The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, January 08, 1897, Image 5

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LOCAL HAlTEXlXGs. .TEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. What the Peaplc U® and Say— tattle Bits of Sewn and ■ Ip Gslheref «n lltr Wlnj. Mr. II. T. Killingsworth has sold Lis stocK of merchandise to Liglitfoot Bros., and will turn his attention to fanning this year. Light foot Bros, have moved to Mr. Killingsworth’s former stand. J. 1). McKissack & Go. arc pro par- ing for a big trade the coming year,:ind have reserved a nice space in our ad¬ vertising columns to keep you inform- ed of the many inducements they pose offering the trade. Look out for their announcement next week. have a lino lot of Bancroft and Birt Seed Oats for sale. ,L E. Paci.ux. Mr. Hinton Holmes, of Wesley, Ala., may now be found behind the counters of Fordham & McAllister and will be pleased to have his many friends call on him when thev need anvthing in the line of groceries, v. ’ shoes,' hats and , . 'iz , * . •** • vo “ t The Darby Lodge, No. 17 F. and A. M., held a called meeting one night this week and organized a chap- ter of Eastern Star Masons,of which the wives, daughters or sisters of Masons (nay become members and be entitled to the customary degrees. The liar- ley laidge is in a flourishing condition and steadily advancing. With oil’ friend, Mr. John Quatle- hauin, we enjoyed a pleasant ride out 1o the home *f Mr. (). II. Sanders a few evenings since. Oscar has re¬ cently built quite a handsome resi- denee and made many other improve¬ ments. lie has a well equipped saw mill and ginnery, and on every hand may be seen indications of his well known enterprise and push. CliaUKe <>( Ka-tt I desire to say to the public and such friends as it may have been my good fortune Co make, during my very pleasant eouaetiou with Brown’s Hard¬ ware House, Chat I am again with C. A’. Morris A Son, and will be grateful for a continuance of your favors, prom¬ ising my lv t efforts to please you. iiesptctfully. G. C. Bitow.w Rev. Mr. Farrell, the new pastor of the M. E. Church, with his family, ar¬ rived a few day since, and they are now pleasantly domiciled at the par- nonage. Several members of the church, ladies and gentlemen, went round to the parsonage on the after¬ noon of their pastor’s arrival, and hav¬ ing put every thing about the premis¬ es in order and provided the pantry with a liberal supply of groceries, they prepared an excellent supper and re- maincd to “break bread with the tor and his family, and to otherwise impress them of their cordial welcome bv the church ami citizens generally. The evening was yerv pleasantly spent and Mr. Farrell was no doubt made to feel that his “lines are cast in pleas- ant places.” lie preached his first sermon here last Sunday aluwnoon, and while it was not his regular day to preach here and the services intend- vd more as a means of draw ing the people together for mutual acquaint. ance than as the occasion of a regular discourse, his hearers were very favor* ably impressed by his remarks. He seems to be a man of reasonable reas- oning, much learning and devout elms- tiaii character, and we believe he will be popular with his church inL . mber ship and the public accomplish generally, which will enable him to great goml in the work for which he is sent. Persons who are troubled with gestion will be interested in the rience; of Win. H. Penn, chief clerk in ihe railway mail service at Des iowa, who writes: “It gives me pleas- ure to tcs.ifv to the merits of Cham- bc-riain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhcea Remedy^ ed front, indigestion, I- or ty.o years and I have subject suffer am to frequent severe attacks of pain in the stoinach and bowels. One or : wodosvo oftys remedy never la'-, to give per- 'fecFreJl^* Wimberly. ^ and do cenU; sold by * "Vtv Otar.' » vr‘n Court. The neS- jar I o<" County C mi unis- siouers assum duties of office last Monday, holding, tir#t regu l;>r monthly session of the k,, v VPar There were only three vesent • — Messrs. C. V. Morris, A. \V. lKq t . J and S. 1). Coleman. Col. C. V. Morris was elected chair- man, which was a very good step to begin with, and evinced in the out- slart the excellent judgment to which the affairs of the county have been en¬ trusted. T. .T. Morris, the newly elected clerk of superior court, having entered upon the discharge of his duties, will also act as clerk of the commissioner's court. The paupers list remains unchang¬ ed for the ensuing quarter. The following accounts were ordered paid: J. P. H. Brown, account.......... $ .95 G. K. Sutlivc, account .•jo It. /> < lozier, returns J. P. election 7th district....... .....' ‘2.00 M. L Bui ney returns J. P. election town district............... 2.00 j j, Uornrtt. returns Supreme court judir«-*.......... .... 2.00 J T. McAllister, attending Co. Court i son 52.00 •/- T. Me 1 lister, attending Ordinary's Court isuti ^ ‘u nn * * oleetiona.......................... 6.00 M A. M. Wallerstein. r ->-*................** account..........LOO J. E. Mansfield, election returns twice 4.00 T . j m Morris, clerk, services January term, 3.00 Account of election managers refer¬ red to chairman for adjustment and payment if found legal. A number of errors in lax returns of property and polls were allowed, ag¬ gregating &97.B2 for property and §20 for polls. Some of these errors were made by property and polls being turned twice bv different persons and some of those returned for poll tax were over age. The chairman and clerk were ap- pointed to assist in arriving at a settle- meat with Tax Collector Harrison. The chairman was authorized to borrow such money as necessary to keep the county expenses paid. The clerk was ordered to notify Commissioners J. J. Hayesjand J. N. Bigbie to investigate condition of the bridge at Harrison’s mill and ascertain the best trade that can be made for re building it, giving them authority to contract for same, provided a new one is demanded. Joshua McLendon was appointed road commissioner to fill the unexpired term of J. W. Harrison. Mothers whose children are troubled with bad colds, erour >r cough will do well to read what Dr li. subject!' lie writes: ^ Forbears 'Ive haved used Chamberlain’s Cough Ifctn- edy, and always keep it in the house, It is regarded in our family as a specific for all kinds of colds and coughs. -Fhe 25 and 50 cents bottles for sale Paulliu & Wimberly. ChnniicH Of Ilcviiloicii, Quite a number ot! changes of resi- 1 6 13 ^ 1Vu ‘ n rsoI1 . ew - v ® 1 *“ ar: v,n . S Mr * <>!d * and ,h,!,r Mrs home ‘ K ‘ E - > on he hul to *' Ir ’ K ‘ " * KslhngsWorth ’ h“ vt ai °y < to th» homt. of Mr. and - Mr "- M -L. Peterson, wliere they will bos ; rdf<,rawh ‘ le ' >lr ' Klll »*^orth J nd fam,ly ,,0W 0CCUpy their bo ‘“ ’ Mr ' A ' S ' 1Jrown and fainiI ... >' hi,ve mnved t0 the V ’ atRon P l «ce, which *us reeantly purchased by Mr. Brown, Seligtnan and family, who vacat- ed thls plat ' e V are boardin ? for th e present Wlth >fr ' and Mrs ' " aIlenste,n - They will move into one of the pretty ncw ,Ivve,hn S* Mr «- Adanw is having erectcd » “ s0 ‘ )n as 11 ,s completed. *' lr ' 1 rank Landon and mother have ^ed to the Haygood place, vacated by Mr * Brown ’ a,ld Mr John Jackson and , fa,mly now OCCUp >’ the residence autcd ^ r ' ^ jatidon ' Mr. S. J. Haley and family have moved 1o ,hc residence for,nerl y Mr. Jackson. Air. I. B. West and family, who have been boarding with Mr. and Mrs. w H ( ; niha , Ui now occu . (y on( . of the ^Ltndon , cottages, . recently , vacated , >y Mr. andMrs. It. D. Williams and family they having moved to their new home. .’lr. E. E.-Royal and family have moved u> iomii, and occupy the resi- dence between the homes of Col. Ir- win and Mr. McKeitheu. H'I’SOX U Ml-.N i ION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES AND 1 WHEN AND WHERE. ; ■rhr !«<>Wi «f F®rl URiliro SorietV Briefly siaiert—UniHered m the Home fireside. lenee, —Mr. spent “Jack” last week Harris, in the of Fort, Hentvo- j the guest of (’apt. K. A. Graham. i —('apt. S. E. Lewis visited iis daughter. Mrs. Leslie, and family, at Gordon, last week. Mr. .fosse lUr- nett “held down' 5 the express office n —t)r. 11. F. Gunn having returned ! hoim* some time since from Columhu , ■ has about entirely recovered from tin j illness with which he was attache] | while in that city. and —Misses Katie Peacock, Hattie and of Nettie Dothan, IVlhan Ah. j were among the Fort's visitors last week. They were the guests of thf family of Mr. S. 1!. Radford. —Prof. t). O. Haiste.n, who is teach- ing a flourishing school at the Davis school homse, near Bfuffton, attended the meeting of the school board last Tuesday, and paid this office a visit, having his name enrolled on our sub¬ scription hook. -Mr Harris of Hamilton, several days in the rort last week at / 1 r,: . . ff . nuriMH | j, im j„ i,i„ illiioss, is still with him —Her. F. L. Wimberly was among our visitors last Tuesday, lie will have charge of the school at Wesley Chapel this year,and we are pleased to announce that he and his school will furnish the Skntimx with a weekly report of the happenings in that neigh¬ borhood, beginning next week. —Mr. Wesley Kish, formerly of Coleman, was in the city Tuesday, iw his Mr.Jlish has recently moved hack plantation in Calhoun county. He " as 0,10 Clay’s most valued citizens, and vve regret that he has moved away. He still has extensive farming interests in this county, however, and will pay us frequent visits. He will continue to read the Sentinel. A Cart! from Air. .(IrUrexor. Mu. Editor:__ Will you please give me a little of your space to say good-bye to our many friends in the Fori Gaines Charge. Also; to thank them f or their many acts of kindness to us during our two years sojourn in their midst. It would he impossible for us to remember every word of apprecia- tioii and act of kindness, but we will not forget to ask the good Father above to remember and reward every one of them: and we are assured that He will do it, for Ha luit'i said “Whatsoever ye do unto the least of my deciplcs you do unto me,” therefore, they shall not loose their reward. We reached Ga., our new home, at I r. m yestesdax , and found a warm hearted welcome, which means, a comfortable well furnished parsonage, made doubly elio.erful yesterday-afternoon, by the " ", glowing , oak , c fires, the heavily laden , supper table, the well filled pantry, three wagon loads of oak wood and the presence of several good men and women with words of welcome, and colored brother Ike Strong,who was on hand to do the brother white preacher any favors in thq way of little jobs that he might want now and then, We left you people of Fort Gaines, ling your tears over the new made grave of Mrs. Wells, a Christian cr buried in your midst. We found the people of Plaines in like manner nioum ing the death of Mrs. another Christian mother, whom God in his wisdom had taken from a home whore a husband and seven young ehil dren are left to lament the of wife and mother. Sad as the two scenes have made us, we are thankful of one great lesson which they have both forc cd upon our minds, and that is, ,he mighty influence of our cliris- tian religeon, as manifested in the lives of these two Christian mothers, wbo ba< ^ ^ X(1 fed such an influence in their renpeetivc eircle«, a.-s to caune the tears of grief to flow down the cheeks of all classes and conditions of acquaintances. It was this blessed in- fluence which made master and slave pray, sing and shout together before the war, love and trust one another dur^ chVistiau the war, and we bless God that this influence is still exerting itself fn more ways, than one, to solve problems that have baffled human wis- dom and statesmanship, Yours truly. W. D. Ml f»RKOOK. Plaines. Ga. Dec. 30 th. lS9(j. 'L’l l K OLD RELIABLE • DRUG $ STORE <^~ls Headquarters for—'® Patent Medicines, Paints, orix. v A.msr ish ks, <t;-. Our stock is fresh and guaranteed of the most reliable qualities. We bay big lots, securing all reductions, and arc thus enabled to sell at nnu*ally prices. We have the largest and most elegant line of Stationery, Fancy Articles, Etc., in town. See us before buying anvthing in onr line- PAULLIN & WIMBERLY. Dealing. «• -yy--- -—-- - — —- - — —. OnOlCG l • lVl6cltS. /f » These ire important considerations for which out cus¬ tomers have learned from experience we maybe relied on. We fully appreciate that to retain our fine trade their those interest: who trade as with well as what ours must their be regarded, is. si Our sk us experience market is constantly supplied with the Meats, Sausage, Etc •» And we guarantee satisfaefion in prices, prompt deliv¬ ery and all other respects. IT. H. MOORE. ’One Cup^ / r- WV % of Flour * f*'\ :i~r * 7 T* :- is sufficient to make pastry for one pie: The pastry will look better, taste betterX l)e better, when the Hour is Igleheart’sX madc\ Swans Down. Every kind of food of flour—pastry, cake, bread—will be lighter, whiter, more nutritious, if made of h IGLEHEART’S SWANS DOWN\*J choicest Flour. winter The king wheat; of patent prepared flours, with made the from greatest^ the\^ care by the best milling process known to man. Be« that tlw l>rnn<l on tb* n-it flour yon buy lit 11 lulrbpitrt Bmtt. Hw»n* I town." » IOLEHEART BROS., Evansville. Indiana. , V ▼ ♦ V ^ NT V 2S (•BARGAIN COLUMN.^ ^MTUSSAOR & C 0 i> f Have reserved this space to keep the public informed of the many bargains they expect to offer the trade this week. Watch for their announcement next week. -'' WVs^V \s>s\ss\ A A / v * /- /■ & J t \ KEEP VOUR EYE ON IT.