufaula, which is a guarantee that it will be properly ihAie. The new building will give j this end of town quite an improved appearance. you can buy Stickv 1 :.v Plates for a mere trifle at Paullin A Wimb< rlv’s . I ‘ drugstore. A monstrosity of the vegetable kingdom is a bunch of corn sent us , this week by Mr. John Qiiattlebaum. ! It is a larger ear closely surrounded by a number of small ones, all growing from the same shoot. Mr. Q. says it is a new variety which he proposes to propagate for stock food. There are quite a number of our subscribers who paid for three and six months subscription from the com-! meneement of our publication. We would respectfully remind them that j six months expires with this issue, and ! would suggest would that be another six acceptable months | | installment very just now. We hope this will prove a hint to the wise that will be sufficient. Beef on Ice. My market is constantly supplied with young and tender beeves and my customers are supplied at all times with choice meats. My beef is kept hanging in an ice house, and you are ■ thus assured that it is first-class. ; * L. A. DUKE. Tin- >1 1 1 1 fiti-> Plralc. The glorious old Fourth was indeed 11 £ ala ‘* av in , ’" rt ( ’ ainps * Notwith¬ standing the threatening prospect of the weather during tin* entire day, and disappointments, the military picnic was a success far beyond the anticipation of many. Besides many 1‘reni the country im¬ mediately surrounding the town, there wore a number of visitors from a greater distance, Cuthbert, Coleman. Hiufftou, AbbeviU,*, Shorterville and other neighboring towns being well represented, and the (iuards, uimni mously seconded by the citizens gen¬ erally. were untiring in their efforts to make all feel that they were cordially welcomed and that it was good to ■‘celebrate.” The Abbeville band, which, by the way is a most excellent one, came over and dispensed some of their sweetest music, which was very much appreciated by the crowd, The guards presented quite a hand* some appearance as, headed by the band, they marched up the street "dressed in their best Sunday clothes” and keeping 101 step to the lively strains < >f martial music. The parade and various execution of military tactics was well done and attracted interested attention The breasts of many were made to swell with pride and patriotic animation as tm-y contemplated the possible future of our gallant little company of the state militia. I I The hour for dinner having arrived, ! the crowd repaired to the park, where j spread in the cool shade of the broad j oaks a most sumptuous dinner awaited 1 them, consisting of an abundance of > delicious viands and tempting delica cies, prepared by the hospitable and ever generous ladies of the town. In a few good nutured remarks, delivered in his inimitable style. Col. Turnip seed gave the command to “charge” the table, and everybody proceeded to do bis full duly. Notwithstanding it had been an¬ nounced that these would be no ball at night, the pleasures and excitement of the day only served to stimulate the i desire for more, and there were many couples who could not resist the temp¬ tation of such an opportunity. The services of the-Fort Caines OHiestra I \\ ( re secured, and after supper there were about thirty couples assembled :!t Goleman’s Hall, where they tripped j “the light fantastic” until “the wee sina 1 hours of morning.” It was altogether a most happy day, and we are requested by the guards to tender their sincere thanks to the ladies of the city, the Abbeville band, the vi itors, and to all who contributed to the pleasures of the occasion. IN" otioe to 'Teachers. The teachers of (’lay county are re¬ quested to attend a meeting of the Clay County Teachers’ Institute in Fort Gaines on Monday, August 2(5. \V. M. HOWELL, Co. Syh. Com. The Chattahoochee Normal Musical Institute was opened last Tuesday with quite a flattering attendance, among which are a number from the country and neighboring towns. Prof. Myers, who is a co-worker with Prof. Cheek, arrived Here from Toledo,Ohio,Monday He has made quite a favorable impres¬ sion on those who have made his ac quamtanee as apolished , gentleman, , an 1,eiL , m , l>( ()r „. uii7e( . 1 at . lt ,5lumou ijiulfton next ,ltxl week, and the people there are to be congratulated upon their good fortune this ... opportunity . .. to . learn . in securing tl J mii-no. j’rol. . , Cheek : left for Blulfton .. this morning, and he will be joined there by Prof. Myers upon‘the close of their school here. Machinery. When you want anv repairs done on your engines, gins or other machinery call on me. I will fix it cheap and guarantee satisfaction, I. 15. West. We are requested to state that the „f tin; Methodist church will receive bids for the material in their (,]d cliureh, the purchaser to tear the building down and move it off. This is a tine opportunity for some one who contemplatfcs building outhouses to secure a lot of good material at a bar gam. Bird 1 > osj <» for Sale, I have a fine lot of English Setter Pups, from the finest stock in the coun * r y, for sale cheap. Now ready for de livery. First come, lirst served. v J. E. Guam AM. PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES, AND WHEN AND WHERE. ’■’He Now* of tori Gallic* Nonet) llrietl) Ntate«l—(aiittiered at tile Home Fireside. ' He learned to play tunes on a comb And became such a nuisance at bomb That ma spanked him. and then— ‘•Will you do it agnin?” And he cheerfully answered her ‘•Nomb." —Mrs. ,T. E. Faullin is visiting lives at Benevolence. — Dr. W. T. Rogers, of Coleman, was among the visitors here yesterday. —Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Sanders and children, of Bluffton, visited relatives and friends here this week. —Misses Emmie Webb, a most fas¬ cinating young lady of Cuthbert, is the guest of Mrs. G. I). Speight. —Dr. Preston Ratnho, of Bluffton, accompanied by I)r. Jackson, of 15a conton, were here yesterday. —Miss Susie White, a charming young lady of Eufaula, is the guest of Mrs, I. 15. West, near town. —Mrs. W. (’. Wimberly, who has been visiting relatives in Fort Valley, is expected borne this afternoon. —Miss Helen Twitty, of Cuthbert, is among the visitors to the Fort this week and is the guest of Miss Annie Laurie Brown. — Messrs. Armstrong, Smith, Faulk and Slocuml), a quartette of Dothan’s handsome young gallants, took in tlit* picnic here yesterday. —Mrs. 15. F. Burnett, of Ft. Caines, is visiting her sisters, Mrs. Fannie Al¬ bion and Miss Emily Castleberry, this week.—Cuthbert Leader. —Mr. (’. C. Breen, of Fort Baines, is now doing watermelon season work with tli^ Western Union Telegraph Company at this point.-Albany Herald Miss Annie and Alma Holmes and Susie Helton, of Shorterville, are vis¬ iting friends and relatives in the Fort. They are the guests of Mrs. A. W. Holicy. , —Among the visitors here from Bluffton yesterday we saw l)r. Thomp¬ son and his son, Hugh, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Radford and Mr. J A. Killings¬ worth. —Quite 1 <n number of Abbeville’s cleverest young men accompanied the band here yesterday, and they seemed to enjoy a full share of the pleasures of the day. —Miss Beatise Crozier, one of Cole¬ man's most popular young ladies, is visiting her, Mrs. M. E. Peter¬ son, and attending the Chattahoochee Normal School. — Misses Dora and Ida Ogletree, of Beorgetown, and Mrs. Nannie Metli vin, of Midway, are among the many visitors here this week. They are the guests of Mrs. M. E. Peterson. —A social entertainment was given at the home of Mr and Mrs. B. I). Speight last night, complimentary to Miss Emmie Webb, of Cuthbert. Tho u o present report it quite an en¬ joyable affair. —Cuthbert was represented at the picnic yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McDonald, Miss Edna Powell, Mr. E. C.Bunn, of the Liberal, and Mi s. India Hooks, of Atlanta. They were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Simpson. —Mrs. E. Loch and Misses Estelle Wallorslein and Bertha Hertz relum¬ ed home from Columbus Monday. They were accompanied by Mrs. C. Kaufman and Miss Carrie Kaufman, who will spend some time on a visit here. —Mr. F. T. Tennillc, formerly a prominent citizen of the Fort, but now of Montgomery, is visiting the [ pleasure to his many old friends here () have him with them a-min " Miss Annie Dobbins, who has been at college .? in Washington, I>. C. i for r the past two returned r . borne years, yesterday, having also completed a course in the c< mservatory of music in that city. Her home-coming is a coined event by her many friends. —Miss Minnie Stanley, of (filbert, after a pleasant visit of several days '‘‘datives and friends in and near the T'G returned home last Saturday. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Alice Scaly, who will visit friends at Gilbert, Ga., and Ozark, Ala., before returning.—Cuthbert Leader. —Besides quite a number of schol¬ ars from the surrounding country in t.he immediate vicinity of Fort Gaines who are attending the Chattahoochee Normal Musical Institute, we notice from a distance Miss Beatise Crozier, (J f Coleman, and Messrs. Chas. Wat kins, of Clayton, Ala., W. L. Pender gass, J. S. Groover, of Thomasville, and W. K. Harris, of Benevolence. DENTIST. D. R. LYDE, of Cuthbert, Ga., will be in Fort Gaines the week following second and fourth Sunday in each month. Office over Bank. Item* (roni lliiimnu. Mr. W. C\ Wiggins is on the sick list this week. I)r. 1*. II. Thompson was sick sever* nl days last week. Marvin Rumlm paid Blakely a living visit last Friday. Rain, rain, rain; grass, grass, grass is in abundance here. Miss Laurene Mann went to Blake lv last Saturday, returning Sunday. A good many ltlulTtonites attended the sing at “Fleahop” last Sunday. i Several ltlulTtonites attended the general meeting at Salem last week, Mrs. E. J. Killebrew and children, J of Newton. Ala., arc visiting relatives here. The academy is now being painted by Messrs. Hoc Bryant and Houston Radford. Arthur Sandora, who lives nepr Wes. ley Chapel, was here the latter part of last week. We are glad to note that Mr. I). I). Beauc hamp, who lias been very sick, is improving. Mrs. W. D. Lee, of Iron City, form¬ erly of Bluffton, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mrs. Betsy Mann is visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. W. (). Beard, near Mt. Zion. Mr. ClilTton Rmiibo, who has been attending school at Oxford, returned home last Friday. Little Misses ()la and Iva Killings wortli are visiting their grandmother, near Wesley ('Impel. Mr. W. 1’. Killingsworth went to Fort Bailies last Monday to attend the commissioners' court. M issc Eunice Killingsworth and Lsiia (’happell are visiting their friend, Miss Dora Culbrcth, near Bethel. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Charlie Killingsworth, who lives a short distance from here. Mr. (V. T. Halliday, of Lumpkin, was elected principal of the Bluffton High School. An assistant has not yet been elected, but the trustees are speaking of electing Miss Annie flam mock. Mrs. Nancy Killingsworth and Mrs. E. E. Jones are visiting Mrs. J. W. Smith, below Arlington. Bea. l*roc iciliiiKM CoiuiiiiNwioiiiirM’ Court. Office Co. Commissioners, Clay County, July 1, 18115. ( lay county's commissioners court met to-day in regular session. Present J. E. Paullin, chairman; W. P. Kil lingsworlh and A. L. Foster. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. An account for work on justice court house at Blulfton was referred to \Y. P. Killingsworth, with power to act. An account for water tax for court house and jail was tabled for further investigation. The following accounts were audited and ordered paid: Expense for lunacy............................... in trial of Laura l’eterson $25 00 J. T. McAllister, jail fees............... 14 00 court fees......... 6 00 balance Brown trip after Coleman, Allen Peterson............ cotin for X 40 & pauper 00 A. H. Brown.............................. L- 10 J. Registration W. tees........................ 83 70 Sutlive............................ 0 25 A petition of W. R. and W. H.Harri¬ son for change of road was ordered published. A petition of J. E. Paullin and oth era to declare a certain road a public A he amount allowed Mrs. George ,, Watson out of the pauper fund will be raised to *8 »er nimrier Kor Stile ( ! Georgia Ilayprcss, Deering Mower , Hay-rake. All in good condition, .John R. Ikwin. , BLUFFTON •DRUG STORE;# PATENT MEDICINES j ! AT COST. j A large lot of other Patent Medicines at greatly reduced prices. „ Prescriptions filled with accuracy and at popular prices. A liberal share of the people’s patronage solicited. P. II. THOMPSON. ) * AAAAAAAA ''A/V /■V/V.'V'yWVWWW ALL THE PEOPLE HEAD IT. Business ffien: THIS PAPER CIRCULATES IN THE HOMES OF PEO¬ PLE BUYING THE KIND OF HOODS YOU M AY AAV E TO SELL. MORAL: ® INVITE THEM TO YOUR STORE. THE ONLY TAPER PRINTED IN CLAY COUNTY. w?- /V'/' LEHN HARDEE A NEITERT. Fruit and Vegetable COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Apples, (lultlmge, Potatoes, •sJMBLOlSrSB Prompt attention given assignments and returns We solicit a share of your business. Write* stencil. Population 75,000. Outside territory we 75,000. - - - INDIANA. Fort Gaines Extension —OF THE— OF GEORGIA. H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES Receivers. Leave Fort Baines at... ......,o ~ a m. Arrive at Coleman...... ......1 .* JO a i i Arrive at <hitlibert..... ......11:15 n ni Arrive at Macon......... ...... 4.ID p lu Leave Macon.......... ...... 7:05 a rn Arrive at Cuthbert..... ...... .‘J:45 p j> m Arrive at Coleman..... ...... 4:50 in Arrive at Fort Baines . ....... 5:30 p m W. A. GRAHAM, Local Agt. W. P. DAWSON, PuHsongei Agt. Macon, Ga. W. F. 8IIHLLMAN. Traffic Manager. J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent. Hoad 1 ST otice. GEORGIA. Clay County. made Whereas, certain petitioners of have cornmis their application to the court sionersof roads and revenue praying an order granting tb change of road run¬ ning from Harrison’s X Roads to Edison so as to let it continue on land line be¬ tween W. R. and W. H. Harrison ainl Mrs Mary Ruinbo and W. B. Hal tawuv and road intersect the the Cuthbert colored folk’s and Blakely church at or near instead of running through the lands of W. K aud W. H. Harrison. Now this is to cite and admonish all persons that on aud cfimge after Monday, Aug¬ ust 5, 1895, said wilj be granted if no good cause is shown to the contra O'- petitioners have Also, whereas, certain made this day application to this same court praying for an order granting the making public a road of tLat road begin ning at southwest corner of J. W. Pip¬ kin’s field or pear orchard and running due north to a negro house, and thence due west to the incorporate limits of Fort Gaines, Ga. Now, this is to cite and admonish all persons that on aud after Monday, Aug ust 5> I895) order wiU be gmite d if no good cause is shown to the contrary. Given under my hand and seal this 1st day of July, 1895. SUTLIVE, J. W. ClcrkCoin. Court R. and K. Clay Cu.Ga.