The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, August 09, 1895, Image 4

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Household Hint*. Strong ftlnm water is efficacious as % vermin deatroyer. Add a teaspoonfn! of powdered bo¬ rax to tho bath, an it will soften the water and prove very invigorating. In boiling rice, peas or macaroni, pave the water in which they were boiled for use in soups. In making hard pudding sauce add RUgar gradually to butter, aud it will cream more quickly. Poultry that is scalded will not keop as long ay will poultry that has been dry-picked. Thread a needle from tho end of the thread last cut from the spool. Stuff a rag saturated with cayenne pepper in rat holes. Buy new rubber rings for fruit jars. Don’t use the old ones if you want your eftuned fruit to keep. Ity a New Woman. Hush tho wind when It Is blowing, Stop tho river that Is flowing, By entreaties niter fate; Turn a man when obstinate. P. 8.—This does not apply to wo men. Women aro never obstinate, They are simply firm in their convic tions and determined in maintaining their principles.— .Judge. Deeds lletler Than Hills. Grandma—My dears, I should like to reward you for all your kindness, but you must take the will for the deed. Mazie—Well, if it’s all the same to you, grandma, we prefer the deed. Wills aro so easily broken nowadays, you know.— Exchange. Laugh mill Grow Knt! You shall <l<> both, even If you are a slab allied, pallid, woe-begono dyspeptic, If you reinforce dijrc-tIon, Insure the conversion of food Into rich ami nourt-hing blood, and re¬ cover of the>* and sleep by the health, systematic strength use and great renovator of which also flesh, Ho.-teUi-r’s Stomach Hitters, remedies inn arlnl, kidney and rheu¬ matic trouble, nervousness, constipation and biliousness. All sensuality is one, though it takes many forms; all purity is one. I’nre ami Wholenoinr Quality Commends to public Rpprovul tho California liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. It is pleasant to tho tuste and by noting gently on the kidney, liver and bowels to dean«etlie sys¬ tem effectually, it promotes the health and comfort of all who use it, and with millions it Is the best and only remedy. Disease gi ncrally begins tlio equality which deal h completes. Ur. Kl tner’s S w a m p - Hoot cures all Pamphlet Kidney and Bladder troubles. and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. We quit the count ry unwillingly because wo mint pari from ourselves. Siiiircmc 4'oiirt llrcl.ionx. Rtnco •’has. O. T>ni>rl> itan the manufacture of have Tyner's IHapep in Item dy, Chief many people llleck inquire! as to its efficacy. Justice tion and lev, of Georgia, lias tried it for indiges¬ cision: dyspepsia, unit gives this as his de¬ "Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga , March 14, 1894—Clms. O. Ty¬ ner, (in.: I have u-etl, and am now lifting, mental Tyner's l)y>d p ia Remedy. It is a a* well a, a physical elixir. With its aid and a pair of spectacle* 1 i nn frequently nee the law in spite ot unsuitable or too much diet. "I.Otj an K. Hi.xeKiJcr." Tills is a splendid deciti'-n and people are protiting by it. On You Know Iin Cause. Indigestion: 0«> you know when you have it? Do you know its cause and cure? Ask your druggist for liipans Tubules. Cine gives relief. Skinny Sufferers Saved. Tobocco users as a rule are aways below normal weight because tobacco destroys di¬ gestion and causes nerve irritation that saps brain power and vitality. You can get a quick, guaranteed relief by the use of No *J\> Bac, and thou il you don't like your free¬ dom learn and Improved tho ol tobacco physical condition you can use over again, just like the first time. No-To-Bae sold under guarantee to cure by Druggists everywhere. Book free. Ad. Sterling ltemody Co., New York City or Chicago. Notice. I want everv man and.woman in tho United State* intcre-ted In the Opium and Whi«ky habits to lmvc my book on these disens-s. Address will U. M. Woolley. Atlanta, Ga., Box381, and oue be sent you free. The More One Uses I’m kcr’s Ginger Tnntc the more its virtues arc revealed ia dispelling coklj, indigestion, pain and every weakness. I am entirely cured of hemorrhage of lungs Vy 1 ’iso’s (.''ire for Consumption.— Louisa l.i si) a wan, Bethany, Mo., Jan. 8 , - 94. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup forehildren teething, softens theeums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. ‘-’5o. a bottle YVifo used " Moth Kits' FiUKsn" before first child wosquiekly relieved: suffered but little; recovery rapid. E. E, Johnston, Eufuula, Ala. If afflicted with sore eyes use Ur. Isaac Thomp¬ son's Eye-water. Urugudsts sol l nt 2.5c per bottle. Kev. H. 1'. Carson, S otland, Dak., says: “Two bott lesor Hall's Catarrh Cure Druggists, complete T5c y cured my little air Sold by I Can’t Sleep la tho complaint of many at this season. Tho reason is found in tho fact that tho nerves aro weak and the body in a fever¬ ish and unhealthy condition. Tho nerves may bo feeds restored by Hood's blood, Sarsaparilla, and this which them ujnm pure medicine will also create nn appetite and tone up the system, aud thus give sweet refreshing sleep aud vigorous health. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye today. #1; six for Hood's Piiis act Hood's harmoniously Sarsaparilla. with 35c. ~4 ‘— '..,1 2.3 (3W; O-S CimE FOR CutvcS Wt.iRE All ELSE FAILS. Best Cough t») rup. Tastes Good. Use tn time. Sold by CONSUMPTION T2»5:58TSC Mrs. Langtry’s jewels are valued by experts at over $850,000. I Portugal has 1,080,000 women moro than seventeen years old. Holland, though small in size, has 1,070,000 women, young and old. Thero is a flourishing Young Wo¬ men's Christian Association in Calcut¬ ta, India. All over Washington Stato tho ladies aro organizing co-oporativo . home industrial associations, “Ouida” is small, with a seamed and wr i n kl 0 d face, overhung with gray ringlets, and is affiictod with a dis tiuctly bad temper. Unless a Chinese father happens to lie a sch^lmaster, and at homo with nothing®<> do, ho never thinks of teaching Ins daughter to read. Durham (England) University has been authorized to bestow degrees j upon women. Oxford and Cambridge Universities, however, still refuse, Tho widow of John Brown, of slav¬ ery-day fame, lives in a pretty cabin in the Sierra Azure Mountains, about fifty miles from San Francisco, Cal. Over 40,000 women aro attending colleges in America, yet it has only been twonty-five years since the first college in tho lnud was opened to wo¬ men. The furniture revival next year for the drawing room will be the rosewood and red velvet yer fifty years ago, when thero walW ess style, but more solidity. The glove manufacturer who will make “black kids” of a kind that will not bo kuightod, “rub off (^everything” jHb he will be blessed may not by everybody. Tho first woman admitted to prac¬ tice law before thecourtsof California was Mrs. Clara S. Foltz, who was ad¬ mitted to the bar of that State on Sep¬ tember 5, 1878. Tho first woman to net tho part of a woman character on the stage was Margaret Swartz, who made her first appearance in London on tho night of November 9, 1056. A few courageous women have ap¬ peared carrying caue.s on the promen ndo. Of course, it is generally under¬ stood that these articles aro more orna¬ mental than useful. The first woman elected Mayor of nu American city was Mrs. Susanna Madura Salter (noe Kinsey), of An gonia, Kan. Mrs. Salter was elected in tho spring of 1887. Dickerson County, Virginia, has a woman mail carrier. She is a widow, sixty years old, and covers her route regularly and punctually in all weath¬ ers, rendering the best of service. Mrs. Frances Klook introduced a bill in tho Colorado Legislature pro¬ viding for au industrial school for girls, and the general feeling seems to be that she has struck in good time. Mrs. Langtry deolares herself so much pleased with the United States that she has determined to put her daughter Jeanne, who is now thirteen years old, at school in Now York City. It is now reported that since the presentation of a copy of the New Testament to tho Dowager Empress of China, a Christian Chiuese woman has been called to the royal palace to fill tho position of nnrse. Ex-Empress Eugenie, who is now in Paris aud is showing herself more than at any time since the death of the Prince Imperial, was present at the dinner given by Princess Mathilda on her seventy-fifth birthday. Women have worn corsets from the earliest times. The mummy of the Egyptian Princess, who lived 2000 years B. C., was discovered in 1872, and aroiind tho waist was a contrivance closely lesembling the modern corset. The quiet Swedes, who make capa¬ ble servants, are now in such numbers in Boston that an attempt is being made to raise funds to finish the struc¬ ture, partly completed, designed fer a Methodist Episcopal Swedes’ Church. Miss Maria M. Love, of the Buffalo (N. Y.) W. C. T. U., told the local conference of charities aud correc¬ tions, a few days ago, that if girls would learu to coook, sew and keep house tidily, there would be much less driuking by men. Tacoma, Wash., claims the only wo¬ man custom house broker on the Northern Pacific coast. She is Miss Florence B. Moffatt, daughter* of a steamboat captain, and is said to be actively interested in shipping inter¬ ests, aud to know more on the matters of transportation and commerce than many men in the business. Miss Fanny Elkins is a New York artist in a special line of work who re¬ ceived an exposition medal and di¬ ploma awarded for “accuracy, detail aud beauty.” She devotes her atten¬ tion to making drawings for physi¬ cians and surgeons. These drawings she renders from dissections, photo¬ graphs, sketches or books. She has recommendations from leading physi¬ cians in New York, and probably ia the only woman who has made a dis¬ tinct success in this work. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report ASMLUTEKY pure ODDS AND ENDS. A Reading, Pa., woman bled to death after having sixteen teeth ex¬ tracted. Three townships in Muskegon coun¬ ty, Mich., have more than 1,000 acrea set to peppermint. Holbein’s picture of the Barber Surgeon’s guild, in London, is offered for sale for $75,000. The jaw-bone and a ten-pound tooth of a mastodon have been found in Cy¬ press township, Harrison county, Mo. A Connecticut church thus adver¬ tises: “A cool church physically, a warm church spiritually. Good seats for timely arrivals and glorious times to all.” Mrs. Adam Hahn, of North Lima, O., and her daughters, Mrs. Henry Getz, of Wasliingtonville, and Mrs. Simon Frankford, of North Lima, all died within 24 hours. A Paducah, Ky., man has a tree in his residence yard which bears fruit Shat is a cross between a peach and a plum. Tho fruit is luscious and at¬ tractive, and is larger than an ordina¬ ry-sized peach. The Presbyterian minister at Tar kio, Mo., raised 151 quarts of straw¬ berries this spiring from a patch of ground twenty feet square, At 10 cents a quart an acre equally produc¬ tive would yield $1,500. An insane woman was brought to Seattle, Wash., from a ranch in the interior of the state recently, and sent to an asylum. The supposed cause of her insanity suggested by the doctors was “the Bolitude of ranch life.” The Krupp steel 139-tou gun has a range of fifteen miles, and can fire two shots a minute. The shot weighs 2, GOO pounds, aud 701 pounds of pow¬ der are required for a charge. The cost of a single round from this gun is $1,500. When pins were first invented they were considered so great a luxury as not to be fit for common use, and ibe maker was not allowed to sell them in an-open shop except on two days of the year at tho beginning of January. A French engineer has conceived the interesting idea of reproducing the house in which Napoleon lived at St. Helena as an attraction during the ex¬ hibition of 1900. The house will be an exaot copy of the original, sur¬ rounded by panoramic canvasses, rep¬ resenting the natural surroundings. An Elizabethan brown-stone jug mounted in silver, 1581, was sold at the Chfden sale, in London, for $320 ; a fitted Monteith with lion mask han¬ dles, 1700, 58 ounces, for $623; four chased circular salt cellars, 1741, 40 ounces, for $500; a fiat two-handled basin and cover, 1792, 12 ounces, for $300; a Queen Anno salver, 1711, 276 ounces, for $1,813. Speed of Electricity. The speed of electricity under the most favorable conditions is now es¬ tablished to be 180,000 miles a second. What this enormous speed implies is somewhat dimly suggested by au illus¬ tration recently used by the eminent scientist, Sir Robert Bell. Suppose that a row of telegraph posts 25,000 miles long were erected around the earth at tho equator. Suppose that a wire were stretched upoD these posts for this circuit of 25,000 miles, and that then another complete circuit was taken by the same wire around the same posts, and then another, and yet another. In fact, let the wire be wound no fewer than seven times com¬ pletely about this great globe. We should then find that an electric sig¬ nal sent into the wire at one end would accomplish the circuit in one second of time. The burglar turned with a sneer of malignant triumph. “If you shoot me,” he said, “you’ll wake the baby.” There was nothing to do but to per¬ mit him to load all the silver into a sack and carry it away, leaving the front door open behind him.— Detroit Tribune. Walking Would Often bp n l’lensnre were it not for corns. These pasts arc removed with Hindereorn*. 15c. at druggist). Fertilizers for Fall Crops should contain a high percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil. Write for our "Farmers’ Guide," a Ti 2 -page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information tor farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. Don’t Carry Out tho Effect. “Very few women are altogether consistent in their tailor rigs,” re¬ marked a masculine critic. They are very apt to commit some little solecism in their dress that quite spoils the general effect. “I saw a funny sight today that was a case in point. A pretty girl rode past me on a very handsome horse; she wore a skirt and shirt, and looked very nice, I thought, until her horse broke into a canter. “Then suddenly np rose two ex¬ crescences on either side of her, which bobbed about in the most ridiculous manner. They were the big leg-o’ mutton sleeves of her shirt—very pret¬ ty and becoming in their place, but utterly absurd for riding. The effect as she galloped off ahead of me was indescribably funny. ”— Philadelphia Press. GREAT BOOK FREE. When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., published the first edition Medical of his work, The People’s Common Sense copies Adviser, he announced that after 680,000 had been sold at the regular price, $ 1.50 per copy, the profit on which would repay him for the great amount of labor ar.d money expended tribute in producing million it, he would this dis¬ the next half free. As number of copies has already been sold, he is now distributing, absolutely free , 500,000 copies interest- of this * I --y. COUPOJJ ing most and com plete, val uable ical work common *- | No. 1J3 !; published— sense med ever the recipient only being address, required this to little mail to him, at the above COUPON with twenty-one (21) cents in one cent stamps to pay for postage and pack¬ ing only, and the book will be sent by mail. It is a veritable medical library, complete in one volume. It contains over 1000 pages and more than 500 illustrations. The Free Edition is precisely the same as those sold at $1.50 except only that the books are bound in strong manilla paper covers in¬ stead of cloth. Send now before all are given away. They are going off rapidly. The Greatest fledical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S Medical Discover/. DONALD KENNEDY, OF RGXBURY, MASS., Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certifi¬ cates of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from tho first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the right quantity is taken. When tho lungs are affeoted it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in ft week after taking it Bead the labaL If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first No ohange of diet ever neoessary. Eat the best you can get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed¬ time. Sold by all Druggists. OSBORNE’S udinedd Hfaaeae AND School of SIxortlia 11 d No text books us*d. AUGUSTA. business GA. from day of Actual entering. Business papers, coiiego curr *poy and goods u-ed. Send for handsomely illustrated cata¬ logue. Board cheap. R. R. fare paid to Augusta. HOTEL TYBEE TYBEE ISLAND, GA. This Hotel is noted for its excellent service and Bp^endidcu delicacies the sine, the table being supplied with all the martcet affords. An abundant supply of fish, gaged ernbs, shrimp, etc. Leon’s fine orchestra en¬ for season. Specially low rates this season. Write for terms. Special inducements to parties of ten or more. HOI1AN A COWAN. J i T MTYR AT, Shorthand, TypewrIS. if PRACTICAL V l^tna^p.^e^eT &‘>tb Engiuh i raphy sexec. COLLEGE, Richmond, Va. **«• ** c™- p»“> PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM *4 Cleanse# and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Pails to Restore Gray Kr Hair to its Youthful Color. Cures scalp diseases & hair fulling. 50c, and $ 1.00 at Druggists A. N. U Thirty-two, ’95. Atlanta I&POSlYJOK ' G^IRE^TOR^GN A List of Reliable Atlanta Bus¬ iness Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can pur¬ chase goods at lowest prices. STILSONI COLLINS JEWELRY CO 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta. Ga. Everything in the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. PHILLIPS & CREW CO. 37 Peachtree Street. STANDARD Pianos and Organs, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. ATLANTA DENTAL COLLEGE Equipment New and Complete. INFIRMARY PRACTICE FULL. ■Session 1805 0 Open. October Sth, 1895. Closes March 24tli, 1899, For further particulars address WM. CRENSHAW, D. I). S., Dean. Grunt Building. .Atlanta, Ga. Efen# CISEMAN BBSS. f IS and 17 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. -ONE PRICE CLOT ."ESIXDES^l. S, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers. mz 10° tfg’SS € *S5I=" SI!' *8 2 ">r 33 iHS-cri f Fine Millinery- BOWMAN BROS., - 78 Whitehall Street. Now in New York City Buying En¬ tirely New Stock. Open Sept. SxidL. D TO AVOID THIS XT SHU s 0 Tire TETTERJPJE painless and harmless. \ only C B T CUBE Tetter, for Ringworm, the the w lace, irst ugly type crusted rough of Kcfcerafc, patch¬ scalp. *T es on Ground itch, chafes^ chaps, pim¬ cn ples. Poison from ivy or poison^ak. In short all itches. Send 50c. in [LI stamps or cash to J. T. Shuptrine, if Savannah. don’t Ga., for one box, yonr druggist keep it. Atlanta. You will find it at Chas. O, Ty.ser’s, AROMATIC EXTRACT BLACKBERRY m AM) , r S m RHUBARB . — FOR— : Dysentery, Flu*, b£ Cholera Jlorbus, LYU Cholera, Diarrhoea . —AND— Mu in in or Complaint* Try It. Price 25c., 50 p„ $i.OO. For Sale by Druguists or write to «T. Stovall Smith., MANUFACTURING PHARMACIST. 102 Whitehall St., Corner Mitchell, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. SULLIVAN & CRICHTON’S /?/> ■ AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. The best and cheapest Business College in America. Time short. Instruction thorough. 4 Penmen. Big demand for graduates. Catalogue free. SULLIVAN & CRICHTON, Kiser Hide., Atlanta, On, GRAND OPENING. THE BioodworthShoeCo. AUGUST 12th. 14 Whitehall Street. SHOES AT LOWEST PRICES. WRITE OH CAI.E. COX 1 COLLEGE '«P5> ■BpfpLs^*, Wsm mt "Up* •■ill SOUTHERN FEMALE COLLEGE, Over fifty rears under the control of one family, and in their full possession forty-five years’, and has been its removed 63rd session from in LaGrange.Ga., opens Manchester (College Park). Atlanta. September 11,1)195. The new brick building, with accommodates electric lights, water-works, steam-heating, 300 boarders. Campus of 23 acres. Library, museum, facult laboratory, Cox telescope. Thirty in r. Mrs. Sallie Stanton and Miss Alice Cox. i Directors of Music. Pupils attend Exposition; Alumn* Dav. Nov.7. European party next summer. ADDRESS C. C. Cox, i Pres., or W. S. Cox, Bus. manager, MANCHESTER, CEORCIA. Jakey Cohen—Papa, I failed in my school examination today. His Father (patting him)—God bless you, mine boy, yon will be a big bust aess man some day.— Exchange,