The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, August 02, 1901, Image 1

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THE FOilT GAINES SENTINEL. iOSHUA'JOHES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME Yll. A Dollar Saved is a Dollar RDade! You can save many a dollar, kind friends, by calling at my store, when in Need of Latest Style Shoes & Slippers, A Fine Dress, Good Hats, ' Trimmings, Fancy Novelties, Suit of Ciothes, Furniture, Dixie Mosquito Frames & Nets And many other article of use. Do not buy from me until you have looked elsewhere, but after having examined the above named goods iu other stores call and let me show you the Nicest Goods for Least Money There is no doubt every merchant in Fort Gaines will treat you all ri"ht when you trade with him, hut a merchant at times needs cash much more than the goods in HAstorc. I am at present iu that condi¬ tion, and to raise some money I have Reduced the Prices Of many articles below the unusual price. Y-ou will also bear in mind that I do not make any charges' for displaying my goods or cutting samples. 1 have always found that showing goods and moving same about they retain their new looks longer. I could mention some very low prices on some goods, yet that would not convey to you the idea that the article is cheap, since yv? carry different grades of Goods. To Buy Good Goods Right ~ is a bargain, hut to buy cheap Goods cheap is not. It is true every merchant has at times an article of which he wishes to dispose, aud on that account will offer some below the usual value. • * I have, for instance, now a lot of White Goods, Colored Lawns, Slippers and Laces on hand which 1 know are hard stock to sell next fall. Iihave therefore reduced the pric on them so they will sell quick, If you spend your money here you may see it again, but if you send it off it may be out of sight forever. A. M. WALLERSTEIN. o 4 -o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o*o<*o*o -* vvhat we advertise we sell; > ffii Tllfi tt harvest j What we sell advertises us. *♦ if Our Cultivator has pro k ^ Ei llipv) m for g| duced the snowing Bargains These goods Tha 1110 PaanGY) IVOtipOl 11 ! are not old st y le > but ■ || this season’s choicest selections. Dotted Swisses 20c value, sale price. . . . 12 ]/ 2 c Irish Dimities 20c value, sale price. I2^C Dotted Muslin 15c value, sale price. .... 10c £2 Embroidered Swisses, 20c value,sale price i2 T /£c *° Dornock unities 15c value, sale pri c e .. 10c Royal imities ioc value, sale price..... y c *f£ Castillian Bastiste 12c value, sale price. . 8c Si on o H^g^Nothing will *2 be charged at the above ££ on prices. Si on 9 S. STERNBERG & SON. Sio Yo4o4o4o4o4o4o4o4o5*o«*o4o4o4o4o4o4o4o4o4o4o4oi .c , For Pure, Fresh Drugs Go to ^ A: City Drug Store! The Old Reliable Everything low you buy of us will be found absolutely pure and reliable, and prides’Lift;: are as as can be had elsewhere. We carry also a complete line of Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationery. Ktc. A large and select stock at very low prices. WIMBERLY As SHAW. THE WILL OF TIIE PEOPLE IS Till: SUPREME LA IF. FORT GAINES, GA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, Another Letter from Mr. MrKI»«iif||. New Yoiik, July 26,1601. Dkak .Tosh:— When I'TVrote you last we were then in Buffalo. 1 was certainly impressed with the climate of this beautiful city pf 400,000 people. It is situated on the ftout,of Lake Erie, Niagara river and Erib Canal. She has the prettiest park and shade trees I ever saw, 1 spent otic afternoon* at Front park, where all the flutS'" turnouts including the automobile, and every other ve¬ hicle you might think of you can see at this park. The 74th U. S. regiment is here. It is from this park that you can look over into Canada. The Niagara river, Lake Erie and the Erie Canal all intersect here. Wo took in Niagara Falls. They are abaut 22 miles from the city, or a half hour’s ride. It is impossible to describe the grandeur of their majestic cataracts, whose ceaseless roar has been heard through countless ages, and which have for centuries excited the awe and wonderment of savage and civilized men. Theso falls arc composed two bodies of water, named respect¬ ively Horse Shoe or Canadian Falls,and the American Falls, which includes the Luna Falls. The total length of the American Falls, including Luna Falls is 1,400 feet, and the contour of the Horse Shoe Falls is 2,700 feet, the average height is 158 feet. I saw the tower Miss Florence Leonard, of Arlington, spent the night in. She certainly has more grit than the writer. I just would not go up on this tower. I have been to the top of Washington monument, 51 stories So see I am not either. Well, I took in the Pan-American. The exterior of the buildings, includ¬ ing the plaza, electric tower, tower basin, court of the fountain and es¬ planade and their surroundings are too grand to describe, when the electric lights are turned on. The scenery on the Hudson river, Niagora Falls and the illumination are the attractions here. The war department interested me more than any of the other exhibits, as I had seen the most of them at the World’s Fair. 1 am now in the great metropolis, or City of New York. Have been here live days to-day. I am looking after the interests of MeKissacK & Co. We shall carry the stock this fall. I certainly have found tin* bargains. I would just love lo tell what 1 have bought, but Josh, it would take up all of your valuable paper. I will just wait till I get home. I am not through buying yet. Love lo you and yours. Jkkk 1). McKissack. We arc Selling Shades, Lace C'ui tains and Curtain Poles at a bargain, at Vinson-Shaw Furniture Co. Rev. T. Do Will Talmage says that “a newspaper whose columns overflow ' V1,l) 1,10 ;i,lv< ' ltisein ' nt s oi business me " I “" moro •»*«** 1,1 :,Ur ” li,, s attention to and building up a city or town than any other agency that can he employed. People go where there is business. Capital and labor will locate where there is an enterprising community. No power on earth is so strong to build up a town as news¬ papers well patronized, and this power should be appreciated.” ^ Lamar’s Lemon Laxative Is Purely Vegetable, and is the best Spring Medicine on the market Its good for every member of the family, and is pleasant to taste. Ki-«|i a liottle In thn House Always. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ITEMS CONCERNING HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Wliat thn People l>o anil Say— Little It it- of News unit L os¬ tia taiitlieretl on the Win if. Only one more month of sijmmer, Thanks, awfully. Pictures, all kinds and all sizes, at Vinson-Shaw Furniture Co. Mr. Fort Stewart is visiting the homo folk at Ellavillc. Mr. Ed Fryer jr., of Blakely, was among tho visitors to the F<CL yester¬ day. Miss Hattie Lightfobt i* spending the Summor willi relatives at Columbus and Opelika. Mrs. D. D. Moore returned homo yesterday, after a short visit lo rel¬ atives in Blakely. Miss Belle Dennis, a popular se¬ emly young lady of Dawson, is tho charming guest of Miss Mary on Hose Bill. Student Lamps, Decorated Lamps, Hall Lamps, Store Lamps Wall Lamps, and Hand Lamps at Vinson-Shaw Furniture Co. was and as rained that day, according to an old saying, we may expect rainy weather forty days. * Miss Ola Blair came down from Comer last night and went to Fort Gaines today lo visit friends.—Eu Times. We have just received a shipment of low-cut Shoes for ladies and children, French heel, etc. MoKissack & Co. Mr. J. E. Stewart, who has been doing repair work on machinery at Ellavillc and elsewhere in that section, returned home Wednesday. We lCgrot the necessity of continued apologies, but beg to again remind you that it is distressingly quiet, except in politics, and that it is not our fault if our local news columns are dull. Tin: Host !»i*e«cri|»tioii for ITfalurin Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. Il is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure—no pay. Price 50c —Miss 8mgldon, wbo will again be a member of tho faculty of Andrew College, was in the city a short time Saturday. She has been visiting at Blufflon and was en unite to her homo in Fort Valley.—Cuthbert Leader. Cuthbert is to have a new 810,000 jail, to he built of brick and stone. An election was held Tuesday to determine whether or not bonds shall he issued for this purpose, and the vote was almost unanimous in favor of bonds. Hammock, ltish <k Sons, of Cob man, arc again using our advertising col¬ umns. They are among tho best known and most reliable firms in this section, and carry quite a large and varied stock. Their reputation for fair deal¬ ing is widespread. Head their ad. Rev. Mr. Hall, of the Presbyterian churches of Dothan, Elba and Mcltea’s, Ala., was a visitor to the Fort this morning, and it was our pleasure lo make his acquaintance. He will preach next Sunday, morning and afternoon, at McRea’s Chapel, three miles beyond the river. A Poor Millionaire Lately starved m London because he could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King’s New Life Pills would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote as¬ similation, improve appetite. Price Sf9i3 by Money back Uftftilmtj If not dniyylit, *alMsd, $1Wi SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM NUMBER BO Tit for Tat. The honrd of county registrars have held forth at the court house this week, and judging from tlje present outlook they will hardly he able to go through the entire list of registered voters by August 15. We understand the dry crowd have or will challenge the qualification of nearly every '‘wet” ne¬ gro who has registered, it appearing from the tax books that at least eighty per cent of them are defaulters for one or more years since 1S77. The dry negroes and many of Urn whites are in equally as bad shape, ac¬ cording to ll.e tax- books, and the wets will retaliate by questioning their right to vote, holding that if the law is to be enforced it should be made to apply to all alike, wot or dry, white or black. " However, there are some who have already brought up lax receipts for the years'- for whie.r- .hey are challenged, notwithstanding their names dd not appear on the books at all for tlrese years. Evidently the tax digests of a few. years back are in bad shape, and it? is probable that numbers of voters will ho deprived of their rightful franchise under the law because of the careless¬ ness of others. Sent tn tilt' Siiiiltarluin. Miss Nancy D. Hancock, of Cole¬ man, was adjudged a tit subject for tho State Sanitarium last Saturday. Judge Taylor went down to Coleman, and: the trial was held there. She was* carried to Milledgeviile on the same day. Miss Hancock is about 56 years of' age, and until somewhat less than a year ago has been considered of sound mind. Seven or eight mouths ago she had a serious illness which left her mentally unbalanced, and her condi¬ tion grew worse until her relatives deemed it advisable to have sent to Miiledgcville. This is a sad case.— Cuthbcrt Leader. His recalled that after a. study of the spots on the sun, about a year ago, Camille Flatnmarion, the French astronomer, declared that the earth was entering a period of live years, lh<* summers of which would be the hottest in history. He was laughed at by other scienlisls, hut the intense heat of last summer and tho pheno¬ menal records already reported Ibis summer from various parts of the 1,'nitcd States and from Europe are calculated to gain for his prediction a somewhat more respectful consider¬ ation. Mrs. E. E. Ives and her daughter, Miss Agnes, will leave in a day or two for Orlando, Fla., to he gone several week. For nearly two year,'s Mrs. Ives has had charge of the telegraph ofiice and had her daughrer in college here, and she feels the need of a vacation. During her absence her nephew. Mr. Dudley Guinn, formerly of Fort Gaines, now of Atlanta, will supply her place iu the telepraph ofiice.—Cuthbert Leader. <g&£ riii* signature ia on every box of tho genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets remedy that cure* n cold in one Usy Some surprising results have follow¬ ed the New Jersey attempt to extermi¬ nate the mosquitoes with kerosene oil. A report from South Orange*, in that state, is to the effect that the mosqui¬ toes fill up on the oil and become a menace to* property. For instance, the oil laden pests tly into a house and as likelV as not make straight for a lamp of a gas jet and take lire. Fruit Jar*, Fruit Jnrs. Fruit J»iand Jar Rubbari *11 i «lHft iv Vtuwa gbftwdriimltHM Co*