The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, August 23, 1895, Image 3

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LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME OF OME INTEREST. - What the People l»o mid l.ittle Hits of Kews and tioa* Ni|» tiathered on the W inu. The true boundary of man is modera¬ tion. When once we pass that pale gunrdiaD angel quits his charge of us. - Sjckness in our family has prevented our constant attention to business today and yesterday, which will account the shortcomings in this issue of the Sen¬ tinel. The quarterly statement of the Bank of Fort Gaines appears elsewhere in these columns, and shows that this staunch institution remains in a healthy condition. ff^Fresh Lightbread constantly on hand at T. M. Brown’s. Mr. S. C. Boatright, who was recently made section boas on the Fort Gaines branch road of the section between Coleman and Cuthbert, moving his family to Coleman soon. TT “ Again A - would remind I friends • -j — we onr • that the columns of our paper are our .tort , • tmd., , , uaa . there , n,»oh , reason m our a mtmh.t» to make us i) present of a mir of shoes as there is lit you requesting a tree poll , v of , your business. ^gPFremh Chocolate on top at C. W. Lewis’ Soda fountain. The meeting at the Baptist church was brought to n close last Sunday night, the result being two uccessions to the church and a gracious revival of the church membership. The ordnance of Baptism was administered at the church to the two new converts, Mr. C. Kaufman, who has been man¬ aging tue clothing store of Sternberg A VYallerstein since its establishment, lias rented the Coleman residence across the street from A. W. Holley’s store, and will move his family from Columbus to our town. They will be heartily wel¬ comed as residents of the Fort. The Fort Gaines Oil and Guano Coro pauy has erected a private telephone line from 'he oil mill to the bank, connect iug Vioso.n <fc Culpoper store. This with Judge Graham’s line from I he depot to the post office, gives us two private lines, ami a very small additional outlay ol capital would be required for the entail lishment of a complete system. \V. Lewis has a pair of first class wagon scales which lie will sell at u bargain Parties Contemplating buying will find it to their interest to see him. Mr. L. H. Davis, Calhoun county’s efficient sheriff, was hero a short while (his morning He came to escort Tom and Turner Jongs, colored, hack to Cal¬ houn county. They are charged with stealing corn, and were arrested near Bluffton by Bailiff W. A. Haisten and brought here and lodged in jail. Mr. T. L. Farmer has just opened a new furniture store one door north of his general store. His stock comprises the handsomest and most complete line of furniture of all kinds, carpets, mat¬ tresses. bed springs, etc., ever seen in Fort Gaines, and his prices can’t he beat anywhere in tiiis section. Ho. has con¬ tracted for a column space in the Sen tineij, in which he will tell von all about it nett week. In the meantime call and inspect his stock and see bow clever he and his courteous clerks will treat you. a \ aiuHble town i.ot tor sale. One corner lot on Hancock street. • Improvements. Corn Crib, Liiree Barn and Horse Lot, good Well, three Hv drants, two Tenant Houses, good Gar den divided into four parts. Mrs. T. M. Porter. Quite a number went from here to the Bluffton picnic yesterday, and this, like all other such affairs in Bluffton, was quite an enjoyable occasion. A large crowd was there from the sur¬ rounding country and neighboring towns. The dinner was a most excellent one and sufficient to have fed many more, hut a heavy rain came up about the hour of noon and seriously interfered with the complete enjoyment of that important feature of the occasion, and otherwise marred the pleasures of the day. The base ball game did not take place, because of the rain. Bnt the young people were not to be thus out¬ done and in the afternoon quite a crowd gathriaed at the acadamy and spent the remainder of the day dancing, from which pastime they derived the greatest pleasure. The occasion as a v hole is re ported a succes- in spite of the rain and we very much rr>1 , ,___ regret . that ... we were una'ue to Represent. DRl'.n.nKHS IN 0 KEP ivATKH, They Itearne llnrsea unit a Driver Wlut Wn« in a Tr •«*. Mr.JC. L. Tnrnlin, one of Cnthbort’s liverymen, eame very near losing two I horses, n hack and negro driver in TIog 1 creek (luring the heavy rams. The team had been driven to Fort (lames with some drummers. Returning to Onth bert after the rains they reached Hog creek, west of Coleman, ami found stream considerably swollen. The driver attempted to cross and when the curreut was reached the horses, hack, driver and a jj were swept down the creek. When the horses were about to drown by being tangled m the harness and the driver was about to go up, being wash¬ ed out and swinging to a limb, another team of Mr. Tnrnlin s, returning from Fort Gaines to Cuthbert came upon the scene. Die driver and drummers went to work and i after heroic efforts cut the harness and extracto j the i lorses> The driver was in rt preC arious condition. He was found clinging to a limb and being dashed about by the angry waves. He was praying earnestly and fervidly for help. ' PolM,er ror «*™n.iarle... Ordinary R. T. Foote was called on a ' tew days . to marry colored , couple, , / since a 1 —Squire Irwin . and , Mary _ Brooks—and , , J M ^ oMlllvj ' • adopted the fol lowing , unique ceremony: “By the , an J in m „ ami Hs state of Georgia, . which .... sometimes is called the Empire State of the South; by the fields of cotton that lie spread out in snowy whiteness around us; by the howl of the coon dog, aud the gourd vine, whose clinging tendrils will shade the entrance to vour humble dwelling place, hy the redtmd luscious heart o, the watermelon, whose sweetness fills the heart with joy; 1 by J the heavens and earth, the of these witnesses, . in presence I pronounce you man aud wife.” The I'orlS First Bala. Fort Gaines received her first bale of new cotton last Saturday. It was marketed by Mr. W. C. Belisle and weighed 439 pounds. It was stored at the Farmers’ warehouse and sold to Mr. E. J. Hardin for 8 cent#. Several other bales have been received since then—seven at the Alliance ware¬ house, five at the Farmers’ warehouse one at the River warehouse, and one at the Planters’ warehouse. Quite a number of bales arc expected to-mor¬ row. Besides Messrs. Hardin, Farmer,Dunn and Peterson, other buyers will be in the market, and the Fort is sure to make it interesting for neighboring markets Mulling cotton is worth Gj cents to-day. The effort of any newspaper to build up a towu is practically nullified unless it is backed up by thh business men. A stranger turns from the news columns of a paper to its advertising pages, and tf he fails to find there e business cards of the merchants and nsiuess men he conies to the conclush i that the pub¬ lisher is not appreciated, in which case it is a good place for him to keep clear of. No towu ever grew without the active assistance of the its newspaper. Nor can papers grow and build up their localities without the assistance of the town. Business men should realize this and remember that in giving, support to the newspaper they are not only build ing up their own business, but are help¬ ing to support that which is steadily working for the whole community.— Exchange. Travel is much better over town since n roadway has been cut through the ueods , .. Mrtr8hal1 . Kifmp.worth .. lmvmg , - been furnished with a squad of hands this week, has bail some splendid work done, which was beginning to be badly needed. Tiic town exchequer has been somewhat depleted this year, however, which will account for the apparent negligence in this and other respects. While he is at it we trust the marshal will be authorized to extend the work considerably and have a general cleaning up. The sanitary condition of the town has been long neglected and has beeome such as to seriously endanger the good health of the citizens. All private prem¬ ises, as well us the public streets, should be carefully looked after aud required to be put in good sanitary condition. The Early County News seems to doubt our prediction that Fort Gaines will he the leading cotton market of this section this season, and confident ty boasts of the Clay county cotton that will be marketed in Blakely. Well, now, there’s going to be a badly disappointed editor in Blakely ,,, , , when , the season is wound up. That's all, PERSONAL MENTION. N HO COMES AND WHO GOES AND WHEN AND WHERE. I"lie News of Port ((nine, society ItricfIy Stated—Gathered at III.- Home Fireside. Mi . A. M. Wallerstciu is off on a business trip to Macon Ibis week. —Mr. .1. R. Simpson is off on a busi “J' 88 tl j i JJ t ‘ > Atlftnta ’“ ud W,U **' ROWO ft 8 >j-Mrs. C. Kaufman left a few days since for her home in Columbus to prepare for hor lvmoV al t<> Fort Guinos. — Misses lona Arrington and Willie Payne, two charming young ladies, are the guests of Mrs. N. H. McLendon, — Mrs. A. T. Crawford is enjoying ! the pleasure of a visi: from her father, I Rev. F. H. Wardlaw, of Montgomery. -Mr. T. J. Dunn, of Cuthbert, is in 1 the city aud will spend the haying season in this ! m,uket for the P nr P ose of cotton. —Pat: “Sure. I don t helavd half of ^^/ice Is m’uch, ySniavo'to* betovc p ft jj » _ M rs, W. J. Galloway, of Abbeville, ja visiting i, or parents, ( apt. ami Mrs. W. M. Speight, * and other relatives in n tne rort. v —Mrs. W, J. 11. Crawford, of Bluff i s vi.iti„ B her Mr. »~>, »" s - A. Foster.— Cuthbert Leader. -An indivuloal who calW his first daughter Kate, when Ins promptly wife surprised called ))j m witli another girl, it Duplicate. _Mrs. Dr. P. H. Keaton, of Damns oils, has been the guest of her parents, Cnpt. and Mrs. W. M. Speight, for a week ol mori ‘ —Miss Lula Jenkins, of ( lay county, to Cuthbert Leader. —Miss Corine n Pipkin, . , ■ who , was the gnost of of y[j S8 Alma Keene the past week, has returned to her home in Fort Gaines.—Cuthbert Liberal. —liev. W. M. Howell, the efficient county school commissioner of Clay county, has been in attendance upon the Annual Institute here this week,—Cutli bert Leader. —Mr. C. B. Farmer and Misses Jennie and Maggie Farmer, of Shortervillo, and Mrs. T. M . Espy, of Dothan, came down on Wednesday night’s had been boat from Colum¬ bus, w here they on a short visit. Grabcnheimer: “If iny leetlesohn gifs me his benny I vill gif him den cents to spend.” Little Ikey (eagerly): “All riglnl, ladder! Here is der benny.” Grabcnheimer—“Guot! Here’s der den cents—go uudt pay mo two life-cent seegars. ” I.itvl of Juror* Drawn to servo at the September term, 1895, of Clay Superior Court: J L Burnett D G Ram bo J C Neves F E Grist R D Crozier W T Greene Josiah Lee J L Ward J E Peterson W D li Crawford Win Fuin, Sr. M A Hobbs Sam Sternberg H U Harrison C W Lewis J G H Quattlobauni S E Lewis P H Singleton C P Redding B F Pearce A J Womack Wm SpeigUt T .T Morris L J Day T M Brown J O McLendon A C Sutton J A Belcher. Ben Belcher J C Simpson TRAVEHHE JURY—FIltST WEEK. Esau Hartley Wm McOorkle ,J P Chambers II A McKinnon ,T P Sharpe Joe McCrane It W Williams J W Bone C 0 Dozier G L Collins H J Long W D Lindsey T R Masliburn W R Harrjsou Ewell Hartley A 8 Brown W H Herrington J T J ackson C C Cooper J W West A M Bareli eld B P Jones Will Beauchamp E D Torbcrt E T Reed J B Grirnsley E W Hall J A Hobbs ,T H Dcpahoo B F Grirnsley II E Barefielil 8 C Culbreth W H Jackson W L Beard R B Gentry Dan Runnels. TRAVERSE JURY—SECOND WEEK. W D Bigbio W C McCarty A R Jernigan W J Perkins T N Brooks J A Harris Bela Jenkins J B Adams G W Richardson L A Duke 8 L Boyett W A Morgan M E Peterson J T Jones Richardson Wilson J W Garrett Phil Tinsley H M Greene A L Perkins John Royal M C Jones W L Torbert W E Lindsey B A Torbert Linton Peterson Wm T Bridges G R Hutlive J P Best D H Runnels Geortre Torbert A R Hartley J L Pate j M *V Collins J E Lindsey i (J G Maudeville C J Ashley From all I’arta of the State the Verdict Is the Same. »,nfe« Bowling Green, W Fla., n,«vebe en f™, . cation of liver and kidney troubles, ac compauied with a severe pain across the | hack. I am_ happy to testify that after | using Dr. Simmons Hepatine or Liver I j Clire i am completely relieved of my trouble. * W. R. Lewi. NEW FURNITURE STORE. lllIJS . Ml Ixvlg lo 1C IvLI^LK 1) l?Cl -1 WAT Jul* 171A * For the announcement of some Rare Bargains that will be offered next week at The New Furniture Store. Look Out for Them. j I j T. L. FARMER, PROP 9 44 I” STANDS TOR ICE. I with which Our Refrigerator oo AT ALL TIMES . Our slaughter pen is constantly filled the finest beeves in the country, tlie butchering of which has our personal attention, Vou are sure to get Firat-Glass Meate In every respect when you buy of us. We are determined to lead ill our line of business. Re¬ member tlie place— __ The Masonic Building, MOOfltl 4 BURNETT & f v Fort Gaines Academy Wiil begin its Fall Term SEPTEMBER 2, 1895, another With bright hopes successful arel good year’s prospects work. for most It is our intention that this school shall grow better more effectual atul more sub¬ stantial each year. The object build sought character for and shall lead be to forth preserve the morals, mind. The course of study has been thoroughly renovated, and we believe, as it is now pre¬ sented that it covers the grounds mostly desired the for good enable practical pupils education, and first at same time a to enter grade TUITION colleges REASONABLE. well prepared. BOARD CHEAP. Boarders es stiecially desired, W. C. McKENZIE, Principal., .Sheriff Sale GEORGIA—Clay County: Will bo sold before the court house doof in Fort Gaines, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in September next; to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing property, to-wit; One grist mill and gin nery, togeth-r with all machinery apper t.aining thereto, and four acres of land, all ^jtuated about the center*'lot of land No, Jones , n ;i L Leafed on as the property of Johtt r. Jones to satisfy a fl fa issued from t Le county court of «dd county in favor of <j. H. Millet vs. Jno. T. Jones. Property ^ pointed out by defendant ' This August 8, Ife95 J. T. Me Allisteb. Sheriff, i ■ / /'/•/■ s' sys s\s-s~ /'/'/vV' / / y/T ss's/'s / /'/'/■^yyywywvW ALL TIIK PEOPLE # HEAD IT. Business ffien: TIIIS PAPER CIRCULATED IN THE HOMES OF PEO¬ PLE BUYING THE KIND OF GOODS YOU MAY AAVE TO SELL. MOBAL: ® INVITE THEM TO YOUR STORE. TlfE ONLY FADER PRINTED IN CLAY COUNTY.