The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, July 19, 1895, Image 4

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A Paternal Recollection. education? Tommy— Paw, what is the board of Mr. Figg—In tho days when I wont to school it wan a pine shingle. Tff* Tiioii«nti«l .llllrN or Tliirfr* It matter' not which, may Mibjcrt you to sea AirluichH on the ‘ briny «h*ep. M Whether you •lay are a yacht-man, an ocean traveler, out. for a or two's fl-tung on the wait water, oroveu «n Inland tourist In feeble health, you outfit to be provided with Hostottor'a Stomach Hitters, a valuable remedy for nausea, colic., rheumatism, <>ffloti*ness, acidity of the stomach, malaria, I^ay nervou^neaa and sick headache. In an adequate supply. A grateful mind 1 m both a ureat and a happy mind. _ Dr. Kl iner’H H w a Me- Hoot car** all Pamphlet Kidney and Bladder troubles. and (.'onunltatlon fri-e. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. He enjoys much who in thunkful for llt tie. Mr*. I*. C. Ailn mu. Thousand* of women, especially in the spring of the year, are nervous, tired, have headache, sick stomach, fainting spells, diz¬ ziness, scanty or profuse menses, weak back, constipation; their sides, shoulders and limbs ache constantly In fact, they sulfur Irom general debility of the wholo system. The su¬ perior tonic qualities of MoKlree’s Wlno of Cardul make it the lending remedy for this elms of troubles. Mrs. I*. C. Adams, Ohnttoogavllle, Ga., writes: “Two years ago I was taken sick with indigestion, lain tint; spells, constipation, ing of tho womb, and various other symptoms, and kept grttlng worse arid worse. After taking four bottler of McKlree’s WlneofCar dul In connection with Thodford’s Back Draught tea 1 ain ebln to do any kind of work that a woman can do.” I). L. Coker, Cslvlna, Fla.,says: “McElree’s Wine of Cardul has brought rosy cheeks hack to one of my cousins alter she was given npto die by two of the host physicians. And IMiike Money At It. If you only knew It, the troutile Is with your digestion. better, If that was good you would sleep wake better, work better, and make more money at it. How can one "get on" when the whole system is sluggish? But peo¬ of ple don't Hlpans realize Tubules what in the trouble. A box makes life worth living. At druggists It is N« Knsv to Hrmove Corns With Hlndercorns.we wonder so ninny endure them. Get it and see bow n.cely it takes them off. Conductor K. I). Loomis, Detroit, Midi., aaia: "The effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is wonderful.” Write him about it. Sold by Druggists, 75c. rifio’B Cure cured mo of a Threat mid Iain? trouble of three years’ standing.' K. Cady, !iuntlugtou, Ind.. Nov. 12. 1X1*4. Is Your Blood Pure If not, It Is important that you mako It pure at once with the groat blood purifier, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Because with impuro blood you nro in con¬ stant danger of serious illness. Hood’s Pills cure tion. habitual 1 ’rlce 2 jc. constipa¬ per box, ★ HIGHEST AWARD* WORLD’S FAIR. ★ The BEST ★ PREPARED SOLD EVERYWHERE. 1t JOHN CAREE & SONS, New York. * THE OGLETHORPE Brunswick, Ca. Tills is tlie finest Hotel iu its appointments south of Baltimore. The table is supplied with all the delicacies the market cun afford. The OuDlne is excellent, and service prompt stud attentive. Open nil the year. Rates rea¬ sonable. J- H. STILWELL, Manager. GOOD POSITIONS SKUURF.D BY STUDENTS Business Firms Supplied with Help Richmond's Commercial College, pstiibllnlicil 1KK4. Send for Catalogue. SAVANNAH. GA, 0 TO AVOID THIS TTSEI 0 N TETTERINE S The OMLT p»lnles» »nd hsrmless C "r I cunt for the worst true of Kcisms, R • Tetter, Ringworm, tho tsoe, ugly ousted rough patch- scalp. a m on T Ground itch, nhsfei, chsps, pim¬ ples Colson from ivy or poison oak. C-3 In short a LI. Items. Send Wo. in • H ■ Stamps or cssh to J. T. iShoptnne, * Savannah, Ga.. toroue box. >f jour • druggist don't keep it. HOTEL CUMBERLAND Cumberland Island, Ca. Finest sea heaoh in tho South. Fishing unexcelled mn the continent. Street cars free to the beach. Naphtha launch and fleet of row-boats. Splendid IIrerj appointments. Ample accommodation* for 50 unosts Grand ore host ro! Music tnouunt and eveu in*. Popular rates. LKK T. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Tnlane University of Louisiana. Its advantage- for practical instruction, hospital both in ample laboratories and abundant materials ( are unequaled. Free access is given to t he great ! Charity ll.iepitti! with 700 beds and 30,00.) patient- an¬ nually. Special instruction is given daily sTTltK lisn Btt>K orTHK s;ck. The next -cssion begi n October 17th. ltta&. For caialogu* and information address Prof. S. K. CHA1LLK, M. D., Dean. t5r*l\ O. Drawer 261. NEW ORLEANS, LA. 25 Cris“ PISO'S CURE FOR "CURES Vf'HtHE ALL ELSE TAILS- .. Vac Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. la time. Sold by druggists. 5'2 51015.- Ribbon is growing h more and more . : porm ar. i Tho Bishop of London has joined I, tho ranks of the women suffragists. Transparencies of lace aro lot into many of the skirts with very good effect. Onr modern housemaid insists upon a largo bow instead of a cap on her head. Philadelphia hotels have abandoned tho rule against the entertainment of women unaocompaniod. Twenty-ono neighboring farm houses in North Paris, Me., have sent out twenty-four schoolmarms. The Princess of Wales adorns her boudoir with curious patterns oi skates of all countries and ages. It isn’t called “women’s rights” or “women’s suffrage” any more. It ‘•‘equal rights” in the new parlance. Many women wear the hair combed down over tho earn and waved out at tho side like tho old style of forty years ago. There are said to be over 1000 women in Now York w ho, in one way or an¬ other, make their living by their pens. Louis Imogen Gurney, the New England postmistress-poet, has start¬ ed on a walking trip through Eng¬ land. The first woman to apply for and get a place ou a police force was Miss Edith Walker of Bogota, Colombia, in 1894. It is said that the ex-Queen Isabella of Spain is tho godmother of more children than any other woman iu the world. The first papor devoted to woman suffrage over published was the Una, edited by Mrs. Paulina Davis, of Prov¬ idence, R. I. Dona Manuella Palido, tho first and only woman lawyor in Spain, opened an office in the Spanish capital in February, 1894, A woman drummer, representing a Boston (Mass.) wholesale drug house, has invaded Kentucky, and is taking in tho larger towns. Tho first European women to marry a native of Burmah was Miss Mabel Cosgrove, who married Chan-Toon, of Rangoon, iu January, 1894. Tho Misses Brice, daughters of Sen¬ ator Brice, of Ohio, will make a bicyclo and kodak tour of the rural districts of Franco during tho summer. Pompadour silks and those with chiuo grounds iu soft colors of blue, beigo or fawn color are much used for rich, dressy blouse waists. Vienna has a society—the Gisela Verein—which raises funds for young girls to enable them to marry. Last year sixty-six were provided for. Over 40,000 women are attending colleges iu America, yet it is only twenty-five years since the first col¬ lege iu tho laud was opened to women. The Princess Maud of Wales is a bicyclist, but does not rush into bloomers. She wears a neat and mod¬ est costume, with a riding-habit skirt. Many of the new imported model trimmed hats are a veritable “dream.” Such lovely dowers can only be an im¬ itation of those growing in Paradise. Cherry wood handles are the fashion in some of the newest umbrellas. There is not as much real or imitation silver used in ornameution as hereto¬ fore. Skirts in Taris have more godets than ever, and they are very much wider than skirts worn over here. Everything is trimmed with “clioux” and flowers. Fashionable women in London are wearing wide ribbon around the neck to hang down on either side nearly to the edge of the skirt. It has the ef¬ fect of a priest’s stole. Miss Lily Marshal, an English girl, is tho inventor of the fine iridescent effects iu brass work which have at¬ tracted so much attention. She has a studio in New York City. The death of Mrs. Henry C. Lewis, of Cold water, Mich., leaves the art collection possessed by her late hus¬ band, valued at $300,009, at the dis¬ posal of the University of Michigan. Beatrice Harraden, author of “Ships That Pass iu the Night,” has a slight, girlish figure, short, curly hair and big, brown, “astonished” eyes, to¬ gether with a sweet voice and gentle manners. Dr. Helen Webster, of Wellesley College, is the only woman who has ever earned the title of doctor of philosophy. She went to Germany and literally won the honor by hard, unremitting labor. Miss Ada L. Woolfolk, of tho Uni¬ versity Settlement, at 95 Riviugton street, was appointed a School Inspec¬ tor for the Second School District, New York City. Miss Woolfolk has been identified with the college set¬ tlement work for several years. She graduated from Wellesley Col lege iu 1891, and is consequently a young woman. She takes an active interest in school work. Intoxication From Tea. Although Cowper speaks of “tho cups that cheer, bat not inebriate,” there is evidence of the intoxicating power of tea. In China tea is rarely used till it is a year old because of the Peculiar intoxicating property which new tea ponses. Throe or four grains of theine aro contained in less than half an ounce D f good tea and may b8 taken in a day by most full grown persons without unpleasant effects, bat if tw ice this quantity, or eight grains, a day bo taken the pulse be¬ comes more frequent, the heart beats more strongly and trembling comes on. At tho same time the agitation is excited, and after awhile the thoughts wander, visions begin to be seen, and a peculiar state of intoxication comes on. All these symptoms are followed by and pass off in a deep sleep. Whether the tannin in tea contrib¬ utes in any degree to its exhilarating or narcotic action is not known. That it does aid in the exhilarating effect which tea produces is rendered very probable by the fact that a species of tHiinin is tho principle ingredient in the Indian betel nnt, which is so much jirized in the east and which is said to produce a mild and agreeable intoxi¬ cation. Mato or Paraguay tea, pre¬ pared from the leaves of the Brazilian holly in the state in which it is com¬ monly used for a stimulating beverage, also intoxicates .—Baltimore Ameri can. Kissing Mother. A father talking to his careless daughter said: “I want to speak to you of your mother. It may be that you noticed a care-worn look upon her face. Of course it has not been brought there by any act of yours, still it is your duty to chase it away. I want you to get up tomorrow morn¬ ing and get breakfast. When your mother comes and begins to express her surprise, go right up to her and kiss her on the mouth. You can’t im¬ agine how it will brighten her dear face. “Besides, you owe her a kiss or two. Away back, when you were a little girl, she kissed you when no oise else was tempted by your fever tainted breath and swollen face. You were not as at¬ tractive then as you are now. Through years of childish sunshine and shadows she was always ready to cure, by the magic of a mother’s kiss, the little, dirty, chubby hadds whenever they were injured in those first skirmishes with the rough old world.” A Revised Version. Doctor—I would advise you, dear madam, to take frequent baths, plenty of fresh air and dress in cool gowns. Husband (an hour later)—What did the doctor say? Wife—Ho said I ought to go to a watering place, and afterwards to the mountains, and to get some new light gowns at once .—Fliegende Blatter. Always Cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bad Breath, Debility, Sour Stomach, Want of Appetite, Distress After Ealing, and all evils arising from a weak or disordered stomach. It builds up from the first dose, and a bottle or two will cure the worst cases, and insure a good appe¬ tite, excellent digestion and result in vigor¬ ous health and buoyancy of spirits- There is no better way to insure good stomach health and light. a long life than to Remedy keep the is guaranteed Tyner’s Dyspepsia Tranquilizing After-Dinner to do this. The Manufactured Drink. For sale Atlanta. by Druggists. by C. O. Tyner, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, allays softens pain, theuums, reduce* inflamma¬ tion, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle There is Pleasure au«! Profit ■ nd satisfaction in abating troublesome and - ainlul ills by using Parker’s Ginger Tooic. CykUPfDGs r /0 V; * , - V T tv s a a*. ONB ENJOY® Both the method and results when Syrup and refreshing of Figs is taken; it i3 and pleasant to the taste, acts gently Liver and yet promptly Bowels, cn the Kidneys, cleanses the sys¬ tem effectually, fevers dispels colds, head¬ aches and and cures habitual only constipation. remedy of Syrup its kind of Figs is the ever pro¬ duce!., pleasing to the taste aud ac¬ its ceptable action to and the truly stomach, beneficial prompt its in in healthy effects, prepared only from the most and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Lo not accept any substitute. CALIF0RNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N V. * j Bakin# .* . m m i oi ^ ‘ l ? f Absolutely pure Hints for Young Housewives. Shirts should be turned inside out to dry, so that no dust or specks may drift against them and stick while the starch is wet. Flannel must be washed in tepid suds—merely squeezed through the hand, never rubbed on a board—and then rinsed in clear, warm water, whipped out and left to dry. The art of making clothes look clear and transparent is to rinse all the soap out of them. One way to keep them from looking streaky with blue is to whip them out smartly before pinning on the line. Stockings should never soak, but be washed out at once. Colored muslins and ginghams are best washed without soap in warm water, to which has been added two quarts of wheat bran previously boiled half an hour iu six quarts of water. ft You can carry the little vial of Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pel¬ lets right in the vest pocket of your dress suit, and it will not make even a little lump. The “Pellets” are so small that 42 to 144 of them go in a vial I scarcely more than an ■v ’inch long, and as big round as a lead pencil. tion. Theyci/rr constipa¬ II v “Pellet” is One a laxative ; two a mild cathartic. One taken after dinner will stim¬ ulate digestive action and palliate the effects of over-eating. with They act gentle effi¬ ciency on stomach, liver and bowels. They don’t do the work themselves. They simply stimulate the natural action of the organs them¬ selves. Treated free. Positively CCRED ■with Vegetable Remedies. ^Have cured many thou sand cases pro¬ nounced hopeless. days least From tu-o-thirds first dose of symptoms all rapidly disappear, removed. and in ten at symptoms are BOOK of testimonials of miraculous cures sent PRISE* TEH 9 AY 8 TBEATMEHT (FURNISHED FREE by mail as. U. U. KibOHb, byeciaUbts, Atlanta, Ca. V £ U with Pearline. Twould be absurd. It M isn’t necessary. Pearline contains every rwu m thing of a soapy nature that’s needed or that’s . I good to go with it. And Pearline is so much better than soap that it has the work all done r— 1 before the soap begins to take any part. You’re simply throwing away money. It’s a _ I ‘ J J clear waste of soap—and soap may be good for 7 | I )( ( something, though i‘t isn’t much use in wash ing and cleaning, when Pearline’s around, m ZS SELL ON SIGHT! <S ► 4 ► Lovell Diamond Cycles. * 4 HIGH GRADE IN EVERY PARTICULAR! > LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, LIGHTEST WEIGHTS! 4 & to show HAVE the YOUR work and MECHANICAL material to men FRIEND who know examing what these good machines, work is. as we desire i > wheel We made stake in our the business world than reputation the L*veil of over Diamond. fifty years that there is no better 4 4 > 4 > 4 > W/J msm A m < ► m* 4 4 5 s 4 ► Warranted iu every respect. All prices, sizes and weights. Call and them. 4 see 4 Catalogue free. If there is no agent in your place write us. Manufacturers and Jobbers in 4 > ARflS, BICYCLES AND SPORTING GOODS. 4 > JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., 4 ft 147 13L Broad Washington St. St., BOSTON, Mass. 4 A A A A AO jfil jfig. jftt iftl A jFXa a i k XLY 1 A r < jr rfcr ^ Fertilizers for Fall Crops 5 should contain a high percentage of Potash to n insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment & of the soil. & Write for our ‘‘Farmers' Guide,” a 142-page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. In Business for Himself. “What’re ye up to?” asked a crook as his pal lifted a handful of coin out of the money drawer. “S-h-h! Don’t say a word. It’s a free silver move of me own.”— TFas/i ington Star. The Trust After No-To-Bac. that Chicago largo Special.—Reported here to-day a sum of money had been offered for tho famous tobacco habit cure called No To-Bac, by a syndicate who want to take it off the market. Inquiry at the general offices revealed the fact that No-To-Bac was not for sale to the trust at any price. No To-Bac’s success is marvelous. Almost every Druggist in America sells No-To-Bac under guarantee to cure tobacco habit or refund money. _ OSBORNE'S i udinedd Hfc&weae' AND School of Sliortliand No books used. AUGUSTA. GA. day of text Actual business from entering, Business piiners. college curr *ncy and goods u--ed. Send for handsomely illustrated cata¬ logue. Board cheap. R. R. tare paid to Augusta. GREAT OPPORTUNITIES Are not all gone- To see the wonderful Atlanta Ex¬ position this fall is one of the great tilings of a lifetime Tho civilized world will be there- We have arranged to take 100 of our Georgia salesmen there, at our own ex¬ pense, during the months r.f Sentemb r, October and November. seller Our and book, ' TRUMPET BLAS the I V market- is the greatest most attractive book on E. B- Smith, Jr-, JasnerCo-, Ga-, reports 42 orders in seven days. F- J- Fowler, Pik^C.),, Ga., leports bor¬ ders in six days. Send for tu 1 information, SOUTH WKSTKHN I'UBMtftllNU HOUSE* No. 20S North College *t., Nashville, Tenn. HOTEL TYBEE TYBEE ISLAND, GA. Tbi* Hotel is noted for its excellent service and splendid cu sine, the table being supp ied with all the delicacies the market affords. An abundant supply of gaged fish, crabs, for shrimp, Specially etc. Leon’s fine orchestra this en¬ season. low rates season. Write for terms. Special inducements to parties of ten or more- If O HAN »fc COIVAN. COLLEGE, Biohmond, Va. r —-- ** r* «*••• p-* h* PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Youthful Restore Color. Gray Hail to its V- Cures 50c, scalp and diseases $1.00 3c Druggists hair falling. '± at A. N. U...... ........Twenty-nine, ’95..