The Fort Gaines sentinel. (Fort Gaines, Ga.) 1895-1912, February 21, 1902, Image 1

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THE FORT GAINES JOSHUA JONES, Editor and Proprietor. VOLUME VIII. Ire You Bargain Hunting? r$wwW' wmt Hx l&tt bnft' -trk C-V-y 4 - • 8? \m n 'T-Xtr* : fV •», n. » v ; *%. ■ vx m If® iA-GT: mm A __ Will close Monday, February 24, *^Our Clearing Sale. There are still ma ny good things remaining which go at absolutely cost prices. We name a few/ Capes—Silk, Plush and Cloth. Underwear—Men’s and Ladies. 150 prs Ladies’ and Gent’s Shoes. A number of Boy’s Suits. 25 Men’s Suits. 500 yds Calico at 4 3~8c. These are great values. Hurry up before time i is out. Then look out for our Sew, Fresh Spring Goods. Just received a nice assortment ot Laces. Embroideries an 1 Bandkesphiefe galore. .3 • CEO. R. 4 Si ft F ; : 1 Kilt ii jL'U mv ^ 111 ^ TmhMiiiwifiR JLmU.1 & ll/i Vi. <1A ^ I 4 M A, v a Patterns You’ll Not Find Elsewhere. No incoming season ever brought us more of exclusive in Lace and Embroidery i beauty n than that of 1902. Prices have I never been more reasonable. ! Our care in buying enables us to ; g lve (H- • 9 k Jim m We have given , , For the money. our special attention to match sets, at the same time not forgetting the odd pieces. Here the assortment is equally as complete—Insert ing, Edges, Beading, Bands, Allovers, Etc. Colored Wash Dress Goods Meeting every possible requirement of good taste. Fabrics like Madras, Percale, Ginghams, Dimities, Batiste, Swiss, Etc., you would here recognize. And such a variety to select from ! Call on us and inspect our stock and get our prices, » S. Sternberg & Sen. THE WILL OF THE LEOPI.E IS THE SUEUEME LA IF. FORT GAINES, GA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 , 11 ) 02 . Eye...Ul Ai, 1 io:: : c.xx N'vyM Mr. I’M wan l H. Frye,of Boston, will bt> at Coleman's Hall tomorrow night, February 22, under the auspices of the Fort Gaiues Lyceum Course, He will appear in u I)avid Ilaruni” aad “Hip Van Winkle,” and in his impersonations of the latter character rivals the famous doe Jefferson him¬ self, as is evinced by the success he has attained before the footlights for many seasons. On account of the popularity of the book and the happy way in which Mr. Five represents tlie famous “David Ilarum,” he has met with unbounded SlH*C*eSta. In “In Rip Van Winkle” Mr. Frye impersonates Hie following characters. Hip Van Winkle 4’be village vagabond Gretchen....... /.His wife Meeuie........ Uis daughter Derrick You BeeK. uan .>• The schemer Cockles........ .. His nephew Nick Vedder... Keeper” of the village inn Hendrick ..... ■ ......His son Swaggenoff.... 1 ... 1 .A dwarf Seth............ Spirits of Hendrick Hudson and his Private Crew. The entertainment will not" begin early in ordei to give all an opportu¬ nity of attending. Tickets at ■ Light foot's. Admission, reserved 50c; gen oral 35c. Tot Causes Night Alarm. “One night my brother’s baby was taken with Croup,” writes Mrs. J. C Snider, of Crittenden Ky., “it seemed it would strangle before we could get a doctor, mo we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which gtave nick relief and permanently curetfifr tcA We always keep it in the bouse pmtect our children from Group .add Whooping Gough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve.” Infallible for Goughs, Golds, Threat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at S. P. G. Hatchett’s. New Spriiisr Cloth illy. The largest slock, greatest variety, and handsomest styles ever in Fort Gaines. When it comes to new Cus¬ tom-made Clothing, we are certainly in the lead. Gall and get our prices. J. M. Gulj’Kitek. Tlio Oulvs of Colil. If you are tempted to reveal A lale some one to you lias told About another, mill, it y ;«! Before you speak, Li.rae (fates of Gold. Three narrow gales—first, “Is it true?” Then “Is it needful?” In your mind Give truthful answer. And the next Is last and narrowest, “Is it kind?” And if, to reach your lips at last It passes through these gateways three. Then you may tell the tale, nor fear What the results of speech may be. —Home Chat. A*ecan 1 ret;s. J have a number of Pecan Trees for transplanting which I will sell at low prices. They are the lame paper-shell variety—the same you buy from the nurseries, and for which you pay fancy prices. ff. D. Cor.KMAx. Fop Sale Cheap, Two good buggies and three two horse and one one-horse wagons. Gome quick if you want a bargain. A. S. Brown. Miss Annie Worrill, the accomplish ed daughter of Col. and Mrs. W. G Worrill, of Guthbert, who is now teacb ing music at Shorter College, in has been selected assembly soloist of the Georgia Ghautauque to be held in Albany the latter part of April. The Albany Herald speaks of her as “the most promising vocalist of t4.e South.” _______, See our $3.75 Toilet Sets. They are beauties. Gold trimmed. II. M. Shaw Furniture Go. qdeTUX) bushels of Seed Oats, for ualti. See A Son, Bluffton, j ~ \ I P "H ^ | w a j (ft l|i i ijfc f J s “ ceived r< Our first shipment of Spring Shoes have just been received. Of cour se : they are the <rK Matchless Bay Stale, _____ •—, N"— ^ *—* >>[ The paragon of all other Shoes. We jCf have them in All Styles and Kinds, Ve For men, anything you want from an Ideal 1 ?ala it Aad, Ida or Velour Calf a t^ood, whole-stock Plow Shoe at $1.05. The ladies can ah to be suited in our big lines, Then/ is more truth thanpoetry in the following/* Here’s some advice that you should rei number— From January ist to last of December— You’ll save money, look better, never have the blues If you”ll clor.he your feet in Bay State Shoes. V n I'njoj’uhle a Hair. r J’lie valentine sociable, given by the ladies of Hie Presbyterian church at Goleman F.tall Monday night was quite an onjoyab lo affair. On aceou nl of the severe weather, the: attendance was small, hut those present, entering fu||y into the pleas¬ ures of the occasion, had a rerff nice time. The progrt. in arranged was qaiu a novel one, each feature being sugges¬ tive of the ail pervading presence of sly cupid. “Matching hearts” was a number out of which much fun was derived. Numerous little red pastboard hearts bad been provided, each inscribed with some couplet tending to love. These hearts were cut, m two and the halves promiscously distributed, the gentle¬ men being required to find the ladies holding the larger parts of their hearts. While the net proceeds will not go very far toward building a new church, the ladies are nevertheless to be con¬ gratulated, especially upon their in¬ genius tact of entertaining. She Didn’t Wear A Mask. j ; But her beauty was completely bid den by sores, blotches arid pimples till she used Bucklen’s Arnica Halve. Then they vanished as will all Lrup lions, Fever Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Gar | buncles and Felons from its use. In¬ fallible for Guts, Corns, Burns, Scalds and Piles. Gure guaranteed. 25c at s> p <j Hatchett’s. Mr. J. It. Wooten, of Guthbert, who will be pleasantly remembered as bav in n recently spent seveial days in the hurl, the guest of Mr. ff. J.. I eteison, was married one day last week to Miss Mary Lee, of Monroe La. Wc have a beautiful line of Iron Beds and sre -elling them at a bargain. Phone No. 58. II. M. Shaw Furniture Co. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER ANNUM NUMBERS I he Ani'eiicus Times-Rccorder is re¬ sponsible lor the following: A colored citizen decided recently lo stand a civil service examination for the position of mail carrier. He was being put through the orde¬ al; blit the second or third question knocked him out of the box. “How far is it from the earth to tin aic lie was; ’il by !In examiner. Fhe qcxtion was a poser. “Look yaro, boss,” said the applicant with bulging eyes, “of you’se gwine to put me on dat route yerkin jes” scuse me an’ keep de job.” And the disgusted applicant went away back to Ruzzard Boost and sat down. The attention of the ladies is called to our new anivals of Silk Waist Pat¬ terns. They are unusually pretty and mighty cheap. ff. M. GU1,PK I’l’KU, There has recently been a consider¬ able advance in the price of cotton, and it went as high as 8 cents in this market during the past week. There was quite a lot being held in our ware¬ houses by some of our “easy” farm¬ ers, but most of it was sold since* the rise 111 the price. That is “one time in a hundred” when it paid the farmer to hold his cotton, if history repeats itself, the same parties will lose next time more than they made in this in¬ stance. Wo carry any style of 3-1 Beds, Iron or Wood. See us before buying. II. M. Shaw Furniture Go. II people talked less with their mouths and more with their heads much unnecessary bardfeeling might be avoided. There are numbers of men who are convinced in their own minds that that they are Solouins, and yet they permit petty prejudices and a proneuess to backbite their neighbors to stand in the way ot their (irogliio,