The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, August 30, 1895, Image 2

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The Fort Gaines Sentinel I’tJIIMSIl KI> KVKItV FlilP.tY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CLAV COUNTY. JOSHUA JOIES, Editor and Publisher, ..... - FRIDAY, A 1 tit’ST .'ll), lMWl. LEGAL ADVERTISING. All ingnl published In tl»‘ Nun tinii. inuot be put I for hen-after In ad\anre, Tfi<* j fiflic- if, hi* well ns the j»nt>tlsti<T. tmvine <'x sri .•m.rtrnn»wernbi.- irouhlo in makimf ™ii<-rti<M» ft»r nfltaffi! noticcH, and in n number <*f itwtftrMM**j I hnv«* bt'cn uimiiic to coii«*rf fit nil Thii« ml*-win lx* -tricriy n<ihpr.ii t<» *ml fUriny Wild nmi Ulr troiiMc custl j ! nil inlrrt'pli*) rhoilld, Ill the fntlirr, •with for miv.TtiH. m..„o. “ *30,000,000 slump j ; I hat in tax re turns, about which the calamity ers have been howling, has dwindled , to $ 18 , A teinale I,as, >„» Cub from New York are to play a picked nine of Macon a game of ball it. that city, The girls will wear bloomers. In response to a call issued by Chairman Clay, there was meeting of the state democratic executive committee in Atlanta yesterday. There were several important mat¬ ters to he considered. ( hie of the pleas put forth in Nobles’ behalf is that she is ‘the mother of twelve children, says the Dawson News. The fact seems to be ignored that the man slie killed was the lather of twelve children. After all, that is said, the financial question is narroved down thus: If you are a democrat you will endorse the platform of iHy2, and if you stand on that platform you cannot consistently favor unlimited fret coin¬ age at u ratio of l6 to I. A liberal advertising patronage from the enterprising merchants of Dawson L, is ennblinir Editor R iinev ; of the 1 /tiuson N,. [News, to issue out of oi tiu haildsomeHt and best weeklies in the state The News carries over twenty columns of home advertising. About a year ago Col. |t*sse Wal ters, of Albany, presented us with a ‘‘pair’’ of license to lie, duly signed by Ananias. We were perfectly sat is tied with the source of our author¬ ity until Livingston toid about that pretended conversation with Smith at Cordele. We will have no license now that is not signed by Lon. Lev. j. L. I nderwood, ot Camilla, has been elected one of the faculty of Bethel college at Cuthbert. He is a scholarly Christian gentleman, and Cuthbert is to lw* congratulated on this acquisition to her splendid corps ot educators. He was a former re¬ spected employer of the writer, and we are glad he will be located so near us. The Supreme Court ol Georgia has handed down an important de¬ cision in reference to the public schools. It came up on a case from the Rome public schools, involving matriculation or contingent tees. The court holds that admission fees can not be imposed in the public schools of any city, as such charge is uncon¬ stitutional. Dawson and Fort Valley played a match game of base ball in Columbus for *ioo a side. The money had been deposited in bank, and was fair¬ ly won by the Dawson nine, but when they called for it they found that it had been made payable to a Fort Valley man, and the Dawson boys are justly indignant. It was a shabby trick. ---- -----— — —— The governor and comptroller general, upon whom the duty de volves, have fixed the tax rate for the fiscal year at 4 56 mills, made up of 2 80 mills lor general tax, 1 50 mills for the school lund. Last year the tax levy 3 was 4 37 mills. The shgnt ,. increase is due , to the tailing - oil of the tax returns of about ooo, and the requirement of raising *ioo,oi\> tor the sinking fund, which wo.s nut included in the tax levy last year. John .1. Ingalls; the renowned Kan .sas statesman, on being asked if Pop ulism is dead in Kansas, replied: “Not wholly defunct, but on its death bed; ill with an incurable malady: its pulse fluttered, its respiration 1 is la- 1 r bored, its temperature is low. 1 he undertaker is waiting.” Mr. Ingalls was asked what caused the near de¬ mise of the Pefferian fallacy and said; “It has suffered more from its doc¬ tors than from its diseases. Its , imbecile and . corrupt. ers have been The remedies they have proposed f l)t(n pi rnicious . . «in< Ill •( )sm< . Their administration of state affairs bas , , been unspeakably 111 venal IS and mer so that the people have be C ome convinced that populism can affor d them no relief from the evils that afflict modern society. Repub lican success in Kansas seems as ^ The omens ate all suspicious. 1 be stars in theii < muses appeal to be fighting for us. But we shall take nothing for granted. We shall gani/.e for victory. ’ Mrs Martha Noe was arrested on the classic streets of Little Rock be cause she seemed to the authorities of that old-fashioned borough to be cavorting in male attire. She had on the latest style of bloomers, and the ]K , ]icc took j K . n she was summon¬ ed to appear before the recorder and a great crowd assembled to hear the tr j a i of t ],j s celebrated case At the | lolll - when the ease was called the judge received a note from her re questing that her case be continued until she could have made some bloomers of a late style in which to appear in court, The report ol the weather crop bu¬ reau for the past week shows that the crops throughout the state have been greatly injured by the rains. The following is the summary of the re l )orts: “Too much rain is reported from nil portions of the stale... Cot * (>n * ontinues to slied badly, and there is also an increase of rust. The bolls are opening rapidly, and in some localities, prematurely, Corn on bottom lands has also been in¬ jured, and a considerable amount to tally ruined. J/inor crops and vege tables are in a flourishing condition.” Chairman Hobbs, of the demo crati j executive committee of the Second congressional district, has been explaining some explanations his position on the silver question ’ anil now the public are wondering “where is he at.” ■p. c | TRAVERSE Jl w 1> Bigbie W C McCarty j ^ W J Perkins p J A Harris Bela Jenkins J B Adams 1 G xv Richardson L A Duke W A Morgan EPeteraon J T Jones Richardson Wilson J 'V Garrett V't* H M Greene A L Perkins John lloval m C Jones W L Torbert ^ b Limlse.v R A TorlH>rt Linton Peterson Wm 1 ' Bridges G R Slit live J V Best D H Runnels Geo rue Torbert ^V^oUius J L Pate yj J E J Lindsey G G MttudeviUe C Ashley < ' >w » rr ®"» QMMiticbnniw’* «»n. Nothing to write nl>out All the week through, : Nothing; to talk about, What must I do? Nothing Everything to writealxutt, i neems wrong; What 8 the use of a thicker, What’s the use of a tongne? I Mr. E. It. King, of Midway, was j here a few days ago. Mr. H. M. SShaw, one of Clay’s school commissioners, was here one day this week. \\'^ expect that ‘ vomi” latly has ! * OSSLG ,,1 tnC ... I K1; lint 11 riv YC ., 1 r oy tillb 1 1 1IIC, . jj continued walking as fast as t U 1 ■ « . c,. -J'UlU.iy. Wm> j GrceUe and Co .- s mill will soon have their planin ^ niachine in ; tion and can furnisb the . mWic j , vith dressed and matched i umber . j ( « otton is upcnil1R very jasl upthis j th “ Iuanv Znld" j; tt i e <r : n lllo „, ng it . () f slavery time darkeys blowing qui])s< We had the pleasure of meeting our editor a few days ago. We think he must have lyaci a list of new sub¬ scribers in his pocket, he looked so pleasing. M. M. passed a very pleasant day with Mrs. I). F. Gunn last Monday. A day spent with Mrs. G. could not he otherwise than pleasant, she is so kind and sweet a lady. We are going to have a pigeon j pic up this way before long. We j think the editor might come and help j us eat it, but guess he won’t, as he j lias disappointed us so many times. I M. M.’s two brothers, Charlie and ! Eugene, came over from Mississippi to pay her a visit one night this week (in a dream) and last night she returned the visit only to find that her youngest brother, Reuben, had forgotten her. M. M. Oral itiulf. I would be ungrateful if I did not tes «*>’ f •*- wl-tym,rv, I l luablo 1 , re p„n,ti<,„ I iiave I has done for me. or a long turn) been run down in health anil hardly able t° attend to my houseliold duties, suffer¬ ing from headaches and that tired, worn out fee ing peculiar to my sex. I was persuaded by a fraud to try l)r. Sim¬ mons’Jewel, and in one month's treat¬ ment I was completely restored to health. I heartily recommend it to suffering humanity. Alas. Jknmk Fate. j Fur sale by Paullin A Wimberly. rroni Day villn, Jr. j Mrs. Peter Day is on the sick list j this week. Dr. Mandeville was in our ville | Thursday evening. j Little Sallie May Owens is on the sick list this week. Professor Howell came to visit our II school Friday evening. | ll Mrs. in the Owens city is this attending week. the insti¬ tute I News is scarce this week. A. A. won’t write and this is my first. Mrs. Quattlebauin and children visited Airs. Pearce Sunday p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and children visited Mr. Peter Day last Sunday. Mr. Pearce and his mother are vis iting relatives below the city this week. Mr. Myrick Day is at home again from school at Cuthbert, to the de light of his many friends. Mr. Homer Hobbs, of Midway, spent Saturday night in Dayville, the guest of Mr. Myrick Day. The distinguished Messrs. Mark Peterson and Johnnie Crozier visited friends in onr ville Sunday eve. Mr. Charlie Lindsey was m our ville Saturday evening. Come again, Charlie, we are always glad to see you. Messrs. Lewis and Johnnie Hart¬ ley, George Peterson and [I Mitchell visited friends in Dayville Sunday p. m. Mr. Tom Woolsey and his sister, j Miss Mattie, attended the singing at Mount Vernon last Sunday and re¬ port a nice time. X, Y. Z. ; From all Parts of the Mtoe tlie Vertlict Is the Same. Bowling Gkeen, Fla., I have been a sufferer from a compli ■ cation of liver and kidney troubles, tb~e ac compauied v\ith a severe pain across back. 1 am happy to testify that after using Dr. Simmons’ ilepatiue or Liver Cure I am completely relieved of 1 trouble. W. R. Lewi. Item* from Itliillion. Cotton picking is the order of the day here now. Miss Mary Peacock, of Cuthbert, is visiting relatives here, Miss Nora Collins, of Colomokee. is visiting relatives here. Mr. W. I). Sheffield, of Alington was in Hlutitou last Wednesday, Miss Anna Collins is in Arlington, the guest of the Mtssos Sheffield, Miss Blanche Killehrew has been visiting friends and relatives here for some time. Mrs. J. W. Smith and daughter, Miss Nannie, from below Arlington, are visiting relatives here. Dr. Pres Rambo. after an extended vWt to his relatives here, left last Thursday for his home in Brazil. Miss Anna Collins, who has been visiting relatives ami friends in sev eral places in Alabama, returned home «*• Mr. Chalmers Collins, who has been S o,„ g U. Prof. Miller’s summer selmul at ( uthheit, returned home last Wednesday. ., Mrs. L. s. ~ .Tones and daughters, Mattie and Willa Y., who have been visiting friends in Snringvnle returned home ia-t Sunday Kittle Corine and ltuhy Mansfield who have been vi-.iting their grand¬ father, Dr. 1\ j*. Singleton, near But ler, relumed home last Friday. They 4k 34k. 4k 4k A A 4k. 4b. 4k. 4k 4k 4k. 4k 4k4k 4k 4k A. A 4h 4k 4 I c; DO YOU WANTh=e§>- 9 i PT.AIN AND FANCY * 4 M % job ® pRinTinG?" % I? 'h SEND YOUR ORDERS TO . . . M H frf- !> ■ I S 3 SLSJ Tf|e SenlifieH :: IBROMM -I i m P ! : s- t*. 4 'A c i f We are always prepared to turn out all kinds of work 5 i $\i in the best of style and at the lowest prices. > 4 On commercial stationery wcjwiil V H 4 £ S* \ Duplicate Atlanta Prices! J i n I I * .te H 3 k Wifi HUNT 4 i.’h * LETTER HEADS, CARDS. §> 4 NOTE HEADS, POSTERS, f 4 S' CIRCULARS. BILL HEADS, SATEMENTS, 1 LEGAL BLANKS 4\ ii ENVELOPES. ETC., ETC. j * 8» 4 ► 4 > 4 i On the very best of material and at prices; that can not > <5 A-L/ll ^ section. 4 be equalled in tins 1 Pi V i 4 •v 4 ► 4 / Ydilivsx, jSj J j H i Patronize 0111 re oil * ? Home THE SENTINEL, M $ 1 1 Industry, ■> ^ 4 and Save Opposite ^ 4 Court House. ^ Money, Fort Gaines, Gu. j 4 i i ► i I flC * !%«• v w ’vw -w *vp ! w 'v »sf w -nr- v 'v ! v nr ^m. G. 'Successor to Carter & Bradley.) Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant. Warehouse. Fountain COLUMBUS, GA. The cotton mills of r ’olmnbus use more than one-half of ah the cotton shipped to market, eonsepuently our pleased prices are have high as compared to shipment other points-, espeeiallv on. lower grades. I shall b <s to at least a trial from all the mer its and farmers in the F c it Gaines territory, and believe I can make it to their inter¬ est to give me a liberal share of their patronage. I am always Prepared to Make Liberal Advances: Lpon consignments of cotton, ami to extend such other accommodations to good and sol ve,lt l'arties as are necessary tor the sueeess of a well astaWished cotton factorage and commission business. I am Your obediaat servant, , t Wrn. C. BRADLEY were accompanied by Miss Bessie Sin gleton. The liluffton High School opened last Monday under very favorable cir¬ cumstances, with Mr. W. T. Halliday as principal and Miss Bessie Singleton assistant. Little Claude Collins, who has been visiting relatives here, returned to her home in Arlington hist Thursday. She was aecotupainicd by her cousin little Willie Collins. Mrs. Hendry who has been visiting ! her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Smith, re turned to her home in Randolph county Wednesday. She was ••eeom i panied by Miss Mattie AVcuver. Miss Eltrym Killehrew, who has been visiting her aunt Mrs. Mi X. Kil¬ lehrew, is here to spend a while before going hack then 1 to school. She is ac¬ companied by her cousin, Miss Clyde Killehrew. A Climatic Objection Kcinuveil, JACKsosvUjtiE. Flu., Sept. 25, lH'JJ. j j from a bilious temperament and have j tried many remedies with but little els fleet. I only look one bottle of Dr. Sitn ulo ns’ Hep,,tine and I have received greater benefits than from a.w medicine ^ bavt: evei used. 1 have no hesitancy in recommending it to others. W. L. Jones, Passenger Agt G. >S. & F. R Street. It. 77 West Bay J ’French Chocolate on top at C. W. Lewis' Soda fountain.