The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, October 11, 1895, Image 3

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Dew and tHe Ivatest GoodsiP^** LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. What llie People Do amt Say— l.iltle Hits of News and (ion. Nip f.nthcred on llie Bing. jjgf’Frcsh Lightbread constantly on hand at T. Al. Brown's. Several new legal advertisements ap¬ pear in this issue. Tax Collector Harrison has a registra¬ tion notice elsewhere iu this paper that is of importance to tho voters of Clay county. ffrlt pays anv one to look at the bar¬ gains A. M. Wallerstein is selling. Early superior court is in session this week. The Fort Gaines bar was repre¬ sented by Judge Scott and Cols. Rambo and Wilson. MTYou only find the latest styles of Dress Goods at A. M. Wallerstein’s. Mr. Pat Cox and family have moved from the Haygood residence to the house near the Masonic building. Mr. A. 8. Brown and family now occupy the residence vacated by Mr. Cox. r?'You can snrely'save some money by buying from A. M. Wallerstein. We nve requested to announce that Rev. Mr. McGregor will preach his tem¬ perance sermon at the Methodist church next Sunday night—the same that was preached at Wesley Chapel last Sunday. FF"Don’t forget that A. M. Wallers stein has the largest stock of Fall (roods. Miss Clyde Jackson, who has been leaching in Shorterville for several months, has a flourishing class in art in connection with the Fort Gaines Academy. She is an accomplished ieaelier, and The Sentinel wishes an increased success in her undertaking. I'FTleinember that cotton is worth 8 cents and A. M. Wallerstein sells you goods cheaper than any laxly. Deputy Sheriff R. 1). Williams went to Mil ledge v file one day last week, hav ing in custody Jahew Davis, of Bluffton, who was adjudged insane some time since, lmt for whom a place, in the asy¬ lum could not lie secured at that time. Mr. Williams came hack by Atlanta and visited the exposition. Everybody "bo intends buying dry goods, notion, clothing, shoes, fur nit lire, ete., should price A. M. Wallers* tein’s goods. The Juvenile Missumary Society of the Methodist church will favor the pub lie with an entertainment at that church ntxt Monday night. The exercises will be representative of Oriental scenes and customs, in « hich the ehih^ren will be appropriately costumed. Everybody cordially invited. No charges. Daisy Engine Oil is a superior lubri¬ cating oil tli it O. W. Lewis sells at. the same price you pay for au inferior qual¬ ity at other stores. Try it. We regret to learn that Mr. J. A. Bell had the misfortune to lose his splendid mill and ginnery in Calhoun emraty by fire last Wednesday night. Twenty bales of cotton were also burned. It was a fine piece of property, and its loss is quite a serious one, there being no insurance. Mr. Bell has the sympathy of his many friends in his misfortune. S^»Why be aggravated by a pokey horse when you can buy a first-class buggy Whip* at T. M. Brown’s at the same price you have to pay for u cheap one elsewhere ? The Fort Gaines Oil & Guano Mills are about completed, but operaiion is somewhat delayed on account of a scarcity of seed. The price of oil is so much lower this year than last that a corresponding reduction is made in the price of seed. Owing to this re¬ duction many farmers are holding their seed for fertilizing purposes. FF Don’t forget cnat T. M. Brown has a nice line of Crockery and Glassware, aud is closing it out at greatly reduced prices. You can secure a bargain by calling early. The theatrical season will be opened in Fort Gaines on the night of the inst. with a grand concert by Coi. ,» Alarchbank . . , , celebrated , . . , combination , of s musical artists. We have seen the con tract with Coleman A'Bro., of Coleman's Hull 1 t»r«r«,rlv ^ P y drawn nn ^ »rwl £ • The company is highly endorsed by re liable authority, and the public may be prepared 1 for a good b show. T. ©^Housekeepers M. Brown are reminded that nice keeps fruits constantly on hand » block ot aud Vegetable iu season, such as Oranges, Apples, Bana lias, Lemons, aud Cabbage, Irish toes, Onions, Etc. His low prices make ■his store the popular headquarters for these as well as other goods. CttHniK!«IO>IKI{!i (’CHIIT Mot in Krfular Monthly SpmIoh I. mil Montluy. Olay County Commissioners Court mot in regular session last Monday, all members of the board being present. Minutes of last meeting road and ap proved. 8. D. Coleman was appointed a com¬ mittee of one to investigate the building of a bridge at creek near the Stanford place on Cuthbort road. The grand jury having recommended that the city council be paid §1 per month for water at jail, the same was passed. Public road was declared on lino be¬ tween lauds of W. li. and W. H. Harri¬ son and lauds of W. 13. Hattaway and Mrs. M. liaiubo, interacting tho Cutli t>ert and Blakely road near the negro church. Bill of cost presented by Sumter county oilicers in the case of J. B. Aver itt was tabled fer further investigation. J. N. Bigbio reported that lumber be¬ longing to the county which he was in¬ structed to sell had been used on read. Account of 1). A. Hollingsworth was referred to S. D. Coleman to investi¬ gate, and he was instructed to report at next meeting. A committee consisting of Mess. Kill iugsworth and Bigbie was appointed to see what trade they could make for a physician for jail. Citation ordered run for toad via HeDry Johnson’s, the Kirkland place, Jenkins, Evans, etc. J. W. West was employed to repair bridge at Cain’s Mill. »V. F. Killiugsworth was appointed to see what it would cost to repair and lengthen Flat creek bridge near T. M. Killifigsworth’s house; also wliat repairs found necessary on bridge at Harrison’s Mill. Jennie Hines was replaced on paupers list at $3 per quurter. Also Jane Henry ut S3 per quarter. The following bills were ordered paid: <J V Morris & Sou, nails......$ 1 00 Witness fees in case State vs. J. 13. Averitt 58 70 W G V iuiberly. Wimberly physician acct.. 14 00 Puullin & . 1 25 J T McAllister, sheriff 45 00 N T Lewis, ice...... 2 70 Sentinel. Gene’al 1 reseutm’ts etc 12 25 Board fC jury at Commercial Hotel 37 80 J 7 Sutlive services beforeeourt 31 00 Stationary' for 6 mouths 10 00 Court Calendars....... 7 50 J W Sutlive issuing jury scrip 202 20 20 t • services com. court. 3 00 Also all court juries, bailiffs, etc., September term, 1895. Accounts of T L Farmer, B F Pearce, Geo. T Fain and D A were tabled. A Chance for it. Business Education. We have for sale at a reduced price a certificate of scholarship in Stanley’s Business College at Thomasville. This certificate entitles the holder to a com¬ plete course iu commercial bookkeeping or in stenography. Stanley’s Business College is a most excellent institution with a line reputation, iu which the above will afford some yonDg man an opportunity to secure a thorough bus¬ iness education at a low cost. Insurance Broker Wanted. To represent tho New York and Chi¬ cago Lloyds, reliable fire underwriters. Applications for gin house risks at reas¬ onable rates solicited. W. S. Monteith, Gen. Mang. Columbia, S. C. A little after dark last uiglit the resi¬ dence of Mr. T. E. Turnipseed, about three miles east of town, caught file | from some unknown cause and was burned to the ground, together with the I smokehouse and a servant house. Mr. i auil Mrs. Turnipseed spent last night in ■ town, at the home of the latter s par ' <>n,8 > all< ^ after locking up the house to join his wife in town, had not gone more than half a mile, before he heard the alarm given by hands on the place and returned to find his home in flames. Seeing there was no hope of coutroling the fire and saving the house, assisted by a few neighbors aud his farm hands,he succeeded in saving most of his furniture, etc., and that which was burned was fully covered by insurance. The house, which was quite a substan¬ tial structure, was wortii about 81,009 and was insured for 8000. Mr. Turnip seed is unable to account for the fire, as had left everything, he supposed, se cure only a few minutes before it was ,p SC0Vt . re d * ul 1 rCH *!**' Mr. T. N . elson, president of the . Second National Bank, of Jackson, Teun., ^says: “For Indigestion and Nervous trouble, I would rather give up the use of any remedy 1 ever tried than Royal Germetner. As a nerve tranquilizer, aud restorative, it is all that can be desired. It is not a narcotic iu au,1, „t»rod™, tb. buppius. effects upon the (lisorderd nervous sys tem. l consider it an invaluable remedy, and have for years been recommending it to my friends. ” New package, large bottle, 108 doses, 81. i I'KKSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES AND WHEN AND WHERE. The News of Port Gn tires Society Briefly Stated—Blithered at the Home Fireside. —Messrs. J. E. Peterson and Martin Farmer attended court Jit Columbia this week. —Mr. S. Stornbery went to Macon since our last issue to replenish his stock of fail goods. —Capt. and Mrs. W. M. Speight vis¬ ited their daughter, Mrs. Keaton, at Da¬ mascus, since our last issue. —Mrs. E. A. Graham and children, of Benevolenoe, are on a visit to Capt. Ed at the homo of Judge Grulmtn. —Mrs. Fannie Allison, of Cuthhert, returned home Wednesday, after a short, visit to her sister, Mrs. M. E. Burnett. —Miss Ellen Ingram aiuFlier niece, Miss jjeon Hattaway, of llluffton, were, shopping in the Fort yesterday. —Messrs. Pope Hatchett, Robt. Mer¬ rier and Will Culpepper, a trio of the Fort’s most gallant, went over to Short¬ erville burg. Suuduy to visit the belles of the —Mrs. Marion Holley and Miss Gallic Howerton, two of Abbeville’s most esti¬ mable ladies, were shopping iu our town Mrs. Wednesday. They were the guests of A. W, Holley, —Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sutlive of Early countv, is visiting the family of the mother of the former. Mrs. Hattie Sutlive. M,r. Sutlive lias boon ill with chills and fever for some time, and is here to recuperate his health. —Mr. J. D. McKissack is in Atlanta this week laying in his second stock of full goods and taking in the sights of tho exposition. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. E. Hill, who will purchase a new stock of millinery goods while there. —The Sentinel is pleased to learn of the improved condition of Mr. Berry Burnett this week. While he is yet fur from being well, his condition is such as to greatly encourage his friends and to give them renewed hope of his filial re¬ covery. —Col. J. R. Irwiu and Mr. J. R. Simpson visited Atlanta since our last publication. They rejairt large crowds aud wonderful sights at tho exposition. We nre glad to learn that the family of the lutier are all well, pleasantly situa¬ ted and doing well. —Mr. - Wlmley and his bride, nee Miss Hettie Wood, both of Columbia, are the guests of Mrs. Lucy Adams. ( heir nuptials and were they celebrated have last Tues¬ day e'ening, been the recipients of the congratulations of the many friends of tiie bride since their ar¬ rival here. —Hon. O. B. Stevens, of Dawson, is here to-day, looking after his guano bus¬ iness and mingling with his many friends, in spite of ttie efforts of some of the free silver organs to place him elsewhere, we are glad to find the Cap¬ tain occupying a safe, conservative posi¬ tion on the financial question. —Mr. Dave Goldberg, one of the clev¬ erest Jews aud most popular drummers on the road, hit this city one day this w eek. He is now with R. M. Sutton As Co., of Baltimore, one of the biggest houses in the country, and that firm will no doubt soon learn to appreciate lam as one of their most valued salesmen. Boll of Honor Of Fort Gaines Academy for month ending September 27th; EIGHTH GLADE. Robt. Sharp, 94 2-3. SEVENTH GRADE. Miss Annie Beal Wood. 95 1-2. Miss Janie Whatley, 91 1-3. IV. .J. Greene, 97 1-2. SIXTH GRADE. Miss Estelle Wallerstine, 91 1-4. Lawrence Killiugsworth, 9(1 2-3. Fred Morris. 97 5-6. FIFTH GRADE. Miss Annie Laurie Brown, 95 1-2. FOURTH GRADE. Susie May Brown, 96 1-2. Alex Farmer, 91 1-2. Jimmie Speight, 90. Bessie Jones, 91 1-2. THIRD GRADE. Leila Dobbins, 98 2-3. Bessie Moms, 90. Mary Holmes, 95. Bessie McKissack, 90 1-4. Elmer Fanner, 9K 1-2. Jimmie Ixirk, 90. SECOND GRADE. Mary Jenkins, 90. Brooks Brown, 90. Vera Holley, 98 1-4. Gussie Donahue, 96 1-4 Sidney Wallerstein, 9K 1.4. L “ " Robert Dobbins, 90. -— — - I ©the < rude. We have just opened at the old stand of our father, Mr. Peter Dav, at Day ville, a nice line of general merchandise, lin d cordially invite you to call and in speck onr stock. Our goods are all new and fresh, and are * guaranteed first cluss ,u uvury purticlur Ou, ^pun.c, „,c very light, and we cau afford to sell goods cheap, and are offering as low prices as can be had in any of the neigh boring towns. Gome and see ns. Urmgg irj'r,,. r> A y. _ A Car Load of Horses !4 We have just received at our stables a carload of fine horses which we bought cheap and propose to sell at SflftGAin PRICES! These are first-class, sound, servicable animals, and can be used anywhere. You have never had such an oppor tunity to gel a good combination horse so cheap. WARD & SIMPSON. J. L. BURNETT. R. E. PETERSON. BURNETT & PETERSON, Fire Insurance Agents. FORT GAINES, GA. Represent PHOENIX, of Hartford. 7f\ .w /ETNA, of Hartford. A Share of Your Patronage Solicited. Office at BANK OF FORT GAINES. Wm. e. Bf^AJDLEY, (Hucceimor to Carter Ac Bradley.i Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant. Fountain COLUMBUS, GA. Warehouse. The cotton mills of folumbus use more than one-half of nil the cotton shipped to this market, consepuentlv our prices are high ns compared t.o other points, especially on tlie lower grades 1 shall he pleased to have at least a trial shipment from all the mer¬ chants and farmers in the Fort Baines territory, and believe I can make it to their inter¬ est to give me a liberal share of their patronage. I am prepared to make liberal advances upon Consignments of cotton, and to extend such other accommodations to good and sol¬ commission vent parties hs ale necessary for the success of a well astahlished cotton factorage and business. I aiu Your obediant servant, Wm. C. BRADLEY. WITH WHICH Our Refrigerator Is Amply Supplied AT ALL TIMES. Our slaughter pen is constantly filled the finest beeves in the country, the butchering of which has our personal attention. You are sure to get FirM-Glas-s Meat£ In every respect when you buy of us. We are determined to lead in qpr line of business. Re¬ member the place— The Masonic Building. mJRNETT & MOOR®. 177/? STANLEYS BUSINESS COLLEGE:, Thomasville, C Georgia. Read Wliat is Said by Competent ,Judyes. A School that Stands Well at Home is Hound to be a Good School. We take pleasure in recommending Stanley * Business College, and do not hesitate been to speak in the highest terms of its success. So far as we, know, its graduates have very successful, several of them lx ing employed in the best business houses of our city. Its course of instruction is thorough, practical and complete, meeting all the demands of any business of to-day. aepuainted with Pfot'essor Stanley, its and We are personally president, can most earnestly recommend him as being welfare a man of high moral standing, honest, sober, edutcaional upright and sincerely interested in the of each student. He has built up an institution of the most substantial kind, and the rapid nrowth and reputation of the college demonstrates his eminent Stanley's qualifications Business as a manager and instructor. We cheerfully commend practical business College to all : young men and women it who desire to acquire a thorough training, telieving. as we do, that ranks second to none in the country, in the thoroughness of its couise of instruction and the ability of its teachers. p 8 Heeth Bookkeeper Citizens Banking and Trust Company j T Culpepper, cashier Citizens Banking and Trust Company Joseph Jerger, jeweler. W L Davies, Vice-President Manngerof of Bank Piney of Woods Thomasville hotel and \VP Grantham, Agent Southern JtxpiensCo. VV >S Keefer, Manager Thomasville Ice Co. A T McIntyre, Attorney at Law if M Hutchinson, M D J ■ph/ ^ 1 JTnpJett, Mitorl.mes-Enterpme. M A i leetwood. Bookkeeper lunes-Kntei . S'sS fll , ftS "^ r . A R NeeL Hargrave, Manager Variety Works. ]& H &upt ThonuuiviHe Compress Co. Wm F Parker, Campbell. Treasurer 8upt Car Thomas Shops J county n °“— 1 - - Q - J W H Campbell. Manager Minnehaha Robert G Mitchell, At tome v at Law W A Spitz. Manager Tunes-Enterprise J H Spence, Secretary and Treasurer Watt A P Supply Harley, Comjiany Book-keeper Thomasville Shoe 0 W Company Smith, Book-keeper at Postoftice R L Hicks, Druggist T L Spence Manager Watt Supply Co K M Mallette, Real Estate and insurance Bll IFnght, Cashier Bank of Thomasville ... ihoiiuwvi e fehoe Co, per Frank bmith H.U.KSi£&. . p'-iU,.* M C re er ’ ,very at L.. John H Coyle, 1> D 8 The Levy Mercantile Co.per M L Grausman T G Mitchell. Book-keeper for Joe Fass Herrin g & U’alker. Undertakers