The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, December 13, 1895, Image 4

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H* Approved the Recipe. "Do you know, doar," said Mr. Hunnimuno, "that I like the way you make a Welsh rabbit?" "Why, Charloy I” she exclaimed. "You know you couldn't eat the last one. ” "Yes, And I want you to make ’em all just like it. Whenever I eat Welsh rabbit I have indigestion.”—Washing¬ ton Star. A Singular Form of Monomania. There Is a class of people, rational enough In other respects, who are certainly monomani¬ acs In (losing themselves. They are constantly trying experiments upon their stomachs, tlielr bowels, their livers and their kidneys with trashy nostrums. When these organs are teally Hostetler’s out of Htomach order, if Hitters, they would would. only use If hopelessly perceive they Its superiority. not Insane, Surely, If all the world was made for man, then man was made for more than the world. A Clillil i;n|nva Th« pleasant flavor, (fmitlc action and soothing effects of Syrup of Fig«, when in need of a lax¬ ative, and If the father or mother be costive or biHoua. the most, gratifying results follow Qge; so that ft Is t ho best family medicine known and every family should have a bottle. He on whom heaven till rnnfers a sceptre knows not the weight he beam It. J>r. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root norm all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation fr>'«. Laboratory Binghamton. N. Y. It Is to live t wice when wo enjoy tho recol¬ lections of our former life. Everyone Know* II«w if Is to suffer with corns, and they nro not conduc¬ ive to walking; remove them with Hindercorna Plso’s Cure for Consumption has saved me many a doctor’s bill. H. V. IIakdV, Hopkins Place, Baltimore, Md., Dec. 2, ’l>4. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething;softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays paln .cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle. If n (Tllct(>il with wire i*yi*« nwi I >r. 1 lAtuvc Thom li¬ no n V K vi*-water. I trugglsta a* II a I 26c per but tic. Always Taking oold is a common com plaint. It is duo to Impure serious and deficient troubles. blood, Tho remedy and it Often lends to i* found In pure, rich blood, and tho one ♦rue blood purlllor Is Hoods _Sarsaparilla Hood's Pills act harmoniously with Hood's Sarsaparilla. 25 c. P oor soil and exhausted fields which were once productive can again be made profitably fertile by a proper rotation of crops and by the intelligent use fertilizers containing high per¬ centages of Potash. Strikingly profitable results have been obtained by follow¬ ing this plan. Our pamphlets arc not advertising circulars boom¬ ing special fertilizers, but are practical works, contain¬ ing latest researches on the subject of fertilization, and aie really helpful to farmers. They are .sent free lor the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 9* Nassau St., NVw York MARLIN REPEATER. 1 25-20 HARUIN Made in 23-20ami 44-40 K>Teatv,'‘inn.l,-. Calibres. Ouly Solid Top end 8 Ide-eloctln» ArmeCo. All other Calibres ready. The Marlin Fire Catalogue free. New Haven. Conn. (5 Aft/ makti$3 SJiMSmSsss a work day; absolutely pure; free we SEND fur nith the and touch you you ^— fey wmduz work in the fuidtva.4 locality ami whore ill vou explain live; your we w tho bushu’Rf* fully; remember w ( > £uaj> ^ anted rk; a Ataolutftly clear profit o: $3 toroverv writ* oay’s W purr: at oner. T. »H mux*. Drs. Maybe andlustbe. YOU Choose (he Old doctor helore the young u\ "T.. ? Because you don’t want to entrust your lile in inexperienced hands. True, the young doctor may be experienced. But the old doctor jimsf be. You take no chances with Dr. Majbe, when Dr. Mustbe is in reach. Same with medicines as with medicine makers the long-tried remedy has your confidence, — You prefer experience to experiment—when you are concerned. The new remedy itinv be good — but let somebody else prove it. The old remedy’must-be good—judged on its record of cures. Just one more reason for choosing AYER’S Sarsa parilla in preference to any other. It has been the standard L houMbold L ,, sarsaparilla , for u U d I » .entury. Tfc Its „,, record nH inspires inenitve confidence — ot) years o n c C res. H o 'hi. n may H £ » Ayer’s Sarsaparilla must b a 5;ou take a o chances wh^n you take AYER’S Sarsaparilla. A Chinese I dvoree. The American humorist should be glad to learn that loquacity ia recog nized in China as a ground for the di¬ vorce of a wife. Opportunity for many jokes is presented by this fact. lord Other causes are neglect of her and master’s family, jealousy, child lessness and curiosity. The young Chinese girl seems born to be ruled half her life and to rule the other half unless Fate gives her a too-long lived mother-in-law. In her home she is subservient to mother, father and brothers, working for them all and looking for no reward in the way of trips to Europe, diamond riugs or Hud¬ dle horses. At 12 or 13 she marries. She is then the slavo of her mother-in law, and her term of servitude under this awe-inspiring person’s rule is apt to be even more wearisome than ber childhood’s slavery. Finally the mother-in-law dies, as they sometimes do even in China, and her successor, who is little Mrs. Sun Flower herself, at once begins her re¬ gime of authority, rearing her dnngh ters to be submissive and her sons to , be spirited and filled 'with a healthy contempt for womankind. And then when one of these manly individuals brings home a wife her victory is com plete, and she bullies and tyrannizes over her to her heart’s content, and if she be malicious and the record of a Had girlhood to avenge, the npirited sou’h wife is apt to have a sad time of it. QllKKlt THINGS. Milwaukee millers ground 1,576,064 barrels of flour during the year 1894, agaiuHt 1,070,860 barrels in 1884, 735,481 barrels in 1874, anti 187,339 barrels in 1864. The receipts of barley malt in Mil¬ waukee last year were 764,705 bushels, and tho shipments 3,055,781 bushels. Milwaukee is not only a large brewing but also a malt center. Chinese records are quoted to prove that tea was cultivated in that country at least 2,700 years before Christ, and it is generally conceded that its use originated in that region. Dramatists in France get 12 per cent, of the gross receipts of each play, and aro allowed tickets to the value of 100 francs for every perform anco of such plays as they have writ ten. It is estimated that 30 per cent of the iron manufactured by Tennessee is sold outside of the southern states. It is said to be the favorite iron with pipe, plow and stove makers in the east and tho north. The several species of turnips all ap¬ pear to have orignated in Europe, to have early spread under cultivation into Siberia and other parts of Asia. They aro still found in their original wild state in many parts of northern Europe. Detroit street cars will not bo heat¬ ed by electricity this winter. The Citizens’ company at least has to this conclusion after an investiga tiou of tho state of science with refer enee to tho capacity of electricity to furnish heat ns well as light and me¬ chanical power. The ground in tho dark coal gas re gion of Indiana is said to bo so ated with the gas that it is to drop a match in a well,sewer or sort of diggifig in tho district. serious explosions have resulted tho incautious work of well-eleaners. Wo See All of the Sun. The inhabitants of this earth a glimpse of but one side of but in the course of a portion of the sun’s surface turned toward ns. This is because equator is almost coincident plane of the ecliptic, the tion being only about seven degrees.— St. Louis Republic. A Gentle Hint. Down by a little running brook 1 first met Maggie May; Her father was a dairyman Who made the business pay. —Detroit Free Press. TOLD BY FI Mi OR RAILS. SIGNS BY WHICH A MANICUR3 READS CHARACTER. Some Finger Nalls Indicate Cove of liiixury and Others Melancholy— People With Small Nails. P EAR me, but you are luxuri¬ ous in your tastes!’’ said a pretty little manicure who does a thriving business in caring for the hands of men es well as those of women. The customer to whom she spoke was a young woman whom the manicure had never seen before, says the New York Sun. “And, pray, how do you know that I am luxurious in my tastes,” the cus¬ tomer asked in astonishment, and at the same time with much interest. “Oh, 1 can tell by your nails. You hear people constantly talking of character being shown in the hands, feet, eyes or mouth, but no one but a manicure with years of experience knows how people can be read by their finger nails. I’ve been in this business five years; many of my cus tomers are men, and I’ve got those that come to ine regularly down pretty fine, and yet I’ve never exchanged a dozen words with most of them. I judge everybody the first time that I fix the nails, and it isn’t often that I make a wrong estimate of a person’s character.” "But how in the worid can you tell what a man or a woman is merely by the finger nails?” asked the customer. "Because they are such telltales. As soon as I took your hand in mine ami saw how your nails grew into the flesh at the points and sides, I knew instantly that all your tastes are lux¬ urious, and you indulge yourself, too, just as far as you can, don’t you?” “I’m afraid you are right.” "There, now, I knew it. All of my customers who have such tastes have nails that grow into the flesh. They quarrel about it and beg mo for some thing to stop this tendency, but I Cfln »t stop the work of nature. Of course, it’s ugly nail and often causes pain to have the embed itself in the flesh, but if one is fond of self-indul gence one must pay the penalty, even to the finger nails, "The other day a little woman came in here with pale nails; they ivere al most lead-colored. She made two or throe pleasant remarks, and finally said: “ ‘I wish my nails were pink like those of most girls.’ << « But you pan’t have pink nails so long »s you tire so melancholy,’ I an¬ swered, and she blurted out: “ ‘You neyer saw me before, and don’t know whether I’m melancholy or not!’ (i < oh, yes, i do,’ i said, ‘because the color of your nails tells me so. but they don’t know that I know it. When a person is subject to fits of the blues, or rather is in a constant state lead-colored from sympathy. If you would make up your mind to always bo cheerful, your nails would grow pink after a while.” ( l Then she told me how she had lost her sweetheart just two weeks before they were to have been married ; and although three years have elapsed she has never becu ablo to shake off the meiancxioly* . * . "Small nails indicate littleness of mind, obstinacy and conceit. Watch out for the person with small nails, es pecially 1I it lUippGUS to be LI man, tor he will be capable of petty thoughts, speeches and actions, and thinks more Ol htmsolt than of anyone else. If it IS a woman, she is apt to be spiteful and jealous, and, generally speaking, says things behind your back that she wouldn’t to your face. ‘‘People of bilious temperament have red and spotted nails, and so do martial men, delighting in war. When you see these red nails you may be sure that the person possessing them is easily irritated, though apt to get in a good humor just as easily. “There is a superstition to the effect that white marks on the nails denote misfortune, but there is nothing in it. These white marks that schoolgirls call beaux, merely show that there is too much acid in the system. They are rather dislignring, but are easy enough, to get rid of it’ one is inclined to diet for a week. "People with very pale nails are if you obsi rve them closely you will find that they always have a grievance. They,really are easily imposed upon, and often suffer persecution from neighbors and friends, and they dote on talking about their troubles. Be __ lenient with them, because they cau’t it.” Expert in an Odd Line. An expert employed by a New York house earns the handsome salary of $8000 a year for just four weeks work —two in tha autumn and two in tha spring. His business is to go to Ham burg, and out of thousands of designs made there and submitted to him for ■..edgiog,,'' select those that shall fc, e manufactured for the American market. His judgment is almost un¬ erring, and, while the salary seems large for the service performed, it means literally thousands of dollars in the pockets of his employers.—Atlanta Constitution. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U.S. Gov’t Report Powder Baking AB^OLUmV PURE Preparing for the Worst. Tourist—Hello, uncle! Where are you going with that cart-load of chick¬ ens? Uncle—I done gwine kyar dem chickens clean out f’om ol’ Kaintuck. Tourist—What are you going to do that for? Uncle—Case I done got some p’ints on some quar doin’s dat’s gwine tu’n up when did yer man Bradley be’n sot in degub’nor’scha’r. Tourist—Indeed! What’s going to happen then? Uncle—Dey done say dat he’s gwine wnxinnte dis yer state wid dat Raoze welp bizness what dey be’n wukkin down ter New York, an’ ef dat’s de case dis nigga’s boun’ ter hab dese chickens whar dey won’ be ’rested fo’ layin’ eggs on Sund’y.—Richmond Dispatch, Octal?. -you can. Some say that the hypo phosphites alone are sufficient to prevent and cure consump¬ tion, if taken in time. With¬ out doubt they exert great good in the beginning stages; they improve the appetite, pro¬ mote digestion and tone up the nervous system. But they lack the peculiar medicinal properties, and the fat, found in cod-liver oil. The hypo phosphites are valuable and the cod-liver oil is valuable. SccUs emulsion, of Cod-liver Oil, with hypo phosphites, contains both of these in the most desirable form. The oil is thoroughly emulsified; that is, partly di g es ted. Sensitive stomachs C an bear an emulsion when the raw oil cannot be retained. As the hypophosphites, the medicinal agents in the oil, and the fat itself are each good, why not have the benefit of all? This combination has stood the test of twenty years and has never been equalled. SCOTT’S EMULSION has beei endorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. your doctor.') This is because it is always prtatabU—Awzys uniform—zfuays contains the purest Norwegian Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites. Insist on Scott’s Emulsion with trade-mark of man and fish. Put up in 50 cent and $1.00 sizes. Thesmallsize may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby» n branch Wind power to 1 .« what it was. It has many eMMp* aTffin^o” P1 imuanddowfurnish" than __ better article for less money and others. It makes Pumping rf&vS Geared, Steel, Oalvanized-after- Tilting ^‘-*‘•3 Completion Windmills, and Fixed Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw f ralaes> steel Feed Cutters and Feed o£aflk Grinders. On application It will name one YlT of these articles that it will furnish until January 1st at 1 /:s the usual price. It also roake3 Tanks and Pumps of all kinds. Send for catalogue. Factory: 12th, Rockwell and FUloore Streets, Chicago. OSEOH-KTE’S vudinedd Q^e//ea, * AND Scliool of Slaoi'tlaaxicT AUGUSTA. GA. from No text books used. Actual business day of entering:. Business papers, collage currency an i goods used. Send for handsomely illustrated cata¬ Board than m any Southern city. siiiii mb YOU is Treadway Oil what Onsite CAN Air. DO made. Louis as ol HIES WE LL by gettintt the best plants, which are furnished by W, D. BEANE, Atlanta, Georgia. Catalogue IE* 17 *. 33 EL nr* timely Warning. The great success of the chocolate preparations of the house of WaEtor Baker & Co. (established cJ n 1780) ^ as * ec * t0 ^ ie placing on the market M^many - misleading and unscrupulous Imitations of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter § ^ Baker & Co. of are the and oldest high-grade and largest Cocoas manu¬ and facturers pure m Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals are used in their manufactures. m Consumers should ask for, and be Co.'s sure gooefs. that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. Efficacy of Hot Milk. Hot milk for the complexion has proved to be of the greatest benefit, and many women say they owe an im¬ provement of their complexion to the constant use of hot milk applied every morning and night to their faces. Here is what a woman prominent in the literary world, and whose complex¬ ion is equal to a young girl’s, says: "When I am frightfuily fatigued from the rush of the life I lead, I get a gal¬ lon of milk for 30 cents and put it in my bathtub, adding sufficient hot water to cover the body. I lie in this mixture for ten minutes and come out feeling thoroughly refreshed and with a new life to the skin, which, previous to the bath, had a dead look.” f A^TA^posmojr e-7jiRE^Toiyr6> A List of Reliable Business Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can purchase goods at lowest prices. STILSQN & COLLINS JEWELRY CO ■J 55 Whitehall St.. Atlanta, Ga. Everything in the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. ) FINE M/LUNERY^ 78. Ww TEH ALL St. Atlanta. Ga. 0 TO AVOID THIS TTfSIIJ n N TETTERINE s I The only painless ami harmless c C ▼ cure for the worst type of Eczema, R I Tetter, Ringworm, u*ly crusted rough patch~ scalp. *T es on the face, Ground itch, chafes, chaps, pim¬ oak. ples. Poison from ivy or Send poison 50c, i® in short ALL itches. II stamps or cash to J, T. Sli up trine, jj Savannah, Ga. , for one box, if your druggist don’t keep it. You will Ami it at Chas. O. Tv.ner’s, Atlanta. n «» v ]p im™ uum n ni «w iui uiyiu, weal ami i, Visit r 14= WBitohall St. ASTHMA Fg* POPHAffl’S ASTHMA SPECIFIC ^ Tuj ,Gives for FREE relief trial in FIYB package. minutes." Sold Send by a Druggists. Ono Box sent postpaid on receipt of $1.00. Six boxes $5.00. ■Address TOPS. UP Fill A, HULA., PA* Aa Unheard of Offer ! \V, This Columbus $55.00 where Buggy Full for Leather with examinati shafts, Top, ion sent Genuine on any¬ re , ceipt of $5. Brewster Springs v jf if depired. None better retailed f it $!00. Absolute guarantee f for represented, one year. If nearest exactly bank a& pay $53 the balance, $50. Prico 35> cash with order Draft, registered letter or money order. L# 5 American Buggy Co, °°£X"* Hi PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM ■s Si Cleanses and beautifies the hair. W 9 Promotes a luxuriant Restore growth. Gray t Never Fails to jju Cures Hair scalp to its diseases Youthful & hair Color. lading. j} CQc,ar.d$I."Jat Druggists PISO’S CU R EDITOR WIRES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time. Hold by druggists. 331$ A. N. U..,7 •Fifty, ’ 95 . £