The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, December 20, 1895, Image 4

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CAPTURING THE CONDOR. THE LARGEST AMERICAN BIRD AND A GOOD FIGHTER. Quick Work With the Lasso— Tussle Iletwnen Man and Illrd—Form¬ erly Numerous, but Now Scarce. T | THERE thoy are!” shouted I I f the Mexican guide, as wo rode up the slope of a little "6 bill from a been narrow riding arroyo for down which wo had several hours. There they were, in¬ deed—great patches of low, long branching oaks in tho center of a lit¬ tle valley, and over tho hill wo could see other valleys and more trees, the latter rare enough in Lower Califor¬ nia to bo appreciated when found. We had been riding all day in tho hot sun, and tho sight was refreshing, as Moreno had led us into the wilderness with tho promise of a California con¬ dor hunt, and this was tho very place whero we wore to find them, Instead of riding directly into the valley, wo gazed at its cool retreats from the cover of the hill, thou returned to tho arroyo, and finally reached the very edge of tho grovo through a wash in the hills. “Now, gentlemen,” said Moreno, “you can got plenty of condor hero With a rifle; all yon have to do is to walk or rule through the oaks and shoot thorn ; but this is what you call pot hunting—too easy. Now, when tho condor is very hungry or hot, ho comes down to tho ground and walks around, and tbon it is hard to catch him, as ho is on the watch, and, if caught, makes a hard fight. In this way we will take tho game.” There wore eight in tho party, all well mounted on fast horses that, in Bpite of tho long rido, wero in good condition. Tho eight wero^linedup on tho edgo of tho wood, and with thoir loader well in advanco, with riata in hand moved on. Tho trees were low, with an 'extraordinary growth of long limbs near tho ground, so 'that thoro often was just room enough to rido beneath them, whilo the entire tree would have a spread of appeared several hundred square feet. Ahead a mazo of trees, but they wero often several hundred feet apart, forming little glades into which tho sun poured. It was in such a spot, whero a patch of mustard roared its golden tops to tho light, that we came upon tho sought-for game. We wero walking our horses, drinking in tho bounty of it all, when Moreno gave a shout, and clapping spurs to bin bronco, sprang forward. The rest dosed i» anil faced for a mo mout a huge bird that had been feed i. ^ n ( ulmon 1 ’, and that, surprised, started . to . run, thou, boating the air with its enormous wings, it rftiaeil itsolf eightor U-u feet, when the whiiling riata of tho Mexi can fell over its nock. The fighting, strugglin'* txs r> creature flapped it heavily to tho ground and began a singular - i. danco, holding up its wings and vain ly endeavoring to throw off the rope. The bird presented an extraordinary etrotoh of •wing, and was a magnificent specimen of the California condor, the largest turd found within the borders of the United States. After dancing n and leaping round in • a circle . the .. condor , made a vigorous soring l* into the air and seemed to clamber upward, only . to . fall fiii headlong II again and r.oll over and over, biting lit tllO lariat, snapping its powerful beak viciously at tho horses, that trembled with fear at tho strange tig ure. Moreno held the lariat around the pommel of his saddle in a firm grasp, but in some way the noose alippei] .ml caught 8 qa.™l T around tho bird beneath its wings, Thus partly relieved, it sprang iuto tho air, literally lifting the Mexican irom his saddle for a moment, sug gesting the power and strength of the bird. Tho condor having Buooeoded in en¬ tangling itself in a tree, the party dis¬ mounted and proceeded to pull it down —no easy task—and finally tho Mexi oan was obliged to climb up and se¬ cure it. The claws of the condor are not offensive weapons, nor used as such, but the powerful beak was lunged at the climber like a sledge hammer, with a force sutlloient to have crushed a man s skull. But the Mexi can had taken off hm jacket, and, bold ly approaching the condor struck its head m return warding off the blows of its powerful wings, until it became exhausted, when ho seized it by the neck and wing and lowered it to the ground, ? whore it was secured and , '■ v Not . half nulo .. another .. fine „ a away specimen was seen roosting in the trees, but soon flew away, rising in graceful circles until it attained to a vast height. Riding on through the forest from one little valley to another, we came out upon a little clearing, where Mo¬ reno stopped and lifted his baud as a warning. Over the ridge, he said, were a number of condors, feeding on some dead animal, and as they were gorged with food, some of them un¬ doubtedly could be secured. Arrange¬ ments being made, we moved on slowly until we reached the ridge, when all dashed ahead at full speed, The big birds, gorged and heavy with food. were taken entirely by surprise, and at first stood and looked stupidly «t the oncoming cavaloade; then, see- ing that there were other enemfq than the horses, attempted to tak< wing. Several could not rise above the ground, but flapped heavily away; others succeeded in attaining several feet only to drift away and fall heavily, then striking at the in¬ truders, who were now among them, with wing and beak. Moreno had thrown his riata about the neck of one bird, which was now held by the horse, and springing to the ground, despite its blows, seized another by the wing, an example that was followed by the rest of the party, with a result that four of the big birds were caught alive, and doomed to a future in a zoological garden. At a distance these birds looked euor- . rnons, and especially in 1 be air their stretch of wing was estimated at a third larger than it really was. None of the birds had a stretch of wing greater than nine feet, this being about the limit of the South Ameri can condor, from which, in poiut of size, it does not materially differ, I The California condor, or, more properly, vulture, is probably the largest bird in North America. Spec imens have been reported with a spread of wing twelve feet across, though the average is from eight to nine. The birds were common from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific foriy years ago, but have been grai ually becoming rarer, uutil now spec- , imens are curiositios in many portions of California. They breed in the high mountains, occasional iy corning down to the groves of oak to rest. The wonderfully keen scent of these ! birde, by which they are supposed to discover game for long distances, is a myth, as many experiments have shown. They undoubtedly have ex traordinary powers of vision, en abling them to see the dea l body of an animal, and especially the buzzards and other birds that hover about it. la a few years, in all probability, the great bir i will be included among the extinct animals of North America.— Philadelphia Tunes. j SELECT SIFTINGS. Paris has 2401 newspapers. Attar of roses is $100 an ounce. Lnglaml has wooden , church. , one Cows are milked by maehiuory in London. Seventy-two different styles of head coverings were worn in the French army during the Napoleonic wars. The ie [ 0 „ rap h w i ro u8 ed in the Unitod Stat08 wou id g 0 around the wocld 8ome thing like fifteen times. Charle S E. Brown,the ’ first man who taught , SCUOOl , . Chicago, uiea . GVt * r ltl recently, r lie was born in Granville, JN. b., in iblb. By ordinance, bicycle rider, in a Western city are compelled to carry rod lamps on their wheels at night, no other color being allowed. T In T Russian , . -r, 1 oland , . all ,, trains . . ____, must stop at every station until the police („r gendarmerie) captain of the place gives permission for its departure. Emery is the fine particles of a min ora l_ oin ery—and is prepared by heat j n2 , to a tpgjj degree and cooling sud denly with water and then crushing. The tamarind , . , the ,, ... the is marrow in , ... trinfc . .. ,° , l Indian n l! * n tamarind im r ‘ u 1 treo. It is a dark , brown mass, and is K^ern I, ly imxed .yith w.tu the tne seeds seeds and ana fibres OI tllO truit. An luouient . 3 . occurred v in • a amusing Norristown (Bonn.) court recently. >I°bn Shaw pleaded guilty of malicious mischief, but the Grand Jury ignored the bill of indictment. The «in4 neat St. Joseph, Mo., drifted tho saud over the railroad tracks so deep that a freight train was stalled, and it took a gang of mensev oral hours to dig it out. \ Russian engineering and locomo¬ tive company, largely financed by French capitalists, is being founded in Kharkov and will start with a big Government order for engines for the Siberian Railroad, In Italy grapes are measured, not weighed. Italy’s grape crop this year amounts to about 85,000,000 bushels, far below the average crop of 120,* 000,000 bushels. Disease and drought caused the deficiency, ,Tuliati Hubbard, husband of Cath erino Hubbard of Columbus, Ohio, returued to his home the other day, after ftU }it8eQce 0 f twenty years, Mts _ llubbard thought during all tbese veftra that her husband was dead, j G ~ D T , p of , Cle ^ la Qd °^°’ heard , - time ’ that , she ! had some ago fallen heir to $400,001), which was awa itt U g bor j u the Bank of England, She went to a good deal of trouble and ^ only to find that she had be u svviud i ed< A Fake Broken Show Window. The fake broken show window ad* vertisement is now popular along the West Side avenues. By the skillful application of a number of strips of glass radiating from a common center, where a bit of paper is pasted, the pane is made to appear as if it had been struck with a stone and badly cracked. This draws a crowd, and when the observer sees he or she has been fooled they are even more inter¬ ested than if the break had been a gen uine one.—New York Mail and Ex press. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Ro}1 ffbwder Bakins; ML w jsssssa ABSSOS.UTSSSf SH5BE Millionaire Washerwomen. A Russian merchant prince recently died leaving a legacy of 4,000,000 ru¬ bles to his four nieces. But being impressed . with the saying «»»* pride goetb before destruction, it stipulated in the will that before receiving her legacy each niece shall kuvo worked continuously for fifteen months either as chambermaid, wash orwoinan or farm servant. The three executors of the will are enjoined to 800 that this condition is scrupously respected, therefore The four legatees have gone to work as farm hands and ser vants. But though the conditions are hard, 8G3 offers of marriage have al ready come in, and seedy noblemen in all directions are ready to put up titles ®t the lowest market prices, The idea of the Russian millionaire is well worth studying. When these four legatees come into possession of their fortunes they will know how to sympathize with the poor and humble, for they will have been there them selves. American girls may see in these 863 offers of marriage that labor is no dis grace when there is money behind it. But uselessness and utter neglect of contact with “common folks” ought to be in bad/ repute, whether there is money behind it or not.—Boston Globe, Job’s Record Broken. Mr. Justice Hawkins, when presi¬ ding at tho trial of a jury case, bore with admirablo self-restraiut a long and somewhat irrelevant cross-exaini nation. At length he seized a sheet of paper and wrote rapidly the follow i ing memorandum which he handed down to one of his friends at the In¬ ner Bar: “Prizes for Patience: Mr. i Hawkins, second Job, longo proximus intervalto.”—Westminster Gazette. j 1 Twenty-eight thousand two hundred and seventy articles were left in Lon don conveyances during the year 1894. Nearly 90 per cent wero restored to their owners^_ 1 There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put toeether, and until the last-few years was supposed to be incurable. Fdr a, great many years doctors : local pronounced it a local disease, constantly and prescribed failing remedies, and by to constitutional disease and therefore requires ("m-e.manufactured b^F. H C J. Cheney * Cm, Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses di from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of mr'anycas'e fafiMomu-e? F it Send f or circu j lars and tesdmonia^sfree. Druggi^ts/rsc.* Address ' ' ° ^“Sold by Who u it that Suiicrsf Are You on. of the many that Complain? 1 Chronic dysp-psta makes this life a terres trial purgatory for many. To enjoy life’s pleasures, to have a sound b dy, a vigorous mind, it is necessary Those for the digestive would enjoy powers the > to be at the full. who priceless blessing of good digestion are ruc- It ommended to Tyner’s Dyspepsia for Remedy. digestive best of all medicines troubles. Relieves indigestion at once, and cures worst cases of dyspepsia if laithfully used. For sale everywhere, FITS stopped free by Dr. Ktune’s Great Nerve Restorer. Vo fils after first dav’s use. Marvelous cures. Treatise Arch and $2.00trial Pliila.. bot¬ tle free. Dr. Kline. 931 St.. Pa. ' *,% S,'"?.’,! °c o linbaman, Bethany, Mo.. Jan. 8,’94. Those Distressing Corns! Bad as they are, Hindercorns will remove them, and then you can walk as you like. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain.cures wind colic. 26c. a bottle. A.N.U Fifty-one,'95. I I Is YOU Oi Treadway what One CAN Mr. Acre DO made. Louis as of WELL by getting the best plants, which are furnished by W. D. BEATIE, Atlanta, Georgia- Catalogue l\ l National economy. of it. There's room for a little more Too many women are wasting time ^ and strength over a wash-board* nib¬ Mi f figure bing money. their up You’d clothes the actual be to astonished pieces money ; wasting tf saving you could their in a A year by the use ofPearfine.. Millions i of women are using ft now, but just [ ■ suppose that all women, were equally careful and thrifty, and that every , used Pearline! It’s rnudi j PEARUNf one too ! J to hope for—but the whole country j WASHING would be the richer for it. a j COMPOUND Send Peddlers “this and some good unscrupulous as” “the grocers will THE GREAT INVENTI0R tell vou is as or same as fi>* Swim6 , -" 1T S FALSE —Pearline is it O LScLCKL 1 P e » rlinc Winner (to/u*r To Jke never peddled, and if your grocer sends Texrvi i1w¥ork. se.Cdi ff* Oa Saxos. you something In place of Pearline, be honest — send N it kuk. , Their First Quarrel. She—Strange how married people can quarrel, isn’t it, dear? Here we’ve been married two whole weeks and not an unkind word has passed between us. He—We shall never quarrel, dar¬ ling, until you begin it. I never shall. She—That’s just like a man. I know you’ll be the first to quarrel. He—Now don’t be unreasonable, dear. You- She—You never used to think me unreasonable. Why didn’t you find that out before you married me? Etc., etc., etc. Tears and door slam.—Bos¬ ton Transcript. 1 •&M WMmm Both the method and results v-hen Syrup refreshing of Figs is taken; it is and pleasant and to the taste, acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys¬ tem effectually, dispels colds, head¬ aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro¬ duce!., pleasing to the taste and ac¬ ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most its healthy excellent and agreeable qualities substances, commend it many and have made it the to all most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug¬ gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro¬ cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. N.V. THE DOWN-HILL ROAD! Once give a disease a start, and the road from health to sickness is smooth, and de¬ clines rapidly. Sometimes just a little ir¬ regularity, just a little drain, just a faint “bi-aring down” reeling, indicates the exist, ence of a disorder that nearly always leads to the nio-t serious consequence^. There are very few women in perfect health. Nearly always there is some weakness in the female organs. Neglect of these little things is sure to push the sufferer farther down the hill to disease. Put a stop to them. McELREE'S WINE OF CAROUI will quickly stop and cure all displacements and drains the weaknesses peculiar to women. It cures by building up the whole system. Disease can’t exist in a strong, healthy body. Cardui enables women' Wine of to cure themselves. It enables them to kpep secrets from the doctor that be must know if she goes to him for help. One Dollar a Bottle. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. OPIUM 7 <y 5 ?iRE^To^ns> A List of Reliable Business Houses where visitors to the Great Show will be properly treated and can purchase goods at lowest prices. STILSON & COLLINS JEWELRY CO., 55 Whitehall St.. Atlanta. Ga. Everything In the Jewelry and Silver Line at Factory Prices. I$35 $35 SULLIVAN & CRICHTON’S » /J f/c ] 5 And School of Shorthand. ! Faoultj. Students from 20 Slates. 4 Penmen 5 KICHTn.V. Catalogue free. SUM.IVAN f, 1 l I'rvor Street. Atlanta, ( ? 0 TO AVOID THIS TXS3j33 0 1 TETTERIME S 9 The only painless And harmless c C cukjc forth® worst type of Eczema, R | Tatter, Ringworm, the face, ugly crusted rouiifh patch¬ aoalp. fij es on Ground Poison itch, chafes, ivy chaps, pim¬ oak. o ples . from or Send poison in In short ALL ITCHES. o0c, II stamps or cash to J, 1\ Snuptrma, Savannah. Ga., for one box, if your druggist don’t keep it. You will find It at CHAS. O. Tyner’s. Atlanta. For Style, Wear and Comlort, Visit c CTCD X-S= WJa.iteL.all SSt. Cotton. With careful rotation of crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti 1 lizer containing sufficient Pot¬ ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain¬ ing not less than 3 to 4% Actual Potash. Kainit is a complete specific against “Rust.” Our pamphlets are not advertising circulars boom¬ ing special fertilizers, of but are practical works, this contain¬ line. ing the results latest experiments in Every cotton fanner should have a copy. They aro lent free for the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. ^ THJS AER5IOTOE becavso CQ. It has floes reo hall uoeiUbe tho trorl<r; coat windmill bu 3 lnee*, It It has many branen vjluil power to 1/(1 vjkat supplies was. ita goods and rj a houses, and furniih a VaSS/K „ at your door. article It can tor and lew, dogs money than _ if totter Pumping an! ^ others. It jnaken Galvamaed-sfter Cleared. Steel, Windmills, Ttltfo* Completion Steel Bntz Saw and Fixed Steel Towers, and i eed »«&•’<#> Frames, Steel Feed Cutters ofa 'ii Grinders. articles On application that It will It will lurmsb name until om at these price. It also mate* January 1st at 1/3 the usual cxteloffUA Tanks and Pump* of all kinds. Send for Factory: 12«h. Rockwell sad Fillmore Streeis, Cfclcajt* 5 Ak Unheard of Offer I gif* 0S This Columbus $55.00 Buggy Full Leather with shafts, Top, sent Genuin® Nay ant* „ where for examination on re [iv X f ceipt desired. of $5. None Brewster Spring® retailed better $100. Absolute guarante® one year. If exaetly %§ \ represented, pay nearest ba«k Jw the balance, $50. Price $63.36 WYCU QRtiKR Draft, registered letter or money order. <4® iiuy direct. Save dealer's American Bnssy Co, COLUtaUUSf flfthdsoLne profits. Ohi®. MARLIN REPEATER. | 25-20 MARLIN * Made in 25-20 , 32-20, 38-40 and 44-40 Calibret. Only Solid Top and Side-ejecting Kepaataramade, AH other Calibres ready. The Marlin Fire ArmsCO. Catalogue free. New Haven, Conn. OSBORNE’S ^wunedd AND T Scliool of SliortHaiiei AUGUSTA. GA. day No text books used. Actual business from of entering. Business papers, college currency and goods used. Send for handsomely illustrated cata¬ logue. Board cheaper than in any Southern city. ■H PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM* and beantifie, the hill. Srtjgssv, «01 lagKover Promotes Fails a luxuriant to Restore growth. Gray • j'VuTH® Hair to its Youthful Color. l/V' . --A /iYj Cures fc»if> end d..rases $ ! M at & IlruggisU heir lellmg. *Ce, f ^ A EM? suRE,u X SEND »r Uyind day; we absolutely will sh *w you how to nuke & a aure; we fur rush the work and teach you free you '—work in the locality where you lirej -r^jf ^ send the business us your address fully; and we will explain reraemi>er vr<* gruai> ■„ an tee a clear profit or $3 lor every -iay’8 " work; absolutely sure; write at once. , tOTAL EUtUFlCTURLXG COHP1KY, Box LB, Detroit, Mith. Nicml Platxd. Rcbbib Hawdlbd ,6 Smo» Revolve*. will 32 or 3§ C. F., or send J2 c«k and aminauoa. w« FIRS »Kip C.O.D, ARBS and allow N.C. ax CO., Wmatoa, I Waal Agents » !ld aflrertue my ArtiolM in ev.ry L«oiily. ruraisUad. Btm _ KKBK SA J1 Fi.E** lnouey Innforyou. J. J. FI.ECK. TUHn. O. AddrtsA, with stamp, 25 mg: 3E Ml CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. „ Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggist*- jzs crs