The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, December 13, 1895, Image 2

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■W.A.XjILiEK*S r PEiZISr IS IR-IEOIEI'VtTTO- The Fort Gaines Sentinel rt'lll.lsll Kl> KV Kit V KIMIIAV. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CLAV COUNTY. JOSHUA JOKES, Editor and Publisher. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, IMWi. LEGAL ADVERTISING. All P'lfnl ■rtvertlaonmrU pnl»ll»h®d In the skn TiNH. must !«• pul 1 for hereafter In advance, The officer*, an welt na the pntitlahcr. having e* erl enced ronalderahle lrouble In making collection* for official notice*, and In n number of instance* have been unable to collect tit all Thl* rule w ill he strictly adhered to. and fo aeold dclny and trouble nil Interested ahould. in tin - future. *cud the each with the copy lor wich advertisement*. Rev. Irl Hicks, the renowned weath¬ er prophet, wants the orange growers Florida to prepare for another freeze this .winter. The grand jury of Terrell county has given a strong endorsement to Solici¬ tor-General Shellield to he the stieees sor on the bench of the Pataula cir euit of Judge James Griggs. The Waycross Herald says that Judge (iriggs and Jesse Walters, two silverites, will both run against Men Russell for congress in the second dis trict. It will retjuire more than two silver men to heal the aforesaid Men jamin. Col. Arthur Cray 1‘ttwell, ttf Mlakt » ly, has joined the contestants for tin* Holieitorslnp of the Pataula circuit. a* *.......... .......* a-.v«. w "i'Uiy of the trust, and next to our own townsman. Col. Irwin, we believe it would he a close race between him and Mr. F.dwards, of Dnwsoti. The Georgia Legislature adjourned sine die last Wednesday. There was a lot of good work done, while there 1 some wise measures and needed legis- i latiou thill, was defeatetl or overlooked. Sueli negligence, however, was more than offset by the killing of a lot of foolish and baneful stulT urged by the cranky element of that body. it is Terrell county's lime lo supply the slab - senator from Ibis district in next legislature, and a writer in 1 ho Dawson News suggests that Hon. <). M. Stevens is the man for the place. Well, “Barkis is willin'.” If we un¬ derstand Mr. Stevens' position on the financial question, being O. K. other¬ wise, he is pretty sound limber. Trot him out. It is not improbable that the la judicial circuit may he enlarged by the next legislature, by the addition of two neighboring counties Stewart and Webster, now in the Southwestern circuit. l! is claimed tlial.Judge Fish has more business in tin* Southwestern circuit than lie can attend to and il is proposed to relieve him hy transferring two of the counties to Pataula. ' Ihe lull pro\nhng tot . the . increase of the number of supreme com t judges uliieh passed both houses ol the leg islature. just before its adjournment, u ill he submitted to the people rilitleation. The fact that the lull lcquiies that these judges shall be elected by the people, ought to make U more popular than the one upon which they voted at the last general election, and it is hoped that they will give if their endorsement. The silver coinage bill, introduced l.v * Senator Mills, provides * for the . t>f „ the silver bullion in the coinage now treasury into half dollars, quarters and dimes, and provides that when the gold reserve SI00.000.000, legal , . tender i notes presented ... for pay ment may be redeemed in silver or 41 m * ii.,* im TivKiii’v iiidMii) , lmt nut win.ii u in n tile unlu reserve is below #100,000,000 legal tender notes must be redeemed in standard >ilvor dollars. la his remarks ou the Mush hill Mr, Hodges, of Mibb, held that it struck at the fundamental principles of domoc racy. He tlcnted that sixty per cent. of the convicts came from the “wet" .. counties, atui t bat sixty pci cent, oi the lunatics came from the same conn ties. He said fort v per cent, of the convicts in this area were convicted for burglary. . He contrasted the drunk rnness or “wet” ami-dry” eitms and sixty per cent, of the taxes exclusive of liquor revenue last year. A Washington dispatch dt -cril .ng the opening scenes of ihe l Jfty-fourth congiess on Monday says; “It i worthy of several lin Oh that in h thousands of facet that looked on th animated scene in tin hall <1 eongn ss thin morning, not one was black, When <'lisp was inaugurated the im ulense public gallery facing the speak¬ er’s chair was packed with colored people. Today the Republicans, tin negro's friend before the election, eided to have admission hy card. A ; a result there was not a negro admit* t(>( | (() ( j M . | |OUHt . ;m ,| j|„. v had to con¬ tent themselves with strolling |y through the corridors.' Editor Jack Powell, of the Blakely Observer, who was married last week to Miss ..... Connie ... Strong, a popular . young lady of that place, makes the following uniqiic announcement to his readers: “After a tedious courtship of sever ai ......libs, Jaek Powell anti Miss Con nit* Strong were mat l ied on last M'hnrs day evening. Rev J. W \rno|. - pt - forming the marriage ..erv.t • > <• cards, no object ions, and uobod\ shun incss. Now is the time to subscribe.’’ 1 he Skntixki. ,<•»......Hilly l«i*l*r* von and your charming young bride its hearty congratulations, Jack. May a liberal share of life’s choicest bless ings fall to your lot. K . IVV ‘ ' Ihe . ( olumhus Kmjmrer. who is inter ested in the financial question will Unci it both to his interest and. his profit to rPrt( | carefully that important portion , • i' ...... ,. Ss ...........o. n ,vin siiv.-rii.s, I.ui i, hound to inlluenee Ihe great mass of American people, who only waul the truth. Mr. Cleveland’s discussion has not been etpialled hy any speaker or "’riler <>n I In - subject, and more than he suggests what seems to he the best remedy bn oui financial ills’. The National Republican Conven liou wiU1 , fl h( d (l at si. Louis on the Kith day of next June. NAUGHTY MIDWAY. To the Eim’on— O, Midway, naughty Midway! With all your sights and sounds, It's quite demoralizing To bo out on your grounds. Your “spoilers” cry with leather lungs The takes behind their screens, Your dancing girls turn suminersanl s fo tempt young “Johruie Greens.” i Your “cooohy, “bald*heads” cooch.v dance” they calie, say ' For takes the But the “Turkish harem “ior the blonds” And excursions on the lake. The “.Midway Heights'' is the best advertised feature of the Cotton States International Lx posit ion, and one " miM think from the talk it has ereid ed, that it is the, best feature of the g'cai show. This, however, is not so; ;,t h>: ' s < '» tv;1 ,iU ' ^hort of my • xpech l lion. When 1 looked in on the “Mid way” and had done a fe\v of its a tr.a - Hons, it reminded me ver\ much ol S( „ m , „( j| u . moth rn novels that their i icemiolls aHt hors expect us to read; nor are they altogether to blame, for in , !lis progressive age, with new methods erowtling out the old, '■'e novelist must perforce sandwich in a smutty paragraph occasionally to tickle the palate ol the average literary epi rur(>< an ,i thereby insure the success of his wol - k of lietioii. J list so it is w ph ,his Midway, Sandwiched in between the better attractions :uv v,| ii h eater to depraved tastes, which any young man would nnt t.> ini ‘ - * lik ’> But , . >ho\\s . real some o uie>e are " 00(1 ' The Mystic Maze, where one loses himself in a glass house, is very * .nuns;,;, l,m| sni r ,. esmehllv tsptu.un when win u von \ou Im-* *omc timid crcatmv \\,. u you. . breathe and move with suen lite-hke precision that you timl yourself asking a dummy a question, or begging the !r£“° f SU10tlWVfW wmc slisht iu ‘ " The Palace of Illusions, where vou see living heads without bodies, where a statue of stoue is transformed to a living, breathing woman and back to > '"m - :igain -is a tha>te and beamitul exhibitmn. The deceptions are good, and are accomplished, of course, by the use of mirrors. It is a show which will reme nber with much curiosi. «v and pleasure. T ho Phw,,ix ‘ ho Railway, , , Snooting the Chutes, the ami a few other attrac. lions are of momentary interest, bin ass you are a bioliful man, I will a description of them. I no how ever, some of them have ti nil* been rios>*d in order of the ex I 1 ' ..diion managers, which indicates tln ii character. Mil. tutors PH AT NIGHT. If in y oui' slumbers you could he Iran sported hy i magic hand to Ihe hanks of <Mara t , the pretty little artificial lake> am! he waked by the mu*i • of a M xicun hand, as its sweet melody is wafted to you on tin chill , night breeze from the Hiucridge, your first impression would be on awaking that you had been borne to a fairy d indeed, you did not think that you had crossed the golden strand, and that the angels were celebrating your arrival on the golden streets of the new Jerusalem. The scene from the lake is grandly superb. Look where you may a chain of electricity literally sur rounds you, the buildings are fringed with the magic fire, and tin* gria'eful bridge that spans the spark iing j waters Clara Meet' is aglow wj h |„. iMianl li4 , h(iS . Fleetrie foun !a - ms j„ the center of the lain play in the ambient atmosphere like so many “withes at a country dance.’ One !»omcul you see them leaping straight into the air a beautiful saflrni, like the sprays of Yosemite Valley; the •*' :-t 11 “' ■ : ’ 1 * ‘ an ‘ niertt aiclies lliat span gr .c< - !uhV It. - 5ints of li, « s l» n l .v; mill tioxi you , „ k( , „ HcU af „..... .. sllt .| (i( h]v ,i u , y e i 1;l ,,jr e to liquid fotiii tains of blue, and then in a twitiKling they are are transform! d to lurid flames of red that leap forth like blazes from a burning hell. The scene is weird and fascinating, and when this per formanee i s elided, a little further (imv|) ,j. (1 j ; i , u . ()1 . L . () j U)nll of tire, twelve or fiiteen feet tall, flashes in view, that sparkles mi the undula ting ripples of Clara Meet - like a mil lion jewels on a crystal sea. sl i,;Au„',„doe l M>m,i„g ihe moon to shame, robbing the stars of their luster and abolishing darkness; forked lightning bottled by the ingenu it\ of man! Mis of ihee and thy possi¬ bilities I wonder, ihe greatest of all st ieiiees and least understood. I close, and yet the half has not been told you. John Lewis Adams. Eufaula, Ala. Items froiii Uliiiiton, The fire slimes bright upon the walls, The yule log soon will barn; We see the tracks of Santa Claus ’.Most every uuy we turn. Times have been lively at Shady I)( 11 ibis u i ( k. l lie lumber business is still on a boom lo judge from ihe amount that leaves the mill each day. Some people are so very busy tend¬ ing to other people's business that they bon t have time to tend to their IV. J. Green & Co. requests all tios indebted to them to come forward and settle, as they need the money. It We have been gathering and bank our tine turnips. They are extra line and plenty of them, and to if money takes their place. No matter what may be the stake We must keep nj> with the style; N<> mailer it one’s heart may break They have to wear a smile. great many people must have been dissatisfied tv if it their crops last year to judge from the number of movers tha* have passed here lately, some go¬ ing up and some down the road. That derby passed here again the other da in the rain. Won’t sav how ii looked, hut wiil leave you to guess the description i give of wearer—lie looked like a cat under an umbrella. Mrs.gallic Stanley and Miss Mamie Martin came last Saturday, as was ex¬ peeled, and stayed until Thursday, ^D ss Mamie is a nice young lady, and tllost ‘ wi 10 ,nisst ‘' 1 niaking her aeqttaiu ,aUC . d U eat ® " USS ° 11 ' - M. M. Mysorpsia TVrciiI y-i t ve Voars. Mr. A. Y. Sheats, Kingston, (fa., says May 31st, 1895: “I was troubled with dyspepsia for twenty-five years, and could get no permanent relief from any treatment or medicine until I gait the use of King's Royal tuer, some live years ago. It gave me great relief, and after the lapse ot live years L can recommend it as the best medicine 1 know ot tor Indigestion an)| jf vs ,, ( Tlu , , jut out • of'thousands which it., ;une 1,0^,tjy.,*,™,,. troubles CnuimUiier ........ cures when u ^ \ c w. ‘ n ,1,u \ th> 10S doses ----- - ■■ ........ OUI l M H A BIT l'''e only reliable satisfactory and ° ln i > ; ° 1 ru>,lt ’ lte H * r ^ ls "° lld addicted* Lebanon, to Ohio. tliVliabi^of^CIpinm.^is in 0 !!* The only place the vvorld where a cure is accomplished in teu to twenty the days, with ease and com fort to patient, is at Lebanon. T'hon snuds of references furnished on appli cation from persons cured. No pay re fl0U1 ^t^^ible persons until vou k,low anv one wll ° addicted - t° *he use of Opium ov Morphine yon J • B. ^tcpIlGHlS. ^NX. IT. LEBANON. OHIO. IN - THE - LEAD! The City KRarket Is in the lead, regardless of anything that has been or may be said. Summer is over and ice is no longer needed. I have recently made arrangements by which I am enabled to keep my maret constantly supplied with Choice Beef, Pori and Sausage. I will handle nothing but the best, and guurantee my customers satisfaction in every particular. L. A.. DUKE. n f ft KH [Jj ^ * V. W f C E2T COLLEGE: 1 Tld’iiiusx ille, Cieoi*oiri. Read U hat is Said hy Competeut Jintru s. A school Unit Stands Well at Home is Hound to he a Hood School. VW<^V We take pleasure in recommending Stanley s Business Coliege, and do not: hesitate to speak in the highest terms of its success. So far us we know, its gnehiates have been very successful, several ot them being employed iti the best business bouses of oui ci >. Its course of instruction is thorough, practical and complete, meeting aH the demands ot UUy w"^pelS‘acpuainted recommend' him being with Pfofessor ot high Stanley, moral standing, its president, honest, andean sober, upright most earnestly as welfare a man of each student. Me lias mbit .j.v.mmd and sincerely interested in the he institution of the most substantial kind, and the rapid mowth a.....e potation and women the ability of its teachers. P S Heeth. Bookkeeper Citizens Banking and Trust Company Banking J T Culpepper, cashier Citizens and Trust Company Joseph Jerger, jeweler. of Piney Woods hotel W t, Davies, Manager Bank of Thwimisvilio and Vice-President of W P Grantham. Agent Southern hxpresst o. W S Keefer, Manager Thomasville ice Co. A T McIntyre,^Attorney at Law M M Hutchinson, M I) J L Hall, ex-Kepieseidative. EditorTiines-Eritorprise. John Fleetwood. 'Triplett, Bookkeeper Tiui'is-JSuter .if A prise. Aug 11 ITansoll, Judge Superior Court. Joe Love, Clerk Stewart Hotel. A Jti Hargrave, Manager Variety Works. it If Keel, Supt Thomasville Compress Co. Win Campbell. Supt Car Shops J F Parker, Treasurer Thomas county B VV Stone, School J. L. BURNETT. R. E. PETERSON. BURNETT & PETERSON, Fire Ifjsaraijee Agents. FORT GATNEg, GA. jTepresent ^ A<>W' PHfEMIX, of Hartford. /ETNA, of Hartford. A Share cf Your Patronage Solicited. Office at BANK OF FORT GAINES. - A Car Load of Horses L 7 k We have just received at our stables a carload of fine horses which we bought cheap and propose to sell at SARGAID PAIGES! These are first-class, sound, servicable animals, and can be used anywhere. You have never had such an oppor¬ tunity to gei a good combination horse so cheap. WARD & SIMPSON. ... .. ------ WI LEADS ? \\, r tcli tile , Drift T ^ . , of /i Trade i Y (1 "l \ ()U llGGCl 1 HOt i 8Sk« J •'’ • 1 lf r COlltlllUe lO . UGili i lit U G villi OKI | 1 GllilOIilGlS n,pf rtni n Pfi -KV tv )I^ i • tiiGHl With di Sill) llli^ I t• irSt*d0SS /'A iVi GcltS 4- Ul t • U Hi* il lllllGS, _T - \ . !». - 1 »"| i" *1 l 0**1111 llOW'” OllPS *» | Hi cl j UKG * ], .. UltlllllGl . C gs. I | fill* n j ^ * Beef, Pork and Sausage. T^TTT?l\lT^ ^ T .. ,. „. lJ 1 1 LV llJi * ■ W H Campbell. Manager Minnehaha Robert <i AI itch ell, Attorney at Law W A Spits. Manager Tuncs-Euteip-xise Watt J H Spence, Secretary and 'l'reasiAer P Supply Hurley, Company Tlmmasville Shoe A Book seeper W Company Postoffice (i Snntli, Book-keeper at K L Hicks. Druggist T L Spence Maiiagu - Watt Supply 0» K )i Mailette. Real Estate ami Lusuiauce - James H at! & Bro flan,wide fill /Frigid, Cashier Bank of Thomasville ThomasviJte Si;oe t o, pi'v I rank Smith 1-Fiiitaker & Keefer, Livei . F aloe A P M avlov. hi 1) Hansel! & Merrill. Attorneys at Law John J1 Ornie, I) I) S 'ihe Levy Mercantile < o per M L Graunr.'.an T G Mitchell Benk-l.ecper fui - Joe Fast) Jieniug iS: o alkt r U huertnf eis J .1/ Lee Pus; master