The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, July 05, 1895, Image 4

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big things. The ooetlieHt laanuion in Great Brit¬ ain belongs to Dbrd or Marquis B ite. He ban expended over $H,000,000 up¬ on it. Tho tallest chimney in tho world is at Fricndbnrg, Germany. It is 460 feet high, and cost in tho neighbor¬ hood of $30,000. The largest oreliaril in the world is sitnatnd near Santa Barbara, Cal., be¬ longing to Elwood Cooper. It com¬ prises 1,700 acres. Tho largest estato in Russia is tho “crown lands.” It belongs exclusive¬ ly to the czars, and is un estate of over 100,000,000 acres. The largest cheek ever drawn on a bank was one of $12,287,750. It was drawn by G. W. Young, in favor of Thomas A. McEntyre, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Tho great Hamburg (Germany) grapevine, which was planted in the year 1751, and is now sixty inches in circumference, is tho largest iu tho world. The largest state building in the United States is the capitol of Texas. It is also seventh iu size among the great buildings of tho world. It cost $1,500,000. Tho largest electric generator in tho world belongs to the Edison Illumina¬ ting company, of St. Louis. It is situated at Nineteenth and Gratiot streets. The largest aerolite which has fallen since the dawn of history tumbled into tho frozen soil of Greenland in 1870. It is now in the museum at Copen¬ hagen. It weighs 40,000 pounds.— Pit. Lunin licpublir.. Iliin’l l!i“l Hrnrnl If you should hear that in some place to which you are going malaria is prevalent. To the air poison which produces chilis and fever, bilious remittent and dumb ague tliero is a safe and thorough antidote and pre¬ The ventive, viz.., Ilosletter's Stomach Bitters. great anti-malarial constipation, specific is also a remedy rheumatic fur hiliousues-, dys¬ pepsia, and kidney troulde, ner vousnoss and debility. Each one can see what ho carries in hit heart. I)r. Khmer'* N w amp- Hoot cures an Pamphlet Kidney and Bladder troubles. Laboratory and Consultation free. Binghamton, N. Y. Human science is sometimes an uncertain KUCHS, Almira ('urea Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bad Breath, Debility, Hour Stomach, Want of Appetite, Distress After Eating, and all evils arising It builds from a weak or disordered stomach. up from the first do*e, and-a bot tle or two will cure tho worst eases, and insure a good appe¬ tite, exceUont digestion and result In vigor ous health and httoyaney of spirits. There is no better way to insure good health and a long life than to keep the stomaeh right. Tyner’s Dyspepsia Remedy is guaranteed Dinner lo do this. For The Traiptniliziug b^Druggists. Manufactured Alter Drink. sale by C. O. Tyner, Atlanta. Take 1’Arker's l inger Tonic llomo Willi you. It will ex ci ed your ex pee tal ions in abat¬ ing colds, and many ills and ache*. Yon Tlilok It Is Something Else. The “why" of the bad feeling is what puss ales you. ll is oa'y to im *gine so many causes, when the real one is indigestion. You think it’s something else. Tho euro is Hi puns Tabules. A single tubule gives relief. Ask tho druggist. y' Notice. I want every man and woman in the United States interested In tlie Opium and Whisky habits to have my book on those dismis s. Address B. M. Woolley. Atlanta, Ga., Box 381, and one will be sent you free. oessful For Whooping Cough, M. 1‘. I’No'* Diktkh, Cure 07 is Tliroop a suc remedy. Y., Nov. Ave., Brooklyn, N. 14, '!B. K. B. Walt hall A Co . Druggists, Horse Cave, Ky .say: “Hall's Catarrh Cure Drnggi-ts, cures every «m« that takes it.” Sold by The. All Out of Sorts TIwhI, weak and wary, If this lt» your condition, stop and think. You are a sufferer Irom dyspepsia and throat misery awaits you if you do not check it now. Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the best medicine you can take. It has peculiar power to tone and strengthen the stomach. Remomber Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominent¬ ly in the public eye today. $1; six for f 5. Hood’s Pills not harmoniously with Hood's Snranparllia & 0 . ★ ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR * w ★ The best ★ .^Nursing Mothers, Infants/ CHILDREN * JOHN CARLE «*■ SONS, Ne* York. * THE OGLETHORPE Btunswick, Ca. This is the finest Hotel in its appointments south of Haliiniore. The table is suppl ed with nil the itilieiu h s the market can afford. TheCui'ine is ex client, ami service prompt and at ten i vo. Open all th» vear. Rat»-s rea¬ sonable. J. H. sTILWELL, Manager. a TO AVOID THIS USB 0 N TETTERIIME s . The ONLY paint am and harmless rs •r* | cr«* for the worst tyixi of Kcsemn, * lVtt* r, Rmgworm, ugly rough patch- soaln. on vhe facA, eivwstett Ground itch, chafes, chap*. puu pl*$. Poison from ivy or pot-on oak. In short %LL licit**. Send 50c. in H’-tAn.P'* or ct»h to J. T. Shuptmie, H Savannah, G*., tor one box, it ytHir ■ ■ druggist don’t keep it. m The Paris Figaro calls Mrs. Potter Palmer tho “Queen of Chicago.” There is only one sudden death among women to eight among men. Bloomers have become so numerous in the cities that they no longer pro¬ voke comment. In the town of Howard, Kan., is a girl only eleven years old, who is a successful teacher of music. Some young woman are wearing their watches set like a large button on the lapel of their jackets. Miss Lizzie Buckwalter, of West Lebanon, Ohio, is defendant in slan¬ der suits aggregating $114,000. Queen Victoria has signed the bill making full woman suffrage in South Australia an accomplished fact. Among tho inventors of trolley fenders is a Brooklyn young woman named Miss Margiierita Maidhof. Queen Victoria onco said of the women of Ireland that every third Irish woman she saw was beautiful. The Gospel, according to the new woman, seoms likely to bo ono of tho latest products of tho nineteenth cen¬ tury. A magenta silk lias tlio flaring skirt adorned with bands of lace in¬ sertion, edged with ruffles of narrow black lace. A certain Peruvian hoiress onco paid tho lato M. Worth $24,000 for a costume, which contained nearly $23, 000 worth of lace. Tho Princess of Bulgaria goes to market afoot at Sofia, walking about from stall to stall unattended and lay iug in her family supplies. Two illustrious English women who celebrate this year the seventy-fifth anniversary of their birth are Flor¬ ence Nightingale and Jean Ingelow. Twenty bicycle girls, attired in bloomers, turned out tho other day with pioks and shovels at East Lynn, Conn., and mended the worst places in tho roads. The old Ameer of Afghanistan has been pulled through a serious illness by the medical aid of Miss L. Hamil¬ ton, a young woman doctor^ from Ayer, Scotland. Tho first woman to bo graduated from St. Andrew’s University, Scot¬ land, is said to bo Miss Blaokadder, the daughter of a Dundee architect. Sho is nineteen years old. Tho wife of Ho Yen Suing, tho Chi¬ nese Consul-General to Washington, is a attractive little woman, who, with her maid, attracts great attention when she appears in public. English women are showing an in¬ clination to bedeck themselves with jewels in daytime, which they admit is bad taste, and to which little failing they have long accused Americans of giving way. Mary Moore Davis, who became well known in the literary world through her charming story, “Under the Man Fig,” is the wife of Major Davis, political editor of tho New Or¬ leans Picayune. Mrs. Frederic T. Greenhalge, tho wife of the Massachusetts Governor, is at tho head of a committee which is busy getting together an exhibit of historical portraits and relics to send to the Atlanta Exposition, Though the Empress of Austria can procure anything edible that a most fastidious palate can desire she relies mainly for sustenance on milk. Her taste for that seems exacting enough, for she will not take any kind but that furnished by a cow from Corfu. The extent to which women carry dress-suit cases nowadays was illus¬ trated the other day by a group of three youug women who stood at the curbstone in Broadway, New York City, waiting for an opportunity to cross. Each carried a dress-suit case. Small checked taffeta, plain or with changeable grounds, are being made up into pretty summer gowns. The checks are never over half an inch in size, and usually much smaller, though somesvhat larger than tho fa¬ miliar pinhead patterns of other sea¬ sons. Hosiery is changing in fashion. Whilo black remaius the standard, there is a decided call for fancy styles of all sorts. Some extremely hand¬ some samples in fancies are shown, and the indications are that costumes will be matched in all shades from black to white. Miss Plulbrook, of Jersey City, N. J., will probably be tho first woman in New Jersey to enjoy the privileges of the recent act of Governor Werts, by which women arc made eligible for admission to tho bar of the State. Miss Philbrook has made a plucky tight for her rights. One has to guard against the ten¬ dency to overturn which is so very manifest just now. The fashion is rep¬ rehensible on the score of extrava¬ gance, and is likewise objectionable as tending to vulgar ostentation, with¬ out the compensating advantage of improving the appearance of those who wear garments and millinery that are excessively decorated, Counterfeit Dimes. Counterfeit silver 10 cent pieces that contain as much, if not more silver than genuine coin, have been discov¬ ered in the United States subtreasury. They have been received from banks and are so curefully made that it re¬ quires the trained eye of an expert to detect their bogus character. The coins have the appearanco of being well worn, a result of careful work on the part of the counterfeiter and a valuable aid to their circulation. Sev¬ eral of the coins have been sent to the secret service officials, who pronounce them most dangerous counterfeits and express tho belief that they were made in Europe and sent to this country for circulation. — Philadelphia llecord.. Mnitnin lloinvi-rt. I am a mid.wife and have been Riving Mc Elrei>’* Wine of Caidui ami Black Draught tea to my lady patient*, both during preg¬ nancy and after birth as a tonic, and have found the treatment will do more than is claimed for it. Two years ago I was so trou¬ bled with female weakness myself, that I could not work at all. I heard McElree’s Wine of Cardui recommended, and got six bottle* Of it, and a mammoth- package of Thedford’s Black-Draught- I began the treatment as directed, andin two weeks I hail improved so much I could do my work, and have never been troubled with it since. Mns. Y. M. Boisvert. Zurich, Kansa®. Mrs. Mary F. McCnAniv, Rockmart, Ga-, writes: “J have always been a great sufferer during child birth. 1 used McElree’s Wine of Cardui before confinement the last time, and the pains were much less and shorter than ever before, and my baby is larger and much healthier than any of the others. TGeotinized Nerves. Mon old at thirty. Chew and chew, eat little, drink, or want to, a-Utlie time. Nerves tingle, happiness never satisfied, nothing’s beautiful, tells gone, a tobacco-saturated system the story. There's an easy way out. No-To-Bac will kill the nerve-craving effects for tobacco and make you strong, vigorous and manly. Hold and guaranteed to cure by Druggists everywhere. Book, “Don't To¬ bacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away,” free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., New York"City or Chicago. 812.00 To Baltimore and Upturn. round On July 16 and 17 the Southern Ry. will*sell trip tickets from Atlanta to Baltimore Via Washington until City for $12.00. T>>e*e tickets good good returning all trains, August the 5th, 1895. Tickets on including fast and fa¬ mous Vestibule Limited. Tho Southern Ry. makes the trip Ailanta to Baltimore in nine¬ teen hours. ply For W. sleeping H. Tayloe, car b rths and information ap¬ District Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Pain is Not Conducive of Pleasure. especially when occasioned by corns. Hin<fer corns will plea-e; it removes them perfectly. Mrs. Winslow’s the Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25s. •bottle How to secure strong n rves and youthful v'g or. To d free by toe Excello Co., Pittsnurg, Pa. m. ms ft AS ON® ENJOYS Both the method and results when and Syrup refreshing of Figs ia taken; it is and pleasant to the taste, acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cleanses on the Kidneys, the effectually, colds, head¬ sys¬ tem aches and fevers dispels and habitual cures only constipation. remedy Syrup its kind of Figs is the of ever pro¬ duce!., pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, commend its many excellent qualities it to all and have made it the most popular Syrup remedy of Figs known. is for sale in 50 cent bottles reliable by all leading druggist drug¬ who gists. Any have hand will may not it on pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N Y. li m 17 i\ z l 7. f/ ! 1 / “ Wash us with Pearline! “ That’s all we ask. Save us from that dreadful rubbing— It’s wearing us out! “ We want Pearline—the origina. washing-compound— us—Pearline! the one that has proved that it can’t hurt Don’t experiment on us with imitations! We’d rather be rubbed to pieces than eaten up.”_ . Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Rpya Powder Baking .<■ ABSOLUTELY PURE A Substitute for Ice. Chicago , has , been interested . . . , recently ,, by some experiments with a new chem ical compound designed to take the place of ice. I he chemical c< sti 20 cents a pound. t is p aced in the ice box of a refrigerator, a s nail amount of water is added to cause it to dis solve; the refrigerator is then closed and cold results immediately. he inventor says that the compound con tains 11 ingredients, and the formula is a secret. I he mixture is light pink in color, and is in the form o crys tals like coarse salt. It is said to be perfectly harmless, and has an alka me taste. Mhen moistened it instant ly becomes intensely cold. Ihe effect lasts wenty-four hours, or until the crystals are entirely dissolved. Then it is placed on a fire and “boiled down” until the water evaporates and the crystals are left in their original form. It is then ready for use again by simply adding fresh water. It is asserted that the chemicals lose none of th#ir properties by the process and that the crystals can be used for years. During the Chicago tests ice was frozen to the thickness of window glass in a few minutes, and to the thickness of two or three inches in less than six hours. The experiments were successful in every way, and ice dealers ought to be particularly interested in them. There is little doubt that before many years a refrigerating appartus will be devised by which houses may be cooled in summer as easily as they are now warmed in winter. The new refrigera¬ ting compound may be an important factor in the solution of this problem. ODDS AND ENDS. Almost five-eighths of the steamers in the world are under the British flag. The first steam engine of this con¬ tingent was brought from England in 1753. Excavations in Egypt have brought to light evidence that the game of chess was known and played there 3300 B. 0. That game is still going on. At Salta, in Argentina, a list of boys and girls who have failed to attend school regularly is published in the newspapers. They don’t do things in a half-heart¬ ed way in China. Their national hymn is so long that people take half a day to listen to it. The Chinese believed when telegra¬ phy was introduced into their country that foreigners cut off the tongues of children and suspended them on the insulators to transmit the message from pole to pole. The two most widely separated post offies in the United States are those of Key West, Fla., and Ounalaska, Alas¬ ka, 6,271 miles apart. Two cents will insure the carriage of a letter between those distant points. A Rebutting Argument. Gent—Look here, how you have swindled me over these pants! Why, they have shrunk to half their length. Dealer—How can you say so? Didn’t I let you have them at half-price?— Hausfreund. The One Crop System of farming gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a 9 high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a larger bank account can only then be expected. A Write for our “Farmers’ Guide,’’ a 142-page illustrated book. It 1 ^ & is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tulane University of Louisiana. Its advantages for practical instruction, both in ample laboratories and abundant hospital materials ,'ire Charity unequaled. Hospital Free access is giv*n to the great with 700 beds and 30,030 patients an¬ nually. Special instruction is given dai y a t the bed¬ side ofthe sick. The next -es*ion begins October 17tb, 1895. For catalogue and information address Prof. S. E. CHAILLE, M. D., Dean. r3-'P. O. Drawer 201. NEW ORLEANS. LA. HOTEL TYBEE TYBEE ISLAND, GA. This Hotel is noted for its excellent service and splendid delicacies cu sine, the table beiag »upp ied with all the the lparKet afford-. An abundant supply of fish, gaged cribs for shrunp, etc. Leon’s fine orchestra en Write for season. Special Specially inducements low rates this s *ason. terms. to parties of ten or more. BOHAN & IOWAN. A.N. U Twenty-seven, ’95. Electrified Hotel. A hotel in Chicago is so heavilj cba d witb electricity that the g Uesds canno t move around without j 8SO bad ^hat wbe n one walks across the room a S p ark W }H leap over a s <ace of ^ WQ j ncbes> The guests have some fuQnv experiences. One man came near g e ttj D g a gash cut in his face wben bo won t to get shaved, because he wag 0Q startled b a 8park from the razor Then another man thought he had stepped on needles when begot j n n bathtub. This peculiar condition tbe building puzzles the electri ci and 60me thiuk that the whole honge wiU bave to be overhauled and revised .—Boston Journal of Com¬ merce. ! = PIERCE’S ' Dr. Golden fled ical DISCOVERY Cures Ninety-eight per cent, of all cases of Consumption, in all its Earlier Stages. Although bv many believed to be incura¬ ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large per¬ centage of cases, cured and by we believe, Pierce’s fully Golden $*5 per cent, are Dr. Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce lingering repeated bleedings from the lungs, expectoration severe (includ¬ cough with copious ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. GOOD POSITIONS SECURED BY STUDENTS Busmens Fins Supplied with Help Richmond’s Commercial College, Eatablbked 18.84. Send for Catalogue. SAVANNAH. GA, oszooiFLisnepsi 7/\ udmedd eume AND School of Shorthand and Telegraphy. No text books used. AlIGOSTA. GA. day Actual business from of entering. Business papers, college currency and goods u-ed. Board Send for handsomely illustrated cata¬ logue. cheap. R. R. fare pa d to Augusta. HOTEL CUMBERLAND Cumberland Island, Ca. Fiuest sea beach in the South. Fishing unexcelled on the continent. Street cars free to the beach. Naphtha launch and fleet of row-boats. Splendid’ livery appointments. Ample accommodations for 60 guests. Grand orchestra! Music morning and even¬ ing. Popular rates. LEE T. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. Notice to Mill Men And farmers owning small power: The finest and most complete Saw Mill in existence to-day, is manu factured by the lieI.O AC U .IIILL M’F’tt. CO., 350 Highland Ave.* Atlanta* tin. Took first prize at World’s Fair at Chicago. All sizes, from 4 h. p. up showing to the largest. Prices reduced. Send for cata¬ logue Corn Mills, Baling new Presses improvements; and a 1 so. of Portable Turbine Water Wheels, Pulleys and Shafting and all kinds of mill supplies. PARKER’S IK® 5 HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore G-rmy Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp and diseases & hair falling. 5Qc, $1.00 at Druggists 2393’s; PISCES CUR- •ir CURES WHtRE ALL ELSE FAiLS. Cou«h Syrup. Taste* Good. Tae la time. Sold by druinrigts. CO N S U M P T ION figs