The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, November 22, 1901, Image 1

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THE FORT GAINES SENTINEL. i JOSHUA JONES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME VII. You Will Hear Ds Always talking about good things at right prices. Our goods are in harmony with your desires. Our prices give you purse pleasure, Offering the best for the least money is our aim. Share the good things now We have just received an entire newline of BLACK FANCY GOODS FOR SKIRTS AND TAILOR i MADE SUITS. Also some new things in French Flannels for Waists. We request all who have tickets to our Furniture Drawing to come to our store Monday, December 2, and bring tickets, as the suite will be given away on that day. PHONE NO. 81. * fS. STERNBERG A SON ■ , OOJVUZEJ A Tn TTT Our new and complete , stock of Men and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, All styles Shoes in stock, Handsome line Ladies Capes and Children’s Jackets, iNice stock of Dress Hoods and Trmmings to Match. Lull line of Notions, Hosiery and Underwear, all at cut prices. < No tickets for drawings given away, but mpney saved in prices when you make your purchase. VINSON & CULPEPPER. THE WILL OF THE PEOPLELS TtlE SUPREME'LA W. FORT GAINES, GA„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER“ 22 , 1901 . Fixings For Men. q ^ Fancy Half Hose Under¬ wear, Hats Collars And Cuffs, The very best make at the very lowest prices. Our Cravats are charac teristic. They are them, the Ties that take. Buy try them, tie them. We have been well named the VOGUE SHOP, for any til ino- 111 vogue & can he found here. Keorgo Cole tu Jail. It will be remembered that some four years ago Mr. Clarence Sutton was dangerously cut by a negro named George Cole, and was confined to his room for several weeks on account of the injuries received. Cole made his escape on the night of the cutting, and so far as the public knew had uot since been heard from. But Mr. .T. C. Simpson, an uncle to Mr. Sutton, was not disposed to let the guilty get off «o easy, and during the many months that have since passed he has been constantly engaged in a purpose to capture the fugitive, having traced him through several states and back to Georgia. For some time Cole lias been at work in Fort Valley, Mr. Simpson being aware of this fail, Limi. Sat,upo .1 imp: Valley officers arrested the negro, and Sunday morning without letting any one know his purpose (it being his do sire to safely land bis prisoner in jail here) Mr. Simpson went up to ville, where the Fort Valley officers met him with the prisoner, and on the same afternoon biought Cole back to Fort Gaines and lodged him in jail. Nobody oven knew that he was k« op ing track of tlie negro until it learned that he had him safe in jail. In his patient and persistent purpose to capture Cole Mr. Simpson has dis played detective ability that would do credit to a Pinkerlon sleuth. Tot Causes Night Alarm. “One night my brother’s baby taken with Croup,” writes Mrs. J, C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., “it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured it. We always it in the house to protect our children from Croup and \Y hooping „ ough: cured me of a chronic bronchial that no other remedy would Infallible for Coughs, Colds, and Lung troubles. 50c and Trial botties free at S. P. C. The Liberal-Enterprise is informed that what appears to bo combined effort on the part of the Central and Plant System to force the G. F. A. to sell out has been inaugu¬ rated by these two roads, Heretofore the G. F. A. lias acted as a feeder for the Central at Arlington and for the Plant System at Bainbridge, but we learn these roads have recently refused to take freight or other business from the new road, which has forced a sus pension of freight traffic, largely, tween Arlington and Lainhiidge ovex its line. However, the G. F. & A people are going right ahead with the extension at both ends of the line.— Cuthbert Liberal. Reliable an<l lientle. “A pill’s a pill,” says the saw. But there are pills and pills. You want a pill which is certain, thorough and gentle. Mustn’t gripe. DeWitt’s Lit¬ tle Early Risers lill the bill. Purely vegetable. Do not force but assist the bowels lo act. Strengthen and in¬ vigorate. Small and easy to take. S. P. C. Hatchett; Lee A Sou, Bluff ton. I»r. !t. T. Crozinr, of Riclil: nd, we. l > F ■■ Port p. am last week pr ranging to cast his lot with the people of the Fort. We understand that he and others forming a stock company have bought the City Drug Store and will increase the stock and otherwise add to the business. He and family are expected about January l,and will occupy Mr. It. D. Williams residence. I)r. Crozier is an experienced physician and successful druggist and will prove a valuable acquisition to our town. To Cure A Cold In One l*«r Take Laxa'ive Bromo Quinine Tab Ids. Ail druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. C. Grovs'r signature is on each box. 5c, Two inches of snow fell in North Georgia Tuesday. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. tTEMS CONCERNING I HOME AND OF HOME INTEREST. Uhui tlio I’eoplt- i»<> miiU Sny— Kittle ICilK of Kowii anel lio«* hiw <>alli<!ro«t|oil tlm Winn. Be sure to read Mr. W. M. Belisle’s new ad in this issue. Mr. Josh McLendon, of Blufflon visited us Wednesdayt Kor Kent. McLendon residence on the hill, cheap. Apply to King A Castkdt.ow. Next Thursday is thanksgiving day. and seme of the neighboring towns nr. ire 1 -/’vo it proper observance. Several of the Fort’s young pooi>lc attended a social gathering at the coun¬ try home of Mr. J, II. Hancock last night. They report a jolly time. Don't fail to see our Glassware, Crockery and t inware before you re¬ turn home. Vinson-Shaw Furniture Co. The affairs of the Eufaula National bank, whicti failed some weeks since, . are saiil to be in bad shape. There is some talk of criminal proceedings be¬ ing instituted. Buy tbe celebrated Weber wagon. It is the best wagon for the money on the market. For sale by N. II. McLendon. Mr. J. II. Haskins went ap to Amori cus Tuesday to meet the west bound t rain and came back as far as Cuthberl with his mother and brother, who were «n route to Texas. Save Your Oot)on Seed Meal lluys. 1 will pay yon 3 cents each for your second-hand bags. Boti L. Wa hd. Mr. J. D. Coleman has a large pecan tree in his yard from which lie has gathered three bushels of papersliell pecans this year. There are numbers of bearing trees in this section, and others are being planted every season. When you come to town to buy jon a Suit of Clothes we want the pleasure of showing you our line. McKissack & Co. Mr. Robert Haskins left last Monday to make bis home in Texas, being joined by bis mother at Macon, and they having been preceded by bis father. For some months past Mr. {raskins ha , ) K . t . n c i er king for the Vinsou-Shaw P’urniluro Company, dir ring which time he has made numbers of friends here who regretted to see him leave. Let us place you a Buck, and you will have the heaviest and best Stove on the market. . Vinson-Siia w Fuknituuk Co. Mr. Fulford, the clever manager of the Southern Cotton Oil Company’s mills here, informs us that they are doing an immense business this year, their purchases of cotton seed being far in excess of any previous season Be id ■; the huge quantifies of : . leeoived by \v;gou, i. indreds of sacks r o -i’. ! I y ev: :y boat. Two boats arriving one night this week brought three thousand sacks. I or Sole Several head of horses or mules. Come quick and get a bargain. L. A. Duke. f)ur people are still complaining of ihe inferior quality of Kerosene oil that is being palmed off on them. Com¬ missioner Stevens lias been appealed to, but Ins advice to' clean the lamps was poor consolation. Everybody’s lamps are not suddenly out of fix a ll at the same time. The com mi sinner’s apparent indifference is the subject of uncomplimentary comment. A hint lo so wise a politician ought to be sufficient. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM NUMBER 10 Ci(iX4MIN A goodly number of the representa¬ tive citizens of Fort Gaines met at (’oleniau Mall Tuesday evening to dis¬ cuss candidates for tho approaching municipal election. Dr. J. T. Mandeville was elected eliainnao of the meeting. A motion was made ami adopted by the house providing for a white, pri¬ mary to be held on December d to nominate a candidate tor mayor, fivi aldermen and a city executive com¬ mittee. On motion the chair appointed the following committe lo ascertain who aie the legal and (jiialilied voters of 'lie town: N. II. McLendon, E. It. King, E. \V. Killiugaworth) Jh5. L. I’eterson aud .T. L. Hurst. Speeches wore then made urging the white cilizon , to participate in the primary. Nothing Alt her to be done, the house adjourned. •I. 1. Mandevu.m:. Chairmaii E. H. King, Secretary. Sim Didn't Wear A Mask. But her beauty was completely hid den by sores, blotches and pimples till -hi' used Bucklen’s Ar ica Salve. Then they vanished as will all Erup¬ tions, Fever Sores, Boils, Fleers, Car ounelesbiud Felons from its use. I n fallible for Cots, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles, Cure guaranteed. too at S. P. C. Hatchett’s. Among the locals we overlooked last week was the Old Maids’ Convention. The attendance was largo and all pres¬ ent seemed to enjoy the program very much. The old maids made some good bits, and there wore several special features that were very much enjoyed. Altogether it was quite a unique and laughable, affair, and those, who like to “iaittrh and grow fat” cor tainly had the de||Re d opportunity pn this occasion. * The receipts were very satisfactory, and we trust the enler prise the Tidies have thus set on fool will meet with continued encourage ment and end in success. 5 £ ‘F. S. Fordham’s stock of Shoes is one of tho largest in town, and for •oinfort, stylo and quality they arc not excelled by any. Prices are sure to Pi ease you. Tim Fort Games Lyceum Course af¬ fords our citizens an opportunity of enjoying some high class entertain¬ ments for which they should show their apprecial ion by giving the en¬ terprise a liberal support. The first ill tin: cries of entertainments pro¬ posed will be Rev. Sam Small’s lecture to-night. His fame as a lecturer has long since preceded him and he needs no introduction to our people on this line. You will miss something real good if you fail to hear him. Ladies if you want a nicc # Shoe and one we will recommend try our Clay Davis at fc 1.7- r >, in reach of all. McKissack & Co. Mr. .1. E. Paullin lias begun work on bis new doOOtJ residence near the court house. Mr. J. N Cawhern, of Ulaulu, who is an experienced a »* _ chitect and builder, has charge of t .11! work, and promises to make the struct¬ ure an ornament to the town. Mr. Gawhcrn will be pleasantly remem bered by many of our citizens as hav¬ ing conducted the singing at the re¬ vival services at the Baptist church last spri ng. Don’t fail to see our Bed Lounges before you purchase, for our price* will interest you. Vi nson-Shaw Fi.'un/tuue Co. Cano grinding is the order of the day, the cane mills are popular resorts the yjung people. Major T. J. has our thanks for an invite to join him in the sweets or syrup mak¬ Saturday November 23 is our last to make photos here. Come quick. FnOTOOItAl’II ER.