The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, December 06, 1895, Image 3

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ITE'W GOODS IDJ^SYT. \YI ASM IN IT *£~ 5 EB *$F 0 R THE;-- CHRISTMAS TRADE! The time for old Santa to begin to establish his headquarters is here, and after looking all over town, he was so tickled with the preparationjjbeing made there for his pleas¬ ure that he wisely concluded that the store of T. IMI. BROWIsT Would prove the most popular selection. Yo will not find elsewhere in town a larger, more complete or prettier selection ©f all kinds of Christmas {roods. It would fill a whole paper to enumerate the many pretty things we have in stock. Come and see for yourselves. We are also headquarters -^Family Groceries, l it CITS AND COXFECTIOXS. The large variety and excellent quality of our stock is not equalled 1 in town. Read of the many ' °‘OOd things: ® Buckwheat, Oatmeal, Cabbage, Lightbread. Onions. Irish Potatoes, Turnips, Dried Apples, Onion Sets, Pigs Feet, Cosh in Butter, Ganned Goods, Fresh Sausage, Cheese, Cream Apples, Cranberries. KegPic kies, Sweet Pickles. Chow Chow, Snow Olako Crackers, ltaisins. —o ^ - *___ ■* .....^ —i d ! Christmas Fruit Cakes will be better if baked now and put aside to season. YVe gan supply you-vvitl'* all the neces sa’}' ingredients, or can bake your cakes for you. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. U'lial (lie l»«*oplc I>o and Snj-— I,it 1 1«> (tits of Vow* and (!»«■ hi>» Callirrrd on the Win*. Rent Notes for sale at this office. Onr neighbor. Jnd/e R. T. Foote, has been sla'^gliteriiig bis porkers this week, and. thanks to Mrs. F., ye editor and • family bav# feasted. r( 7 1 ^ nr Ki . "? tj- 1 J£. klft 11 ° J • us ‘ rCf eeived by ( . W. Lewis. . I bey are tine, and arc going .is . The Dawson T, lplione Company completed its line to Coleman, and wi |, noon begin the work of extending it to Fort Gainen, Blaffton and Blakely. U'^=*Cal] on Mose Bluitt, Commerce street, fo- Fresh fish aud Oysters. Most expert oj»ener in the ‘South. Stews - 30c. The Coleman correct mi leal of the Cutblwrt Leader s?,ates that Mr. Wesley Risk will retire from the mercantile tins. iness at Coleman and move back to hi* farm in this county next year. IT^Go to A. M. Wallerstein for the the cheapest and nicest Dress Goods. Mr. S. M. Belcher, one of Clay conn tv’s prosperous farmers and most worthy young men. was married last Wednesday to Miss Mamie Speight, a most estima bb„ youn 0 lady. The Kentixeii wishes . ,.m. l,«|.pj »"d i)roM[)erofi8 though life. - We still have left a few pieces of Elegant \\ o 'I Dress Goods that we are closing out at a sacrifice. This t mity to buy cheap wont last long. Vinson & Culpepper. On last Tuesday morning at the of fbe bride's father, Mr. T. C. Sutton, Miss Corra Suttou, one of Clay county’s lovchest i p i and j most , accomplished ft-* young I vdie^.was married to Dr C. H. Ingram, n successful young physician and perons farmer. Tne Sentinel extends them hearty congratulations and sincere wishes for a long life of happiness. J^“B]ack Satines 10c per yard * at Seligrnan's worth 12 1-2 * (Mirons, Figs, COlTSIlltS l)ales Spices Lemons, Bananas, Homemade Jelly, Fancy Candy, Corn Starch, Cigars, Tobacco, Crockery, Heavy Groceries, Tinv/are. Buckets, Tubs, Buggy Whips, Ptisket 3 . Loaded Shells, Cocoanuts, j Next 1 uesday is the. day on which 1 municipal officers, a mayor and live - •d-dcrineii, will be elected. Me under | altlermauic stand there board, will be no change that in J. the | except j Peterson will be added in lieu of Dr. ! D. F. Guun, who, we learn will no) be a candidate for re-election. The I j ticket, therefore, will be for mayor, | 1 A ' McAlli!S,er ’ for al,lermcn ’ J ' E j Peterson, G. G. Lark, K. I>. Coleman, j T. L. Farmer, B. C. MeAlIister. H5F _____ Hr. „ 1 rank ... A. speck , has , opened ,. a Dental Office over the City I>rug j Store, and is prepared to ido a l kinds 1 work. Grown < and bridge work j j a specialty. I - I ^ o-dav vas the day set apart hy j | County School Commissioner Howell, j i for th,! exanmiation of applicants for, teachers’ license, but owing to thc non | arrival of the examination papers uotli j ! ing could be done and the examina ti««» was postponed until Saturday, the i 14tii inst. The white applicants pres* ent to-day were Mr. W. T. Halliday, 1 atid “r (.. ( Smith. R -. A - Miss'is Lula Single-1 ?' w " ! -Lindsey,and . ton and Mr. Howell, t r'^THuhL Proof Seed Oats for sale i cheap, J. C. Killkiikkw. Mrs. Thos. Espy, a lady generally | ov «d for her many excellent trails of j ; c h aract er, died yesterday at her home {n 1)olhaP? aft(; r an illness of several • mon jj ls Her remains will be brought ] |, ere for intermciit to-morrow—Satur- 1 sl,„ was a si.tcr of Mr. T. J. j tanner, of our town, ..... besides whom j she leaves a husband and many other ; ] tives to mourn her death. ru a j _____________ ! <;crm<*liirr (<• I lie Kent. Mr. G. J’. McLain. Acvvorth, Da., says: "Several years a<ro my wife suf fered froni iltla,,| < s of ljili,,u * ««!*« ! n(U « e8lio n ; ,lsed fe,, Y icings and 1 tiled .. scvcidl , doctors, out ?ill j ■ wjlholU 1)( . nn;inent beuetit. She used Royal Germetuer some years ago and it has given her more relief than all I else, and she recommends it to (he af d icted. W rite to the Atlanta ( hem-1 ical Co., Atlanta, bii.. for 4S page book, giving full information, free. New package, large bottles, 108 doses, ' ' PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES AN® WHEN AND WHERE. The Slews of Fort «Jalue» Monet* Briefly- Muted- (lathered m th« ll»u>e Fireside. i —Cols. W. C. Word!!, of Cntld'ert. i Cr<ih,Khnra s 5o var.l »l worth 8c. I —Mr eleve're'iti/.cns. S C ( ulbreth one of Hll , (T . ton's was among lht . visitors at this office last Tuesday. . «sf mT v „nw allersloin’s......' II,,,. nf l ni A. \\ —Ilev. W. D. cGregor. Judge W. A. Graham and daughter.Mrs. Sutlive, and Mr (i. I). .Speight are attending the Smith Georgia Conference at Fort I \ alb \ this wuli. U^jF’I.ndies' Nice Pongola Shoes 73c I« —On his regular monthly visit to “j eompanied by his niece. Miss Kspn Chappcl, who was the guest of the editor's family. {^“All-wool Serge, in all colors, 33e per yard at Wallerstein’s. — al, ‘- H* ( . MeAlIister, who spent s»*v. 1 nil days at the Atlanta exposition last week, gives a glowing account of the sights he saw. lie says he is al most as proud of Georgia s big show ** h " b " f OyJr'Seligmnii is closing out nil kinds Dry Goods nt cost. -Col II. C. Sjioffidd of Arlington, was in the city Monday shaking hands with his many friends and looking af ter matters connected with Ins cuiidi dacy tor the judgeship. lie received mam hearty grasps from well wishers. A- M. W allcrstcin sells the la st Jeans for the least money. —Miss Annie Lou Tcnuillc, of Montgomery, is visiting her sisters and brother-in the Fort, Mesdames W. A. McAllister and R. T. Foote and Mr. W. R. Tennille. Her many friends are delighted to have her among them again. Ij^Jeans Pants from oOc up at Seligmau's. —Rev. J. L. Stevens, of Athens, is in the citv Ibis week, the guest, of Mu .1. H Brown. I i * • came . V disuof.e of !,' • in;.- ■ M in the Seigerf Lee pla; es. a lew miles east of town, which he sold to Mr. J. P. Sharpe. ' | j^-Vn immense lot of Shoes Ai ,.-y i cheap at A. M. Wallenstein's. _ A mong those who went to the I exposition this week we learned of Messrs. B. E. Armstrong, L. ('. Mer >'itt, Joe \ inson, jr., laird Brown, C. W. Lewis. W. E. Bucketr, Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Hancock, Mrs. John Foster an< | Minnie Killingsworth. at! B3TA Man’s Good Shoe for #1.10 Sdigman’s. —I)r. E. R. Bush, principal physi cian of the, state penitentiary, spent ] Hs j j n the city, the guest of ( ; up t. w. M. Speight. He came to in;«.ke bond for a negro tenant on bis plantation in Early county, jail' who v. as , 1 arrested and placed in here a short since on a warrant of long stand-! ing. , vwl| wnnt , )ig i„ i ]' U) niture go to A. M. A allcrstcin. ! Dr F A Speck and family of 1 _ . . . sev-| Tennessee, have engaged lmard for al months at the Dobbins House, and the Doctor has opened a dental office over the City Drug Btore. 'i'he people,' Doctor is well known to many of onr having spent several winters here, and and his estimable lady will be with us tor some tune. 1 ________ Our line of Gents’, Indies’ and Children’s Shoes is the most complete of any in town, and our low prices are winning the trade. ! Vinson & Ci:lpki»i*k«. i CoinmiwMioiter*’ Court. ■ The county commissioners held their! regular monthly term of court last Monday, the full board being present, i Tho following ” acc u ui.t8 were.mlrml paid: j J. K. Croxier, holding election, S 2 00 i B. F. I-oote, “ 2 00 ' J. W. Harrison “ 2 00 ! .J. R. Askew, lumber for bridge 1 b Henry Greene, lumber........ , ~ C. McLendon, lumber.... ■>! W. R. Harrison, registrar f<*e. ’ W. M. Speight . . y ; T. C. Sutton, U j J 1 ,1 \\ It.' (rrinisli*v 4 * (Id G. Sutlive, clerk ]4 J. T. McAllister, jail fees for Sept.. Oct., and Nov B iO 90 J. T. McAllister, costs bill ..... ~jU 00 j J. T. McAllister, serving regis - trars’ suiijMenas............ 39 30 ! Commissioners Paullin, Foster, Coleman Killingsworth and Bigbic, salary for 18’Jo, each, 24 60, meeting: of Clay- County Populism. In obedience to the call of the state executive committee, the People's Party of Clay county met in convcn tion at the court house on the 4th inst. F. Creel being elected chairman | and J. C. ClUlip secretary. The following named gentlemen were tlcced d< legates to the state I eonvetitlrn. which convenes in Atlan j to December IS: J. \\. (iritnsley, Y II. (irlm.ley, .1. ' '• 1 '"' 1 ue, ! , ;J). Nimbus, . . 1. Holmes, \\.. J. | rn,,ll, ,l '“' A - AVl ' s| ‘> K - ' Vo,nu ' k ' | «• A - Turnipseed. .1. F. Creel, d. C. Camp, W. W. McKinnon. Colored delegatM. W. M. Sapp, A.V. C’riddellc, Mo,!,.., C„l .........fcr. *,,,lr, Jo,Us ’ A ' ( ’' JI ' ,k ‘* s ’ Ed " lu ,,m kson ’ A Bullet, *' i Howard, Henry • • Johnson. The platform as recommended by j the state executive committee was adopted ns n whole except section 10 ll,„l to I lie si, lie ns state issues «• CrappB wits elected chairman of the county executive com- 111 it tee, and 8 . E. Lewis secretary. s. 11. Weaver offered the following; resolution, which was unanimously Resolved, That we, the People’s Party of Caly county in convention <>tT*“r our thanks to Almighty- God for i,j* preservation of our lives and prop i*rty for the past year, and pray that |,|, s j>rovi(I<*iitial merries relw„m.^,,ivil may and political ““ liberties. jj* ........ That we hold the franchise of the American to be a Wl . niml( . mn aliv law ,| ia( u .„ds jn itl alIV .unction other than to „ om . s , hallo , an(| a fail . ,, ,„ s j, UIll , ni „.,.d lls I)V thc Mood ((f our forHalhl .,. s and ,|,e constitution the I'nitcu States. That we hold that thc tendency to an educational or property qualification to vote to be a usurpation of our constitutional rights as American citizens, one dangerous, tending to discord, dishonoring our Republican form of government,breed * n g n »d upbuilding plutocracy, aristoc¬ racy and monarchy. Til k Four Gainks skntinkl, The People’s Party Paper and The People's Voice are requested to publish these proceedings. J. F. (’KiiKi., Chairman, C. Cami*, Secretary. dry goods, Eyerybody notion, who intends buying nitnre. elofhing, shoes, fur etc., should price A. M. Wnlleis »«»*’“ frw» from Miat«l> llrlf, “Little Brown Jug” is a little hoy; His father's pride and his mot he’s joy; His eys are brown and bis cheeks are red Anil brown lmir covers his little head, With a nose just slightly inclined to be png— That’s aby wo call him “Little Brown Jug.” Brown little hands, we always And Them with mischief of some kind; Brown little feet that are never still, That patter about at the owner’s will, Dressed in a suit, of brown so snug— 1 hat's why we call him "Little Brown Jug.” Mr. Ed. Griffin, of Quitman county,: v - a!> here a tew days ago. Dr. Baines, of Georgetown, was al the mill one day this week. Mrs. Lavania Quattlebaum, who has Rhino' p ‘ * ^ '***' we Many thanks , t<> Mr. Gejic Owens for kl ’ hig the hawk at the mill last week, V ish lie would kill a few more. We would write X. Vait Y. Z.’s obituary t Iris week, hut will a while She -it ” *> ^ ^ Moie corn from X. A . Z.’s fellow. <»ucss she has expired, and he has dc-1 ( ' i<1(,,i to * el1 out 5,11,1 1,Jft vc for parts j unknown. We have had some very cool weather and some very cold ice since our last , writing, but not enough to make us for- j get to write. Wonder has become of X. Y. Z.? Has she grieved herself to death over the derby, terrapin and polka, or is sl,M *® ft, T’hi!ig foi^' a place to put a sign '’T W«; did , not t know we had a teller working at the mill until a few days ago whefi two people of the fern ine gender drove up in a buggv and had their fortunes told bv a shallow witted son of Ham. M. M.’s aunt, Mrs. Sallie Stanley, and friend, Miss Mamie Martin, both of Rronwood, will be visitors at Shady Dell next weex. They will come down ! Saturday and will not, we hope, return I untilnntil next Saturday. Miss Amanda Quattlebaum, of Shady ! ls v * sltlll iJ lu r brother, Mr. Lee * Quattlebaum, at thc Gross Ronds, this week. M. M. PI U* I»r Bale! Apply to J. L. Bubxeit. ■ tout* from HlafftM. Several Coloniokceites attended pivaching here last Saturday and Sun¬ day. We are glad to say that little Staf¬ ford Beauchamp, who has been quite sick, is better now. Mrs. J. K. Toole, of Arlington, spent last week here, the guest of her moth¬ er, Mrs. G. f.. Collins. Miss OUio Rntnho. having spent *ev oral days at the exposition, is uow vis- 1 ing relatives in Camilla. Mr Killin—w.wtli lia. Uou-ht „£» he will I-|,l,.oo, reside next your. days Miss with Nettie Miss Bridges lone spent Ingram several near " ,slc >’ Chapel lust week. Mrs - J - D - Jones and sou, of Jones !!'!£"' Mr. W. C. Wiggins went to Arliug of (on Tuesday and purchased a liue j»air j 1 mules, which he brought back with Miss Norn ('ulbreth spent Inst week Herewith relatives and friends, re KSS* ‘ *" r *£*£»£ , Wiill. ' spent a week at the Atlanta exposition, returned last Sunday. Mrs. George Collins went to Atlan til last week to join her husband, who is studying dentistry there. She will remain until Christ mas. Mr. W, P. Killingsworth and Miss Fspa Chappell paid a visit to the Fort last the Monday. editor They were the guests of and his wife. »».. \j,. M \v i un ,i w r tended a Thanksgiving dinner at Mrs. G. L. Collins last Thursday. Miss Beulah Black, of Blakely, after spending some time up here, the guest of Misses Lorrine and Krnesl Mann, returned home last Wednesday. Miss Nelln Bryant, who has been spending a while with her brother, Mr. H. 1j. Bryant, returned to her home near Blakely last Sunday. Miss Satsie Burkett, who has just finished leaching a class cutting les¬ sons, by the Baughmnu adjustable tail¬ or system for cutting French styles, out in the Enterprise neighborhood, is now teaching a class in Biulfton. llcr Work has given entile satisfaction. Messrs. J. A. and W. P. Killing worth, Mrs. W. P. Killingsworth. Misses Alma and Kuricc Killingswortu and little Herbert Killingsworth ri ¬ mmed last Friday, alter enjoy mg the sights of the exposition lor several days. Rev. F. 1.. Wimberly, of Sylvester, visited relatives and friends this week here. Mr. Wimberly was the teacher of the Hluffton High School several year > ago and we are glad to welcome him hack again. lie preached church an in¬ teresting sermon at the Baptist Sunday night. Trixy. The ladies say—and they know— that Vinson & Culpepper have the handsomest slock of Staple Dry Goods in the city; such as Prints, Gingham*, Satmes, Crepons, Ac. r A C. FREE SEEDS tj § I I with every dollar order, and IS <M) in V/ CASH varieties FKIZKS Curinan FOlATOKh. >o. I mm 2"other new SCRI) ANo Honey PlantH, Vluea, COMIMHIAN KASI'HKKHY. etc. Itoek Bottom l-’rioc*. Hree ('ain)ouKU to any tiddrei**. Aircntu wanleo. KVTEIIPRIMK SEKI) CO.,»WK-k. X. V. I KING’S ROYAL GERMETUER This pleasant and perfect remedy, so delightful to take, so refreshing and exhilarating, stands in highest favor with all who know it best, as the great eat of all medical remedies for both sexes, of all ages and in all conditions, VBAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU. |« AHtTITt. *twll! gl»6 JOtl restful refreshing SLEEP. It will stimulate your DIGESTION. „ Wiore JfOttr ... fftnvuua ucounuc ttltnuT. extoev It win pvt roar MONEYS in pvrfaot order. It win purify jour Blood. It will chango your weakness into STRENGTH. It will bring you out of sickness Into HEALTH. mew package, large bottle, ios D09Z8 ONE DOLLAR. •OLD BY ALL DKUQOISTS. MAXOrACTURSO ONLY BY WUR POX U-7A0X X00X, XJUXXD YX1B.