The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, November 01, 1895, Image 4

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GREAT ENGINEERING OCEAN STEAMSHIPS BETWEEN NEW YORK AND CHICAOO. A $200,000,000 Ship Canal to Con¬ acre liitlic Erie With the Sea¬ board— l>lflli'iiltics Overcome. Y 1 I 7UK fered boldest for plans ship canal hitherto between of* , a Lake Erie and the seaboard . have nono of them contem¬ plated less than thirty-five locks, and one of the most feasible would have required fifty-five. To bo adequate for the traffic they wonld boar these locks would have to bo as capacious as the new lock at Sault Hto. Marie, the largest and finest in the world. The latter is 80ft feet long, 100 feet wide and 21 * feet deep, and is costing more than $5,000,000. With locks like the Sault, the cost for lifts alone for the contemplated ship canal would bo at least $175,000,000 on tho Ht. Lawrence route, and upwards of $260,000,000 on what is known as tho Oswego route, piat is to say, from Os¬ wego to the Hudson. [So long as nine¬ teenth century engineering was unable to advance beyond tho lock invonted by Leonardo da Vinci, about the time that Columbus discovered America, the problem could not be solved. The cost would have been too great for even Government undertaking. It has remained for an American en¬ gineer to cut tho Gordian knot by the invention of a new lock, exceedingly simple in design, easy and cheap of construction, and quickly and inex ponsivley operated. In 1800 Chaun coy N. Dutton, a young Pittsburg en¬ gineer, took out in the principal countries in tho world letters patent for what, he described hh a pneumatic balance lock, llis design, revolution¬ ary as it was. seemed, on the whole, so simple that engineers stared in won¬ derment that no one had thought, of it before. Colonel Haskell had already applied the compressed nir principle to the pneumatic dry dock, now in use in all countries. Mr. Dutton pro¬ posed simply to make the pneumatic dry dock into u wot dock by building up tho side walls and putting m end gates between thorn. Simple as this device appears, it puts navigation 1 y hydraulics upon an entirely new basis, and, in tho judgment of the most, era luent engineers, must revolutionize canal construction all over tho world. It is from the invention of the pneu¬ matic balance lock that, Mr. Dutton has developed his lingo scheme for a maritime canal, which has recently been before Congress atul the Legisla¬ ture at Albany. It will extend from the mouth of the Welland Canal on Lake Erie, utilize a portion of that canal, descend, by a pair of locks sot tandem, into tho Niagara Kiver at, n point about opposite Lewiston, utilize ami enlarge the present Canadian canal system along tho St,. Lawrence Kiver as far as Lake St. Francis, and there fork in two directions, one arm will reach by a new canal to Montreal, and thende by tho St. Lawrence River to the sea, while another will extend from Lake St. Francis to Lake Cham¬ plain, reverse the current of that lake, and reach from tho lower end of Champlain to Waterford, on the Hud¬ son Kiver. It will involve only about ninety miles of artiiloial canals, and afterwards fifteen miles of this will be cut out bv tho construction of a new canal from Lewiston, on the Niagara River, to a point above the Falls on the American aide. Tho project will require the expenditure of a vast sura of money, but Mr. Dutton lias asso¬ ciated with him some of the best known engineers in the country, to¬ gether with a number of heavy capi¬ talists, and it is proposed to construct this gigautio system without a dol¬ lar of subsidy from either the Canadian or United States Govern¬ ment. The Canadian Parliament in chartering the North American Canal Compauy two years ago, gave it the right to use the summit levels of the Canadian canal system along the St. Lawreuco and across the Welland Pen¬ insula, to acquire aud enlarge any present looks, aud to construct, such uew locks aud canals as will be re¬ quired to complete the enterprise. Such National legislation as is needed in this oountry lias been introduced in Congress by Senator Allison, of Iowa. Specifically, Mr. Dutton proposes to build a canal equipped with locks of sufficient size so that an ocean freighter like the Cevic may sail at river speed from New York to Chicago, and that without material interrup¬ tion. He proposes a canal system with loqfcs of 2 ft feet draught, 05 feet wide, and 510 feet clear length, which will lift vessels carrying 12,000 tons of freight. In place of the thirty-five to fifty-five locks required in any other plan yet proposed for a similar oanal, this project involves but five. In a word, instead of an estimated expen¬ diture of at least $ 200 , 000,000 for looks, the latter, under the new con¬ struction, will not require more than $15,000,000. The projector estimates that to carry the first ocean steamship from New York to Chicago will re¬ quire the expenditure of $ 100 , 000 ,* 000 , and to complete the canal to en¬ able vessels like the Cevic to make river speea through the dredged chan¬ nels will require t he outlay of as much again—in all, some $ 200 , 000 , 000 . - Harper's Weekly. History Kopcats Itself. Claswol!- What picture is that? Dukane—That ih “VemiH Kibing from the Sea.” “Some society woman, I suppose. ?” “Society woman, nothing ! Have you never heard of the deity of the ancient Greeks?” < t Yes; why?” Just this: A great deal of fuss is made about the smallness of the mod < rn bathing Miit, and it is some satis¬ faction to know that they were just as small many years ago as they are now. ” — Pittsburg (Ihroniclc-Telegraph. TO GAIN WEIGHT. PALE, THIN 1’KOTM.i; uSIALI.V ARE DISEASED. The First Thine Necessary to Gain Flesh is Henltli, Then Proper Food for Doth Body anil Nerves. Proin the Journal, Kirkstillr, Mo. Hanry Oehrko Is a thrifty and prosperous German farmer living four miles south of bullion, in this CAdairl County, Mo. Mr. Gohrke has a valuable farm and ho lias been a resident of the county for years. He is very Well-known hereabouts and well respected wherever he is known. Last week a reporter of the Journal stopped at Mr. Oehrke’s anil while there became much interested In Mrs. Gehrkn’s account of the benefit she had not long since experienced from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. 8he said she wanted nverylmdy to know what a great medicine those pills are. but os so many people are praising them uow-a-days. she modestly doubted whether her testimony could add anything to jvhat others had al¬ ready said of them. Iler only reason for talking for publication about Pink Pills was that the people of Adair and neighboring counties might be convinced, if any donbteil that oft-pnbllshed testimonials concerning Pink Pills were genuine statements from the the lips of persons who have been benefited by use of them. Speaking of her own in¬ teresting experience, Mrs. Gohrke said: “A little over a year ago I was completely broken down. I had boon taking medicine from a doctor but grew worse and worse un¬ til I could scarcely go about at all. The least exertion or the mere bending of my body would cause me to have smothering spells, and the suffering was terrible. I thought it was caused by iny heart. When everything I else had failoil to relievo me anil had given up all hopes of ever being any¬ thing but a helpless invali 1. I chanced to read some testimonials in the Farm. Field Orel Fireside , also in the Chicago Inter-Ocean, and the suffering of the people who made the statements were so nearly like the suf¬ they fering I had endured that when I read that Dr. Williams’ were so greatly benefited by the use of Pink Pills for Palo People I did not hesitate to go at once and pur ■ehasn two boxes. I took them according to directions nnd before the first box was used I felt n good bit better. Really (he first doso convinced me that it was a great remedy. Before tho two boxes wtre used up I sent my husband after three more boxes, so I would not ho without them. When I had used these three boxes I felt like a different woman and thought I was almost cured. •‘Since that time I have neen taking thorn whenever I began to feel badly. When I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink rills for Pale People I weighed only 113 pounds and after I had been using the medicine for about six months I weighed 122 pounds. I have had a good appotite ever since I commenced taking Pink Pills and instead of mincing along, picking such food as 1 could eat even with an effort. 1 eat most anything that comes on the table. I am not tho invalid I was. I do not have to be waited upon now as if 1 was a helpless child, but I work all the time, doing the housework and ironing and working in the garden without that dreadful feeling which comes over a person when they are afraid they are going to have one of those that I used to have. ‘•Work don’t hurt me anymore. I hon¬ estly Williams’ believe that had it not been for Dr. Pink Pills I would now be in my grave. I still have what the doctor calls bilious colic, but the Pink Pills have mnde me much better and the spoils are not so fro quent and are nothing like as painful as be¬ fore I began to use them. I would not he without the rink Tills for that disease alone trader any circumstances to say nothing of the other diseases for whioh they are espe¬ cially recommended. I take pleasure in tell¬ ing my neig hbors the benefits I have received from Dr. Wi Illinois’ Pink Tills for Pale Peo pie, aud know of several who have benefited taken my advice and have been greatly by them.” Dr. Williams’ rink Tills for Pale People are considered an unfailing speciflo for such diseases as locomotor atuxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neu¬ the ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, tho aftereffects of la grippe, palpitation of heart, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous pros¬ tration; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They arc also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radicial cure in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post¬ paid on receipt of price, (50 cants a box or six boxes for $2.50—They are never sold in bulk or by the 100) by addressing Dr. Will¬ iams’ Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. The truth sometimes cuts like the surgeon’s knife after decayed flesh. When Nntnre Needs assistance it may he best to render it promptly, but one should remember to use even the most perfect remedies only when needed. The best and most simple and gentle remedy is the Syrup of Figs manufactured by the Cali¬ fornia Fig Syrup Co. Prodigality is generally successful in emp tying your pocket-book. Kick Headache—A Pesltive and Unfailing Cure. There are thousands of people who suffer daily with headache. These headaches are mostly of* nervous character and are caused from indigestion. Relieve indigestion and your headache will disappear. Tyner's kiuds'of Dys¬ pepsia Remedy Pleasant is a specific for all headaches. to the taste, easy to take, effective in its action. It. never tails to cure, lb-ice 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Wins’ow’s Soothing Svrnp for children teething, softens the cmns, rednce» inflamma¬ tion. allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle .In.;t Ilow it Does it is Not the Question. It is enough to know tha; Hintlereorns take¬ out corns, and a great relief it is. 15c. druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power.— Latest U. S. Gov’t Report wm !s ABSOLUTELY PURE The Dear Creature. Mr.. Yergor to „o to : the ball. She had on her new dress. “You look .tunning in th.t dress, but, Great Caesar! what a lot of money it costs these hard times, re marked Col. Yerger. “Lor, Charles, what do I care for money when it comes to mnking yon hajipy, ” replied Mrs. Yerger, with a beaming smile.—Texas Siftings. Found Them Useful. Watts—Do you think it does any good to belong to so many lodges? Potts—Well, when I went over to Europe I used to add the initials of all of them to my name when I regis¬ tered at a hotel, and got all sorts of deference from the clerks and waiters. —Indianapolis Journal. “How time goes,” he said as the clock struck 11 . “It’s the only thiDg that does go,” s he nnswered, wearily; and he took ^he hint.—Detroit Free Press. By the census of 1891 Ireland had 4,704,750 inhabitants, a decrease of 9.08 per cent in ten years. Timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of rJ the house of Walter Baker & Co. (established \ in 1780) has led to the placing on the market KtfMSjmany jC'frf misleading and unscrupulous imitations Walter their name, labels, and wrappers. '*% Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest manu : : |fm till facturers of pure and high-grade No chemicals Cocoas and 1 Chocolates on this continent. are «' used in their manufactures. il vM J Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.’s goo<?s. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Fertilizers for Fall Crops y should contain a high percentage of Potash to insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment c of the soil. Write for our "Farmers’ Guide,” a 142 -page illustrated book. - It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and t will make and save you money. GERMAN Address, KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. * i m » j .JKS COL. BENJ. S. LOVELL. Treas. John P. Lovett, Arms Co. COL. LOVELL'S successful tight for the Councillor nomination in the Second Massachusetts District was the subject of editorial com¬ ment in the Boston Journal as follows: “ That animated and stubborn contest in the Second Councillor District ends in the selection of an admirable candidate, Col. Benjamin‘Lovell the best-known of Weymouth. Col. Lot ell is one of and best-liked men in the State. A gallant soldier, an energetic man of business, a stalwart Re¬ publican, he deserves well of his party, which has honored him with more than one conspicuous mark of its confidence, and has made no mistake in giving him this present nomination. Col. Lovell has an army carried of warm personal the Executive friends. Council He should by be into a \ record-breaking majority." . CREJlTH UMAX a health signal. The baby’s mission, its work in life, is growth. To #. that little bundle of love, half trick, half dream, every I, added ounce of flesh means w ■ii added happiness and com* vlr"3 [ fort. Fat is the signal of perfect health, cqmfort, good-nature, baby-beauty. Scott’s Emulsion is the best fat-food baby c?n have, in the easiest form. It supplies what he cannot get in his ordinary food, and helps him over the weak places to perfect growth, For the growing child it is growth. For the full grown, new life. Be sttre ycu get SeotJs Emulsion tr ken you want it and not a cheap substitute. Scott & Bowne, New York. All Druggists. 50c. and $1. Ilnir Extraordinary. ' Two acresmulberriiM fatten Wi hops. Tl * h hogs were tnrneil in the orchard in Alar and I but "u S: f - CAt\^.»'.V They were fed a little corn to harden k h»cJw.«Tl.« l ■ arc 85 tat hogs worth? For best kindi of nral free. Address VV. D. Beatie, Atlanta. Ga. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat, of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, anil in order to cure it yon must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di¬ rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for year*, and is a regular pre¬ scription. known, combined it is composed of the blood best tonics puri¬ with the best fiers, acting directly combination on the mucous surfaces. Tue perfect of the two ingre¬ dients is what produces such wonderful re¬ sults in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free F. J. Cheney & Co.. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. FITS stopped free by Dn. Kline’s Cheat Nerve Restorer. No fits after first day’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2.fiOtrial bot¬ tle free. Dr. Kline. 931 Arch St.. Pliila.. Pa. Piso’s Care is a wonderful Cough medicine. Mrs. W. PlCKEKT, Van Stolen and Blake Aves., Brooklyn. N. Y., Oct. 26, ’94. “I Have Tried Parker’s (linger Tonic and believe in it,’’says a mother, and so will you when you know itsrevilalizing properties. If afflicted with sore eye* nse Dr. Isaac Thomp¬ son’s Eve-water. Druggists sell at 25e per bottle. The LOVELL DIAMOND and EXCEL LINE 0F BICYCLES Will lead the World In 1896-The LOVELL DIAMOND easily takes this po¬ sition through its past glorious record, but with IMPROVED CONSTRUCTION insuring light¬ ness, durability and finish it will stand out alone without a rival. The EXCEL line is designed to meet a popular notion that calls for a lower priced wheel. It is durable, nicely finished and good value. Our BICYCLE CAT¬ ALOGUE sent free on appli¬ cation will quote prices. The new LOVELL CATALOGUE of Guns, Bifles, Revolvers, Bicycles and Sporting Goods of every description, is mailed for 10 cents in stamps or sil¬ ver. JOHN P. LOVELL ARMS CO., BOSTON, MASS. AGENTS WANTED in all Cities nnd Towns where we have none. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. r AjtANrA^POSfl’ISP' e'7>IRE^TORJ r 6> A List of Reliable Business Tlouset where visitors to the <Urea* show will be properly treated and can jvirohase goods at lowest STILSON & COLONS JEWELRY CO •9 55 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Everything in the Jewelry anil Silver Line at Factory Prices. PHILLIPS & CREW CO.. 37 Peachtree Street. STANDARD Pianos and Organs, SHEET MUSIC, MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. FISEMAN 15 and 17 Whitehall BROS Street ■B ATLANTA, GA. -ONE PRICE- CLOTHIERS, Tailors, Hatters and Furnishers. C/flJm FINE. M/Ll/NERY 78 Wm» ten all S 7 Atlanta. Ga, D TO AVOID THIS USB 0 N TETTERINE s c C I T* I Tetter, The cure ONLY for Ringworm, tho painless worst- ugly type and rough of harmless Eczema* patch¬ R \ es Ground on the itch, face. chafes, crusted chaps, scalp. pun pies. Poison from ivy or poison oak. In short all itches. Send 50c, in stamps or cash to J. T. Shnptrine, Savannat i. Ga., for one box, if your druggist don’t 1 keep it. You will find it at Chas. O. Tyner’s, Atlanta. AROMATIC EXTRACT BLACKBERRY 8 AND RHUBARB —FOR— Dysentery, Flux, Cholera Morbus, Cholera, Diarrhoea —AND - Slimmer Complaint* Try It. Price 25c., 50c., $1.00. For Sale by Druggists or write to J. Stovall Smith., MA NUFACTURING PHARMA f '1ST. 102 Whitehall St., GEORGIA. Corner Mitchell, ATLANTA, SULLIVAN &. CRICHTON’S % : AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. The best and cheapest Business College in America. Time short. Instruction thorough, i Penmen. J Big demand for graduates. Catalogue free. j 8UI.MV4N & CIHClirOS, KSwr Hid*., Atlanta. For Siyle, Wear ai Contort. i / Visit rt 9 3.4 Whitehall St. SAW MILLS COHN AND FEED MILLS* Water Wheels and Hay Presses. BEST IN THE MARKET. Del.oacli Mill Mfg. Co.. 3!)A, Atlanta. Ga. ACME $4.50 CHURN, Best Butter, Shortest Time, Least Labor. King Hardware Co* ATLANTA, GA. rSTBest Stoves and Ranges. Lowest prices. OSBORNE’S udtnedd {X t e AND School of Bhortliaiid AUGUST A, business GA. from daj of No text books us»d. Actual entering. Business oapers, college cum-nor and good, used. Send for hsndsomely illustrated cata¬ logue. Board cheep. R. R. fere peid to August*. S3i. D ^ u R HH 9 . make <3 a work day; absolutely te«ch sure; vr. fur nlsb the and you free sn work in the locality whore yon neoi lend uoyournridress and we will exploia tho buglneu fully; remember wo gaxiw antee n clear pro8s of #3 lor every u»t’o D. „ _ T. ____ BeESiS, _ _work; Xaunr, absolutely B.i I,F. DETROIT, sure; writ, UCHItil. at *a». ARE YOU A DEMOCRAT? Presidential Year. You will find aid aDd comfort in THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE, the great democratic newspaper of the west. Daily edition S3 per year. No sub¬ scription for less than one year a» this rate. Sample copies free. THE CHRONICLE, 164-1136 Washington st., Cni cago. Ill. WHY I AM AN A. P. A. Balding, \ book, 153 Rochester. p*£9?, by N. James Y- Sarsrent, I questiona 303 Btcklvjr A mnswared Pricos :io cents eaco ; 91*50 per doz- ; $10 per 190 r postage paid- C.'ish must accompany all orders. A. N. U Forty-fcnr, ’95. ijié s'iic’r'ij CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Use Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. l»v dr' Zfifls