The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, January 13, 1899, Image 1

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the 'll Uli i GAINES SENTINEL. JOSHUA JONES, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME V. Lial of Jurors Drawn to serve at the March tenn of Clay superior court: OKAND JUltORS. J L Ward B F Lokey O II Sanders J A Walsh E T Reid E R King J W Grlmsley E tV Chambers W A Coleman B F Gvimslcy W 11 Harrison J E Womack A T King W G (Jay J B Adams C W Morris R E Ward T A Brooks J P Sharp Joshua Jones W P Worthy C V Morris J T Jackson T J Fanner, jr W R Tennillc N II McLendon W F Davis W A-McAllister W L Beard S P C Hatchett TBAVKRSK JURORS. T Pearce G I) Speight E L Gay J A Grant E B Craft E VV Jones I) B Jernigan Jno A Jones J II Jcukins W G Jernigan D L Jernigan W A Haisteu K J Todd T H Womack C S Sealy Jdo C Killebrew II C Holman W C Jones Uriah Jenkins T 13 Jenkins it ark Sternberg A R Jernigan M A Rimes J Henry Jernigan S Sternb irg J D Jernigan] A M Hoftncs T J Light foot tV A Wiggins Robt Coleman J M Sanders T L .Crozier £d Bruner J E Mitchell J I Engrain J M McCorkle Be Careful of l our tiro. For the information of those who have not kept up with the laws passed by the last legislature, we call atten¬ tion to the fact .hat they passed a law making it a misdemeanor and a heavy fine for any one to put out fire so as to burn off the fields or lands of their neighbors, whether the fire get out by intention or carelessless, and at tho same time it provides that they shall be responsible for any damage such fire may do. We call attention to this fact just now, as it is about time people are starting out for another crop, and, as it is tiie custom to burn the grass off of the field, to caution them that they should be very careful and not let the fire get beyond the place intended to be burned. , Sometimes fire is set out in a field and gets beyond control and burns the field and woods for miles. Under the present law the one settiug out the fire would be subject to be prosecuted by every man whose woods or field was burned, beside being responsible for any damage that might be claimed. It will be remembered that some time last fall Mr. T. F. Turntpseed’s residence four miles east of town was burglarized duriug the absence of him¬ self aud family, and a lot of clothing, a fine gun and some other things were stolen. Mr. Turnipsecd got trace of the gun a short time ago and recovered it yesterday from a negro in . Arlington, who said he got It from another negro w o c a*ai« to a»e bought it tioin Jim ,<>r * -in. on r " ** P ®*P*** 8 P nce ,im< ' * C - l -'Pi-C'' '' ‘' . *!>■ F el <i^ * * ° UI * nj H > •e* fun u| wit i ini nea. >uffton,. .. * *d h* n hth’ ^° ,0U WU C “ IU “ ^ * Si< ^’ 1,J 7 Q e in j. . Judge J. 13. Clements and mother, of Irwinv.lle have offered to donate to the state the two acres of land where President Jefferson Davis was cap tured. In a message to the legislature the governor recommended that U be received and turned over to the Daugli ters of the Confederacy to be suitably improved.—Irwinton County Xews. sft^a.gJank Waive Notes Al-,! Rent Notes G * Trenr-rh ^ nnd bama l Mortgages, ti f and -i ■ trates Summons^ at office ' ______ The plant of the Dawssn Oil Mill Co. was destroyed by fire one nigln last week. Loss §25,000; no insur¬ ance. THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS TUE SVPPEME LA W. FORT GAINES. GA.. FRIDAY JANUARY 13, 18!)!)* local ii.trmixtis. TEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. IViiat tlie People I»o and Say Little nils of News and U«s* si a Gathered on (lie ft i lift. Wonder what’s the matter with “Quid” this week? The Singer Manufacturing Co. ad¬ vertises elsewhere in these columns for a salesman and collector. For Overworked girls and Feeble women, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets are nature’s greatest boon. The tongue may cause much annoy ce and trouble, but it. is not the most potent factor in promoting business interests. * _ Early county is undergoing another smallpox scare, several new cases be¬ ing recently reported from the lower part of the county. To relieve Mental Worry, cure Des poudenev and give Refreshing Sleep, use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Chambers are now at home to their friends in the house recently vacated by Mr. T. J. Whatley and family. They are quite cozily domiciled. Mr. W. B. Holmes has moved his watch and jewelry repair business to Brown’s hardware store, and his ad should have been changed accordingly this week, but was overlooked. If Irritable, Out of Sorts, Depressed in Spirits, have a Dull Headache, take a few doses Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine for quick relief. Mr- J. M. Celeman has moved around to (he Coleman block, in the stand recently vacated by S. P. C. Hatchett. Look out for an important announcement in these columns next week. Mr. J. H. Roquemore and family are now residents of Fort Gaines, oc copying the McLendon residence on north Hancock street. They are wel- j coined to the city, and wc hope they will be pleased with their removal, Wan tail. A good salesman and collector, j steady emnloyment and good pav. Ref- | eve nee required. For particulars write The SiNor. 1 t M’R’o Co., T. S. Ilart, District Agent, Albany Ga. j We regret to learn of the death of] Mr. W. G. Jernigan, a respected citi¬ j zen that lived in the Wesley Chapel ! neighborhood. He died one day this week after*a brief illness of pneumonia | ’ and ... Ins interred . . . the remains were ,n cemecary at We sley Cha pel. qq 10 re g U j a r monthly session of C o U nty court *va s in ncx.sion last Mon-i day, Judged. L. Burnett presiding. was no business of general in t crest before tho court, no criminal i >c j H g on docket angl only one civil case being tried. Several civil cases were, by consent, transferred to tbe superior court. T1)0se hav ing Georgia Cane syrup w j]l please write to us,stating quantity, quality aud very lowst price they will take. We want a large quantity at ® n $; J^! c “ MSoiut* of°“be IkiriS pan j es having the goods shotdd let us hear quickly! A. D. Lkog& Co., Vl hoj '' sal ° Pr() ‘ luce i Aii.-mta, (.a. The election for bailiffs in (his countv ; last Faiurday elicited but little toIra , ,,, c ..... E E . r: OV ai and E. It. Mims w^re elected for the-Fort Gaines fii tncl apd J. A. Kiliingsworth and T. P. Bound for the Blutfton district. So returns have been sent in from tbe Cotton IJi‘1 district. A MvLjIj iI Uh> oi^(cle« * v Among the holiday ineidunt* tvV'fii mteutiouaily failed to moptioii Esi week was the marriage of - .Mrj ^obka “HavtL T’oyelt, of Colton Hill, to Miss Radford, of this city. A , , 1 1 was another instance of ttyg lov^i. of two young hearts defying |iarental' objection, and the twain word one by Justice Crozier, at his residence at Cotton Hill Sunday, December 26, the couple having left the home of fbv bride in Fort Haines for (lie ostensible purpose of visiting friends at Cotton Hill. The groom is a prosperous young farmer who stands high in the < storm of his neighbors, while the MJ-. is the daughter Mr. and Mrs. S. R. ford, and is a young lady in eve.y void by of the love of the fortunate voung man who has won her for his bride. The many friends of the couple throughout the county will join the Skntwhl in congratulation!? an I best wishes. Sieiv Sltn-e. Having opened a stock of Fancy and Family Groceries in the store next door north of C. B. Whatley’.., 1 re speci fully solicit tho patronage of the public, promising my best efforts please them. Will exchange fresh water ground meal for corn. Respectfully, J. H. Best. Murtiutto at Arlington. From the Arlington correspondence to the , Albany ... Herald , we copy the , , , lowing, which will be of interest to our readers, as the bride is the daughter ot out-esteemed , judge . , of the superior court,: “At the residence of the bride’s par cuts, Judge and Mrs. II. C. .Sheffield, yesterday (Sunday) morning, Mr. J. C. Bofstwick and Miss Claud Siie.tlield were married, Rev. Mr. Barker, the Methodist preacher of this place, offi¬ ciating. Mr. Bostwiek is one of Ar¬ lington’s most eneigetic and thorough¬ going business men, and Miss Claud is one of Arlington’s most lovely ladies. They are both very pop u j ar „ n( j wc v/ j s }, f or Hiom all live hap piness they deserve, which is an abun dance.” Horrible agony is caused by Biles, Burns and Skin Diseases. Times arc iiwniediBtdy relieved and quickly cured l,v I)c S " ch 11 ^ 1 ; 1 balv % °f worthless . imitn . L W ™ tone. . . uUo "’ ‘gV** U 1 h,rl (,ainfc B C - A - lj ‘‘ j l ~ St,u > li ‘" 1IlUI1 ' A Fine Nliow> ijjj. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Bank of i’ort Gaines a few days since the old board of id reel ora was re elected for the ensiling year, anil at a subsequent * meeting of (lie directors Wrli ole(jtfcd; a y W. A. McAllister, vice-president. ,). E. Pauliin, It. E. Bel arson, book-keeper. It. T. Foote, as istaut book-keepei. The bank paid for the pa.-d year.' per cent, dividend and placed §1,200 to the surplus account, .“do,600 h i Ijceu paid since its organization. This is an excellent showing for this institution, and speaks well for its splendid management, Meeting or city Council. a ca jj,.,j meetin'' of the city conn (gj q’fmrsday January 12 resignation Mr. T u'. 1. farmer tendered his clerk ami treasurer, and the same be ing accepted, Joshua Jones was elecG ed in his stead. W!ii!o appreciating Uie compliment paid him by tho council in las election, for satisfactory reasons Mr. We tip our hat to the honorable body and assure them that it will be our purpose anil pleasure to merit tlmir confidence. OeV/iit’s Litt . : la 1 / . Ti*v iii'.th PERSONAL MENTION. WHO COMES AND WHO GOES AND WHEN AND WHERE. The Nows <>* I'ort lailnos sm iol i ,-■> etiii*!} rciioil fiiilliornl «u ft tlio Homo I ireside. ' e . —Wade Powell, Esq., of Blakely, ,ivas-among the visitors to the Fort (iiis wecK. hooid —»Afr r, \V. Culpepper Returned “thto'icbfolk 8 few days ago from a ; visit to ” i> Henry county, Ala. I 'm, j,q in Qim tt le V,a U .n, the sage ,,f siattfr ifdi, spent last Sunday in Hie Foil am! worshipped at t!ie .Methodist church. Mr. .J. C. Calloway, the ubiqui ("us, irrepressible am! invincible rep roBontauyo of the old reliable Macon i elegraph, “did the Fort one day this we ek. Mr. Jesse Burnett, who is now keeping books for the Tennillc Furni¬ ture Co., at Montgomery was here last week on a visit to the home folk and well, you know who. —Mr Flelchor McICissack, from near Columbia, will help his brother, Mr. J. I). McKissack, to dispense bargains “iisy ear to his numerous customers. He is a 'lever gent 1 email, and we wel come him to tho i ort. —Meant'?.. W. F. Davis and W. T, Hammock, from near Blnffton, were among our visitors yesterday. Tho latter named lias recently returned from a visit to Dothan, and reports times flourishing over there, particu liirly wil! , tl .., , ;l lue and lumber men. —Miss Foie,ui ’Vest, who had boon L of Uie Misses Black for some days, returned to her home iu F >n Haines Friday in eonipa- down |D' Wilh her father who came for tier Thursday evening. Miss West was the recipient of many social atteu lions during her stay in Blakely and there is more than one forlorn coun¬ tenance since her departure. - - Blakely Observer. irtsseiUtilHi Niilitc. The copartnership heretofore exist¬ ing between Lucy W. Adams and Ter¬ rell 0. I’etersou, under the firm name of the Financial and Commercial Co Operative Co., has this day been dis¬ solved. Beesons indebted to the firm are requested to nil on J. E. Peterson and make immediate settlement. Li < y W. Adams, 'i l.KRIJ.I. C. UkTRKKON. Nov. 16, 1898. Referring to the above, I beg to in¬ form ihe public that i will continue business under tlie old linn name al my store on < 'an-rdl si reel. Tkhhkdi. G. Bktehson. School opened last Monday with an attendance of eighty-six pupils, and notwithstanding the unfavorable, weather, .be scbolard.ip is steadily ,,rowing, there being among the new ! pupils a number of children who have j "‘n;);. irjovod io town to (')■;« .rlvn;; ! ge of Mm splendid opportuniies offer ed i-y (Ids school. There lias been -on >. complaint of the matriculation fees of • '-2.60, £8 ami ?:! charged, bull | • are prisuaded that it conics from only such as arc not acquainted with ! tho situation, heart the fov iutciestof surely no tiie parent children,! hav-j in;; at the school and the town, and taking I into eyiislde: ation the excellence of tuo " bool, could find fault with ehwges, especially in view of the fact that limy are lover than those of the schools of any of the neighboring towns or cities. The funds received from other sources being insufficient to pay thd salaries of the teachers and to pay f°> - coal, repairs, insurance, cic., the matriculation fees are assessed accord ....... , - ' ’ .. , [ . i 44. Court I louse. J, if. IL. . Biojaittoi. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM. NUMBER 2 Undo sinii'ii New PanseMlons, Already Uncle 8am is beginning to realize (he hnrrassment of imperialism. The. Mavlays in the Philippines are still wearing their war paint and swear they will nut be subject to the United Stales or any other power; that they will govern themselves or fight. AgitinaUlo’s agents are now in Washington for tho purpose of de¬ manding independence for the Filipi noS. in what they say there is an im¬ plied threat that uuless their indepen¬ dence is recognized we will have to get possession ol’ the Philippine* by force, if wo got possession of them at a!1 - The outlook is certainly far from being a pleasant one. The Philippine* have already cost us a very large sum of money and a good many lives. .If wo have to conquer tho Philippine iu oute bcfoM wc can p088e88 r j oa <rf °* the islands the cost may be so grout that even the most enthusiastic expan* siouist will bo ready to admit that it was a mistake to insist upon possession of the islands. A dispatch from Havana says: It was reported early this evening that General Marlanoa Menocal and his l uhau forces at La Papa had been ask¬ ed to take the oath of allegiance to tho United Stales ami had refused. Tho news that Cuban soldiers had refused to take the oath of allegiance was cheered by tho crowd and mount¬ ed insurgents scattered through the town telling the people that General Menocal bail withdrawn his troops from 1 .a Faya and takeu to tho held. Tin; United States Hag was tom dmyii from many houses in the lower district to-night. The more excitable of the popula¬ tion of Havana’s lower districts are beginning to hoot the American sol¬ diers. Tho higher class of Cubans are bitterly chagrined and disappointed at the turn alTmrs have taken. The developments of the next few days may mean peace or War between the United States and Cuba. Mr. S. A. Parkier, Editor of the Micauopy (Fla,) Hustler, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe, One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It acted quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as a specific for La Grippe and its exhausting after ef¬ fect. T. \V. Sutton, Moye; S. P, C. Hatchett, Fort Gaines; G. A. Lee & Son, Blufflon. Everything seems to he running to trusts. That is because of our high tariff. Such a tariff breeds trusts; and the higher the tariff, the more trusts there will be. The process is simple. High prices, made possible because foreign competition is prhibited by the induce the budding of new mills until there are more mills than there is legitimate room for. Competition sots in, and prices arc cut fora time. lint tiie, jincc-cutUng docs not continue long. The owners of the competing mills get together and form a combi nation, otherwise a trust. To make an excuse for advancing prices tiie ac tual capital of the* combination is mul tiplieii by five, ten, fifteen or twenty, and the trust is capitalized on paper, for that amount. The trust points out that it has so many millions of capital, and that it is compelled to earn in tor¬ est on that amount, therefore it must put up prices and reduce wages. The public is compelled to pay for the wa¬ ter in the trust stock. The trusts have never been more flourishing than since the enactment of the Dinglcy tariff law. Almost every day the in formation comes of a ritw trust form n- ........ ■•>u.i-.ra.u»w apparently a dead letter upon the stat limning uH> b0 ° kS * Th into ® Ration, their stocks, goon and uatei the people have to put their hands in their pockets to pay for it.—-Savannah Nov..