The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, November 08, 1901, Image 1

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THE F0ST SAtNES SENTINEL. i JONES, JOSHUA Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME VII. (i Si I? (pbe $erg Best Re<aet^-to-(l)e:(ar ©fojRi [Jji That can be produced—all the F ll and Wi cn es in the neat, ciioice and nobby Su s and Ov .oats arc ready on our counters for your inspection. Remem ber these are not the ordinary sort of ready-made, but are made of exclusive patterns of our own selection. *The best people know that if they buy them from Sternberg’s they’re right. Our stock is unusually large this season, re nd we are going to m ke some Sweeping Reducti O ns, which will be money aved for Neckwear, you. Have just received some nobby things in and our Shirts are here in all the newest colorings and prices are unusually low for such High Grade "Goods. December 1, of this year is Sunday, and the Suit of Furniture heretofore adver tised to be given away that day will be given away on Monday, December 2nd. Don’t miss this chance. ^ fS. STERNBERG t SON. COM! 1 -AJNTID Our new and complete stock of Men and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, All styles Shoes in stock, line Ladies Capes and Children’s Jackets, Nice stock of Dress Goods • and Trmmings to Match. Full line of Notions, Hosiery and Underwear, all at cut prices. No tickets for drawings given away, but -r^ l . — MOT ,, nnre ^.r. m pney saved in p rices when you make your purchase. VINSON & CULPEPPER, THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS THE HUPKEME LA W. FORT GAINES, GA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1901. 1* re tty Home Weddlntr. A much talked of society event culminated Wednesday morning itt the marriage of Miss Annie Dobbins to Mr. John W. Melton, of Opelika, Ain., at the Itonm of the bride's mother, Mrs. A. G. Dobbins. The home was beautifully decorated for the occasion, palms, ferns and chrysanthemums being used in the greatest profusion. The dining room, in which the "twain were made one," was a vori table bower of rare plants and cut flowers, chrysanthemums and roses predominating. Promptly at !> o’clock the bridal party assembled, and at »: 15 the suggestive strains of Mendleson’s wedding march w; '* * ieiU( b Carrie Kaufman be¬ ing the organist. Preceding the bridal party came little Misses Jllanche Adams a»d M. E. Holley bearing boquets of lovely chryantliemuins. Then fotlow cd 13. M. Turnipseed with Mi-s Ethel Green, Walter Credille with Miss Ilat tic Liglitfoot, Joe W. Vinson with Miss ltoxie Findley, of Macon, iiittle Misses Irene Wimberly and Mildred Speck preceded the bride with baskets strowing flowers. Then came the bride leaning on the arm of her sister, Miss Manij e Dobbins, and were met by the groom, attended by his biother Mr. Stanley Melton, of Apelika. Then followed the beautiful and impressive ceremony which made them man and wife, ltev. C. II. Hyde, pastor of the Presbyterian church, officiating, The bride was handsomely attired in a, going-away gown of brown broad cloth, apt} never looked prettier than 011 this occasion. Miss Annie is the eldest daughter of Mrs. A. G. Dobbins, and is one of the most popular and accomplished girls ever reared in Olay county. Mr. Melton, the popular representa¬ tive of the Simmous Hardware C'o., is a young num of sterling worth and line business qualifications, and is cer¬ tainly fortunate in winning such a lovely young lady for his wife. They left on the 10 o’clock train for atrip to Cincinnati, St. Louis and oth¬ er points west. The bridal presents were numerous and handsome, and betokened t lie great popularity of the bride and groom. They will be at home in Columbus, Ga., after December 1. Six high gloss cabinet pictures for #1.00 next ten days. Possibly Satur day, November JO, will be our last day to make pictures here. Cotne and have your photo’s made before we go away. Remember you will not have the opportunity again soon of getting first-class pictures made in your town. PjIOTOfiHAI’IIKK. Dotlian is to have a new cotton mill to cost #200,000 and give employment to 000 people. The manufacturing committee of ihe board of trade there have the matter in hand. The capital stock is divided into 2,000 shares of #100 each. Twenty per cent of this is to bo paid cash, and 5 per cent per month for 10 months. The mill wil] put in 10,000 spindles and 300 looms and will be operated by first class im proved machinery. It is a borne enter prise, engineered by home people. II^T. S. Fordham’s stock of Shoes is one of the largest in town, and for comtort, style and quality they are not excelled by any. Prices are sure to please P you. } Several real estate transactions have taken place this week, among which are the following: Mr. W. J. Greene sold bis Blue Pond place to Green Littelon; Squire Jones lias bought of B. Z. Jones the Wells place, and Mr. T. H. Womack lias brought of Mr. G. W. Crapps the McCorrkle place, on the Hartford road. The two first named purchasers are prosperous colored farmers. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. ITEMS CONCERNING l HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Wliut the People Oo hem! S*j — t.itttc IIIU at News unit Uni. *.iii III! tliereil jon | lie W I :i„, 1’liO't of? i’n ]»1*i < lit 11 cry. Mr. J. II. Fulford visited Cutlibeit Tuesday. Mrs. Cox visited relatives in Spring Va’.o this week. —Mr. J. M. Cuulpeper is off on :i business trip to Montgomery this week. For Nnle. A thoroughbred Berkshire; boor. Apply ut this office. The next meeting of Mellml .YssocL alien will bo held next year at Blufftun Air. W. 13. Brooks, from near Zetto, was a visitor to 1 lie Sfntixfx office yesterday. Let 11 s place you a Buck, and you will have the heaviest and best Stove on the market. Vinsox-Shaw FrnxiTUitii Co. Dr. P. II. Thompsom, of Bluffton, was a prominent visitor to Ihe Fort this The cold snap this week has render¬ ed fires comfortable. Froyfc lias bceil noticable several mornings. For Re 111 . McLendon residence on the bill, cheap. Apply to K rxG A Casxkixom . Vinson A Culpepper have a change Of their advertisement this week to which wc invite your attention. dolliing. $2,000 worth of Men’s, Boy’s and Children’s Suits cheap. Mc ivJssAGK A Co, Don’t miss the Old Maid's Convent ion to night. Everybody will be (here. Price of admission reduced to 25 and 35 cents. Save Vo nr Colton Seed Meal Hugs. I will pay you 3 cents eacli for second-hand bags. Bon L. Ward, Mr, Ed Jackson was up from Blake! Sunday to see hi; l.i.iiei whose lt j <)U we are pleased to state, is ually improving. When you come to town to buy ’ ou a Suit of Clothes we want the of showing you our line. M< Kissai k A Co, A pretty little girl baby was to Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. West last day evening. Bun says girls are much more desirable than boys, anyhow. Buy the celebrated Weber wagon. It is the best wagon for the money on the market. For sale by N. II. McLkndox. Parties holding lickets to Sternberg A Son’s furniture drawing are re¬ quested to bring or send them to their store December 2, the date of the I drawing. Don’t forget we have al - S lengths in Linen Shades — > o feet long. Vinson-Shaw fi/ Co. Last Friday Messrs. P. K. Kceso mid E. A. Graham made a business trip to Morris, and while there Mr. Graham had the misfortune to lose a fine young mule> _ Culhbert L( . ndor . ---------- Ladies if you want a nice Shoe and one we will recommend try our Clay y Davis at $1.75, m reach of all. McKissackA Co. Among the attendants from abroad who were here Wednesday at the Mel¬ ton-Dobbins wedding was Miss Roxie Findley, of Macon. Her Fort Gaines friends were delighted by her in the city. Don’t fail to see our Glassware, Crockery and Tinware before you re¬ turn home. Vinson-Shaw Furniture Co. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM NUMBER Court of Count)' ('oiiimiHlionrrM. The November term of the court of county commissioners was held last Monthly, the full board being present. The matter of lists of tax defaulters furnished by tin* justices of the peace wjs dropped, and InTon ft or no list not accompanied by receipt of i!u> lax re¬ ceiver will be paid for. ( liairmuu Paulhti and (’oimnissioner Holley were requested to ascertain "bat subscription, il any, can be bad lor securing the right of way for anew road through the Tonnillo plantation and on down to Colomokee creek. It was ordered that advertisement be made for bids for rebuilding the Newsome bridge. Commissioners Holley, Jenkins and Ray were appointed a committee to in¬ vestigate the changing of the Cotton Hill road lo go by Eulford's mill, and it found impracticable to advertise for bids to build a bridge across the creek on I In- old road. It was ordered that #4 bo refunded to Mr. \V . L. Jenkins for a coffin for a negro boy. Hereafter coffins will be furnished for paupers only. The following accounts were ap¬ proved and ordered paid: F. <’. Cox, bridge work ......# 30.72, Foote A Davies, voters’ book, S.lfi Marshall A Bruce,............ 213.45 T. J. Morris, clerk,........... 3.00 Wimberly & Blakshcar....... 77.50 E. L. Peterson, Sheriff,...... HO. 15 Telephone Exchange......... 1.50 Ed Jackson, bridge work..... 5.00 Tom Smith, bridge work...... 20.00 A. W. Holley................ 1.20 T. J. Lindsey, lumber........ fi.43 W. II. It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine lias ever created one quarter of the excitement martins Open mused by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It’s severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Hronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to purfeet health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarse¬ ness and Whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by S. P. C. Hatchett who gunr- 1 11 * r "j- ■" ! 'll! B'’l e .• ' */)] > ' n i nvKicy. Ciigo bottles 50c and #1.(J0. Trial bottles free. At a meeting of the church session ot (he Presbyterian church last Sunday night Mrs. W. A. McAllister, the wife of Mayor W. A. McAllister, offered herself for church membership and was duly received. We understand ilia! there will be other accessions to the church in the near future. Take F|i Vi»iirSl»*li. After this week stock of all kind found trespassing on the premises of the Southern Cotton Oil Company’s mills will be taken up and turned over to a bailiff. Their depredation is such that I am forced to extreme measures to protect the company’s interests. This is the only warning that will be given you. J. IT. Ft i.Kono, Manager. Mr. C. W. Haleber, rejuesenting the Cogins A Brown Shoe Co., of Atlanta, was hero Thursday and conducted the l im y cr meeting at Ihe Methodist church Wednesday night. Ills talk waH vcr y impressive and was enjoyed •*>' tl11 who beard it. , have recently / purchased * one of the [^mke tha i 1 I)0fHil . le for S( . ioD( . e ’ and cai, make 7 vou as fine P boto . , 88 vou caD « e {^. . s , " J. II. Fahmer. Mr. E. YV. Chambers having about finished bis farming operations for the year, will enjoy town life for the re¬ mainder of the winter season. His friends in the Fort are glad to have him with them again. To Cure A Cold In One llay. Take Laxa’ive Brotno Quinine Tab¬ lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. If. Grove’s . signature is on each box. tfic.