The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, July 19, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL IIAITLMNCS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Wli.-tt llio l>oo |*4< l*o anal xny— l.itllo Hits of Rt'tv* ain't tins ii|i Gathered on tho Wlsiy. The corn crop in this section is re ported the finest of several years. Our subscription list continues to grow, for which we arc duly grateful, -— The work on the oil and guano mills is nearing completion,ami thema- , chinery will soon he put iu operation. Fresh Lightbread constantly on baud at T. M. Brown’s. Some of our farmers are oomplain i ng that the continued wet weather is causing considerable damage to the cotton crop. Don’t forget that all forage crops crops arc valuable this year. An fibumlanee of line hay can he saved in this seetion. Fort Gaines merchants ; I are expect ing o trade this fall something like j preparations that of old times, for the and ate making J same. French Chocolate on top at C. W /Lewis’ Soda fountain. Mr. S. C. Boatright reports the. ar rival of a line baby girl at his home last Sunday night. It being his first, lie is accordingly proud. Our delinquent subscribers are again reminded that we are in need of funds “to keep the wheel rolling.” Please don’t put us off any longer. Ujjr’Whv he harassed by flies when you can buy Sticky Fly Plates for a mere trilie at Paullin & Wimberly’s •drug store. The Sen riNict. reaches all the best trade in ihis section, and the merchant who fails to avail himself of its adver¬ tising space is standing in hi own light. The melon business is drawing to :i e'os ■, Imt we have heard none of the growers bragging about the proceeds. j As usual, l he railroads reaped the j profits. |rigr’McKissack A (’o.„ will sc i l you i India Linen lawn- ,r > j Scotch lawns at be. I ( rysta! lawns at be. Calicoes at be to be. Mr. George Palmer, an expert cob¬ bler from Blakely, has opened a shoe j shop on Hancock street, and solicits | your work. See notice elsewhere in tliis paper. The public is looking forward to the concert at the Musical Institute, <>n the evening of the ‘24th, with llu ex-1 pectation of a rare treat. And they will not he disappointed. No*v Shoe Sho|>. I have opened a first-class shoo shop one door south of the Post office. Give me you work. Satisfaction guar¬ anteed. Gkoiiok Palmek. Mrs. J. it. Irwin lias sent to our office some of the finest specimens of cucumbers we have seen. They were of the white variety and the largest was ten inches long and seven and a half inches round. Mr. W. E. Liglitfoot continues 1o add to the attractiveness of his soda water fountain. The. latest improve¬ ment is a self-operating fau, propelled by a water motor wheel. It is quite the idea, and speaks weii for Ed's en¬ terprise. * gfjgr'McKis'sack & Co. will sell you Stove Piping at 15c per joint. Soda 5 cents. Oysters, four 1 lb cans full weight Peppo/l ^25c. ie i t per lb starch four lbs for 2be. Meal, 9*2 lb sacks $1.50. There is some talk of petitioning (lie city council to relieve the public of the monotonous financial discussion by levying a fine of $b against every per- 80,1 making use of the terms “free sil ver,” “16 to 1” or “sound money” more than 1100 times a day. The tedium is growing distressingly ' harassing. Prof. ......—-, A. F. Myers will conduct the . service at the V. Baptist church , , next 1 .Sunday ,, evening . at 8 „ o’clock , , , and , will give a , lecture to the , young people , ’ lie , r will ... , be assisted . ,, bv the ,, chorus , class , in the music. The ladies will sing a ladies trio, and , ,. the men „ , a m ma . ; quartette, duets, etc. Come out, every body, and bring some one with you. mu: K1 M»A\ NIGHT. The Pretty Homo of iTlr. J. I', Poetei Do*l rot od. Mr. J. F. Porter had the inisfortmu to lost his elegant home and its entire contt nts hy fire last Sunday morning. It was about 1 o'clock when Mr. Duke, a neighbor, upon getting up to minister to the wants of a siek child, discovered that Mr. Porter's house was on tire, and rushed across the street to give the alarm. The fumily were, still asleep, and when they were aroused the roof of the house was falling in, . Uj( j ti> e y had barely time to escape in their night clothes, The tire is thought to have origina¬ ted in the roof of the building, as that was the part that burned first. Rats and matches were probably the cause. Quite a crowd turned out upon the ringing of the tire hell, among which was a number of ladies, hut the lire had gained such headway before it was discovered that they could render no aid. Mr. Porter estimates his loss at near ly sd.Otil). on which there is an insiir anec. of £*2,000, $1,500 on the house ail(1 $m ou lhe funiilure . A $400 pitviio, recently purchased, and a tine gold watch were among the losses. I Free Sliver .fleeting. The free silventes had a meeting at J 1 Coleman’s Ilali last Saturday for the purpose of electing delegates to the Gritlin convention. The crowd was composed of twenty four Democrats, fourteen Populists and eight Alabamians, four of the Democrats being for ‘‘sound money. 99 The meeting was quite a tame affair, but little enthusiasm being noticeable, and a sort o’ “where-aro-we-at” ex¬ pression overshadowing the counten¬ ances of the Democrats, especially. Two or three speeches were made, one of which was by a Populist, the drift of whose remarks seemed to deplore the fact that Democrats “are just four years behind” on the silver question and did not embrace the faith when besought to do so hy Weaver, Post, Lease «& Co. One feature, of the proceedings which-to us seemed ridiculously pre sumptious was the wording of some resolutions commendatory of v the Atlanta Constitution. We refer the words committing “we the Democrats of ('lay county’ 1 to the resolutions. The resolutions were probably prepared, however, for a larger meeting, and j the author had no intention of assuni ing unwonted authority, not realizing, when the resolutions were read ami adopted, how absurd it appeared for forty persons to resolve for a whole county. We were not surprised that (lie Populist present voted to endorse the Constitution, but we were unpre¬ pared for their assuming the repre¬ sentation of the Democracy of Clay county, especially since Tom Watson j had forewarned them against com pro- j mising their party. Eighteen delegates, including several Populists, were appointed to attend the Griffin convention. Out of that number there were only three, who went—Col. Clarence Wilson and Messrs. J. N. Bigbie and Tom Tur nipseed. A Much Traveled Man. Jacksonvxlle, Fla.. July 9, 1894. I:or the last forty years I have been troubled with a torpid liver ou of travels through different tropical cli mates. In that space of time of all the medicines I have ever taken as liver cures none has given such positive, ben ttficial ft rid happy results as vSimruoris 1 IL'putine. Leo Vogel, Superintendent Clyde Steamship Docks, Oiitlli of Hr. Killiiiifswortlk. The death of Mr. Charley Killings worth, which occurred of typhoid fev or, at his home near BlufTton last Monday, is indeed an affliction to bis young wife and other relatives, among whom are his brothers. Messrs. E. W. anfl H - T ‘ Killing*worth, of our town. He had been sick about three weeks, and !tl s I dt( ' of hls heaIth v voun « n,an ' . - ilood } "‘ d robust constitution, aided hy learned medical skill and careful nursing, his life rapidly ebbed away and P^ scd out of lhis *»P hcre into that beyond the ken of man. Mr. Killingsworth was married only few short months . ago, and . to the , wife ...... who thus early , called . young is upon to hear , a sorrow so sad—as , well „ as to other , bereaved , , ones—we respect n } t enffr 0UI coiffio ern e. 1 he remains q£Jfie deceased were interred at Moufit Zion church, near Btofflon, of which church he was a member. PKRSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES. AND WHEN AND WHERE. I' ho *t-«. of 1’orl tint it on society It riot l v Nlltlcd— Gathered at the Homo Fireside. Mrs. ,T. W. Hass is visiting her sister, Miss licit Thornton, at Cole¬ man. Mrs. S. J. Railv is visiting the family of her father m Cuthbcrt this week Judge \\ . A. Hi a ham went up to Maeoti on business Wednesday, re turning yesterday. —Mr. E. A. Graham, of „ Isenovo lence, , was shaking , , . hands , , with . , . Ins . many friends in the Fort this week. —Messrs. ,T. S and W. A. llaistcn, of Blvift’ton, were here Tuesday. They came down after a cotlin for Mr. Char¬ ley Killingsworth. —Professor W. MeKctude, of the Fort Gaines Academy, is devoting sev oral weeks of vacation to a review course at Mercer ITiiversity, Maeoti. —Judge P. Tinsley and Messrs. W. Greene, T. J. Sanders and S. R. Radford were among the clever BlulT who visited the Fort this —Mrs. W. C. Wimberly came home from Fort Valley Tuesday, her return being delayed hy tIn* illness of her baby girl. Dr. Wimberly met her at Cuthbert. —Mr. Tom Light-fool is again at liis post behind tlie counters of A. M. Wallenstein, after a visit of several weeks to Glenn Springs and points in Alabama. —Mrs. J. P. If. Brown, of Fort Gaines, is in Blakely, greatly to the de¬ light of her many friends and relatives whom she is visiting.— Early County News. July 11. —Mr. T. E. Speight, of Fowltown, a former citizen of the Fort, is ruing ling with his old friends here this week, lie is the guest, of his daugh¬ ter, Mrs. J. E. Peterson. —Mr. John Speight is here from Sa¬ vannah visiting relatives and old friends. He holds an important por¬ tion in the office of the auditor of the Central railroad at Savannah. —Mr. A. '1'. Ashmore left last Mon¬ day for his accustomed summer’s en joyment of the healthful mountain breezes in Tennessee. His many friends wish him a pleasant trip. Mrs. A M. Wallerstcin left last Tuesday for Washington, I). where she goes to place her little son, Lsa under the treatment of ail emi nent .specialist for nervous affection. —Mr. J. I). McKissack, one of our most liberal and enterprising mer¬ chants, left last Monday for New York and other cities in the East, where lie will spend three week* in selecting ail immense stock of goods for the fall trade. —Mrs. F. T. Tcniiille, after a visit of several weeks to her children here —Mr. W. R. Tennille and Mesuames li. T. Foote and VV. A. McAllister— returned to her home in Montgomery Tuesday. She was accompanied ns far as c„thbcrt by Mrs. Foote. From all Parts of till! State the Verdict. In the Same. Bowling Queen, Fla., I have been a sufferer from a coinpli* cation of liver and kidney troubles, no with a severe pain across the back. I am happy to testify that after using Dr. Simmons’ Heparine or Liver Cure I am completely relieved of my tiouble. \\ . K. , | in Kiegaiit Affair. One of the most pleasant 1 entertain j meats of the season was given . a social . given the young folk last night at the | 1<)M p£ttil>le home of Mrs. I). C. Adams * "ho numhei's among li(tr , wannest friends all the young people of the town and community. Her kindness is a source of much pleasure to them and is highly appreciated. The elegant spread provided for occasion, which consisted of the most delightful delicacies of the was enjoyed to the fullest extent. The attendants were as .follows: John M. Speight and Miss Amelia Straus-; J. L. Hurst and Miss Trade Cohen; L - s - <*>»'«» and Mi *« ], cat rice Crazier ;Charlie Coleman andjMiss Lillian Kelly; T. S. Fordham and Miss Pearla Sutton; Joe Vinson and Miss Mabel K ‘Hy; R. C. McAllister and .Miss Clara Speight; Wiiiie Dobbins and Miss Lillian Smith; Capt. Martin and lady; J. E. Peterson and lady; Mrs. M. E. Peterson, Mrs. Clara Adams and Mrs. Graham. So Will You. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 10, 1894. 1. have been using Dr. Simmons’ Hep atine in my family for some time, and I what is claimed for it. F. $., of Kuhn, Furcbgott A Co. iioiiih irom iiiurrtoii. I)r. Sessions, of ('uthbert, wa» hero lust Sunday. l'rof. theex's normal school is flour isliing. Ho has forty-five pupils now. Miss Anna Collins left last Thurs¬ day for a visit to friends in Dothan. Ala. Mrs. D. L. Killingsworth and chil¬ dren have gone to the country to spend the week. Miss Carrie Sue Blocker, who has hot'ii visiting relatives near Cuthbcrt, returned home last Monday, Miss Mary * I,on Jones* who lias been visiting ... relatives in Coloinokee, returned home last Sunday. Mism „ L,m,psd,m ’ Mann returned last. Friday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Beard, near M . /ion. ... Mrs. E. 8. Collins and children spent the day in BlufTton last Friday, the guest of Mrs. K. S. Jones. Miss Genie Jones, of Fort Gaines, is visiting friends here. She is at pres¬ ent the guest of Miss Nooea Had ford. Mrs. W. H. Mann, who lias been visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. (). Heard, near Mt. Zion, has returned home. Mr. T. J. Killebre.w, of Newton, Ala., came over last Thursday. He, with his wife, returned to Newton the day. Mrs. Nancy Killingsworth returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. VV. Smith Wednesday. Mr. J. W. Smith brought her home. An ice cream party, given to the lit¬ tle lolks by Mrs. N. E. Blocker last Thursday night at her residence, was finite a pleasant affair. The little folks enjoyed the ice cream and cake very much. Mr. and Mrs. IV. A. Brown, of Co¬ lumbia, Ala., were here Monday, I lit' guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Jones. Mr. Brown returned to Columbia the next day, but Mrs. Brown is to re¬ main for a week, or perhaps longer. Mr. Charlie Killingsworth, who has been sick for some time, died Monday afternoon at the home of his fallu r-iu law, Mr. M. A. Cooper. He had been married only a few months, and the bereaved family have our sincere and heartfelt sympathy. Tuixy. Nows from <tuuitlulmiiiii’» Hill. Oh, how we’d like to see a girl V Entirely itlioiu made hy nature; We a single hot iron curl. could Jove such a ore-uture. Oh, how we’d like to see pink cheeks That water will not fade; But they, we think, aie very scarce, Or, they stay hack in the shadu. It has been since the firsi generation — And ages wilt doeru itllie truth - That wo sail mid the bright blooming flowers Down the beautiful river of youth. That ‘vc sail on mid joys and mid pious* ures, With blue sunlit skies above, Steering wide of the dangerous breakers 'I hat loom up in the sea of love. That we sail mid the gray Merging billows On the ocean that age lias blessed. That we land at last in ,he evening ()„ tJlo beautiful Island of Dentil, - Hcv. W. D. Hammock is conducting the protracted meeting at Mt. Gillead this woek. There have been no cim Vl 1 sons j .0 . M. M. is sorry to say that she may have t,o hid Georgia adieu in the very near future, her falhcr’sillheaUhbe ing the cause. The Bible says there is a time for all things, and . since . picnics ... have , had , their day, the time tor protracted meetings has come in with a vim. ,,, don t iutve , niueh to write . about up here since Echo has included most of our territory in her capacious fold, gates*are open to us, but we are too stubborn to walk in. Cross-billed chickens are no rarity. We owned one with a bill like a corn¬ pass, and we guess that person used it as such to find his way out of that corn field, as it has been missed for some lime. One of tfie ten coininandments is “Remember UcfeSabbath day to keep it hoUj.” But what could that young lam^o ljst Sunday when the cows played ofit^^d in the corn field, except run them build a brush fence to keep them out^Rhcn there was no e else to do it.^l M. M. Citation. /-*4 • 1 1 . •V' j? \ • GEORGIA, Clay County., X % Charles J. Ashley has applied for ex* emption of personalty aqd setting apart and valuation of homesbflld, and I will pass upon the same at 10 <Mjlock a. in., on Friday, the 2nd day of August, 1895, at iny office. This July 12, 1895. li. T. FOOTE, Ordinary. \AAW AAV A LI. Till'. t’KOI'LK lll'.Al) IT. r Business $en: THIS PAPER CIRCULATES IN THE HOMES OF PEO¬ PLE Bl\ r JNG THE KIND OF GOODS YOU MAY A A YE TO SEEL. MORAL: ® INVITE THEM TO YOUR STORE. ^4: Tilt; ONLY I’Al’KH IMMNTKD IN ( LAY COUNTY. /vVAV IffillNHARl) ;& NEITRKT. Fruit oil (I Yvijetuhtr COMMISSION MERCHANTS ,V jII'otalodA, Froiifitt attention given assignments and quick We letII solicit 1 'IIH 11 sliareof your business. Writ for stein'll. Fonulatiou 75,000. Outside torritorv we siqqily 75,000. KVANSVII.Li:, • - • INDIANA. RAILROAD SCHEDUkK Fort Games Extension -OK Till: < CENTRAL Of (iLORCI V. H. M. COMER and R. S. HAYES Rdtfcivcrs. Arrive Leave Flirt: ColeiuaKv...... Gainei/jflt.... . .....10:30 ... 9:50 a m at ii m Arrive ut (bithlfttft...... .....11:15 a in Arrive at MttceHl......... ..... -LlO (/ iu la.'iiv*' Alaeon -x....... ..... 7:05 a m Arrive at b'ut.hTTeit........ Arrive at Coleman... Arrive at Foilf Gain's ......... 5:50 n m % A GRAHAM bocal Agt. W/jn DAWSON, Pssscnget Agt Mxcen Ua w ,,, B j,jj LL maN. Trafti.-. IW. Manager. Agent. J. C. JIAlbPh Genera! ngor j J IS otice. GEORGIA. Clay Comity. | Whereas, application certain petitioners the court of have made j their to comrms sionersof roads and revenue praying an order granting tli change of road run¬ ning from/Harrison’s X Roads to Edison so as to let it contiune on land line be¬ tween VV. R. and W. H. Harrison ami Mrs Mary Kambo and W. B. Hattawuv and intersect the Cuthbert and Llakelv road at or near the colored folk’s church instead of running through the lands of Now W. R. and W. cite H. Harrison^) and admonish all this is to persons that on and alter Monday, Aug list 5, 1895, said change will l>e granted if no good cause is shown to the contra ry- liavo Also, whereas, certain petitioners niadtf this day application to this same court praying for an older granting the making public a road of that road begin¬ Pip¬ ning at southwest corner of J. VV. kin’s field or pear orchard and running due north to a negro bouse, and thence flue west to tlio incorporate limits of ^ orfc Gaines, Ga. all Now, this is to cite and admonish persons that on and after Monday, Aug ust 5, 1895, said order will be granted if no good cause is shown to the contrary, Giveu under my baud and seal this 1st day of July, 1895. W. BUTLIYE, J. Clerk Com. Court li. and B. Clay Co.Ga.