The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, December 06, 1895, Image 2

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W^HiXjET^STEIISr XS RECEIUIITC> The Fort Gaines Sentinel rrm.iMiKo kvkkv khiimv. ■.......—” OFFICIAL ORGAN Of CLAV COUNTY. ( JOSHUA JONES, Editor and Publisher. ..... : r. ' , 1‘HlUAt, umtv uw fcMBfilt n, .. 1M(1 is.m. . j LEGAL ADVERTISING. All b'lfnl published In th« rtsn. rriitof hr (ml I for Jicrrnffrr In adrunre. Tn*> nfflrrrr. n« well ns ths tmhllnhrr. having .-s rri aiirrcl rt.nxirtrrnhlc trotlhlr In milking n.llr. thnti* for ofBrlal Rntirrs. and In a nnmhrr of* havr Iw'i ti unahln to rnllrrl at all. TUI* ml** will hr strictly «'I hr r .'ii in and to avoid delay and trouble |t!l intrrrstrd sh.onlii. In the future, send thr ush with thr copy for such advertisements. 'I ho Darien Gazette, which is always solid in its democracy, noting that Judge Jim Griggs will oppose Congress¬ men Hussell, says: ‘‘We hojie lien will wm.” T“ “Silver liiok” Bland has met with a ■«-' *• ............ •» » Sontb on the lecture platform with free Olveras his theme. He met with a “freeze out” in several cities in this state. Hitch is the ending of a passing craze. The Valdosta Times anys: It is author¬ itatively announced in Atlanta that Judge Jim Griggs will resign the ship of the Pat an la circuit to run for (’oi.gress on the free siiver platform. The Second district has always been represented in Congress (since the dava of Whitely) by a sound money Demo¬ crat, nnb wo believe she will stand by her record. The South Carolina constitutional volition has completed its work. Till man aud Ins Populist allies BOOoeeded in having incorporated in its provisions their i»t scheme requiring property and educational qualifications of votera, and now there are tlioiisands of negroe** and . fl poor w n , ras i m iu s a e i^■'^ rsmg the day that they allowed the wool to be Therc is m,»re talk about sional polittes in the Second district. It is understood that Judge James Griggs, of the I’ataula circuit, has ten¬ dered his resignation of the judgeship to take ellfcet January 1,1S!M>, when he w ill enter upon an active campaign for congress. The report comes fron\ Al hiihv, that Hon. Jesse W. Walters will also be a candidate. He is a free «il vfc- advocate, as is Judge. (Higgs, aud Ihey will make the tight against Mr. Ibissell. They will have to hustle to bent. Hen Ibissell, whose fine record in the public ' services he has rendered have mad** lnm . popular , with , the people. . ,, He sfnnds for a sound, stable currency, aud bis free silver opponents "ill have their bauds full to beat him.—Columbus En¬ quirer. The many friends, thougliout this Miction, of Senator J. K. Mercer, of the ninth district, note with pride his splendid record in the Georgia He .... quite prominent . lure. occupies a position among his colleagues, and is so popular as to render him quite a useful member, He is the author of a number of important and measures that have attracted wide at trillion and much favorable comment on the part of the press. „„ , . , , , . • ed eivu whvi got left in various up poiiitin«Mif*. together with the brilliant stiftesmen who think the fate of the nation dejn'iids on their being given a sc it in ( on gross are still vainly dig King away at the foundation of Con gressnuitt Hassell's congressional rcc on). In the meantime that gentleman is undisturbed bv their harmless j., i.i» cnni,i«ign. Th„.e heard luui iu this conuty cannot be swerved by the unwarranted sions of those who differ with him in Ins allegiance to democracy as declared inthelast plattorm and those who want him step down and out and nuke 100 m for , them. Ihe people , are not fools, and they readily eoinpre hend the true significance of such pre tensions. Mr. Hussell has made a faithful , representative, . . has done , H»n* , rommittee work, and his general ser vh-i-.< iiiv ,u,)ci-i»l-1» Ihow ot the arpr ag*' con. , s.Mtiau of the same yeara inortiee. His opponents wtll not have * a \\aitvO\ti by any means. THE EXPOSITION. I To THE Kihtok: I am just recover in-,' from a cold contracted while doing Atlanta's great attraction—the Cotton State** and International Exposition, ’j , j 1 () f tli«' souvenirs that you mav expect to carry home with you v„„ f ,,o >othwi( .. : , the , columns , of , i gushing prose which you may have read about this big show, the eloquent deelaimitions an impromptu speeches of America’s brightest luminaries and tile many rvhthinicnl , verses of Stallion a j|d other poets, I tell you in all sill c<>r jt y t||e hll lf lja * Uol told you. J hose people who have the means M .jj| ( | ( , |hemsclves a great injustice if they fail to sec this, the greatest ag gregation of commercial and industrial exhibits end •mple'est curio tlmi America ho- v» i course, the N -t»• 1 * * o nmbian Expo sit ion. People v. ho wet.. to the On tennial at Philadelphia snv it was but a tallow candle compared to this great It you contemplate going, let me say that the quickest and most comfortable wav of -caching the exposition grounds is via the . Southern , . Umlway, .. at . southern extremity of tne Dnion depot, Trains arrive' and depart from this P oint every seven minutes. ^ * 1<MI . V<MI exposition gate at the somhern intrance you will find just to your left the Georgia Manufac Hirers h.ii'ding. The different exliih its arc too numerous for special men¬ tion. of course, out the variety and el¬ egance of the goods manufactured in Georgia will cause your optics to grow owl like wit h surprise for von will see things that you never dreamed of j,,,, manufactured in Georgia, and .spontaneously your heart throbs will .grow stronger,' vmir pulse will will expand bent faster and your breast with a pardonable pride over the fact 1 .\ ou a Georgian’ Hall, close by, Don’t skip Jlachinerv VT j,], j (s ponderous engines and palace nr8 . an ,i Hicn you will come to the : «*ww : rustic tinibns, jiusintmg quite an odd uppearance, but by no means uneome ly. This building will interest you very much. Nearly every known Wrod is to lie seen here, from the common I,la.:kja.-k»lul lo,pine of ««„ *» ,» l*'" 1 ’™ 1 ,r >*» Of loscmile Valley, the mahogany of tropical America and the rubber tree of fin off India. Several manufacturing indus tries arc represented here also, such as the lnniiufasture of suspenders, cork , screws, pins, toilet soaps, spectacles, silk fabrics, a type-setting machine in operation, etc. In the center of this building is a rustic stairway leading to the “ Aragon Hoof Garden.” where re freslmienls or a square meal can be of choeolate, ‘""1 rendered 'T‘ I’-'iT still more deli- ^ cions by the soft music of a Mexican band, you can feast your eyes on your magnificent; surrounding and look upon the street scenes of naughty Midway, Tho Agricultural building is artisti cal ly arranged and a very interesting study. building is revela The Fine Arts a tion that beggars description. It is pure white, frescoed, with massive columns, and is with all grand and im posing. In the corridor of this great priding is a score or more plaster casts that challenge your admiration ai, d cause you to linger and wonder at plastu- hand of man; but when you have gone a little further and be¬ hold a perfect sea of pictures, some of which seem to almost speak lo you, your wonder is increased ten-fold anil a charm seems to hang over you. and ynu find yourself trying io stamp the scenes ami faces before you on r; 'ijie M oinan’s building is of the i one p ro tticst on the grounds Its contents, hnwe\ * • ar< t<- • vari--*i u* aitenqrt the slightest *U crijit mu. i.ike woman, . 11 "I**! 1 * 1 '*. :l int 'd!o>. ft little of ^ "rile man’s Annex” 1 wish' vou to see— “L'liristine.” She was rather thinly cl«d when I saw her last, but as the < ' oul h e r has grown colder, I hope, a aI u 1 iun.)ii.ima uuinaug. . ^lie-m. STbioL^' vour ‘wj didn't go there to bow the knee to Baal, nor to worship brass aml t V ten ,' l >ole A amll lf ' ve fa lled u ‘ th d r ol J , .^U „ that , ^ C "* i sill so # fondly cherish—that so many sentimental lads aud lassos have slob hereil over—I ho)*e you will please ex euse me. The Georgia Agricultural building is a graceful arrangement of all the pi(H i ucts o{ *i l u . Empire State of the ’ . South ami » a close seeonu to Galifor »>»>., «>r *»v ..f fnm Alal«ma made no appropriation for and both the building and exhibits sue mou- uments of credit to the philanthropic citizens who have made it one of the *'*hibit* on the grounds. One of the urbane representatives in charge conducted me through this labyrinth displays, j of mineral and agricultural solid column and when we came to a of iron ore standing about twelve feet i high and measuring at least three feet: or more at its base and weighing mam , hoUsamI „ 0 f pounds, he told me that when the iron magnates of I’ennsvlva nia came to this herculean shaft their eyes their at nether once jaws sought dropped it* summit, to its while base. j 1 and they would seem stunned by ib< possibilities of the Iron Queen o r the world, which has begun to draw trad • from their very doors. I will bring you now to one of the grandest of the entire circle of build¬ ings, the ••foreign exhibits” (some of the exhibits are domestic however.) hiom the moment you enter the por ,alfl of ,hi * enchanting place, you are oi-wild* r l with the brilliancy of many '•lin: - ai I you find each exhibit a joy , ja d a uew - i.s rise. California's fruit pictures, birds, animals and pyramids ' ls 11 never to be forgotten. In ; 111 * 1 ,>ul| ding v,,u »«*« ^ b « aut ‘ ful . , ts& of Switzerland, the quaint instruments little trinkets front Japan, the ^‘.upings immaculate statuary from the luiest studies, ’ and a perfect hlgeof liohemi n gla » s ware thlU winks and sparkles in the glare of a thousand elect lie lights like so many ‘•rich jewels in an Ellnope’s ear.” A pyramid of oil, (in glass bottles) twen¬ ty feet high, will arrest your attention am ) ilI)lu .se you, too, if you think of it, as 1 did, that is, as being a sufficient quantity to move the bowels of the ! earth. This is decidedly the most ex ' miisiic quisilc and -ind be«tuiilul,,I interior ,,f of all ..11 thn the buildings. other strik There are a great many ing exhibits and a whole day would ! seeni I’Ht few moments spent, in ad miring and studying its varied cou ten's. I The Government building is im ; mouse. When you cross its thresh hold you feel like throwing your hat up and hollering: “Hurrah for i'nde Sam! ’ Hut when you remember that the people are paying for it and that you are of the people, your enthusiasm is a little dampened, as a great deal „f it will appear to you as beiin* extrava *»•«,'.«,.on,»««»« when ‘seeing the ele—; oils you are pliant” else you will not enjoy it. The j tish exhibit in l lie Government ing and tile fish incubators will prove especially la-amifoi interesting. The fish are in ,Mr *h» ca K e s a.,,1 lro»l> sea water lias lo lie «U|>|>lieil the salt Water specimens daily. This building is purely educative, and vou can learn here in a few hours what you would perhaps never know if you did not see Unde Sam's show. The; dummy soldiers are novel sights, and ' the machine that stamps the American ini | eagle on the “almighty dollar’* is operation with here. its The stuffed Smithsonian birds In-j stitute, and beasts, its mummies aud Indian relics, i and thousands of other curiously curi¬ ous things is a great show within itself. There are too many other interest ing features to eiiumeiate further, l nclc Ham, ami you know, has a way of his own, he closes his building ev cry afternoon promptly at four o'clock, When the gong sounds the hour for closing you must -move on and out at or you will la* moved bv one of! his vigilant representatives, There are other buildings of inter-1 est, hut I fear my letter has already grown too prolix’, f I ‘ know you have ' been waiting to hear about the Mid-! way, hut will write you about that next week. John Lewis Adams. Eufaula, Ala., Nov. 2°. 18!*o. It now seems that Coi. H. C. ►'jbelfij:** will have no opposition in his Candida cy for the judgeship of the Putaula cir C nit. aud it is highly probable that he w fll receive the appointment, which will ^ iu ,m * ^ - * ,e woods. Ihe race lor the solicitor-l ship is narrowed down to Cols. E. J. Mart and M. (J. Edwards, of Dawson, „!idJ. V, I rain, of this citv, with the ebauces in favor of the latter, which is h ^ r Kra,if viu *? to his mnu v flie,,ds in * - Mita section. Cols. Clarence Wilson, of onr (own, and C. C. Bush, of Colquitt, have been mentioned for the rnent, but both being members of the ov,x ^ habit. Q j reliable satisfactorv nn.t ir’m 1 *° bi ^ b U’ nl - V ^ I T m,,te m f ^ ,s WorId addict^ e tc^the'liaWt , e oV n ^pinru/ J * ! ^ ,n at Lebanon. Ohio. The onlv place iu the; world where a cure is accomplished in ten to twentv davs. with ease and com-, fort to the patient, is at Lebanon. Thou sands of references furuisbed on appti cation from persons cured. No pay re q»»red from responaible persons until eureci. H yon know any one who is addicted fo t ““ lu f uf °l»‘ l “ »»f Morphine, you . 1 1 ’ Address ’ J. A,. Stephens, M. TX L E B ANON. OBLIO. < IN-THE - LEAD' G The City RRapket i Is in the lead, re gardless of anything that has been or may be said. Summer is over and ice is no longer by needed. I have recently made arrangements which I am enabled to keep my maret constantly supplied with Choice Beef, Pork and Sausage. I will handle nothing but the best, and guurantee my customers satisfaction in every particular. H.. .A.. DUKE. STANLEYS BOSINES COLLEGE, 1 riiomasville, Gfeorgia. Head What is Said by Competent J ad yen. A Sehool that Sift ads Well at Home is Hound to be a Good Sehool. .•'V'v'V'V'VW'W'N. -w We take pleasure in recommending Stanley s Business College, and do not hesitate to speak the highest of its success. Ho far as we know, its graduates have been in terms employed in business houses of our city. J£ ,y successful, several of them being the best all the demands of C0U1¥<1 , of instruction is thorough, j,metical and complete, meeting uny business of to-day. aepuainted with Pfofessov Stanley, its president* « a n jnost ' Wo personally i are • earnestly recommend lnm as being a man of high moral standing hou X st, sohei, upright 1 and sincetelv interested in the welfare of each student. Jle has built - r .u.v-ioimI iri8tit)ltiol) J f he most substantial kind, and the rapid nrowth a... , * potation bo - co j| e ^ e demonstrates his eminent qualifications as a manager and instructor. ?Ve cheerfully coinmenrt Stanley's Business College to all young men and women who desire to acquire thorough practical business training. Relieving, ns we do, that it a of instruction and ranks second v.o none in the country, in the thoroughness of i*s couise the ability of its leacners. P S Ifeeth. Bookkeeper Citizens Banking and Trust < onmmy Citizens Banking J Culpepper, cashier and Trust Company vfFnavh^diuag'rof of Bank Piuoy of Woods Th„ .-ville hotel .«,d Vice-President, mi, Co. WP Grantham, Agent ThomasviJle Southern Express fee Co. W S Keefer, Manager Law A T McIntyre, Attorney at ^Hutchinson, M It a Fleetwood. Bookkeeper Tinirs-Enter orise. Court. H HansslI, Judge Superior Joe /.ove, Clerk Stewart Hotel. ^ ^ Hargrave, Manager Variety 'Works. ^ ., F Piaktr. Tre.«im-r Thaw day county School B W Stone. Sni J. L. BURNETT. R. E. PETERSON. BURNETT & PETERSON, Fire Insurance Agents. FOET GAINES, GA. RoproSBIlt # # # PHOENIX, of Hartford. /ETNA, of Hartford. A Share of Your Patronage Solicited. Office at BANK OF FORT GAINES. m — A Car Load of Horses !4 We have just received at our stables a carload of fine horses which we bought cheap and propose to sell at BARGAIO PRICES ! These are first-class, sound, gervicable animals, and can be used anywhere. You have never had such an oppor tunity to gei a good combination horse so cheap. WARD & SIMPSON. WHO LEADS ? Wfo & -f/*!-! IA II •fl 11155 '10 TY-m-S-H- OI Ti*o/1a A A<iC10 ** And you need not ask. We eoiitfiiue to delisht OllA Olll CUStOI110rS BV -ra SUpplyillff />.{ , . -Jr til0111 , , Wltll * 1 , . lFSt-UlaSS , 3l0atS a at a all , A vlMO ° vul,k3 11I110S. A n/I tlMr lit* /All nc J All 3 | 11K0 • 1 lliailll0r. C'n ,, ] 1 n \lll » it© f/ai* A 111 '-•All Beef. Pork X ”A IV Slid Cl lilt S»H«I»P kJd USCl^t* "W X3 RTTRNFTT Vy X\>X w X_i A A &T Ql* jJI V/* * JA W H Campbell. Manager Alior Law ltobert G Mitchell. >e v ut W A Spitz. Manager Ton s-Enteriwise watt .J Ii Spence, Secretary and 1 reusurer A P Bmlk Keeia-r Th.nnasville Sim* W L’umpany Book keeper Postoflice O Smith. at ft L Hicks, Druggist T L Spence Manager Watt Supply t\» L M Mallettedieal Estate ami Insmance ............. Thomasville Siioe t.'<>, per Frank Smith H hitak*r & Keeter, Livery Stable A P Taylor. 31 i> Hansel I & Merrill. Attorneys at Law .loon H Co> Je, J> 1> S ^ fi.J.rl.l.i, Hulk... J M Lee Postmaster